Chapter 11

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I need to get out of here.

There were times I felt like the world was slowly disappearing in front of me. Or maybe it was just me who was fading away. Those moments it didn't matter anyway. Because my empty burning lungs and my heart hitting my chest so hard I thought it would break my ribs and rip apart my skin were the only thing I could think about.

This was one of those moments.

Nikita pulled back. "Savannah, are you okay? You've turned really grey."

I could still feel her hot breath against mine, her soft lips against mine. This wasn't supposed to happen, Nikita's my best friend. This wasn't supposed to happen.

"I-I gotta go." My feet hit the ground running and before I knew it I was opening all the doors trying to find Alec.

I needed to leave. I needed to get out of here.

People yelled and cussed at me as I opened and closed all the doors along the landing. Someone even threw a shoe at me. I had one door left, please oh please let Alec be in there.

Slowly, I turned the handle and peered inside the dark room. Two lumps moved underneath the sheets on the bed, I looked away.

"Alec?" My voice was shaky.

A head popped out from beneath the covers. "Savannah? The fuck you doing in here. Get out!" Alec panted.

Well, this was awkward.

"I wanna leave. Like now," I could feel a lump forming in the back of my throat. It always made an appearance when I felt anxious.

Brianna Walker appeared from beneath the sheets, her hair one big blonde mess. She glared at me, I gave her a tight lipped smile before turning away.

"What? Why?" Alec hissed and ran his hands through his hair. Brianna started kissing down his neck and his eyes rolled back, I cleared my throat and looked at my feet.

Did this girl not realise I was standing right here?

"I just wanna leave Alec, please."

"Just give me like five minutes."

"Make it ten," Brianna murmured as she sucked on his bottom lip. I was gonna puke.

I looked at him, my eyes pleading. "No Alec, I need to leave now. Please."

Alec groaned loudly and grabbed his t-shirt from the floor while he covered himself with the bed sheets. "Close the door I'll come out in a second."

"Where the fuck do you think you're going?" Brianna growled at Alec who started getting dressed.

I closed the door and waited on the landing but I could still hear everything that was said. I guess drunk people couldn't judge how loud they were speaking.

"My sister needs me."

A small smile appeared over my lips. The same lips my best friend kissed. The smile disappeared.

Alec opened the door. The smell of the room wafted past us as he closed the door. He stank, like sweat, alcohol and some other nasty stuff.

We didn't say anything to each other but headed for the stairs at the same time. Nikita ran along the landing. "Wait, Savannah don't go. Let me explain. Please."

I ignored her and started walking faster down the stairs until I reached the bottom. Alec turned around to look at Nikita, he gave me a look but followed my lead and ignored her too.

Together, Alec and I were almost out the front door until Leo grabbed my arm. "Wait up, where you going? It ain't even late yet."

I brushed him off. "I'm not feeling too good, I'm going home."

"Don't go," Leo pleaded. I was so mad. Mad at Nikita. Mad I was missing my chance with Leo. Mad at the universe. Mad at being mad.

"She said she's not feeling good," Alec bellowed and moved between us. I walked past Leo out the door with Alec two steps behind me.

The breeze hit me as soon as I was out the house. I walked past someone passed out in a deck chair and some empty cups and beer cans littered across the lawn.

I marched forward, my house wasn't too far away. No more than a twenty minute walk. My teeth chattered as the wind blew through my hair, I hugged the jacket around me. Jesse was right, a jacket was a good idea. I can't believe I just said Jesse was right. This night was full of surprises.

"Wanna talk about it?" Alec spoke up. I turned to face him, his t-shirt was inside out and he must of forgot his jacket since it was nowhere to be seen.

I sighed. "I'm sorry."

"What you sorry for?"

"For ruining your thing with Brianna."

Alec chuckled. "Don't sweat it Sav. I've got about ten Brianna's on speed dial."

"Okay, I didn't need to know that." I rolled my eyes but couldn't help laughing as well. My brothers were actually the biggest players ever. It was a miracle they all didn't have a Callie each. Thank God for protection, am I right?

"For real though, what happened?"

"Honestly, I have no fucking idea."

Alec chewed on his lip. "Nikita seemed a little flustered don't you think?"

He wasn't going to drop this. Alec may be a little drunk but he still knew when something was really bothering me.

I could feel my heart in my throat. "Nikita kissed me."

"Nikita kissed you?"

"Mhm, on the lips."

"Nikita kissed you on the lips?"

"Yes sir, on the lips. You know those things I have on my face."


I glanced over at him, studying his face. He looked shocked, no not shocked, more like disbelief.

Alec started laughing.

I frowned and glared at him. "It's not funny!"

"Who knew Nikita was a dyke," he leaned against a wall and cried with laughter. Alec grabbed his side, tears streaming down his face.

"Shut up, no she's not!" My jaw clenched as I watched him laugh.

Alec wiped away his tears before getting up from the wall and continuing to walk with me. "Savannah, she's a dyke no ifs no buts no coconuts about it."

"B-but how."

"I dunno, it be like that sometimes. It's okay though, if she is."

"I know it's okay," I rolled my eyes. "I just didn't see it coming."

"Neither did my dick, poor guy didn't get to see it coming neither because of you." He poked my shoulder making me sway into the road, I swatted him away.

"Hey! I already apologised about that!"

He shrugged. "I'm just messing. But you probably thought something was off. Has she ever acted like jealous before?"

"I mean, she gets all weird when I mention Leo."

Alec stopped walking. "Who's Leo?"

"The guys house we were just at!" I facepalm. "You're an idiot."

"Oh I'm the idiot? Says the one who didn't realise her best mate was a carpet muncher."

"Ouch too soon."

"Savannah, on a serious note it's totally okay. You know, if you like her like that." Alec stuttered trying to find the right thing to say. It was kinda adorable.

I smiled. "Thanks Alec, I appreciate that. But I don't like her like that." Do I? I mean, I've never thought about it before. I always just assumed we were friends, I've never looked at girls like that before. Sure, I find girls pretty but not like that.

"Yeah I know but just so you know we would be totally okay with you liking whatever or whoever."

"Love is love, right?"

Alec grinned and nodded. "Love is love."

"I feel bad."


"I kinda just left Nikita and didn't say anything." I can feel my pulse pounding in my temples.

"Don't feel bad, you were shocked."

"I know but she's probably equally as confused as me or if not more." I looked down at my feet, they were throbbing in these stupid heels. I should of worn flats, converse would never do me dirty like this.

Alec slung his arm around me. "Stop stressing, as long as you know how you feel then you can't control how she feels."

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm straight because I didn't feel anything when she kissed me."

"There you go then, problem solved." Alec leaned his body weight onto me as he began swaying a little.

My nose wrinkled and I pulled a face. "You smell bad."

"Oh, I smell bad huh?" Alec shoved my head under his armpit, grabbing my face to try and put my nose closer.

I pushed him away. "You're gross!"

"Talking about gross I need to take a leak." Alec let go of me and stumbled over to someone's garden.

"Alec! You can't pee in someone's garden!"

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