Chapter 8: Up the Creek

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Chris: "Last time on Total drama Island: (Y/N) had a free day so he can mentally and physically recover from his one sided beatdown against his brother Nathaniel which again was not my idea. Seriously, that guy came to the camp on his own. I cannot stress this enough. Anyways, he got the ladies gushing over him with the exception of Beth but that might change sooner or later and he got the respect of the guys by beating Owen in a burping contest. The more he stays on the show the more confidence he gets. Will his new found confidence help him and his team in the next challenge. Find out right here on Total...Drama.....Island!"

Here we see you and Bridgette in bed as we see Bridgette hugging your head in her breasts thinking that you are the dolphins in her dreams.

Bridgette: "Mmm, this is nice. Ride the waves with my dolphin brothers and sisters."

(Y/N): *muffled*"Bridgette, wake up..."

Bridgette: *wakes up*"Huh?"*sees you*"Oh sorry."*giggles*"I thought you were a dolphin."

(Y/N): "It's okay." *Notices Bridgette is naked* "Um, quick question, why are you in your birthday suit?"

Bridgette: *sees that she's naked*"Oh...Heh I undressed myself to be with my dolphin brothers and sisters in my sleep, sorry."

(Y/N): "It's okay, I just never knew you were naturally smooth on your womanhood."

Bridgette: "Let's not talk about this because of the show."

(Y/N): "Right."

Courtney: *Sees what's happening* "Um, why are you naked?"

Bridgette: "Dolphin dream."

Later on, we see you and the others meet Chris at the beach and we see Chris explaining the next challenge.

Chris: "Bass, Gophers, today's challenge is a true summer camp experience. A canoe trip. You'll be paddling your canoes across the lake..."*in a spooky tone*"to Boney Island! When you get there, you must portage your canoes to the other side of the island, which is about a two-hour hike through treacherous, dense jungle."

Geoff: "We've gotta pour what?"

Chris: "Portage."

(Y/N): "It means we have to walk with our canoes."

Geoff: "Oh."

Chris: "Exactly, when you arrive at the other end of the island, you'll build a rescue fire that will be judged by me. The first team to paddle home and return their canoes to the beach is the winner of invincibility!"

(Y/N): "Is there something else we should know about?"

Chris: "There is one more thing I should mention. Legend has it, if you take anything off the island."*in a spooky voice*"You'll be cursed forever!"*talks normally**to you*"Thanks for reminding me about that small bit of info dude."

(Y/N): "If the island is cursed, why are we going there in the first place?"

Chris: "It's part of the challenge dude and I don't want to spoil the surprise on the island. Now get in your canoes and let's have some fun!"

You and the others head down to the canoes as we see Beth arrive late to the instructions of the challenge.

Beth: "What did I miss?"

Chris: "Canoes."

(Y/N): "You have toilet paper stuck to your foot."

We then see Beth take the TP off of her foot and join you and the others. We see you all choosing paddle partners and you were paired with Courtney and Bridgette.

Courtney: "So you take your clothes off when you have a dream of dolphins?"

Bridgette: "I'm a surfer, what do you expect?"

(Y/N): "Get your life preserves on, and let's get paddling."

Courtney: *Puts on life preserver* "Okay, but why be naked and dreaming about dolphins next to (Y/N)?"

Bridgette: "I thought he was a dolphin, plus I'm not the only one who takes off all of her clothes around (Y/N)."

Courtney: *Blushes* "At least I don't do it in my sleep!"

Bridgette: "Mmhm."

(Y/N): *pushing the canoe*"Let's put a pin on that conversation before it gets weird."

Courtney and Bridgette: "Okay."

We see you and the others in a starting position and the girls were pretty peeved about Bridgette and Courtney being on the same canoe as you. We then see Chris readies a starter pistol.

Chris: "Campers ready? On your marks, get set, paddle!"

Chris then fires the pistol as everyone then starts to paddle as we see a bird fall from the air and land in front of Chris.

Chris: "That's gonna provoke some angry emails."

Meanwhile with you, we see you paddling using both oars while the girls are talking to each other.

Courtney: "But, like how often do you have that dream."

Bridgette: "You want to talk about this now?"

Courtney: "Well do you want to talk about it if you have some dolphin fetish or something."

(Y/N): *while paddling*"Will one of you take a paddle? I'm doing all of the work here and both of you are arguing about dolphins, being naked, and other stuff. I told you both to put a pin on this."

Courtney and Bridgette: "Sorry."

Katie: "You two are so lucky, I'm stuck with a dork and a criminal. What's this about a weird habit of being naked while having a dream about dolphins."

Duncan: "You slept with a surfer girl, respect man."

Harold: "Awesome."

(Y/N): "If you all won't stop talking about the dolphin dream right now, I'm turning these canoes around!"

Duncan: "He's right, put a lid on it ladies."

Bridgette and Courtney: "Sorry..."

We later see you and the others arrive in a fog and you all see Boney Island itself.

(Y/N): "This must be the place."

Courtney: "But seriously is that dolphin thing a-"

(Y/N): "Courtney! Stop talking, we'll talk about Bridgette's dolphin dreams later."

Courtney: "Okay sorry."

We later see you all hit land and you pick up the canoe as the girls see how strong you are.

Bridgette: "Nice muscle."

(Y/N): "While you two are talking I'll be doing all the work carrying a canoe on my own."

Courtney: "We are so sorry, we can help you."

You then place the canoe in Courtney and Bridgette's hands and you and the girls follow the team.

(Y/N): "Everyone, remember the rules, follow the leader, don't leave the trail, and those who pass gas must travel at the back of the pack."

Courtney blushed a bit and headed to the back of the back because she has gas. We see you all follow the trail and then you hear something coming from the bushes which is a pack of Woolly Beavers.

(Y/N): "Oh crud."

Bridgette: "What the heck are those?"

Confessional: Chris

Chris: "A remnant of the Pleistocene Era, the woolly beaver is a day-active rodent indigenous to Boney Island. Oh yeah, and they're meat eaters."

We then see one of the beavers run up to you and you stare them down and display dominance over them as they see you as their alpha.

(Y/N): "We can use these guys to carry us to the goal."

You and the others get on the Woolly Beavers and you all head to the finish point on Boney Island where you all see the Screaming Gophers trying to build a fire.

(Y/N): "Let's get to work on the fire."

We then see you and the others building the fire and you turn to Beth.

(Y/N): "Hey Beth can you come over here for a second?"

Beth: *walks up to you*"What is it?"

(Y/N): "Give me a big toothy grin."

Beth then smiled with her teeth exposed and you use her braces to light a match and get a fire started.

Beth: "Oh... I helped you, didn't I?"

(Y/N): "Just needed to borrow your braces."

Courtney: "It's not big enough, we need more wood."

We see you and the others then look around for firewood as we see Beth finds a totem on the ground and she picks it up and she puts it in her pocket. Courtney then sees the fire and she thinks of something.

Courtney: "I don't think it would be big enough."

DJ: "You heard the woman! We need more wood, guys! Come on, let's go!"

(Y/N): "Split up and cover more ground."

Harold then goes into a panic and then grabs the wooden oars and then throws them in the fire as everyone sees this.

Bridgette: "How are we supposed to get home now!?"

(Y/N): "DJ how strong are you?"

DJ: "Very, why?"

We then see a giant explosion caused by Izzy and you were shocked at the size of the explosion.

Chris: "We have our fire-building winner! Point for the Gophers!"

(Y/N): "Alright everyone onto the canoes."

Courtney: "How? We don't have any oars."

(Y/N): "Who said we need Oars when we have a DJ."

Izzy: "Oh man I was gonna tell you that myself (Y/N)."

We then see DJ pushing the canoes and you're all moving at high speeds and you are all the first ones who made it back.

Chris: "The bass are the winners!"

(Y/N): "Alright! We won!"

Later, at the bonfire ceremony, we see the Screaming Gophers there.

Chris: "And now, the always anxiety-inducing marshmallow ceremony. When I call your name, come and get a marshmallow."*hands the marshmallows to the others*"Beth. Trent. Gwen. Cody. Owen. Heather. Leshawna. One last marshmallow. The person who doesn't get this marshmallow will walk off the Dock of Shame and take a ride on the Boat of Losers. Who's it gonna be?"

Before Chris says anything we see a RCMP copter and points a light at Izzy.

RCMP Guard: "Izzy! We know you are down there! You are under arrest!"

Leshawna: "You mean all that trash you were talking about was true?"

Izzy: "No. Just the RCMP part. See ya! You'll never get me alive!" *Runs away* "Ahahahah...!"

Everyone was just surprised by this as we saw you and the Bass come by.

(Y/N): "Uh, why was a helicopter just here?"

Leshawna: "RCMP chasing Izzy."

Courtney: "Wait that was true?"

Gwen: "You saw the copter right?"

(Y/N): "Right."

Lindsay: "Then it's true."

(Y/N): *Notices Lindsay's outfit* "Nice outfit Lindsay."

Lindsay: "Thanks, it's for canoeing."

(Y/N): "You're welcome."

We later see you and the girls back in the bass cabin, where we see Courtney talking to Bridgette.

Courtney: "So about the dolphin dream thing."

Bridgette: "I became friends with dolphins and I often dream about them swimming with them and my clothes just drag off so I take them off."

Courtney: "Okay, now I understand."

(Y/N): *Sits in Katie's bed*"Let's get some sleep, we need to be at our best tomorrow."

Katie: *Yawns* "Hm okay." *Takes off all her clothes and sleep with you*"Goodnight."

(Y/N): "Goodnight."

Next: Chapter 9: Paintball Deer Hunter

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