Chapter 3: Dodgebrawl

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Chris: "Last time on Total Drama Island, the Screaming Gophers kicked butt in the Awake-A-Thon when Duncan took a snooze on the can and the Killer Bass took their second loss in a row, harsh. Heather orchestrated the first Total Drama Island alliance by convincing Lindsay and Beth to join forces with her and by unaminous vote made (Y/N) the leader. Then pocketed Eva's MP3 player and sat back to watch the fireworks, nicely played, Heather, nicely played, even though Eva could have pretty much kicked anyone's butt here, in the end, it was her temper that got her kicked off, she became the second camper to rock the Boat of Losers. Who will break the rules of their new alliance? Will (Y/N) keep Heather in check? Will Gwen be able to stay awake until the end of the episode? And who will take the next humiliating walk down the Dock of Shame? Stay tuned for the most dramatic campfire ceremony yet on Total...Drama...Island."

Here we see you sleeping with Leshawna in the girl's cabin as we see Leshawna hugging your head into her breasts and we see Heather flick Leshawna in the forehead to wake her up

Leshawna: "Ugh, what do you want Queen Wannabe?"

Heather: "How about you stop suffocating the leader of my alliance for starters?"

Leshawna: *sees where your head is* "Oh."*lets go of you*"My bad boo."

(Y/N): *wakes up*"What happened? I had this weird dream where I was on an island filled with black women and they have really soft skin, and I asked myself: did they make a lotion that they distilled from the elements?" *sees Leshawna * "Oh the dream was real."

Leshawna: *Blushes and giggles* "Sorry babycakes, I'm a bit of a hugger in my sleep."

Heather: "Why did you have a dream like that?"

(Y/N): "You know I read some psychology books about how dreams are made. Stuff might be going on while you're asleep and whatever sensation is happening makes the dream in your head."

Heather: "I get the black women part of the dream, but the soft skin?"

Leshawna: "This skin ain't got soft on its own you know."

Heather: "Whatever, just get ready and try not to suffocate him between your Tripple Ds."

Leshawna: "Can't compete with your size Double Ds?"

(Y/N): *Referring to Heather* "She probably has breast envy, it's really common between women."

Leshawna: *laughs*"I know what Breast envy is, boo, because all girls have breast envy sometimes."

Heather: *Blushes* "Oh whatever! Just get dressed!" *Walks off in a huff*

(Y/N): "She definitely has boob envy."

Leshawna: "Mm-hm, but boobies ain't why you're with us girls."

(Y/N): "My tent got destroyed by lightning."

Leshawna: "Nah besides that, you like a woman for who she is and not because of her giant dairy cow boobs or her giant caboose."

(Y/N): "True."

Leshawna: "Let's go to the lodge, mama needs her breakfast."

(Y/N): "Chef actually put me in charge of breakfast for the day, he told me it would... cheer me up."

Leshawna: "Really?"

(Y/N): "Yep, he thought it would brighten my mood."

Leshawna: "If your cooking is bad at least it's better than Chef's. Plus you seem awfully calm being next to someone wearing a see through nightgown."

(Y/N): "I'm used to it."

Leshawna: "Let me guess, your mama was a stripper?"

(Y/N): "Pretty much yeah. Heck, if you were naked right now I wouldn't even be bothered, generally speaking of course."

Leshawna: "After the show, we should be friends, especially the other contestants."

(Y/N): "You know, this might sound crazy but I think this show really helps me make new friends."

Leshawna: "You mean competing against other people for a butt load of money is a way to make friends?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, I have you guys."

Leshawna: "Now that is so sweet that it would make Chris' teeth rot."

(Y/N): "Thanks."

Later, at Breakfast, both teams were eating the food you made for them and they were enjoying the scrambled eggs, waffles, and bacon you made for them.

Leshawna: "Mmm, this is delicious!"

Courtney: "I'll say, this is amazing!"

Heather: "It's... alright."

Beth: "So good!"

(Y/N): *Notices Gwen isn't here* "Hey where's Gwen?"

Trent: "She should be here by now."

Chris: "Hey everyone it's Gwen!"

We see Gwen walk into the room all tired and exhausted from the last challenge and she sits with the Screaming Gophers.

Gwen: "I'm so tired....I can't feel my face."*sees you place a plate full of eggs and bacon in front of her*"Finally, edible food."

(Y/N): "You're welcome, oh almost forgot." *Gives Gwen some coffee* "Here, you'll need this."

Gwen: *drinks the whole cup of coffee*"Oh man, that is delicious! How did you make this?"

(Y/N): "I grind the beans into powder and use the coffee maker."

Beth: "Chef has a coffee maker?"

(Y/N): "Chris loaned me a coffee maker."

Heather: "Okay how are they being nice to you and not us?"*remembers*"Oh wait, you were miserable when we met you."

(Y/N): "Well since everyone got their breakfast, I'll be sitting with you girls."*sits with Heather* "So what's up."

Heather: "We're going through orientation of the alliance."

(Y/N): "Oh alright, well since the vote on the leader of the alliance is me was unanimous. Rule 1, follow the leader, 2 all plans have to run by me, 3 just because we're in an alliance doesn't mean we have to follow the rest of the team until we merge teams."

Beth: "Well said."

Lindsay: "And what about dealing with the other team?"

(Y/N): "There's a rule four, if you feel bad about the other team due to them losing too many times or other circumstances, no shame in taking the L. And for situations involving caves, keep all resources with you at all times, have a lightsource with you, and those who have gas must travel in the back of the pack."

We then see both Lindsay and Heather blush a bit and sighed a bit.

Heather: "I don't have gas if that's what you're thinking."

(Y/N): "You sure, cause Beth told me you have gas."

Heather: "Beth!"

Beth: "What he's the leader, he should know about this kind of stuff."

Lindsay: "Like who has gas in the back of the pack?"

Heather: "I don't have gas!"*lets out a small fart by accident*"That was my shoes!"

Lindsay: "Does any of us need to borrow anything from each other?"

(Y/N): "Well that is rule 5 sharing is caring. If you ask nicely."

Lindsay: "Hey Heather, after today's challenge, can we swap clothes and see what we look like in them?"

Heather: "No."

(Y/N): "Heather, sharing is caring."

Heather: "Fine..."

Lindsay: "Yay!"

Just then we see Duncan come in looking incredibly tired.

Chris: "Duncan, you look like crap dude."

Duncan: *exhausted*"Stuck it..."

Courtney: "Harold snored all night."

Chris: "Wow, 4 nights with no sleep? How much are you earning?"

Duncan: "You want to find out?"

Chris: "No, no, it's cool, it's cool."

(Y/N): "This is what happens when you poke a bear." *Gives Duncan some ear plugs* "Here, in case there's someone snoring."

Duncan: "Thanks man, I need my Zs like yesterday."

(Y/N): *sees Harold with a drawn mustache*"That is a good mustache."

Everyone then turns to see Harold who has a mustache drawn on his face and we see him walk over to the Killer Bass team.

Harold: "What?"

Geoff: "Someone messed with your face dude!"

Harold: *sees his reflection*"Sweet stache."

(Y/N): "He does know that it's-"

Leshawna: "Let him have this one boo, just let him have it."

(Y/N): "Okay."

Chris: "Listen up, your next challenge begins in 10 minutes and be prepared to bring it!"

(Y/N): "Bring what?"

Confessional: Duncan

Duncan: "I can't tell if he's stupid or literal. Or both."

Confessional: (Y/N) and Courtney

(Y/N): "When he said bring it, did he say bring your spirit or is it something philosophical like you bring the it or it brings the you. I feel like it's a chicken or egg scenario.

Courtney: He means, bring our A game."

(Y/N): "Oh that makes sensel, hey do you think I do some deep thoughts when I do my own confessionals?"

Courtney: "Probably, Chris did say these are for when you have something to get off of your chest."

Confessional: (Y/N)

(Y/N): "When a tree falls and no one is around to see it, did it fall? I'd say yes because it doesn't need an audience to fall."

End of Confessional

We see everyone at a dodgeball court and we see Duncan resting on the bleachers.

Duncan: Wake me up, and it'll be the last thing you do. *He goes back to sleep*

(Y/N): *To Courtney* "If I were you, I wouldn't disturb him unless it's an emergency." *Gives Courtney a thermos of coffee* "And give him this just in case."

Courtney: *Takes the thermos* "Thanks."

Chris: "Today's challenge is the classic game of dodgeball, the first rule of dodgeball is-"

Noah: "Do not talk about dodgeball?" *He and Owen chuckle*

Chris: As I was saying, if you get with the ball...

Chris throws a ball and you catch the ball before it hits Courtney.

Courtney: "Woah, thanks (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "You're welcome."

Chris: "You're out and if you catch the ball the thrower gets sent out and the catcher gets to bring in another team member out on the court."

(Y/N): "Hm, what about if you use a ball to block another ball."

Chris: "Good question, if you're holding a ball you can use it to deflect the ball, but if the ball gets knocked out of your hands you're out."

(Y/N): "Are trick shots allowed?"

Chef: "Yep."

You then throw the ball as at the wall as the ball then ricochet around the whole court until it starts to catch fire and hit Chris in the nuts at Mach 5 speeds.

(Y/N): "10 points for autism."

Chris: *in pain**in a screechy voice*"Ow...."

Leshawna: *Laughs* "A fire ball to the nuts!"

Geoff: "Awesome shot man!"

(Y/N): "I played a lot of dodgeball. I bet the people at home saw that."

Meanwhile we see a certain reporter named Blaineley watching TV and she saw the shot you made and she was laughing her head off. Back to you, we see you all come up with strategies.

(Y/N): "Who's going into the game?"

Cody: "Well since you're awesome at Dodgeball you should go first."

(Y/N): "Nah I'll set this one out, it will be too easy and besides they deserve a win."

Noah: "He has a point, don't throw the big guns out too early."

Leshawna: "Okay so who in and who's out?"

(Y/N): "Hm, you, Lindsay, Heather, Owen, and Cody?"

Lindsay: "Alright."

Owen: "Woo-hoo!"

(Y/N): "The rest of you will be in the next game, and Gwen, since you're not in your peak physical condition aka you didn't have enough sleep, you'll be benched for the whole game."

Gwen: "Good call."

We see both teams on the court and they are ready to play the game.

Chris: "Both teams ready? Best of 5 games wins! Now let's dodge some balls!"*gets out side of the court*"And I'll be watching from outhere in case anyone misfires and hits me, especially from (Y/N)."

Chef then blows the whistle and everyone from both sides cheers for them.

The Killer Bass are ready to throw the ball. The Screaming Gophers are ready to throw the ball. Cody throws the ball at Tyler, Tyler dodges the ball, he is angry, Cody smiles sheepishly. Tyler spins and throws the ball in the wrong direction, and it was about to hit Sadie until you grabbed it and throw it back at Tyler.

Chris: "Nice catch (Y/N)."

Courtney: "Nice job, now let's see if you can hit someone on their team!"

Owen comes in roaring, ready to throw the ball at Tyler, Tyler is shocked, Owen throws the ball at Tyler. The ball slams him to the wall.

Tyler: "Ow, darn it!"

We then see Tyler head to the bleachers as we see Harold get ready to throw a ball at Leshawna.

Harold: "Time to unleash my wicked skills."

Leshawna: "Yeah, bring it, string bean, let's see what you got!"

Harold does his karate skills, he bounces it up, this doesn't not impress Leshawna, it goes to her side, Leshawna is ready to throw the ball at Harold. Harold screams like a girl, the ball hits him, he slides to the wall, hitting his head, Chris close his eyes, flinching.

(Y/N): "I almost wanna feel bad for him, almost."

Chef blows the whistle, he tells Harold that he's out. The Killer Bass now has three points.

Leshawna: "And that's how we roll!"

Heather claps for Leshawna, Leshawna and Owen high five, Katie is about to throw the ball. Cody gives a thumbs up to Leshawna.

Lindsay: *holding a dodgeball*"Can someone remind me what I'm supposed to do with this again?"

You see a ball coming at Lindsay.

(Y/N): "Dodge!"

Lindsay then looks down and see a penny and she bend over to pick it up and the ball missed her.

Lindsay: "Someone left a penny on the court."

Then another ball hit Lindsay in the face as everyone winced as you head out to the court and help Lindsay up.

(Y/N): "Lindsay you okay?"

Lindsay: "I'm okay, how's my face?"

(Y/N): "Beaten to a pulp."

Lindsay: "That bad?"

(Y/N): "I'm not gonna lie, it looks like shit."

Lindsay: "Oh...maybe I can recover right?"

(Y/N): "Sure."

You then take Lindsay to the bleachers as the game continues.

(Y/N): "Don't worry, the swelling will go down soon."

Back to the game, we see Tyler wave at Lindsay and Lindsay just ignored him. Heather is surprised, so she picks up a ball and throws it at Tyler, hitting him in the groin.

Tyler: "Mommy!"

Courtney: "What the heck was that? Ref, he's not even on the court."

Chef looks at Heather.

Heather: "Opposies, slipped."

(Y/N): "Watch where you're throwing Heather."

Courtney growls and picks up the ball, she throws the ball at Heather, but Owen catches the ball

Chef blows his whistle, Courtney is out. The Killer Bass have two points. Courtney is disappointed.

Gwen yawns, she scratches her back, she gets up, Owen throws the ball at DJ, DJ dodges, he then throws the ball at Owen, but Owen ducks and the ball hits Gwen.

DJ: "Ooh, sorry."

Gwen: "Oh, it's cool, trust me." *Chef blows his whistle, Gwen is out*

It's only two players left on each team, Cody and Leshawna vs. DJ and Katie.

Chef blows his whistle, DJ and Katie throw the ball, Leshawna deflects one ball, but one ball hits her stomach, Leshawna is out, It's just Cody vs. DJ and Katie. They grin. Cody is nervous

Courtney: "Easy out, guys, easy out."

Cody throws the ball up, he throws the ball at DJ, he misses, but the ball rolls back and hits him.

Chris: "That is one tough ball to dodge."

Katie throws the ball at Cody, but he ducks, Cody rubs the ball on his stomach, the ball sparkles, he throws the ball at Katie, the ball chases her, the Killer Bass are surprised, she slams into the wall, the ball hits her. Katie is out. The Screaming Gophers win round one, they cheer. Cody and Owen high five, Cody feels proud. Scene cuts to the Killer Bass.

(Y/N): "Huh, impressive Cody, where did you learn to do that?"

Cody: "A magician never reveals his secrets."

Confessional: (Y/N)

(Y/N): "If a magican never revealed his secrets, then no one will know if he died."

End of confessional

Harold: "We can do this, we just have to believe in ourselves."

Courtney: "Oh, I believe, you stink!"

Tyler: "Yeah, you throw like a girl."

Geoff: *laughs*

Courtney: "You should talk!"

Tyler: "It was a warm-up throw, look, I can donimate this game, just give all the balls to me."

Chef blows his whistle for the game to start.

Courtney: "Fine, just try to aim for the other side, okay?"

Scene cuts to the Screaming Gophers.

Heather: "All right, Noah, you're up."

Noah: "You know you guys did such an awesome job on the last game that I don't want to mess up your mojo."

(Y/N): "Noah come on, we all have to do our part in this game, which includes you."

Noah: "Oh well that in that case. Go team go."

(Y/N): "Ehh close enough."

Heather glares at Noah, the whistle blows.

Heather: Fine.

Beth raises her hand. Heather allows Beth to go up.

Heather: "Let's go, guys."

The Killer Baas are ready for round two, Tyler has all of the balls. The Screaming Gophers look concerned why Tyler has all of the balls. Tyler spins, once again, he fails to do it, instead he hits Chef, which hits him in the stomach. The ball almost hits Chris.

Chris: "Hey, watch the face, dude!"

The ball almost hit the Gophers who are sitting out, the Screaming Gophers duck the ball as you caught them and one of them hit Lindsay and you saw it happen.

(Y/N): "Oh boy, I'll go get her."

You then pick up Lindsay and bring her back to the bleachers and you see that her face is all bruised up.

(Y/N): "Hey Chris, need an ice pack over here."

Chris: "One step ahead of you dude, the interns are coming back with one."

Owen: "Great Gatsby that is it! Game on!"

Owen then went nuts and started throwing dodgeballs at multiple targets like a raging bull and hit Geoff in the face really hard as Chris winced at this.

Chris: "Ow! That's worth an instant replay."

Chris then starts replaying that moment multiple times.

Chris: *offscreen*" Oh man, that's gonna leave a mark."

Back to the show, everyone is cheering for Owen.

Lindsay: *To you* "Wanna go for a walk?"

(Y/N): "Hm, sure."

We see you and Lindsay take a walk outside the court. We later see you and Lindsay out on the dock and we see the two of you talking to each other.

Lindsay: "So I didn't see you try to get yourself off the team early."

(Y/N): "Once you're in two elimination ceremonies deep into the show, you have to stick to it and see where it goes for ya."

Lindsay: "Oh, well it's nice to have you here."

(Y/N): "Yeah, though I wish Chris' daughter was here so I can meet her and see her old man work."

Lindsay: "Wait? Chris Mclean has a daughter?"

(Y/N): "Yeah her name is Kristal, Chef told me about her."

Lindsay: "You think she has her own show too?"

(Y/N): "Well not yet, she will try to not be like her dad even though she will, she might have a conscience by her side to keep her in check."

Lindsay: "That's nice."

(Y/N): "So what do you think will happen to the group if I was eliminated at the next ceremony?"

Lindsay: "Well nothing really, except that we will miss you."

(Y/N): "Really?"

Lindsay: "Yeah, I mean you may be the best player, but we want to get to know you better as a person because we all barely know each other." *Notices how surprised you look* "Uh I mean, you're really hot and I like soo wanna be your girlfriend."

(Y/N): "Why do you do that?"

Lindsay: "Do what?"

(Y/N): "Say something smart and then try to cover it up with something stupid?"

Lindsay: "Well I don't want people to use my secret smarts for bad things, especially Heather."

(Y/N): "Wait so you know she's using you?"

Lindsay: "Yep."

(Y/N): "And the dyed blond hair?"

Lindsay: "I used hair dye to make everyone think I'm a dumb blond."

(Y/N): "Ohh that stereotype about blond people right?"

Lindsay: "Yeah, hey what kind of things would you do after Total Drama?"

(Y/N): "Hm, probably be a philosopher and share my philosophies to the world when I grow up. Speaking of which."

Confessional: (Y/N)

(Y/N): "When you're young, you haven't met everyone who would attend your funeral."

End of confessional

Lindsay: "Whoa....that's deep. I'm young now and I haven't met everyone at my funeral."

(Y/N): "That's philosophy for ya."

Just then we see Heather walking up to you and Lindsay.

Heather: "Hello, we need you two back at the court now!"

(Y/N): "We were just taking a break."

Lindsay: "Yeah, we're just hanging out."

Heather then tries to throw a canoe at you but you caught it and you throw it to the side.

(Y/N): "Want to be kicked out of the alliance, Heather?"

Heather: "I....I'm sorry."

(Y/N): "That's what I thought, come on Lindsay."

We then see you and Lindsay walk off as Lindsay was hugging your arm between her cleavage to keep up her facade. Later on, the challenge continues with the Killer Bass and the Screaming Gophers tied with each other.

Trent: "Okay we're tied. Hey (Y/N), you're up."

(Y/N): "Alright, how are we doing so far?"

Trent: "Well both teams tied."

(Y/N): "Hm, okay I'll be going out there."

You then glanced at Noah who was still in his book.

(Y/N): "And has Noah been on the court yet?"

Trent: "Nope."

(Y/N): "Hm, okay then."

You then grab Noah and step out onto the court and we see both teams throwing balls at each other. You and Harold were dodging them all until it was just you and him.

(Y/N): "I know a man with many talents when I see one, but using ice skating in dodgeball is very clever. But can you get me out of the court?"

The Killer Bass team then pictured Harold in their heads in a coma with a dodgeball lodged into where his heart used to be as a pacemaker to keep him alive as they know all hope is lost. You then threw the ball hard enough that it was moving fast enough to catch fire and it hit Harold and he was knocked back into a wall and then out of nowhere Harold held up the ball and everyone from the Killer Bass cheered.

Chris: "The Killer bass win!!!"

(Y/N): "Good game."

Harold: "Yep."

Chris: "Gophers, what happened?"

(Y/N): "I'll tell you what happened, I let the Killer Bass win, cause let's be honest, they needed at least one win. Or two to make it even since they lost two players."

Leshawna: "Hm, boy ain't wrong there."

Later, at the campfire site, we see the ceremony happening now and we see Chris holding the marshmallows.

Chris: "​​Campers, you've already placed you votes and made your decision. One of you will be going home, and you can't come back, ever! When you hear me call out your name, come pick up a marshmallow. Owen."*sees Owen pick up his marshmallow*"Gwen, Cody."*Sees them pick up their marshmallows*"(Y/N)."*sees you pick up your marshmallow*"Trent."*sees him pick up his marshmallow*"Beth."*sees her pick up her marshmallow*" Justin."*sees him pick up his marshmallow*"Leshawna."*sees her pick up her marshmallow*"Izzy."*sees Izzy pick up her marshmallow*"And the final marshmallow goes to....Lindsay."

Lindsay: "Woohoo, yeah!"

Noah: "What?! Are you kidding me?!"

Lindsay then picks up her marshmallow and then she joins you with the others.

(Y/N): " Honestly, you had this coming."

Lindsay: "Woohoo!"*She kisses her marshmallow*

Noah: "Alright, see if I care, good luck, because you voted out the only one with brains on this team!"*His teams throw marshmallows at him as a payback for his earlier actions and not participating* "Ow!"

Leshawna: "You need to learn a little thing called "respect," turkey." *The Screaming Gophers laugh cheer and laugh at his misfortune*

Noah: "Whatever, I'm outta here."

Chris: "All right, so it wasn't the most dramatic campfire ceremony ever, but I still get paid, ha ha, bonus!"

Later that night, we see you in the girl's cabin making a sleeping chart as Leshawna sees it.

Leshawna: "What's going on here?"

(Y/N): "Making a sleeping chart."

Leshawna: *Looks through the chart* "Huh, not bad boo. What's the chart for?"

(Y/N): "To keep track of which girl I slept with, first night was with Lindsay, second it was you, and now it's Gwen."

Leshawna: "Nice, but why isn't Beth on the chart?"

(Y/N): "Oh she told me she has a boyfriend back home."

Leshawna: "Really?"

(Y/N): "Yep, his name's Brady."

Leshawna: "Who would want to date a girl with braces?"

(Y/N): "Probably someone who likes someone for who they are on the inside and not the outside and someone who's a good dentist."

Leshawna: "Hm true." *Looks at the chart* "Bridgette, Courtney, Sadie, Eva, Izzy, and Katie too?"

(Y/N): "I needed to even out the list with the other team."

Leshawna: "But they're in a different cabin and a different team."

(Y/N): "Always be prepared when the teams merge and the possibility that past teammates might return."

Lindsay: "When could that happen?"

(Y/N): "Knowing Chris it could happen at any time with him."

Lindsay: "True, so who are you sleeping with again?"

Gwen: "Pinnochio."

Lindsay: "Really?"

Gwen: "No! Me you airhead!"

Lindsay: "Ohhhhh...."

(Y/N): "Time to get to bed."

You and Gwen then lay next to each other and Gwen cuddles with you.

Gwen: "Hm, I'm not as big as the others am I?"

(Y/N): "You just have manageable assets, that's all."

Gwen: "Yeah."

(Y/N): "And you're not so bad to be around, you're just a goth girl who has a kind heart who would most likely be a target for Chris to make everyone think you're a bad person because you look scary."

Gwen: "You think I'm scary?"

(Y/N): "You're horrifying to look at, yeah."*sees Gwen a bit sad*"And it's okay, if anyone likes a scary person then that means they like them for who they are."

Gwen: "Really?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, underneath the gothic exterior lies a heart of gold."

Gwen: "Thanks."

Next: Chapter 4: Not Quite Famous

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