Chapter 1

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"Pssst", a faint whisper called. I tossed and turned ignoring the whisper as I tried to find a comfy spot in bed to proceed my beauty sleep.

I hoped squeezing my eyes shut would make the sound disappear. It did...for about ten seconds.

"Hey, hey Savy wake up. I-I had a nightmew," a little finger poked my cheek over and over until my eyes began to flutter open.

Reluctantly they opened to reveal a little light brown headed girl, Callie. I sighed and ran my hands down my face.

With my eyes half open I peered over to the clock that read 3:20am. "Callie go back to bed it's not wakey time yet."

"B-but I had a nightmew auntie Savy," she sucked her thumb while her other hand brushed away her tears.

Most people thought Callie was my little sister as we were only ten years apart but she was my niece. My older brother, Jesse, got some girl knocked up at sixteen which resulted in Callie. Callie lived with me and my five brothers and one of their girlfriends because her mother abandoned her when she was born. Jesse wasn't dad material by any means but with the help of me and my siblings we raised Callie together, and here she stood at the ripe age of six in front of me with yet another one of her infamous 'nightmews'.

I pushed myself up out of bed and leaned against the frame before pulling her into my lap, circling her in my arms. "What was the nightmare about?" I asked between yawns.

Callie played with a thread from my pyjama top before looking up at me with her big green eyes, "a monster was coming after was trying to eat me Savy." Her bottom lip quivered before she whispered under her breath, "I-I didn't wanna be eaten."

I ran my fingers through her long her and rubbed her back in small circles hoping it would calm her down.

"Hey I have an idea," a mischievous smile appeared on my lips.


"Wanna see a real monster?" I grabbed her small hand and together we dashed across the landing into a dark room.

My nose wrinkled as the smells of the room snuck into my nostrils. It stank in here, like sweaty socks and farts. It smelt like boys. Three boys to be exact, Jesse, Grayson and Alec.

I propped Callie up onto my hip before tiptoeing over to Jesse' bed. He looked so peaceful, his arm was slung behind his head while the other rested on his chest which rose and fell as he breathed softly.

The mischievous smile returned as I dropped Callie into Jesse' lap. He jolted awake panting heavily, Callie and I giggled at his startled facial expression.

"What the hell!" His voice was deeper than usual since it was full of sleep.

"This right here is what a real monster looks like Callie," I grinned as Jesse' hair was all over the place, his bloodshot eyes glared at me. Callie giggled quietly behind her hands not wanting him to see.

"Savannah what the fuck you playing at," he cursed. I smacked him upside the head for cursing in front of Callie. Jesse' hand reached out to return the smack but Callie cut him off before he had the chance to get to me.

"I had a nightmew daddy," Callie batted her pretty eyelashes while sucking her thumb. Jesse sighed but all his frustration melted away as he pulled the sheets over Callie so that she was lying on his bare chest.

"Princess we spoke about this, it's only a nightmare. Nightmares aren't real remember," he spoke softly before planting two kisses between Callie's eyebrows.

Jesse was so soft with Callie. I'd never seen him so kind and warm to anyone before, only Callie. Jesse was a bad boy, a real trouble maker. It was ironic really out of all my brothers he was the most irresponsible and reckless yet he was the one with a six year old daughter at the age of twenty three.

"Can you guys shut up I'm tryna sleep over here damn," Grayson, my twenty one year old brother, groaned before lifting his head from his pillow and turning over. I rolled my eyes, none of my brothers were particularly morning people let alone three in the morning people.

My eyes shifted from Grayson's muscular back down to Alec who was sound asleep. Grayson and Alec slept on a bunk bed while Jesse got the double. Alec was the brother closest in age with me, he was nineteen and I was sixteen, so you would assume we would get along the best....however you would assume wrong.

We didn't have many rooms in our house considering eight of us lived her, so we had to compromise and share. I shared with Callie while Jesse, Grayson and Alec shared. Liam and his girlfriend Addison had a room and my oldest brother Noah slept downstairs in the basement.

"I'm gonna leave Callie in here with you because I'm going back to sleep," I whispered not wanting Grayson to kill me in the morning.

Callie sat on Jesse' chest with her legs crossed as she extended her little arms out, I smiled before pulling her into a hug. "Tank yew auntie Sav," Callie beamed before pulling away.

"Yeah...thank you auntie Sav," Jesse mocked while scowling at me for waking him up at this ungodly hour. I fake smiled at him before making my way back into my bed and shutting my eyes letting the tiredness wash over me.

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