Chapter 13: X-Treme Torture

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Chris: "Last time on Total Drama Island... The eleven surviving campers were put through Master Chief Hatchet's brutal boot camp. Duncan was the first to be sent to the brig by Major Harshines for disorderly conduct. Shocker. But what was a surprise was when (Y/N) pull a B&E to steam some PB&J and ending up KISSING Courtney. Leshawna won her stripes for the Gophers and the Bass smelt something fishy when Courtney was suddenly voted off. Confession cams revealed that it was Harold who tampered with the votes to get back at Duncan for torturing him. That seems a bit unfair, I mean, hello? He's a bully. That's what they do. Birds gotta fly, fishes gotta swim, dude. Let a playa play. However (Y/N) didn't agree with this and punished Harold by having him tied to a tree and getting his nuts shot by baseballs all night. This week the campers are pushed to be extreme. Who will crack under the pressure? Find out right now on Total. Drama. Island!

Here we see you in bed with Gwen and we see her wake up and she sees you peacefully and we see Gwen turn over and she sees Bridgette in her bed.

Gwen: "Shouldn't you be in the Killer Bass cabin?"

Bridgette: "I'm the only girl in the Killer Bass after Courtney got eliminated. It's pretty much a sausage fest over there."

Gwen: "Oh...right, Courtney is gone."

Bridgette: *Sighs* "All because of Harold, but on the plus side. Karma hit Harold in the nuts with dozens of baseballs and the guys watched that for the whole night."

Later on, we see you carry Harold from the woods and you drop him on the doorstep of the Killer Bass and you knock and ditch the area as we see the guys of the Killer Bass see it's Harold in a pain induced coma.

(Y/N): *offscreen*"Here's your trash."

Geoff: "Is he dead?"

Duncan: *kicks Harold in the nuts and heard him scream in pain*"Nope, he's alive."

(Y/N): "Bummer."

Confessional: Duncan

Duncan: "If we lose the next challenge we are so giving Harold the boot."

Confessional: (Y/N)

(Y/N): "Harold will enter a world of pain if he bumps into Courtney and the other girls who got eliminated."

Confessional: Duncan and DJ

Duncan: "(Y/N) left Harold on a tree with a baseball machine that shot him the kiwis, repeatedly."

DJ: "If there was a football launcher, his junk would never survive football pain."

Duncan: "Yeah and I respect that guy's craft. He's like a smart mob boss."

End of confessional

We see you reading a book near Leshawna's bed and then you hear a helicopter outside and the noise wakes everyone up.

Leshawna: "What is Chris up to now?!"

(Y/N): "Let's see and find out, or don't."

You and the others get outside and you see Chris flying a plane dive bombing towards you and the others.

(Y/N): "Hit the deck!"

Everyone then takes cover as we see Chris fly over you and the others and he lands the plane on the ground.

Chris: "Yes! I can't wait to get my pilot's license!"

(Y/N): "Christ on a stick! What were you thinking?! You could have killed us!" *looks at Harold* "Well actually you could have landed on Harold."

Harold: "Hey!" *sees you glaring* *gulps in fear* "Never mind."

Leshawna: "What is going on here?!"

Chris: "Just flexing your muscles for today's-"*through a megaphone*"Extreme sports challenge!"

(Y/N): "Annnd that's my que to go back to bed."

Gwen: "Ugh...It's too early for this."

Chris: "This week, you'll participate in three challenges. First up-"*through megaphone*"-Extreme sofa bed skydiving! Contestants will plummet, uh... Skydive to a waiting sofa bed target below."

You and the others then see a sofa bed provided by Chef and we see Chef jump into it and it trapped him and everyone can hear the muffled screaming.

Chris: "Of course, you'll be skydiving from five thousand feet. And using these." *pulls out two parachutes*"Our lucky contestants are Trent and DJ."

(Y/N): "Is this even safe?"

Geoff: "It's extreme sports dude it's supposed to be not safe."

(Y/N): "Point taken."

Trent: "Sure. Why not? You know what they say on Blackcomb Mountain, bro. "Best glimpse of heaven's on the way into hell." Let's do this."

DJ: "Yeah. Uh, sure. Bring it on."

Chris: "Not so fast. Because the second challenge of the day is..."*through megaphone*"Extreme rodeo moose riding! Contestants will rodeo ride the great Canadian bucking moose for eight seconds or get hooved into a giant pile of socks from the lost-and-found."

(Y/N): *smells the socks*"What is that smell!? What died in there!?"

Leshawna: *sees the pile of stinky socks*"That stink pile ain't nothing but laundry day back home."

Chris: "It's your lucky day, Leshawna. You're riding for the Gophers. And Geoff, you'll ride for Bass."

Geoff: "Yeah!"

Owen: *looks at the moose*"He doesn't look too bucky to me. Hi, beautiful."

The moose then punch Owen in the face as you look down at Owen.

(Y/N): "I think you smelled worse than the socks in the moose's opinion."

Leshawna: "It's true boo."

Chris: *through a megaphone*"And the final challenge... Extreme sea doo waterskiing! Contestants will waterski a race course grabbing as many flags as they can before crossing the finish line. While a member from the opposing team tries to deceive you."

Heather: "How can we waterski without water?"

Chris: *through a megaphone*"It's really hard. Check it out."

You then pull out a camera and you record Chef trying to waterski on land as he then crashes into a tree.

(Y/N): *Chuckles* "I'll save this for the archives."

Chris: *laughing through a megaphone*"Awesome! Harold, you'll ski for Killer Bass.

Harold: "Sweet."

Chris: "And Linsay for the Screaming Gophers."

Lindsay: "Kewl! I can model my new bikini!"

Chris: *through a megaphone*"Now for the cool swag! Whoever scores the most challenges gets bragging rights for the night, saves their butts from elimination and wins a tricked out Multi Massage Mobile Shower."

You and the others then see the Massage Mobile Shower next to Chef playing a harp as the girls gasped in shock

Heather: "Can it be?"

Chris: "Oh, it be."

Confessional: Heather and Leshawna

Heather: "We need to get that shower."

Leshawna: "I agree."

Heather: "And maybe have (Y/N) shower us. Imagine, (Y/N) with no clothes on!"

Leshawna: *fans herself*"Phew, I'm getting heated from thinking about it."

Confessional: Gwen and Lindsay

Gwen: "Finally! A real shower!"

Lindsay: "Don't we have to win it first?"

Gwen: "Do you want to see (Y/N) naked?"

Lindsay: *realizes*"No holding back!"

End of confessional

Owen: *eating marshmallows*"Ah, a shower? How 'bout something good?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, like phone calls to people at home?"

Leshawna: "Babycakes, I love you, but-"

Heather: "We are going to win that shower if it's the last thing we do."

Leshawna: "...What she said."

Chris: "Okay, gang. Chow for breaky, then report back in twenty minutes for..."*through megaphone*"The extreme sports challenge!"

Later at the lodge, we see everyone eating breakfast and we see you making charm bracelets for the other girls which looks like the one you gave to Courtney gave the bracelets to the other girls.

Lindsay: "Aww thanks."

(Y/N): "It's a little something I made so that we would remember the good times we had here and the friends we made."

Gwen: "That is the most corniest yet sweetest thing you ever said."

Leshawna: "You made extras for the other girls?"

(Y/N): "In case we ever see them again."

Bridgette: "That's really nice of you."

(Y/N): "Thanks and if we ever meet Ezekiel again, I would punch him in the face for the sexist stuff he said."

Leshawna: "True, but homeschool is never the brightest out of everyone."

(Y/N): "That is true, which is the reason why he got kicked off the show first."*to Bridgette*"I hope you can hold on long enough until the teams merge so that you would no longer be in a sausage fest."

Bridgette: "Me too."

Later on, we see you and the others at two sofa beds and we see Chris in a plane.

Chris: "Now, remember! Ground teams can wheelie the sofa beds wherever they want in order to help their comrade with the landing."

(Y/N): *to Trent* "You ready for this?"

Trent: "Ready as I'll ever be."

We later see you and the girls pushing the sofa bed as you all struggle to move the sofa.

Leshawna: "Why is this thing so heavy?"

(Y/N): *sees Owen sleeping on the sofa bed* "Found our issue, and it weighs 500 pounds. Maybe we can use Owen to break Trent's fall."*hears Trent screaming in terror*"Speaking of which, here he comes."

You and the others then see Trent hit the ground and not the bed.

(Y/N): "Dang we missed."

You and the others then hear DJ screaming like a girl and you all see that DJ landed on their sofa.

(Y/N): "Well, good for them."*to the girls*"Sorry girls."

Heather: "It's not over yet!"

Chris: *on a plane**with a megaphone*"Gophers lose, Bass wins! One-zero!"

Heather: *to Trent*"Nice going Trent."

(Y/N): "Can someone get this guy a doctor?"

We later see everyone knot the next challenge.

Chris: *through megaphone*"Okay, cowpokes! Let's start... the rodeo moose challenge!"

Geoff: *gets on the moose*" Rodeo ridin's kinda like surfin'. Once you catch the lip, you just flow with the mojo. Haha."

(Y/N): "Or trying to get a decent tattoo?"

Geoff: "You mean like this one?"

Geoff then pulls his pants down and you see the tattoo on his butt.

(Y/N): "Of all the places you put a tattoo."

Then the moose gets angry and we see Chef open the gate and we see Geoff screaming for his life until we see the moose throw him off of itself.

Chris: "And Geoff's..."*hears Geoff fly over him*"Out?"

(Y/N): *laughs out loud*"Oh man that was an epic wipe out and before the timer was set too."

Chris: *through a megaphone*"Ooh, that stinks big time for Bass!"

Then the footage paused and Chris starts voicing over it.

Chris: *voice over*"Wait a minute. Pause that! Let's just rewind that shot and run it in super slow-mo. I'm embarrassed. This is so degrading, I mean just look at me. Can we just please get decent budget together for hair and makeup? I look like I just fell out of bed! Geesh!"

(Y/N): *voice over*"Isn't that what you always look like?"

Chris: *voice over*"It's the small details that matter bro."

Then the footage plays back in real time again.

Chris: *through a megaphone*"No, seriously? That is some rank stuff. Leshawna, let's get!"

(Y/N): "You got it Leshawna."

Heather: "You better!"

Leshawna then cracks her knuckles and she got on the moose.

Leshawna: *to Chef*"I hope you got a moose burger recipe handy!"*to the moose*"Heheh. Easy, boy. You don't wanna make me mad, now."

Then the moose gets angry and bursts out of the fence and tramples Chef as you then have a conversation with Heather.

(Y/N): "You think things would be different if you hadn't met me?"

Heather: "Well yeah, no one to boss me around and keep me in line."

(Y/N): "True, you would be a big threat to everyone because you're not nice."

Heather: "I am a bitch, and so are my parents."

(Y/N): "Because of what they did to you?"

Heather: "If I'm gonna be talking about how much they don't love me, we'll be here all day."

(Y/N): "Like how your mom called the clothes you bought tacky?"

Heather: "She was right but it still hurts."

(Y/N): "Well, your clothes could easily be torn off by a branch and everyone would see your boobs, so be careful."

Heather: "I'll try."

Later on, after the moose rodeo, we see Chris on an ATV and he turns to the others.

Chris: *through a megaphone*"So, we have a tie! Whoever wins the extreme sea doo waterski challenge... wins invincibility!"

Lindsay: *offscreen*"I'm ready!"

You and the others then see Lindsay wearing her new bikini.

(Y/N): "Well dang you look good in that."

Heather: "We are so dead. Unless..."*holds up the keys*"I get to drive the wave jumper!"

Leshawna: "Just win the dang shower so I can get my hair done."

(Y/N): "Harold may not look like it, he's a great player underneath that dork of an exterior. Unless...."*looks at Heather's top and look at a tree branch* "Oh boy..." *to Heather* "Psst, Heather..."

Heather: "What's up?"

(Y/N): "Just try to win and find a way to confuse him long enough so that he wipes out."

Heather: "How do I do that?" *Sees you pointing at the branch and realizes what you're implying* "Ohh..."

(Y/N): "I am so sorry Heather. Truly I am."

Heather: *inhales and exhales* "Welp, consequences be damned."

Confessional: Heather and Leshawna.

Leshawna: "You sure you want to do this? On national TV?"

Heather: "What part of consequences be damned do you not understand?

Leshawna: "Point made, but girl, this TV, and you were saving the girls for (Y/N)."

Heather: "I know, but the shower. I am taking one for the team."

Leshawna: "Alright, it will be worth it. Better you than me anyways."

Heather: "Fair enough."

End of confessional

We see Heather and Harold ready to start the challenge.

Heather: "You are so out of your league, Alpha Geek."

Chris: "Here's the road rules. Oh wait, there are no rules! Which means this is gonna be awesome! And go!"

Heather then starts to drive the waterski and drag Harold all across the ground as we see Harold grab a flag.

Chris: *over the PA system*"Flag one for Bass!"

(Y/N): "Crud!"*sees Harold with multiple flags*"Double crud."

Chris: *over the PA system*"5 flags and headed home!"

Heather: "That's impossible!"

Chris: *while riding an ATV next to Heather*"Heather has to cross the finish line or be disqualified! but when she does, Harold will take five flags to victory for the Killer Bass!"

Confessional: Heather

Heather: "Got to make it look like it's a fluke. I gotta make it look like I got to cut him loose."

End of confessional

Heather: "Game over, guppy!"

Harold: "Victory is...."*sees Heather pull out a knife*"Huh?"

When Heather was about to cut the line a tree branch caught on her top and it ripped off of her body and her boobs flashed Harold as he then crashed into a rock and we see Heather's vehicle crash into a rock and she crossed the finish line and you caught her in a bridal position.

Chris: "I don't know what Heather did to make Harold lose his concentration, but it's a total wipeout for the Bass team!"

(Y/N): *to Leshawna*"Quickly and quietly get Heather a new top."

Leshawna: "On it."

(Y/N): *To Lindsay* "Lindsay, make the team proud."

Lindsay: "Okay and do I look hot in this bikini?"

(Y/N): "You are gorgeous beyond reason in any outfit."

Lindsay: *giggles*"Thanks."

Later, we see Lindsay on skis and Duncan on the waterski.

Chris: " Ready, set, ride it like it's sweeps week! Go!"

We then see Duncan ride the wave jumper and we see Lindsay grab a flag and do a flip.

Chris: *over PA system*"Flag one!"

(Y/N): "Go Lindsay!"

We then see Duncan try to make Lindsay wipe out as she grabs the flags with sheer determination and kept going.

Chris: *over the PA system*"Lindsay has snagged all five and is racing home for the win! Duncan is eukered! He has to cross!"

Duncan: "Says you!"

Duncan then crashes his vehicle as we see Lindsay cross the finish line.

Chris: "Gophers win!"

Lindsay: "Sorry about that Doug I just really wanted that shower."

Duncan: *from the tree*"Whatever!"

Lindsay then crashes into you and she then fall on top of you. She sees that she landed on you boobs first on your head.

Lindsay: *giggles*"Sorry."

(Y/N): *Muffled* "It's okay."

Confession: (Y/N) and Duncan.

(Y/N): "A woman's breast can double as airbags."

Duncan: "If they're big enough, yeah."

(Y/N): "I think Leshawna's set might be better due to the mass of her body."

Duncan: "True, but what a way to be safe."

(Y/N): "Yep."

End of confessional

We see the girls taking a shower in the shower the Gophers won as they were waiting for you to get into the shower.

(Y/N): "Uh you know they already have a shower provided at the communal bathrooms, right?"

Girls: "We know."

(Y/N): "Ohh, okay I see what's going on here, well you girls have been through a lot, so I guess it's only fair... I'll shower with you all."

Girls: *Cheers*

Confessional: (Y/N) and DJ

(Y/N): "If I die, I want a reincarnation to an era of man where people have more decency."

DJ: "I know right, people want to see people to be eye candy. Man or woman, it doesn't matter who it is."

(Y/N): "Or gender neutral."

DJ: "Yeah, I mean we're more than our looks man."

(Y/N): "Which is why I do this."

End of confessional

We see you wearing swimming trunks in the shower as the girls are both disappointed and peeved that you are wearing them in the shower and you noticed this.

(Y/N): "What?"

Leshawna: "You're wearing swimming trunks in the shower?!"

Gwen: "Come on let us see it!"

(Y/N): "Want to see something that is an innovation for showers?"

Heather: "Not what she meant."

Bridgette: "Plus you've seen us naked before."

(Y/N): "Dang it, you're right."*realizes*"Wait a second Bridgette you're on the other team."

Leshawna: "Oh we let her in to get the sock stank off of her from helping Geoff on a tree."

(Y/N): "And that's my cue to show you the wonderful invention of the shower curtain."

You then pull the shower curtain around your area to get some privacy as the girls sighed in defeat.

Lindsay: "Oh come on!"

Leshawna: *sighs* "Give the man his privacy, all we want is to see his junk."

Bridgette: "If anyone needs me I'll be at the bonfire ceremony."

We later cut to the ceremony where we see Chris holding 4 marshmallows.

Chris: "As you know, if you do not recieve a marshmallow, you will be forced to walk the Dock of Shame, and you will never ever return to camp. Bridgette and DJ, you are safe."*to Geoff with a megaphone*"Geoff! You're safe, too!"

We then see Chris throw a marshmallow at Geoff and he catches it.

Geoff: "Muchos luchos, compadre!"

Chris: "Okay, that leaves Harold, who bailed big for reasons unknown. And Duncan who bailed even bigger because Lindsay left his circling the drain in a shameless–"

Duncan: *grabs Chris by the shirt**gritted his teeth*"The chick was determined."

Chris: "-Which is why you're safe. Harold, sorry dude. You're done like dinner."

(Y/N): *Offscreen* "Good riddens, say hi to Courtney for me."

Harold: "Well, it's been fun, guys."

(Y/N): *Comes by* "Wait, before you go there's something I have to give you."

Harold: "What is it?"

(Y/N): "This!"

You kick Harold in the junk making him scream in pain as he falls on the ground.

(Y/N): "That's for messing with the votes, and getting Courtney kicked off."

Chris: "Ouch! That's gonna leave a mark, never tick off a guy with special needs."

(Y/N): *To Chris* "And you didn't do anything about the original votes from yesterday?"

DJ: "Hey yeah, we all voted for Harold last time in the boot camp challenge."

Chris: "You guys were pranking Harold and I let him give you all some payback from him."

(Y/N): "Karma is a sword that cuts both ways." *To Chris* "But since you didn't do anything about the tampering..."

Chris: *Gulps in fear*

We then see Harold being dragged to the Boat of Losers and you waved goodbye to Harold.

(Y/N): "I bet Courtney has something planned for Harold."

Later on, by the time Harold got to the resort, we see Courtney beating Harold senselessly with a stick as the others saw this.

Eva: "Let him have it sister!"

Later on, we see Chris' hair all messed up thanks to you as we see him screaming in terror from the sight of his reflection that is him with a mullet.

Chris: "No! Not a mullet! Make up!"

Chef: "Can we even show this on TV?!"

Meanwhile, we see you and Heather in the shower since you owe her one.

(Y/N): "Okay since you flashed your boobs at Harold, it's only fair you see me naked."

Heather: "Okay, I'm ready!"

You then take off your swimming trunks and she sees you naked for the first time.

Heather: *blushes bright red*"I thought I was ready to see this, but I was wrong..."

(Y/N): "So? What do you think?"

Heather: "Put your trunks back on..."

Next: Chapter 14: Brunch of Disgustingness

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