Chapter 10

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My hands skimmed down the blue dress on my body. I'd thought about this moment all day at school, putting the dress on. The blue dress Leo remembered I was going to wear.

It had taken me an hour to do my hair and makeup, but with the help of Addison I looked somewhat good. She said I looked 'stunning' but I wasn't about to hype myself up too much otherwise my head would be as big as Alec's.

I was just a girl of sixteen, but by the time I'd applied Addison's make-up, I could get into any club I wanted.

Addison had applied the glittering eye shadow mixed with a little blue and some black eyeliner. After that I layered on some mascara and finished with a lipstick the colour of pomegranate seeds.

My head tilted as I looked at myself in the mirror, I didn't even look like myself. This was Savannah 2.0 not Savannah Lawson who wore no makeup and leggings all the time.

Addison gasped. "You look so good!"

"Too good," Liam grumbled as he lingered by the door. "If any boys get any ideas tonight tell them your big brother Liam owns a baseball bat."

Addison rolled her eyes so I didn't have to. She elbowed him in the ribs, "stand down you pit bull."

He growled like a dog and started barking. "I'm just saying, Noah would say the same thing if he was here right now."

"Noah wouldn't let her go if he was here right now," Jesse murmured as he leaned against the doorframe next to Liam. His chestnut eyes followed my every move, making me uncomfortable. Did I really look that different?

I sat on the edge of my bed, sliding on a pair of white heels. Addison passed me a little white clutch bag, I put my phone and lipstick in it before sliding it over my shoulder.

"Ready to go?" Liam asked as his hand played with the car keys in the pocket of his grey shorts. I nodded and started walking towards the door but Jesse stood in my way.

"Move please," I tried to squeeze past him but he just leaned against the doorframe to restrict me from passing.

I glared at him. "I think you're forgetting something," he bellowed with his arms crossed over his chest.

I looked around my room with pinched lips. "Nope, don't think so." My hand tried to push him to make room for me to squeeze past but there was no use, he was double the weight and size of me.

"Jacket," he demanded.



"B-but it's not even that cold outside. I don't need a jacket," I protested while peeking between the gaps to look at the other side. I could taste the freedom.

Jesse sighed. "Grayson told me before he went to work the deal was, if you were gonna wear that you had to wear a jacket."

Damn Grayson really did me dirty snitching on me like that.

"Fine," I rebuked and grabbed my brown teddy coat. "Can I please get past now?"

Jesse's jaw clenched. "Put it on."

I rolled my eyes and slid the jacket over my body, he nodded and let me past. I gave him a quick slap to the chest before sprinting down the stairs in my heels, which wasn't the smartest idea.

"Have a good time kid!" Addison yelled from upstairs.

"I will, thank you!" I shouted up and waited by the door for Liam to drive me to the party.

Alec walked down the stairs wearing black skinny jeans and a tight white t-shirt. He sat on the last step and started doing up his white airforces.

I raised an eyebrow. I wonder where he was off to.

"You two ready?" Liam appeared from the kitchen, swinging the car keys around his finger.

Two? As in uno, dos?

"Let's go," Alec grabbed his jacket and headed for the door. I crossed my arms over my chest and stood in front of the door, blocking him.

He frowned. "You're gonna make us late for the party, move."

Us? Oh hell nah!

"Us?" I stood my ground.

"Yes, us. As in you and me. Alec and Savannah," Alec scoffed before lifting me up and moving me to one side. Liam and him passed me and went over to Addison's white polo.

Alec made himself comfortable in the passenger seat which meant I had to sit in the back. I got to sit in the front once a year, if I was lucky.

Liam started up the engine while Alec plugged his phone into the aux. Rap music bleared through the speakers and I muttered profanities underneath my breath.

"You better not watch me the whole time we're at the party, I don't need a damn babysitter." I urged as I crossed my arms over my chest. It's so typical, out of every party he comes to Leo's one.

Alec pulled a face and turned around to look at me. "I'm not gonna be looking at you," he scoffed. "Hopefully I'm gonna be looking at Brianna, looking looking if you know what I'm saying."

The corners of Liam's mouth lifted into a smirk as he pulled up to Leo's street. He raised the handbrake and stopped the car when he reached the side of the road.

"Phone me or Noah once you guys are ready to come home." Liam looked from Alec to me, "doesn't matter what time it is we'll come get you." He held his gaze on me for a little longer before patting the back of Alec's headrest. "Now go, have a good time you crazy kids!"

I grabbed my white clutch and slowly slid out of the car, not wanting to trip over with these heels on. Alec took his time coming out the car and I caught a glimpse of Liam passing him a small square red packet, I rolled my eyes and turned to look away.

"Aight, thanks man. See ya," Alec smacked the hood of the car a couples times and with that Liam pulled off. Honking a couple times as he disappeared down the road, I gulped and turned to face Alec.

He shoved his hands in his pockets. "Ready?" I nodded and together we walked towards Leo's house.

We walked past a guy puking in a hedge and people smoking on the deck. Alec greeted a couple people with fist bumps and waves before we entered the house.

The hallway was packed, people were everywhere. I didn't even recognise half of them, maybe other schools were here as well.

I turned around and Alec had already disappeared into the crowed. I sighed and looked around trying to find a familiar face. People were jumping chaotically to the music. I found it hard to breath with this many people around. I needed a drink.

The hallway was so crowded I actually had to push people and even crawl around a few. I felt a couple pinches and gropes as I squeezed through the crowd. Maybe Grayson was right, I shouldn't of worn this dress. Without bothering to turn around, I ripped some guys hands off my waist and carried on towards the kitchen. Finally, I made it to the kitchen where I see Amber.

A smile appeared over my lips as I make my way over to her. "Oh my gosh, I'm so glad I found you!" I yelled over the music and gave her a quick hug.

"You look amazing!" Amber beamed as she pulled away from the hug, giving me the once over.

I blushed. "Thank you, so do you!" I mean, I'm not lying. She looked cute in her little red dress with her long black hair down.

"Here, take this." She shoved a red cup filled with god knows what in my hands. I peered inside, it looked like water. My nose wrinkled as I brought it towards my lips, didn't smell like water though.

Amber giggled. "It's vodka," she yelled over the beer bottles in the fridge door clinking together every time it was opened.

"Where's everyone else?" I took a sip from the cup and grimaced as the vodka burned my throat.

Amber pointed towards the stairs, I turned to see Millie sucking faces with Adam on the steps. His hand was sliding underneath her black dress, she pulled his hand away and tugged on her short dress. I shook my head slightly with a chuckle.

"And, Nikita?"

Amber got on her tiptoes to look over the crowd. "She's over there!"

My head turned in the direction of her gaze and my eyes landed on Nikita. She was sat on the sofa talking to a couple people I recognised from our year.

Her braids were pulled up into a ponytail and she was wearing a pink strapped satin midi dress. She looked really pretty, but then again she always looked really pretty.

Our eyes met and an instant smile appeared on her face, I gave her a quick wave before turning back to Amber and carrying on our conversation.

"Have you seen Leo yet?" Amber asked between sips of her cocktail. Quickly, I scanned the sea of faces but couldn't see his anywhere.

I shrugged and shook my head. "Nope, why?"

"He's looking fine tonight," Amber gushed and nodded frantically. I bit down on my lip and continued searching for his face in the crowd.

The speakers started blasting kiss me thru the phone and everyone screamed. Amber grabbed my hand, "this is my song!" She squealed before dragging me over to the lounge aka the dance floor.

Within the span of seconds the room was full of teenagers dancing and bobbing along to the music.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, I carried on dancing and turned around to face Leo. Amber was right, he was looking fine. He was wearing a short sleeve black Tommy Hilfiger tee paired with some black jeans and his black and white air forces.

"The famous blue dress!" Leo grinned like an idiot and motioned towards my dress with his hands, he reeked of alcohol and cologne.

He drew me into a hug and kept his hand on the small of my back. The butterflies in my stomach were doing somersaults.

Leo looked around. "Wanna go to the kitchen?"

Amber flashed me a quick thumbs up then played it off as bumping her fists to the music when Leo turned around.

"Sure," I smiled and followed him to the kitchen. He lead me through the crowd by holding my hand, I hoped he couldn't feel my sweaty palms.

He pushed some disregarded red plastic cups to one side before hopping onto the counter. Leo opened his beer by slamming the lid against the tabletop, it flew off and landed god knows where.

He glanced at me. "Your eyes match your dress."


Leo chuckled and hopped down from the counter to get closer to me. "Your eyes," he pointed at my eyeshadow. "Matches your dress," he pointed at my dress.

"Oh," I sheepishly grinned while biting my nails.

Leo licked his lips to begin talking but Nikita flew in between us. I grabbed her arms so she wouldn't face plant the floor.

"Hey y'all!" Nikita slurred and stumbled as she grabbed onto the counter to lift herself up from my arms.

Leo scratched his neck and cleared his throat. "Hey."

"How much have you had to drink?" My voice laced with concern as I watched her eyes spin around.

Nikita sucked her teeth. "Not enough, relax." She waved her hand to dismiss me.

"Sorry Nikita but we were just in the middle of something," Leo crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows as Nikita swayed forwards and backwards.

"Nah, nah. She's my best friend and I have something I need to tell her." Nikita dismissed him and grabbed my hand, pulling me out the kitchen and up the stairs. I gave Leo a quick wave and shrugged as I allowed myself to be dragged up the stairs, Leo exchanged a confused shrug and that was the last I saw of the kitchen.

Nikita guided me through the heaps of people making out, flirting and some arguing. She found an empty room and closed the door behind her. Leo's house was massive, the complete opposite of mine. Whereas we had barley any rooms, he had rooms for his rooms.

I looked around the room, smiling at the pictures of a younger looking Leo and his family on the walls.

Nikita huffed and threw her braids behind her shoulder before sitting down on a grey sofa. "God damn it's hot in here," she fanned herself with her hand.

I giggled and sat down next to her. "Nope, not really I think you're just sloshed."

"Sloshed? More like shit-faced," Nikita laughed behind her hands. She'd snort every now and again, she only ever did that snort laugh when she was drunk.

"What did you want to tell me that was so important?"

Nikita stopped laughing and tried to concentrate her red watery eyes on me. "Oh yeah. Well, I've been wanting to tell you for a while now," she hiccuped. "But since I can barely make a coherent sentence I'll just show you."

She leaned forward and kissed me.

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