Shawn and Jasmine

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It was a nice start of the morning, where the sky is pure blue filled with white clouds flowing around above the woods right beneath. Next to the woods is a one-floor ranch house nicely built on the hill, and the driveway being distant from the flat road.

After a nice breakfast, it was someone's time to practice fighting against the "zombies". In his pajamas, a teen with light brown shaggy hair, wearing a green beanie, immediately entered an odd-looking room, where it has all of the poorly customed mannequins, that are decorated with dirt, banana peels, expired slices of cucumbers, ripped newspapers, and stringy mustard sauce all around the heads.

Shawn was still sleepy before he noticed the dirty mannequins presented in front of him while he entered the spare room. He had a mug of coffee in his hand as he was rubbing his back with his other.

His dark eyes were gazing down on the light wooden floor. He just woke up after having another zombie apocalypse nightmare.

Just then, after taking a sip from the mug of black coffee he had in his hand, his eyes met up at the dummies covered with garbage, which instantly grew wide after recognizing what they look like to him.

"ZOMBIES! THEY'RE IN MY SHELTER! WELL NOT THIS TIME!" he shouted fearlessly, and grabbed a long blunt bat next to the doorway he just entered through.

He firmly placed the mug on a nightstand before he prepared himself to attack the mannequins.

Shawn studied the trash-covered mannequins, making his eyes squint before his attack.

"You're not gonna get my brains, you filthy freaks! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" he said as he started running forward, whacking one of the mannequins by the head with the bat, causing it to decapitate from the body while the feet of it fell backwards.

The yellow cotton from the neck escaped, still lining between the head and the body on the floor.

Just then, Shawn kicked the closest dummy next to him, which simply fell to the floor like the other mannequin he knocked out.

His next target was the tallest and also the most bulky mannequin in the room. As he jumped and hit the tall mannequin with his bat, it instantly broke in half, causing Shawn's fear to increase even more after breaking his only handy weapon close to him.

He looked at the broken bat, and the half that broke was still attached by the thin layer before it departed, so now, he's holding a small handle and half of the base remaining, with sharp inner edges.

Shawn threw it on the ground, and glared at the tall mannequin that was shadowing him. Then, he immediately and firmly tackled the muscular dummy, and started punching the head until it started departing from the body, just like the first one he killed.

"TAKE THAT! AND THAT! AND THAT, ZOMBIE!" he exclaimed, and ripped one of the arms off from the dummy.

Shawn looked away, and has noticed five more mannequins still standing in the room, so he immediately jumped away from his third target, and started hitting the other dummies with the bulky arm that he just tore from.

It was another minute of his random dirty mannequin attack. After destroying every remaining standing dummy, he panted fearlessly, looking around to make sure that all of the trash-covered mannequins are knocked out, teared up, and destroyed.

Drips of sweat were streaming down on the temples of his face and forehead, breathing quickly and loudly, feeling his heart pumping from his own fear.

After a few seconds, an Australian female voice called his name, drawing his attention away from the mannequins that he has attacked.

Shawn's eyebrows rose, when a very tall African-American girl rushed up to him at his own sight.

"Oh! Hey Jasmine! What's going on?" he asked as he turned his whole body around, facing Jasmine after she kneeled down with a huge grin on her face.

She held out a light purple envelope with her right hand, much to Shawn's notice while she started holding it out in front of him. He looked at it curiously before Jasmine spoke to explain something.

"Shawn! I got an invitation to the annual prom coming up this Saturday! Did you get one too?!" she responded, and squinted her eyes at Shawn, who immediately eyed up to her after hearing her answer.

"An invitation to prom?! It's July! Isn't prom in May or something?" he replied and asked curiously, turning his head to the calendar on an opened wooden door next to him.

The calendar shows the word "JULY" on the center right above the daily grid that was marked with seven red X's on the first row, and one red X on the second row. It's currently Monday.

Then he looked back at his girlfriend, still curious, and a little bit suspicious about the annual prom that Jasmine just mentioned about. She was still smiling from excitement, still gluing her eyes at Shawn.

"Who cares?! Maybe it's NOT just an annual prom! It actually must be a formal event! For us! Plus, according to the address on the invite, this is close to where the robotic island was at! It must mean a reunion too since that's where we have competed in Total Drama, right?!" she answered more, looking closely at Shawn, who's still having an unsure look on his face.

He squinted his eyes, and gently took the invitation that Jasmine was holding, while looking at the title, the address, and the stamp.

"Hmmmm...So did you read the invite, or not yet?" Shawn asked, and looked up at smiley Jasmine. Her smile faded a bit from his question.

"I haven't yet, and I actually don't know who it was from. Did you get the invite though?!" she answered, and then questioned.

"I haven't checked the mailbox yet since I just woke up, and that I just got done with ya know, training myself to fight against the zombies! I'll be right back. I also need to grab my spare bat in case if I see any of them outside. Here," he answered, and handed the invitation back to Jasmine as he started walking, getting ready to grab his spare bat and went outside.

After grabbing a better quality bat, he exited out of the house and started walking down the long driveway down on the hill.

Shawn looked from left to right, still looking out for any zombie who would try to get to him or his girlfriend.

Right when he's reached to that rusty-looking mailbox at the end of the driveway, he immediately opened the door of it, and noticed a stack of envelopes lining horizontally next to each other.

He grabbed the stack with one of his hands, with the other still holding his spare bat. Shawn closed the mailbox, and started running back up, heading to his house with all of the envelopes in his hands.

After he rushed and closed the door behind him, he dropped the bat against the wall, and headed into the kitchen in front of him.

Shawn sat down on a wooden chair next to a matching circular wooden table. He dropped the delivered envelopes on the table, and slightly spread it around. All of the envelopes are white except for one that's the same color as the one Jasmine got. Plus, it says "Invitation to PROM!" on front, which was very noticeable to Shawn after he spreaded the envelopes.

"JASMINE!" he called her name after he noticed the invitation that looked similar to the one Jasmine showed him.

He picked it up as he can hear her footsteps coming closer to the kitchen. He squinted his eyes more while studying the purple envelope presented at his sight.

A second later, Jasmine made her appearance in the kitchen after Shawn called her name.

"Yeah Shawn?!" she asked immediately after she heard her boyfriend calling her name. Then she walked up to the kitchen table, and sat down next to him, who's still looking at the title on the envelope, "Invitation to PROM!".

She also gasped right when she noticed the light purple envelope that Shawn was looking at.

"You got invited too?! Wow, this is going to be great, Shawn! We could definitely attend to prom together! Wouldn't that be so romantic and fun?!" Jasmine exclaimed, placing the tip of her chin on her fingers that locked together, and looked at him excitingly.

Shawn smiled a bit, and turned his head to Jasmine.

"Yeahhhh! This is going to be great! I just hope that this isn't a joke or something, ya know what I mean?! I hope it's not some kind of zombie apocalypse prank," he replied, and turned his head back to the envelope, with his eyebrows lowering down.

Jasmine laughed in response to what her boyfriend just said.

"Oh Shawn! That's going to be really hard to believe if it was some kind of joke! Don't worry about it, I'm sure it must be a reunion. I mean, Chris is in jail, so we don't need to worry about him anymore, and we still don't know where Scarlett was at either. She could be either dead, or back to her normal self, I guess," she said, while making her whole point.

Shawn started tearing up the top side of the envelope with his whole finger, feeling slightly suspicious, yet a bit excited about it.

"Well, I'm still a bit unsure about it, and I don't think we should trust Scarlett on anything if we bump into her again. The last time when she was with us, she got psychotic and rig to blow up the whole island, killing every one of us if she doesn't get the millions!" he replied after opening the whole top.

He gently pulled a white folded card from the envelope, with Jasmine's smile still in place.

"Well I'm pretty sure that's the only thing that she would do to us. Plus, I think she's only trying to hurt Chris and not us since he's the one who's had the million dollar case in his hands. And if someone's inviting us to an annual prom, I'm sure that the person won't invite her since she was evil before," she also replied, yet her smile started fading.

After hearing Jasmine's words, Shawn began to read the invite on the card.

Dear Shawn Landchester,

We would like to invite you to the Total Drama Annual Prom coming up this Saturday, July 12th, at 8:00 P.M. We would like to congratulate you for winning the million dollar case from the sixth season called Total Drama Pahkitew Island. Other members from the season will be invited too. Please bring the money case with you since it's required for the winners celebration. Hope to see you there!

Sincerely, Mike and Zoey

After reading the invite, he looked at Jasmine, who's also read the invitation along with him.

"Oh good! It's from Mike and Zoey! See Shawn? They're decent people, so how wrong could it go if they're throwing the annual event?!" Jasmine asked in relief, already feeling confident about going to prom.

"Hmmmm..." Shawn answered in response, reconsidering the fact that they're nice people who could do no harm. Just then, he lets out a relieving sigh.

"Yeah! You're right, Jasmine! Mike won All-Stars, and I think he's shared the money with Zoey since they're going out! About the millions though...I'm not sure if I should actually bring it. I mean, it's not just because of Scarlett or anything, but do you think they would mind if I only have half of it? Because I already gave the other half to you just so you could start your businesses on your flower shop and cage-fighting school..." he said in relief, yet still wondering about the millions he has left in his case.

"Well, they're nice people, so I'm sure they won't mind at all. I think they just want you to bring whatever you have left. I'm sure they'll understand that you have split half of it to me," she answered and placed her hand on Shawn's shoulder, calming him down from more wonder.

It took Shawn some time to respond. He thought slowly, trying to think positively like Jasmine. He's also unsure of bringing in the money for the celebration.

"I don't know about this, fun as it sounds to go to prom with you, I don't know if I should bring in the money. What if there were zombies at prom?! I need to keep myself prepared in case if there's gonna be an apocalypse coming at prom!" he replied, and looked at Jasmine from face-to-face.

"Oh stop being so vigilant, Shawn! There's no such thing as zombies! Plus, don't you still want to celebrate after your success on winning the millions?! If I were you, I'd bring the money in just in case! Mike and Zoey would be happy, and I don't think there would be any possibility that something could go wrong! Just trust me!" Jasmine responded, feeling lightly annoyed by Shawn's concern, yet she'll do anything to comfort him from his own fear and settle him down from possible situations he's thinking about.

Even if he fears something bad would happen, he still doesn't want to disappoint his girlfriend, and he knew how much it would mean for her if they attend to prom together, so he lets out a sigh, taking some time to reply without starting an argument with her.

"Alright Jasmine...I'll bring in the money case, and we'll go to prom together. I'm only DOING it for YOU though. It doesn't change how excited I am! I just want you to be happy, and I'm already happy to be with you too, so...we can go to prom together, and have a good time..." he spoke, and made a slight smile after his reply.

Jasmine smiled back in return. She's happy that her boyfriend has finally agreed to go to the annual prom with her.

"We'll be fine, Shawn. Just trust me, okay mate?! Lets see if my invitation is also from Mike and Zoey, just to be safe here, okay?" she replied, and began to open here envelope. She pulled out the folded card, and started reading the invite.

Dear Jasmine Smith,

We would like to invite you to the Total Drama Annual Prom coming up this Saturday, July 12th, at 8:00 P.M. We would like to congratulate you for receiving half of the money from the winner of sixth season called Total Drama Pahkitew Island. It was sweet for the winner to do so, so we would like to congratulate both of you anyway! Other members from the season will be invited too. We will have a huge celebration during the event. Hope to see you there!

Sincerely, Mike and Zoey

"Oh! They already know that you have split the money with me! They just want you to bring in your own half!" said Jasmine, after getting specific clarification from her own invite.

"Wow really?! So each invite contains different names of invited guests and different specific messages after our own fate?!" Shawn asked as he moved his head close to Jasmine's, who's still facing the invite on her card.

"I believe so, Shawn! But don't you worry! I'm extremely sure that nothing wrong could happen! Mike and Zoey are the ones who are hosting the annual event, so I'm sure that there won't be any zombies, and there won't be any danger ahead of us. Just trust me, Shawn! As long as we have each other, and as long as stick together for prom, then nothing. Will. Go. Wrong," she's continued to comfort him even more by placing both of her hands on his shoulders, and look at him from face to face.

They're studying each other's dark-colored eyes. Shawn had a slight frown on his face, but he still believes his girlfriend. Jasmine had the same frown, yet she slightly smiled again, still looking at him in his dark brown eyes.

He didn't reply, so the both of them have looked at each other for a few more minutes. Shawn was still calming down from Jasmine's comfort and support. His heart pounded slowly, and he's continued to look at her.

"Hey, I need to get to the flower shop since my business will open in a few more minutes. Remember, we'll have a good time together, okay, Shawn?!" Jasmine broke the silence, knowing that she needs to be at one of her businesses that she's started since she received half of the millions from her boyfriend.

Shawn nodded, understanding Jasmine while she stood up from her chair.

She snuck a kiss on Shawn's cheek before she walked away and left the kitchen, leaving his house and on her way to the flower shop.

He blushed and smiled at the same time while watching her leave the kitchen. He sat at the kitchen table for a little while, still looking at the doorway that Jasmine has left from. Then he looked back at the invite that he has in his hand.

He looked at it with a half smile and a half frown on his face. Still taking the words from his girlfriend, how bad could it be to go to a nice, simple, formal event?

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