First Day at Counselor and Me Part 5

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"Here's our last activity of the day guys!" Ryan said. "It's called Reading and Giggles. One counselor will read a short book while the other counselor tickles the girl. Once the book is done, the counselors get to ask the girl questions about the story. If the girl gets the questions wrong, the counselors tickle her. Each group will read two stories so one story per counselor. Any questions?" Ryan asked. "I have one. Are we supposed to be giggling this much?" I asked and everyone laughed. "This is only the beginning." Ryan teased and I blushed. "Okay. Let the games begin!" Ryan said.

The counselors each choose a book and then we sat down in a random corner of the classroom. "Do you want to read first or should I?" Noah asked. "You can read first." Ethan said as he smirked at me. Then, Ethan had me sit in between his legs and then told Noah to start reading. "If You Give A Mouse A Cookie." Noah began and then Ethan instantly blew a raspberry in my neck, making me squeal and giggle. Then, he started digging his fingers into my thighs while he continuously kissed my neck. I didn't hear not one word Noah said but I did remember reading that book as a kid. "The End." Noah finally said and Ethan finally stopped tickling me. "What happened when you give a mouse a cookie?" Noah asked with a smirk. I thought for a little before saying "He will ask for a cup of milk?" "Damn." Noah said and I smiled because that means I got it right. "And what happened after he asked for a cup of milk?" Noah asked and my heart dropped. I have no idea. "Um...he asked for another cookie?" I asked and they both attacked my sides. "That was wrong princess." Ethan said as I giggled and thrashed around. 

After we finished with that activity, which felt like forever, Counselor and Me class was over and we had another period of free time until dinner. We all started walking to the dormitory and I was walking in between Noah and Ethan as usually. "Do you guys want to play the Nintendo Switch when we get back to the dorm?" Tyler asked all of us. "Yes! Let's crush these dudes at Mario Kart!" I exclaimed and all the girls agreed. "And how do you know you're going to win?" Ethan asked. "Because girl power always wins. Duh!" Riley said back with a smile while I gave her a high five. "PERIOD!" All of us girls yelled at the same time. "We'll see about that." Brandon said as we all entered the dorm. 

"Ladies and gentleman!" Stanley announced. Stanley came to check on us and decided to host our gaming tournament. "Boys and girls! Our first team in today's Mario Kart tournament, the world most beautiful, gorgeous, adorable women, GIVE IT UP FOR THE CUTIE PIES!" Stanley announced our team name. All of us girls cheered for ourselves while the boys booed at it. "And our second team, the world's best ticklers, GIVE UP IT FOR THE TICKLE MONSTERS!" Stanley announced. 

Seriously? That's the team name they picked? 

"BOOO!" We all booed them as they all stood up and took a bow. "You're going down!" Ava said. "First event in our Mario Kart Tournament is, drumroll please," Stanley said and we all did a drumroll. "Renegade roundup!" He said. I didn't know what that was but everyone else cheered. "What's that?" I asked. "It's basically like cops and robbers. One team will be the cops and one team will be robbers." Hannah explained. "Alright choose your team representatives!" Stanley said. "Which one of you have played this game before?" I asked and Hannah, Emma, Ava, and Allison all rose their hands. "I think Hannah and Allison are the best at this game though." Ava said. "I agreed." Emma said. "Okay then! Hannah and Allison, can ya'll be our representatives?" Riley asked and they nodded. "We have our reps!" I yelled just as the boys yelled the same thing. Each team gets two reps since Nintendo switches only have 4 remotes. Stanley gave each of them a remote. Hannah and Allison were playing against Chase and Tyler. Once they picked their players, the game started counting down and we found out that our team is robbers while the other team is cops. "Ya'll have got this in the bag!" I yelled as we started cheering for them. Once the game started, Hannah and Allison drove off in different directions. "At least one of you need to stay out of jail so you can burst the others out of jail!" Emma reminded them. We were all watching them play intensely and giving them tips when of course the boys started causing trouble. Levi and Xavier came up behind Hannah and started digging their fingers into her sides. "Oh hell no!" Ava exclaimed as she started fighting off Levi and Xavier only for Alec and Brandon to start tickling her! "This is cheating!" Hannah giggled out as she watched her character get arrested. "Hannah give me the remote!" I said, realizing if we didn't do something, we were going to lose. So she passed it to me as she dissolved into a giggling mess but right when I received the remote, Noah and Ethan stood up and smirked at me. "You have got to be kidding me." I exclaimed. Allison and I both stood up as our counselors smirked at us and walked towards us. "Allison, get me out of jail but stay away from your counselors!" I said as we both started running around the room frantically WHILE  trying to play the game. "I got you out!" Alison giggled out just as her counselors caught her. Then, Riley took her remote and started playing for her, also having to run around the room from her counselors. Meanwhile, Noah and Ethan both kept trying to corner me but I kept running in circles so they wouldn't have the opportunity until Ethan and Noah decided to block me on both sides of me instead of just chasing me. I tried really hard to focus on the game since both Riley and I were not yet arrested and there was only 10 seconds left of the game but Ethan and Noah kept teasing me with their wiggling fingers as they closed in on me. "YOU GOT THIS RILEY AND LIZZIE! ONLY 5 MORE SECONDS!" Ava squealed through her giggles. 

Why....why would she say that?!

Thats when both Noah and Ethan tackled me to the ground and started tickling me. I lost all control of the game but thankfully it was too late. "WE WON!" Riley yelled. "YES!" I squealed as Noah and Ethan tickled me harder. "You're all cheaters but you still lost!" I giggled out. "You're not making me want to stop tickling you Elizabeth." Ethan teased as his fingers found its way to my armpits and dug into the skin there. "HELP!" I giggled trying to push both of them away. "Wow. That was the most interesting Mario Kart Tournament I've ever seen." Stanley said. I honestly forgot he was there. "Stanley you traitor!" I giggled out. "Yeah! Who's side are you on?" Riley said just as her counselors started tickling her too. "I thought it was obvious. I'm on the side that makes you giggle the hardest." Stanley said. 

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