Chapter 8

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"Noah Centineo isn't even that hot. He's just overrated," Amber plopped a grape into her mouth as she argued with Millie over the canteen table.

Millie dramatically pretended to faint and started singing, "why the fuck you lying, why you always lyingggggg."

"I gotta agree with Amber on this one, Noah Centineo ain't it chief." Nikita swirled the spaghetti around her fork before eating it.

Amber clapped her hands, "Thank you. He was in one good movie and now all of a sudden he's god? Pffft."

The girls continued to bicker as I zoned out and started looking around the canteen. The canteen was a cacophony of loud chatter, each table a cosseted huddle of people raising their voices to be heard above one and other.

A chip flew at my face and I startled, "earth to Savannah." Millie waved her hands around like a crazy lady, I laughed before averting my attention back to them.

"Where did you go?" Amber wondered.

"Probably looking for Leo," Nikita mocked by saying his name in a high pitched girly voice. I give her the finger to which she laughed and carried on eating her spaghetti.

"Ohhhh you gonna make a move Friday night or what?" Mollie wiggled her eyebrows.

"W-what? Of course not, I just think he's-"

"Really nice," the three of them said at the same time in the same annoying voice.

"I hate you all," I throw my head into my hands and they laugh.

School went by pretty fast after lunch, next thing I knew I was in the back of Noah's car. Callie to my left and Nikita to my right, she was coming over to study English with me.

"Did you guys have a good day at school?" Noah flickered his eyes between the road and the mirror, catching my eye every now and again.

"Same old same old," Alec muttered in the passenger seat. His thumbs moving a mile a minute as he typed on his phone, I saw him send a couple eggplant, peach and taco emojis and decided to look away.

Noah nodded and looked at me through the rear-view mirror, "what about you guys?"

"It was good thank you Mr Lawson," Nikita replied as she looked through the window.

"Nikita, how many times do I have to tell you. Just call me Noah," he chuckled. "I've known you since you were five and you still call me Mr Lawson."

Nikita shifted her weight from side to side and let out a nervous laugh, "sorry."

"Naww now you've embarrassed her Noah!" I joked and watched as Nikita gave me the biggest death stare on the planet.

Noah laughed and continued driving until eventually pulling into our drive, threading the steering wheel through his hands as he turned in and put the car in park.

We all hopped out the car, Callie was the first inside the house claiming she had some very important cartoon shows to watch.

I felt a sharp pain in my arm and looked down to see Nikita had pinched me. "Uhh ouch!" I rubbed my arm and frowned at her, she gave me a sly smirk.

"That's what you get for embarrassing me," Nikita sang and skipped into the house. I followed behind, mentally throwing knifes at her.

"That's no way to treat a friend," I murmured and closed the door behind me.

"Love you too bitch," Nikita sat on the stairs undoing her laces before sliding her shoes next to the door.

"Yeah yeah," I joined her on the steps and start undoing my laces too.

A breeze flew past our heads as Jesse appeared behind us on the steps, only wearing his red lifeguard shorts.

"Beep beep," he kicked my back.


"Beep beep."

I glared at him. "I said wait."

"Beep beep."

My head snapped in his direction and I was ready to pounce, Nikita quickly got up and let him past. He didn't even thank her, rude ass.

"Ugh, he gets on my nerves." A vain throbbed in my neck as I threw my shoes by the front door.

Nikita laughed. "I can tell."

"And, I told them all to dress modestly while I had friends over." I stopped to catch my breath before carrying on with my rant, "and there he is waltzing around half naked."

"It's cool it's cool, don't worry about it." Nikita rubbed the small of my back in circles and I learned against her.

I huffed. "It's so not cool."

"So not cool," Jesse mocked in a high voice as he walked past to the lounge. I don't even sound like that. It was at this moment I regretted throwing my shoes so early, so I comprised by pulling a tongue.

Nikita waited for Jesse to close the lounge door. "Let's go upstairs."

We started walking up the stairs towards my room, the lights were already on which meant Callie was probably in there.

Once we get to the door we see her, sat on her princess bed glued to her iPad with her bright pink headphones on. Her little legs crossed as her eyes were transfixed on the screen.

"Hey Callie," I gave her a quick kiss on the forehead before heading over to my bed and pulling out my books.

Nikita joined me on the bed and started opening up a couple of her own books. "Man Jane Eyre some bullshit."

I giggled and turned to look at her, "Why?"

"Why's every story gotta be about a helpless girl who needs a man to save her?" Nikita slammed the book shut and threw her hands up.

"I don't think that's what Brontë's message was," I laughed and began scribbling down a couple notes.

Liam knocked on the doorframe. "You guys want some food? Addy's just brought back a couple burgers from McDonald's."

Nikita and I looked at each other, the same cheesy grin plastered on both of our faces. We slammed our books shut and sprinted downstairs to the kitchen.

"Who knew you could move so fast," Liam appeared behind us with Callie on his shoulders.

I glared at him. "Ha ha."

"Hey Nikita," Addison smiled and passed her a plate.

"Hey," Nikita thanked her for the plate before looking down at her feet.

After five minutes everyone was down in the kitchen, I guess that's the faster way of bringing a family together. Food.

Addison passed the burgers around and just like that a 'couple burgers' had turned into a family meal. The dining table was full, Grayson had to use the chair from my desk to sit down since all the seats were taken.

"So, what you girls studying for?" Liam dunked his cheese burger into some ketchup before taking a bite.

I wiped my mouth with some tissue before replying. "Jane Eyre."

"I loved that book!" Addison gushed.

Grayson pulled a face. "Why?"

"For one, the message." Addison duh'ed. "And, obviously the romance."

"Jane Eyre was a freak though," Jesse added nonchalantly. Nikita pulled a face seconds before I did.

Callie's brows furrowed. "What's a freak?"

Noah glared at Jesse before clearing his throat. "It's not a nice word sweetheart." Callie nodded like she understood and carried on eating her burger.

"Totally agree with Jesse on this one, didn't she have like a crazy double?" Alec contemplated. Something he didn't do often. His brain might explode at any moment.

Grayson nodded frantically, "Yeah yeah and she was kept in the attic or some kinky shit."

"That's a certified freak," Liam waggled his eyebrows and gave Addison a quick wink.

"I wonder if she had a swing in her attic, you know them ones for s-"

Noah slammed his fists against the table. "Okay, moving on."

I rolled my eyes. "Just so you know, Bertha, was kept locked up in the attic because society at the time didn't know how to deal properly with mentally ill people."

Nikita smirked behind her burger and I watched as the boys deadpanned me.

"Whatever," they all muttered.


Lana Condor as Amber Ansley [16]

Peyton List as Millie Eaton [16]

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