First Day at Counselor and Me Part 4

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Eventually the game was finished and we were all sent off to have lunch. "That tickled so much!" I giggled, my feet still tingling from what just happened as we walked to lunch. "If you thought that tickled, tomorrow will definitely tickle even more." Noah said. "What's tomorrow?" I asked. "It's a surprise." Ethan said with a smirk. "You people and your smirks. Will you ever stop smirking at me?" I asked. "Um, maybe." Ethan said and I frowned, not expecting that response. "Really?" I asked. "Yeah." Nathan said. "When pigs can do this." He said before picking me up and spinning me around in circles. "AH! Put me down!" I giggled. He laughed but instead of putting me down, he put me on Ethan's back for a piggy back ride. "I said put me down. Not give me a piggy back ride." I scolded. "And we're saying no. Gotta a problem with that?" Ethan teased. "Actually yeah I do!" I said. "Oh really?" Ethan said, using his hands to squeeze the skin under my knees. "Put me down!" I giggled, trying to get myself out of Ethan's grip. "Not until pigs can do this..." He said before spinning me around in circles again. "Okay okay!" I giggled out and he stopped right as we arrived back at the dormitory. When we got inside, Ethan put me down. "I'm going to go get my phone from upstairs." I said and they both nodded and went to the kitchen as I went to go check to see if I have any new messages.

When I got to my phone, it was blowing up. My mom and dad both called me millions of times and Vivian had called and texted. I quickly called my mom back. "Elizabeth! Where have you been?" My mom said immediately. "I'm so sorry mom. I was in class." I said. "It's just me Elizabeth. You can tell me where you actually were." My mom reassured me. "They were tickling me like crazy mom!" I said and she laughed at me. "You sound really happy." My mom said. "I guess I am. Of course when you giggle as much as I have today, it's hard to be sad." I told her. "Well I just wanted to check on you." She said. "Okay thanks. Tell dad I said hi!" I told her as we both hung up. I thought about calling Vivian but realized how little I can tell her and decided to call her later.

After eating grilled cheese for lunch, we all had a break so I decided I wanted to watch Pretty Little Liars on TV in the bedroom. The boys came with me of course. I sat against the bed frame trying to watch the show while Ethan and Noah kept annoying and distracting me with tickles. They both had their faces implanted in my belly and were pretending to have a conversation through my stomach but really they were just nibbling my stomach. "Guys!" I squealed, still trying to push them away as I giggled. "Why do you keep interrupting our conversation Elizabeth?" Ethan whined, digging his fingers into my stomach. "You boys just won't quit!" I giggled. "All we're trying to do is talk and you keep rudely interrupting us." Noah said. "Woman these days are so mean!" Noah added and Ethan agreed. "Shall we continue our conversation?" Ethan said and Noah nodded as they both buried their heads back into my stomach. "NO!" I giggled and I could feel them chuckle against my stomach. "Now I'll never know who A is!" I giggled and they both stopped. "You're right! That's very important." Noah said. "Ethan we must find A!" Noah said and Ethan looked a little confused but it wasn't long before he was smirking alongside of Noah. "No please whatever you're thinking, don't do it!" I giggled. "We just want to find A my love." Ethan said, making me blush with the nickname. "Now where could she be..." Noah said, scanning the room. "Make she's hiding under Elizabeth?" Ethan asked and I giggled at how childish these two were being. "You're both crazy." I said and they smiled at me. "This is serious business Elizabeth! No laughing!" Noah said and I smiled before saying "Yes sir." I decided to play along and see where this was going. Then they both picked me up and checked under me. "Nope I don't see her here." Ethan said as they put me back down. "Maybe behind the pillows?" Noah asked as they both checked the pillows and found nothing. "Under the bed?" Ethan asked as he quickly checked under the bed. "Nothing!" Ethan said. "Where is she?" Ethan exclaimed. "Maybe she's hiding inside of Elizabeth!" Noah said. 

Uh oh. 

"Yes! Because she knows how valuable Elizabeth is to us she figured that would be the safest place!" Ethan agreed as they both smirked down at me. "She's not in me! I swear!" I giggled. "We have to check and make sure Elizabeth! What kind of detectives do you think we are?" Ethan said, making me giggle. "But there are so many places we can check! Her stomach, her feet, her neck, her armpits, her thighs, her kneecaps, and more! How do we know where to look?" Noah smirked, wiggling his fingers at me. "I guess we have to check them all." Ethan said, also wiggling his fingers at me. "No please!" I squealed just as they started digging into my stomach, acting like they were searching for something. "SHE'S NOT THERE!" I giggled out. "We have to be very through Elizabeth. We know how important finding A is to you. We wont let you down." Ethan teased as he dug deeper. I just laid there and giggled my head off. When they stopped tickling my stomach, I quickly maneuvered my way off of the bed, still giggling a lot. "Where are you going?" Ethan said, both of them following me off of the bed. "We still have so many other places to check." Noah said, both of them smirking at me. I squealed and ran out of the room. I didn't know where I was going but I knew that if I didn't escape, they would never stop. I ran out of the room and down the stairs where I saw Emma and Ava in the living room watching TV with their boys. "HELP ME!" I squealed as I ran up to them and hopped on the couch to sit in between Emma and Ava.

 "Woah! What is going on here?" Emma asked as Noah and Ethan approached. "They won't stop tickling me!" I giggled as both of them tried to grab for me and I squealed, crawling behind Emma for protection. "We're not tickling her. She said she wants to find out who A is and we're just helping her look for A." Ethan said with a smirk. "They're looking for her in my stomach!" I exclaimed, making Noah and Ethan smirk even more. "Ya'll are so creative I swear. That's definitely a new one." Ava said and Emma nodded. "I don't know what you're talking about but we need to finish our search." Noah said as they both grabbed for me again, making me squeal but both Ava and Emma protected me. "Elizabeth, in a few seconds, we're going to have to make a run for it. Break is almost over so we're all going to run straight to the class room." Emma whispered and I nodded. "Well, you're going to have to finish your search later." Emma said as we all hopped off the couch and ran out of the building with all of our counselors chasing after us. "Welcome to Too Cute Elizabeth!" Ava yelled as we ran, making me laugh and we thankfully made it back to class before they caught us so they couldn't do anything. 

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