Topher and Ella

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It was still afternoon, getting slightly close to evening. It was around three O' clock, and it's still a nice day to sing in a forest. Well, for someone so beautiful to do so, while she was picking out some flowers with her birds and baby deers along with her.

"What a beautiful day, I just got an invite, to a formal dance, it'll be a wonderful night!"

The princess in a casual dress sang as she pick out a few more daisies, and placed them in her basket for her own custom bouquet. After picking a few more, she instantly frolicked into the forest, while her baby animals followed along with her as she sings her own tune.

On the other side of the forest, a young attractive dirty blonde male went walking, holding out his own smartphone with a blue case, while studying a bright screen that shows a tracking map to help him locate to his own destination. His eyebrows scrunched suspiciously, feeling like he might have turned to a wrong direction.

"Okay, this map is not making any sense at all! I thought I know where the mall is, but somehow, I just ended up right next to the forest...that's just weird...I swear to god, this generation needs better technology for smartphones..." he said to himself as he looked to his left, and noticed the woods right beside him. He shrugged like he didn't care, so he turned his whole body to the left, and started walking into the woods.

He stepped over a huge log that was in front of him, and walked further, trying to find his own way to the mall he was looking for. He was still using his smartphone as his guide to help himself more just so he wouldn't be as lost.

"Maybe this is the shortcut to the mall...I feel like this darn map was trying to lead me out of this town somewhere else," Topher said to himself more, keeping his green eyes at the bright flashy screen in front of him.

It was three more minutes of walking into the forest. Every now and then, he was hearing a familiar singing voice the was ringing in his ears. It kept drawing his attention from his own phone, when he walked even more further, wondering where the singing was coming from.

"Wait a minute, I know this singing voice...where have I heard it from?" he began to question himself, feeling familiar with someone's beautiful voice that has constantly occurred in his ears while he was walking around more. He turned to a different direction to find out where it is, almost forgetting that he was supposed to go to the mall.

As Topher slowly made a few more steps to the front, the female singing voice came closer and louder in his ears. Just then, he looked back down at his smartphone again, not paying anymore attention to his front view since the path in front of him is clear.

Another minute later, still distracted with his smartphone notifications, and still listening to the princess voice at the same time, he started running a bit, realizing that the mall will close in a short amount of time, approximately in one hour.

'Crap! I need to get there fast as possible! I need to make an appointment for the hair salon since I got the invite to the Total Drama Annual Prom! Plus, I need to buy a new bed for my cat!' Topher thought, feeling worried that he won't be able to make it in time.

He sped up more, yet the singing voice got too close, and then stopped, when he immediately bumped into someone. Topher and Ella have fell onto the ground after they've unexpectedly bumped into each other roughly, not paying any attention to what was in front of each other.

Ella's had her eyes closed while she was singing. She never opened her eyes until now. Topher was also paying a lot of attention to the map on his smartphone, so he didn't notice Ella either until then.

"Ow.." the both of them said at the same time after their accidental bump and fall. They immediately noticed each other, and gasped right after reacting to their unexpected fall onto the ground.

"Oh, sorry about that! I-I-I was in a huge rush since I have to make a hair appointment at the salon," Topher spoke first, reaching himself up, just about to stand up from the ground.

"Oh no, I must apologize! I didn't look where I was going since I've been collecting some flowers, and since I was singing a wonderful song of course!" Ella replied, and noticed that her basket was placed on the side, where it has all of the dumped flowers that she's picked besides it. Her bouquet just spilled when she fell.

Topher placed his smartphone in his light green jeans pocket, and started walking up to Ella.

"Ohhhh so that's where the singing was coming from! Haha, well I must admit, I actually used to sing a lot too, but then somehow, I feel like acting and pretending to be a host was more of my thing," he responded, and placed his hands on her upper arms. In return, Ella placed both of her hands on Topher's biceps, when he pulled her up from the ground, helping her up after being bumped into each other.

Normally, Topher rarely does good deeds to others like what Ella usually does, but when it comes to him interacting with people who are decent to him, he doesn't mind. Sure, he can be arrogant, but he was seen to be nice a few times when he was on Total Drama.

The both of them looked at each other in the eyes, with it being wide since they feel like they've known each other before.

" look familiar...didn't I know you from a Total Drama Season before?" he asked, studying Ella's coal-colored eyes. Her eyes widened even more, knowing that she's experienced on Total Drama just like Topher.

"Oh, why yes! I used to be on this show! I was a huge fan of Total Drama World Tour, which was why I've auditioned for this show. Half of the time, I didn't really enjoy this experience, and that's because of how mean that host, Chris McLean really really really was," Ella answered, slightly filled with disgust right after remembering the worst moments she's dealt with during the time, even ignoring Sugar's treatment towards her.

Topher frowned a bit after hearing Chris's name. He also scrunched his eyebrows, also filled with disgust since he remembers the cruelty that Chris has planted on him before.

"Ugh...that jerk! I don't know if you've watched Total Drama after you were eliminated, but that jerk, Chris, tricked me into thinking that I was gonna replace him as host! He just disguised himself as one of the Total Drama Producers, and gave me a phone call about me taking over the show. He just rigged my team's chance of winning, and I got booted off because of him!" he replied, showing slight sympathy for Ella's story, knowing what it's like to be treated poorly by someone you admire. She gasped after listening to what happened.

"Oh my, that was awful! How can you deserve such cruelty by someone you idolize?! Well, I know Sugar's been cruel to me as well, but I thought that doing good deeds for her would change everything between her and I..." she connected her story, as she got down on of her knees, and gently picked up the flowers that was spilled on the grass, coming from the basket.

"Same where when I give Chris so many compliments on his hosting skills. He's inspired me to become one someday since I usually enjoy entertainment, and the fact that I enjoy attention as well. Where did that go? Apparently in the trash...I'm pretty glad he's behind bars right now. Sadly, when I've tried calling the producers to replace him as host for the last time, they've rejected it since the series are cancelled. Plus, they find me 'annoying' too," Topher responded, and sat down in front of Ella, watching her pick up the flowers she's collected and placed them back in the basket.

"Yes, and I've heard that he was arrested because of how he wasn't responsible for the safety of others, and not showing any care for their lives being in danger! And sadly, I've been defined as annoying too. I don't seem to get why a lot of people don't enjoy my singing. I thought I sang beautifully since it's my destiny to become a royal singer! That's what I love to do, and also communicate with my animal friends as well!" Ella replied, and paused for a moment after putting the flowers back into her basket.

Now Topher really remembers her. She was one of the only people that he remembers on the show along with most of the members who were on his team. Ella also remembered Topher as well since she knew there was someone who's loved the host before.

"'re Ella, right?!" Topher guessed at her name. She gasped in response as she nodded.

"And you must be Topher too! I knew there was someone who's loved the host before!" Ella replied. Topher also nodded in response, showing a slight smile towards her.

"And I knew there was someone who loves to sing on the show. I just knew it! I knew I've heard this voice before when I was on Total Drama, and it almost rang the bell for me until I just bumped into you! Kind of a crazy coincidence, huh?" he replied, and scratched his head. Ella giggled after his reply.

"Why yes! I didn't think that I would bump into someone who used to be on the opposite team as me! Well, except I just got an invite to a formal dance this Saturday by the names of this couple, Mike and Zoey!" said Ella, who just pulled out the light purple envelope from her basket with both of her fingers. Topher's eyes widened after Ella pulled out the envelope.

"Really?! No way! Me too! I also got an invite, and it was also from Mike and Zoey! Plus, it's for everyone who's participated in Total Drama last season!" Topher reacted, and also pulled out a folded invite from his pocket.

Ella gently took out her invite from the envelope, as her and Topher compare their invitations together.

Dear Ella White,

We would like to invite you to the Total Drama Annual Prom coming up this Saturday, July 12th, at 8:00 P.M. We would like to apologize for not winning on Total Drama Pahkitew Island. However, we're interested in getting acquainted with someone who didn't win the millions. Plus, we have a SPECIAL SPOT for you if you're planning to attend. Other members from the season will be invited too, especially the winner. We will have a huge celebration during the event. Hope to see you there!

Sincerely, Mike and Zoey

And then onto Topher's invite.

Dear Topher Berkowitz,

We would like to invite you to the Total Drama Annual Prom coming up this Saturday, July 12th, at 8:00 P.M. We would like to apologize for not winning on Total Drama Pahkitew Island. However, we're interested in getting acquainted with someone who didn't win the millions. Plus, we have a SPECIAL SPOT for you if you're planning to attend. Other members from the season will be invited too, especially the winner. We will have a huge celebration during the event. Hope to see you there!

Sincerely, Mike and Zoey

"Wow...the invite messages look EXACTLY the same! What do you think the special spot means?" Topher asked, still comparing both of their invites together.

"I have no clue on what it could mean. It must be a special surprise, and you know how much I love surprises!" Ella exclaimed happily. Topher still looked curious at the invites that they're comparing together.

"Yeah, I hope it's a good surprise though. I usually get a lot of bad surprises...unexpectedly..." he replied, and looked down at the short grass. Ella also frowned a bit, feeling awful at how Topher feels about surprises.

"Oh, I apologize, Topher! You don't deserve any bad surprises! Nobody does! I remember an awful surprise, when my ex-prince placed a shoe on my foot after I fell into the water, and told me that he didn't like me the way I've loved him the next day. I was so broken-hearted when he had feelings for Sky..." she connected, while her eyes were gazing down on the ground.

Topher remembers how bad he's felt for Ella when he saw her crying that day. He remembers when Sugar was laughing at her, and he also remembers how cruel she really was to her, which is why he never said much when Chris and Sugar agrees to the fact that Ella's deserved cruelty. Topher on the other hand, thinks it's too far.

"Dave...he seems like a jerk to me if I have to be honest. Plus, he was pretty creepy when he was around with Sky, and I don't think you deserve to be with anyone like him. You don't deserve anyone who's hurt you before. I can tell he wasn't really the right guy for you," Topher responded, and then he turned his head to Ella. She looked back at him, still with a slight frown on her face.

"And I don't think you deserve anyone who's been cruel to you either like Chris. That man has treated you so awfully, and I don't see any right for him to treat such a fan like this," Ella also responded with honesty. Topher's eyes closed tightly, feeling irked up after being reminded of how mean the host was. He's thought that idolizing Chris would get the respect that he's thought he would earn. However, that never worked at all for his ego.

"I guess you're right, Ella. I'm pretty much over with Chris now, and if I also have to be more honest...I don't think you deserve the cruelty AND the friendship from Sugar either...she's threatened me on the zeppelin right before we've entered that new island," Topher replied. Her eyes widened from shock after hearing the interaction he's mentioned between him and Sugar, the girl that Ella's tried so hard on befriending with, yet gets constantly rejected very rudely by her.

Sure, Topher and Ella have never interacted on the show before, but surprisingly, they've had a few important things in common when they've randomly bumped into one another. Topher usually never cares for anyone around him. Though whenever he's around with Ella, it feels different for him. Ella shows a lot of sympathy for everyone who goes through tough times like Topher. Has Topher ever been sympathized by anyone before?

"Oh Topher, I'm so sorry that she's threatened you before! I thought that we were going to be the best of friends, but I did NOT enjoy the rude manners she's always giving me!" she reacted in disgust.

After collecting all of the flowers that fell from her basket, her and Topher got up from the grass and looked at each other.

"Yeah, I hate it too, but you'll be alright! And same goes for me. I know I'll still be okay. By the way, what's up with the flowers you have in the basket?" Topher asked, turning his head to Ella's custom colorful bouquet of flowers she's collected before.

"Oh! Well I was in a good mood this morning since I've received an invitation to the Total Drama Annual Prom! I just thought collecting some lovely flowers along with my animal friends would brighten my mood even more! How did you end up in the forest, if I may ask?" she answered and questioned, with the both of them still looking at each other.

"Well...I was trying to find my way to the closest mall since my car just broke down. Somehow, the map on my phone gave me the wrong direction, so I just thought that walking in the forest would be some sort of shortcut. I don't know how it got me there though," Topher answered, and scratched behind his head.

"Oh...! I was banned from one of the local malls after singing. The nice security man told me that I have a beautiful voice though!" Ella replied, not really feeling bad about being kicked out of the mall once. Topher smiled a bit, noticing that Ella's not really sad about this situation.

"Yeah, I was trying to walk my way to the mall since I need to make an appointment to get my hair done. I want it to look as perfect as it always was for prom! Plus, I need to buy a new bed for my cat since his old one was getting pretty rusty," he added more, with the reason on why he's ended up in the forest. Ella smiled more.

"Oh you own a cat?! I have a white fluffy cat back home! Her name is Snowball!" she replied. Topher chuckled a bit after realizing another thing that they have in common.

"My cat's name is Chef 2.0, and he's ginger," Topher responded. Ella laughed more, knowing how funny it is to name a cat "chef". Especially with "2.0" added.

"What a funny name for your cat! I'm guessing he must be named after Chef Hatchet!" she replied. Topher nodded and smiled at her even more.

"Yeah! How did you know?!" he asked, surprised at Ella's guess.

"Well, you have admired the host before, right? I'm guessing you must've admired Chef too!" she answered, and fluttered her long thin eyelashes at him. Topher blushed a bit, and scratched his head even more.

"Well...ummmm you can say that, I guess. I mean, Chef was pretty funny when it comes to him cross-dressing. Sometimes I dress my cat in pink ballerina clothes when I was role-playing as a host," he also answered, causing Ella to giggle even more louder.

"It's cute for your cat to be dressing up in pink dresses, but would he be happy about it if you try to dress him up? It's pretty common for cats to not like being in clothes, especially cute adorable ones," Ella replied, and made a slight frown, knowing that cats don't like to wear any clothing that some people dress them in.

"Well..." he began to reply, feeling slightly embarrassed, and a bit ashamed at the same time with how he's treated Chef 2.0 before. He knew Ella's against animals getting upset. Topher remembers how everytime he tries to get his own cat to wear a small pink dress, Chef 2.0 would scratch and attack him.

"I didn't mean to make my cat mad at all, really. I just thought it would be interesting, yet cute for him to wear pink dresses, ya know?" he finally answered, and blushed more. Ella was still giggling at his response.

"And it must be cute! I bet your cat is adorable, especially when he's wearing ballerina clothes! I always groom my cat, and the only thing she wears is a pink bow that goes behind her left ear, and a pink collar with a heart-shaped name tag on it!" Ella replied. Both of them smiled at each other even more.

"I bet your cat is cute too from how you described her! Maybe someday, we could have both of our cats as their play-dates or something," Topher chuckled more. Ella nodded in reply.

"I'd like that! Snowball is such a sweetheart, I think you might like her!" Ella agreed. They were still looking at each other in the eyes, and they're also still smiling too.

"Yeah...I'd like that too! Hopefully they'll get along great," Topher replied, and then checked his smartphone from the pocket. He immediately looked at the time on the top right corner of the screen, when his eyes widened up more.

"Aw snap! I have to get to the mall instantly since it's gonna close in forty-five minutes! It's nice seeing you, Ella! I guess I'll see you again at prom then?!" Topher rushed and concluded the conversation with Ella quickly, as he's ready to take off running to the mall.

"Yes, I'll see you at prom too! I must get home to take care of my sweet precious animals!" Ella responded. Right when Topher left, running, Ella looked back at him, and smiled in a dreamy way.

After a minute, she began to frolic in a different direction, while carrying her basket full of flowers, being on her way to her home.

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