Chapter 2

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Episode 2: Akuma vs Shang Tsung

Akuma and Street Fighter belongs to Capcom.

Shang Tsung and Mortal Kombat belongs to NetherRealm Studios.

GameFly and Music belongs to their respective owners.


(When Luke clicked the next episode, there was another advertisement named GameFly is showing. After that was over, the Death Battle logo appears and onto the second episode, as the squaddies are wondering what type of fighters are appearing this time.)

(*Cues: Invader - Jim Johnston*)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Wiz: Street Fighter. Mortal Kombat. Kings of the fighting genre. And every good fighter needs awesome villians.

Boomstick: Like Akuma, the ultimate badass of martial arts.

Wiz: And Shang Tsung, the sorcerous vanguard of doom.

Luke: [form a serious look at the two fighters who were be fighting on this episode] "Hmm..."

Steven: [looks at Luke, worriedly] "What's wrong, Luke?"

Luke: "Something tells me that these two fighters are gonna be bad news when they explain their backstory and details."

Kim: [nods] "Yeah, I'm feeling like they're going to be a problem when they explain them to us before the real match begins."

Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find who would win... a Death Battle.


(*Cues: Street Fighter IV - Old Temple*)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Wiz: Akuma, master of The Fist. Known as Gouki in Japan, he is a living weapon, ten times stronger than nearly every other Street Fighter.

Boomstick: Plus, he looks friggin' awesome, I totally want me some red, glowing eyes.

(Despite looking interesting and badass, Akuma is very intimidating to the Toon Squad due to his appearance alomg being mentioned he's a villain for this episode alongside his opponent. They're going to see what Akuma can do as his symbol glowing on his back is definitely terrifying for them.)

Wiz: Akuma has dozens of powerful special attacks, including the Gou Hadoken, a powerful blast with precision control. He can even use the almighty Shinku-Hadoken, which is, basically, a giant fireball of death.

(The squaddies were interested at this kind of energy attack.)

Danny: "That's a very interesting attack. It takes a lot of concentration and practice to do that. Too bad, I can't do it since I only have ice powers."

Jake: "Well, I think I can do. After all, I'm half human, half dragon, remember?"

Aang: "Me too, since I can do Fire Bending thanks to Zuko's help teaching me how to bend fire."

Ben: "After this episode's finish, I'm going to transform into Heatblast and practice how to use that move right away."

Boomstick: Man, if I ever fire a Hadoken in real life, I'mma die happy.

Wiz: Akuma also uses the Shoryuken uppercut, a teleport ability, a swift multi-striking hurricane kick, and the Hyakkishu, A.K.A the Demon Flip.

(Juniper whistled at the list of moves, even Akuma can teleport which is pretty good for him to use to trick his opponents, but she'll stick to dodging attacks like the old fashion way. She also witnessed Akuma's techniques such as the Hurricane Kick and the Shoryuken and wanted to learn them. Even Kim, Luke and Robin wants to learn them too.)

(*Cues: Hideyuki Fukasawa - Volcanic Rim [Orchestral]*)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Boomstick: Also, Akuma's got tons of different Super Arts, but two really stand out. First there's the Kongo...Kokuretsu Za... how do you say that?

Wiz: No idea.

Robin: "Either Wiz is lazy or doesn't want to explain it."

Kitty: "Ditto."

Boomstick: Well, I'm pretty sure that's Japanese for "Fuck You Up!" 'Cause basically, Akuma punches the ground and things explode. (Akuma slams his fist to the ground which creates a powerful shockwave that sends his opponent flying) He shattered a whole friggin' island just by punching it. Holy shit!

(Some of the squaddies have their jaws dropped at that.)

Steven: "There's no way anyone can do that!"

Ben: [scoffs] "Whatever. Are you all forgetting I can punch something really hard with Four Arms? I can punch an mountain with one punch."

Luke: "Yeah, but did you punch an island like Akuma has?"

Ben: "Well... I... Uh... S-shut up, Luke!"

Luke: [smirks] "Uh-huh, that's what I thought."

Wiz: But that's not the deadliest move up his nonexistent sleeve.

Akuma uses his deadliest move against Dan Hibiki and his health depletes afterwards.

(The squaddies was awed by that performance.)

Ben: "That. Was. So. Awesome!"

Wiz: The Shun Goku Satsu, also known as the Raging Demon, literally means "Instant Hell Murder."

Boomstick: Man, I'm going to totally name my first kid that. The Raging Demon at full power is fatal, this guy's a frickin' onslaught of pain!

Wiz: That's right, Boomstick. Akuma lives for one thing, and one thing only: fighting. He travels the world day and night searching for worthy opponents. He's an unstoppable human Holocaust, losing only once to his brother Gouken, but after a brutal rematch...

(Most cringed at the image of Gouken laying against the wall with his blood splattered all over it and Akuma's symbol is painted on the wall above him. Aang, Ben and Steven are shocked at the sight, some bowed their heads, and Star looked at the image in horror of Akuma killing his own brother without mercy.)

Boomstick: Oh hey, look. He can fingerpaint!

Luke: "Shut up, Boomstick!"

Wiz: It was rumored that Akuma sacrificed his soul to a demon in exchange for the strength to defeat Gouken, but this has been declared non-canon.

Robin: [relieved] "Whew, thank god for that."

Danny: "Yeah, we don't want another Akuma here that's for sure. I may fight tough ghosts, but this guy definitely going to kick my ass if I encounter him."

Ben: "Suit yourself, I can take this guy out no problem. I fought tougher aliens during my career and this guy doesn't compare to them. I'll take him down in no time."

Luke: [sighs lightly] "You're either brave... Or just stupid, Ben!"

Boomstick: Akuma's got one major problem, though. His stamina is absolutely pathetic. He can dish out the pain, but he sure can't take it.

Wiz: It's crucial for Akuma to have total control over the fight. He takes an extremely offensive approach, always moving, always attacking.

Jenny: "So he's more of a dangerous glass cannon from the way he fights."

Jake: "That sounds about right."

Boomstick: Yeah, screw defense! Give me more ways to hurt people!

Akuma: I am Akuma, and I will teach you the meaning of pain!

(After that, the squaddies has some mixed feelings on Akuma. Aang and Jake seemed okay with him, Jenny, Kitty and Steven disliked him for killing his brother, Ben, Danny and Star shake their heads at him ignoring defense, and Juniper, Kim, Luke and Robin are impressed with his moves.)

Shang Tsung

(*Cues: Mortal Kombat: Trilogy - The Soul Chamber*)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Wiz: Shang Tsung is the cunning sorcerer from Outworld, and scheming pawn of Shao Kahn. He's extremely adapt in magic and a well-rounded fighter.

Danny: "Make sense since he's not a ruling type. But that doesn't explain why he's young that fast."

Boomstick: This guy can shoot flaming skulls, which is totally awesome, but where the heck does he keep them? I mean seriously, how many skulls can a person carry around with them?

(The squaddies were hoping their not human skulls or maybe part of his sorcery.)

Ben: "Creepy yet cool, at the same time."

Wiz: Tsung can teleport around the battlefield with the special move called "Hot Escape."

Boomstick: Wah! Sucker punch, bitch!

(This got some laughs from some of the squaddies.)

Wiz: He can morph into whomever he wants, giving him tons of different skill sets. It's like fighting a hundred different foes combined into one.

Luke: "So it's like shape-shifting?"

Danny: "Yeah, and it'll be a clever or dirty way to finish his opponent off when stealing their moves for themselves."

Robin: "You actually fought a shapeshifter before, haven't you?"

Danny: "Yeah, I have. But I'll tell you later."

Boomstick: Man, I wish I could morph into anybody I wanted. I can have some fun with that!

Kitty: [glares at Boomstick] "Let's hope it's not that kind of "fun" he's talking about."

Boomstick: He also has a razor sharp Straight Sword, though he usually keeps it hidden for a surprise attack.

Kim: "Sounds simple."

Wiz: Shang Tsung possesses one other strange, but useful ability. Long ago, when he was caught cheating in the Mortal Kombat tournament, he was cursed, by the Elder Gods, to rapidly age until an untimely death.

Luke: "So that explains why he is so old, because he was caught cheating at the tournament."

Jake: "That sucks, and I'm pretty interested about this Mortal Kombat tournament that they're talking about."

Steven: "Hopefully, we'll get to learn it soon."

Wiz: The only way to prevent this fate is to absorb the souls of his victims.

Squaddies: [in disbelief] "WHAT!?!"

Boomstick: He can literally eat your soul. Your soul! Not only can this heal him, but he gets the memories of the souls he devoured.

Wiz: This helps him copy the movesets of other fighters when he morphs.

(Everyone was completely shocked at that.)

Ben: "This guy is an absolute monster..."

Danny: "More so than Akuma he's about to fight with after this is over."

Luke: "So that could explain why he can use Shapeshifting. He eats the souls of others and gain powers he doesn't deserve. That's so unfair!"

Boomstick: So really, his curse became his deadliest weapon. Good punishment there, gods.

Wiz: Shang Tsung has lived and fought for over a thousand years. His sorcery, powers, and brutal Fatalities are rivaled by few, and he's claimed the title of grand champion of Mortal Kombat several times, almost bringing about the winning streak necessary to allow Shao Kahn to invade Earthrealm, key word being "almost".

Boomstick: Yeah, unfortunately for Shang Tsung, he pretty much sucks at actually accomplishing his goals. He's super powerful, but like most villains, he can never get around some goody-two-shoes getting in the way of global take-over.

Kitty: "Yeah, like us trying to stop our enemies from taking over the world."

Wiz: His only notable victories have included treachery and deceit. But, keep in mind, Tsung's not fighting any ordinary meat-heads. He's fighting demons, sorcerers, and gods, and even in defeat, he somehow keeps coming back more lethal than ever.

Shang Tsung: [pointing his finger at his opponent] You... will... DIE!

Wiz: Alright the combatants are set, but before we end this debate, I need cash to buy more rats for genetic testing.

Boomstick and Toon Squad: What?

Wiz: From Gamefly.

(During the advertisement, the squaddies were having trouble on who would win in this match. Shang Tsung is very cunning and can use his skills in fighting and magic to outsmart Akuma. On the other hand, Akuma is fast and deadly and he can take down Shang Tsung before he run ours of stamina.)

(In the end, they decided not to vote and watch the whole thing to find out who will come out on top instead.)

Boomstick: It's time for a Death Battle!


(*Cues: The Tower (Classic) - Street Fighter IV*)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Death Battle starts with Akuma walking on the Tower stage when Shang Tsung suddenly appears behind him from his Hot Escape technique. Akuma jumps away to the other side of the battlefield, and prepares to fight.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(*Cues: TGS '08 PV BGM - Street Fighter IV*)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Tsung shoots a Flaming Skull, which Akuma dodges by jumping over. He shoots two Gou Hadokens in the air, and Tsung blocks them. Akuma attacks Tsung's feet, and knocks him even more off balance by hitting him with a hurricane kick. and knocks him in the air with a Shoryuken uppercut. While in the Air, Akuma hits him a few times and finishes the combo with a Shinku-Hadoken.

Jake: "Looks like Akuma is taking the lead here."

Tsung lays on the ground and Akuma tries to finish him off, but Tsung transforms into Scorpion. Akuma stops and decides to see if this form is powerful enough to fight against, allowing him to get back up.

Shang Tsung (As Scorpion): COME HERE!

Shang Tsung throws the kunai spear at Akuma and drags Akuma over towards him. He uppercuts Akuma, cueing the "Toasty Guy", Dan Forden, to appear in the right corner of the screen.

Dan Forden: TOASTY!

(The squaddies were dumbfounded by that odd moment. But they just ignored that and continued to watch the fight.)

Re-morphing back to normal, Shang Tsung keeps him in the air by hitting him with flaming skulls that burst out of the ground. Akuma falls behind him and throws him to right. He them teleports behinds him and kicks him, which Tsung blocks. He fires a Hadoken, but Tsung uses Hot Escape to get away, then reappears and slashes Akuma with his sword. He then grabs Akuma and tries to steal his soul, which heals some of his health and drains some of Akuma's. Akuma breaks out of it by hitting him with a Hurricane Kick. Tsung runs toward him, but Akuma catches him off guard using the Kongo Kokuretsu Zan, which knocks him in the air. He then teleports over, hits him a few times, and then throws him. Tsung then lands on his feet and transforms into Akuma.

Aang: "Holy cow, this is getting intense!"

Star: "It makes my head hurt when seeing two of the same person we're seeing."

(*Cues: Theme of Gouken vs Ryu - Street Fighter IV*)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(The music changing causes the squaddies to tense up with a bit of excitement on who is gonna win. Akuma or Shang Tsung? Only one way to find out.)

The two Akuma's then jump in the air and they attack, blocking each others' moves. One of the Akuma knocks the other into the ground. and then tries to finish him off using the Kongou Kokoretsuzan. However, the other Akuma grabs him and finishes him off with a Shun Goku Satsu. As one of the Akuma's stands with his back to the screen with the iconic heaven kanji confirming the kill, it is then shown that the Akuma lying dead on the ground is Shang Tsung, who shortly turns back into his original form, releasing his souls.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


(*Cues: Street Fighter IV - Volcanic Rim [Opening Version]*)

(The squaddies were cheering and hollering at the fight they've seen so far. Ben was excited as well at this. Now, onto the results.)

Boomstick: Oh man, that was way too close!

Wiz: No kidding, Boomstick! Akuma's raw power and speed pressed a distinct advantage early on, but Tsung's own cleverness and wide array of skills quickly even the odds.

Boomstick: It looked like Akuma had the whole thing wrapped up, but Tsung's morphing trick saved his ass.

Wiz: Akuma's pride for battle almost cost his life, as he stopped to see if his new face was worth a challenge.

Steven: "No kidding, he sure was lucky."

Boomstick: After switching up strategies, Tsung managed to steal enough of Akuma's soul for some extra health and new abilities.

Wiz: But, it wasn't enough. In the end, Akuma's skills as a fighter proved unmatched.

Boomstick: I mean, Tsung loses to Liu Kang all the time, and compared to Akuma, Liu Kang's the nicest guy in the world. There was no way he could take Akuma's constant punishment.

Wiz: As Tsung isn't used to winning anything on his own, he wasn't perfect on delivering the final blow, leaving him wide open for the experienced Akuma to unleash his greatest weapon.

Luke: "Yeah, and that move he pulled took longer than the one the real Akuma used."

Boomstick: The Raging Demon of Instant-Hell-Murder-Awesomeness!

Ben, Danny, Jake and Robin: "Yeah, awesomeness!"

Wiz: And so Shang Tsung fell once again releasing his devoured souls, again.

Boomstick: Looks like Tsung's all souled out! Ha ha, get it, Wiz?

(Some were laughing at the pun, while others were chuckling at that too.)

Wiz: The winner is Akuma.

(That was another fight our squaddies enjoyed. But there's another matchup coming up.)

Boomstick: Next time on Death Battle.

There was another female combatant wearing a skin tight suit with red and blue with stats on it, metal bracers and a gold tiara. Her beautiful long black hair and stern face was truly stunning with those soul piercing blue eyes. Then, a unknown feminine voice was heard shortly after.

Unknown voice: Goodnight, Sugar.

(The boys, especially Luke, were blushing at the next combatants who will be facing in the next episode, and Kim, Juniper, Jenny, Kitty and Star couldn't help but feel really jealous when they saw Luke was blushing at the two female combatants instead of them.)

(Eventually, Ben grabbed the remote and instantly clicked the next episode.)

End of chapter.

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