Chapter 5

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"Pouah!" I scoffed, rolling over in my slovenly sheets as the sunlight hissed at my face. My brown hair was disheveled and scattered across my pillow. I don't remember falling asleep in bed last night but on the sofa, one of the boys must of carried me to bed.

Stretching my arms, I turned to look at Callie's bed. It was empty. My eyebrows dipped into a frown before my hand reached out to grab my phone. Once turning it on, the bright light almost blinded me causing me to groan and shut me eyes.

Reluctantly I opened my eyes to look at my lock screen, it was me grinning widely with Callie on my shoulders. I smiled to myself before looking at the time, 8:30am.

That explains why Callie was nowhere to be seen, Jesse always took her swimming on a Sunday morning. Jesse was a lifeguard so he got to use the pool for free and made it his life mission to teach Callie how to swim. He said that he wasn't good at a lot of things but he was going to be good at teaching his daughter how to swim.

I dragged myself out of bed and headed to the bathroom, for once in my life it was actually free. My legs move a little faster to reach the bathroom and shut it before anyone could slide in before me.

The bathroom was a mess, nothing new. Damp towels left on the floor, toothbrushes not been put back in the cup and of course the toilet seat was still up. I rolled my eyes before making my way to the sink and splashing some water on my face.

A loud thud on the door startled me and I spun around to face the closed door. "Who is it?" My voice sounded little compared to the loudness of the thud.

"I need to take a piss!" Alec whined from the other side of the door. My jaw clenched as I slowly slid down my shorts to relieve myself on the toilet.

"Then you're going to have to wait!" I yelled back as I folded a piece of toilet paper to wipe myself.

Another thud on the door, "I'm bursting Savannah!"

"That sounds like a you problem," I flushed the chain and washed my hands before grabbing my toothbrush.

"It will be a you problem when I take a piss in your bedroom," Alec retorted in a cocky tone.

I dropped the toothpaste and turned to face the door, "you wouldn't." My arms crossed over my chest in attempt to stay calm.

"Oh I so would," Alec let out a breathy laugh. I chewed the inside of my cheek in contemplation, he was definitely not bluffing. My brothers were capable of some inhumane things. I used to have a fern plant in my bedroom until Grayson peed in the soil and killed it.

Without hesitation, I grabbed my toothbrush and the toothpaste and unlocked the door. Alec stood tall with his arms rested on the door frame, I pushed past him and walked down to the kitchen.

"I hate you," I murmured and trudged down the stairs.

"Love you too princess," Alec retorted sarcastically as he waltzed into the bathroom, slamming the door shut.

"Stop slamming the doors!" Noah yelled from the kitchen. I entered the kitchen to see Noah sat on a stool, a fresh cup of coffee in his hand as he scrolled through his phone.

He looked up from his phone to greet me with a cheesy smile, "morning sweetheart," he motioned me over with his hand.

I waddled over to him and pressed myself against his chest, allowing him to embrace me. Noah ran his hands through my hair before planting a gentle kiss on my forehead.

"What you doing down so early?" He asked as I pulled myself up onto the counter and started running the tap, squeezing the toothpaste onto my toothbrush.

"Alec was being a jerk," I grumbled while dampening my toothbrush and sticking it in my mouth.

"I see," Noah smirked for a second before forcing a straight face. His smirk doesn't go unnoticed as I give him a quick scowl.

"So what do you wanna do today?" Noah swiftly changed the subject.

Gently, I moved the toothbrush back and forth along my teeth before spitting into the sink. "I need a new dress for a party this Friday," I rubbed the toothpaste residue onto the back of my hand and hopped down from the counter.

Noah watched me as I took a seat next to him, "I'd say Addy could take you but her and Liam have gone out for the day."

"I could take the bus into town I guess," I sigh at the thought of getting the stinky old bus. Man I hated waiting for the bus, the effort.

"No no I'll take you," Noah got up to put his empty mug in the sink and started rinsing it clean.

"Thank you thank you thank you," I bounded up and down and hug him from the back, burying my face into the small of his back.

Noah chuckled softly, "Gray and Alec will wanna come along as well so don't get too excited."

My hands dropped from his waist and I back away, "no thank you no thank you no thank you." Noah laughed again while shaking his head.

"Go get dressed and tell your brothers to be ready in 20," Noah ordered and with that I was back upstairs yelling at my brothers to move their arses.


"Nu uh turn that ass back around princess," Grayson demanded with a quick flick of his wrist, pointing me back into the dressing room.

"Why, what's wrong with this one?" I plead while running my hands along the tight black dress.

"You look like someone I'd hump and dump," Alec pulled a face as his eyes scanned over me. He turned away unimpressed.

"Thank you," Grayson sighed running his hands through his hair. I rolled my eyes and turned to Noah, hoping to get some sort of positive feedback.

Noah wetted his lips before engaging in eye contact with me, "I think you could find something nicer," was his dumbfounded reply. At least it was better than insinuating I looked like a slut, also why are people still slut shaming like hello it's the twenty first century.

I stamp my foot up and down the same way Callie does when Jesse says 'no' to her getting a puppy, I slammed the curtain shut before trying on the next dress.

I hop onto one foot attempting to slide the dress over my body, once it's on and zipped up I turn to look at myself in the mirror.

The dress was blue, satin blue to be exact. It was square necked and short. I liked it. It brought out the colour of my eyes.

I look up momentarily and mutter a quick prayer before pulling back the curtain to reveal myself.

The boys mouths gape open, my body tenses before I give them a quick twirl. "What do you think?" My foot taps against the floor nervously.

"You look like a s-"

"-uper model," Noah cuts Grayson off and gives him a look. I smile kindly at Noah before turning to look at Alec, ignoring Grayson's death stares.

Alec shifted in his seat and leaned forward, resting his elbow on his knees. "You look nice Sav, a little grownup but nice."

"It's a little short don't you think?" Grayson deadpanned and got up to examine the dress closer up.

"I-I can always wear a jacket to cover up more," I reasoned praying they'll late my buy it. Grayson's jaw clenched and I could of sworn I saw smoke coming out of his ears.

"Sit down Gray and let the poor girl breathe," Noah barked and Grayson reluctantly sat back down, not once did his eyes leave mine. I gulped.

"Can I have it? Please, pretty please, pretty please with a cherry on top," I emphasised on the cheery as though it's the big selling point.

Noah sighed before looking up at me, I put on my best puppy dog eyes and pushed out my bottom lip. "Fine," he murmured between his teeth.

I run over and sling my arms around his strong neck, kissing his cheek over and over again before legging it back into the changing room before he could change his mind.

"Meet us out front by the cash register," Noah shouted and I gave him a quick 'mhm'. I heard Grayson whisper yelled at Noah about how it wasn't a good idea to let me get the dress but Noah just hushed him.

The corners of my mouth lifted up into a smile as I carefully pulled the dress off and put it back onto the hanger.

I met the boys out front by the register, just like Noah said. Before Noah could put his card into the machine a loud "Savannah!" echoed through the store.

I didn't even get a chance to see who it was because before I knew it I was being tackled down to the floor.

"Hey Nikita," Alec laughed watching me struggle underneath Nikita, my best friend.

I turned around to face my best friend, her smile was bright and her pearly white teeth stood out against her tanned complexion.

Nikita was one of the very few girls in my school who didn't swoon whenever my brothers talked to her.

"Shopping for Leo's party too?" Nikita asked and nodded towards the blue dress on the counter.

"Yep I'm all set now. What about you?" I didn't notice any bags in her hands.

"Nah still looking," she shrugged. "You got anything nice?"

Noah held up the blue dress for her to see and Nikita gave me the 'how in the hell did you convince your brothers to let you get that dress' look.

Before Nikita could put that look into words her little sister Nia walked in, tugging at her arm. "C'mon Nikita I wanna go get ice cream," Nia begged and tugged harder at her sisters jacket.

"Just a second," Nikita snapped. "Aight I gotta go, see you in school tomorrow." She pulled me into a hug and this time I hugged her back knowing I wasn't going to get tackled down again.

School. I forgot about that.

Ah shit, here we go again


Amandla Stenberg as Nikita Smith [16]

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