Chapter 4

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"Savannah banana!"

"Noah," I breathlessly whispered with a smile. "Noah!" I repeated louder, my smile getting wider by the second.

He walked up to me and pulled me closer to him wrapping his arms around me. His embrace was warm, and his big, strong arms seemed very protective when wrapped around my body. I felt safe in his embrace, it felt right. Felt like home.

Noah pulled away and smiled at the others, "where you guys been?"

"We went to the park!" Callie bounded up and down like a golden retriever, Noah chuckled softly before picking her up.

"Went to the park without me huh?" Noah pretended to be sad, fake pouting and everything.

Callie frowned and shook her head repeatedly, "don't be sad uncle Noah." She stuttered getting all flustered. "We can go again soon, maybe you can come next time. Right dad?"

"Right," Jesse nodded with a tight lipped smile.

Noah smiled sweetly, "for sure I'd love that. Now where's my kiss?" Callie giggled before kissing his stubbly cheek, he slowly put her down before making his way to the boys and doing that man handshake thing with them.

Most people found it hard to believe Noah wasn't married or at least didn't have a girlfriend. He was most girls dream guy, good cook, good with kids, a man in uniform and just an all round good guy.

Don't get me wrong Noah gets girls, I can hear him sneaking them in sometimes late at night when he thinks we're all asleep. It's one of the few perks of sleeping in the basement, he has the most privacy. But not once did he ever ask one of them to be his girlfriend.

He told me before that he didn't like getting attached to people or things because it hurts more when they let you down or leave.

Addison walked in, a bowl of popcorn in her hand. "Hey, you guys are back just in time for movie night."

Callie dived towards the stairs, sprinting up them screaming, "let me put my pyjamies on first!" We all laughed before following her upstairs to also change into our pyjamas and comfy clothes.

I stepped into my room to see Callie already dressed in her pink tangled pyjamas, she slid on her rabbit slippers and sat on her bed.

"Hurry up Savy or Gray will start the movie without us," she pleaded while bouncing her knee up and down unable to contain her excitement.

"Okay okay," I laughed knowing damn well Callie would fall asleep within the first ten minutes of the movie.

I changed into some tartan pyjama shorts and a black vest before throwing my hair up into a messy bun.

A small smile crept over my lips as I looked at myself in the mirror, I loved comfy clothes. Nothing felt better than pulling your bra off and changing into your pyjamas.

Callie grabbed my hand and dragged me down the stairs to the living room. Everyone was already here besides from Liam who I assumed went to get our dinner for tonight.

All the sofas had already been taken, Grayson and Alec sprawled themselves out taking up a whole sofa while Jesse and Addison sat on opposite sides of the other sofa. Noah made himself comfy on the fluffy bean bag on the floor as Callie squeezed between Jesse and Addison.

"Thanks for saving a spot for me guys," I grumbled sarcastically.

"Y'all hear something?" Alec excessively looked around the room, peeking behind his arm, even lifting his legs up and checking just to be extra annoying.

I rolled my eyes. "Must of been the wind," Grayson affirmed and they both sniggered not needing to turn around to see my annoyed face because they already knew I would be.

"Make room for your sister," Noah said in the most monotone voice ever. I shoved their freakishly long legs away before digging them both out and sitting down.

Addison turned on the tv and started scrolling through the movies on Netflix, she would pause every now and again for us to watch the trailers but we'd pretty much seen everything already. That's the problem with Netflix, all the good movies on there we'd already seen a million times and the movies we hadn't seen looked crap, absolutely no in between.

She carried on flicking through the different genres and titles until stopping on Magic Mike, Addison and I both looked at each other and smirked.

"Oh hell no," Jesse snatched the remote from her hands. She smacked his arm to which he seemed completely unbothered by.

Jesse clicked through the action movies until pausing on transformers, we all deadpanned him, even Callie. "What! Megan Fox is sexy as hell in that movie."

Addison covered Callie's ears which led to a giggle outburst. The boys nodded in agreement at Jesse' statement to which I frowned with disgust.

"I mean the mans not wrong," Noah shrugged while throwing a piece of popcorn in his mouth.

"Noah!" I kicked the bean bag he was sitting on, he laughed and continued shovelling the popcorn down his throat.

The front door slammed shut and Liam appeared holding two plastic bags filled with delicious goodness. "Did somebody say pizza!" He sang while waving the bags around like a fool, I giggled and got up to help him dish up in the kitchen.

Liam pulled three cardboard pizza boxes out of one bag while I pulled out the side of chips from the other.

"Mmmm it smells so good," I beamed as my mouth watered at the smell of pizza and chips.

"What can I say, not all hero's wear capes baby." Liam grinned like an idiot, I threw a chip at his face to which he ate midair. He winked at me, I rolled my eyes annoyed at the fact my brothers could do almost everything.

Together we carried the plates filled with food and drinks into the lounge and started passing it around to everyone.

"Sav can you get me a beer?" Jesse demanded as he sat up and grabbed a slice of pizza.

"Oh me too," Grayson chimed.

"And me," Alec called out with a nod to which Noah and Liam repeated with the exact same nod. I glared at them all, did I look like a waitress?

"She's not your servant you know," Addison scolded as she got up and walked with me to the kitchen. Thank you, at least someone in this household had some decency.

Addison opened the fridge and grabbed six beers. "We both know they won't stop whining until we get them their precious beers," she muttered. I nodded in agreement and grabbed three beer bottles, the cold sensation caused me to shiver.

"Who's the sixth beer for?" I asked as we start walking back into the lounge.


I stopped walking and turned to look at Addison, a dumbfounded look plastered over my face. She giggled, "just joking it's for me silly." I laughed too at the thought of Callie drinking a beer with the bros.

"Beers for the cavemen," Addison announced and together we dropped the bottles into their laps, earning us a couple death stares. It's what they deserve.

"We've decided on the movie," Noah interrupted the death stare battle going on between Grayson and I. We turned to face him, "the goonies."

I'm totally okay with that, I love the goonies. It's a classic. How can you not like the goonies?

The movie starts and we all sit there in silence. I pressed my back up against Alec and spread my legs out over Grayson's lap to get comfy for the movie. They don't push me off to my surprise but instead throw a blanket over us.

Twenty minutes pass, I peeled my eyes off the screen and turned my head slightly to see if Callie is still awake. But of course she's not, instead she was scrunched up in a ball asleep on Liam's lap sucking on her little thumb. I smiled at how predictable that little bean was and continued watching the movie.

I yawned into my hands and tried to keep my eyes open to watch the rest of the movie but I felt this blackness come over me and just like that I was in dreamland with Callie.

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