Mistaken Love Drama

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Samey's heart was beating fast due to slight anxiety and of course, feeling nervous about entering prom. Mostly, she was nervous about her and Rodney's date together. She placed a wide awkward smile on her face, getting ready to head into the room. Both of her hands were gripping onto the red clutch, feeling the sweat that was born between her palms. She chinned up a bit, and walked slowly to the doorway, with a loud rap song that was playing in the room.

Mike and Zoey were smiling at the blonde, watching her enter the room, wishing for her to have fun. Samey didn't bother looking at the couple since she felt shy to take a quick glance at them. She kept forcing her smile onto her face, not letting it disappear until she entered the room. Mike and Zoey were standing on the right side of the doorway, and Zoey had both of her hands on Mike's tux-sleeve arm.

"She looks pretty nervous if you ask me, Mike, but I hope she'll be alright during prom!" Zoey whispered to her tall slim boyfriend, seconds after Samey disappeared into the room. Mike's smile went wide, gazing down at his girlfriend, who's still looking as gorgeous as ever.

"She will be now that-" he replied in a quiet tone of voice before he was interrupted by a familiar female voice that was speaking to them.

"Now that what?!" another blonde chick questioned, appearing almost out of nowhere, while crossing her arms, and squinting at the couple in suspicion. Mike and Zoey looked threatened by the way she's talked, but the both of them knew who she was. She looked like someone who you can easily get confused with, when the other disappeared into the room less than a few seconds ago.

The couple remained quiet while they were looking at the familiar girl standing right in front of them. She was still waiting for one of them to answer, as she tapped her feet with curiosity. One of her eyebrows lowered, while the other rose, still studying the expression Mike and Zoey have reacted right when she appeared in front of them. The blonde girl must be assuming that they might be secretly happy that she wasn't able to attend at some point due to Samey's reasonable excuse on why she couldn't go to prom. She has sensitive ears, almost as sensitive as Samey's.

"Amy...? Is that you?" Zoey quietly asked, looking slightly fearful at the way she was looking at her, along with Mike, who looked scared at the twin too. Their lower eyelids squinted, while studying the angry face of that blonde spoiled-looking twin.

"Of course that's me! Who did you think I was?! Sparame?!" she responded in a modern rude tone of voice. Mike and Zoey still have the same expressions on their faces as before. Anxious and scared.

"But...I thought you were sick at home, Amy? That's what Sammy has told us when her, Jasmine, and Shawn have arrived. Not that we don't want you here though, which is why you're also invited to our Total Drama Annual Prom, of course!" Mike answered, not as nervous or anxious as before. Amy's eyebrows scrunch in a 'excuse me?' kind of manner, as she made a couple steps towards Mike.

"What...?! I'm not sick! I was never sick at all! My stupid, dumb, twin sister threw MY invite in the bushes just so I wouldn't go! Luckily, I just saw what she did, just so I won't have to miss the party! Now Sparame's gonna pay for this!" she explained more aggressively. Mike and Zoey's eyes widened, speechless at what Amy just said. The kind of speechless where they don't know what to say to her. They remained looking at Amy, with the awkward atmosphere surrounding them. Amy shook her head a minute later after a random silence.

"Ugh! I'm going in! I'm still glad that I made it just in time!" she concluded her quick conversation with the couple, when she ended up stomping her way inside of the ballroom. Mike and Zoey have watched the meaner twin head in, with a still-confused expression on their faces. Then they took a look at each other before they've turned their heads back to the direction, where they're going to welcome more guests to their prom.

It surprised them, and it almost startled them, when someone else just showed up at their very own sight. He was a guy who is slightly shorter than Zoey, just about 5'4 tall. He looked nice, clean, and very formally well-dressed. Mike and Zoey can smell the nice, aroma, cologne fragrance from their distance, something that they enjoy since this is the kind of cologne that Mike wears. Especially on formal events, and Zoey loved it. The guy was standing in front of them, with an awkward confused expression on his face, looking at the couple. It was Dave.

Dave was dressed up just like Mike. He was wearing a black tuxedo with a white dress shirt peaking out of the V-chest tux coat with a dark blue tie to complete his formal look. His grown-back hair was nicely combed as always, just like the hair he's had when he was on Total Drama Pahkitew Island before he went bald.

"What's her problem?" he spoke, seconds after he just showed up, and seconds after Amy entered the room. Zoey smiled, when Mike shrugged and rolled his eyes in the air, having absolutely no clue on what was going on between the twins. Forgetting about Amy's complaint, the indie chick took a few steps closer to Dave with a bigger smile on her face.

"Dave! It's so good to meet you! I'm glad you've decided to come!" she responded in excitement, and took out her right clean pale hand for him to shake on. Her hand looks clean to Dave, so he's decided to grab it, and shake on it as a proper greeting. Of course, it would be silly if Zoey's hands were dirty, which is why he instantly shook her hand.

"Yeah! I've got nothing better to do tonight, which is why I've decided to come. Not just that, but I also have some questions that I wanna ask you guys before I head in...I just need some REALLY good advise on what I should do just so I won't have to screw up again," Dave replied, feeling just as nervous as he used to be for prom. He knew how healthy Mike and Zoey's relationship is considering the fact that he's watched all seasons of Total Drama before experiencing Pahkitew Island. He's thought that the both of them would have answers for dating situations that Dave has gone through. Mike stepped up, and stood next to Zoey, when the both of them started looking at him in curiosity, ready to hear what kind of questions the germaphobe is going to ask.

While then, Samey was looking around the room nervously, and the rap song has turned into in a nice slow-dance pop song that was sung by an optimistic female pop-singer. She slowly made a few more steps towards the snack bar before noticing Rodney at her sight. She was paying attention to Jasmine and Sky, as they were having a good reunion since both girls have never talked to each other for a long time. Then she noticed Shawn, who was re-arranging the small stacks of money around in his brief case, still vigilant about a "zombie" getting into his half-millions.

No sign of Amy yet, so her heartbeat started relaxing, when she just turned her head around back to the front, where Rodney just finished up preparing more food on the table bar. It was a slight surprise to Samey, when her heart started pumping fast once again.

"Rodney!" she exclaimed and gasped from startle. The nicer twin began to blush immediately, right after when Rodney noticed her at his sight as well. He gasped, noticing how beautiful the shy twin looked. He almost couldn't recognize which twin it was, but he's assuming that it was Samey since he doesn't see a birthmark next to her eye.

"Sammy? Is that you?!" he questioned, making sure that it was the right twin that he was talking to. He was also aware of what he just called her since at most times, people would call her 'Samey', which is something that Rodney hears very often everytime she was involved in a topic or conversation. Then at the same time, he's heard decent people, who's called her 'Sammy' as well. Jasmine's one of them since he's always familiar with her, due to being the first girl in TDPI to fall in love with. Either way, he knew it must be the nicer twin who just came up to him.

She gasped and smiled from excitement, amazed at how Rodney knows her real name, which is not 'Samey'. Right now, she was having a good feeling since almost NOBODY calls her the right name. Of course, it was Amy's fault that she had to convince everyone she knows that her actual name was 'Same' 'ey'. Samey always gets excited when someone calls her 'Sammy' since that's the name only 5% of the people would call her. Almost nobody got her name right when she was in high school since Amy was the most popular back then, and that nobody didn't care for Samey at all.

"Yes! You just called me by my actual real name! You're amazing, Rodney! Well, uh, amazing for knowing my actual name, of course! And you look so handsome tonight! Oh sorry, am I acting awkward right now? I just haven't been on a real date before and...yeah!" she answered, feeling stupid for how she answered her date. Her heart and her body feels is what made her feel so jittery about the night that she will hopefully enjoy for the first time.

However, the way she's phrased the words made Rodney fall in love with her even more, considering the fact that she left a kiss on his cheek that day, when he's asked her to go to prom with him. His line of smile felt and looked squiggly, when he was gazing down at the blonde twin who was still in the middle of talking, still trying to rephrase her compliments to him over and over again.

Just then, he walked around the snack table, and went up to Samey in a pleasing way. Samey turned around to him, and then, her and Rodney were standing in front of each other. Samey was looking up at him with a small shy smile on her face, as Rodney gazed down at her even more in a dreamy manner. His smile widened, as his freckled cheeks turned rosy pink like Samey's.

"Was I being awkward? Because I'm sorry if I did, I just-" she spoke further before she was interrupted by Rodney's thick index finger that was placed onto her red lips. Samey silenced, when Rodney let out a "Shhhhhhhhh,".

"You don't need to worry, Sammy. Because at times, I always tend to get awkward when I've tried speaking to my former love-interests, but now that we have something in common, my beautiful Sunshine Sammy, I know that we're gonna go all the way. You're the nicest, the sweetest, the most amazing girl that I've ever met. I've never fallen in love with someone before, and now that you're mine, you're my Sunshine Sammy. That's what I'm gonna call you from now on," the tall bulky ginger spoke in a poetic way. Surprisingly, he never messed up his lines when he was speaking to the twin he's currently in love with.

Samey smiled and blushed even more with what Rodney has said. A guy calling her 'Sunshine Sammy' made her feel even better than before. Better than just 'Sammy' to her. As awkward and romantic Rodney sounded, she still loved it. Nobody has ever given her a compliment that sounds just as meaningful as what the country boy has told her. Sometimes, romance can be awkward at times, but it never bothered her anyway. Romance is something that she would prefer rather than a life-time supply of torture coming from her sister.

Right after he removed his sausage finger from Samey's lips, she began to smile even more, while gazing upon the ginger who was still looking at her, like he's still in love as usual.

"Rodney...that was the most beautiful thing that someone has ever told me...especially when you've called me your sunshine...I never knew how much I mean to you...well, considering the fact that we just kind of met asides from being on the same team together before, and have gotten to know each other now, but...still! I feel really touched by your words..." she responded, and was able to manage her awkwardness properly to the boy.

Her cheeks began to flush even more, when she's noticed Rodney's thick hands that were digging under her delicate pale palms. She was feeling stuttery and shaky, and then looked back up to Rodney, who just kneeled down, and faced her from eye-to-eye. His smile looked tender and warm, and his eyes were half-opened, and half-closed as he was studying Samey's big teal blue eyes. Her eyes went wide in surprise, when he leaned closer to her face.

"I knew you would be the right-" he replied, but was interrupted by a familiar aggressive mocking voice that asked, "Sorry for the interruption! Did I miss anything in particular, SPARAME?!"

The interruption immediately drew Samey and Rodney's attention away from their almost perfect rushed moment that the both of them will ever have during prom time. Samey looked as surprised as Rodney when Amy stood in front of them. Amy's had her hands on her hips, making a snotty, disgusted expression while she was looking at the both of them. Mostly her twin sister since she almost rigged her opportunity to go to prom, and have a fun reunion. She was still mad about that. Yep, Samey's busted by Amy big time now that she's able to attend thanks to her sneaky-self. The nice twin bit her lip, and rolled her eyes to the ceiling for a quick moment from anxiousness.

'Oh god no...please tell me that this isn't happening now! Please tell me that she's not going to ruin my date with Rodney, just like how she ruins my other dates with my other ex-boyfriends in other school dances!' Samey thought to herself, as she starting to feel more than irritated now that the same 'ruining Samey's date' routine is still going. She couldn't take it anymore, so she's decided to stand up for herself for the first time that takes place in a formal dance.

Samey sighed impatiently, releasing her hands from Rodney's while turning her whole body, facing towards her bratty twin sister. She placed the angry constipated expression on her face now that her moment with Rodney instantly got ruined with the most obvious reason. She thought that she threw her invite in the bushes. Samey's wondering how Amy got it. Was she spying on her back when her and Jasmine were having a conversation? Either way, she's straight up more than annoyed now that Amy's just here.

"UGH! What do you want from me, Am-MEAN?! Why couldn't you just leave me alone?! Rodney and I were having the perfect moment, and now, you just screwed it all up!" Samey angrily responded to her sister's interruption, scrunching her eyebrows firmly, while giving her a deadly glare. Amy gasped in shock with her usual sarcasm.

"Oh Sparame! How could you say this to me?! I was just saying hi to the both of you!" she sarcastically replied, not meaning a word from her answer, which pissed off Samey even more, knowing what Amy would always do when Samey was in a middle of a date with someone. The nicer twin took a few steps closer to the meaner twin, still glaring at her from face-to-face.

"NO! You're here to ruin my date! Why don't you go find someone else instead of messing up Rodney's and I's! I'm so tired of you screwing up every date that I've had with a guy, and I won't let you mess up Rodney's and I's since he gave me the most meaningful compliment that nobody else has ever given me! Now leave us alone! Get lost already!" she flipped and exclaimed, with her temper rising even more. Amy was pissed off herself, with what her sister just said to her, but she knows what she would always do when Samey treats her like that.

Just then, Amy began to wail, with fake tears that automatically streamed down her face. Something that she always does when her younger twin sister insults her like this. Samey was feeling frustrated on the inside, knowing Amy's immature nature of how she would respond everytime someone like Samey mistreats her like that. She sighed from impatience, and took another glare-shot at Amy.

"Stop acting like a spoiled baby! We all know that you're just fake crying just to get sympathy, Am-mean!" she rudely replied to her sister even more. Amy sobbed louder after another insult coming from Samey. Rodney has watched the twins interacted, but the thing is, the way he's witnessing Samey treating Amy gave him second thoughts about being in love with her. While he was on Pahkitew Island, it was rumored that Amy's always the better twin. Maybe that's why she's the nicer one instead of Samey in almost everyone's eyes.

He was feeling sorry for Amy by the way Samey's responded to her. Of course, he's loved the way that Amy's bossed her sister around before, but for some reason, he's always thought that there was more to her than Samey. Rodney's just confused on who he should be with now!

After a minute later of usual bickering, Amy started running up to Rodney, and then locked her arms around his waist, which surprised him while he was looking down at the meaner twin. She's continued sobbing, while placing her face firmly against his stomach. The way Amy was acting so far enraged Samey even more, and Rodney still had no clue on how to respond to her actions. She lifted her own face from his stomach, and started looking up at him. Her cheeks were streamed-down wet, and the country boy looked concerned at her, feeling like he should sympathize her at some point.

"Rodneyyyyyyyyy! My sister was being so mean to me, and I just wanted to say hi to her! She's...she's acting like a total witch, and I was already done with treating her like crap! Maybe you should reconsider going out with her! You've seen the way she's treating me now, r-r-right?! Plus, I've had a HUUUGE crush on you before! She stole you from me! I know I have punched you in the guts before, but that's my way of showing that I actually really did like you!" she fully lied and spoke in a snotty mocking way, while paying attention to his confused and concerned facial expression. Rodney bit his lip a little nervously. He remembers how much he's liked Amy before back on the robotic island.

'Oh wow...poor Amy! I always thought that she was the nicer twin, and I can tell by the way she's hurt from Sammy's insults towards her...Darn Beardo! You're wrong! Sammy's not the nice one at all! She's the one who's trying to be like her sister! She always jealous of her, and I like girls who have more pride, and not girls who envy something that the other has! Not this time! Even if Sammy's had a crush on me, I think Amy loves me more than her! Besides, Amy has a hot mole that I wanna kiss onto everytime we spend time together. Sadly, Sammy doesn't have that. Not hot at all...I feel like I'm just lied to right now...' Rodney thought in mind, while letting Amy embrace him, who was still trying to receive sympathy from him.

Yes, Amy's never liked Rodney at all, and has never returned any of her feelings to him the way he did when they were on Pahkitew Island together. But she would do anything to make sure that her sister would have a miserable time in the most biggest events of the year, especially stealing her dates. Even the ones that Amy did not like. Plus, she knew how affectionate Rodney is when it comes to crying girls, so it was the perfect opportunity for her to mess up Samey's night that was supposed to be special for her.

"Get your freaking hands OFF of him, Am-mean! He's MINE!" Samey exclaimed from anger and jealousy. She placed her hands onto Amy's shoulders, yet she was stopped by Rodney's hand that was facing towards her sight, while he had his other arm wrapped around Amy's shoulder blades. Samey was confused by the way Rodney was committing to his unexpected actions. She immediately took her hands off of Amy's shoulders, and looked at Rodney in disbelief.

"Samey, I'm sorry, but the girl that I fall in love with, is the nicer twin! The way you've treated Amy when she was trying to be nice to you clearly proves that you're the meaner one! Especially when you've kissed me on the cheek, you're making me realize that it's supposed to be a manipulative kiss! Not falling for it anymore!" he straight-up responded, as he locked his muscular arms around Amy, while scrunching his eyebrows at Samey.

She gasped in shock, unbelievable that Rodney's falling for Amy once again, of course. With Rodney's recent response to Samey's actions to Amy, she's starting to feel hurt, yet she was very angry at the same time thanks to her older twin sister, who stole her date once again.

"You can't be serious, Rodney! It's not a manipulative kiss, it's a meaningful kiss! Honestly! Why couldn't you see what Amy's trying to do to us?! She was trying to break us up! And the way you've called me Sushine Sammy...it's meaningful to me! Just why?!" she replied in emotional anger and frustration. She can feel the temperature of her skin boiling hot, feeling like she's about to cry in outburst. Rodney kept glaring at Samey, while he was stroking Amy's sandy blonde hair. She had her face against his stomach, still pretending to be offended by Samey's mistreatment towards her.

"Well I take that back! I knew Amy was my true love all along! I'm sorry, Samey, but it's over! You stole me away from the girl who's had much bigger dreams than you do, and you're just jealous because she has more in her life that makes her even more special than you! Plus, it doesn't seem like your real name is Sammy, and if everyone thinks that you're Samey, then you're Samey! The lesser Amy wannabee!" he roughly replied.

It automatically broke Samey's heart after hearing what Rodney just said to her. She bit the bottom of her lip, feeling the tears stinging up in her eyes. Rodney has returned to comforting Amy, and Samey has stood there for a few seconds, watching Rodney stroke her shiny blonde hair, keeping the mean twin nice and firm in his embrace. And of course, Amy's continued to fake her cry to get more and more sympathy from the country boy she has no feelings for.

As tears started blurring Samey's sight, she turned her heel, and ran way from Rodney and Amy, leaving the both of them alone. She had both of her hands covering her big eyes, sobbing as she was departing herself from the both of them. After being able to hear the cries from the younger twin, Amy smirked to herself. She stopped her fake cry, yet she was allowing Rodney to keep hugging her in comfort, just so there wouldn't be any suspicion that happened between the three of them.

'Serves you right for being a total baby, Sparame!' Amy thought.

Jasmine and Sky were still sitting at the table, enjoying their talk until the both of them can hear a female voice that was crying from their distance. Jasmine looked behind Sky, and has noticed Samey running while she was sobbing. She planted a concerned expression on her face, watching Samey scattering away until she just reached to the table Shawn was sitting at along with the briefcase. Jasmine has also noticed Dave there, who was sitting next to Shawn as well, which made her eyes squint even more from curiosity.

"I'll be right back, okay girly?!" Jasmine notified her friend, and quickly excused herself from the table. Sky started watching Jasmine leaving her table, not responding while she looked confused, as if something just happened that worried the tall Australian girl. The Olympian didn't bother asking if something was up. Part of her, she was still nervous and bummed out a bit, wondering if Dave would ever talk to her at some point. The biggest thing that she cares about so far when prom has started.

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