Chapter 18 - Don't regret anything

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His sleepy, hoarse voice brought shivers down your body. The fact, that you were still in the same bed as Jungkook didn't help at all. And in an instant, you lost the ability to speak. Your head tried to process yesterday's events, you didn't remember much about that night, and before you say anything, you'd rather remember what and how, and if ... how far it has come.

"Having trouble remembering?" he snorted amused and stood up from bed.

You really didn't want to meet his eyes now. But if you had the courage to come here, drink without moderation, now you had to face the consequences.

"So ... we ... yesterday ..." you started hesitantly, hoping that maybe he would guide you somehow and you wouldn't have to admit, that you don't remember anything.

"Mhm? We...yesterday what?" he murmured as he straightened his shirt in front of the mirror. He noticed the lipstick on the collar and turned to you with a broad smile. "As you can see, yesterday we ... we just spent some time together. In fact, quite a ... quality time," he grinned.

Your eyes widened. This is what you feared the most. That you would do something stupid, and having an overnight adventure with someone you could spend your whole life with if he just wanted to and let you do it, was an unforgivable mistake. You groaned disappointed with yourself.

"Jungkook..." you started softly and lowered your head in a sense of hopelessness. But he approached you slowly, smiled gently and leaned over you. He grabbed your chin in his hand and lifted your head up.

"Nothing big happened, actually nothing happened between us, if that's what you're worried about." He tried to calm you down and abandoned his original mischievous plan to stress you out. "Although ..." he brought his face closer to yours. "We were in a similar position yesterday ..."

You blinked several times, sinking in his beautiful eyes.

To see him in the morning, sleepy and sweet, to hear his voice as soon as you wake up, to feel his weight on you when he sleeps ... it was one of your dreams. But you didn't necessarily want your dream to come true with a moral hangover gratis. "In a similar ...?" you repeated after him, a little scared, the answer you were about to receive.

"You kissed me." he said quickly, ruffled your hair and headed for the door, leaving you totally dumbfounded.

"Come" he stretched out his hand to you. "We'll go for a coffee, I'll show you some great photos," he smirked and you trailed after him, like a stray dog on whom all the misfortunes of the world fell.

"I did what?!" you asked when you got to the hotel bar.

No one has been here at this hour yet. Probably everyone was still asleep. Jun didn't call you or speak to you all night, which you confirmed by quickly checking your phone. By the way, a fragment of memories appeared in your head.

You walk into the room, N pins Jun to the wall ...

You and Jungkook, cold beer, head on his shoulder, he was carrying you somewhere ... Oh God, he was carrying me in his arms ?! The smack of your back against the door, your troubled breaths, and finally that crazy kiss.

You snapped out of those thoughts and looked at Jungkook.
He was just making you coffee. Personally. You didn't know if anyone had ever seen it before. You rested your head on your hands and just stared at him.

In real life, he was exactly what you imagined him to be. Anything he did, he put all his commitment into it, he did it with passion. Concentrated, he operated the bar espresso machine, his tongue sticking out just beyond the line of his mouth. You involuntarily touched your lips with your fingertips, remembering yesterday's too short kiss. You'd give a lot to do it again when you're not drunk. To be able to remember it properly. You didn't even notice when he came to the table with two cups. He was beaming.

"I see you remember something after all?" he asked putting his coffee in front of you.

Your face blushed instantly. You tried to catch a few quick breaths when he came back behind the bar for a while, but it didn't help you much. He put a plate with a cupcake in front of you and moved his chair so that he could sit next to you. You were touching by your shoulders. You didn't have the slightest chance to calm down. His scent and closeness made you forget who you are.

"Since you still have memory problems, let me show you my personal mini folio from last night." he laughed, pleased that he made you feel so uncomfortable and that his photos would be of use after all.

"Let's start with the photos before you drank a little too much."

"I remember you taking this picture. It was right after the cake for Namjoon."

"Yes." he smiled into the phone. "I wanted your picture in this dress, you look gorgeous in it."

You blushed and quickly reached for your coffee so you wouldn't have to answer any more. But Jungkook was just getting started.

"And here ..." he wrinkled his nose ridiculously, his eyes narrowed and he gave you that rabbit smile again. "Here are our beer selfies."

You moved closer to him to get a better look at the photos he displayed on the phone. Jungkook turned his head towards you and again you could feel how dangerously close he is to your face. You felt his warm breath against your cheek. You bit your lip and stared at the phone, you didn't dare to look up.

You didn't believe you actually had pictures with Jungkook.

"We had a lot of fun yesterday ..." he said quietly, not moving even a millimeter. "You even told me, that being your bias doesn't entitle me to order you around," he laughed out loud. And you were so embarrassed with yourself, that you'd most like to sink into the ground.

"We look cute, right?" he asked cheekily as he brushed the lobe of your ear with his lips.

"But I've got better ..." he whispered straight into your ear, and you've already completely surrendered to the fact, that you won't get out of it alive.

In was you, kissing him. Your face burned with shame. You would never suspect that in your life.

You didn't even want to comment, that he took a picture of you at this point. He definitely wanted to show them to you the next day and make fun of you. You just hoped, he wouldn't show these pictures to anyone else.

"You are very silent today," he murmured again, and a shiver ran through your body, that even he noticed. He smirked.

"I have one more. This is ... my favorite." He looked back at the phone and you breathed a sigh of relief, unfortunately not for long. The photo you saw on the phone made you practically whine of regret out of your throat.

"Jungkook, I'm sorry for yesterday. I ... I don't remember much, I drank too much. If I said something I shouldn't have or crossed some line then ..." You blurted out a stream of words, and finally he interrupted this monologue by putting in your mouth a cherry from the muffin, that you hadn't even touched.

"Everything is fine. Nothing happened. You drank, I drank, we went to sleep quickly. There is nothing to regret, we had a good time, we did not do anything wrong. Relax a little. I will take you home, Namjoon wrote, that Jun is staying with him for the next two days, they will be working on the reportage. Apparently they will bring her things for her for that time. "

This news shocked you a bit. Jun didn't even speak to you. Now you just have to drive home and not hear a word from your friend?

"But ..." you started immediately, trying to protest.

"No but. She'll call you for sure. I told you everything I knew, don't worry, Namjoon won't hurt her." He laughed. "At least until she asks for it herself."

You both were laughing now. You needed such a moment for the tension between you two to ease down a little. Although you had the feeling, that only you felt so tense.
You finished your coffee quickly and Jungkook drove you home. You fell asleep a little on the way, so you didn't talk at all anymore. He escorted you to the door and, before you entered, ran his fingertips over your shoulder.

"Thank you for yesterday. And remember, that you still owe me a meeting." He raised an eyebrow. "Without a milliliter of alcohol" he added amused, to which you just quickly nodded your head and ran away embarrassed home. A moment later he was no longer around, and you threw yourself on the bed with relief.

"What the fuck was this for?"


Jun woke up cuddled with Namjoon. Her head was lying on his bare chest, his shirt unbuttoned in disarray. Her eyes widened as she realized she was lying in bed with the man. The memories didn't really want to come back to her yet. Before looking at his face, she quickly checked whether she was wearing any clothes. The dress was intact and she breathed a sigh of relief. She looked at the man sleeping next to her and gasped in admiration when she realized who it was.

Namjoon was sleeping soundly, his mouth slightly parted, his hair tousled. Jun smiled broadly. Probably no one has ever seen him like this. He always comes out in front of the cameras so orderly and perfect, and now he sleeps here like a gopher in winter.

She ran finger after finger across his chest, with a slow, gentle movement, not wanting to wake him up.
But Namjoon was not asleep anymore. By the time Jun admired him, he had already opened his eyes.

In one second he grabbed her hand and pulled her on him with a strong move.

She opened her eyes wide in surprise as she landed on top of him.

"Good morning," he murmured and stuck his head into her hair, inhaling her scent.
Jun didn't even dare to move. Her heart was beating madly. Everything she dreamed about was here and now.
But ... something was wrong. This situation. Everything should have happened under different circumstances.

"Namjoon we... didn't..." she started

He laughed and hugged her tightly. "No. It didn't happen. Except for a little makeout session we had here and the fact that you managed to unbutton my shirt before I could calm you down."
Jun hid her face in the pillow. The shame she felt was perhaps the greatest she had ever felt.

"Ah, I forgot, your friend was here, she was looking for you, but we were...quite busy."

"Are you kidding? God ... she won't spare me. If she saw us, then ..."

But she couldn't finish the sentence because Namjoon pressed his lips against hers. It was a hot kiss, she hadn't expected it. She didn't remember much from last night, but if all the kisses were like that, then yesterday must have been perfect. She kissed him back, letting his hands wander down her waist. She didn't care what would happen next. What was important now, it was her bias and she. If this chance only happened once, then she is just grabbing it. She was going to kiss him for how long she could.

They broke apart after a good few minutes, gasping for breath.

"Stay, we have to do a reportage together anyway." Namjoon purred to her, caressing her neck.

"Mm," she muttered just giving in to the sensation. "I have nothing with me, no camera, no change of clothes, no charger or cosmetics," she began to whine.

"I'll arrange everything. Just stay." he said this straight into her mouth when he kissed her again.

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