Cuddle Hour

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The boys got so distracted with getting us back for winning that we never really finished the tournament and decided to finish another day since it was time for dinner. After dinner, we have cuddle hour. Cuddle hour is alone time we spend with our counselors in cuddle tower, usually to cuddle, talk, and for us girls, to be tickled of course. This is my first ever cuddle hour so I don't know what to expect but I'm hoping it's fun. 

We arrive at cuddle tower and decided to cuddle in one of the square couch pits on the second floor. When we get there I lay down in the couch pit and covered myself with a blanket and the boys immediately crawl on top of me with smirks. "You know, I heard if you do a certain face expression too much, your face will get stuck like that." I teased. "Great! That would mean you'll be giggling and blushing all the time." Noah said and I rolled my eyes. Then they both laid down on either side of me and just looked at me admiringly. I blushed before trying to change the subject. "What are your families like?" I asked, honestly curious about it. "Well I have a mom, dad, and little sister. My little sister is only 4 years old." Ethan said. "What's her name?" I asked. "Sophia." Ethan said, smiling at the memory of his sister, which made my heart flutter. "Will I ever get to meet her?" I asked. "Yeah. On Family day." Ethan said. I don't know what family day is but I'm looking forward to it. "I'm an only child so it's just me, my mom and my dad." Noah said. "Do your parents know where you are?" I asked. "Yeah they do." Noah answered while Ethan nodded in agreement. "They also know about you and they think you're amazing." Noah said and I blushed and looked away from both of them and up at the ceiling. "The ceiling is so beautiful." I gasped. "I was just thinking the same thing about you." Ethan said, making me blush some more. "Why do you two insist on making me blush?" I giggled. When I asked that, Ethan started drawing circles with his fingers on my stomach and Noah started doing spiders on my stomach with his fingers. "I'm pretty sure we're both addicted to you." Noah admitted and I just blushed some more. They were tickling me so softly that it not only tickled but made me have a whole bunch of butterflies. I decided I wanted them to blush too so I kissed both of them on the cheek and watched as they both turned beet red. "Now you know how it feels when you two make me blush!" I giggled, since they were still tickling me. They both smirked and started showering me with kisses all over my face and neck while still tickling my stomach ever so softly. "AHHH!" I squealed and giggled even harder as the boys chuckled at me but continued. "Excuse me?" I heard a voice say. The boys both stopped and moved away from my face and I saw the boy from the front desk on my first day holding a phone. "Someone wants to talk to you Elizabeth. She says her name is Vivian." He said and both Noah and Ethan groaned, which made me laugh. "Yeah sure I'll talk to her." I said, reaching for the phone only for Noah to dig into my armpits when I extended my arm, making me quickly bring my arm back down. "Noah!" I giggled. "Can't you talk to her later?" He mumbled into my neck. "No I can't! What if it's serious?" I said, trying to reach with my other arm only for Ethan to do the same. "But it's cuddle hour!" Ethan mumbled into my neck only making me giggle. "Do you want me to tell her you're busy and to call back later?" The guy asked, looked amused by my situation. "Guys please! I haven't talked to her all day!" I giggled out. This whole situation was making me blush A LOT. "Fine." Both Noah and Ethan said as they stopped tickling me. "And don't tickle me while I'm on the phone with her!" I said, sitting up so I can get the phone. "Thank you." I told the guy and he smiled and said you're welcome as he handed me the phone. "Hello?" I said into the phone. "Elizabeth! I've been trying to call your cell all day!" Vivi said. "I'm so sorry! I've been busy all day. They really have our schedules packed over here." I told her. "Really? With what?" Vivi asked. "Oh um just a lot of extracurricular activities like dancing and voice lessons." I lied on the spot. "Oh that sounds cool." She said. "Yeah it is." I said right before Ethan and Noah poked my sides. I covered up my giggle with clearing my throat and glared down at them only for them to give me pouting faces. "Is it okay if I talk to you later?" I said, smiling and blushing at Ethan and Noah. "But we haven't actually talked about anything yet." Vivi said. "I know but you're calling during study hour and the teacher is glaring at me right now." I said as I looking at the two boys pouting faces. "Oh ok. Yeah I guess I'll talk to you later." Vivi said. "Thank you! Bye!" I said as I gave the phone back to the guy. "Thanks again!" I told the front office guy and he smiled and waved goodbye before leaving. "That phone call was way too long!" Ethan whined and I laid back down. "I wasn't even on the phone for a full minute!" I told them. "Yeah but that was a minute we could have spent doing this." Noah said as he started nuzzling my neck with his nose. "Or this." Ethan said as he joined in nuzzling my neck but also started digging his fingers into my hips. Yet again, I found myself in a situation where all I could do was lay there and giggle my head off. 

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