Chapter 20 - Project I || Kim Namjoon || Part 02

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Chaos reigned in Jun's head. All feelings mixed up. Excitement, fear, stress, happiness. Endorphin, dopamine played with her like with a doll.

And as much, as she wanted to consider what was happening at the moment, she had no chance to do so.

All her thoughts flitted one after another, under the influence of the touch of the man above her. His scent made her focus no longer on anything, his hands shamelessly wandering over her body. Each attempt at her verbal protest ended with another passionate kiss. She finally relaxed. It's not that she didn't want it, quite the contrary... But when she had him this close, she suddenly felt some kind of fear.

She tilted her head back, giving him access to the neck he was trying so hard to get to. He chuckled, pleased that Jun didn't protest anymore.
He was carefully leaving open kisses on her, looking for the most vulnerable spot, and when her soft moan reached his ears, he knew he had just hit upon it.
His tongue gently made a circle in the crook of her neck, and Jun arched her back under the influence of a sudden sensation, keeping her body even more close to Namjoon.

Pleasant sensations clouded her mind. Now all she could think of was Namjoon's mouth on her body. Once again, as if he were reading her mind, he pressed his lips against hers, leaving her breathless again.
His hands efficiently coped with the dress she was wearing and in an instant the clothes landed on the floor. The sudden chill, that enveloped Jun's body made her tremble.

"Don't worry," he murmured in her ear, "you're about to get hot."

He didn't make empty promises. His touch grew harsher, rougher, his hands trailing all over her naked body, causing even more chills.

"Namjoon ..." she murmured between kisses.

"Mhm?" his glittering eyes fixed on her. That one magical moment was worth more than a thousand words.

"Yes, baby?" he asked, placing his hand on her cheek. He tried to calm his breathing and focus on what she wanted to tell him, but the need he felt was much stronger.

"I don't want to regret it. I don't want another day to turn us ... into memories. I don't want to lose what w..." but he interrupted her in middle.

"Jun. Are you afraid it's only a single moment?" his eyes widened in shock.
"Do you think...that you and me, that it's all, that it's just fun? I ... never ... have had nobody before. I've never approached anyone." . Now she was no longer able to control her emotions, joy mixed with fear, and this mixture plus being aroused was like a drug. She dug her nails into his arms, and he bit his lip as the pain mixed with pleasure.

"Is this how you want to play Miss Jun?" he asked teasingly, and without waiting for an answer, he threw off his clothes.
Jun gasped at the sight, and even his smirk didn't break her hungry gaze.
Namjoon spread her legs in one smooth movement and, without any foreplay, he pushed his two digits into her. Jun squeezed her eyes shut with all her power. She was in little pain, a little embarrassment, but as soon as he started moving his fingers at unimaginable speed, she relaxed very quickly. The cabin filled with her sinful moans, that only tickled his ego.
He leaned over to her, still thrusting into her with his fingers.

"You think you can be a good girl today and obey orders?" his harsh voice excited her even more. In response, she mumbled some unrecognizable words, pulling him closer to her with all her strength.

"I can be anything you want tonight, Joon." she finally found the courage to tell him this straight to his face.

"What do you expect?" she added teasingly.

"I want you. Nothing less and nothing more. I only want you. Be mine." His gentle gaze glided over her beautiful body. What he felt now was not just pure lust, it was so much more. He felt as if he had found his home, as if in that moment when she smiled at him, he had found everything he wanted. Her touch soothed absolutely everything.
With her, he was forgetting who he was and he was becoming what he always wanted to be. He wanted so badly to call these feelings aloud, but the few moments they spent together were not enough to juggle such big confessions. He still had to wait. But he wanted to tell her, that he will not let her escape, not now, when he found his missing puzzle. Now he wanted to create a whole one piece with her.

And that's what he did. Kissing her hungrily, with one strong movement, he pushed his full lenght into her, making her toss her head back, her lips parting, her body arcing with sudden pleasure. Jun dug her nails into his back, moaning softly.

Namjoon gave her a moment to adjust to this new situation, and to the size.
The gentle movement of her hips made him understand, that she was more than ready for his next move.
So he slowly began to push in and out, trying to harmonize with her.
Even though everything looked like it is made in a hurry, there was something beautiful about the act. Their sex was gentle and enjoyable.

Jun couldn't get enough of his touch, her hands impatiently wandered over his bare chest, over his shoulders, back, neck, finally she slipped her fingers into his hair.

"I love ..." flew out of her mouth, and he held his breath for a moment, waiting for her to finish. "... when you're close," she finished, and he chuckled.

"Just this? That's all?" he smiled again, thrusting into her, until she bit her lip. She nodded in agreement.

Another thrust, she rolled her eyes inside out. "Joon ..." she moaned clenching her fist on the sheet.
His lips roamed her collarbone, her breasts, returned to her neck like a hungry wolf tasting her piece by piece.

"Are you sure?" he asked, speeding up his thrusts as her heart went wild. She couldn't concentrate on anything anymore.

"What ... do you want ... to ... to hear Namjoon?" she gasped, feeling her orgasm approaching inevitably, she bit her lip with all her strength, but still a loud moan escaped her mouth. She tugged his hair in her ecstasy, but he wasn't going to slow down.

His thrusts became more and more intense, single drops of sweat were starting to appear on his forehead. He himself felt, that he won't last longer, but now, more than his own bodily satisfaction, he wanted to bring her to the edge, to make her say what was in her heart.

"Jun?" another hard thrust, he found her tender point, she screamed, caught in surprise as another wave of pleasure swept over her body. "Jun ..." he muttered into her ear and the sound, that came out of him mixed with his own groan. "Jun, do you love me?"

Her eyes widened immediately in shock, but she was unable to speak anymore as she began to climax with him at the same time.

"Fuck, Namjoon, oh my god, fuck, I do... you made me...oh god, I do love you. I fucking do, I love you..." She wailed unaware of the words that fell out of her mouth when she was most sensitive.

"I found you. And I am not fucking letting you go." he said seriously as he watched her squirm under him in overstimulation. He knew, that she was not fully aware of the words she had just addressed to him in the most intimate moment they had together.

But they were both unaware of something else either.


This morning was one of the most beautiful mornings Namjoon has experienced.

The sweet smell of food woke him. Even before he opened his eyes, he was grinning broadly. Memories of the passionate night came back one by one. He could still smell her perfume on the pillow, so he sat on the bed, hugging that pillow like a little boy.

Jun glanced at him from the kitchen and, enchanted by the sight of this naturally happy little boy, took another photo for her reportage.

He looked so cute, that she couldn't resist and she climbed on him so they both landed on the sheets again.

"Good morning, tiger," she muttered in his ear, and he gave her the most beautiful dimpled smile he could make.

"Good morning princess. Why did you get up so early?" In a sleepy voice, he murmured to her as he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her towards him. He hid his face in her hair, inhaling the scent of the woman who had made his head so spinning.

"Have you forgotten that we have plans for today? Where is this super active Namjoon who is always so eager to spend time outside? Are you going to stay in bed all day? I made you pancakes." Finally he gathered himself up and walked to the shower.

"You're acting like a hella angry wife," he laughed before he disappeared in bathroom, and Jun's cheeks turned scarlet.

Before going hiking, they had a quick coffee near their next attraction.
There they talked for a good half an hour, and Jun once again took a photo for the collection and surreptitiously watched him trying to draw a picture of his personality in her head.

"Joonie? What's it like to be a leader? Have you ever had enough of this duty?" she asked suddenly, gaining all his attention immediately.

"I never had enough, but many times I was tired or just confused. When I didn't know what to do or say in a given situation. Sometimes I didn't know how to scold the band members because they are my friends, but I knew I had to keep everything in order, so I had to be strict with all of them ... and sometimes I just felt overwhelmed by it all. "

Jun listened carefully to him. Until now, he had seemed strict, firm, and composed - this is what she knew from interviews and episodes of the show in which they performed. But the longer she got to know him, the more she realized that he was really very sensitive, that he often felt lost, that he was tired and irritated just like everyone else. This crystal bubble of perfection broke and showed the image of someone who is flesh and blood like all of us. In fact, Jun realized that it was this Namjoon she had feelings for.
And at that moment a memory, that she completely pushed out of her mind, came back.

Oh God. Did I tell him yesterday that I love him?

She jumped up as if something had bitten her. She grabbed his hand and dragged him along in a hurry.

"Jun! Why are you suddenly in such a hurry?" surprised he could barely follow her.

"We have a lot of plans, but little time," she murmured first thing, she had in mind, just to not think about what happened yesterday.

There was a long climb ahead of them, but apparently the views are good enough, to make up for it. She sighed looking up... She was tired after an intoxicating night, but she could do for him literally everything.

Seeing him so happy, she forgot immediately about fatigue.
Hand in hand, they walked meter by meter, slowly approaching the top of the mountain. She finally understood what he meant by resting in this way.
The mind was actually clearing as she struggled to climb, surrounded by beautiful views.
The air here was much cleaner, crisp. Away from people, just the two of them enjoyed the wonderful morning and the unfolding autumn.

Jun was happy. For the first time ever truly happy.
She didn't know what tomorrow would bring, but today she was grateful for these moments together.
She took more photos of their trip and slowly they started to head back to the cabin.

After descending the mountain, they were both exhausted. They had another thing planned - the art gallery, but Namjoon shook his head for definite no.

"No way. That's enough for me today. We can go to the gallery at any time. I think there were enough attractions for today. We spent a good few hours on this trek. I am hungry as a wolf." There was no end to his complaints.

Finally, he lay down exhausted on the bench and rested, enjoying the last rays of the sun.

"You are like a child" Jun laughed as she took another photo. "The sweetest I've ever seen," she added quietly so that he wouldn't hear.

After returning to the cottage, she tried to persuade him to go to the art gallery, despite everything she wanted to complete all the points that Jungkook mentioned in the outline.
But all Namjoon agreed to, were a few additional posed photos for the reportage.
She reluctantly agreed. She didn't like unfinished, messed up cases, but she couldn't tell him what the purpose of this whole trip was, and why she was pushing so much, despite her exhaustion, to go to the gallery as well.

Seeing that nothing could help, she finally agreed to his idea.
The photos for the reportage came out great.
She admired him, with a slightly bitten lip, as he posed like a model. Her eyes travelled over his features, well-built body, she admired his beautiful smile and sparkling eyes.
Jun very quickly realized, that he turned out to be someone much better than her fantasy created by watching him on stage and on TV.

The day was almost over, and so was their stay together.
Neither of them said it aloud, but they didn't want to part yet, not knowing what the next days would bring and when they would be able to meet again.

The driver pulled up punctually and they both got into the car in absolute silence. The atmosphere was tense. They left this beautiful cottage behind them. Cottage, in which many important words were uttered, in which they both whispered about feelings, but neither of them ever truly confessed to each other. They didn't label themselves. They were just going back together and yet separately, exchanging only shy glances, as if they have lost all the progress they have made in those two days being so close.

As they pulled up to the apartment, Namjoon finally looked at Jun. He timidly took her hand in his.
"Will you let me invite you to dinner?" he asked hesitantly melting her heart with his deep gaze.

She smiled at him, gently squeezing his hand.
"Do you want me to be your official date?" she provoked him playfully.

Then he decided not to beat around the bush anymore.
"I want you to be so much more. I want you to be only mine."


|| Your POV ||

@not.jungkook.97✔️ sent you a message on Instagram

Your stranger wrote to you again. At last. You didn't know why, but you still felt drawn to him. You  shouldn't though. After all, you've had the chance to meet the real Jungkook and you will have the opportunity to meet him again while working on the project. You knew perfectly well, that you should focus all your attention on him, after all, you drooled over him every evening, when your thoughts, despite all the strength you put in not to make it happen, fled only to him.

But Jae was your stepping stone to normality, to keeping the balance between the fantasy and dream zone, and normality and reality. So after all, you decided to give this ordinary boy a chance, the boy who impressed you by the fact that he dared to take this unequal fight and compete with the perfect, in your eyes, Jungkook.

You started writing your answer.

Yes, I will. This week I don't have too many responsibi...

And then the BigHit email came in.
Another outline. Marked URGENT.
You sighed loudly and read the message.

Dear Mrs. YeRim, Jun

Please find attached another outline. It's about Kim Seokjin.

The project requires a trip outside Seoul.If you do not agree with any point, please give me a feedback.

Kind regards,

And so once again your plans failed.

You had to delete what you wanted to write to him and change it to something you would prefer not to write to him.

You felt lousy. You didn't want to treat him that way. Especially since he mentioned once, that after Jungkook wrote to you, he surely lost all chances.
You didn't want to look like that - a girl for whom only this famous, perfect idol counts.
Everything put you right now exactly in that light.

A bit annoyed, you sent a message to Jungkook.

An answer came really quickly.

"A private matter".

"Unfortunately, time is running out for us. I would prefer everything to go according to plan."

"Since when he became so orderly?" You muttered dissatisfied, and just in same time, Jun appeared at the threshold.
Her radiant smile told you everything.

"You're done, aren't you?" you laughed, hugging her tightly.

|| Jungkook's POV ||

He gasped dissatisfied as he read your messages.
He expected, that you will try to complete all the projects as soon as possible to finally meet with him. But now... you even wanted to delay them.
He didn't like it. He tapped his fingers nervously on the phone, waiting for you to write back.
But you didn't write anything else.

"She can't even tell me if she will finish this project on time or if she has to delay it for real. Fuck... she had to leave me on seen?"

You drove him crazy.

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