4 ~ Apologly cake

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⚠️ *TW : Mentions of sexual assault* ⚠️


That same day

Once school was done for the day. I nervously swallowed taking a deep breath walking up to Maeve's Caravan holding a bright orange Sainsbury's plastic bag which contained a shop bought Victorian sponge cake.

Maybe this was a bad idea showing up at Maeve's unannounced.











I stomped my boots against the welcome curving my fist into a ball softly knocking on the front door.

"Who is it" Maeve's voice murmured from behind the door.

"It's Aimee!" I replied through a small grin. Maeve opened the door without taking her eyes off me.

Her long chocolate brown hair flew in the wind as she smiled tight lipped and waved. "Hi"

"Hi, Maeve" I chimed beaming a toothy grin. "I can come in?"

"Yeah" Maeve nodded giving me permission to go inside of her Caravan. "Of course, Aimes"

As I strolled inside I handed the Sainsbury's bag to Maeve.

She stared me at looking confused then glanced downwards towards the bag. "Aimee, what's this for?"

"It's to say sorry for yesterday" I sighed bowing my head down in shame. "I couldn't of ran off like that"

Maeve lifted my chin so I was staring her in the eye. "Don't worry about it, Aimes I'm not mad" she softly caressed my face. "I was just worried about you"

A single tear rolled down my cheek as I felt lump appear in my throat and started to sob. "I should have been honest with you from the from the start, Maeve"

"Honest about what, Aimes?" Maeve inched a little closer to me reassuringly rubbing my shoulders.

"About my feelings for you" I nervously bite on my lower lip exhaling a deep breath. "That's why I broke up with Steve"

"Oh" Maeve's brain clicked liked on like a lightbulb switched off as a sigh of massive relief came out of her mouth. "Wow"

A soft giggle escaped from her lips glancing into my eyes. "I thought you were gonna say something else for a sec"

I turned my head to the side puzzled. "Like what, Maeve?"

"Like something bad" Maeve scratched the back of her long chocolate brown hair with a tight lipped grin.

She and I burst into fits of laughter trying our hardest to suppress our smiles.

Maeve intwined her palms onto mine slowly closing the gap space between us.

"Can I kiss you, Aimes?" Maeve asked licking her lips.

I giggled without suppressing my toothy smile. "Babes why ask? Just do it already"

We both lean in at the same time pressing our lips together for a sweet and tender first kiss.

Maeve pulled back in awe and starry eyed. "That was nice" She beamed from ear to ear. "How was it for you, Aimee?"

I tapped my pink manicured nails against my chin. "It was wonderful, Maeve" Wrapping my arms around my bestie's waist I leaned in for another kiss.

Maeve frantically waved her hand out to stop me. "Are you sure about this, Aimes?" She calmly prompted putting the Sainsbury's bag onto the kitchen counter.

"Because I don't wanna pressure you into something you're comfortable with" Maeve explained grabbing a hold of my hands again. "Especially after what that creep did to you on the bus"

I placed a soft kiss against her palm glazing into her eyes. "I know you won't take advance of me, Maeve, Because you're not the guy on the bus who wanked on my jeans. You're Maeve Wiley my best friend and I love you for that"

"I love you too, Aimes" Maeve smiled pressing her lips against mine as we melted into our passionate kiss and then she grabbed my hand to lead us to the bedroom.

For an unforgettable night together.

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