Day 6: Egg Hunt

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I wake up in the middle of the night hearing movement only to see Mal take something from Duncan's pillow. 

"M-Mal...w-what are you doing?" I ask as said male turns to me and places a finger to his lips shushing me. I shiver slightly before he smiles softly making me feel slightly better as I went back to sleep.

The next morning, I was outside and noticed Duncan standing off to the side. 

"Apple?" I ask holding out a green apple for him. He looked at me before smirking and taking the apple.

"Thanks, short-stack," He said as I blushed. I eat my own apple next to him as we talk.

"Get your butts to the dock, campers, it's challenge time!" Chris said as I smiled.

"Best to get going," I say as Duncan nods.

We're at the docks with the rest of the team and the other team. 

"Welcome all. Today's trip involves a trip to the fun zone!" He laughs as I shiver. He then blows a noisemaker as confetti rains over us and Sierra cheers.

"What's the catch? Is the fun zone just a building on fire?" Heather asked.


"Is it a pit full of intestines?" Duncan asked as I look at him as if he was nuts.

"Would that be fun? You've had it kinda rough lately, so I figured... okay, the lawyers figured you deserve a treat. But if you'd rather do something else...?" Chris said

"No!" We all said in unison.

"Fun zone it is!" He then walks to the edge of the dock where the boat of losers was arriving with Scott on board. "Ohh! Here's our ride."

"I'm back from exile," Scott said sounding exhausted and looking like a mess. He makes to get of the boat only to be pushed back on by Chris who was smiling.

"All aboard!" I got on and helped Scott up before sitting by Chris who kept smiling and glancing at me as I blushed.

"The fun zone is on Boney Island?" Duncan points out as we near the Island.

"Yep, it works better as a surprise that way." Chris said as we beach and then he leads us through the forest as I stuck with him in the front.

"Ugh! I'd forgotten what a dump this Island is!" Heather said.

"Come on now. Maybe someone will finally find the invincibility statue!" I look at him confused.

"I searched all night! There is no statue! Say it!" Scott says as I nod. Chris looks at me with a smirk.

"Yes, there is, but it's hidden in the fun zone! And whoever finds it gets to keep it." We cheer as we then stop in front of the metal door I saw from when I was on the Island. "Welcome to the outside of the fabulous fun zone! Patent pending. All right, let's move it, people. Keep a steady pace!" Chris said as he pressed a button and the door opened as we walked in.

We were surrounded by the mutant fauna of season four. Then the door slammed shut behind us. We turn around and look up at the screen as Chris appeared. 

"You are now in the fun zone. Aka the most dangerous place you've ever been! Your challenge is easy: Put eggs in a basket. Eggs found here, in the fun zone, belong to all the terrifying mutants from season four, who will try to smash your bodies and eat you."

"What is fun about that?" Mike asked as I already knew the answer.

"Um... it's fun to watch?" Chris said as I giggled softly.

"All we have to do is collect the eggs?" Alejandro asked still on his hands.

"You'll be fine. They're just wild, mutated beasts trying to protect their unborn babies. How bad can it get? First team with six eggs in their basket wins!"

"And if an egg hatches?" I ask.

"As long as you keep whatever hatches in your basket, it counts! And, as a special bonus, whoever collects the most eggs for the winning team gets a special reward! So? Excited? Huh?" I nod then hear Scott snore. I cover my ears as I see Chris pull out a megaphone. "Scott!" There was feedback as Scott screams awake and then falls. I bite my lip to hold back a giggle as Duncan laughs. I go over to Scott and help him up before stepping away without waiting for a response, but I feel a certain pair of blue eyes on me. "The red basket belongs to the Villains, the gold one for Kaylub and the rest of the do-gooders. I'd wish you all luck, but it's bad for ratings, so... I hope some of you get really hurt." He then blows an air horn as we rush off. "Begin!"

I run around then hear familiar snoring. I walk over and chuckle at Scott before gently shaking him only for him to freak and go defensive swinging everywhere. I step back a bit to not get hit then he calms down and turns to me. I blush softly and look away before leaving as I hear someone coming. I could hear Courtney talking to Scott, but I felt his eyes on me as I vanished into the brush.

I find myself observing Zoey and Mikes talk from a far enough distance that I don't hear anything before leaving with a slightly hurt expression. 

I notice Cody off by himself and then a mutant flying in for an attack as he had found an egg. Electricity popped in the air causing the mutant fly to buzz off.

"Hey, Cody," I say walking over to him with a smile and a light blush. I see him jump and turn to me.

"Kaylub, hey, um have you gotten any eggs?" I shake my head.

"Well, I got one so I should head back to the basket." Right before he left I grabbed his right arm and saw the ring was missing.

"Cody... did I do something wrong?" He stops as I looked at the ground releasing him as tears came to my eyes. "B-because if I did I want to be able to fix it." I feel him lift my head as I looked into teal eyes.

"You didn't do anything wrong. I just think you deserve someone better." I was about to retaliate.

"First egg goes to the Vultures!" Chris said. "You better get your butts in gear, Hamsters!" 

"Well, we got a challenge to win." He then rushes off. I sigh and pick up the pace looking around till I stubble upon Sierra and Duncan.

"Duncan! You wanna work together? And let me call you Cam?" Sierra asked as I shivered at that.

"No can do! I'm a lone wolf! That's how it is when you're evil. True evil has no friends," Duncan said as Sierra rolled her eyes and left. I notice something moving in the water then a ball of fire landed in front of Duncan making him jump back, hitting a tree, as the tentacle retreated.

"True evil also doesn't know how to stay on guard for enemies since they have no friends." I commented as I walked over to him with a smirk as he looked at me with amazement. I see an egg above him and step closer and catch it in between us. I then realize how close we are and blush. "T-time to go." I say as we head back to the basket placing the egg inside as Mike was covered in green goo.

"And the score is one all!" Chris said as we cheer. I look and see Alejandro watching us.

"I'll stay and guard the basket you three go and find more eggs." I say with a bit of confidence as the others nod. Duncan leaves a kiss on my cheek before going off.

"So, you decided to stay... why?" Alejandro asked as I just remain where I was.

"Because the others would be better at finding." I say. Also I could easily beat you. He just hms in response.

Sierra comes out of the woods with an egg over her head that's hatching. 

"That's two eggs for the Heroes." Then the egg opens and the two sided, pink, hairless rat, mutant growls at Sierra before leaping out of her arms and onto me going around my neck settling itself inside my hoodie. 

"Aww, it thinks Kaylub's its mommy! It's adorable!" I blush as she goes off and I look over to see Alejandro smirking which makes me blush worse. I take off my hoodie and wrap it around my waist as my hood was in front of me along with the sleeping mutant.

After a while, and a game of calm the mutant, Cameron, Gwen, and Heather return and place eggs in their basket. 

"And the villains are up four to two!" Chris said as I looked over at them.

"Phew! I need a break. I'll guard the basket for a while," Heather said.

"As you wish," Alejandro said before going by me with a wink. I blush and then focus on the Mutant in my arms that was currently screeching for attention. I wiggle my finger to keep it distracted like you would an actual baby... it works. I focus on the Villains conversation.

"Don't get to close-Alejandro has everyone else convinced to vote of Cameron next... which is tempting."

"Uh, I'm right here."

"But my vote is for Alejandro."

"And why should we trust you?"

"Do what you want, little man, it's your funeral!" Heather said as she walked past me with a smirk as I growled lowly as she walked away.

"Ugh! I thought you were going to watch the eggs?!" Gwen said. "Cameron you stay. I'll go search for more." She then left as the mutant went back to sleep.

"How'd that happen... and how are you so good with them?" Cam asked as I looked over at him.

"Oh, well Sierra brought an egg and it hatched and... well latched onto me. Also I'm just good with animals... mutant or not." I say with a smile as Duncan came over with a small egg.

"And it's four to three, Villains!" Chris said as Duncan smirked at me causing me to blush as he ran off. "The score is still four to three Villains, but I see a lot of eggs approaching. It's gonna be a close one!" Chris said. Courtney then places a fifth egg into the villains basket as she cheers. "Make that five to three for the villains." 

Sierra returns as I see Zoey and Mike coming towards us with a nest full of eggs. 

"Take them." I hand off the mutant baby to Sierra as it was wrapped in my hoodie. I then head toward the two seeing as they were panting. Heather comes up behind them and throws her egg towards her teammates as this causes both Zoey and Mike to lose concentration and trip as I catch the nest and dump the eggs into our basket gently as the other campers return.

"Seventeen to five, the heroes win!" We cheer. "Now, before we head home, did anyone leave anything behind that they'd like to go get?" Chris said as I took back my hoodie and placed the mutant baby somewhere safe and waved goodbye as I left with the others.

Once back on the boat, we waited for Heather. 

"You took it! I know you did!" Heather said pissed and accusing Chris of something. I raise a brow as Chris also looks confused.

"I have no idea to what you are referring. All aboard," Chris said as we all returned to the Island.

I sat next to Mike and Duncan as I felt eyes on me as I looked over to Mike to see him smirking at me with dark circles around his eyes and my eyes widen. 

"M-" He covers my mouth quick and makes a quick kiss to the back of his hand over my mouth. I blush brightly as he removes his hand and faces forward as the Vultures enter. I couldn't think straight so I just look at my lap with a bright blush.

"Congrats on the victory, Heroes. Kaylub, since you tipped over a dozen eggs into your team's basket, you win a special prize that'll come in handy at the next challenge. But I'm keeping it a secret 'til then. I mean why spoil the surprise?" I nod understanding his reason. "Tonight, a Villain goes home. Time to vote." I feel a hand on my right hand and blush deeply knowing who was holding my hand also made me shiver a bit. Then I feel one on my left and blush darker.

The Villains return. "I've tallied the votes, and tonight's flushee is... Alejandro!" Chris said holding up his photo with his picture crossed out. Heather cheers.

"Oh! I do not think I'm leaving," Alejandro said snarky.

"Oh yeah? Really? Why is that?" Heather edges on. Alejandro then stands up on his working legs as everyone else gasps except for me... and Mike/Mal. 

/"There was no way his legs were asleep for this long anyway. I was just waiting for the moment he would reveal it." I say with a shrug.\

He goes over to Heather and pulls out the invincibility statue. 

"I've got diplomatic immunity!" Then just the vultures gasp.

"Just immunity, Alejandro," Chris said unamused.

"You?! You! Youuuu!" Heather combated.

"Hate to interrupt during such a well thought-out argument, but the only vote that wasn't for Alejandro was for you, you, youuuu! So you are getting flushed." Heather then fell to her knees screaming no. She gets up after a minute. "And who's heading to Bony Island?" I feel a light squeeze on my hand making me remember we were holding hands as Mike gets up.

"I'll go." He then walks away whistling "In the Hall Of The Mountain King" as he went. Duncan gasps next to me.

"I know that tune!" I look towards him confused as he was standing up looking down the path that Mike took with recognition and fear in his eyes.

We go to the spa hotel as I change and look over to where Cody slept. I noticed that he no longer wore his ring. I bite my lip and climb into my own bed.

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