Chapter 19 - Project I || Kim Namjoon || Part 01

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Jun started to work immediately after receiving the necessary equipment. As Namjoon had promised, everything was brought to her, as quickly as possible. She was immensely grateful to him for that.

It was hard for her to break away from the man of her dreams, but work is work and she had to be professional in it.
There were two goals: to prepare a reportage and secretly find out what perfume composition would be best for him.

The day started with breakfast.
They ate it at the hotel, although Jungkook's plan indicated a completely different location.

Namjoon didn't take his eyes off her, but Jun had no idea what was in his head. He looked lost in thoughts. He was a little absent, but she thought maybe it was because it was still early, or maybe the alcohol hadn't completely evaporated from his system yet. She didn't want to look at him that much, she was still very embarrassed after the recent events.

"Jun ..." he began hesitantly, and she automatically shifted in her place. He didn't know how to start the topic, he couldn't just tell her his thoughts. What would he tell her? That...

I don't know what happened to me. I have been thinking back about her for the last few weeks. I have no control over it. I can't do my job well because my thoughts are spinning around her beautiful eyes. And the shapes of her body can be seen so clearly even in my imagination... That I don't know anything about her, and I want to know everything? And that when I had her close yesterday, everything else didn't matter? Or should I tell her, that I would literally do anything to keep her from letting go of my hand again? I'm gonna be like an idiot then. We know each other for several hours, not more than that. I feel with her as if I found the missing part of myself.

"You are my most beautiful birthday present Jun."

"Namjoon ..." she gasped in awe, and it was then, that he realized he spoke the last sentence out loud. He scratched the back of his head in visible embarrassment and glanced quickly at Jun, but she stared at him with eyes full of happiness, so he relaxed and gave her his famous smile with dimples in his cheeks.

Jun did not hesitate to take the first photo for the reportage.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is how exactly happy Joon looks like. No cameras, no pretending. 100% happiness." Jun bit her lip. He looked insane. His smile was so sincere and his eyes sparkled like two diamonds. She hoped the sight would never disappear from her life. That he would never disappear from her life.

They had just met, but he was like the missing puzzle in her world.

Jun had the whole project in her head. She had read it so many times, that she remembered every little detail, every location and attraction, one after the other. If she were to look at the documents now, he would probably quickly realize, that something was wrong. But she prepared herself perfectly and was going to do the job as best she could.

"Joon?" she asked in her melodic voice and he immediately looked at her. They were driving for a good fifteen minutes, and they were both lost in their own thoughts. But eventually the silence began to irritate her. "Where do you think I'm taking you?"

Namjoon tilted his head back, resting it comfortably against the headrest of the passenger seat. "Judging by the fact that we left the city maybe for some ... nature walk?" he was just guessing.

Jun smiled broadly. "No. I mean ... you can say that, but it's more than just a walk. A little ... more physical activity." She wanted to give him a gentle hint, but he didn't seem to get any of what she was talking about.

"Hiking?" he asked trying to hit the right track. Jun nodded slightly.

"This is also in my plans, but not for now, not for today. Today a little less impressions." she grinned pleased.

She didn't quite realized, that she was spending time alone with him, and that they would spend the night in the same place, just the two of them ... she was even afraid to think about it. After forty minutes they reached the lake. It was just at the foot of the mountains. The perfect place. She sighed when she saw this.

"You've never been here before?" Namjoon walked over to her putting his arm around her, and Jun got a shudder. She nodded head for no. "It's interesting, you took me to a place you've never been yourself, but at the same time to a place that is definitely my favorite." Joon started to suspect something, or so it seemed to Jun.

"No no, it's not like that. I mean, I ... I read a little about you," she lied quickly, putting herself in the position of a big fan, which was not such a lie at all. Namjoon laughed.

"Fine. So ... what have you prepared for us?" he asked curiously, his eyes staring at her shamelessly.

"Bike Ride!" Jun grinned and nodded towards a small, beautiful house by the lake.

"Oh, are we staying here today?" Namjoon instantly turned into a little boy, who almost clapped with joy when he realized, that they would be spending more than a day here. He loved nature, such quiet places calmed him and for a moment he forgot how busy his life was. In addition, he will spend this time with a woman he has been a bit crazy about lately. This would be a good time to find out what the new feelings that arose within him meant.

"That's the plan" Jun smiled faintly when she finally realized, that they would be in this cottage in a few hours, and that it would probably be very awkward. She gulped loudly and headed in, leaving Joon behind. She wanted to be on these bikes as soon as possible so as not to think about anything. Stress was starting to eat her up.

Namjoon brought all the things from the car to the cabin. He looked around curiously. An atmospheric area, a fireplace, which will definitely come in handy, because the evenings are getting cold. The sofa... he had already planned to watch a movie tonight on it, with little hope of cuddling. One bedroom ... his thoughts flew a bit too far, but Jun's calling effectively woke him up from his dreams.
He helped her drag out the bikes, and they finally set off on the promised ride along the lake and beyond.

The autumn sun was very pleasant. Jun didn't remember the last time she had as much fun as she did today on the bike. They rode side by side, glancing at each other from time to time and exchanging smiles, or racing like two kids. Autumn leaves fell around, enveloping the area in a magical rug full of colors. Jun thanked Jungkook deeply for having such a wonderful day planned for them.

Tired, they finally got off their bikes and decided to go on foot, towards the house. Finally, they had a chance to talk a bit.

"Are you the type of city dweller, do you feel better away from the hustle and bustle?" Namjoon asked as soon as they began to walk slowly back.

Jun knew perfectly well, that he loves the bosom of nature and certainly prefers the countryside to the city, but she didn't want to deceive him and stretch the truth just to suit him.

"I definitely prefer the city. The bigger, the better. I'm used to the comfort, that everything is at your fingertips. You know how recently ended my trip with my friend, to the countryside. We were left without food and if it weren't for you, I don't know what we would do."

Her openness and honesty delighted Namjoon. He was sure, that she would try to resemble him a little bit, he was well aware, that he was her bias. But she surprised him positively. Despite the fact, that she knew what his preferences were, she chose honesty. Namjoon valued honesty in women the most. Lying was one of those things he couldn't forgive.

"That's what you look like. But you know ... there's nothing wrong with that, I've lived in Seoul's heart for so many years myself. I like comfort too, I just run back to reset sometimes."

Jun nodded understandingly. Before she spoke, she thought deeply. How tired he must be from this famous life. She watched him surreptitiously as he closed his eyes slightly and smiled as the sun's rays warm his cheeks. She noticed freckles on them, which only added to his charm.
Underneath that makeup, which he always wore, at concerts, at interviews, even on his own birthdays ... underneath it all, there was his true beauty, a delicate look.

"The life of an idol is exhausting for sure, isn't it? And you are also a leader. You have a lot of responsibilities, it's understandable, that you are looking for some rest."

He looked at her for a moment. Her delicate features, way of behaving, thinking, even the timbre of her voice, all drew him to her like a magnet. He leaned his bike against a nearby tree, did the same to her bike, then laced their fingers together and dragged her for a short walk. The truth is, he just felt the need to hold her hand, he wanted to go for a walk, away from people who might judge him, attack him with flashlights, or create more gossip. Here, so far from the hustle and bustle, it was just her and him. He wanted to enjoy it.

Jun didn't protest. Delighted by such a turn of events, proudly like a peacock, she walked with him by the hand, wondering what would come of it. She closely watched his behaviour, trying to read as much as possible from him. She saw him enjoying the little things, such as the singing of birds, which could be heard so well here almost in the woods. He showed her a running hare and picked wild apples for her. Jun had never seen a Namjoon like this. He was as if someone else entirely. Shy, gentle boy. Even his outfit was plain and comfortable, he no longer wore any jewellery except for a wristwatch. She loved that version of Namjoon.

It took them a lot longer to get back than they thought. But neither of them wanted to rush. Immersed in conversation, they tried to get to know each other as much as possible. With each passing moment, they realized, that they were very similar to each other, and in some things they complemented each other. Namjoon is clumsy, but Jun is a 'handywoman'. They both love music, art and travel. Namjoon is great at organizing campsites and Jun is great at city night entertainment. They both love spicy food.

Speaking of food ... they finally managed to find some kind of small place, where they decided to stop for dinner. Although they were both used to eating in expensive restaurants, they found a meal in this modest place very enjoyable.
Jun took a picture of him again. She collected them all, just as she was commissioned to do, natural, unposed, sincere, real, happy.

And that's what she managed to do. Because Namjoon was truly happy. His cheeks were filled with food like a hamster. Wrinkled nose and narrowed eyes as he smiled. He looked like a koala bear. He was munching, barely speaking. The stay in the fresh air must have whetted his appetite. Jun smiled at him. She was glad he was so happy. She hoped that, at least in part, it was due to her. And she was right.

Time passed with your jokes, accidental touches of their hands or the not-so-successful flirting he was trying to give her.

"I just realized something!" he almost screamed excitedly, and Jun laughed out loud. He looked like he won the lottery. It really had to be something important.

"If we divide our names and add them together ... then NamJun will come out," he grinned, proud of his discovery. Jun gave a little laugh.

"You're cute, Joonie," she said, looking him straight in the eye. And his heart pounded as if it wanted to escape his chest. He gulped loudly, embarrassed.

"And you are so beautiful," he said almost inaudibly. But enough for Jun to understand his words perfectly. A little embarrassed, she started to leave.

"We should be back by now, it will be dark soon, and we still have a long way home. We don't know the area, so it's better to come back while there is still some light." she said in a more serious tone. But Namjoon just laughed.

"Are you afraid of the dark? I'm here, you're safe," he raked his hair rakishly, at which she snorted amused.

"That's exactly what I'm afraid of. I'm afraid of you after dark." she told him playfully and started the bike race, leaving him behind.


They hurried into the cabin. At the last moment, they managed to avoid the rain, which broke down completely when they were safely inside. Jun was standing by the window, staring at the darkness that had come down so quickly to the lake.

"Drink?" Joon asked as he handed her a can of beer. She nodded and took the drink from him. She seated herself in the armchair opposite him, but he quickly shook his head and patted the seat next to him on the sofa. "Come here to me, it will be more comfortable for you, we have a blanket, before the fireplace heats up the house, it will take a while, plus we'll watch a movie."

Jun settled down next to him, and his hand almost immediately shot out to embrace her. She didn't protest, she moved closer to him and hugged to him. She loved such cuddles. She was like a terrible pet, there was always not enough of touch for her.

Namjoon turned on a movie, although they talked through half of it anyway, slowly sipping their second beer.

Pleasant warmth from the fireplace spread throughout the cottage. You could say it was too hot in it. Slow drinking of beer, plus the temperature inside, made Jun feel the effect of alcohol. She was not drunk, on the contrary, she was speaking and doing everything completely consciously. She was just a little blissful.

Namjoon put down his empty can, cleared his throat to get Jun's attention.

The movie was long over, and some music was playing in the background. The silence between them was unbearable.

She looked at him and almost immediately regretted it. There was something completely different, new, and dangerous in his gaze this time. Something told her that his thoughts weren't quite rational.

When her heart started to beat like crazy and she felt like getting weaker and weaker, she decided to do something about it. And as soon as possible. She stood up from the sofa with a speed that shocked even her.

"Jun? Where are you running?" he asked surprised, but she didn't listen to him, just left the cottage onto the terrace. She put both her hands on the railing and she was breathing hard, trying to calm herself. She didn't know what was happening to her. Inhaling the scent, that the wind carried from the lake, mixed with the rain. But it didn't comfort her at all. Something inside her was screaming to go back to Namjoon, but she stubbornly stood on the terrace in the cold, waiting for this feeling to pass.

Namjoon watched her from the sofa for a moment. He chuckled as he realized, that it was probably him who had this effect on her. But if so, it means that he is not indifferent to her, it means that she is just as nervous with him and that she feels this tension exactly the same as he does. If so ... why would they hold back?

"Fuck it," he said under his breath and stood up.

He went out to the terrace holding the camera in his hands.
Jun looked so beautiful, standing with her back to him, the wind played with her hair, and she, staring into the darkness, tried to collect herself.
This time he took her picture, the first and the favourite at the same time.

He put down the camera and slowly walked over to Jun. She shuddered slightly as his chest touched her back.

His hands travelled over her shoulders, his fingertips caressing her skin. She closed her eyes involuntarily. It's now or never, he thought.

"If I tell you ..." he gathered all his courage .. "that I lost my mind for you, will it still be too little for you? If I will tell you, that the world ceases to exist, when you are next to me?"

"Namjoon ..." she whined softly, surrendering to whatever he was just trying to accomplish. She tilted her head back to him, baring her entire neck. "The mere fact, that you are close is enough for me" she whispered softly. It was enough for him to turn her round in one smooth move and pin her to the railing.

Before she could ask anything, he kissed her greedily, not letting her breathe. Jun was sure, that if he wouldn't hold her, her legs would not obey her.

The kisses were intense, deep. She parted her lips, and he didn't wait, sticking his tongue into it, playing with hers.
She groaned softly, immediately ashamed of the sound that came out of her mouth.
Unable to hold back any longer, he took her in his arms and entered the cabin, closing the patio door with a kick behind them.
She expected him to lay her gently on the sofa and have a make out session again, but he had completely different plans.

He carried her into the bedroom and tossed her on the bed. She gasped surprised. She didn't have time to think, however, because he immediately hovered over her, kissing her greedily once again.

"Namjoon ..." she finally muttered.

"Shhh ... now be a good girl and listen to me"

Part 2 coming soon.

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