Dave and Sky

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It was later during the day, and in a grey two-floored neighborhood house, a workout song was bursting loudly from the radio, when someone grunted as an addition to the noise in a dark room.

There was Dave, who was doing the push ups slowly. Because of his thin arms, he can feel a lot of sweat dripping down under his light black bangs on his forehead. His eyes were closed tight, and so were his teeth, pushing himself up slowly, and then dropping himself down quickly.

He repeated the same push up routine, being able to push up slowly, and then lower down fast since he doesn't have a lot of strength in his arms. After his last push up, he exhaled loudly, and then dropped his whole stomach on the ground. The loud music was still playing, and Dave took big breaths after doing the push ups.

"Man, twenty push ups is hard! I can almost feel my arms cutting out from this!" he complained a bit, and then pushed himself up from the ground, trying to position himself to sit down on the concrete floor.

Dave straightened his arms out, and then rubbed his small biceps from the burn he felt while working out. Then he raised both of his hands in the air, trying to stretch his spine since it felt stiff from his other workout program. He grabbed a white cloth sitting on a blue chair and wiped the sweat from his forehead, and his temples.

He started breathing slowly, inhaling and exhaling after his workout. He slowly got up, stood straight, cracked his spine, and then headed over to a boom box that was still bursting from the music playing.

Dave pressed the off button, silencing the boom box from playing further energetic music. He reached his hands in the air, stretching out his long spine again, while loosening the stiff muscles in his body.

Footsteps were crept slowly, attracting Dave's attention when he notices two small legs walking down the wooden steps.

"Little step-brother! I have something for you that came from the mail this morning," a slow nasal voice announced, bringing curiosity to Dave. He walked around a few areas of boxes, making his way through the stairwell the figure was using.

"What is it, Noah?! I just got done working out!" he replied, sitting down on a bottom of the step to finally relax from his daily workout.

Noah stopped at the second bottom of the step next to Dave, and held out a light purple unopened envelope near his head.

"You just got invited to some party or something, whatever. Don't bother ask what it really is since it's for you only...I'm gonna be in my room reading my new book if you need me," Noah answered as Dave claimed the lavender envelope.

After receiving his mail, Noah slowly started walking back upstairs. Dave ended up watching Noah leave until he disappeared at his own sight. He shrugged, but then he turned his head to the envelope he's holding onto.

"A party...? Why am I invited? I barely talk to anyone! That's strange!" he said to himself, ripping up the flap from the sealed envelope to get access to the invitation card.

Dear David Tanner,

We would like to invite you to the Total Drama Annual Prom coming up this Saturday, July 12th, at 8:00 P.M. We would like to apologize for not winning on Total Drama Pahkitew Island. We're interested in getting acquainted with someone who didn't win the millions! Other members from the season will be invited too, especially the winner. We will have a huge celebration during the event. Hope to see you there!

Sincerely, Mike and Zoey

His eyes widened while reading the invitation.

"Wow! I've been invited to...a prom?! From Mike and Zoey from Total Drama?! They even know my real name..." he began to question himself, but then, he picked up the opened envelope that he threw aside.

He read the title that said "Invitation to PROM!"

Then he gently threw the envelope and card in front of him, and placed his elbows on his knees, while pressing his cheeks down on his palms, giving out an annoyed glum expression on his face.

"Mike and Zoey are so lucky that they're in a romantic relationship...why can't Sky and I have the same?! Oh who needs her...I'm just so over her now..." he kept talking to himself, and then grabbed the invite again.

Dave went upstairs that lead him into the hallway, on his way to the kitchen. He sat at the kitchen table, still feeling a bit bummed and stressed out. He rolled up the sleeve from his white T-shirt, and noticed a slight muscle on his bicep.

Then he sighed, knowing that it's only a small and not a firm muscle. At least he gained a pint of it, which is a pro to him. Dave ended up crossing his arms on the table, and looked down even more.

He had a frown on his face, and sat at the table for so long. He's not sure if he wants to go to prom or not, especially when he's ended up in bad terms with Sky. Another thing is, he felt like he's gonna be alone for the most part. He doesn't know what happened between Sky and Keith after the last season ended, and another thing, he's not sure if Ella would be eager to see him again either. Dave started feeling bad after he broke her heart without intention, yet he still doesn't have any romantic feelings for her like how he's had feelings for Sky. Still, at least she's better than most of the people who were on his team. He couldn't stand Sugar, Leonard, Beardo, and even he's had a fight with Shawn before.

Dave's been sitting at the table for a spam amount of time, just until his brother appeared in the kitchen again.

"Dude, I forgot to give you one more letter, and it's from this girl named Sky Serrano..." Noah notified, while reading the corner of the white envelope.

Dave didn't bother responding back. He still felt mad at how Sky lied to him in the end, although working out helped him get over part of the relationship situation he's had to deal with. His eyebrows scrunch from annoyance. He wasn't sure if he really missed her or not. He feels like it's wrong to still like her despite what happened.

"I really don't care about Sky anymore, Noah...not after what happened between us. Whatever kind of letter she just sent me, just throw it in the fireplace..." he finally replied, still feeling annoyed.

One of Noah's eyebrows arched up from confusion and curiosity.

"Are you sure, little step-brother? It's an apology note...besides, what if you bump into her at the party? It would be pretty awkward if you don't know how sorry she feels..." he replied, which made Dave reconsider his thoughts about what he just said.

His eyebrows rose in response. Yeah, Noah's right. If he sees Sky at prom, it would be awkward between the both of them. Maybe something happened between her and Keith, so he's thought for a few seconds before he sighed, feeling slightly reluctant to read what Sky has sent to him.

Dave held out his hand, with the other on his cheek while his elbow was on the table.

"Give it to me...I guess I'll read it, but I don't know how I'm gonna feel...I still hate Sky, it's just...I kinda miss the moments we've had, so why not?" he answered Noah, after having to stand there and wait for his answer.

Noah walked up to him, and handed the mail to Dave.

"I'm gonna be in my room reading my new book, so don't bother. I don't know what was actually going on between you two, but I'm assuming you guys ended up in a bad position," he sarcastically and slowly replied, and then turned around to head back.

Dave rolled his eyes to the corner of the ceiling, feeling annoyed by his step-brother's response. After Noah left the kitchen, Dave began to tear up the flap on the sealed side of the envelope.

With a not so satisfied expression on his face, he pulled out a lined folded paper from the envelope, and began to unfold the letter that has nice black cursive handwriting. The format was written in a huge paragraph, when Dave started reading the letter.

Dear Dave,

I know you probably hate me already, and I know you probably won't care for my apology, but I want to tell you how very sorry I am for not telling you the real truth. If I had to be very honest, I wish you would've given me the time to tell you what's the "but" before you shushed me and tell me that you didn't want to hear it. I wish I would've told you a lot earlier before we've kissed. I'm not saying that it's your fault that this happened. Honestly, this is more of my fault than it is for your's. I actually really did like you, especially when I've had a boyfriend back home. I was actually going to dump him before entering the competition. The reason why I've kept rejecting you was not only because I was dating someone else, but because I wanna concentrate on winning the millions, and the fact at how cocky you've acted from the green slushy meatball challenge. I knew this wasn't the real you during that time. You would never act like this to me, right? I've also forgotten about Keith while we were in this show together. I really was going to break up with him, but I ran out of time and forgot! I guess this is what I get for not being honest to you when I should have. I didn't deserve the millions like Shawn. I knew I was gonna meet my downfall for not winning. I broke up with Keith after the show, and he's agreed since he's mad, the way you're mad at me. I wish there's something that I can do to make it up to you. I'm not gonna force you to forgive me, to talk to me, or to fix things with me, or even to go on a date with me. I know I can't since I knew it might be something that you don't want, and I want this to be your decision too. I'm completely fine with whatever you're comfortable with. All I'm asking is for you to not rig any of my chances to achieve my goals in the future. I feel horrible for hurting you like this, and I felt selfish for the most part, so that's why I wanna tell you how very sorry I am. You don't have to forgive me, you don't have to agree to fix things with me, and you don't have to go out with me either. I just wish we could let all of this go, and leave every bad moment behind us. I hope maybe someday, we can work out our differences, and maybe start all over, and get to know each other more. Only if you're okay with it! Plus, did I ever tell you that I have a thing for clean freaks? I forgot to tell you how adorkable you are! I'll let that choice be yours. If you don't want to talk to me anymore, then I completely understand. I'll give you as much time as you need! I hope one day, we'll be in good terms.

Sincerely, Sky

Dave's eyes started building up with tears, and his eyebrows arched to wide shapes of U. His lips started quivering after reading the letter.

"She called me adorkable..." he said, while he slightly smiled. He sighed, and stared at the letter for a long time.

Dave re-read Sky's letter a few more times. Rather than being mad, and still having hate towards her, he's beginning to think about her even more. Should he really forgive Sky? It must've took a long time for her to compose a huge apology letter. He smiled a bit more, still looking at the letter.

It surprised him how this letter affected his feelings towards her now. He's thought for sure that he'll hold a huge grudge against her for a spam amount of time. He smiled more dreamily. Maybe he does miss her afterall despite on what happened a month ago.

Meanwhile, during that time of day, Sky just came home from the gym after doing her three-hour workout. As she was on the two-step entry of the door, she tucked her hand in a blue envelope-shaped mailbox attached to the white wall next to the door.

She moved it, discovering a couple envelopes that met at her palms. She grabbed them, and took them out of the mailbox. Then she opened the door with her other hand, while heading into her house.

"Hey mom! I'm home!" Sky exclaimed, notifying one of her parents that she came home from practice. She went to the living room area of her house and dropped her whole body on one of the green comfortable recliners.

She can hear her mother washing dishes in the kitchen. One of the mails that she has received is apparently for her older sister, who's still at practice since she's taking more advanced classes than Sky.

The other one was a purple envelope that says "Invitation to PROM!" on the front, bringing curiosity on Sky's face.

"Huh?! What is this?!" she began to question, studying the corner of the envelope that has her name and address on it, and then to the title on the envelope.

"There's a prom coming up?! In July?!" Sky questioned more, while studying the purple envelope in her hand.

She began to tear up the flap, breaking off the seal, as she noticed a white folded card presented at her sight, after opening the envelope. Sky extracted the card from the envelope, and gently opened the invite. She began to read the invitation.

Dear Sky Serrano,

We would like to invite you to the Total Drama Annual Prom coming up this Saturday, July 12th, at 8:00 P.M. We would like to apologize for not winning on Total Drama Pahkitew Island. However, we'd like to congratulate you on being the runner up from this season. We're interested in getting acquainted with someone who didn't win the millions. Other members from the season will be invited too, especially the winner. We will have a huge celebration during the event. Hope to see you there!

Sincerely, Mike and Zoey

Her eyes widened after reading the invitation.

"Wow! The Total Drama Annual Prom?! After last season?! Wow! This sounds so exciting!" she exclaimed in happiness, yet she puts on the curiously concerned expression on her face, as she eyes to the corner of the living room ceiling.

"I wonder if Dave's invited too...hopefully he read the letter that I wrote last night...huh..." Sky added and sighed, still feeling slightly bummed about what happened between her and Dave after the last season ended.

"Honey, what's with all of the commotion about?" her mom asked as she walked into the living room after hearing her daughter talk loudly when she was in the kitchen washing dishes.

"Oh mom! I just got invited to the Total Drama Annual Prom!" Sky answered, pulling herself up from the recliner, while she went up to her mother. Her dark brown eyes stared directly at the invite that her daughter was sharing. It widened, knowing that there's a fun event coming up for Sky.

"Oh that sounds like a lot of fun! And who's Mike and Zoey?" Mrs. Serrano asked, looking down at her short-height daughter.

"Are you kidding me?! They're the finalists from All-Stars, and they're also boyfriend and girlfriend too! Mike won the other millions and shared it with his girlfriend! Now they're throwing an annual event!" Sky answered, feeling slightly excited about prom. She's watched the Total Drama Series, which explains how she knows Mike and Zoey.

Her mom smiled in return, while gazing down at Sky.

"Do you have a date to go with? That could be a lot of fun! Ya know Sky, I was in the prom court when I was a Junior, so I think you should consider bringing a date! Maybe you guys can be prom king and queen!" she replied and suggested, which made Sky put on a disgusted and a weird expression on her face.

"Mom! I'm not dating anymore! Remember what happened between Keith and I? And also Dave and I? It's over. Well...I hope not for Dave..." she responded, and looked down at a polished wooden floor.

Mrs. Serrano looked at her disappointingly. She knew what happened between Sky and her ex-boyfriend, and also on what happened between her and Dave. She sighed a moment later before she's started getting into a slight argument with her daughter, who's still somewhat attracted to Dave.

"Honey...remember what Dave did to you at the finale...of course, Chris was no better, but what he did to you was unacceptable...plus, he doesn't seem like he would be your type by the fact at how desperate he was for you..." she replied in a disapprovingly way, trying to remind Sky on how they're still in bad terms.

Sky's eyebrows scrunched a bit. She knew that her mother was right, yet she's decided to argue back a bit.

"I really don't care, mom...it's actually my fault that things were messed up between Dave and I. If it wasn't for Keith, I'm sure Dave and I would be in great condition right now!" she's tried making her point, while the tall mom in her 30's raised her eyebrow a bit.

"Now, you shouldn't blame Keith. He's had nothing to do with your decisions, and your relationship with Dave," she replied, and placed her hands on Sky's shoulders. Sky looked back at her, gazing up a concerned expression on her face.

"I've lost interest in him ever since I've entered Pahkitew Island, and I've lost interest in him right before Dave and I have interacted, so it really doesn't matter that much anymore...I know Dave probably hates me now, but I don't think he's gonna do anything to me. He would either ignore me, or make things right with me if he's decided to do so, because I'm more than eager to apologize to him for not being honest," Sky responded, and the mom nodded at her side of the story.

So the two of them have decided to bond in the living room for a whole while, still waiting for Sky's sister to come home from her practice. All they're talking about is Dave, and the invite that she's received from the mailbox.

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