Chapter 9: Paintball Deer Hunter

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Chris: "Last time on Total Drama Island... Both teams set out on a canoe trip to deadly Boney Island. Cody hit on Gwen about eighty times, but he made up for it by setting her up with the guy she actually wanted to hang with, (Y/N). Good strategy, bro. There were winners. And there were losers. Also known as, The Gophers. The last marshmallow was set to go to either Izzy or Lindsay, but the RCMP swooped in and bam! Izzy hightailed it outta there!"*laughs*"Man, I knew the girl was nuts, but I didn't know she was totally insane! However, one Gopher may have secretly done something even crazier when she brought home a creepy stick statue voodoo thingy from the deadly haunted island. Will Beth live to regret her souvenir? And can my teeth possibly get any whiter?"*shines his teeth*

(Y/N): *Offscreen* "If they did, you'd blind everyone with your smile."

Chris: "Good one dude! Find out here on Total....Drama....Island!"

Here we see you wake up next to Katie and you see that Leshawna and Gwen are in the same bed as you.

(Y/N): "Shouldn't you be in the other cabin?"

Leshawna: *yawns*"I miss sharing a bed with you."

Gwen: *yawns*"Ditto, it wasn't the same ever since Chris got you to change teams."

(Y/N): "True, and I know it's hard but you girls have your own cabin, and if you want you can sleep here."

Leshawna: "Thanks boo."

(Y/N): "Hey do you girls hear something outside?"

Meanwhile outside, we see Chris flying in a helicopter.

Chris: "I hope they get a rude awakening from this."

Just then the helicopter starts to stop and it's falling to the ground because a rock was shot at it. Later on, we see you outside and you see a line for the girl's bathroom.

(Y/N): "What's going on here?"

Katie: *Holding her bladder* "Heather's holding up the bathroom!"

Leshawna: *holding her bladder*"How long is queenie gonna be in there?!"

Beth: *while doing the pee pee dance*"It's gonna be awhile."

You then pull a string and you all heard Heather screaming because of very hot water.

Courtney: "Nice one."

(Y/N): "Thanks."

Gwen: "That will teach her not to hog the bathroom."

Chris: *though the PA system*"I hope you're ready for the most challenging challenge yet. Breakfast in three minutes at the campfire pit."

Gwen: "That's it I'm going lumberjack style."

(Y/N): "Well you could always use Heather's bed as a bathroom to get back at her."

The girls all thought about it and they ran to the Screaming Gopher Cabin. We later see you and the others at the campfire pit.

Chris: "Are you ready for today's extreme max impact challenge?!"

Owen: "We are ready!"

Chris: "Incoming!"

We then see Chris throw a can of beans at Gwen but you caught it and you open the can up with a can opener and you gave her the can and a fork.

Chris: *while passing cans of beans to the contestants* "This... is breakfast.

(Y/N): "Cheapskate."

Heather: "No, breakfast is crepes, croissants, even Chef's crappy burnt eggs." *Blissful* "Or (Y/N)'s wonderful meals..."*drools all over her boobs*

We then see the girls drooling from picturing the breakfast you made.

(Y/N): "Anyways..." *to Chris* "And I regret asking this, what's today's challenge?"

Chris: "Today's challenge is about survival."*pulls out a paint gun*"We're going hunting."

(Y/N): "Uh Chris, hate to break it to ya, but you can't kill any venison with a paintball gun , I mean not unless they die from lead poisoning or a bear."

Chris: "Negatory. This is the first ever paintball deer hunt. I'll announce the team's once we get into the woods. So... finish breaky."

You and the others then heard a loud burp from Owen as he ate the entire month's worth of beans in one sitting.

Owen: "Got any more?"

(Y/N): "All in favor of me making breakfast since Owen ate ours, say I."

Girls: "I."

Gwen: "And the guys?"

DJ: "I'm down."

Geoff: "His breakfast burritos are awesome!"

Duncan: "Go for it dude."

Later at the lodge, we see everyone eating breakfast that you made. Meanwhile with Blaineley, we see her watching Total Drama Island and she sees the breakfast you made and she was drooling like she was hungry for it. Back to you, we see you make pancakes with the face of Chris on them as we see the girls eating them without mercy, we see Heather stabbing the pancake in the eyes, Beth drowning her pancakes in maple syrup, and we see Gwen spreading some butter all over the pancake like she's force feeding butter to Chris' face and we see Chef and Chris watching the whole thing.

Confessional: Chef and Chris

Chris: "I don't feel safe."

Chef: "You and me both, man."

Confessional: Courtney

Courtney: "It was so satisfying stabbing Chris in the face with a butterknife in pancake form. (Y/N) calls this Revenge Ala Pancake. Revenge tasted so delicious."

Confessional: Gwen

Gwen: "Best pancakes ever, of all time, it's like I am force feeding Chris with butter in real life."

Confessional: Duncan.

Duncan: "Dude, he lit my pancake up like crème brûlée and I just let that thing simmer."

Confessional: Owen

Owen: "It really felt like I was a real cannibal when I ate the pancakes with Chris' face on them."

End of confessional

After breakfast, we see you and the others in the woods and we see Chris going over the challenge.

Chris: "Okay here's the rules, some of you are gonna be hunters, and some are gonna be hunted."

(Y/N): "I don't follow." *Chris gives you deer antlers, nose, and a fake tail* "Oh."

Chris: "And now for the team breakdowns. The Killer Bass hunters are..."*hands the guns to the Killer Bass*" Harold, Geoff, and Bridgette. Locked and loaded with bass blue paint. And using orange paint are the Gopher hunters."*hands the guns to the gophers* Leshawna, Beth, Owen, Lindsay."

Confessional: Courtney

Courtney: *While wearing the deer get up* "Well I hope (Y/N) doesn't get hit by paint."

End of confessional

Chris: "You also get these stylin' glasses and wicked camo caps! The rest of you are now deer."*holds up deer get up*"Here are your antlers, noses, and little whitetails."

Courtney: "Oh great, this is gonna suck."

Chris: *puts the deer get up on Duncan*"Take these off and your team is toast."

Katie: *puts on the deer get up*"Huh, I don't hate it."

Owen: *to you*"Hey Bambi, I'm gonna get my hands on you."

(Y/N): "Sorry but that may be a problem."

Owen: "Why?"

Everyone then turns to see that there's a pile of pillows and a pumpkin in place of you.

(Y/N): *echoing* "I'm already gone."

Katie: *Stammers* "How?!"

Owen: "He's in the trees....HE'S IN THE GODDAMN TREES!!!"

Chris: "Uh, wow, looks like he got a head start, the rest of you deer get going."

We later see the deer of the Killer Bass team getting a head start and they found you.

Courtney: "Oh thank goodness you're alright."

(Y/N): "Same here."

Courtney: "By the way, how did you do that with the pumpkins?"

(Y/N): "You'll never know."

Courtney: "Why?"

Everyone then sees that in your place was a log with your face carved into it.

(Y/N): *echoing*"I'm already gone."

Confessional: Courtney.

Courtney: *stammering*"How is he doing that!?"

Confessional: Duncan

Duncan: "Dude...that freaked me out."

Confessional: DJ

DJ: "Where did he go!?"

Confessional: Katie

Katie: "I am so confused."

End of confessional

We see the Gopher Hunters looking for the Killer Bass deer and we see Leshawna, Lindsay, and Beth ready their paint guns.

Leshawna: "We got him, let's bag us a deer."

Lindsay: "Why would we try to hit (Y/N) with paintballs?"

Leshawna: "It's part of the challenge, we surround him and we shoot him with paintballs."

Beth: "But how do we shoot him? He's like a ninja."

Lindsay: "Maybe we can surround him?"

We then see the girls jump around you and then they shoot paintballs at you and when they hit you all they hit was Chef who was dressed like you.

Chef: "Gah! How did I get here?! What am I wearing!? What's going on!?"

Leshawna: "We... don't know either."

Confessional: Chef

Chef: "I don't get paid for stuff like this if I have no idea how stuff like that is happening! I was minding my own business and then out of nowhere I was out of the kitchen and in the woods wearing (Y/N)'s clothes!"

End of confessional

We see you with Duncan and then we see Beth come out of the bushes.

Beth: "Got you, it's (Y/N) season now!"

(Y/N): *points Beth's gun at Duncan*"Actually it's Duncan season."

Duncan: "No way it's (Y/N)."*points Beth's gun at you*"For sure."

(Y/N): "Duncan season."

Duncan: "(Y/N) season!"

(Y/N): "Duncan season."

Duncan: "(Y/N) season!"

(Y/N): "(Y/N) season."

Duncan: "Duncan season! Fire!"

We then see Beth shoot paintballs at Duncan as Duncan looks at you in anger.

Duncan: "You manipulative asshole!"

(Y/N): "She has the right to fire at you."

Duncan: "And she did and she will again. In fact she will do it right now."

We then see Beth fire paintballs at Duncan again.

Duncan: "Great...."

Beth: "Want me to fire paintballs at you again?"

Duncan: "Fire at (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "It's her choice to fire at you."

Duncan: "Of course."*to Beth*"Shoot me now!"

We then see Beth fired more paintballs at Duncan as he was very pissed at this.

Confessional: Duncan

Duncan: *covered head to toe in paint*" How?!"

Confessional: Beth

Beth: "(Y/N) make some excellent points on why I should fire paint at Duncan, even though he's on the other team."

End of confessions.

We later see Katie walking through the woods by herself and then she bumped into you by accident and both of your antlers were tangled with each other.

(Y/N): "Not the best way to spend the day."

Katie: "I am so sorry!"

We then see Leshawna come out of the bushes and she was ready to fire at you and Katie only to see it was two bears with twigs on their heads.

Leshawna: "Oh dang it!"

Confessional: Katie

Katie: "I have no idea how we got out of there or got unstuck. But I'm glad we got out of there."

End of confessional.

We see you on a tree branch and you see the gopher hunters and deer shooting at each other with paint and you see the Killer Bass team shooting paint at them.

(Y/N): "So much for that."*remembers*"Where's Cody?"

Cody: *offscreen**while getting mauled by a bear*"Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!"

(Y/N): "There he is, better check out what's going on down there."

Later on, after the challenge, we see Chris tallying up the results and he was not happy.

Chris: "Tsk tsk tsk. Stealing from Chef. Swapping places with Chef. Eating chips in the woods. Being mauled by bears. Do you know what I see here? I see a very undisciplined group. I see a disgraceful mess. I see a massive waste of paint products. And I have to say..."*smiles and laughs*"That was awesome! Haha! When you guys opened fire on your own team? Wicked TV, guys."

Harold: "Hey, where's (Y/N)?"

Gwen: "And Courtney for that matter?"

Everyone then sees you and Courtney come in with antlers tangled with each other.

Owen: *laughs*"(Y/N), you sly dog, you."

(Y/N): "For the record, she did it on purpose."

Courtney: "Did not. Well kinda, but it was an accident."

Confessional: Courtney

Courtney: "I did it on purpose. Why you may ask?"


Here we see Courtney wandering around in the woods and she sees you eating berries.

Courtney: *To herself* "Okay, this is gonna work, it has too."

We then see Courtney walk up to you and "accidentally" bump into you and both of your antlers were locked together.

(Y/N): "Uh what is going on here?"

Courtney: "Sorry about that."

End of flashback

Courtney: "And the reason why is that I want to spend some quality time with him, it may have resulted in some tangling but it was worth it."

End of confessional.

We later see the Gophers at the bonfire ceremony where everyone had a marshmallow except for Cody who was in a full body cast and in a wheelchair.

Heather: *to the gophers*"You are all lucky, okay? Very lucky!"

Chris: "Cody. The Dock of Shame awaits, bro. I guess we can help you get there."

Beth: "I'll do it."

We then see Beth roll Cody to the Dock of Shame and see Beth speaking to Cody.

Beth: "I know. I can't believe I stood up to her, either."*hears only muffled speaking*"I'm gonna be okay, don't worry about me. And I still have my good luck charm!"*pulls out the totem*"See? I got it from Boney Island last week. Cool, huh? Bye Cody. Take care."*pecks on Cody's cheek*

We see Cody about to roll off the doc as we see a rock stop from moving.

Meanwhile we see Heather about to go to bed as she feels the mattress is wet and smelly and sees it's been peed on.

Heather: "What the? Ew! This is disgusting!!"

We then see Heather head to the Killer Bass cabin and then we see her go into the cabin and sleeps next to you and Courtney in bed.

Heather: "Not....a... word..."

(Y/N): "Okay."

Next: Chapter 10: If You Can't Take The Heat...

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