Not Bullied, but Beautiful

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She was in high school,

A straight-A student;

The scars won't go away.

She was thrown in a trash can.

The culprits were boys down the block.

Ways to ease the trauma:

to empower kids and

nurture a more congenial environment.

Not just the targeted kids who suffer,

simply witness bullying,

more likely to skip school or abuse alchohol.

Children who are bullied:

more likely to contemplate suicide

and skip school.

It stays with you.

If you don't feel safe as a

child, you can't learn.

Bullying isn't, of course just physical violence.

Bullying and teenage cruelty

are human rights abuses.

I have a voice in the universe,

I can make a difference

and mobilize young people to change the world.

I want to make that clear.


So, this is an undated poem, but it was for an assignment in middle school. So with that, there is undoubtedly mistakes and such, but the message is still there.

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