Chapter 2: The Big Sleep

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Chris: "Last time on Total Drama Island, 23 campers arrived and learned that they'll be spending the next eight weeks at the crusty old summer camp. The campers were faced with their first challenge, jumping off a cliff into the shark-infested waters. While most campers took the plunge, one was forced to wear the dreaded chicken hat. At the campfire ceremony, it all came down to two campers, Courtney has experience as a CIT in summer camp, but refused to jump but she got pushed off into the water by a guy who wanted to get kicked off the island early, and Ezekiel managed to tick off every female at the camp with his sexist comments about women, in the end, the first camper voted off Total Drama Island was Ezekiel, proving that homeschooling is a reality TV don't mix, who will be voted off this week in this dramatic campfire ceremony yet? Find out tonight on Total... Drama...Island."

Here we open to the girl's cabin and we see Lindsay cuddling with you and she feels your hand on her breast.

Lindsay: *wakes up*"Huh?"*sees you squeezing one of her boobs* *Moans* "Mmm, (Y/N), you're squeezing my breasts."

(Y/N): *Wakes up* "Hmm wha?" *Sees where's his hand is* "Oh uh sorry Lindsay."

Lindsay: "It's okay, you were asleep."

(Y/N): "You're not mad?"

Lindsay: "Nah, I don't mind it."

(Y/N): "The last time I did this to my ex girlfriend in my sleep, I has to replace all the dishes my ex threw at me and cry out from all the awful choice of words she called me."

Lindsay: "Yikes, your ex sounds like a jerk."

(Y/N): "Oh she was, I just didn't notice it."

Lindsay: "Well it was just an accident, it wasn't your fault okay?"

(Y/N): "Hm, okay." *hears something* "Hold that thought."

You then pull out a slingshot and open a window where you saw Chris with a megaphone and an Airhorn.

Chris: "Time to for a wake up call."

Just as Chris was gonna click the air horn through the megaphone, he was hit with a small pebble to the head.

Chris: "Ow!"

(Y/N): "Jokes on you, I'm an early bird."

You then shoot another rock into the megaphone breaking it.

(Y/N): "And I'm an expert with the slingshot."

Leshawna: *Yawns* "Hmm, what's the noise?"

(Y/N): "Chris tried to wake everyone up with a Megaphone and an airhorn."

Courtney: "We better get dressed."

Later, we see both teams outside as most of the girls of the Killer Bass team were pretty peeved at Courtney about sleeping in the other cabin for the night.

Courtney: "...What?"

Heather: "She slept with us because she was afraid of a little thunder, so what?"

Eva: "Well she was making goo goo eyes with one of your teammates and she probably slept with (Y/N)."

Gwen: "Actually Lindsay slept with him."

Lindsay: "It's true, and he did grab my boobs but don't worry it was an accident and he was sleeping."

Leshawna: "Got a problem with that?"

Eva: "That could've been me you know."*sees everyone looking at her*"What? I can be nurturing too!"

Heather: *Mutters to herself* "More like breaking his spine in half."

Eva: *to Heather*"WHAT WAS THAT!?"

Confessional: Courtney.

Courtney: "If the teams merge, I'm worried that Eva might break every bone in his body if he gets on her bad side."

End of confessional

We see Chris get with the campers and turn to them.

Chris: "Morning, hope you slept well."

(Y/N): "Not me, I had some night terrors last night."

Chris: *Slightly nervous* "Uh okay, why don't we go to the next challenge which starts in one minute."

Owen: "Oh excuse me, I don't know if that's enough time to eat breakfast."

Chris: Oh, you'll get breakfast, Owen, right after you complete your kilometer run around the lake.

Eva: So you're funny now? *She is angry at Chris, Duncan stops her* You know what I would think be funny?

Courtney: *whispering to Eva* " Eva, try to control your temper!"

Eva: "You're enjoying this, aren't you?"

Chris: A little, you have 30 seconds. *Gets hit with a pebble* "Ow! My eye!"

(Y/N): *Hides his slingshot* "Gee, wonder who could have done that."

Eva glares at Chris.

Confessional: Courtney

Courtney: "Okay, that girl Eva has got to handle her temper, she's only been here one day and she has already thrown her suitcase out a window and broken the lock on one of the bathroom doors."

End of confessional

Chris: "Okay, runners, on your marks, get set, go!"

The campers race. Tyler runs. The sun shines, The contestants continue to run while you, Gwen, Harold, Katie and Sadie walk.

Harold: "Do you know how much longer?"

(Y/N): "He said it's 20 kilometer, so by that logic I'd say 12.43 miles."

Harold: "Great."

Bridgette and Justin run past them.

Gwen: "Don't walk beside me."

Noah runs past Heather.

Heather: "Do you mind?"


Heather: I don't run, and I definitely don't run in high-heeled wedges."

End of confession

Heather stops, Owen is licking the puddle.

Owen: *breathless* "Can't...*licks*...catch...*licks again*...breath...must...*he licks again*...must...have...condition!"

Heather: Yeah, it's called "overheating, " look into it."

Leshawna: What's your excuse, you skinny, annoying, ooh, I'm too tired of insults.

(Y/N): *While walking* "Then why bother running? You're wasting energy."

Leshawna: "True."What do you mean?"

Chris: **driving a scooter while using a megaphone* *"Pick it up, people, your not back by dinner time, you don't eat. *Gets hit with a pebble* "Ow! My forehead""

Heather: "I hate him so much." *steps on Owen*

The scene changes to the contestants where some of them are tired and sleeping, Chris is filing his fingers.

Owen: *carrying Noah*"Clear a table, stat!"

Leshawna: *exhausted*"We made it!"

Owen CPRs Noah.

Courtney: "What took so long? We lost the challenge!"

Harold: "I think I'm having heart palpitations!"

Gwen: "Hey, wait a minute, if they lost, that means we won the challenge!"

(Y/N): "I don't think so."

The Screaming Gophers cheer except you.

Chris: "Whoa there, hold your horses, guys, that wasn't the challenge."

Gwen: "What did you just say?"

Chris: "Who's hungry?"

Then a curtain reveal a buffet table of food as everyone saw it.

(Y/N): "Pass."

Confessional: Gwen.

Gwen: "After a whole week of brown sludge, I almost cried when I saw that buffet.

Confessional: Owen.

Owen: "And then I saw it, the buffet table, it was beautiful, there was turkey, and the naval bars, and bakes beans and maple syrup? Can I have a moment?" *he stick his finger on his head and cries, static buzzing*

End of confessions.

Your team was about to eat until you stopped them.

(Y/N): "Don't eat the food."

Trent: "What? Dude relax, it's food."

(Y/N): "Don't you all see what Chris is doing? The 20 kilometer run, the feast. He's setting us up for the real challenge."

Cody: "Yeah right, we're hungry and we need to eat."

(Y/N): "Alright it's your funeral."

Frenchie: One buffet breakfast later

We see everyone stuffed from the buffet breakfast as we see you eating eggs and bacon along with a cup of hot chocolate because your doctor planned your meals as Chris sees this.

Chris: "Chef, did you give him that breakfast and not what's on the table?"

Chef: "Sorry, doctor's orders."

(Y/N): "You snooze, you lose Mclain."

Chris: "Crud."*to the other campers**through a megaphone*"Anyways, campers, time for part 2 of your challenge."

Owen: "I thought eating was the second part."

Gwen: "What more do you want from us?"

Heather: "Weird goth girl is right, haven't we been through enough?"

Chris: *through a megaphone*"Um, let me think about that, no, it's time for the Awake-A-Thon!"

Owen: "The what-a-thon?"

Chris: *through megaphone*"Don't worry, [jumps off the table] This is an easy one, the team with the last camper standing wins invincibility."

Gwen: So, what you're saying is the 20k and the turkey eating frenzy were part of your evil plan to make it harder for us to stay awake?

Chris: *through a megaphone*"That's right, Gwen."

Gwen: "Man, he's good."

Chris: *In a megaphone* "Move, move-"

A pebble gets into the megaphone clogging it and shutting up Chris.

(Y/N): *Puts away his slingshot* *to the Screaming Gophers* " I believe an apology is in order."

Noah: "It's not our fault, we had nothing but garbage for who knows how long so seeing actual edible food came to our radar and instincts took over."

(Y/N): "It's only been one day."

Leshawna: "Sorry boo, one day of bad food is enough to make us eat the first good food we see."

(Y/N): "I forgive ya."

We later see everyone at the campfire pit and we see everyone struggle to stay awake except for you cause you are reading a book out loud to Lindsay and Beth.

(Y/N): "And that is the end of the story of fish with legs."

Lindsay: "Wow... I don't know if I can sleep from that."

Beth: "That was so scary."

Chris: "Okay, we are now 12 hours in with all 22 campers still awake."

Owen: "Woohoo! Stay awake for 12 hours? I could do that in my sleep. Woohoo! *stands frozen and falls*

Confession: Gwen

Gwen: "The Awake-A-Thon was definitely the most brutal thing I've ever done in my life."

Gwen: *yawns*"This is the most boring thing I've ever done in my life."

(Y/N): "Could be worse."

Gwen: "Oh yeah? How?"

(Y/N): "I could be stuck here without you to talk to."

Confessional: Heather

Heather: "So, my strategy is to get other campers to form an alliance with me and take us to the final three, the only question is who can I find that is either desperate or dumb enough to do whatever I say?"

Lindsay does a handstand.

Gwen: *off-screen* "What are you doing?"

Lindsay: "Trying to get the blood to rush to my head, I think it's working."

Beth: "Can I try?"

Lindsay: "Sure."

(Y/N): "Well, while that is effective, it's not practical."*to Heather*"Wanna hear another scary story?"

Heather: "I think I'm afraid to sleep after hearing your stories."

(Y/N): "That's the plan, anyways I'm gonna check on the Bass team. See how they're doing."

Gwen: *Yawns* "Okay."

You then head over to the Bass team and you see them are struggling to stay awake.

(Y/N): "So? How are things on your end?"

Duncan: *yawns*"Why? Here to gloat?"

(Y/N): "Nah, I just want to check up on you guys."

DJ: "We're tired and we are trying to stay awake. Other than that we're fine."

Eva: *gets up*"I'm heading to the bathroom."

(Y/N): "Can I hold your MP3 player while you're doing your business?"

Eva: "Hmm, sure."*hands her MP3 player to you*"Break it and I'll break you."

(Y/N): "Noted."

You then head back to your team and you see Heather having a conversation with Lindsay and Beth.

(Y/N): "What are you all talking about?"

Lindsay: "Oh Heather is forming an alliance with me and Beth."

(Y/N): "Can I join?"

Heather: "Actually it's an all girls alliance, no guys allowed. Sorry."

Lindsay: "Oh come on Heather, he's cool."

Beth: "Yeah, he kept us up with scary stories that made us too scared to go to sleep and it worked."

Heather: *sighs*"Alright, he's in."

Lindsay: "Can we have (Y/N) be the leader of the alliance?"

Heather: "The alliance was my idea."

Beth: "Well if someone is gonna carry this alliance all the way it should be someone who is strong and smart and (Y/N) fits those categories to a tee."

Heather: *Sighs* "Fine, but I'm gonna run through some plans with (Y/N) first then."

(Y/N): "Alright what's the first order of business?"

Heather: *sees Eva's MP3 player in your hand*"We take out the other team's strongest player by turning her own team against her. Since she has a short fuse it will be easy."

(Y/N): "You mean Eva? She may be stronger than a silverback gorilla on steroids but deep down she's a nice girl, who's trying to control her temper." *Heather about to speak* "And no you can't have her mp3 player. She put me in charge of keeping it safe."

Heather: "Oh come on, it's the perfect opportunity to weaken the other team."

(Y/N): "Still a no, plus if Eva did find out it was you who took her stuff, you're looking at a month at the hospital, or worse."

Heather: *Gulps* "Noted."

Sometime later, we see everyone is at the 24 hour mark of the challenge and we see you reading another scary story out loud to Heather, Beth, and Lindsay.

(Y/N): "And that is the story of the spiral."

Heather: *while hugging Lindsay and Beth in fear*"I don't like that hairstyle!"

You then hear Tyler screaming at the top of his lungs as the whole Killer Bass team were startled by it.

(Y/N): "Looks like Tyler is awake."

You then went over to the Killer Bass team and you gave Eva's MP3 player back to her.

(Y/N): "Here you go."

Eva: "Thanks (Y/N)."

Chris: "Congratulations, campers, you've made it to the 24-hour mark, time to take things up a notch."*pulls a way a table cloth and reveal a stack of books*"Fairy Tales."

Duncan: "Dude I wouldn't do that if I were you."

Gwen: "Oh he's not serious."

While Chris and Chef used fairytales and magic dust to put everyone to sleep, none of them were working on you because you're a night owl.

(Y/N): *Notices Chef wearing a tutu*"Huh, for someone with a bulky muscular build he's pretty graceful."

Chef: *offscreen*"Thanks."

(Y/N): "But jokes aside, how much is Chris paying you to wear that?"

Chris: "He volunteered himself dude."

(Y/N): "Alright."

Sometime later, and it's 5 against 4 in the Awake-A-Thon and we see you talking to Heather.

(Y/N): "Down goes Lindsay and Beth."

Heather: "Great now it's just you, me, Justin, Gwen, and Trent."

(Y/N): *Notices Justin's eyelids* "Hmm... correction, just you, me Gwen and Trent."

Heather: "What do you mean?"

You then tap on Justin's face and he shakes around and opens his eyes.

Eva: "His eyelids are painted!"

Chris: "Get out! Oh I've got to see this."*to Justin*"That is so crazy incredible, but you're still out dude." *Justin frowns*

(Y/N): *Notices Courtney still moving around* "You do realize you're just wasting energy and making yourself more tired right?"

Courtney: "I did not think this through."

Courtney then collapsed onto the ground and fell asleep.

(Y/N): "There goes her."

In the next morning, we see that it is just you, Heather, Gwen, and Trent versus Eva and Duncan and everyone is super sleepy except for you cause you're an early bird as well.

Gwen: *yawns*"I'd kill for a coffee now."

Chris: *drinks his coffee*" "Come on, what is with you people, sleep already."

(Y/N): "No thanks, I'm good."

Heather: *yawns*"How are you this awake?"

(Y/N): "Movie marathons."

Chris: "Alright, you 6 stay with me, the rest of you go and get a shower for heaven's sake, you stink!"

Courtney: "About time, I need a shower."

(Y/N): "Has anyone seen Owen?"

Gwen: *yawns*"I don't want to talk about it."

(Y/N): "Walked in front of you naked?"

Gwen: "Yep."

(Y/N): "So Chris, what else do you got in store to make us fall asleep?"

Chris: "I didn't want it to come to this, I said that to Chef Hatchet las night I said "Chef, I don't want it to come to this but darn it, these campers are tough and so I've come up with the most boring sleeping-inducing activity I can find."*pulls out a pop up book*"The history of Canada a pop up book."*opens the book*"Chapter one, the beaver, national symbol and a "dam" fine hat."

Everyone groaned in annoyance while you are taking notes. Sometime later, we see Eva, Heather, and Trent fall asleep and all is left is you and Gwen against Duncan.

Chris: *While reading* "Chapter two, the history of the-"

Chris was cut off when he was hit with a book and knocked out as everyone sees it was you.

(Y/N): "Someone needed to throw the book at him."

Katie: *Giggles* "Good one."

Gwen: *yawns*"(Y/N), it's all on you."

Gwen then collapses and falls asleep as you turn to Duncan.

(Y/N): "You and me now Duncan."

Duncan: "Oh I can do this all day."

(Y/N): "Have you used the bathroom yet?"

Duncan: "Be right back."

Frenchie: Several minutes later.

We see you sitting on a log eating a sandwich and we see Chris come back with some news.

Chris: "Well good news, and bad news."

(Y/N): "What's the good news?"

Chris: "Duncan took a dive in the can which makes you the winner."

Lindsay: "Alright (Y/N)!"

Trent: "Nice one!"

(Y/N): "Yay."

Chris: "The bad news, the Killer Bass will have to send someone home tonight."

Later on, we see you heading back to your cabin and you see that there's a ruckus going on at the Killer Bass cabin and you head to the other team.

(Y/N): "What's going on?"

Courtney: "Someone took Eva's MP3 player."

(Y/N): "But I gave it back to her who could have." *realizes* "Heather." *To Eva* "Yo Eva, you wanna hurt someone real badly?"

Eva: "Yeah!"

Heather: *Comes by* "Hey what's going on over here?"

(Y/N): *To Eva* *Points to Heather* "She's the one who took your mp3."

Heather: "Fine you got me."*pulls out the MP3 player*"But you told me to snatch it from her so you can listen to her music."

(Y/N): "No I didn't, you told me you were going to take it from her just so her team could vote her off, also." *Holds up a tape recorder*

Tape recorder: *Heather's voice* "We take out the other team's strongest player by turning her own team against her. Since she has a short fuse it will be easy."

The Killer Bass all glared at Heather.

Heather: *Nervous* "Uh...I'm sorry?"

Eva: "You're gonna be sorry!"

Heather ran away with Eva chasing her and when they came back you stopped Eva.

(Y/N): "Some beatdowns ain't worth the trouble."

Eva: "Yeah I guess."

We later see the Killer Bass at the campfire site and we see everyone nervous about tonight.

Chris: "You've all cast your votes a major decision, there are only nine marshmallows on this plate, when I call your name, comp up and claim your marshmallow, the camper who does not receive a marshmallow must immediately return to the Dock of Shame, catch the Boat of Losers and leave, you can never come back, ever. The first marshmallow goes to Duncan.

Duncan gets a marshmallow.

Chris: "Bridgette."*hands the marshmallow to Bridgette*"Courtney." *Courtney stands up to claim her marshmallow*"Katie and Sadie."

Katie and Sadie stand up to claim their marshmallow.

Katie and Sadie: "Yay!"

Chris: Tyler. *Tyler claims his marshmallow*"DJ."*DJ stands up to claim his marshmallow* Geoff. *Geoff smiles and stands up to claim his marshmallow, he sits down and eats his marshmallow*Campers, this is the final marshmallow of the evening."

Eva looks shocked and nervous, Harold is shocked and nervous, too.

Huge dramatic pause. The scene changes to Eva, Harold and Chris, then the marshmallow, the camera does the close-up of Eva and Harold's nervous-looking faces.

Chris: "Harold."

Harold smiles, he claims his marshmallow.

Chris: "Eva, the Dock of Shame awaits."

Eva: *to her team*"Nice, really nice, who needs this lame-o TV show anyway?!"

Eva then heads to the dock of shame and kicks Chris in the shin

Chris: "Ow! Have a good sleep tonight, you're all safe."

Confessional: Courtney

Courtney: "See, I told you, you can't act like a total ringing psychopath and then expect people to just forgive you, no matter how tough and strong and fast you are, she's never gonna have a career if she doesn't get her act together."

Confession: Heather

Heather: "So, Eva was one of their strongest players, and now she's gone. I am so running this game."

End of confessional

Courtney: "Bye-bye, Eva."*ducks to dodge a stick thrown at her by Eva*" Touchy!"

Chef is driving the Boat of Losers with Eva.

Eva: "I guess my temper got the better of me, again, but whatever, they just lost their fiercest competitor. I hope they realize that."

Courtney: "To the Killer Bass. And to Not end up here again next week."

Later, we see you talking to the Killer Bass about what happened to Eva.

(Y/N): "You voted her off anyways?!"

Tyler: "It was reasonable cause she was one bad day away from causing devastation to the camp."

(Y/N): "I was gonna help her with her temper."

Bridgette: "Oh...."

Courtney: "Well her temper always gets the best of her and how would you know how to help her with her temper?"

(Y/N): "Because I was like her before, uncontrollable anger with no way to cool down. And I learned how to control my anger thanks to my therapist."

Bridgette: "You make a fair point."

(Y/N): "Well the next time you make a vote on getting the boot, think about your choices. Got it?"

Geoff: "Got it dude."

(Y/N): "Good."

You then head back to the cabin and you lay next to Leshawna in bed.

Leshawna: "Let me guess, Heather got her way with the other team?"

(Y/N): "Yeah..."

Leshawna: "Why did you become part of that alliance anyways?"

(Y/N): "Lindsay invited me and they made me their leader and made Heather the second in command."

Leshawna: "Ok, just try to keep Heather in line for the sake of everyone boo."

(Y/N): "I'll try."

Leshawna: "And it's a good thing that you are the leader of that alliance."

(Y/N): "Yeah, so how are things with you?

Leshawna: "Well I am feeling well after getting some shut eye after the challenge. And I'm good with having you as a teammate since you're keeping Heather in check. And having you in bed with me too, these days most guys wouldn't want a woman of my size."

(Y/N): "I wouldn't mind being with someone like you, and not to sound perverted but, tripple Ds?"

Leshawna: *Giggles* "Tripple Ds baby cakes."

(Y/N): *pokes Leshawna's boobs*"You know most people can't tell if they're triple Ds because of your shirt."

Leshawna: "Well I do have to wear a large shirt in a big size to make sure my boobs don't bust out of my shirt."

(Y/N): "Yeah that checks, so do you feel bad for the other team?"

Leshawna: "After the stunt Heather pulled on them, I feel bad for them. I mean homeschool and macho mama I get but if Heather messes around with my brother or sister from another mother I'm gonna make her wish she wasn't on the show. Nobody messes with my peeps."

(Y/N): "Yeah, although Heather is not the only one you should worry about. Chris might pull a fast one on you and or your fellow black contestants."

Leshawna: "I like to see him try boo, now let's get some shut eye. Mama needs her Zs."

(Y/N): "Goodnight Leshawna."

Leshawna: "Goodnight babycakes."

Next: Chapter 3: Dodgebrawl

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