It's Almost About Time

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"So yeah... That's the main reason why a lot of people find me as some sort of villainous jerk... They're just judgmental if you ask me!" said Topher, who was still in the middle of conversing with Ella. They were still sitting at the same table alone while Topher was finishing up the desserts on his plate.

There was another casual soft rock song playing in the room. It has been exactly forty-five minutes ever since the princess and the former fanboy have engaged in a huge conversation where they were able to get to know each other better. Ella has frowned after Topher has got done concluding another story that he's told Ella, specifically about his life in high school. She was sympathizing at the fact that he's never had the best days in high school since she's also one of the teens herself who has been bullied before.

"I'm very sorry to hear about everything, Topher. I know a lot of people can be very harsh on others, and it just got me wondering why some of them were always this way! You know, I've always believed that happiness is the best medicine for every single human being on earth. I've thought that I can bring happiness by singing for everyone! Some of them take it quite well, though some others don't seem to be very fond of it... which makes me wonder... could I have actually bring others more pain when I sing...?" she replied, letting out a slight sigh at the end of her sentence, feeling like she's losing a bit of hope for her future.

Topher looked at Ella a bit, though he's taking some time to think of what he should exactly say since he wants to require his own honesty in his comment, nothing negative in particular. Just a reason why some people were not very fond of hearing her sing. He tucked his own lips in his mouth as he narrowed his green eyes back at the bits of food he has left on his plate.

"Well..." he began to speak, thinking of a way to reply without getting Ella possibly overwhelmed with the words he wants to say. Ella looked at him curiously when he spoke, then Topher has looked back at her again. So now, they're looking at each other.

"You know...Ella... It's just you have a...very powerful singing voice! Not that it's a bad thing of course! Maybe the people who weren't keen of you singing were jealous or something. I mean, I used to sing back in my older days, back when I was thirteen years old or something. I used to write songs, but they were pretty personal, so I don't wanna talk too much about it...but seem like the kind of person I would see on a singing talent show!" Topher finally replied, still looking at the princess when he's talked.

Ella's pink lips started smiling after hearing such kind compliment from the former aspiring host. She can also feel the sense of blush appearing on her cheeks since she rarely gets compliments from anyone, especially guys. She bit her lip for a few seconds before she made her response.

"You really think so, Topher? And you were a song-writer before?! My, I would love to read your poetic lyrics, and listen to you sing! You must be a good singer if you love to write songs! And do you really believe that I could be on a singing talent show?!" she responded, feeling a tint of excitement in herself, knowing how amazing it would've been for Ella to audition for a singing competition. Also curious for one of Topher's secrets.

"Uhhhhmmm..." Topher spoke, as he started to blush a little bit while scratching the back of his head. He also bit his lip while trying to think of how to respond to the princess without getting her excited for almost no reason. Though, he was blushing at the fact how Ella has believed that he could be a great singer like her. He has never sung ever since the age of thirteen, so he couldn't tell how good he would be right now.

"Maybe...some other time? I really don't feel comfortable singing in middle of the room, so I hope that's understandable for you... Though, yeah! You seem like you would slay at any type of singing contest, and I can definitely tell by your positive personality...your optimism...I mean, it really goes well with the way you sing, honestly! Is that why you came on Total Drama? To show everyone your talent? I never came on to win for the most obvious part...and you don't seem like you came here for that reason either," he responded more with his honesty, though he's smiling now.

Ella's smile toned down a bit since she was eager to hear Topher sing. Though, her smile is still positive enough after having to hear more compliments from Topher. She was still slightly blushing since she's now starting to enjoy the conversation between them.

"I understand, though I'd love to hear you sing one day! And well... I just thought this show would have possibilities of having a singing-related challenge, just like this one episode from the first season where everyone has shown their own talents! I have admired this young man who sang a song for this girl...that I think her name is Gwen?" Ella replied half of her comment before she was slightly interrupted.

"Trent?! Oh yeah, that guy. He seems like a pretty cool guy to get along with. It's kind of sad how he got so obsessive with Gwen, and it must've stink so much for him when he was dumped by her. Hell, I've never been in a relationship before, so I can't really say what it would be like to lose a girlfriend like that. I know some people who takes their break-ups well, while other's don't.." he spoke, then began to narrow his green eyes at the table once again.

Ella then sighed, feeling bad for the guitarist contestant for having to go through a rough break up with the goth contestant.

"Yes...I also feel very horrible for the wonderful musician as well. He doesn't deserve to go through quite a tough moment with the kind dark lady. I still have a feeling they still belong to each other since they seem very madly in love in the first season. I'm sure if it wasn't for this awful girl who's tried to break them up, then they would be in better terms with each other by now!" she made another comment about the first season of Total Drama, the topic that they're currently discussing.

"Heather? Yeah, she's made the first season a little...interesting if you ask. Though I don't think she's exactly the reason why Trent and Gwen didn't work out. He just became very clingy to Gwen, and then she started losing interest in him since she's taking interest in Duncan, though those two didn't work out either..." Topher clarified a bit, then looked at Ella once again, who's still looking at him.

"My, you seem to remember everyone's names quite well!" Ella responded, filled with so much surprise since she couldn't actually remember everyone's names from season one. Topher smiled more, and then let out a slight chuckle.

"Of course! As a huge Total Drama Fanboy, I always remember everyone's names. Especially the ones from season four, and of course, our most recent season! So back to the singing the reason why you came on this show is because you were hoping that there would be a singing-related challenge for that season we just participated in?" Topher replied, and then asked, getting back to their previous topic. They were looking at each other still, while keeping their tender smiles on their faces.

"Well...yes! Actually, that's one of the reasons why. I'm also a HUGE fan of Total Drama World Tour! It's my favorite Total Drama Season, and I was inspired to participate in Total Drama just to show everyone what I really love as a character myself!" Ella answered, in a happy manner, remembering how much she's enjoyed the third season of Total Drama. He nodded, while suspecting how much she's loved that season.

"Oh yeah! Total Drama World Tour is pretty great. I can't say anything bad about this season...well except, Chris's airplane looks pretty cheap to fly on, so that wouldn't be safe. At least everyone's okay though!" Topher replied, while making a slight comment about this season.

The both of them have made a short silence for a moment. Ella's smile began to fade a little bit, replacing it with a slight hopeless frown as she narrowed her pitch black eyes down at the table. Well, looking to her side-ways the matter of fact. Though Topher was still looking at her. His smile has also faded a bit while studying the slight sad look on Ella's face.

"...and another reason why I came on this show is because...I just want to catch the opportunity to find my real prince on Total Drama... I mean, none of the men in my area seem very suitable since they tend to be rude at times. Plus, a lot of those nice guys that I've dealt with were already taken...and as much as I'm happy with Dave being in such wonderful terms with Sky right now, I... I just have no idea where this leaves me..." Ella broke the silence, when she slowly rubbed her upper arm with sadness, feeling bad at the fact that there would be a possibility that she would never find her true prince considering the fact that Dave is a no for Ella.

Topher's eyebrows curved when he frowned, feeling bad for the princess. He slightly scratched the back of his head again while he was looking at her more, which left another long silence for the both of them.

Meanwhile, while Sugar and Leonard were finally enjoying their own peace at the table, Sugar was shooting a glare spy look at Topher and Ella, who were still in the middle of talking while she was squinting at them with her own blue eyes. She was leaning herself forward with her small thick hands gripped onto the edge of the table. Her eyebrows were also scrunching from constipation while trying to listen to their conversation.

Leonard on the other hand, was still eating his food, looking slightly lost and confused when Sugar was looking at Topher and Ella. Mostly Ella since she's still concerned about her ruining their night together. After Leonard took another bite of vanilla cake with his own fork, he began to breathe a little as he's about to speak. He's been extremely quiet ever since he and Sugar have both arrived to prom.

"Ummmm Sugar... Why are you glaring at Ella like that..? And Topher..?" the role-player has asked from curiosity, still not getting as of why Sugar's looking at them very viciously. He was also nervous since he's afraid that she's gonna take his question the wrong way.

The over-weight blonde turned her head, and looked at Leonard, but with her angry facial expression looking as less scary as when she was looking at both Topher and Ella since she's looking at Leonard now.

"I just want to make sure that ELLA doesn't show up at our table again... and that Topher guy... I hate his annoying guts! I don't want him OR Ella near us, so I'm just making sure that those two don't end up winding up at our table, or I'm gonna be as mad as the bullcow! Those two seem to be made for each other! They're the perfect definition of annoying and fake!" she answered her boyfriend before she started looking at them again.

Leonard didn't reply, though he's still looking at his pageant girlfriend since he's very concerned about her worrying too much in the middle of their date during the reunion. The reason why he's never asked Sugar not to worry is because he's afraid of the fact that she might snap at him, and tell him that he shouldn't be worrying about her since he should've known how head-strong and defensive she really is.

He resumed to eating his dessert meal, while allowing Sugar to watch Topher and Ella.

Sugar's blue eyes were still squinting at them, trying as hard as she could to study their conversation. She couldn't really hear any specific words that the both of them have said from that distance. She puckered her thick natural lips a little, while biting the inside of her cheeks.

So far from what she's seen, both Topher and Ella were laughing in a very enjoyable manner, nothing bad in particular. Well except, after the fact how Ella's shown her sadness when she's thought of Dave.

'I swear to god, if those two rascals are talking behind my back...OR even my man's back...then I'm going to make them wish that they never met me! Especially Ella! She thinks she is so perfect with her singing and all, but she's thought wrong! Just so she knows, I'm the true winner in any sort of pageant shows! I won't even hesitate to beat the living crap out of her if she says anything behind my back...' Sugar has thought in her own mind, still staying in her own place while she's still glaring at the both of them. Also the fact that Topher and Ella have both never even noticed that she's been glaring at them the whole time. They were still in the middle of conversing with each other.

Back at Topher and Ella's table, their laughter have died down as they're starting to look at each other once again. They were still slightly smiling while gazing at each other. Topher's chin was resting on his palm, whereas his elbow was standing on the table-top, while Ella's dark eyes were twinkling when she's looking at Topher.

"So..." Topher began to speak again, not knowing what else to say since they're pretty much done with getting everything off of their own chests, and the fact that they have finished talking about fun things together, as of now.

Behind Topher, Ella started peaking to her right when she's noticed something that seemed to pained her more. She saw Dave and Sky sharing their passionate kiss while the happy couple was still slow-dancing together. Due to the conversation she's had with the former fanboy, she's completely forgotten about Dave. Now that she saw him and Sky sharing their kiss at the dance-floor, she immediately began to frown, while her thin eyebrows curved from sadness.

Topher also started noticing the look on Ella's face when she wasn't directly looking at him. He planted a concerned expression on his face, noticing how melancholy Ella looked once again after their conversation have ended for a moment.

"Ella?" he said her name in a quiet tone of voice, while questioning as if there's something bothering the princess. Then Topher immediately looked at Ella's direction, drawing the distance of what she was looking at, as he started turning his head to the left, where he end up noticing Dave and Sky kissing while they were still slow-dancing. There wasn't anything else that seems noticeable to Ella asides everyone else at their own tables from Topher's view.

He couldn't stand the fact how she's still not over with Dave, especially if he's already happy with Sky. Ella began to look down, while Topher was still frowning at her. For some reason, he's starting to find something very special from Ella when they were having an almost one-hour conversation together. He's beginning to wonder if he should do something that would help Ella get back to lifting her own spirits with happiness.

Topher's beginning to think what it would be like if he and Ella have gotten to know each other for a very long time since there was nobody else who was kind to him just like her since she's treated him with a fair amount of decency and respect. That's also how he feels for Ella when she's had nobody, asides her animal friends, that she talks to. Plus, he would've enjoyed helping her on how to be aware of people like Sugar. He's looked sad at Ella even more before he's thought of an idea that might bring her optimistic mood back considering the fact that it's a reunion, a very rare opportunity to catch some fun.

He slightly smiled a bit, trying not to look happy when Ella was still down.

"Hey... Can you excuse me for a moment, I gotta do something quick!" Topher said, right when he quickly stood himself up from the chair, pushing it in before he left the table. Ella nodded, not responding since her mind has been rewinding on Dave, which quickly got rid of her good mood fast after having an enjoyable conversation with Topher.

For a short amount of time, she sat at the table alone when Topher excused himself for a quick moment. She looked back up at Dave and Sky again, who were still in the middle of sharing their passionate kiss as they're slow-dancing away.

"Hm..." sighed Ella, who started looking down onto her own lap, feeling like she's having to urge to cry due to seeing the image of her former crush kissing the girl she wasn't hoping he would end up with.

Topher has walked to up to Beardo, who was still at his DJ station, being in charge of playing the music in the ballroom, after he excused himself from Ella's table.

He knocked on the table right next to the mac laptop, where it plays music, to get Beardo's attention. Beardo immediately took off his headphones, and started looking at the tanned hand knocking on the table, which drew his attention all the way to the handsome fanboy.

"Can-IIII-Help-You?" the talented sound effect artist asked in a robotic tone of voice, when he narrowed his dark eyes directly to Topher, while smiling at him. Topher looked up to Beardo as well, as he cleared up his throat.

"Uhhh yeah! I was wondering...can you play a...very nice slow romantic song? I kinda wanna...umm..." he answered nervously, while scratching the back of his head. Then he turned his head back to Ella, who was still in her melancholy position ever since he went to leave the table to request Beardo a song. He frowned a bit at her before he turned his head back to the DJ.

"Coming RIGHT up after this song! Do-You-Got-A-Lady-To-Dance-With?" he replied, agreeing to the idea of playing a slow romantic song next, while asking Topher another question as he smiled more.

Topher blushed a little bit, knowing what he wants to do once he returns to Ella's table, making him sweat from his forehead considering the fact that the atmosphere in the room have turned out to be more warm than before. His eyes have drawn everywhere in his view, but then he's ended up looking at Beardo once again before he answered his question.

"Ummm, yeah! This is for her, basically! Do you mind if I wait here until you play the next song? I kind of want it to be a surprise or something," Topher answered, in a rushed manner, and then asked. Beardo nodded in response while he was still looking at Topher.

Not replying with his own words or voice, Beardo gave Topher a thumbs up, while doing the sound effect of a "ding ding!", which made him smile in response and relief. Topher wants to take the time to think of how he should ask Ella to dance with him since he's very rare on doing offers for other people.

As Beardo placed his headphones back on, Topher has waited right besides Beardo's DJ station for the rest of the current song playing in the room. He rested his elbows on the table behind him, while placing his foot against the wall of the table of the DJ station, enjoying the current music playing now.

After Sky and Dave have finished slow-dancing for a spam amount of time, they began to link their own hands together, as they're starting to smile at each other. Right after having their fun romantic time together in the room, especially after their long conversation containing admitting each other's own faults.

"This is so fun, Dave! I'm really glad that I get to slow-dance with you! It is so awesome, especially after we've decided to make up and everything!" said Sky, in her happy mood, as she was studying Dave's brown eyes, making him smile at the Olympian in return. He began to blush, when he started chuckling a bit.

"Yeah! It really is fun, Sky, and I'm glad too! Wanna get something to drink, and then hang out with Shawn and Jasmine? I think they would be happy to hear that we're finally back together!" he replied, and then asked, while smiling widely. Sky nodded in return, agreeing to the idea of getting some refreshments after they have slow-danced, and also agreeing to the idea of hanging out with Shawn and Jasmine as well.

"Sure, Dave! I am getting pretty thirsty! Lets go get some punch! And then we can hang out with them!" Sky responded and agreed, when she immediately grabbed Dave's hand. She started running while Dave was running right behind Sky. He started to laugh while enjoying the fact that she was holding his hand, when they were on their way to the snack bar.

While they went to get some punch, Shawn, Jasmine, and Samey were still at their own table, enjoying their current conversation that they were having. Jasmine began to look at Dave and Sky running together while they were making their way to the snack bar, leading them to the bowl of red punch that they're about to get.

"Awwwww! Look at those two together, you guys! It looks like Dave and Sky have both made up!" the Australian outback girl pointed out, when she was studying Dave and Sky's happiness from her view. It also drew Shawn and Samey's attention when they have also spotted Dave and Sky standing by the snack table. The couple was smiling while they were pouring red punch into their own plastic cups.

Shawn's smile grew, though Samey's smile grew even bigger when she saw the couple laughing together as they're getting their drinks.

"Awwwww! They look so cute and happy together! Wait...Jasmine...what exactly happened to them? Did I miss anything in particular?" Samey responded, and then asked, when she started looking at the tall outback girl.

Jasmine let out a sigh when she turned her head to the nicer twin, planting a slight sad look on her face when she was studying Samey's teal blue eyes.

"It's a long story, Sammy...They basically got into a big fight when we were on that island together. It was wayyyyy after you were eliminated along with Amy though. It happened at the end of the finale, when Shawn won the millions," she answered, in a very calm tone of voice. Samey frowned, but nodded in response while she was looking at Jasmine.

"Oh wow...that was too bad...well at least Dave and Sky have seemed to forget everything that must've happened to them... I really wish that I can do the same thing with Rodney as well... I really did feel like we were supposed to be together but...of course, my dumb twin sister has to ruin everything!" she replied, and then started looking behind herself. Rodney and Amy were at a table next to their table, but also next to Sugar and Leonard's table, which is right behind Rodney and Amy from their view.

"What are you looking at?!" snapped Amy, when she noticed her twin sister looking at both her and Rodney together at the table. Samey immediately turned her head around back to Jasmine and Shawn, who just shot a slight glare at Amy for a moment before they resume to their conversation.

Samey started looking down to her lap, planting a very sad look on her face, losing hope that she'll have a chance to be with Rodney. Then Jasmine started looking at the innocent twin with her concerned facial expression on her face as well. She planted her hand on her shoulder, while giving Samey's arm a slight rub.

"I'm sorry, Sammy...I'm sure that there's other fish in the sea! Trust me, there's gotta be at least ONE guy who would totally understand you, and listen to your side of the story! Not all of the guys would listen to Amy's side of the story, you know! I'm sure there's going to be at least one guy who would show you the compassion that you need. Though, Shawn and I will always have your back no matter what kind of trouble you go through! Surely there will be someone who would at least listen to you!" Jasmine said, as she was sympathizing Samey on her bad luck with any guy she was trying to hook up with.

Samey started smiling slowly, appreciating Jasmine's sympathy towards her. Then she looked up at her again when she sniffled a bit.

"Thanks, Jasmine! Yeah, you're totally right! Maybe Rodney isn't the right guy for me... I still can't believe how he would just take Amy's side like that, and it just makes me so mad! You know what I mean?!" the nicer twin replied, while venting a bit. She let out a slight growl, still not over the fact that her date with Rodney has been ruined.

"I don't think he's the right guy for you either, Sammy. You just need someone who is smart enough to know that you don't deserve to be treated like this! The guy who would understand you and take your side should be the right guy for you, and someone who is an intelligent gentleman who knows that you deserve better! That's the type of man that you need! Rodney doesn't seem to fit this description at all.." Jasmine responded even more, leaning forward while she still has her hand on Samey's shoulder.

Samey smiled even more as she was nodding, agreeing to what Jasmine has said to her.

"And you also need a man who can protect you from horrendous zombies like Amy!" Shawn added and looked at Samey, which made her laugh from what he said.

"You guys are totally right! So what if Rodney's not my ideal type of guy? I can find someone who is even better than him! All I can hope for sure is that he would dump Amy for another prettier chick he lands his eyes on!"she replied to the both of them. Both Shawn and Jasmine have smiled even more, happy for the fact that Samey is still having faith in herself despite the struggles that she's going with her mean twin.

"That's the spirit, Sammy! Trust me, I'm sure you'll find someone even better!" said Jasmine, in her optimistic tone of voice.

"Hey guys!" a female voice interrupted, which drew Shawn, Jasmine, and Samey's attention away from their conversation.

Dave and Sky were standing by their table while they were holding hands together, and while they were holding their own transparent plastic cups of red punch. They were smiling at the group, while the group started smiling at them back.

"Sky! Dave! It looks like you both have made up!" Jasmine exclaimed, showing her huge smile at them, as the couple started smiling back, and giggling the matter of fact.

"Yes we have! We've agreed to start things all over together, so now, Sky and I are TOTALLY official!" Dave replied, in his crazy excited tone of voice.

"Awwww I'm so happy for you two!" Samey commented, which made Sky and Dave smile at the blonde twin without the beauty mark that Amy has.

"Did you take my advice, Dave?" Shawn questioned, which made the Olympian look at the germaphobe from curiosity after she's heard the word "advice", coming from the skilled zombie-fighting survivor.

"Advice? What was he talking about?" Sky asked, while she was facing Dave. She didn't sound disappointed. Just curious for that matter. Dave's smile has turned into a nervous shy smile while he was looking at his athletic girlfriend.

"The only advice that Shawn gave me, is to be fully honest with you when I talk to you. Nothing else. Just being honest," he answered, with his voice sounding very tender and genuine, when he answered Sky. Her olive lips has restored her smile when she's still looking at her germaphobic boyfriend.

Sky planted a quick kiss on Dave's lips after he answered, which made his eyes widened from the reaction, while he was enjoying their kiss at the same time. One thing that Dave loves even more than cleaning is NOT only being with Sky, but he loves the fact how she kisses him, even though the both of them have kissed a few times already after they both have made up with their long conversation early ago during the reunion.

"That's all I need to hear!" Sky responded after she broke the kiss with Dave, when those two have blushed and smiled at each other. Jasmine and Samey were looking at the both of them in an awing manner after witnessing their smooch.

"We've decided to start things all over. We both shared our own faults, apologized, clarify on the mistakes we've done to each other, and then drop the past that we've had together on this now, this is the new start of our relationship. That's how Dave and I both made up!" she added, when she turned her head to the whole table, with her short explanation being very sincere.

"Well that is great, Sky! And Dave! I'm so happy for you two! You guys are more than welcome to hang out with us as much as you'd like! Why don't you sit down-" Jasmine replied to them, yet was interrupted when the current song in the ballroom has toned down to a very low volume, when Beardo's strange voice spoke from the speakers.

"He-llo every-one! There will be a slow romantic song coming up very soon after this one, so be sure to grab your partner or your date! Because again, there will be a romantic song coming up right after the one that is currently playing in the room! We will be slow-dancing very soon, so grab your partner, and take the whole love of dancing to the next level when the next song comes up! Be-ar-do out!" the sound-effect DJ artist spoke from the speaker microphone, catching everyone's attention when Beardo spoke on a loud microphone.

Dave gasped while he was looking at Sky from excitement.

"Did you hear that, Sky?! There's gonna be another slow song coming up!" he asked, when he was squealing from so much excitement after Beardo has announced on speakers that there will be a romantic slow-dance song coming soon during prom.

"Yeah! Are you guys gonna come and slow-dance as well?!" Sky answered Dave, and then asked the group, when she turned her head to them. Jasmine and Shawn were both smiling at Dave and Sky, though Samey's lips were in between smiling and frowning since she's still upset that she's lost her recent date that is Rodney.

"Oh yes! Shawn and I would love to slow-dance! Though..." Jasmine responded to Sky's question, then she started looking at Samey, when she's starting to frown a little after seeing the look on her face.

"I don't want to leave Sammy all alone if she's got nobody to dance with..." the tall outback girl added, showing her concern, yet was slightly interrupted.

"Oh, no no, it's okay! You guys don't have to stay with me only because I don't have anyone to dance with right now... You guys can go ahead and slow-dance. Shawn, I can go ahead and watch your case if you want? I'll be sure that nobody takes it!" Samey replied in her soft tone of voice, and then she's made a sweet offer when she started looking at Shawn, to protect Shawn's case of million dollars since anyone in the room might be able to take it during their absence.

Jasmine and Shawn started looking at each other for a quick moment, and then they've looked back at the blonde twin with their facial expressions looking unsure since they really care about Samey's happiness more than their's.

"Are you sure, Sammy? We won't have a problem staying with you, but-" Shawn spoke, though Samey interrupted.

"Oh I'm sure! Sorry, I just don't want to ruin your guys' chances of getting to slow-dance in the middle of prom just because I'll be alone... I'll be fine, you guys don't have to worry about me or anything. I'll look over the money in case if someone is trying to take it, really.." she answered firmly, yet she was smiling in a shy nervous manner, trying to sound promising and sincere to look over the case while Shawn, Jasmine, Dave, and Sky were about ready to go slow-dancing in the center of the room.

It was a long silence before any of them have replied to the twin. Just then, they've started smiling a little bit at her after she's made her response.

"Well...if you say so, Sammy! As long as your twin sister doesn't bother you, will you be okay?" Jasmine asked. Samey nodded, with her red lips smiling with a wide shape.

"Yeah! I'll just tell her to back off if she mocks me for losing Rodney or something. You guys don't have to worry about me, I'll be okay! Trust me. I'll still look over the case while you guys go have fun!" she answered, sounding less nervous as she was looking at both couples in front of her.

Back at another table, between Jasmine, Samey, and Shawn's and Sugar and Leonard's, Amy was looking at her twin sister in disgust this whole time, while she was bonding with Rodney. The ginger was still looking at the blonde as if he's still already in love with her, while she's still staring at the other table.

"You're so beautiful, Amy..." Rodney complimented, while he was gazing down at the mean blonde twin, who's still glaring at the other table. Just then, Amy started looking at the hopeless romantic farmer boy, shooting a slight glare at him.

"Did you hear what that weirdo Beardo has said, Rodney?! There's gonna be a slow-song coming soon, and I need to slow-dance with you just to embarrass my sister even more for what she did to me!" she spoke, in a very rude manner, which woke up Rodney a bit while he's still looking at her.

"Uhhhh yeah! I've heard! want to slow-dance with me, Amy...? Man, I have never fell in love with such a sexy, sassy lady like you...I can totally tell that you're the right one for me... Darn Samey! Why did she have to take me away from you?! She's a couple-splitter, ain't she...?" Rodney responded, still disgusted at the fact that Samey has 'hurt' Amy's feelings. He was still unaware of the fact that Amy's the one who was playing victim when she caused a problem between Samey and Rodney's relationship, which got him to like Amy afterwards when she was playing sympathy card.

The mean twin still has that constipated angry expression on her face, though at the same time, her pale cheeks began to turn red from the compliments that the bulky ginger has given her. She was blushing. She didn't want to blush, even after she was called 'sexy' and 'sassy'.

"Just shut up... I just want to get this over with already..." she spoke quietly, while growling, hoping that Rodney would stop flirting with her.

She hates it since it's coming from someone who is not her type...yet she loves it at the same time since he's going against the other does Amy exactly feel about him?

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