Chapter 1: Not So Happy Campers

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Here we see you at home relaxing and you were watching TV until you hear a knock at the door and you get up and open the door to see it was interns from the Total Drama show.

(Y/N): "Who are you guys?"

Intern: "Uh we're from the Total Drama show and Chris sent us to get you."

(Y/N): "How does he know where I live here?"

Intern: "He found your audition tape in the trash."

(Y/N): "Not interested."

Intern 2: "What? But dude you got onto the show."

(Y/N): "My therapist told me to never think outside the box, I might get hurt or worse killed."

Intern: "Okay, I didn't want to do this."

The intern then shot a knockout dart at your neck and it knocked you out. Sometime later, we see you wake up on a boat.

(Y/N): "Of course he'd do that."

???(Chef): "Sorry about this man."

You look up to see it's Chef Hatchet himself.

(Y/N): "I just told that intern I didn't want to be on the show."

Chef: "Look, me and Chris saw that tape and you are in desperate need of a win."

(Y/N): "I don't need a win, I just wanna go home, and besides you kidnapped me."

Chef: "Desperate for a win was the key phrase when we saw the tape."

(Y/N): "What part of I don't need a win did you not understand? I don't need all this, besides someone like you can't understand what I'm going through. I'm a waste of space in the whole world, I disappoint people just by existing, and whenever I try to think outside the box people get hurt or worse killed."

Chef saw how bad your life was and he felt bad for you.

Chef: "Don't worry I bet this show will reveal a side to you that you never had."

(Y/N): "I like to keep that side of me shoved down to the deepest darkest abyss that is called real life."

Chef: "What kind of therapist told you to feel this way?"*sees the Camp Wawanakwa ahead*"Here we are."

(Y/N): "Take me home, now"

Chef: "But we just got here."

(Y/N): "Home now!"

Chef: "Sorry, too late for that."

(Y/N): "Then I'll swim back."

We then see Chef grab you and carry you onto the doc and you see that you were the first one at the camp.

(Y/N): "Ugh, put me down!"

Chris: "Man, you're even sadder in person."

(Y/N): "And your nuts, I said I don't want to be here."

Chris: "Look, you made the tape, you made your bed and you lay in it."

(Y/N): "And I'm messing up that bed, I'm leaving."

Chris: "You could try getting yourself eliminated in an early challenge."

(Y/N): "Deal."

Chef: *to Chris*"Are you sure about letting him get booted off the show so early?"

Chris: "If he wants to go home then he goes home, if he gets eliminated first. Where are the other 11 campers?"

Chef: "They're getting here soon."*sees a boat coming in*"Here's the second one now."

We then see a girl with braces come onto the dock and Chris sees her.

Chris: "Beth what's up?"

Beth: *with braces* It's so incredulous to meet you. Wow, you're much shorter in real life. *She waves at the audience*

Chris: Uh, thanks.

Beth walks up to you and you see her.

(Y/N): "For the record, I won't be here long."

Beth: "What why not?"

(Y/N): "Because I threw away my audition tape and somehow Chris got it out of the trash and watched it. Which is why I'm gonna get myself kicked off the show early."

Beth: "Why would you do that? Aren't you happy to be here?"

(Y/N): "Lady, I haven't been happy in years. My therapist said that happiness leads to pain that isn't worth it."

Chris: "Dude, way to kill the mood."

We then see the third contestant show up which is DJ.

Chris: DJ.

DJ: "Yo, Chris McLean, how's it going?"*high fives Chris*"Hey, you sure you got the right place here? Where's the hot tub at?"

Chris: "Yo, dawg, this is it, Camp Wawanakwa."

DJ lifts his luggage, he does not look happy.

DJ: "Hmph, looked a lot different on the application form."

(Y/N): "Because he was lying to you dude."

DJ: *to Beth*"What's up with him?"

Beth: "He's planning on being kicked off the show early."

DJ: "Why would you do that?"

(Y/N): "Because I don't want to be here."

Beth: "His therapist said he can't be happy because it would hurt him more than being sad."

DJ: "Dude, I'm gonna make sure you have the most awesome time of your life here."

(Y/N): "You already failed when you said it."

Chris: "Hurricane (Y/N) keeps on raining the parade. Not cool."

Chris then sees the 4th contestant arrive which is a goth girl named Gwen.

Chris: "Hey, Gwen."

Gwen: *looks around*"You mean we're staying here?"

(Y/N): "Pretty much."

Chris: "No, you're staying here, my crib is an airstream with AC that-a-way."

Gwen: *not happy* "I did not sign up for this."

Chris: "Actually, you did."

Gwen rips her contract and smiles gladfully

Chris: "The great thing about lawyers is they make lots of copies." *Holds up another contract*

Gwen: "I am not staying here."

Chris: Cool, I hope you can swim though, because your ride just left."

Gwen: *sees her boat leaving*"Jerk."

(Y/N): "If you think that's bad, they hit me with a tranquilizer dart and dragged me here cause I got into the show which I didn't want to be here in the first place because my therapist said so."

Gwen: "Yeesh and I thought I was negative."

We then see the 5th contestant arrive which is Geoff.

Geoff: "Chris McLean!"*fist bumps Chris*" 'Sup, man! It's an honor to meet you, man!"

Chris: "The Geoff-Ster, welcome to the island, man."

Geoff: "Thanks, man."

Gwen: "They say "man" one more time, I'm gonna puke."

(Y/N): "Ditto."

Chris and Geoff high five as Geoff sees you and walks up to you.

Geoff: "What's up with this guy?"

Beth: "He's planning to get kicked off the show early because he doesn't want to be here."

Geoff: "Why?"

DJ: "He's not a very happy person and to him happiness is a dangerous slope."

(Y/N): "That's what my therapist said."

Geoff: "What else did your therapist say not to do, don't play with legos?"

(Y/N): "Yes actually, because they said that creativity would lead to pain and suffering."

Geoff: "Woah, I was making a joke about it but dude."

The sixth contestant shows up as everyone sees it was a not so bright blond woman named Lindsay.

Chris: "Everybody, this is Lindsay."

Pop music plays while Lindsay is introduced

Chris: "Not too shabby."

(Y/N): "She's 16 you pedo."

Chris: "Which is why she might be your gal dude."

(Y/N): "My therapist said I'm not allowed to talk to women because love will shatter your heart in a million pieces and might be a fate worse than death."

Everyone was a bit disturbed by this.

Gwen: "Uhh... wow..."

Lindsay: *sees Chris*"Hiiii! Okay, you look so familiar."

Chris: "I'm Chris Mclean."*sees Lindsay confused*"The host of the show."

Lindsay: Oh, so that's where I know you from.

Chris: "Uh, yeah."

You looked at Lindsay as she smiled at you as turned away to keep her out of your sight.

Lindsay: *Whispers to Beth* "What's up with him?"

Beth: "He's not a happy person."

DJ: "Yeah he killed the mood 3 times since we got here."

Geoff: "His therapist told him not to follow his heart cause it might be a fate worse than death."

Gwen: "And he's trying to get himself kicked off the show early."

Lindsay: "Yikes..."

We then see the seventh contestant arrive and it's everyone's not so favorite mean girl Heather.

with sunglasses on, she gives a look on the contestants

Chris: "Heather."

Beth: *runs to Heather and spits on Heather by accident*"Hi, looks like we're your new friends for the next eight weeks."

(Y/N): "Not me I'm getting off of this show on day one."

Heather: "Why would you- you know what, don't care."

You and the others then hear music and it was the 8th contestant arriving which is a juvie student named Duncan.

Chris: "Duncan, dude."

Duncan: "I don't like surprises."

(Y/N): "That's why I don't celebrate my own birthday, therapist's orders."

Duncan: *Slightly surprised* "Yeesh, you really killed the mood."

Chris: "Anyways, your parole officer warned me about that, man, he also told me to give him a holler any time and have you return to juvie.

Duncan: *sniffs*"Okay, then."*To Heather*"Meet you at the campfire, gorgeous."

Heather: "Drop dead, you skeeze! I'm calling my parents, you cannot make me stay here."

Chris holds up Heather's contract as you and the others then see the 9th contestant which is Tyler who is water skiing and then he made a big wipe out and pulled out an umbrella to protect Heather from the water and caught her luggage full of shoes before they hit the water.

(Y/N): "Don't thank me, if I get thanks then it would be the end of me. My therapist said so. Also my therapist told me not to do sports."

Heather: *Slightly surprised* "I was gonna thank you but when you said all of that I don't know what to say to you."

(Y/N): "Then don't thank me."

We then see the 9th contestant arrive, Harold who has a keyboard and breathes loudly.

Chris: "Welcome to camp, Harold."

Beth: "What's he looking at?"

Harold: "So you mean this show is at a crappy summer camp and not on some big stage or something?"

Chris: You got it."

Harold: "Yes! That is so much more favorable to my skills."

Chris shudders as Harold stands beside Geoff and Gwen, which she is not happy about.

Gwen: "By the way, that guy named (Y/N) is planning on getting himself kicked off the show because his therapist said so. It will make sense if he explains it."

Harold: "Harsh."

We then see the 10th contestant arrive which is Trent who is holding his guitar.

Chris: "Contestant number 10 is Trent."

Trent: "Hey good to meet ya man. Saw you on that figure skating show, nice work man."

Chris: "Hey thanks man. I knew I rocked that show."

(Y/N): "I'm not supposed to do music."

Gwen: "Therapist?"

(Y/N): "Yeah."

Beth: "I saw that, one of the guys dropped his partner on her head, so they got immunity that week."

Harold: "Lucky, I hope I get dropped on my head."

Lindsay: "Me too!"

Trent: So, this is it? *sees Harold picks his nose* All right then.

Harold continues picking his nose, Trent smiles at Gwen, guitar music plays. Gwen looks away from him, Gwen smiles at him but she looks at you and felt bad

We then see the 11th contestant arrive, Bridgette with her surfboard.

Bridgette: "Hey, what's up?"

Chris: "Our surf chick, Bridgette is here."

Duncan: *scoffs* Nice board, this ain't Malibu, honey.

Bridgette: I thought we were going to be on the beach.

Chris: We are.

We then see a seagull with plastic on his neck getting waved by the waves.

Bridgette: *sighs**sarcastic*"Great."

(Y/N): "I'm not supposed to go to the beach or a swimming pool or a hot tub."

Bridgette: *to the others*"What's with him?"

Gwen: "His therapist happened. It will make sense once he explains the whole thing."

Chris: "All right, that makes-"*gets hit by Bridgette's board*"Ow! Darn it, that hurts!"

You tried not to smile so that no one can see you smiling because your therapist said so.

Bridgette: *to you*"I hope we can be friends."

(Y/N): "Actually I'm not supposed to have friends, my therapist and brother said it requires too much work to maintain one's friendship. And I would end a friendship without even trying, and they're right."

Chris: "Dude you're making it hard to keep the mood alive."

Duncan: "Okay... man you have more issues than literally all of us, and you don't know us."

We then see the 12th contestant arrive which is Noah.

Chris: "Our next Camper is Noah."

Noah: "You got my memo about my life threatening allergies?"

Chris: "Sure someone did."

Noah: "Good, is this where we're staying?"

(Y/N): "Afraid so."

Noah: *to the others*"What's with the bummed out guy?"

Duncan: "His therapist said that throwing his own birthday parties is a bad thing."

Noah: *surprised*"Wow... that's so sad that I can't be sarcastic about it."

[Leshawna arrives while waving.]

Leshawna: What's up, y'all, Leshawna's in the house.

Leshawna: "Yo, baby, hey how you doing? How's it going?"*Gives Chris a high five*"Feel free to quit now, save yourself the trouble 'cause I came to win! Oh what's up, my brother?"*gives DJ a high five*"Give me some sugar, baby!"

Harold: "I've never seen a girl like you before."

Leshawna: "Excuse me?"

Harold: "You're real big...and-" *gets slapped upside the head by you.* "Ow jeez the back of my head!"

(Y/N): "Sorry, my therapist said it's not nice to talk that way to a woman of color."

Duncan: "At least one good thing that came from your therapist."

Leshawna: "I'm late to the conversation, what's this boy talking about?"

Gwen: "His therapist said a bunch of stuff that makes his life suck. It will make sense when he explains it."

Lindsay: *whispers to Leshawna*"His therapist told him not to celebrate his birthday or have any friends."

Leshawna: *Winces "Daaaaang, that sucks."

Gwen: "No kidding."

We then see the 13th and 14th contestants arrive which are girls named Katie and Sadie arrive]

Chris: "Ladies, Sadie, Katie, welcome to your new home for eight weeks."

The scene shows a crummy old cabin house where flies are heard buzzing

Katie: "Oh my gosh, Sadie, look, it's a summer camp!"

Sadie: Okay, I always wanted to go to a summer camp. Eeeeeee!

The girls grab their bags and run happily as Chris looks unsure.

Katie: *sees you*"Who's this cutie?"

Gwen: "The one guy in the whole world who doesn't celebrate his own birthday because his therapist said so."

Katie and Sadie: *gasps in shock*

Sadie: "That's terrible!"

Katie: "I plan for Sadie's birthday parties."

Sadie: "I plan for Katie's birthday parties."

(Y/N): "Why? Birthdays are funerals with cake and pinatas. If I wanted to have fun, I'd watch Chris getting hit with Bridgette's surfboard."

Chris: "Okay moving on."

Chris then sees the 15th contestant arrive, which is Ezekiel.

(Y/N): "I just met him and I won't last longer here than he will."

Chris: "Ezekiel! What's up, man!"

Ezekiel: *points up*" I think I see a bird.

Trent laughs.

Chris: "Okay, look, dude, I know you don't get out much, been homeschooled your whole life raised by freaky prairie people, just don't say much and try not to get kicked off too early, okay."

(Y/N): "Because I want to be kicked off too early."

Ezekiel: "Yes, sir."

Gwen: "That's just...Wow."

Chris then sees the 16th contestant arrive, which is Cody.

Chris: "Cody, the Code-ster, the Code-Meister! *he and Cody high five*

Cody: "Dude psyched to be here, man, I see ladies have already arrived, all right."

Cody tries to say something to Leshawna, but Leshawna pauses him.

Leshawna: "Save it, short stuff."

(Y/N): "He won't last long."

Chris then sees the 17th contestant which is Eva.

Chris: "Eva, nice. Glad you could make it."

(Y/N): "I think there's so much testosterone in her that I doubt she's a woman."

Cody: "Why?"

(Y/N): "The answer will crush your foot."*sees Eva drop her bag on Cody's foot*"See."

Cody: "Ow! What's in there, dumbbells?"

Eva: "Yes."*to Gwen*"What's with the punk who called me a guy?"

Gwen: "His therapist told him how to be bummed out for the rest of his life."

Eva: "Man I was gonna beat him up, but when you said that now I feel like someone beat me to it..."

Gwen: "Yeah his therapist."

We then see the 18th contestant which is a big guy named Owen which caught Chris by surprise.

Owen: "Wooooooooooohooooooooooooo! Chris! What's happenin'?!"*laughs*"This is awesome! Woooooohoooo!"

Chris: "Owen! Welcome!"

Owen: *hugs and squishes Chris*"Awesome to be here, man! Man, this is so..."

Gwen: "Awesome?"

Owen: "Yes! Awesome, woohoo! Are you going to be on my team?"

Gwen: "I sure hope so."

Owen: "Woooooooo!"

Chris: "You about finished?"

Owen: "Sorry, dude, I'm just so psyched!"

(Y/N): "He's glad to be here, unlike me."

Owen: *to you*"I bet your parents are proud of you to be here."

(Y/N): "They're not because they're dead."

Owen: "Ohh... I..."

Duncan: "Wow you know the exact words to kill the mood." *gets elbowed by Leshawna* "Oof!"

Leshawna: "Show some respect, he's been through alot."

Chris: *sees the next boat*"Here comes Courtney."

We then see the 19th contestant named Courtney and you help her off the boat.

Courtney: "Thank you." *Sees the contestants*"Hi, you must be the other contestants, It's really nice to meet you all."

Owen: *shakes Courtney's hand*"How's it going? I'm Owen."

Courtney: "Nice to meet you."

(Y/N): "Hey I'm the guy who's trying to get off the show too early."

Courtney: "Why?"

Gwen: "His therapist said it was a bad idea to break the loop of his sad life. It will make sense when he explains it."

Courtney: "Yikes, who was his therapist?"

Gwen: "He didn't tell us his or her name."

(Y/N): "And I will have no luck in getting a girlfriend."

Courtney: "Uh... Ookay...why?"

(Y/N): "Because of the next guy."

Everyone then turned to the 20th contestant which was Justin and the girls were going gaga for him.

(Y/N): "Called it."

Chris: "Everyone this is Justin."

Justin: "Thanks Chris, this is great."

Chris: "Just so you know we picked you based entirely on looks."

(Y/N): "And for better ratings and eye candy?"

Chris: "Eh 50/50."

(Y/N): "Welp my dating life is over ever since my girlfriend prefers someone so toxic that both of them are in an equally toxic relationship. Is it too late to be considered to be an Aro Ace?"

Everyone was a little disturbed by this as Justin walked to the crowd.

Owen: "I like your pants."

Justin: "Thanks, man."

Owen: "Cause they look like they're all worn out."*laughs a bit*"Did you buy them like that?"

Justin: "Uh, no, just had them for a while."

Owen: "Oh, cool."*smacks his forehead*"Stupid!"

(Y/N): "Is it possible to change your orientation to Aro Ace due to low chances of getting a date?"

Lindsay: "Oh come on, at least try to get another girlfriend."

(Y/N): "If I tried to do that, it would break my heart even more. My therapist told me-"

Ducan: "Therapists say a lot of stuff, dude. Just have some fun for once."

(Y/N): "No thanks."

Everyone then sees the final contestant which is Izzy.

Chris: "Hey everyone, Izzy."

Izzy: "Hi, Chris! Hi! Whoa!"*trips and hits her chin on the dock*

Tyler: "Oooooh, that was bad." *laughs*

You and Courtney run to help Izzy.

Courtney: "Guys, she could be seriously hurt!"

You and Courtney help Izzy onto the dock.

(Y/N): "You okay?"

Izzy: *shakes her hair to wipe her hair*"That felt so good, except for hitting my chin. Is this summer camp? This is so cool, do you have paper mache? Are we having lunch soon?"

Owen: "That is a good call!"

(Y/N): "I'm not sure about her."

Chris: "Uh, okay well I was gonna get everyone into a group photo for the promo but I got a call from (Y/N)'s therapist that taking his picture would make his life worse because nostalgia kills apparently."

(Y/N): "That's right."

Duncan: "Does your therapist get paid to make your life miserable?"

(Y/N): "Yeah."

Duncan: "Uhh... Ookay then uh..."

Chris: "Moving on, let's go to the campfire pit to run some ground rules here on this show."

We later see everyone at the campfire pit as the girls were talking among themselves.

Leshawna: "Man, I feel sorry for the guy."

Heather: "I better not have him on the team."*sees the girls looking at her*"What? He wants to be kicked off the show early."

Gwen: "Hey whatever team he's gonna be on, we should help him change his mind about all of this."

Courtney: "How? The only advice he takes is advice from his therapist."

Beth: "It's a bit weird, what therapist would be paid to make their patient's life miserable? Shouldn't it be their job to make people feel better about themselves?"

Heather: *sees Chris about to say something*"We'll continue this conversation another time, Chris is gonna go over the rules of this show."

Chris: "This is Camp Wawanakwa, your home for the next eight weeks. The campers sitting around you will be your cabin mates, your competition and maybe even your friends. You dig?"

Harold smiles at Duncan as Duncan threatens Harold

Chris: "The camper who manages to stay on Total Drama Island the longest without getting voted off will win $100,000!"

Duncan: "Excuse me? What will the sleeping arrangements be? Because I'd like to request a bunk under her."*points at Heather*

Heather: "They're not co-ed, are they?"

Chris: "Noooo. Girls get one side of each cabin and dudes get the other. But since there's 23 of you, one of you has to go into a different side of the cabin."

(Y/N): "I'll be off the show very early so no need to find out where to put the plus one at."

Chris: "Anyways, here's the deal. We're gonna split you into two teams if I call your name out and stand over there. Gwen, Trent, Heather, (Y/N), Cody, Lindsay, Beth, Katie, Owen, Leshawna, Justin, and Noah. From this moment on, you are officially known as-"*tosses the banner to them*"-the Screaming Gophers!"

Owen: "Awesome, I'm a gopher!"

Katie: "Wait! What about Sadie?"

Chris: " The rest of you over here. Geoff, Bridgette, D.J, Tyler, Sadie, Izzy, Courtney, Ezekiel, Duncan, Eva, and Harold. Move, move, move!"

Sadie: "But Katie's a gopher! I have to be a gopher!

Courtney: "Sadie, is it? Come on, it'll be okay."

Sadie: "This is so unfair! I miss you, Katie!"

Katie: *crying*"I miss you too!"

(Y/N): "Christ on a stick, you two are right next to each other."*sighs*"You know what, I've seen this way too many times and I do not want it to happen now."*to Chris*"Get Sadie and Katie on the other team before they have extreme separation anxiety, like a suicidal amount of extreme."

Chris: "I'll take your word for it dude. Katie, go to the other team and Izzy you go to the Gophers. Which will be called-"*tosses the banner to Harold*"-The Killer Bass!"

Harold: "Awesome, it's like.....amazing."

Chris: "All right, campers, you and your team will be on camera in all public areas during this competition."

Confessional sequence

Chris: " You will also be able to share your innermost thoughts on tape with video diaries anytime you want. Let the audience at home know what you're really thinking. Or just get something off your chest."

Cut to you

(Y/N): "Don't expect me to do this cause I will be off the show very-"

Everyone: *from outside*" We get it."

Cut to Gwen

Gwen: "Um okay...So far this sucks. And I have a plan to help (Y/N) get out of his comfort zone, and make him better."

Cut to Lindsay

Lindsay: *While looking away from the camera* "Um, I don't get it. Where's the camera guy?"

End of confessional

Chris: "All right. Any questions?"

(Y/N): "Can I forfeit the whole show to save everyone the trouble?"

Chris: "No dude, not how it works."*sees you raise your hand*"Also telling people to vote you off is not how it works either. Anyways, let's find your cabins."*points to the cabins*"Gophers you take the East Cabin, Bass you're in the west."

You and your team go in the cabins and see bunk beds.

Heather: "Bunk Beds? Isn't that a little summer camp?"

Gwen: "That's the idea, genius."

Heather: "Shut up, weird goth girl!"

(Y/N): "I don't really do bunk beds."

Cody: You're so smart, I feel that!

Gwen: Should you be on the boy's side?

Cody: AAH!

We then see Cody fly from the girls cabin, he is thrown by Gwen off-screen, a loud crash is heard.

(Y/N): "Nice throw."

Lindsay: "Where are the outlets? I have to plug in my straightening iron."

Chris: "There are some in the communal bathrooms. Just across the way."

Lindsay: "Communal bathrooms? But...I'm not Catholic..."

Chris: "Not communion, communal."

(Y/N): "It means we shower together. Better get to the proper cabin."

Trent: "Sorry dude, there's not enough beds for all of us guys."

Chris: *Remembers* "Oh right, (Y/N), you're sleeping with the girls."

Confessional: Cody.

Cody: "What?"

Confessional: Duncan.

Ducan: "Okay if this doesn't help him with his problems that his therapist is paid not to help him solve. I'm going nuclear on the whole team."

Confessional: Courtney.

Courtney: "Normally this would be a bad thing but not this time."

Confessional: Leshawna.

Leshawna: "If this doesn't put a smile on his face then nothing will."

Cut back to the show.

(Y/N): "Pass."

Duncan: "What? Why?"

(Y/N): "I'll sleep outside in a tent."

Heather: "Oh come on, most guys would enjoy this."

(Y/N): "High school, nothing but underpants, girls' locker room, devastating."

Duncan: *Winces* "How did that happen?"

(Y/N): "My brother forced me to do it."

Chris: "Uhh... okay, we'll get you a tent so you can sleep outside until one of the guys gets eliminated or until you're eliminated. Either way will do."

(Y/N): "Thanks."

Everyone on and not just your team but also the Killer Bass team was worried about you.

Owen: "I'm glad we're in our own cabin with just guys. Know what I mean? *laughs. Noah and Trent look annoyed by this, crickets chirp in the background* I mean no! I didn't mean it like that! I love chicks. *laughs* I just don't wanna sleep near them. *incoherent noises* I mean.."

(Y/N): "Owen just stop."

Owen: "Okay."

Geoff: "Excuse me, Chris? Is there, uh, a chaperone of any kind in this facility here?"

Chris: "You're all 16 years old, as old as a counselor in training at a regular summer camp. So other than myself. You'll be unsupervised. You've got half an hour to unpack and meet me back at the main lodge, starting now."

Geoff: "Nice!"

Then everyone heard Lindsay screams.

Leshawna: "Man that white girl can scream."

Lindsay: "What is it? Kill it, kill it!"

DJ sees the roach gasps then screams like a girl. DJ shudders.

Gwen: That.. Was my bed.

The campers scream and attempt to squish it as you casually grab it and throw it away outside.

(Y/N): *To Lindsay* "You're welcome."

Tyler: "If you ever see one of those again, just let me know, 'kay? Cause, *he sniffs* you know, I can do that too."

Lindsay smiles at you which makes you blush a bit as you turn around and walk off. We later saw you all in the main lodge and you were first in line.

(Y/N): "My doctor said I can't go off of my recommended diet."

Chef: *gives you your food*"Here ya go, a bologna sandwich with a side of carrots and celery, just like the doctor ordered."

(Y/N): "...Thanks Mr. Hatchet."

We then see you head to the table as everyone gets food made by Chef himself which makes your meal look more appetizing than the rest.

Duncan: "He gets real food while we get slop."

Chef: "Listen up! I serve it three times a day and you'll eat it three times a day! Grab a tray, get your food, and sit your butts down NOW!"

Beth: "Excuse me, but will we be getting all the major food groups?"

Harold: "Yeah, cause I get hypoglycemic real bad if I don't get enough sugar."

Chef: "You'll get a whole lot of SHUT THE HECK UP!!!"

Owen: "Have a cow."

Chef: "What was that?! Come closer, fat boy! I didn't hear you!"

Owen: "Oh, I didn't really say anything important."

Chef: "I'm sure you didn't!"*To Noah*"You! Scrawny kid, give me your plate."

Leshawna: "Yo, what's up girl? *Eva blinks at her and leaves* Oh, it's gonna be like that, is it?"

Chef: "Next!"

Lindsay: "Excuse me my nutritionist says I shouldn't eat any white sugar, white flour, or like dairy."

Chef crunches a fly.

Gwen: "I don't think that's gonna be a problem."

The sandwich moves.

Lindsay: "Cool. *Leaves*"

Gwen: "Okay, I hate to be predictable and complain on the first day but I think mine just moved."

Chef slams down a hammer on it.

Gwen: "Right! Okay, then."

Something slithers.

Chris: "Welcome to the Main Lodge!"

Geoff: "Yo, my man. Can we order a pizza?"

Chef throws a cleaver which you casually caught in your hand by the handle much to everyone's shock.

(Y/N): "This is not the proper use of utensils sir."

Leshawna: "Dang..."

Confessional: Courtney.

Courtney: *Stammers* "It doesn't make any sense! Any guy would be happy to sleep with a cabin full of girls, or a $100,000 it's like he's..." "realizes* "Of course! It all makes sense!"

Cut back to the show, where we see you handing the cleaver back to Chef.

(Y/N): "This is yours."*sits back down*"Now to get back to my meal."

Chris: "Uh, anyways, your first challenge begins, in one hour!

Katie: *To DJ* "What do you think they'll make us do?"

DJ: "It's our first challenge, how hard can it be?"

The scene shows the campers on the cliff, looking nervous, except you.

(Y/N): *To DJ* "You had to say it didn't you?"

DJ: "Oh shit..."

Chris: "Today's challenge is threefold. Your first task is to jump off this 1,000 foot high cliff into the lake."

Bridgette: "Piece of cake."

Chris: "If you look down, you will see two target areas. the wider area represents the part of the lake that we have stocked with, [three sharks circle] psychotic man-eating sharks. Inside that area is a safe zone. That's your target area, which we're pretty sure is shark-free."

Leshawna: "Excuse me?"

Chris: "For each member of your team that jumps and actually survives. There will be a crate of supplies waiting below. *Several supplies of boxes appear* Inside each crate are supplies that you'll need for the second part of the challenge. *A hot tub appears* Building a hot tub! The team with the best one gets to have a wicked hot tub party tonight. The losers will be sending someone home. *A creature appears inside from one of the suitcases* Let's see, Killer Bass, you're up first."

Bridgette: "Oh wow, so who wants to go first?"

Killer Bass are unsure who wants to go first, a cricket chirps from the background.

(Y/N): "I'll do it."

Courtney: "But you're not going first."

(Y/N): "No but you will."

You then shine a light at Courtney's eye and she was blinded a bit as she stepped backward until she stepped off of the ledge and she screamed at the top of her lungs until she hit the safe zone.

(Y/N): "No need to thank me."

Courtney: *from the bottom of the cliff*"Thank you?!"

(Y/N): "Your welcome."

Confessional: Duncan.

Duncan: *laughs* "Nice."

Confessional: Bridgette

Bridgette: "I can't believe he helped us score a point, if that doesn't give you the boot off the show then nothing will."

End of confessional

Eva: "So, who's up next?"

Duncan: "Ladies first."

Bridgette: Fine, I'll go, it's no big deal. Just an insane cliff dive into a circle of angry sharks.

(Y/N): "Yeah no pressure, just try to avoid the sharks."

Bridgette jumps, then she splashes, she waves, the Dock of Shame arrives

Tyler: "She did it, yeah, I'm next. *he jumps* Cowabunga! *Tyler lands on a buoys, he groans*"

Bridgette: "Ooh!"

Tyler slides on the buoys and lands on the water.

Geoff: "Woohoo!

Eva: "*While falling* Look out below!"

Duncan crosses his arm silently as he falls.

DJ: "Uh-uh, no way, man."*nervous*"I'm not jumping.

Chris: "Scared of heights?"

DJ: "Yeah, ever since I was a kid."

Chris: "That's okay, big guy."*Walks up to DJ*"Unfortunately, that makes you a chicken, so you'll have to wear [puts a chicken hat on DJ* this for the rest of the day."

DJ: "Aw man, for real?"

Chris: "Bawk, bawk, bawk! That means the chicken path is that-a-way."

DJ goes on the escalator for the "chicken path".

Ezekiel jumps

Ezekiel: Yee-haw! *he bumps onto a rock, then he lands*

The Killer Bass cheers, except for you and Eva. Ezekiel gives a thumbs up.

It's Harold's turn, he jumps.

Harold: "Yes!"

Harold jumps and screams. He painfully lands on his crotch, he screams in pain, Bridgette, Eva and Geoff flinch, several birds fly away

Shark: "Ooh!"

Harold continues to scream in pain, he lands in the water as we see Katie and Sadie jump together

Chris: "Oh, hate to see that happen."

(Y/N): "Would someone get Harold an ice pack?"

Chris: "Okay so that's 10 jumpers and 1 chicken."*to the screaming gophers*"Screaming Gophers if you can beat that. "*a cart appears*"We'll throw in a pull cart to put your crates on."

Trent: "Nice, okay guys who's up first?"

Heather: "I'm sorry, there's no way I'm doing this."

Beth: "Why not?"

Heather: "Hello, National TV. I'll get my hair wet."

You walk up to Heather and push her off the cliff as she is screaming at the top of her lungs as she falls into the water into the target.

(Y/N): "Deal with it."

Heather: *looks up to you*"(Y/N) you are so dead!"

(Y/N): "You hit the safe zone didn't you? And you have wet hair, live with it."

Confessional: Leshawna.

Leshawna: "And I thought I was gonna throw her but he beat me to it. But he pushed Courtney off the cliff for the other team which is making me confused about him, but he did help the team get a point, so I say it canceled out."

Confessional: Lindsay

Lindsay: "Wow, I can't believe he did that to Heather, but I'm so confused on what he's doing. I wish I knew what's going on in his head."

End of confessional

(Y/N): "Who's up next?"

Lindsay: *To Chris* "I thought this was going to be a talent contest.

Chris: *laughs*"Yeah."*laughs again*"No."

Lindsay screams as she falls and lands in the safe zone.

Leshawna: "I hope I hit the safe zone."

Leshawna then jumps off and falls down screaming and lands in the safe zone.

Gwen screams as she falls.

Cody screams as he falls.

Izzy screams excitedly as she falls.

Justin dives, he doesn't scream.

Leshawna: Paddle!

Two sharks approach Justin, the sharks are about to eat him, but they stop, Justin's theme plays again, the two sharks fall in love with Justin's looks. Heather and Lindsay watch as a fall-in-loved shark carries Justin. Justin jumps off from the shark

(Y/N): "That is unnatural."

Beth: I. I can't do it. I'm too scared.

(Y/N): *looks at a direction*"Why are squirrels attacking the interns?"

Beth: *looks at the direction*"What squirrels?"

You then push Beth off the cliff as she screams and falls into the safe zone.

(Y/N): "Your welcome."

Confessional: Chris.

Chris: "...If there were squirrels attacking interns I would have heard them screaming..."

Confessional: Beth

Beth: "Well now I want him off the team, guess he gets his wish after all. But he did help the team which really conflicts with me."

End of Confessional

(Y/N): "Who's up next?"

Trent: "Let's do this."

Trent then runs off the cliff and jumps off and lands in the safe zone as you turn to Owen.

(Y/N): "You're bigger, you're next."

Confessional: Owen

Owen: I was pretty darn nervous. See, the thing is I'm not that strong a swimmer.

Confessional: Geoff

Geoff: "I'm looking at this guy and thinking, there's no way he's gonna make it."

Confessional: Gwen

Gwen: "I actually thought if he jumps this, he's gonna die."

End of confessional

Chris: "Take a good run at it, buddy, you can do this."

Owen: "I'm going too die now, I'm going to frickin' die now."

The Screaming Gophers look shocked. Owen cracks his fist, The Killer Bass watches Owen. Owen makes a brave look. Noah and Trent look amazed.

Leshawna: "Come on, big guy."

We then see Owen put on arm floaties and then he makes a running head start and jumps off the cliff and into the water which caused a giant splash which washed everyone on the beach.

(Y/N): "And that is why you shouldn't let the fat guy go last in a challenge like this."

Chris: "Alright (Y/N), looks like you're up."

(Y/N): "Okay."

You then jump off the cliff but unlike everyone else and Justin, you miss the safe zone much to everyone's shock.

(Y/N): "Dang I missed."

Leshawna: "Get out of there!"

The shark goes to you about to eat you but you look directly at the Shark's eyes and just stare at him with a soulless expression,

(Y/N): "Go vegan dude, it's easier."

The shark was just creeped out and it swam away and so did the other sharks much to everyone's shock.

Confessional: Leshawna

Leshawna: "Did he just told them sharks to go vegan and scare them off?"

Confessional: Heather

Heather: "Definitely keep him around to keep animals away."

Confessional: Izzy

Izzy: "I know some sharks who are vegans already."

Confessional: Courtney

Courtney: "Is he that dead inside?"

Confessional: Sadie and Katie

Katie: "Do you think he's hotter than Justin now?"

Sadie: "Oh my gosh, I was thinking about that too."

Katie: "Do you think I should date him?"

Sadie: "I was gonna ask you that."

Katie: "But he's on the other team though, how do we ask him out? Or talk to him?"

Sadie: "We can be ninjas and sneak into his tent and talk to him."

Katie: "But those ninja suits give me a wedgie and make my skin itchy."

Sadie: "Well I'm out of ideas."

Katie: "Me too."

End of confessional.

We see you get back to the shore and you regroup with your team.

(Y/N): *Notices the shocked expressions* "What?"

Heather: "What? What?! You scared a bunch of sharks away."

(Y/N): "All I did was tell them to go vegan."

Noah: "Are you dead inside?"*gets elbowed by Leshawna*"Ow."

Leshawna: "Show some respect will ya, he got us more points than the other team."

We later see you and the Screaming Gophers take the crates to the camp as we see you sitting on a crate.

Trent: "What are you doing?"

(Y/N): "Supervising."

Heather: "You're just looking for an excuse to get booted off the show early aren't you?"

(Y/N): "Yep."

Heather: "Well guess what, we're not gonna let you off the hook. We're gonna keep you on the show no matter what."

You then turn to the Killer Bass and you see that they're falling behind.

Eva: "Come on, you got to stop checking on us."

(Y/N): *to the others*"I'll go check on the other team. You guys can handle it from here."

You then walk over to the Killer Bass and you check on them.

(Y/N): "So how are things?"

Eva: "Here to gloat?"

(Y/N): "Not really, just checking on things."

Courtney: *Whispers to Eva* "Go easy on him will you."

Eva: "Shut up and get back to your team!"

(Y/N): "There are supposed to be 5 girls here, where are the other two?"

Courtney: "They went behind the bushes to take of... business."

(Y/N): "Okay, well see ya."

You then leave the Killer Bass and rejoin the Screaming Gophers and you see them trying to open the crates with their mouths.

(Y/N): "Opening the crates with your mouths?"

Gwen: "Yeah."

(Y/N): "Typical Chris."

You then bite onto a piece of rope and you pull the crate open and don't get rope burn.

(Y/N): "And that is how you open it. Pull with your feet and not with your neck."

Owen: "Awesome!"

Meanwhile with the Killer Bass, we see Katie and Sadie pushing their crate as they begin to feel an itch.

Sadie: "D'ooh, it's really itchy now."

Katie: "Mine feels like it's burning."

Katie and Sadie's butts burn

Sadie: "Okay, I have to scratch."

They both scratch their butts as Chris notices this.

Chris: You guys are way behind the other team, like way behind. What's the problem?

Courtney: *off-screen* Their butts are itchy.

Courtney gets a swollen eye.

Chris: "Ah, oh my boxers, that's bad."

Katie and Sadie continue to scratch their behinds.

Bridgette: "Did you guys squat down when you peed on the woods?"

Katie: "Yeah."

Bridgette: "Did you happen to notice what kind of plants you were squatting over?"

Sadie: "They were kind of oval-shaped and green all over the place."

Bridgette: "Were they low to the ground about this big?" *sees Katie and Sadie nod their heads* "You guys squatted on poison ivy."

Katie and Sadie look shocked.

Sadie: "What do we do?"

Katie: "Oh no!"

Chris: *laughs* "No way, that's awesome!" *laughs again*

Katie and Sadie drag their asses to get rid of the burning, but it doesn't work.

Katie and Sadie: "Somebody help us!"

We then see a bottle of skin lotion being thrown into Katie's hand and she sees it's from you.

Katie: *reads the bottle*"Skin lotion for people with poison ivy."*to Sadie*"This has to be from (Y/N)!"

Scene cuts to the Gophers looking through their supplies in their carts.

Owen: *pulls out wooden planks*"Hey, check it out, I got wood."

Trent: *pulls out tools and pool liner*"I've got some tools here, what looks like a pool liner?"

(Y/N): "So we're making a hot tub."

The Gophers start building a hot tub, the Killer Bass arrives, they're missing some of them.

Harold: "Finally."

Trent: "Hey, what's up, guys?"

Leshawna: *appearing from the crate* "Hey, aren't you missing a couple of white girls?"

Courtney, Ezekiel and Harold look around, they don't know where the rest of their team is. Meanwhile, we see Katie and Sadie somewhere in the woods where cameras weren't around and they had their shorts and panties off and we see them applying the skin lotion as they sigh relief only for Sadie to fart and Katie is disturbed by this.

Sadie: "Oops."

Katie: "Sadie, did you eat a bunch of berries?"'

Sadie: "Yeah, I was gonna share them with you but I had too much."

Katie: "What color were they?"

Sadie: "I think they were black?"

Katie: "Oh."

Back to you, we see you handing the tools to the others as they continued to make the hot tub. Meanwhile, team and helping them with the hot tub and you see how swollen Courtney's eye is and you head to the lodge and comeback with an ice pack for Courtney's eye and you hand it to her.

Courtney: "Thanks (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "No problem."

Sometime later, we see both hot tubs were made and the hot tube your team made is fully functional while the other team's hot tub was uh... semi functional as we see Chris checking on them as he tests the Screaming Gophers' hot tub, the scene goes to the Screaming Gophers.

Chris: "This is an awesome hot tub."

The Screaming Gophers cheer, Owen comes out of the hot tub, being naked due to losing his swimsuit. Chris looks at the Bass's hot tub, a seagull is on their hot tub, the Bass gasps, Chris taps the hot tub, but a leak comes out of the hot tub and splashes Chris. The Killer Bass' hot tub collapses

Chris: "Well, I think we have a winner here. The Screaming Gophers."

The Screaming Gophers cheer. The Killer Bass are disappointed.

Chris: "Gophers, you are safe from elimination, and you get to rock this awesome hot tub for the rest of the summer. Bonus!"

The Gophers cheer again.

Beth: "Yes!"

Chris: "Killer Bass, what can I say, sucks to be you right now. I'll see your sorry butts at the bonfire tonight."

Lindsay: We won! We all get to stay in for another three days!" *Beth, Heather Lindsay cheer, until Owen interrupts, being naked again"

Owen: "Woohoo! Haha! We get to stay-ay, we get to stay-ay, we are so awesome!"*hugs Heather and Lindsay*"We won the contest."

(Y/N): "Owen put some clothes on."

Later on at the lodge, we see you at the table with the Screaming Gophers and you watch the Bass team.

(Y/N): "So much for getting kicked off the team early."

Katie: "So, uh, what do we do now?"

Courtney: "We have to figure out who we're gonna vote off."

Duncan: "Wow, I think it should be the brickhouse but we might need him to carry a truck."

(Y/N): *from the other table*"Maybe vote off Ezekiel, you will understand why."

Ezekiel: "Well, I just don't get why we lost, eh, there are the ones that have six girls."

Bridgette: "What's that supposed to mean?"

Eva: "Yeah, homeschool."*bangs the table*"Enlighten us!"

Ezekiel: "Well guys are much stronger and better at sports than girls are."

(Y/N): "It was at this moment, he goofed."

Cody, Harold, and Noah back up away from Katie and Sadie, who are stunned.

Geoff: "Oh snap, he did not just say that!"

Ezekiel: "My dad told me to look out for the girls here, eh, and help him in case they can't keep up."

Eva: "Still need help keeping up?"

Ezekiel: "Uh, not really!"

Geoff: "Okay, guys, let's give him a break. I mean, at least he doesn't think that guys are smarter than girls."

Ezekiel: "But they are."

(Y/N): "Now he goofed, and keep your mouth shut about the battle between sexes stuff, women are smarter than men and even stronger than men."

Later at the campfire, we see the Killer Bass were going over who is going to be booted off the team.

Chris: "You've all cast your votes and made your decision. There are only ten marshmallows on this plate. When I call your name, come up and claim your marshmallow. The camper who does not receive a marshmallow tonight must immediately return to the Dock of Shame to catch the Boat of Losers. That means you're out of the contest and you can't come back... Ever. The first marshmallow goes to... Geoff. Tyler.

Tyler: Woo-hoo-hoo! Yeah! Place at the table.

Chris: Katie. [Katie walks up to claim her marshmallow] Bridgette. [Bridgette walks up to claim her marshmallow] DJ. [DJ walks up to claim his marshmallow] Harold.

Harold: Yes. [Walks up]

Chris: Sadie.

Sadie: Oh, yay. [hugs Katie] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Chris: Duncan. [Duncan walks up] Campers, this is the final marshmallow of the evening.

[Huge dramatic pause]

Chris: Courtney.

Courtney: [sighs]

Chris: Can't say I'm shocked. I saw you picking your nose, dude. Not cool. Dock of Shame is that way, bro. [Ezekiel walks The rest of you, enjoy your marshmallows. You're all safe for tonight. [The Boat of Losers arrive to pick up Ezekiel, Chef is seen driving the boat]

Confessional: Gwen

Gwen: "Yep, this camp pretty much still sucks. But now that I'm here I guess I might as well actually try to win."

End of confessional

Cody: "To the Screaming Gophers."

Screaming Gophers: "To the Screaming Gophers. *The Gophers cheer*"

Leshawna: "♪Go Gophers! Go Gophers! Go Gophers!♪"

Leshawna, Noah, and Owen: " ♪Go Gophers!♪"

Leshawna, Lindsay, Noah, and Owen: "♪Go Gophers! Go Gophers! Go! Go!♪ ♪Go Gophers! Go! Go!♪"

Courtney: "Are you recording this? Good. They can enjoy their little part all they want, but I am gonna win this competition and no one is gonna stop me."

(Y/N): *Off screen* "Courtney, where are you? I have to put that medicine on your eye before it gets any worse."

Courtney: *Blushes* " As soon as I get my eye better."

Meanwhile with you, we see you in your pajamas and you head to your tent and you turn in for the night only to hear someone calling you.

Courtney: *From outside* "Psst, (Y/N)."

(Y/N): *Opens the tent* "Courtney? What's up?" *Sees her pajamas* "Nice Pjs."

Courtney: "Thanks."

(Y/N): "It's bedtime, get some sleep."

Courtney: "I know, but before we go to bed, can you tell me what else your therapist said?"

(Y/N): "Why do you want to know?"

Courtney: "Because I think your therapist might be lying to you, I mean don't you think it's a little weird he or she told you to not be happy and do exciting stuff?"

(Y/N): "But it's their job."

Courtney: "Not it isn't, a therapist's job is to make sure their patient is treated well and their mental health is well healthy."

(Y/N): "I guess you have a point there, but how do you know that?"

Courtney: "I was a CIT so I know a few things, especially your autism."

(Y/N): "You knew? How?"

Courtney: "You pretty much made it obvious for me. Not being phased by beautiful women, no reactions, and anything unusual is normal to you, it's not rocket science."

(Y/N): "Yeah that checks, but why talk to me? I'm just... a nobody."

Courtney: "Hey come on, anybody is a somebody, besides you're on this show."

(Y/N): "Yeah, because I was dragged onto the show."

Courtney: "Well yeah, but sometimes you just have to get out of your comfort zone."

(Y/N): "I'm staying in this tent. And nothing's gonna stop me, and if I'm lying may I be struck down by-"

Just then a lighting bolt shoots down zapping the tent into ashes as you quickly get out and you and Courtney clung to each other in shock.

(Y/N): " -Lightning. Great me and my big mouth."

Courtney: *While hugging you* "Guess you need to move in with the girls."

(Y/N): "Yeah I do. Uh you can let go now."

Courtney: *Blushes* "Oh uh, sorry." *let's go*

(Y/N): "At least it was only one lighting bolt."

You then see a lighting bolt heading to Courtney as you pull her out of the way and close to you as the bolt hits the ground.

Courtney: "Where did that even come from?!"

(Y/N): "The weather guy said no lightning tonight, he lied."

You then head to the girls side of the Screaming Gophers and you knock on the door and we see Leshawna answer it.

(Y/N): "Mother nature was being a jerk so I'm bunking with you."

Leshawna: *Notices Courtney hugging you* "Off of the boy Courts."

(Y/N): "She's afraid she'll get hit by lightning, again."

Leshawna: "She's on the Killer Bass team, but I'll make an exception."

We see you and Courtney get into the cabin and you see that there's no empty beds.

Courtney: "Guess we're gonna have to sleep on the floor."

(Y/N): "Okay then."

Heather: "Actually, you're sleeping on the floor while (Y/N) sleeps in a bed."

Courtney: "What?!"

Leshawna: "Who's sharing their bed with the only guy in this cabin?"

Lindsay: "I'll do it, I don't mind sharing."

Heather: "How about we take turns, Lindsay, Leshawna, Gwen, me, Izzy, and Beth."

Lindsay: "Wait, what about Courtney and Katie?"

Heather: "1 Courtney is on the other team, and two Katie swapped teams with Izzy."

Lindsay: "Oh yeah."

(Y/N): "You do realize that the teams will be dissolved soon right?"

Lindsay: "Dissolved? But we're not ice."

Leshawna: "No he means when both of our teams get merged together."

Heather: "We will figure it out when we get there, now get some sleep."

We see you get into Lindsay's bed and we see her lay next to you.

(Y/N): "You're not a real blond are you?"

Lindsay: "Nope but don't tell them that."

Leshawna: *offscreen*"Get some sleep, you gonna need it!"

You and Lindsay: "Okay."

Next: Chapter 2: The Big Sleep

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