Chapter 4: Not Quite Famous

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Chris: " Last time on Total Drama Island. The Killer Bass finally dodged their pathetic losing streak against The Screaming Gophers because (Y/N) let them win. There were bruises, tears, risky moves, and dangerous alliances. And in the end, it was Noah the know-it-all who didn't see it coming. This week, another challenge will send one more camper on a cruise to Loserville. Population, Four. Who will sink? And who will stay afloat? Find out right now on Total... Drama... Island."

Here we open on the cabins in the morning

Lindsay: "Okay, this is so--way--beyond, bad. *holding up tanner sadly.* I'm out of fake tanner already!"

Gwen: *Sarcastically* "Woah, that's tragic, Lindsay."

Lindsay: "Now I have to actually, like, suntan, in the sun. Do you realize how shriveled and wrinkly that can make your skin?" gets up to examine Gwen* "Oh, you totally do!"

(Y/N): "Linds, you don't need that stuff, plus you already have excellent skin just like Gwen. Except it's more cold to the touch."

Gwen: "That's the life of a Goth, we are cold hearted people who like the darkness and the cold. Like a vampire, but you have warmed me up from last night."

(Y/N): "True, plus that fake tan stuff is bad for your skin."

Lindsay: "Oh my gosh! You're so right (Y/N), thank you so much!"*hugs you into her cleavage*"You're a lifesaver."

(Y/N): *Muffled* "No problem."

Then the PA system activates and Chris speaks into it.

Chris: "Alright campers. Enough beauty sleep. Time to show us what you're made of!"

Gwen: "We didn't even have breakfast."

(Y/N): "Good thing I brought an emergency breakfast."*pulls out power bars*"Power bars, breakfast in bar form."

Later at a theater, we see you and the others gathered at the bleachers.

Lindsay: "Oh, are we going to see a musical? I love musicals! Especially the ones with singing and dancing."

(Y/N): "Something tells me this might be the next challenge."

You and the others then see Chris on stage.

Chris: " Welcome to our brand-new, deluxe, state-of-the-art, outdoor amphitheater. Okay, this week's challenge is a summer camp favorite; a talent contest!"

Owen: "Yes! Awesome!"

(Y/N): "That doesn't seem so bad."

Chris: "Each team has 8 hours to pick their three most talented campers. These three will represent them in the show tonight. Sing, dance, juggle. Anything goes."*looks at Duncan*"As long as it's legal."

Duncan: "Dang."

Chris: "You will be judged by our resident talent scout, former D.J., V.J., and Rap Legend, Grand...Master... Chef! Who will show his approval via the Chef-o-Meter. The team that loses will send one camper home tonight."*walks off the stage*"Good luck."

(Y/N): "What's a VJ?"

Heather: "It's a Video Jockey."

(Y/N): "Huh, neat."

Later at the Screaming Gopher Cabin, we see everyone figuring out who to put on the show.

(Y/N): "Alright as the captain of the team, I will be judging the talents."

Heather: "Wait who made you captain?"

(Y/N): "The vote is unanimous, now who wants to go first?"

Beth raised her hand.

(Y/N): "Okay Beth, what can you do?"

Beth: "I can twirl a fire baton, but I can't catch it well."

(Y/N): "Hm okay not bad, sounds impressive, but we don't wanna set the stage on fire. Okay, Lindsay what can you do?"

Lindsay: "Be pretty?"

(Y/N): "We'll get to you later, Owen?"

Owen then steps up and drinks a whole bottle of soda and then he burps the entire alphabet in one go.

(Y/N): "Hm, not bad big guy."

Trent: "That was excellent, man."

Heather: *Scoffs in disgust.* " Well, you're not going to do that in this contest, that's disgusting!"

Trent: "Do you know how hard it is to burp the entire alphabet in one go?"

Owen: "I can also toot Beethoven's 5th."

Everyone (Except you): "No!"

(Y/N): "We'll get to that later, anyone else?"

Trent: "How about you (Y/N)?"

(Y/N): "Me? Hm, alright."

You then pull out a deck of cards and we see Lindsay choose one which is an Ace of spades and she puts it in her cleavage as you then snap your fingers as Owen burps out an Ace of Spades.

(Y/N): "Is that your card?"

Lindsay: "Woah, that was my card."*checks her cleavage and can't find her card*"That is my card!"

You then hold up a blanket in front of Leshawna and you grab a stick and you wave it around and tap the blanket 3 times and then you drop it and Leshawna was in a sexy bunny suit.

Leshawna: *Looks at what she's wearing*"What the?!"

Trent: "Woah... did you do that."

You then tap on Heather's mouth as she feels something in her mouth which is a penny in her mouth and she spit it out.

Heather: "A penny really? You can do better than-"*vomits out a stream of quarters*"-AHHHHHHHHH!!! This is not possible!"

(Y/N): "No it's possible."

Confessional: Leshawna


Confessional: Heather

Heather: *still vomiting quarters*"Help me!"

Confessional: Lindsay

Lindsay: "I hope I can be his pretty assistant."

End of confessional

(Y/N): "So Leshawna, what do you think of your sexy bunny suit? I only use people in bunny suits so that I would be on the good side of animal rights protestors."

Leshawna: "Hm not bad boo. I'll be your bunny."

Lindsay: "Can I be your assistant?"

You then hold up a blanket in front of Lindsay and you tap on it 3 times and then you drop the blanket and Lindsay is dressed as a lovely assistant to the magician.

(Y/N): "Sure."

Lindsay: "Yay!"

(Y/N): "Since I've heard your guitar playing last night Trent, you will be second talent."

Trent: "Right on."

(Y/N): "Alright let's see who else, uh oh, Justin what can you do?"

Justin then pulls his shirt off and he drinks water and a drop evaporates upon contact with his chest as most of the girls saw this.

(Y/N): "Alright you're in."

Heather: "Wait, what about me?!"

(Y/N): "We do not want to cause some unnecessary friction in the team because of your plan. But for the sake of fairness, you would be a backup performance in case something happens to one of us. So what's your talent?"

Heather: "I'm a ballerina."

(Y/N): "Gotcha, I'll be checking on the Killer Bass team and see what they're up to."

You then head over to the Killer Bass team and you see what they have chosen for their performances.

(Y/N): "How are things here?"

Courtney: "We chose DJ, he can ribbon dance, Briddgette can stand on her hands for a few minutes, and I can play a violin solo."

(Y/N): "Okay and what about the rest, in case one of your talents gets out of commission?"

Katie: "There's me and Sadie with free form dancing and Harold with uh...we didn't actually see him perform because Courtney was too impatient."

Sadie: "I know right, the tortoise and hare taught us slow and steady win the race."

Katie: "Totally."

(Y/N): "Hm okay, Geoff what can you do?"

Geoff: "Pull off some sick moves with a skateboard."

Geoff then does some stunts with his skateboard as you see how good Geoff is.

(Y/N): "Nice work, see you on stage."

Geoff: "No problem dude."

Sometime later, we see you and the others at the bleachers and you see that somehow all of the strings on Trent's guitar broke.

(Y/N): "How did this happen?"

Trent: "Dude I have no idea."

(Y/N): *Looks at Heather* "Heather?"

Heather: "Don't look at me."

(Y/N): "Well it's a good thing I installed a hidden camera just in case."

Heather: "What?"

You then play the footage from the camera and you saw it was Beth who broke the strings by accident with her fire batons.

(Y/N): "Beth what happened?"

Beth: "I was trying to figure out how to catch the batons and I broke the strings by accident."

(Y/N): "Guess we have no choice to replace Trent with Heather."*to Trent*"Sorry man."

Trent: "It's okay dude, but at least it was an accident."

(Y/N): "Yeah if it wasn't then I would blame Heather cause she might have a trick up her sleeve."*to Heather*"Be sure you stick to the performance you choose, got it?"

Heather: "Alright."

(Y/N): "Good."

We see Chris on stage and he's making his announcements.

Chris: "It's the T.D.I. Talent Extravaganza! Welcome to the very first Camp Wawanakwa Talent Contest, where six campers will showcase their mad skills and desperately try not to humiliate themselves. First up for The Screaming Gophers, is Justin."

We then see Justin get on stage and we see him do some poses to showcase his good looks though the girls were interested in you.

Chris: "Okay, well I don't know what that was, but you've got some moves, dude."*sees the Chef-o-meter gives Justin a 6/9*"And Chef agrees. First up for The Killer Bass, make some big noise for the big guy... DJ!"

We then see DJ get on stage and we see him dancing with his ribbon until he got his feet momentarily tied up by his ribbon and he got freed and he made an awkward smile.

(Y/N): "He had it and he lost it."

Chris: "Dainty, and yet masculine. Let's see what Grandmaster Chef thinks."*sees it's a 2/9 on the chef o meter*"Not much. So, with two down and four acts to go, it's The Screaming Gophers ahead. Next on deck...(Y/N). Take it away, my bro"

We then see Lindsay walk onto stage carrying a box small enough to fit a small ring and we see Lindsay take out a small ring size loop and she points it at the audience to show that there's nothing on the ring as she then blows a bubble and it came out and when the bubble popped it shoots glitter at everyone as you appeared out of the glitter. You then grab your baseball cap and you showed the audience that there's nothing in it and then you pulled out Eva who was in a sexy bunny suit.

Eva: "What the?! How did I get here?!"*sees what she's wearing*"And what am I wearing?!"

You then use your stick to tap on Eva's mouth 3 times as she feels like she's gonna barf. We then see Eva vomit out Leshawna onto the stage as everyone was shocked to see that.

Eva: "I don't remember eating you! I'm freaking out!"

Leshawna: "And how did you get here?!"

Eva: "I don't know!"

You then place 3 boxes on the stage and you gestured to the girls to go into them and they did. You then spin the boxes around and then stop them and tap on the boxes with your stick 3 times each and when they open the girls swapped heads with each other.

Lindsay: "Why do I feel like I just gained weight?"

Leshawna: "I think I became a macho woman."

Eva: "Why do I feel so weak?"

The girls look at each other and they see you swapped their heads and they screamed in terror as you then hold a blanket in front of them and you tap the blanket 3 times with your stick and you pull the blanket away and the girls got their heads back and they have Aces of hearts in their cleavages.

Eva: "What is happening right now?"

You then snap your fingers and we see Lindsay bring back a small table and place a clear glass on the table and you pull out a bottle of extra strength liquid laxative and pour it into the cup until the bottle is empty. You then cover the cup with a box and you tap on it 3 times and when you pull the box away the liquid in the cup is gone as everyone was impressed by it. Lindsay then pushes in a large box and then you tap on it 3 times and when you open it, we see a woman come out of it in a sexy bunny suit as Chris sees that woman and it was his own daughter.

Chris: "Kristal?!"

Kristal: "Dad?!"

Everyone(except you): "Dad?!"

You then inflate a balloon and make a balloon animal of a beaver and you gave it to Kristal and then you pop it and there is glitter everywhere and Kristal disappears in the glitter.

(Y/N): "And for my final act, you will see a multi headed woman. Lindsay if you please?"

We then see Lindsay push in another box and then gets into the box you then tap 3 times on both boxes and then when you open up the other box we see a multi headed woman made up of all the female contestants on the show as the guys see that the female contestants on both teams are gone.

Owen: "Wha?!"

We then see you throw a smoke bomb at the multi headed woman and the girls are back to normal.

Izzy: "Aww, I wish we were together longer. I love when I am conjoined with you guys cause it is so fun!"

Chris: "Uhh... wow, that was something... let's see what the Chef-o-meter has to say."*sees that it's an 8/9 for your magic performance*"Well dang you got some high-"*feels his stomach grumbling*-Uh, what did you do to me?"

(Y/N): "A magician never reveals his secrets."

Chris: *realizes*"I just realized where an entire bottle of liquid laxative went."

(Y/N): "Then you probably need to use the can man."

Chris then runs like hell to the bathroom but the closest bathroom was the outhouse confessional booth.

(Y/N): "Wait wait Chris that's not the-"

Duncan: "Too late dude.."

Confessional: Chris.

We see Chris taking a giant dump in the outhouse on live tv and it's been going on for hours.

End of confessional

We then see Chris walk out of the outhouse and he feels the pain from taking a big dump.

Chris: "Okay....I'm back."

(Y/N): "Well that was pretty shitty."

Duncan: "Ha!"

(Y/N): *To Chris* "But you do realize you took a dump in front of national TV right?"

Chris: "Oh.... crap."

Courtney: "Awkward..."

(Y/N): *Notices Chris is too embarrassed to say anything* "Okay... Chef, what would you rate my talent without Chris taking a deuce in the confessional?"*sees the score*"Still an 8/9."

You then stepped off stage as we see Chris regain his composure and turn to the audience.

Chris: "Uh... okay, three down and three to go, and The Killer Bass is totally sucking so far. Let's hear it for Bridgette."

As Bridgette was about to go on, you noticed her stomach grumbling and you stopped her.

(Y/N): "Uh Bridge, did you eat anything before the show?"

Bridgette: "Yeah why?"

(Y/N): "Well think about it, hand-stand plus full stomach."

It didn't take long for Bridgette to realize what you were implying.

Bridgette: "Ohh... yeah, I did..."

I am (Y/N): "Yeah my advice, don't do a hand-stand in front of an audience in the splash zone."

Bridgette: "Good call."

We then see Bridgette talking to Courtney.

Bridgette: "There's been a change in plans, if I do a handstand now, Vomit city population eveyrone."

Courtney: "Okay don't want that, who do we have left?"

Bridgette: "Geoff has his skateboard act, Duncan has carving, Sadie and Katie's routine, your violin, and Harold's...whatever he has."

Courtney: "Hm, well we can do Sadie and Katie's routine."

We then see Sadie and Katie doing their dance routine and they finish their routine.

Chris: "Nice swap out everyone and let's see what Grandmaster Chef has to say about it?"*sees the Chef-o-meter is at a 7/9*'Nice one, next up Heather."

You then noticed something behind Heather's back and it was a book with Gwen's name on it.

(Y/N): "Hold it, Heather don't even think about it."

Heather: "Wh-what are you talking about?"

You then take the book away from Heather and Gwen sees it's her diary.

Gwen: "My diary!"

Heather: *Nervous* "Hehe, how did that get there?" *Sees you giving her an unamused expression* "I was gonna read it in front of the audience..."

(Y/N): "And for that, Izzy will be taking your place. Now go to your seat and think about what you almost done."

We then see Heather go back to her seat as the other screaming gophers were glaring at her. We then see Izzy take the stage and we see her performing a snake dance which is pretty hypnotic to most guys, except you.

Chris: "Dang nice dance, Izzy."*sees the 8/9 score on the Chef-o-meter*"And Grandmaster Chef agrees. Well then, it's down to the final act of the night. Can Geoff and his rad stunts turn it around? I seriously doubt it. Let's find out."

Meanwhile with the Killer Bass they were figuring out what act to use since Geoff's board got broken.

Courtney: "How can we top that snake dance?!"

Everyone then turns to see Harold who is in the audience and they come up with a plan. We see Harold on stage and Courtney talks to him.

Courtney: "Just go for it Harold, what have you got to lose?"

(Y/N): "Your dignity?"

Courtney: "Aside from that."

We then see Harold beatboxing and it was pretty amazing considering it's composed of "huhs" "awesomes" "goshes" whats" and "uh-huhs" in the middle, ending with a booya as everyone cheered for him.

Courtney: "Woo! That was amazing."

Chris: *Walks on stage during the cheers and claps* Wicked beatboxing, dude. *Chef gives Harold a 9/9 (Great) on the Chef-o-meter* Check it out. Grandmaster Chef has declared he's the winner. Even though they held the lead, The Screaming Gophers have been trampled by The Killer Bass."

Bridgette: "Harold, that was amazing."

Courtney: "You did it!" *Geoff twirls his hat in approval*

Bridgette and Courtney run up to Harold and hug him.

Chris: "And as for The Screaming Gophers, pick your favorite loser and I'll see you at the bonfire."

We later see you and the others at the bonfire ceremony and everyone got their marshmallows except for Justin and Heather."

Chris: "Kudos to you all for an incredible night of entertainment, music, drama, almost barfing. There is only one marshmallow left on this plate. Justin, you reminded us all that looks matter a lot. And Heather, you're full of surprises, but almost reading another chick's diary out loud to the whole world? Man, that is whack. No kidding, that's really messed up, dude."

Heather: "Oh please, just give me my marshmallow already."

Chris: "Justin, I personally think this is very wrong, but tonight, hotness just wasn't enough. The last marshmallow goes to Heather. Time to catch the Boat of Losers, brah."

Everyone glares at Heather as Justin sulks away in disappointment.

Heather: "Later, brah."

Confessional: Gwen

Gwen: "If that evil little cow thinks she can get away with this, she has another thing coming."

End of confessional

(Y/N): "I told everyone to vote against Justin to keep you around Heather."

Heather: *surprised*"Why?"

(Y/N): "I'm giving you another chance, don't waste it."

Heather: "Okay, but why did you vote off Justin?"

(Y/N): "He has to learn that you can't survive with good looks alone."

Izzy: *pats your back*"Too true, too true."*jumps onto your shoulders*"Now it's my turn to share a bed with you! Now mush!"

(Y/N): "Yes ma'am."

Later at the cabin, we see you in bed with Izzy and we see Izzy laying on top of you.

(Y/N): "Why are you laying on top of me?"

Izzy: "Because it's super comfy silly. You know, when I sleep outside I let a snake put me into its coils and let me sleep in them for the night." *shows you the bite marks*"I have the bite marks to prove it, the key is to earn its trust by letting it bite on you and you do not react to the bite at all no matter how much it hurts."

(Y/N): "You are random."

Izzy: "I know right, if we met a lot sooner we could have been best friends. Or boyfriend and girlfriend."*growls in a flirty tone*

(Y/N): *Blushes a bit* "Uh, wha?"

Izzy: "Nah you're right, too early for the romantic parts for us." *Gets an idea* "Oh I know."

We then see Izzy take off her pajamas and you see her bra and panties.

(Y/N): "Why did you do that?"

Izzy: "To get more comfy doy, plus you seem to be incredibly comfortable with it because you're probably autistic right?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, how did you know?"

Izzy: "I can read a lot of things, people, tarot cards, books, people-"

(Y/N): "You already said people."

Izzy: "I read a lot of people but don't tell anyone but Heather has a giant crush on you and she is trying to hide it and come up with a time to show her terrible parents that she has a boyfriend."

(Y/N): "Okay..."

Izzy: *yawns* "Welp time to hit the-"*falls asleep on top of you very fast**snoring*

(Y/N): "Wow she's a fast sleeper."

Meanwhile with Chris, we see him rocking back and forth in a corner because of the humiliation you gave him.

Chris: "Maybe everyone will forget it the next day?"

Next: Chapter 5: The Sucky Outdoors

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