Chapter 7

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Leo strolled over to the rest of the football players, doing a different handshake with them all. His eyes flickered in my direction causing me to swiftly turn around, I didn't need a mirror to tell I was bright red. I could feel my cheeks burning up.

"Why do you even like him so much?" Nikita pulled a face as she watched him drag his friend into a headlock. "He ain't even all that."

My mouth felt dry when I tried to talk, "he's really nice okay." Was my lame reply, Nikita let out a breathy chuckle.

"hE'S rEaLlY nIcE oKaY," she mocked.

"Shut up," I giggled and gently shoved her arm. Nikita had never liked Leo, she once told me she didn't hate him she just didn't get a good vibe off him or whatever that means.

"Morning class," Mr Pritchard waddled in with a briefcase in his hand. He placed it on his desk and pulled down his glasses from his head, "if you could all take your seats please."

The class sat down in their chairs and watched as Mr Pritchard struggled connecting his laptop to the big screen behind him.

"He does this every morning," Nikita facepalmed herself and I giggled watching poor old Mr Pritchard tangled up in wires. I felt bad for him but in the same sense the longer he messed around the longer we had to talk with our friends.

A few of the boys sniggered as Mr Pritchard slammed his fists against the desk muttering something about "stupid technology."

Leo got up from his desk and went to help Mr Pritchard, it only took him a few quick clicks on the laptop and a couple rearranging of the wires and the screen lit up.

The football players booed Leo as he walked back to his seat. I turned to Nikita and waved my hands around, "see he's a nice guy." She huffed and rolled her eyes.

After registration the class split up and went their separate ways. I said my goodbyes to Nikita as she headed to history and I headed to chemistry.

Chemistry was my favourite class, not because I loved the subject but because I loved the seating plan.

Leo was already sat down on the stool next to mine, he was scribbling in his notepad. I put my bag on the desk catching his attention, he turned and smiled at me.

The way his lips lifted upward. The way his one dimple crinkled. The way his teeth were perfectly aligned. The warm glow his happiness gave. His smile was a ray of sunshine, and I was frickin sunburnt.

"Hey Sav," his piercing blue eyes watched as I sat down on the stool. Slowly, I started pulling my books out along with my pencil case.

When I turned back around to greet him, his eyes had never left me. I gulped, "Hey Leo."

His face was beautiful. Well defined, with a sharp jaw and angular cheekbones. The complexion of his skin going well with his ocean-like eyes. A small smile played on his lips as he noticed me looking at him, I quickly turned to face the teacher, cursing myself for getting caught.

I hated how strong the feelings of a crush were. I'd fancied Leo for just over four months now, we'd started talking in Chemistry after Miss Miller has changed the seating arrangements around and since then the chemistry between us just pun intended.

Miss Miller clapped her hands together, "okay class today we're doing an experiment." We turned to look at each other with excitement, Leo's cheeky smile was back.

She started handing out protective goggles as she explained the experiment, "we'll be doing the hydrogen peroxide with potassium iodide experiment."

Leo raised a confused eyebrow, "hydrogen per-what." He whispered in my ear with a chuckle, I giggled and crossed my legs as I felt all the hairs on the back of my neck stand tall.

"This experiment is also known as what class?" Miss Miller asked as she grabbed the box of glass cylinders.

"Elephants toothpaste," I blurted.

Miss Miller looked at me and nodded, "well done Miss Lawson."

I felt Leo's eyes on me, he shook his head with disbelief. "How the hell do you know that?" His eyes widened as his mouth gaped open.

"I dunno I guess I must of read it somewhere," I shrugged and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.

"I didn't know people still read for fun," he laughed and put the protective glasses on. He tapped them twice before getting up and walking like a zombie over to get a glass cylinder.

He walked back with his eyes closed claiming he couldn't see anything through the glasses so his eyes might as well be closed.

"You're an idiot," I giggled and took the cylinder from him. He smirked before sitting down next to me and pouring dishwashing soap into the cylinder.

I tied my hair up and slid my glasses on before adding potassium iodide to the mixture, quickly glancing over at the instructions every now and again.

"Are you coming to my party this Friday?" Leo asked and our eyes met. I felt drawn into his eyes. The icy blueness generated a feeling like I was being pulled into a lake of frozen emotions.

I turned away, trying to concentrate on the experiment. "Mhm, bought a new dress and everything."

"Wow a new dress, for me?" Leo mockingly flicked his nonexistent long hair. "You shouldn't have," his tongue darted out his mouth and dampened his bottom lip.

My eyes moved from his lips to his eyes, "no not for you. For me stupid," I retorted while rolling my eyes.

The instructions said to add hydrogen peroxide, so I grabbed the bottle and gently poured about 30% in.

"I'm hurt," Leo grabbed his chest and pouted. "What colour is it?"


"Like your eyes," he mused. I looked away from the experiment and turned to him bewildered but before I had the chance to answer a big cloud of foam shot up out the cylinder.

I screamed and flew into Leo's arms as the foam continued to erupt out the cylinder. His arms encircled around me, I looked down at his veiny tanned hands and started sweating. I didn't realise I had thrown myself at him.

Stupid, stupid, stupid!

Miss Miller came over to congratulate us on completing the experiment. Leo casually removed his arms from around me and I slowly sit back on the stool, not wanting to turn and look at him.

"Mr Valentine, could you tell me what causes the soap to foam up and shoot up out of the cylinder?" Miss Miller questioned.

Leo scratched the back of his neck before clearing his throat, "because... the iodide mixed with the air." It sounded more like a question than an answer.

"Close close, Miss Lawson would you be able to help Mr Valentine out?" She asked, Leo turned to me and I suddenly felt lightheaded.

"Uh because the iodide ion catalyses the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide, generating oxygen gas."

Leo's mouth twitched, and I was pretty sure he was fighting a smile.


"That was a headshot! Fuck this game man," Grayson slammed the xbox controller on the floor. He was going to break it one of these days if he kept doing that.

Alec snatched the controller from him, "nah don't blame the game." He pressed a button which made the character reappear back in the lobby. "You're just shit."

Grayson grabbed Alec by the back of his shirt and pulled him into a headlock, ruffling up his hair. "Say that again, say that again asswipe!"

I rolled my eyes and continued scrolling through instagram on my phone, I'd gotten immune to my brothers fighting.

Grayson flipped Alec around so that his face was firmly planted against the floor, "eat it you carpet muncher."

"Fuck you!" Alec seethed. He shouldn't of done that. Grayson pulled him off the carpet to only slam him harder against the floor, Alec groaned in pain.

Not once did my eyes leave my phone as I murmured, "stop it children."

"Why? He loves it," Grayson joked. "See," he grabbed Alec's cheeks and pulled them upwards forcing a sort of disturbing smile.

Alec lay on the ground, his face closed in a grimace. He yelled out in agony every now and again when Grayson would bounce on his back.

"Grayson," I warned. "You're gonna kill him."

"Okay mum," he mocked and got off Alec's back. Not before giving him a quick kick to the side.

Alec clutched onto his side, "yeah don't kill me bro. I need to be alive for Friday."

Grayson extended his arm out for Alec, he hesitantly took it. "Why, what's happening Friday?"

"Going to a party," Alec dusted himself off and gave Grayson that look. That 'I'm gonna fuckkkkkkkkk look' my brothers seemed to give each other a lot.

For the first time, my eyes moved away from my phone. "Who's party?" I glanced over to Alec and frowned.

"I dunno," he shrugged. "All I know is Brianna Walker asked me to bring condoms." Alec humped the doorframe with his tongue hanging out his mouth.

I pull a face, it better not be Leo's party.

"Brianna Walker?" Grayson tapped his chin. "Like Vanessa Walkers little sister?"

"Yessir," Alec nodded and sat down next to me.

"If she's anything like her sister, you're in for a treat man." Grayson smirked, Alec leaped up from the sofa and joined Grayson in an excited jump up and down.

Please, oh please don't let it be Leo's party.

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