Chapter 2

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Slowly and reluctantly, I uncover my face. I blink, close my eyes, and blink again. I didn't want to be awake but a wet sensation in my ear dragged me into reality.

An annoyed groan slipped from my lips as I swatted away the air around my ear. The damp feeling in my ear didn't go away, if anything it got worse and my eyes shot open in an instant.

Grayson peered over my bed with a wet finger extended like ET, I couldn't hear what he was saying but I could tell he was laughing, a lot.

"Grayyyyyyyyy," a frustrated moan escaped my lips as I turned over hoping if I couldn't see him anymore he'd disappear.

But of course not.

Instead he begins to prod my sides continuously until I turn back around to face him. With a quick jolt my eyes lock with his and I give him the biggest death stare on the planet.

"Go away, why you bothering me? Can't a girl get some sleep around here?" I whined the same way a child does when they don't get their own way.

He smirked before pushing my legs away and almost sitting on them as he made himself comfortable on my bed. I glared at him for almost crushing my legs with his fat ass.

"If you're gonna wake me up at fucking 3am then it's only fair I get to wake you up with a wet willy," he nodded like everything he said was logical and made complete sense.

I rolled my eyes and let out a loud sigh, "it's not my fault." I plead as my eyes land onto Callie's unmade empty bed, "Callie had another nightmare."

Grayson's head turned to look at Callie's side of the room and he chuckled to himself, "that girl gets more nightmares then I get laid and let me tell you I get laid plenty."

I shoved him and pull a disgusted face, "too much information."

He laughed softly before getting up and dragging me out of the warmth and security of my bed. "Hey! I still wanna sleep some more," I pleaded as I dug my heels into the carpet trying to resist him dragging me out my room.

"No can do, it's your turn to cook Saturday breakfast." Grayson bended down a little before completely lifting me up and slinging me over his shoulder like I'm a doll.

I punched his back begging for him to put me down, I'm scared of heights and the fact that all my brothers are six foot and above doesn't help my fear. Especially when they carry me around, I squeezed my eyes shut not wanting to look at the distance down to the ground.

Squinting, I slowly open one eye and then the other as I realise Grayson carried me all the way down to the kitchen.

"Now go make breakfast," he pushed me towards the cooker and I turn around to give him the quick finger.

"Now that's no way to treat your brother," a husky voice interjected. I turn on my heels to face Liam, half dressed in his grey joggers and no t-shirt, I smile and launch myself into his arms.

He grinned before kissing my forehead, "did you sleep alright?" Liam asked as he made his way over to the table and pulled out a chair.

"I did up until this asshole woke me up," I elbow Grayson in the ribs as a thank you for waking me up in such a kind way. He laughed which only makes me want to punch him in the face even more.

"The classic wet willy," Liam nodded in respect to Grayson. I rolled my eyes and began pulling out the ingredients to make pancakes.

"Morning guys," Addison kindly smiled at us as she walked hand in hand with Callie into the kitchen. 

She walked over to the table and pulled out a chair for Callie before making herself comfortable on Liam's lap, he circles his arms around her and kisses her cheek.

Liam and Addison have been dating for as long as I can remember. They started going out when they were my age and now Liam was twenty five and she was twenty four. The perfect couple. She was apart of the family and I was glad to have another girl around the house.

"Morning," Gray and I reply at the same time, we look at each other and pull a face. It's creepy when people say the same thing at the same time.

"Where's Noah?" Grayson asked and I looked around the kitchen realising he was nowhere to be seen.

"He's covering someone's shift so he left early this morning," Liam replied and my eyes flickered to the clock that read 9:25am.

Noah was a firefighter, and my literal superhero. He was my oldest brother and acted more like my dad than my actual dad ever did. My dad passed away when I was only six from alcohol poisoning and my mum died during birthing me. So Noah's been taking care of us all for ten years now, it must of been hard on him but he never let that show. Noah's twenty eight and would literally do anything for our family and I admired that about him. He always made me feel safe, and that was important. I guess that's why he's so good at being a firefighter, he's good at making people feel safe.

I nodded understanding but also secretly wished Noah would be selfish for once and say no to covering shifts, but that wouldn't be very Noah of him. I just missed him.

"Where's Jesse?" I questioned as I opened the packet of flour and began pouring it into a bowl.

Callie dragged her feet as she walked over with a thumb in her mouth and a teddy in her other hand, "daddy went back to sleep." She answered and went on her tiptoes to watch me pour the milk into the bowl.

Grayson lifted her up and set her on top of the counter for her to get a better view, "I'll go wake him up otherwise he'll be mad we had pancakes without him."

His footsteps echoed as he made his way up the stairs, no one reminded him to wake Alec up because we all knew not to get between Alec and his precious sleep.

"Let me help," Addison got up off of Liam's lap and helped me crack the eggs. Callie grabbed the wooden spoon and mixed the ingredients in the bowl, making more of a mess than helping.

"Aww look at all my girls together cooking up a storm," Liam sarcastically remarked as he watched us making pancakes.

"You know you could help for once in your life," Addison shot back and gave him a dirty look before bumping hips with me and giggling at my brothers incompetency.

"I mean I would but I'm busy, so so busy," Liam waved his phone around and continued scrolled through god knows what.

Before we had the chance to roast him again, Grayson appeared with a rough looking Jesse behind him.

"Ladies and gentleman, the man, the myth, the," Grayson pointed his thumbs at himself. Jesse shoved past him not fully awake and ready to deal with Grayson's shenanigans.

Jesse forcefully snatched the chair next to Liam and plonked himself down on it, rubbing his eyes profusely.

"Good morning to you too man," Liam slapped his back and laughed at his brothers sleepy face.

"Did somebody wake up on the wrong side of the bed?" Addison mockingly pouted, Jesse turned to Addison and his eyes grazed over her.

He looked her up and down and lingered on her bottom half for too long, she was only wearing a skimpy black nighty. "Not at all," he smirked momentarily before turning back to face Liam to look at some dumb sports thing on his phone.

Addison didn't seem fazed though and neither did Liam but it didn't go unnoticed by me, I knew what Jesse is like.

After finishing up the pancakes, Addison and I carried them over and placed them down on the table.

We dug in with no hesitation, I didn't realise how hungry I was until the warm crispy pancake made contact with my tastebuds.

Small talk took place as we continued eating breakfast, we discussed things such as what we were going to do for the rest of the day, the weather, Jesse' ridiculous bed head. You know, the usual.

"Shit!" A voice yelled from upstairs, at once our heads snapped to the stairs.

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