Day 5: Blue Moon Fiasco

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It was night and we were eating "dinner" which was basically dirt soup. Cameron, Zoey, Duncan and I were all eating outside. Duncan then started to choke as I dropped my bowl and proceeded to do the heimlich maneuver on him which caused him to spit up what looked like a toenail.

"This slop is like dirt gravy," Cameron said as I blushed from the look I got from Duncan who pecks a kiss on my cheek. I returned to my side of the porch. "Which, technically, would be mud but-whoa! Oof!" Cameron fell into his bowl of dirt soup as Mike pops up next to me with a gasp as I looked at him confused with a light blush from his sudden appearance.

"Wow, Cam, you okay?" Mike asked walking over to Cameron and helping him up. "Here you go buddy." He said putting Cam's glasses on him only for them to break in half.

"Oh boy..." Cam said as I look over to Zoey who gasped. I tilted my head and raised a brow as the others focused on Cam and his glasses situation.

"Zoey? Can you see me? Am I here?" Sierra asked exiting the girls side.

"I can see you and yes you're here." I say looking at her as Zoey didn't pay her any mind.

"Oh, good, I thought I was invisible. Thanks, Kaylub." I nod as she walks back into the cabin.

"Evening, campers! Gather 'round the starting line for a big announcement!" The starting line happened to be by the cabins so it wasn't that far of a walk.

We all wait there as Alejandro was still doing the "walking on your hands due to legs being numb" thing and the copter came dropping Scott as he ended up landing on the ground... hard. "Oh my gosh! Are you okay?" Courtney asked sounding extremely concerned. Scott then popped up as if nothing happened brushing dust of himself. I walk towards him.

"Hah. Why wouldn't I be? That was nothing." I then proceeded to bend Scott's joints making them pop and crack to help him.

"Well, good, because we have a challenge to win. Get it to together." Courtney said glaring more at me then at Scott as I just shrunk away from Scott who was relaxed for a second.

"Yes, ma'am!" He said saluting Courtney showing his interest of her.

/"I don't know what Scott is playing at but during my year break I learned to study people's eyes as they're windows to the soul and it seemed that he's up to something messing with Courtney... but why?"\

"Good news, you guys! As a special treat, it's time for an extremely dangerous nighttime challenge!" Chris said with excitement as I giggled softly at his joy.

"How is this "good news"?"Gwen asked.

"Entertainment value, Hello! This one is gonna be ratings gold! In a nod to season four's "buried treasure" fiasco, your challenge is to race to the far end of the island. First team to get every member across the finish line wins, and someone from the losing team will be taking the big flush."

"Sounds easy enough," Duncan said as I nodded getting a shiver. Wait, why did my danger sense just go off?

"It does, doesn't it? But tonight's full moon is an extremely rare blue harvest moon, and let's just say it has an unusual effect on the island's animals." He laughed sinisterly. "Villainous Vultures, you won the last challenge, so you get this map with the fastest route across the Island. Heroic Chump-sters, you get to wear nifty bacon hats and sausage tails, which should add to the fun when you come face to fang with the Island's friendly creatures. And by "friendly" I mean "hungry"." Chef applies our new additions as Chris chuckles. I adjust the hat and tail till they fit comfortably as I feel eyes on me and see Sierra with her fan-girl smile on again.

"If the villains have a map of the quickest route..." Mike whispered to Cameron and me.

"We should follow them! Great Idea, Mike!" Cam said as I nod with a smile and light blush. Zoey then whispered something into Cams ear. "He did what?!" Cam said looking up at Mike as I looked between the three confused.

"On your mark... get set!" Chris said as he blew the air horn sending us off. My team stayed behind the Vultures a bit.

"Mike, why'd you break my glasses?" I hear Cameron say as I was running slightly in front of them.

"What? I didn't! Who told you that?" Mike said as I looked back at them.

"Zoey made me promise not to say she saw you do it... oops! Sorry, Zoey!" I couldn't help but to shake my head as I continued to watch them interact. I could tell Zoey and Cameron were feeling guilty.

"Seriously? Aw, man! I don't know what's been up with me lately. I haven't been able to summon my other personalities for days. And now I think I might me sleepwalking and breaking things and... I'm so sorry Cam," Mike said.

"It's okay, Mike. I forgive you. And I promise I'll help you figure it out, whatever it is," Cam said as I turned back around only to hear a thump.

"I'll also help." I say softly more to no one then to Mike.

"Thanks." I blush hearing him close to me despite the fact that I thought I had a wide lead.

"You guys, look!" We all stop at hearing Cody's voice. We look at him before looking towards the moon which turned blue and admitted blue light.

"What in the world...?" Zoey said as a wave hit me and suddenly I felt short of breath.

"Blue moonlight? Extraordinary!" Cam said as I heard Mike gasp next to me causing me to turn to him to see one of his eyes covered by a bang that came from his usual spike of hair.

"A blue harvest moon... how fortuitous." He said in a deeper, more darker tone then usual that has me whimpering a bit. His eyes land on me as I feel my breath hitch as I look away.

"What was that, Mike?" Zoey asked as he coughed a bit.

"Just, you know, sweet moon!" He said putting his hand on her shoulder pointing to the moon. Zoey smiled at him sweetly before walking on. We all follow her lead as I trail behind a bit keeping a lookout.

/"If I had an actual tail... I'm pretty sure it would be between my legs. I think the moon might have had an effect on me. Cuz now I'm scared." I say curling up on myself.\

"Back off! Stay away from Kaylub's Codykins!" I hear Sierra say as I cower in fear as three bird attack her as Cam runs towards where Mike was as I was nearby. Zoey is being chased by a duck and Duncan dodges a bird leaving the group.

"Come on, now's your chance to get away from Sierra!" Mike said to Cody as I walked over to them still shaking a bit.

"Won't that hurt her feelings?" Cam asked as I nodded.

"She'll be fine. She's got Zoey! Anyway," he then looks towards me as well, "we should make sure there's no danger waiting up ahead." He said.

"Only if you're sure," I said as he smiled making me shiver.

"Hold onto this stick, that way we won't get seperated, and Kaylub, Cody, just stick close to us." I nod as Cam takes hold of the stick and we set off.

"You've had trouble accessing your other personalities ever since the beach challenge, right?" Cameron brought up after we've been running for a while. "That's when Scott hit you in the head with the shovel-maybe that's the cause!"

"Wow, Cam, you may just have a point." Mike said as he stopped, releasing the stick, and Cam kept running only for him to trip and go spinning down the hill taking Cody with him.

"Cameron!" I was about to chase after him when my wrist was suddenly grabbed forcing me to be pulled back. "Mike, we have to help-ow!" I yelped as I was harshly cut off by my back being pressed against a tree. I gasp looking into Mike's eye, since his bang had returned and try to move only to realize he has my hands pinned above my head. "M-Mike, what's... you're not Mike are you?" I said noticing the pissed look in his eyes whenever I said Mike. He then smiled making me shiver as I blushed taking in the situation and how close we are.

"Smart one aren't you? No, I'm not Mike. My name's Mal," he said that deep voice present as I shook under his gaze. He leaned closer as my blush deepened. I then hear footsteps as we both looked over.

"What the... what's going on?" Duncan asked as he came around a bend. Mal instantly let go of me and then coughed a bit fixing his hair to look like Mike.

"Nothing, we just got lost and were about to be back on our way to rejoin the others." Mal said impersonating Mike as I shivered in fear still stuck in place.

"Yeah, right. Come on Kaylub, let's go find the others. Hm, Yikes." Duncan was about to take my hand before Mike pulled out a bird and sicked the demonic thing onto Duncan who ran away.

"Tootles," Mal said returning to himself and then turning back to me. "Now where were we?" He asked as I blushed darker and shake like a leaf under his gaze. "Don't you worry, I won't hurt you," he said as he softened up, but he still held this look that made me fear him until I felt him gently caress my cheek making me lean into the soft touch closing my eyes only to snap them open when he chuckles, removing his hand, causing me to blush darker than before. He started to walk away only for him to stop and motion for me to follow. I regretfully do so.

We see the others as Mal, looking like Mike, walks up behind Zoey with a club like piece of wood and an evil smirk. It took all the courage in me to speak.

"Zoey, thank goodness we found you guys." I say causing Mal to toss the club over Zoey's head as she turned and Mal placed his around Zoey.

"Mike, Kaylub, where'd you two go?" Cam asked from within a carrier created from grass on Sierra's back with Cody by her side as I looked down unable to say anything.

"Sorry, Cam, a bear chased us away! But it's okay, we shook him," Mike said.

"But with the weird moon, wouldn't a bear be all sweet and cuddly?" Zoey asked as Mike looked at her with a deadpan face.

"Right, right, ha ha! Oh, I'm an idiot."

"I know how we can cross the pit!" Sierra said giggling madly as I shivered fearing the worst.

We then climb a tree and get on a vine. I was at the top above Sierra who insisted on being the one who swings.

"I don't know about this," Zoey said as I agreed with her.

"Trust me! Without my smartphone, my other senses have become heightened." That's not how that works. "Just hold on tight and try not to think about it!"

"Wait! What are we doing?!" Cameron asked. Sierra giggles.

"Something amazing!" She then leaps off the branch swinging us forward as everyone, but Sierra, who was howling like Tarzan, screamed. We then hit a tree and fall as I take hold of the ledge and the rope in separate hands. I pull myself up onto the ledge and start to pull for the rest of the team.

Once everyone was up, Duncan raced by us. "We still have a chance!" Sierra said as we all ran after Duncan who was missing his tail.

Then, as we approached the finish line with the villains already there, a wave of normal moonlight passes over Mike and me causing Mike to gasp and for me to stop out of breath. "How did I get here?" Mike asked.

"No time for that, come on." I say feeling like myself again as I take his hand and run towards the finish line as Gwen and Courtney pass us.

"And the villains win... again!" Chris said sounding disappointed as the villains cheer. We all groaned.

We then were at elimination as Duncan sat next to me confused as I blushed lightly when he looked my way.

"Okay, peeps, each of you is a loser in your own right, but the villains won the challenge, so they've earned another night of luxurious luxury at my spa hotel."

"I volunteer for exile on Boney Island." Scott said.

"Sure, I don't care." Chris said as the helicopter came in.

"What? No! Why?" Courtney said sounding quite sad.

"Sorry, babe. I gotta find that invincibility statue," Scott said. It's not there.

"Okay, people. Tonight, we-" Chris started before he was cut off by Cameron standing up.


"Now what?" Chris asked annoyed.

"I volunteer for the flush of shame." Cam said causing us all to be shocked.

"Cameron, why?" Mike asked.

"Sorry, Mike. I'd love to help with your, um, problem, but I just can't take anymore of, you know, this! Also Kaylub can help you when I'm gone." Cam brought up as Sierra was mumbling crazy talk. I blushed at the mention of my name.

"Well, isn't this a perfect way to introduce the surprise twist. Today's ejected hero is tomorrow's new villain!" We were all shocked.


"That's right, Instead of flushing Cameron, I'm sending him over to the villains side!" We all gasp as Sierra groaned. "Sorry, Sierra." I then hear a gasp from Mike and glance up to see Mal snickering before he fixes his hair to look like Mike.

"I'll find a way to help you, even from the villains side, I promise," Cam said as I just look away with a faint blush.

"Gee. Thanks, pal." Mike said before his hair fell back down and he smirked at Cam before taking a glance at me causing me to blush deeper.

We all head back to the cabins as I get in and curl into a ball on my bunk trying to get some sleep.

"Hey, Kaylub," I look across at Cody.


"Um... night." I hear him turn over. I blink before turning over myself and staring at the wall. Cody, did I do something wrong?

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