Beardo and Rodney

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It was still the same time of day, and it was very busy in the music store, filled with an average amount of customers looking around for new CD's and music to listen to. The store was currently playing a minor rap song with a touch of R&B female voice singing in the store.

"Have-A-Nice-DAY!" an odd voice at the counter spoke while handing a white plastic bag that has two squares of CD's stored inside, giving it to the customer, who wasn't that fond of the way the clerk was speaking.

The slim, female customer left, as a young teen, assuming to be twelve or thirteen years old, placed his own choice of CD on the counter.

"Hey weird-looking dude, how much for this CD?" the small teen asked, when Beardo claimed the CD to look at the price tag and the barcode at the back corner of the case. Beardo was wearing a purple T-shirt with a black vest, and a name tag that says "Spencer" since that's his real name. He goes by Beardo as his nickname.

"It's only five bucks. How-would-you-like-to-pay-it?" he replied and asked, speaking while he was playing with the record DJ player, that was right next to him, just like what he usually does when he was at home.

The boy looked at Beardo weirdly, and squinted his eyes more.

"Uhhhhh with cash? I just wanna know the price of it," the skater kid answered, and placed his pale hand in his denim jeans pocket, trying to search for the money that he has to pay. Beardo nodded and smiled, while he was scanning the CD through the counter, making the scan sound effect since it wasn't working. Then he typed the price in the cash register, while waiting for the kid to pull out the money from his jeans.

"Here," the kid lended a five dollar bill to Beardo, which he accepted, and then gave the CD to the kid.

"Have-A-Nice-DAY!" Beardo waved the kid goodbye, watching him leave, and getting ready to help out another customer.

A bulky tall ginger started walking towards the counter, and placed three Valentine-themed CD's on Beardo's counter. One genre is jazz, the other is country, and the other one is R&B.

"Hey, I'd like to buy these, please! I have like, three girls that I couldn't decide on who to go to prom with, so I just want to be equal with them, and share my romantic interests for them by giving them some music!" the ginger said, with Beardo's eyes widening at the odd farmer.

"Well well well, you seem pretty equal about this sit-u-ation. Funny thing, I've also been invited to prom!" the sound-making clerk responded, while sliding the CD's across the counter, making the scan sound effects, and placed them right next to the cash register to total up the price.

"Yeah...there's Jasmine...and Amy...and Scarlett, those three girls that I fell in love with back at Pahkitew that I'll be reuniting with them soon, I need to find out who my true love really is, and see who's the one for me..." the ginger replied, and gazed at the clerk.

After Beardo has finished up totaling the price on his cash register, not paying attention to the three girls he's mentioned, he looked up at Rodney, and made a curious look on his face, squinting his eyes at the farmer.

"You look fa-mi-li-ar. I was on Pahkitew Island too when I was on that Total Drama Show, and I was the first one el-im-in-ated. I think we were on different teams back then," he replied, studying a Kinosewak member from the short experience he's had back then.

Just then, Rodney squinted and studied the clerk with a huge afro and a thick beard, with his eyes even more squinty than Beardo's.

"Hey...I think I remember you too. You looked like someone that I've known from Pahkitew Island back then...but I was so distracted by the charms from Jasmine, Amy, AND Scarlett...I'd figure that they would like romantic music, which was why I came to buy those CD's," he also replied.

Yes, Beardo and Rodney have never interacted when they were on Pahkitew Island together since they were on different teams. They've only seen each other a couple times, yet they have never cared for getting acquainted, even though Beardo seems to notice Rodney more than how he notices Beardo. Beardo was also about to question Rodney about the three girls he named, but he's figured that he wouldn't have any time since he's currently working.

"Did you get the invite to the annual prom by Mike and Zoey? Because that was the invitation I just got this morning before work. By. The. Way. The total will be ten bucks!" Beardo responded slowly, while placing Rodney's purchased CD's in a white plastic bag.

Rodney quickly took out a ten dollar bill from his dirty denim jean pocket from his overalls, and placed the dollar in Beardo's hand, before he was able to hand the CD shopping bag to Rodney.

"Yeah, I think that's the invite that I got. I was offered to be a snack table server for a temporary amount of time. Heya, are you interested in finding a date? I still can't decide on who I should take since I'm in love with those three girls I've told you about," he answered and claimed the shopping bag, then offered Beardo for a possible help.

"I'm not into relationships, just music and creating sound effects is all that I need in life. Have A nice DAY! And you'll find the right one for you!" Beardo answered, and waved at Rodney before he left.

"Oh...okay! Me too! I guess I'll see you at prom then! I'm gonna ask those girls if they're interested in going with me," Rodney waved back, and left Beardo's counter. After he left the music store, Beardo looked straight ahead at the clock that resembles the time of 2:00 P.M.

"Well. Well. Well. It. Looks. Like. I'm. Done. With. My. Shift. For. Today! Time to produce some music for prom, AS the DJ!" said Beardo, who immediately left the counter and removed the black vest with his name tag.

With the vest folded over his arm, he took out a crumpled piece of paper from his black jeans pocket, and unfolded the tiny folds. It was the crumpled invite that he's had in his jeans while he was at work. He read the invite over again, studying the words in his paper.

Dear Spencer (Beardo) Jones,

We would like to invite you to the Total Drama Annual Prom coming up this Saturday, July 12th, at 8:00 P.M. We would like to apologize for not winning on Total Drama Pahkitew Island. However, we're interested in getting acquainted with someone who didn't win the millions. Plus, we would like to offer you as a spot for the DJ set! Other members from the season will be invited too, especially the winner. We will have a huge celebration during the event. Hope to see you there!

Sincerely, Mike and Zoey

Beardo inhaled while closing his eyes calmly.

"A perfect nice fresh after-work-day for making mu-sic!" he talked to himself again, and then walked away from his counter, ending his shift.

Rodney sat at a table that was apparently next to the music store he was in before. He was sitting at the front of the candy store, and he took out the three CD's he's purchased from Beardo, and also the invite that he's had in his pocket as well. He sighed like a hopeless romantic, looking over the CD's and the invitation that he's received that morning.

"Ugh...I still don't know who to ask...I don't want to hurt any of those three girls! Maybe they've already moved on...maybe they've already had boyfriends to take them. Now I'm just gonna be going to prom all alone..." Rodney also spoke to himself, feeling slightly hopeless on love.

When he heard the bell ring from the door's exit, he turned his head around, and noticed Beardo walking out of the music store, on his way to head home. Beardo was whistling while carrying his vest and the crumpled invite in his hand.

"Hey!" Rodney exclaimed, trying to get Beardo's attention. One of Beardo's eyes opened, when he noticed Rodney sitting at the table, waving at him. He stopped walking, and looked at Rodney curiously on what he really wants.

"Hey you have any time? I think I need some advice on love...and I'm wondering if you me?" he spoke to Beardo, feeling slightly lost on how to ask him for romantic advice.

Beardo smiled a bit and walked over to Rodney's rounded table.

"Sure, I could help some-one like you! What. Do. You. Exactly. Need. Help. With?" he responded and asked as he took a seat at the opposite side of Rodney's table. Rodney sighed, finally happy to get some advice from a stranger he knows on Pahkitew Island.

"Okay...I still have no idea on who I should take to prom, even though I already bought three CD's for each girl... Please tell me you've watched this show when you were eliminated?" he said, placing his concerned expression on his face. Beardo kept his smile, while making a slight nod.

"I have, and I'm guessing that those three women are Jasmine, Amy, and Scarlett! Am I right?" Beardo answered, knowing who were Rodney's former love interests on the show. Rodney nodded, then made a slight smile at Beardo's answer.

Just then, Beardo shook his head when he frowned, while smacking his own tongue in his mouth, which suddenly brought more concern on Rodney's face.

"Dude, none of them are right for you. Jasmine's already have a boyfriend, and his name is Shawn, so I think you need to let her go. Scarlett was also nowhere to be found according to last month's news, so we wouldn't have any idea on where she could be at. Plus, she was dangerous last time, and I can already tell that Amy's not into you. I've seen her punching you in the guts once. Why don't you ask the nicer twin instead?" he answered with his whole honesty, which brought slight sorrow and confusion on Rodney's face even more. Well, he felt lost on Beardo's last sentence on the "nicer twin" thing.

Beardo's one of the only people, asides Jasmine and Shawn, who knows for the fact that Samey's the nicer twin who doesn't deserve to be treated like some sort of a background character, along with most people who were on Team Maskwak with him. If Samey was on their team, they would treat her with more respect unlike Team Kinosewak.

Dave would think Samey is better than most of the people on their team, Ella would become great friends with her, Sky would give her advice on anything involving sister issues, Shawn would stay loyal to her, and both Leonard and Beardo would be very nice to her. The only person who might be rivals with Samey on Team Maskwak would be Sugar since she doesn't have any friends, though she may think that Samey is less irritable than Ella.

"But...wasn't Amy the nicer twin? I thought the lesser one was the meaner one," Rodney responded, still feeling lost on Beardo's sentence. Beardo shook his head again, not satisfied with Rodney's confusion.

"Nonono, you're getting this all wrong. The lesser twin you've said was actually the nicer twin. The fact that Amy has punched you in the stomach should clearly tell you that she's the meaner one who's trying to frame her sister as the irrelevant mean twin. Really, Rodney, I think you should give Sammy a chance. I can kinda tell she's liked you when I was watching the show back home," he advised more.

Rodney's eyebrows rose up at Beardo's reply.

"Wow...the other twin has a crush on me?! But..." he responded, yet was still confused.

"You shouldn't judge Sammy by the way she's been treated before, and by the way you've seen her treat her other sister. I think you've already seen Amy bossing her around before. Plus, if you get to know the other twin more, what if she is the nicer twin? How would you like it if you feel like you've been treated with a lot of respect and love? Give her a chance, man," Beardo advised even more, which un-puzzled Rodney's expressions. He began to nod more, realizing that Beardo is right.

"Hey...yeah! I think you might be right! I mean, I felt kind of bad for Samey when Amy's treated her like crap and all...but I don't know, I guess I just want to flatter Amy by agreeing with my whole team for putting cruelty on Samey. Yeah, maybe I should ask Samey..." Rodney replied, and stood up with his plastic bag, while storing the three CD's back in.

Rodney began to realize that it would make him a better person to get to know Samey, so maybe he should give her a chance.

"Thanks for the advice. What's your name?" Rodney thanked and asked, forgetting the name of the first eliminated contestant from Pahkitew Island.

"My name is Spencer, but everyone calls me Beardo, so call me Be-ar-do," the bushy-haired man answered, while the two guys smiled at each other in response. Beardo already knows Rodney's name, so he doesn't need to ask him what his name is.

"It's pleasure meeting you, Beardo! I guess I'll see you at the dance then," Rodney bid his goodbye before he walked away and headed across the street.

Before Beardo stood up and walk his way back home, he watched Rodney walk across the non-busy street on the road and smiled, having complete faith in the hopeless romantic.

Rodney immediately walked into the clothing store, decorated with specific brands and formal clothes all around the racks in the store. He's had his heart pumping while walking around, thinking that he should buy a formal outfit for himself since there's a prom coming up on a Saturday for everyone who's experienced Pahkitew Island.

The place wasn't really busy. He saw only a few customers looking around the clothes that they're checking out. Rodney was guiding himself around the one-floored store. He was about to walk into the men's section, but then he's heard a familiar voice talking right behind him.

"Do you think that this is the right dress for me, Jasmine? I wanna look as perfect as ever for prom!" the nice blonde asked, placing a dress in front of her while showing it to a tall outback girl, who smiled and tapped her chin, resting her elbow inside of her other arm.

The blonde was holding a long dress that has a white sequined strapless top, a medium-dark red silky skirt, and a white sash that goes around the waist with a big bow behind the dress.

"That would look perfect, Sammy! Those two colors totally fit you! You should definitely wear it to prom!" Jasmine answered, bringing a bright red smile onto Samey's face.

Rodney turned his head around, and noticed both of the girls checking out the prom dresses that they're trying out. Then he smiled, noticing the nicer twin there. Well, that's pretty convenient to the farmer since he's planned on talking to Samey when he sees her again, so he turned his whole body around, and started walking up to the girls.

"Now how about this dress, Sammy? Would that look good on me?" Jasmine asked, placing an emerald strapless dress with transparent sheer that's the same length as the skirt of a floor-length dress. The dress also has dark golden sparkly straps that goes around the waist, the top, and crisscross between the waist and the top around the back of the dress.

Samey gasped, noticing how good Jasmine would really look in the dress she's holding out.

"I think that's perfect! You should totally try this dress!" she answered in excitement, which brought a huge smile on Jasmine's face.

"Hey Samey!" a male voice called the blonde's name, which made her head draw to his attention along with Jasmine. Samey noticed Rodney at her sight, which was pretty unexpected for her since she hasn't seen Rodney in a long time.

"Oh! H-h-hi Rodney! I didn't expect you to be here! W-w-what are you doing here? And it's Sammy.." Samey quickly responded, feeling slightly nervous and stuttery, knowing that the ginger just came up to her unexpectedly. She blushed a bit, while smiling at him.

Rodney was looking at her the same way, feeling like he's really about to fall in love with her any second.

"I just came here to look for a good clean formal outfit for me to wear to prom. Plus, I've also wanted to you too since...well...uhhhh..." he answered, while scratching behind his head, also feeling slightly anxious on talking to the nicer twin. Samey kept her smile while looking at the tall muscular freckled ginger.

"I was wondering if you would like to...uhhhh...go to..." he was still lost on trying to ask Samey to prom since he felt even more nervous. Samey let out a slight giggle before she filled up his sentence.

"Go to prom with you?! I mean, well, ummm, if you want me to, like I don't really have anyone else to go with since I'm usually a loner, and...well...if you want me to, then that's fine! Or not...!" Samey quickly responded awkwardly, which made Rodney's cheeks flush even more.

She realized how stupid and awkward she sounded in front of him, yet he didn't mind Samey's interruption, so he ended up smiling even more dreamily.

"Yes...I would be more than glad to take you to prom since you...well...I feel like I still kinda need to get to know you more, but you and me...I feel like it's gonna be love..." Rodney answered, also realizing that he's really quick on falling in love with the nicer twin already.

Samey blushed even more, feeling nervous and awkward when Rodney gently took her hand, and looked at her romantically. She made a shy smile at the farmer, knowing that she wouldn't be alone when she goes to prom with him. The only thing that she's afraid of is him falling in love with another girl during the time, especially Amy, so she wants to make sure that they stay together during their time.

"Uhhh, okay! Yeah, sure! I'd so would love to go to prom with you! I just hope you won't fall in love with another girl though," Samey replied, letting Rodney hold one of her hands with both of his large thick warm hands.

"I don't think I will...I sense that you're the nicer twin compared the other one that I left for. No other girl has treated me this way before!" Rodney replied, leaning his face close to Samey's face.

Half of his eyes were closed, and Samey can feel her heart beating rapidly, also feeling the sweat dripping down on the temples of her face.

"Alright, and just to make sure that you don't fall in love with someone else, here" Samey got onto her tiptoes, and placed her hands on Rodney's broad shoulders. She lightly planted a kiss on Rodney's lower freckled cheek, which made the farmer blush even more to the extent. His heartbeat pumped fast after a smooch occurred on his cheek. He can feel his lips smile and curve at the same time.

Jasmine and Samey walked away for a bit, holding their own prom dresses that they've picked out. Samey turned around, and waved her fingers at Rodney while giving him a big smile and squinted her eyes at him. Rodney remained speechless and frozed for a short amount of time, while watching her and Jasmine leave to the fitting rooms.

"Wow Sammy! It looks like you got lucky, and I'm sure that big ol' guy must be lucky too now that you are going out as dates," said Jasmine, when the two girls got back to their own conversation.

Words blurred out in Rodney's ears while he was watching Samey disappear at his sight. He couldn't get the smile off of his face. Then he took out the invite he was carrying in his plastic bag, and re-read the letter again.

Dear Rodney Gerarde,

We would like to invite you to the Total Drama Annual Prom coming up this Saturday, July 12th, at 8:00 P.M. We would like to apologize for not winning on Total Drama Pahkitew Island. However, we're interested in getting acquainted with someone who didn't win the millions. Plus, we would like to offer you as a spot for the snack table server! Other members from the season will be invited too, especially the winner. We will have a huge celebration during the event. Hope to see you there!

Sincerely, Mike and Zoey

Rodney took a seat on the shoe bench, and stared down at the invite for a long time, before he was able to snap himself out, and find himself some formal clothes for prom.

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