The Reunion Begins

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Jasmine, Shawn, and Samey were walking up the stairs in the corner of the building that loops from floor-to-floor. Jasmine was leading their way, while Shawn was carrying the briefcase containing his half-millions, as Samey was following right behind them, still on their way to the Annual Prom. The girls were holding their prom skirts up to avoid tripping over the steps during the process of finding their way to the room.

"Wow...that's a lot of stairs!" complained Samey. Her legs were feeling tired after her and the couple went up to eight floors. They're currently walking up to the ninth floor. The stairs were concrete brown, while the walls around them are blank white, with a few picture frames that contains professional paintings and copyrighted drawings. Jasmine and Shawn were sweating from their foreheads, also feeling as exhausted as Samey.

"Well, I think we're almost here! Jasmine, didn't the invite say that the room is on the last floor? Because we've already walked like eighteen staircases around the corner of this building, and there were like, two staircases on each floor!" replied and questioned Shawn, who was looking straight towards his girlfriend, who was holding a piece of invite containing the address in front of her.

"Yes, it did say that we're having the party on the last floor in this building. There's only nine floors, so I'm guessing we're almost there," Jasmine answered, as she studied the piece of address on her invite. Then she looked straight ahead, when the three friends kept walking upstairs. They had to go through one more staircase in order to arrive on the last floor.

As soon as there were no more staircases to walk up to, Jasmine, Shawn, and Samey panted and inhaled with a short amount of breaths after having to walk on many stairs in the building. Jasmine and Samey released their skirts from their hands, and rubbed off the sweat from their palms after having to keep grip of it for at least around three to five minutes.

"Geez...this building should have an elevator if you ask me...I think we've made it though! No more staircases, and definitely no sign of zombies around!" Shawn exclaimed and looked around himself. He was holding the briefcase by the handle with his grip, when him, Jasmine, and Samey noticed a brown door with a glass pane window standing in front of them. They've also noticed the red walk carpet behind the door from the window, as they briefly study their direction.

"Hmmmm, I can see the red carpet that could lead us to somewhere! Lets go!" said Jasmine, who just pulled the silver thick handle of the right door. She held the door open, while Shawn and Samey started entering. Jasmine ducked and entered the doorway after they've entered before her. The three started walking, while following the direction the red carpet was taking them to.

Mike and Zoey have been waiting outside of the room patiently. Beardo, Rodney, and Sky were the first three guests to show up at the annual prom. After another slight minute, they can hear footsteps approaching closer, bringing curiosity onto their faces, wondering who else is showing up! Both of their eyes widened, when they immediately saw Jasmine, Shawn, and Samey walking up.

"Oh my gosh...Mike! I think Shawn's here, and he brought the half-million dollar case with him! Ohhh I'm just so excited to meet him, his girlfriend Jasmine, and...which twin is that?! Is that Amy, it Samey?!" Zoey whispered to Mike, still watching the three walking towards them. She placed an awkward grin on her face, feeling nervous yet excited to meet them.

"Hmmm...I can't tell who she is either...however, she does seem a lot happy, so I'm guessing that must be Samey...but wow! Glad that Shawn and Jasmine are coming too!" Mike replied, and also made an awkward nervous grin on his face like Zoey, keeping his eyes glued to the guests that are walking closer to them.

Right when Shawn, Jasmine, and Samey met up with Mike and Zoey, who were still standing in front of the entry, they began to shake hands with one another, while greeting each other.

"Hey guys! I'm really glad that you made it on time! My name is Zoey, and this is my boyfriend, Mike!" Zoey began to greet herself and Mike, as she shook hands with Jasmine.

"It's very nice to meet you, girly, and Mike! Just in case if you forgot who I am, I'm Jasmine, and this is my boyfriend, Shawn, and my good ol' pal, Sammy!" Jasmine also introduced Shawn, Samey, and herself, while they've continued to exchange hand-shaking with Mike and Zoey.

"Ohhhh, so you're Samey! The nicer twin, right?!" Mike responded, while facing the blonde twin, when the both of them started shaking hands. Samey made a small shy smile, letting Mike shake her hand.

"Yup, that's me! And please call me Sammy! That's my a-a-actual real n-n-name!" she replied, in a shy pleasant manner. They've immediately released their hands, when Mike placed his hand behind his head.

"Oh! I'm sorry! Nice to meet you, Sammy! Where's the other twin by the way?" Mike apologized, and quickly corrected himself while chuckling, and then asked from wonder. Samey's eyes widened, knowing that she just forgot about her sister not being able to attend.

"Oh Amy?! Oh uh...she couldn't make it since...well...she's sick...with a...fever! Yeah, a fever!" she answered nervously, right when she placed her hands behind herself. Her teal blue eyes dozed off to a different direction, feeling awkward and embarrassed at the same time after having to come up with an excuse on why Amy wasn't attending to prom. Of course, she was the one who threw her invite in the bushes. Mike and Zoey frowned after learning Samey's answer.

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that, Sammy! I hope she feels better though, and I hope you two are getting along after from what happened last season!..." Zoey responded, sympathizing her excuse of Amy's absence. Samey was still looking away from the couple, while she was looking at the white concrete floor peeking out of the red carpet.

"'s kind of a bummer, right? Even if she still treats me like crap...I feel kind of bad..." the blonde replied. Mike and Zoey nodded, still keeping their compassionate sorrow expressions on their faces. Then Zoey smiled a bit, still looking down at the twin.

"I hope she feels better though! So Shawn...I would like to congratulate you for winning the prize money! You really earned it, and it's so thoughtful of you to split half of them with your girlfriend too," she said as she turned her head to Shawn, showing a proper red smile on her face.

"Oh... Thanks Zoey! I hope we can still celebrate it, especially if I have half of the money left in my case! I hope you're really careful on who you invite though...I don't want any zombies going near my half-million dollar briefcase!" Shawn replied, still slightly paranoid and fearful about his biggest fear coming sooner than ever. Zoey laughed in response, while Mike, Jasmine, and Samey giggled a bit when they were looking at Shawn.

"What?! What are you guys laughing about? A zombie apocalypse is a serious matter! I don't want any of that to happen while we're trying to have some fun around here!" he responded to the laughter in a serious way. The laughter stopped, yet they were still smiling while staring at Shawn.

"There's no such thing as zombies, Shawn! Just relax! We're gonna have a fun time tonight, so I don't think you should worry that much. Oh yeah, I've also split the money with Zoey ever since All-Stars ended, so we can still celebrate you for winning! You totally deserved it, dude!" Mike replied, and complimented, which took the serious expression off of Shawn's face.

" might happen, it might not happen tonight, we'll have to wait and see! I could be right, and I could be wrong, so we'll have to wait and see about the zombie apocalypse! I'm always prepared since I got a couple of handy stuff to use in my tux pockets if I ever see ONE zombie at my sight!" he responded, still always as vigilant and paranoid as he usually was. Mike and Zoey were silent for a few seconds, yet Jasmine saved the conversation when she's decided to ask more questions to the couple.

"So you have any idea on when we'll celebrate Shawn's winnings? Plus, how long will this party last?" the Australian Outback Girl asked, when she placed her hands on Shawn's shoulders. She gave it a brief massage to keep her survivor-skilled boyfriend calm.

"Well...Mike and I have thought that we could celebrate it at around 9:30 or something...just prolly after we get enough time for you guys to reunite with others who have competed in the same season as you. Plus, we have a special spot for two of the other guests who deserves to be Prom King and Queen! Mike is gonna serve the king crown, while I serve the queen tiara. It's gonna come right before we celebrate Shawn's winnings. Prom will end at midnight," Zoey answered, as Jasmine nodded at her response.

"Sounds great, and midnight seems pretty fair! That's gotta be one more hour longer than other high school proms that have existed! By the way, what time is it now?! I didn't see any clocks while Shawn, Sammy, and I were walking all the way upstairs to the last floor!" Jasmine responded and asked. She was looking around herself to see if there was the nearest clock around her, yet no sign of it. Mike pulled out his wrist, and rolled up his black sleeve. He looked at the time on the watch, and then placed the tux sleeve back over the watch on his wrist.

"Prom will start in five minutes! It's 7:55 right now! Do you guys wanna come in?! Only Beardo, Rodney, and Sky are in there! Beardo's working at the DJ set, Rodney's at the snack table, and Sky's in there too. I guess looking around the room while waiting for others to arrive?" he answered and offered, right when him and Zoey moved out of the entry doorway to the room. Jasmine, Shawn, and Samey can hear an R&B slow song playing in the room even louder than before.

"Oh Rodney's here?! That's great because I'm supposed to be his date! Wait, before I go in, is there a bathroom that I could use?! I wanna check up on my makeup quick!" Samey responded, and placed her fingers into her light sandy blonde hair. She felt anxious, and was also still nervous about the way she's looked. Mike and Zoey smiled in reply, when they've turned their heads to Samey.

"Yeah! If you make a left down in this hallway, the girls bathroom should be the second door on the right!" Zoey answered, while pointing the direction in the hallway, where Samey, Shawn, and Jasmine came from. The twin briefly smiled in reply, looking at the direction the indie chick pointed at.

"Oh okay! Thanks Zoey! I'll be there in a few minutes! Sorry, I just need to check on my eyeliner and my lipstick quick! I wanna look perfect for Rodney!" Samey replied, turning her heel before she started walking away.

"Awwww! You and Rodney would be an adorable couple! Don't worry, Sammy! Take your time! We're not rushing for anything!" Zoey responded, and locked her hands together, looking as adored at the fact that Samey's attending to prom with Rodney together.

"Yeah! We'll be right in there, girly! Shawn and I will wait for you!" said Jasmine, who's looking down at the twin. Samey smiled in a shy way, and nodded at them before she walked away to the girls bathroom. After she started walking, Shawn and Jasmine entered in with their briefcase together. A few seconds after they've entered the room, a loud rap song started playing next.

The couple looked amazed at how the room turned out. They've noticed Beardo working at the DJ set, and then Rodney, who was still preparing more food on the long snack table bar. Then Jasmine immediately noticed Sky, who was still eating a couple more treats after having some cake.

"Shawn! Why don't you go find us a table?! I'm gonna go say hi to Sky quick! You can join with me too if you want!" Jasmine instructed, when she looked at Shawn for a brief moment. Shawn nodded in reply, and briefly smiled.

"Sure, go ahead! I'll find a good table for my money case! I'll join with you in a bit," he agreed and replied. Jasmine squealed happily and nodded in response, and then picked up her emerald prom skirt. She started walking off, leaving Shawn behind as he carried his briefcase, and placed it onto the nearest table covered with white floor-length table cloth.

Shawn pulled out the black chair, and took a seat, scooting himself in. After placing the case flat on the side, he unbuckled the two locks, snapping it opened, and lift the lid to make sure that the stack of money is in it's place.

"Jasmine, I'll be right there in a few minutes! I just want to reorganize my stack of 500,000 dollars, and make sure that no zombie took it while we were on our way!" he said to himself, grabbing a couple stacks of dollars, and re-arranging it into its places.

Meanwhile, right when Jasmine walked up to the table Sky was at, Sky has immediately noticed Jasmine after eating a single chip with a huge smile on her face.

"Sky! It's so good to see you!" Jasmine greeted to her former team-mate, with her smile still bigger than ever. Sky smiled back, when she got up from her table, and walked up to the tall girl. Both of them gave each other a big reuniting hug. Sky's had her arms wrapped around Jasmine's lower back, while Jasmine had her arms around Sky's head and her shoulder blades.

"Hey Jasmine! It's been a while! How have you been?!" Sky exclaimed and replied, feeling happy that she gets to reunite with someone who's at least decent to her. Their hug have lasted for only five seconds before they release their embrace. They started looking at each other, right when Jasmine started kneeling down, facing towards Sky.

"Oh Sky! I'm really glad to see you again! Shawn just brought in the half-million dollar case with him since we're going to have a huge celebration later on during our reunion! I'm so glad he's decided to split the money with me, so now...I own a flower shop, and also started my business in cage-fighting school! Isn't Shawn the sweetest?!" Jasmine answered optimistically. Sky's smile went smaller, yet she's still showing her real smile.

"Awww! I'm really happy for you, Jasmine! I'm so glad that you guys are in great terms now, especially with what happened in the finale. You two totally deserve the money! I'm so happy for you! I still feel really horrible about what happened between Dave and I though," Sky responded, and then frowned once again. Her dark brown eyes started narrowing down to the floor, yet Jasmine also frowned as well, sympathizing Sky's feelings.

She didn't respond for the first few seconds since she wasn't sure on what to say. Jasmine remembers how she's convinced Sky that Dave was her arch enemy the moment when she's switched teams. Now all that she's hoping is that the both would make up at some point, even though she feels slightly indifferent about Dave. She knew that Sky deserves better, yet she wants to respect her feelings for him. She knew how much Sky's liked Dave before it went downhill between the both of them.

"Did you guys talk ever since our experience on that island ended? At all?" she asked, finally getting the idea of how to respond to Sky properly. Sky shook her head slowly, while gazing down at her feet in front of Jasmine.

"No...we haven't talked at all. I'd figure that he doesn't want anything to do with me anymore after everything that's happened on that robotic island. Keith and I broke up after all of us went home, and I've agreed to end it with him since I've had enough of boys during that time. While I still regret not telling Dave the real truth in the first place, I just hope for the best for him. I've decided to cope with that remorse by continuing to follow my older sister's footsteps, to become a professional Olympian. I felt better after not having to deal with anymore boys or relationships, but part of me still misses Dave, Jasmine...I also wrote him an apologetic letter since I got that invite. I didn't hear back from him, so I'm kind of nervous about seeing him again if he ever does go to prom...I don't know..." she replied and explained, looking up and down at Jasmine and the brown carpet on the floor.

Jasmine bit her lip, while rolling her eyes to the right. Part of her, feels like it was her fault since she was the one who's convinced Sky to keep her head in the game, and not pay any of her attention to Dave. She knew there was the reason why, while remembering how much she's liked Shawn when her experience on Total Drama Pahkitew Island started. Even they were on different teams when the season began. She felt like a hypocrite after remembering the start of her experience, but then she knew why she's convinced Sky to not allign with anyone from her opposite team.

"Oh Sky...I'm really sorry! It was actually my fault that things didn't work out between you and Dave.." Jasmine began to respond. Sky looked at her confused and puzzled in response, putting on a facial expression where she looked just as curious.

"What do you mean, Jasmine?! You had nothing to do with it? How was it your fault?" the petite Olympian responded, still looking puzzled at Jasmine. She let out a huge sigh, and began to explain more.

"No, it was my fault because back when you've switched teams with Max, I've told you many times to keep your head in the game, and not allign with anyone who was on your former team, especially Dave. The reason why I've convinced you stay on our team was because I was really mad at Shawn, and I couldn't bear to see any of my team-mates interact with anyone who was on the opposite team as us. I've figured that you guys were just as competitive as us. Shawn betrayed me during that dueling stick challenge. I thought he's promised to let me win for my team, but he's hit me instead! I wasn't necessarily jealous of you and Dave being in good terms while I was angry with Shawn. I just didn't want any of my team-mates to go through that same issue as I did..." Jasmine fully explained, which slightly surprised Sky, yet she nodded while Jasmine was telling the full story.

"Ohhh is that why?! But Jasmine, I would never blame you for ruining Dave and I's relationship! I think you had the right to warn me about staying in the game instead of committing into a relationship with Dave. That's why I came here in the first place. I was here to win the money, and I've never really planned to date anyone during the experience. Well, I sort of forgotten about Keith ever since we were in that zeppelin, but I have intended to dump him since I don't want him to become a distraction from concentrating on my game. But I can totally understand why you're blaming yourself from all this. Dave and I have planned to go on a date after trying to help me win the millions...but sadly...that never happened. At least you guys were able to make up, and stay in great terms with each other unlike Dave and I..." Sky responded to Jasmine's explanation, as she sat down on the table, and placed her cheeks into her fists, with both of her elbows placed firmly onto the table.

Jasmine frowned with compassion while watching Sky telling her everything. Jasmine also took a seat on the black chair, sitting on the opposite side of the table as Sky. The two girls began to chat from there, clarifying their own stories and intentions.

Back in a clean, white, sparkly bathroom, Samey was modeling in front of a flat clear mirror, turning from left to right to make sure that every part of her looks as good as she was hoping to look. Then she grabbed a cherry-flavored lip gloss from her red clutch. She opened the cap of it, as she carefully placed a dab of drop of red gloss onto her lips. She gently moved the wand full of gloss from left to right all over the top and the bottom of her red rosy lips.

After she applied enough gloss, she screwed the cap back on while moving her lips, blending the gloss all around the edges. Her lips looked more red and shiny. Samey even looked satisfied when she was looking at a reflection of herself in the mirror. She still looks beautiful than ever, studying her own reflection.

"Okay...I think I'm ready for this date with Rodney...Oh I just hope that he thinks that I look at least...pretty for a night like this! Sammy, this is gonna be the best night of your life...your sister's not here to torture you anymore...this is your chance to shine and have a good time...I think I'm ready now!" she was talking to herself in a nervous quiet tone of voice. She smiled before she started exiting the bathroom.

Right after she left the bathroom, a flush occurred, when someone stepped out. The teal-blue door creaked opened after the flush. She stepped out while carrying her white clutch. She was wearing a dress that looked like Samey's, except the colors of her dress were reversed. Red sequined top, white silky skirt, red flats, red sash with a bow that was wrapped around her waist and back, and most of all, she looked just like Samey, except with a birthmark that was next to her right eye, and an angry expression she often has on her face.

"Oh you're definitely going to get this, Sparame..." the meaner twin said to herself, grabbing a mascara from her white clutch. She started looking at the mirror herself, studying her own reflection, while knowing that she's missing something from her face. She opened the red cap of it, and started stroking her small lashes with her mascara wand with her eyebrows slightly scrunched from her angry constipated look.

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