Stories and Reasons

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"C'mon, Ella! Why don't you head back into the ballroom, and cheer up a bit? Beardo has got some great music that you might enjoy that will help you get back on your happy feet!" said Zoey, who was placing her hands on Ella's shoulders as the girls were walking their way down in the hallway, where they're heading to the ballroom again.

Ella smiled and nodded while Mike was waiting by the doorway entry of the room. He was smiling when he's noticed his girlfriend and the princess walking their way back, while closing his own hands together in patience when they have met from face-to-face.

"Feeling better, Ella?" he asked, with the girls keeping their smiles on. The beautiful princess nodded while showing her own teeth.

"I'm feeling wonderful right now thanks to your wonderful girlfriend that I've offered my friendship to! So now, I have a feeling that we're going to be the greatest friends ever right now!" she answered optimistically, giving the red-headed indie chick a big hug. She embraced in return while forcing her red smile on her face.

"I'm glad I could help you cheer up, Ella! Hey Mike, who else needs to come to the party again?" Zoey asked and patted Ella's back, as turned her head towards Mike when she asked her question. Mike placed one of his hands on his opposite arm, making a thinking look while rolling his brown eyes to the ceiling.

"I think we're missing only Max and Scarlett. I don't know why, but I have a feeling that those two won't come at some point..." he asked, and then rolled his eyes back to Zoey, who also made a very curious look on her face. She rolled her eyes to the floor when she started thinking about them more.

"Hmmmmm... Knowing both of their personalities, they seem like the kind of people who aren't into parties or reunions. I guess they're not interested. Oh well," she replied in a sad manner and sighed, feeling slightly disappointed that they haven't arrived yet. Of course, it has been only less than an hour since prom started, so only twelve of the fourteen contestants have attended to the reunion.

"Well that's a shame that Scarlett and Max haven't arrived yet..." Mike added, reaching his arm while scratching the back of his head from disappointment. Ella frowned a bit, feeling bad for the couple since those two other guests have not arrived yet.

"Awww! I'm sure that they must have forgotten the time or something! Maybe they're on their way right now! They'll figure out where we are at considering that they're two of the most intelligent people ever!" said Ella, trying to cheer up both Mike and Zoey. The couple made a small sad smile at Ella, feeling touched by her compassion.

"Yeah, maybe they're running late, or must have forgotten the time or something! Although, it has been for like, forty-five minutes since the prom reunion started!" the red-head replied, making a bigger smile when she turned her head to Ella, who also smiled back at her.

"Hey, Ella! Topher and I were just talking a few minutes ago while you and Zoey were bonding! I think he's waiting for you ever since we've talked about what happened back there between you and Sugar!" Mike noted the princess, who puckered her lips in surprise while feeling the sense of blush appearing on her cheeks.

"Ooooh! He is?! I have bumped into him last Monday when we've received those invitations together! Oh, he was just so kind and charming! I would love to speak to him right now!" Ella responded, with an adoring expression planted on her face, while locking her gloved hands together.

"Yeah! I think Zoey and I will just enter too. I'm sure Max and Scarlett will figure out that the party is here! I'll just check outside of the room every few minutes to keep an eye out for them! Lets head in, shall we?" Mike replied, while moving his way out of the entry doorway, allowing the girls to enter in first.

Right when they've entered in, Topher was standing by the snack table, holding a white paper plate that was filled with a slice of vanilla cake, a couple cherries next to it, a plastic fork, and another plastic cup filled with red punch. He was holding the plate with his left hand, while holding his drink with his right hand. He was smiling, noticing how good the food has looked on the table so far.

"Mike and Zoey sure did a great job on putting the food together! Although, I don't know who could have spilled some red punch over there, and make a huge mess! It sure ruins the table cloth! That thing must be made out of silk or something," he spoke to himself, as he studied the red punch spills that stained the white cloth table that was next to the glass bowl of punch. It was from Amy getting dunked into the punch by Sugar a short time ago before Ella arrived at the reunion.

With Ella walking straight ahead, Mike and Zoey have waved at her while giving her a bright smile. She smiled back in cheer, and waved at them back before she turned her head around, and started walking straight forward across the room. She picked up her big lavender dress skirt like what a princess would do, and started looking from left-to-right all around in the room.

First, she's noticed Jasmine, Samey, and Shawn sitting at one table, enjoying their time while they were talking. Then she's noticed Amy, who's already cleaned up from the red punch, chatting with Rodney in a reluctant way with her arms crossed, while he was gazing down at her like he's in love with her. Then Ella turned to her right, and has noticed Dave and Sky sitting alone at the table. She paused herself, and started looking at the both of them talking, when they were briefly smiling at each other during their conversation.

Dave and Sky were both chuckling in a friendly manner. Then they've opened their eyes and started looking at each other once more, as if they had nothing else to say for a bit. They've stared at each other for the next few seconds with their satisfaction on their faces. Both of them have been able to make up, and get to know each other even more, so much delight to the couple.

"Oh Dave...I'm so glad that you've accepted my apology, and I'm really glad that we're able to make up! Especially at prom that Mike and Zoey are having right now, which is so amazing!" said Sky, who broke the silence between them. Dave smiled more, and let out a slight chuckle.

"I'll have to admit, I really did kind of miss you, especially when I was really mad at you before. I don't know what has gotten into me, really...but the most important thing right now is that I'm super happy that we're able to drop the past, and then start over! It really means a lot to me, Sky! There's nothing better that I could ask for! Especially right now!" he replied, while Sky nodded slowly, also smiling back at him.

Ella took some time to look and listen to what the both of them were saying. She's placed one of her hands on the other, remembering how she was in love with Dave before, making her plant a slight frown on her face, mainly because of the fact she's missed him sincerely, ignoring the fact he's already broke her fragile heart.

'Wow, Prince David and Princess Sky must really belong together! After having quite a rocky past, they're able to leave that aside and stay together. That must be what true love means to them. Of course, I'll have to understand and respect the fact that he doesn't need me. He needs Sky. All I want is for them to be happy, especially if I know for the fact that David was the one who broke my heart! That would be a foolish thing to do if I ever have to try to get to him when he's in love with Sky. I must leave them alone if that would make them happy,' She thought in her head, still looking at the couple, who are still happy to make up considering the experience they've had together on Pahkitew Island.

"By the way, you look so beautiful, Sky..." he complimented the Olympian, studying Sky's purple plasma-textured dress, and her dark brown hair being in a bun. Her smile widened even more, feeling touched by Dave being able to compliment her properly.

"Awww thanks, Dave! You look really handsome too! I'm still shocked at how your hair can grow back so fast!" she responded, while looking at the black tuxedo Dave is wearing along with his blue necktie, also still noticing his well-grown hair combed nicely in place. He also smiled more, and then started blushing, feeling enlightened to hear that the someone he likes has thought of how good and handsome he really looks right now. It was another long silence between the both of them. Ella has never moved a muscle while watching the two enjoying their talk.

A moment later, the germaphobe has picked out the red rose from the bouquet in a transparent purple vase centered at the middle of their table. He stood up from his chair slowly, and reached his arm out to Sky, holding out a rose in front of her.

"This is for you, Sky! Wanna dance?" he asked in a shy tone of voice, still holding out the rose for her, offering her to slow-dance with him. The Olympian smiled widely, and nodded with a darker shade of blush appearing on her olive cheeks. She stood up from her own chair, and claimed the rose gently.

"I would like- OR love to, Dave!" she answered, and corrected herself quickly, feeling the slight embarrassment from her response. Dave took her hand gently and smiled more, as the both of them slowly walked away from the table. The music in the room has turned into another slow R&B song with a hint of jazz playing on air. Still not noticing Ella standing there, they've walked around her, and then ended up getting into their slow-dance position. Sky has placed the rose in her hair before they put their hands on each other.

Dave has placed his hands around Sky's back, while she slowly placed her arms around his neck. The both of them has started moving slowly from left to right, keeping their gentle embrace together while making a slight turn just like how teens slow dance at any sort of formal dance. With the both of them still smiling at each other, Ella turned her head to both Dave and Sky, noticing how happy they are together, and noticing that they have started slow-dancing. The golden lights in the room became bright when they were shining down towards the couple dancing in the center of the ballroom.

Ella's frown started turning into a squiggly shape, looking like she was going to cry at some point, not only because she knows for the fact that she can't have Dave, but because of the fact that she's thought that her night won't be as romantic as their's. Dave has already made a proper romantic move towards Sky before they've started slow-dancing, something that Ella would've really loved. She shifted her head to the right slowly from sadness, and started walking forward.

Just then, after a minute of walking forward, she bumped into someone once again. She looked up from surprise to see who it is, and she also recognizes the face staring directly back at her. Ella was able to shake off the sorrow when she's bumped into him. It was Topher. He also looked surprised when he's bumped into Ella as well. This is the second time that they have bumped into each other unexpectedly.

"T-T-Topher?" the princess spoke first, while looking at the handsome man in his green eyes.

"Oh, hi Ella!" he replied, greeting in response as well. He slightly smiled a bit, but then he notices the sad look in Ella's dark raven-colored eyes. She forced a smile on her face, trying to move on from what she saw a minute ago. Also trying not to look sad in front of anyone else who she talks to.

One of Topher's eyebrows rose when he's noticed that there were dried tears on the side of her face. He's still holding his plate full of dessert and his drink in both of his own hands. Then he's noticed a thin tear drop that streamed down on Ella's left cheek, which made him frown slightly. He wasn't sure what to say since he's not usually the best at comforting people. It was an awkward silence when they were standing in front of each other, looking at each other from eye-to-eye. More slow music came upon their silence, as they're still staring at each other.

"I...ummm...are you...okay?" the former fanboy asked, averting his green eyes to the floor, trying not to pay any attention to her sad and depressed face. He was looking down at the floor nearby his foot. He knew what happened between Sugar and Ella. He felt bad when Ella had to learn what Sugar did to her, which harmed her usual optimistic mood. The way she's treated Ella really reminded him of how Chris has treated him, which made him frown even more from disgust. Ella took some of her time to think before she responded to Topher's question. She's also looked at the floor next to her while rubbing her own arm.

"Well... My heart has been filled with so much sorrow ever since I came here. After having to learn the truth on what Sugar did to me, it just makes me wonder if I should even consider befriending her anymore. Plus, the fact that my former destined prince was already in a happy relationship with Sky has made me feel even more lonely right now. Those two have gone through quite a rocky past together! It just makes me wonder where that leaves me. Though, I have recently befriended with this nice, wonderful girl, Zoey. She's such a nice girl who's got a lovely man! I just wonder if I'm going to have a good time at such a lovely reunion they're throwing..." she answered, having enough breath to explain, when Topher started moving his eyes towards Ella, even though she's never looked back at him since she wants to hide her own tears.

Topher looked and also felt somewhat sympathetic after hearing Ella's story and point of view. He was also somewhat interested in getting to know her due to the fact he's had a feeling that he and Ella may have some things in common. The only friend that he has is his orange anti-social cat. Thinking of his relationship with his cat reminds him of Ella's relationship with her bird friends, except they get along better the matter of fact. It was another long silence before he's responded to her, mainly because he doesn't really know what to say.

"So you wanna sit down or something? I don't think I have anything better to do. Plus, I also have some things that I need to get off of my chest as well," Topher finally responded and asked. Ella looked at him with her eyes wide open. She was able to stop crying for a moment. Her voice sounded moist and croaky when she ended up venting to Topher. Now she's having a feeling that he may vent to her as well.

"Well, of course! Mike has told me that you were expecting me here, am I correct?" Ella accepted, and then asked. Topher nodded slightly to her question, still holding grip to his food and drink without showing anymore hesitation.

The both of them started walking to a table that was close to the snack table. It was also next to Sky and Dave's table, and far across from Sugar and Leonard's table. They took a seat next to each other when Topher settled his meal down on the table top, being cautious on not spilling his drink or dessert. Ella took a seat after him, trying to move on from the image of Sky and Dave slow-dancing. Both of them took a seat where their backs were facing against the view of the space and other tables in the ballroom.

The music in the room has finally changed to a soft-rock song, hearing a lot of electric guitars playing when they sat down for a silent moment, when Topher's taking the time to eat some of his vanilla cake, and a couple cherries that he's picked out. After taking a sip of his red punch, he began to sigh, knowing that he has more to share that could help get it off of his chest.

"Were there any issues concerning you, Topher?" Ella asked, looking worried at his face, looking as stressful as usual when he's had his eyes closed for the next few seconds. He stared at his own food before he was able to speak, getting ready to shake out the stress as he started clearing up his own throat. He's about to rant.

"Well...yeah...I actually have a lot in my mind...have you ever felt like the person who wants to fit into anything?! Because you know, ever since I was kicked off the show, I became a laughing stock to a majority of people who went to high school with me. I even had worst experiences when I was a kid and a preteen! You probably didn't know me too much when we were on the show together considering the fact that we were on different teams. You know, I've been judged a lot before those people even got to know me. I was only criticized by how apparently arrogant I act towards so many people, especially Chris. I was also criticized how annoying I was to a lot of people every time I talk about my own dreams and my goals, when I was specifically trying to explain my future in the most genuine way! They think that I was some wannabee who has LITTLE to NO skills in life. They like to mock and make fun of me only because they don't believe that I can be successful in something so big, like hosting a show for example! You know, I've been teased a lot in my childhood, and I hated it. I hated it a lot, and it just gets me whenever I think about how much low self-esteem that I have. You know, I've never had any intentions to act vain in front of anyone! I just don't want anyone to think that I was some insecure wannabee yearning for big goals. Almost NOBODY that I know has faith in me! The reason why I came on Total Drama is NOT just because of the fact that I think I would be a better host, and not just because that I wanted it so badly, but because of the fact that Chris is the biggest jerk that I know on this planet, and I want to be known as someone who is a hero to everyone who has participated on this show! Chris doesn't even deserve half of the luxurious things that he's owned while he was endangering the lives of all of us! I don't want to be someone who is compared to an old man doing even more psychotic things as a risk to grow more ratings for the show! I mean, letting anyone die in survival shows is not how you get respect from a certain audience that you're trying to impress! Yes, I may have said that I've wanted to add more spicy stunts to any challenges I've created, but that was only because I want more people to have faith in me! I mean, I'm still willing to create risky challenges, but I don't want anyone to die like what Chris wants for the sake of humanity! I mean, how the heck do those judges and the law enforcement approve of him letting anyone to die on the show without showing any care?! That has got to be WAY MORE illegal than dumping toxic waste on his old island! Not only did I fail at trying to take over the show, but I became a major laughing stock to not just everyone in my high school, but to everyone who lives in my town! Ever since that psychotic jerk played that trick on me, I've lost more hope in the future! How can I live if I was going to be remembered this way?! Have you ever had the feeling when you're just a nobody to many people in their own eyes?! You were just a laughing stock instead, being the rock bottom of everyone's popularity? Do you know how much this sucks?! Badly! Very very badly!"

Topher explained his full rant on how much trouble he has gone through before, when he was on the show with everyone else. He's had his forehead resting onto the palm of his temples when he explained his full story to Ella. This is also his first time confessing something so big to anyone. He even refuses to tell his parents what was going on considering the fact he's never had a close relationship with any of them. Ella looked surprised, though she has listened to every single word that came out of Topher's mouth, feeling the pain that he's gone through in his life.

Her face was filled with sympathy, feeling awful for Topher and his story. She's placed both of her own hands over her heart when she's looked at him, as he ranted even more, getting more of his irritation out of his system. Ella has never given big rants to anyone like what Topher just did since she's always patient to a lot of people. She was even patient whenever Sugar did vile actions against her, so she's also patient enough to let Topher vent, completely understanding what was exactly bothering him.

It was another silence after he vented, though Ella has remained looking at him for the longest time when he's unleashed his own frustrations. Then Topher looked up at her once again before his eyes looked back down at his desserts. It was another short silence before he spoke again.

"You know, Ella...the reason why I'm getting this off of my chest in front of you is because...out of everyone here, you seem like the most kind person in the same season as me who would get the feeling of other people being such...jerks towards you. I mean, the way that Sugar's treated you REALLY reminds me of prettier divas who always laughs at me, not taking any sort of interest on what I really like. Plus, they dig for big bad jocks who likes to pick on nerds. One of those jerks has already driven my only childhood friend to suicide!" he added more, stroking his fingers firmly on his temples and his dark blonde hair.

Ella gasped after hearing what happened to Topher's only friend. Not only that, but she's gasped at how disgusting society is right now when Topher had to deal with a lot of stereotypical teens in his high school. She placed her hand over her mouth, knowing how much the former fanboy has gone through.

"Oh my...Oh...Topher! I am so sorry to hear your about your friend, and I'm also very sorry for everything that you've gone through. How did your friend died? What was his name?" the princess responded, with the concern and sorrow expression on her face. She slightly placed her gloved hand over on his shoulder while he was still looking down at his plate of food. His face felt warm, intense, and stressed when he's remembered the horrible experiences that he's gone through before Pahkitew Island. It was another short silence before he answered her.

"...He went over to my house that one night, and it was about 12 A.M. While I was sleeping, I've heard a strange engine sound that was coming from the backyard. I woke up quickly and looked out of my window to see what was going on. Then the next thing that I saw was when my new blue chevrolet car that drove firmly towards the only tree in my backyard. The front of my car was damaged, and I was like 'what the hell?' when I saw it crash against the tree, so I had to leave the house quickly, to my backyard, and see who was driving in it. Then when I've noticed who was in the car, it was my only friend, Todd, who took his own life by getting himself into a car accident. That's how he died," he answered, just when Ella gasp from more horror after having to hear his sad part of the story.

"Oh my goodness! That is quite tragic! I am truly truly truly sorry this has happened to you, Topher, and to Todd! I know what it's like to lose someone so close to you!" she replied, when her tears started building up in her eyes again, sympathizing Topher when he's lost a close friend of his by suicide. It slightly streamed down on her cheeks more when Topher looked up to her once again.

"Have you ever lost anyone so close to you? Do you know what that felt like when you've had only one person in your life who has total faith in you, or someone who's like a brother to you, to vanish from the most painful reason?" he asked, when he started wiping his eyes with his own fists quickly just so Ella wouldn't notice him crying in front of her. Topher sniffled a bit, though Ella has remained quiet for another short time before she answered.

"Yes...I know what it's like to lose someone so close to you...I've lost my mother when I was a such a young age...her and I were very close together when we've shared our most memorable moments...and ever since she's passed away, I almost had nobody who would stand by my side. The only true friends that I have are my animal friends, both real and stuffed animals. I don't have any human who is close to me. The matter of fact, a lot of people, except for my music teachers, were very rough on me when I was in elementary, middle, and high school. It always makes me wonder why they have so much negativity in their souls...could I have done anything wrong to them? I've always thought that singing would lighten up their moods, but they don't take it very well apparently. My mother was the only person that I knew on earth who's had total faith in me. Not only for singing and caring for my precious animals, but for finding my true love. It also hurts me a lot knowing the fact that David isn't my true love all along either..." she answered in her sincere tone of voice, which made Topher frown a bit after hearing her part of the story.

He looked at her even more concerned when he just saw Ella wiping her own tears with a folded napkin that was on their table. His green eyes squinted more as his frown turned out longer. He was no longer crying, though he can feel the pain that Ella's had when she's lost her mother, the same way when Topher's lost his only friend.

"Oh wow...Ella...I'm sorry to hear about your mom, and I'm sorry your life wasn't the did she die?" he responded, and asked, curious to know if her mother's gone through a similar death with his friend, Todd. Ella has looked at Topher's eyes more, even they've had little tears left.

"She died from bladder cancer. I was only about ten years old, and it was the most painful moment that I've ever had to go through. It doesn't even beat how Dave broke my heart, and how Sugar betrayed me," she replied. Topher's eyes went vertical, from the table to Ella, he can't even decide what's worse. Cancer or suicide.

"No kidding...Losing Todd was the worst moment that I've ever had. Even the fact that I was betrayed by my former idol isn't as worse as losing a close friend by death. Both Todd and I have admired Chris McLean before. Todd died just around when Total Drama Revenge Of The Island it wasn't so long ago. Only a couple years ago the matter of fact," he replied, with his eyes locked to Ella's again. Then she started looking at Topher curiously when he's mentioned that he used to admire Chris McLean.

"Wait...Topher...if you have admired Chris so much before, then why did you try to take over his show? Why did you admire him when you didn't like the actions he's performed on TV?" she asked, feeling lost if he's actually admired him or not. It was an easy answer to Ella's question.

"Todd and I used to like Chris during the first three seasons. We've admired him back then, but ever since Revenge of the Island came out, I've started losing respect for him since he was going overboard on losing everyone's safety on the show. And you know, ever since Todd's past, Season Four didn't make anything better for me. It made me feel worse seeing so much of everyone in danger. Plus, I've kind of pretended to still admire Chris McLean to make sure that nobody's convinced that I hate him, when I actually do. It's just one of my ways to get on the show, to have a better label or something," Topher answered. Ella nodded while she understood his clarification.

Just when Topher has resumed to eating his meal, Ella began to rub his upper back and his shoulder blades gently, giving him as much compassion when the both of them have shared more experiences when it comes to certain people trying to put them down in the worst possible way. They have remained bonding at the table while more soft-rock music was playing in the room.

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