Chapter 14: Brunch of Disgustingness

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Chris: "Last time on Total Drama Island...(Y/N) dropped Harold off with the Killer Bass. DJ accidentally knocked his boy Trent off the airplane, sending him deep into the Earth's crust. Leshawna showed everybody how to hang on for dear life on the moose ride. Harold showed himself to be an ace flag-catcher, until he caught sight of Heather's... unmentionables, causing him to crash his way right off the island. And (Y/N) punished me by making me have a mullet, which scared me for life dude. And now, let's see what's in store for our campers on this week's episode of Total. Drama. Island!"

(Y/N): *Offscreen* "You deserved it!"

In the morning, we see Heather still wide awake because she wasn't able to process you being naked all night and as we see Leshawna wake up and sees this.

Leshawna: "You okay Heather?"

Heather: "I saw (Y/N) naked for the first time and I can't process what I saw all night."

(Y/N): *gets up*"Better head to the lodge to deal with breakfast."

We see you and the others head to the lodge and you see Chris and Chef laughing.

(Y/N): "Let me guess, you're gonna make me switch teams again?"

Chef: "Nope, even better."

Chris: "Congratulations to the remaining 11 campers for reaching the halfway mark in the competition! You'll all be on the jury for the final episode."

Geoff: "We got the power! Yeah!"

Chris: "The two teams will become one next week. But first, all the girls will be moved to the Gopher cabin and all the guys will stay in the Bass cabin. This week's challenge is as old as history itself. A battle of the sexes.After everyone is settled in, I'll announce the challenge. And then, you'll have an uh... bite to eat."*snickered with Chef*

(Y/N): "What else?"

Chris: "Ready for a little good news? This week, no one will be kicked off."

(Y/N): "That's good news."

Chris: "It's all for reward and it's a good one. Okay, time to relocate. Let's move!"

(Y/N): "Finally, I can sleep in a bed without girls in it. I can sleep in a bed on my own. I can sleep with fellow men."

Girls: "Nooooooo!"

Lindsay: "You can't go!"

(Y/N): "Sorry girls, it's been too long."

Geoff: "Yeah you heard the man, let the guy grab his gear and hit the road."

Later on, we see you packed all of your stuff and you are about to head out as we see Heather grab you by the foot.

Heather: "Don't leave us!"

Lindsay: "Can we at least hug first before you leave?"

(Y/N): "Okay."

You then get a group hug from the girls and when you try to leave the hug you can't get out of their grip.

(Y/N): "You can let me go now."

Gwen: "No."

(Y/N): "Too bad."

The girls then saw that they were hugging pillows.

(Y/N): *echoing*"I'm already gone."

Confessional: Lindsay and Heather.

Heather: "Please come back to us!"

Lindsay: "We can be manly!"

Heather: "Where's Eva when you need her!"

Confessional: Gwen and Leshawna

Leshawna: "I have so much emotional pain after Chris made the girls sleep in one cabin and the boys in the other."

Gwen: "I am feeling emotional trauma right now."

Confessional: Bridgette

Bridgette: "I think out of the rest of my new all girl team, I can handle (Y/N) switching cabins. (Y/N)'s bed is only a skip and a hop away, what's the big deal?"

End of confessionals

We see you getting into the cabin and you see a bed underneath DJ's.

(Y/N): "Score! A bed for me in a guy's cabin."

Duncan: "Gentlemen, let's welcome a guy who's been in a girl's cabin for far too long. Give it up for (Y/N)!"

All the guys in the room then clapped as you see this.

(Y/N): "Glad to be here gentlemen."

Owen: "Let's throw a welcome party for (Y/N)!"

We see you and the guys party and we see you dance.

DJ: "Alright bust a move (Y/N)!"

Meanwhile with the girls, we see Bridgette come into the cabin and she sees her whole team having separation anxiety.

Lindsay: "(Y/N)! Come back to us!"

Leshawna: "Dear God, please give us a miracle of the guys' side not having enough beds for all the guys on the island like last time."

Heather: *wearing ritualistic make up*"We are being punished for our lust for the same man by the goddess of Lust! We must sacrifice one of our own! We shall give them Gwen!"

Gwen: "Screw that! I want to live to see (Y/N) again!"

Bridgette: "I'm the new girl and I'm the only sane person in this room."

Confessional: Bridgette and (Y/N).

Bridgette: "I would just like to go on record and say things are a mess on my end."

(Y/N): "I am finally in a cabin of men like me."

Bridgette: "I am gonna help them get over the fact that you moved out of the cabin, before Heather sacrifices Gwen to Lust Gods or whatever."

End of confessional

We see Bridgette slapping some sense into her entire team.

Bridgette: "Snap out of it! All of you get a grip! (Y/N) is not gone if he's ten feet from our cabin."

Gwen: "Right....he's not gone...."

Bridgette: "He's on the other team now, so let's bring our A-Game and pull yourselves together."

Heather: "Right, on a count of 3. We will pull ourselves together! 1, 2-"

We then see Heather, Lindsay, Leshawna, and Gwen hug each other and cry at the same time.

Bridgette: *Sighs* "This is gonna be a long week."

Lindsay: "Oh no! I forgot what he looks like!"*sees Bridgette show her a picture of you*"Oh."

Later on, we see both teams at the lodge and you all await breakfast.

Chris: "It's time for today's challenge!"

(Y/N): "Another food based challenge?"

Chris: "Let's just tell them... Today's challenge is... The Brunch of Disgustingness! You'll be getting a nine-course meal. Each member of each team must finish each dish. You will not know if the next dish is grosser than the last, not as gross, or just as gross. Just that it'll likely be... gross."

Chef: "Tell them what they'll get if they win, Chris!"

Chris: "The winning team spends two days at a local five-star resort where they'll be pampered, eat gourmet nosh, and be given antibiotics against anything they may have caught while participating in this challenge! The losing team will go hungry tonight and spend the next two days here. On Total Drama Island. With Chef, uh but since we got complaints. The losing team will get medicine from whatever they caught from what they eat."

(Y/N): "This will be easy, I got an iron stomach."

Chris: "Oh and (Y/N) will take over Chef's cooking duties for the losing team."

(Y/N): "Wait if my team wins, how can I be in two places at once?"

Owen: "He gotcha there Chris."

Chris: "I like to think of it as payback for the mullet, and mostly because I don't want to get any more complaints."

(Y/N): "I can use a VR controlled drone to be in two places at once. The drone will be here serving the food for the girls and I will stay at the resort with the guys."

Chef: "That's a good compromise."

Chris: "Let me think about it." *about to say no but sees the girls all glaring at him* "I'll look into the budget for that."

Lindsay: "You better Chip."

(Y/N): "His name is Chris, Lindsay."

Lindsay: *Whispers to you* "I know, remember I'm hiding my smarts."

(Y/N): *Whispers back* "Ohh right."

Heather: "We are going to win this challenge!"

(Y/N): "You heard her, let's chow down on semi-edible stuff!"

Gwen: "But if we lose-"

Heather: "Don't give them the win Gwen! It's either our love for the same guy or our womanhood."

Gwen: "And (Y/N)'s cooking."

Heather: "Okay that too."

Leshawna: "Our womanhoods is on the line, let's get to eating!"

Later, we see both teams at their tables and you all are served with the first dish which is covered at the moment.

Duncan: "So what's the story of your iron stomach?"

(Y/N): "I had a sister once."

Geoff: "What happened?"

(Y/N): "She died."

DJ: "How did that happen?"

(Y/N): "Middle school, lost her first time via incest with Nathaniel, fall from the roof, devastating."

Duncan: "You walked in on-"*sees you nod yes*"Aw man."

Owen: "That is so sick, and we haven't even started eating gross food yet!"

Confessional: DJ

DJ: "Oh man... first incest and then suicide....IS THERE NO JUSTICE IN THIS WORLD?!"

Confessional: Duncan

Duncan: "The more I learn about (Y/N)'s trauma, the more I want to beat up Nathaniel. If you're watching this Nathaniel, don't bother coming back cause I'm gonna make sure you are begging to go back to jail."

End of confessional

Chris: "Let's begin the challenge! First... Some Hors D'oeuvres."

Chef then uncover the food and then you all see it's meat balls.

(Y/N): "What kind of meatballs are these?"

Chef: "It's beef testicle bourguignon."

(Y/N): "Testicles?"*shrugs*"Eh, I had beef ribs, steak, and ground beef. This would be good to try."

You then begin eating the beef testicles as your team was surprised on how much you can stomach that.

(Y/N): "That is pretty good."*points to Duncan's plate*"Are you gonna eat that?"

Chris: "You can eat what's on your plate and no one else's."

You then see your team struggling to eat the dish not because of how gross it is but rather they are eating balls of poor bovine males

Chris: "It's the hardest thing a man can do."

Lindsay: *swallows some beef testicle*"Oh... Okay, gross me right out the door! But I could totally use a pedicure at that resort. My corns are growing corns."

Heather: *to the guys*"What's the matter?"*eats a beef testicle*"Mm... You big boys can't eat a little meatball?"

Confessional: Heather

Heather: "(Y/N) ate all of his beef testicles already. Maybe witnessing your own brother committing an incest rape crime in front of you made you have an unhealthy desensitization of anything that is gross."

End of confessional

Geoff: "Come on! We can't let the girls win! Our manhood is at stake!"

(Y/N): "Yeah."*sees Bridgette not eating*"Hey Bridgette, they remove the testicles from the bulls for medical reasons."

Bridgette then brings out all of her courage and starts to eat her share of beef testicles as Heather sees this.

Confessional: Heather

Heather: "We are screwed. I thought Bridgette being a vegetarian would help us lose but (Y/N) helped her and now we lost the first round."

End of confessional

Chris: "Well, looks like the guys lost this round. The first challenge goes to be female campers."

Geoff: "Aw man!"

(Y/N): "Hey they needed help so I helped them."

Geoff: "Make sense, it wouldn't be fair if we're the only ones eating."

Chris: "The score now stands at one for the girls and zero for the guys! And now, the next course in... The Brunch of Disgustingness! You guys like pizza?"

Owen: "I could eat pizza any time with anything on it!"

Chris: "Anything? How about live grasshopper pizza with tangy jellyfish sauce and live anchovies?"

Lindsay: "Ew, I hate anchovies!"

Chef passes around the slices of pizza to each of the teams and you take the first bite of the pizza.

(Y/N): "Hey not bad, the grasshoppers give it a more flakey texture, the jellyfish adds flavor to the cheese and bread, and the live anchovies have a different taste than the ones in the can."*eats the whole slice*"10/10 Chef."

Chef: "How can you eat that stuff?"

(Y/N): *sees Trent run off*"Where is he going?"*hears vomit sounds from outside*"Oh he's spewing chunks."*sees Trent come back*"Let me guess, weak stomach?"

Trent: "I can do this. DJ, I need you to hold me down, while Geoff, you stuff the slice in my mouth. And no matter how much I scream or beg, you have got to feed me that slice."

Geoff: "Sure, I'm in."

(Y/N): "Hold him down team."

We see DJ holding Trent down as we see Geoff holding a slice and shoving the slice down his throat. Sometime later, we see Leshawna about to eat her slice but a grasshopper jumped off the slice and went into her hair.

Leshawna: "O-Okay, you know what? I can't be doin' this! Little grasshopper mindin' his own business! What'd I wanna go around and bite his little head off for?" *sees you looking at her*"Uh..."

Chris: "The winners of this round....are the guys!"

(Y/N): "Score one for the men!"

Chris: "All right, who's ready for the third course? Spaghetti!"*sees Chef reveal the dish to everyone*" Well, actually, Earthworms covered in snail slime sauce and hairballs."

(Y/N): "Oh sweet!"

Geoff: "No! I can't take anymore!"*runs out of the room*"AAAAAAHHHHH!!!"

(Y/N): "DJ, can you go tackle Geoff for us please?"

DJ: "On it."

(Y/N): *sees DJ tackle Geoff and brought him back*"Thank you."*sees your serving of spaghetti*"Let's see if this holds up nice."*eats some of the spaghetti*"Not bad, the slime make the whole thing moist enough to be good enough to eat and the hairballs provide extra protein."

You then eat the whole plate as the guys put on blindfolds and nose clips to eat the spaghetti and finish them.

Geoff: "Done!"

Chris: "And once again, the winners are the guys."

Bridgette: "Come on, guys. Let's show them some girl power!"

Gwen: "Bridgette's right. Let's kick some boy butt!"

Heather: "Yeah. Just like I've been saying all along. We've gotta act like a team."

Leshawna: "Whatever."

Chris: "All right everybody. Time for course number four. No nine-course meal would be complete without soup. Today's special is French Bunyon soup with hangnail crackers."

(Y/N): *Sighs* "Bring it."*takes a bite of the soup*"Hey, not bad."*drinks the whole soup*"That was good."*to the girls*"What do you think?"

Lindsay: *drinks the whole soup through a funnel*"I didn't even taste it."

Chris: "The girls win again! The score's now tied up at two. Only five more courses left. Bon appetit!"

Later on, we see a montage of both teams eating foods like balls of used chewing gum, skunk cocktail, a literal sandal, and so much more. Several courses later, we see both teams pretty sick except for you since you have a strong stomach.

Chris: "Wow, it's still tied up. We're down to the last course in the challenge. It's delicious dolphin wieners. Hot dogs made of dolphin."

We then see Chef reveal the food to everyone as Bridgette and DJ were shocked by this.

Confessional: (Y/N)

(Y/N): "To be honest, Izzy can talk to dolphins and she said they are jackasses sometimes. I'd say they had it coming. Bridgette and DJ, please forgive me for the following taste test."

End of confessional

(Y/N): *takes a bite out of the dolphin hot dog*"Not bad."

DJ and Bridgette: "What is wrong with you?!"

Meanwhile with Izzy, we see her watching the show in the comfort of a hot tub along with the other girls.

Izzy: "To be fair, I talked to dolphins and they are jackasses, they had it coming."

Eva: "Seriously!?"

Courtney: "The bottlenose dolphins act like jerks to other species."

Back to you.

Bridgette: "But dolphins are our friends!"

Duncan: "(Y/N) ate his hotdog and he's okay with it."

Bridgette: "Ooh, I can't! I'm a surfer! I swim with dolphins!"

Heather: "Eat it!"

Bridgette: "No! I'm not doing it. You can't pressure me."

DJ: "I'm with you sister. I ain't eating no dolphin."

(Y/N): "Understandable, and sorry to you and Bridgette, and to all other animal lovers out there. While the hotdog was delicious, I can feel the pain the dolphin went through. I'm sorry."

Chris: "How about We solve this by having an eat-off."

Later, we see you and Leshawna sitting together and you both see 15 empty shot glasses on the table.

Chris: "The one who can drink the most shot glasses of fresh, delicious blended cockroach will be the winner. This unlikely satisfying blend of eight different cockroaches is vitamin rich for your balanced lifestyle."*sees Chef pouring the cockroach puree into the shot glasses*"On your mark, get set, go!"

You and Leshawna then started drinking the shots of cockroach puree. By the time you got to the last 3, you finish the last 3 shots and you grab a napkin and you wipe your lips off of the cockroach puree.

(Y/N): "Done."

Chris: "(Y/N) wins!"

(Y/N): *sees what's happening to Leshawna*"You okay Leshawna?"

Leshawna: *feels her stomach rumbling*"Oh, uh-oh, something's coming up."

(Y/N): "May I suggest getting out of the splash zone?"

Later on, we see you and the guys head to the yacht to go to the resort.

Chris: "The guys are the big winners today. And the girls go their separate ways. Two definitive cliques have been cemented. For now. What shocking surprises are in store for our campers next week as they head for the big merge? Tune in on Total. Drama. Island!"

Next: Chapter 15: Resort Time

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