The Start Of Prom

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It's already a Saturday night, the night where the Total Drama Annual Prom Reunion starts. The sky has turned from a dark shade of blue to black, assuming to be at around 7:00 P.M. The constellations were slightly spread around the light thin blue clouds in the sky, obscuring the full moon with its transparent covers and smoke.

It was lightly quiet in town, when a white Honda drove quietly in a street in a normal neighborhood full of duplex's. Inside of the car, Shawn, who was in his nice black tuxedo with a green bow-tie, and of course, in his favorite green beanie, was driving carefully and slowly, while keeping his eyes steady at the road. He had his briefcase full of his half-millions sitting on the passenger seat, while his girlfriend, Jasmine, was sitting in the backseat, behind Shawn.

Due to her tall height, Jasmine was leaning to the front while she's hugging her knees. The outback girl was wearing a long floor-length dark emerald strapless dress with golden strappy details around her waist and torso. She had her hair in a classic bun with a ribbon around her updo that matches the color of her dress. She was smiling in excitement, when Shawn pulled up in front of a light blue duplex house, close to the end of the street he drove to.

"Oh Shawn! I'm just so excited! Right after we pick up Sammy, we'll get to go to prom! Just in time for the prom pictures!" the tall teen squealed, as Shawn kept his patience and smile on his face. He had slight lines under his eyes due to his constant fears of a future zombie apocalypse, but he was able to keep control since he knows how much Jasmine means to him.

"Me too, Jas! I hope you don't mind me asking this, but if Sammy and Rodney are going out as dates, why couldn't he pick her up?" he replied and asked, not trying to sound rude. Shawn was just wondering since he didn't get the full information of Samey and Rodney attending together.

"Rodney had to be at this place earlier since he's hired as a temporary snack table server, so he just had to help Mike and Zoey with you know...all of the punch, the food, everything! That's also when Sammy needs to take her time and prepare herself for prom! Plus, it'd be fun if her and I take pictures together as friends too, ya know what I mean?!" Jasmine answered. Shawn nodded, understanding Jasmine's point.

While they were still waiting for Samey, she was in her own room, while staring at a reflection of herself in her own full-body mirror. She was modeling the dress that she picked out when her and Jasmine went shopping, the day they got the invite. A floor-length strapless dress that has a white sequined top design, a red skirt, and a white sash and bow that goes around her waist. She was holding her clutch that matches the colors of her dress as she turned from left to right, looking and feeling great about prom.

Samey had a small shy smile on her face while she was squinting her big teal blue eyes. She stroke her light sandy smooth blonde hair a few times, lightly playing around with her appearance.

"Wow...tonight's gonna be the night...that's for sure! I hope I don't look too shabby for Rodney though," she said to herself, placing a one second frown on her face. Then she smiled again as she rolled her eyes to the nearest clock on her wall. It's 7:15 P.M.! She gasped quick while looking at the time.

"Oh Em Gee! It's quarter after seven! Shawn and Jasmine should be here by now!" she exclaimed and picked up her long red skirt, placing her delicate feet into her white flats. She quickly rushed out of her room, and then ran downstairs, on her way out of the house.

"Bye mom! I'm gonna go to the dance right now! I'll see you in a few hours!" she notified her mother before she left the house quick, and slammed the door shut behind her. Samey noticed a white car, recognizing two faces who were looking at their right. She quickly ran while gripping onto her clutch.

Jasmine looked out of the window from the car, and has noticed Samey running towards them.

"Oh Shawn! Sammy's coming! Can you unlock the doors now?" she notified and asked, watching her best friend walking up to Shawn's white car. He immediately did Jasmine's favor, when the car made a couple clicks, the sounds where the car doors are unlocked.

The blonde twin immediately opened the back door, and slid herself in. Samey's sitting right next to Jasmine in the backseat. She's sitting behind the passenger seat while she was buckling up.

"Sammy! You've made it! You look very pretty, gal!" Jasmine complimented, surprised to see how very pretty the nicer twin looks. Samey turned her head and smiled back at Jasmine.

"Hey, thanks Jasmine! You look so beautiful too! Green is totally your color!" she replied with the mixture of her nervous and her exciting tone.

"Thanks girly! Are you ready to have some fun without Amy?!" Jasmine replied, as Samey nodded and laughed at her question.

"Well, looks like we're all set! I got my briefcase full of my half-millions, and we just picked up Sammy, so it looks like we're off to prom right now!" Shawn exclaimed, remembering what he needs to do before the three friends drove off, on their way to the biggest formal event that Mike and Zoey are throwing. Jasmine and Samey have kept their big smiles on their faces, as Shawn started driving forward, on their way to prom.

In a very big room, that was on the last floor of the building, a quiet DJ music was playing softly, when a certain couple examined the room with their smiles on their faces. The room was nice and dark. The walls are natural chocolate brown colored, decorated with circular golden lights that glow, giving the dark room a very proper lighting. The carpet in the room is the color of sweet caramel, spotted with golden light reflected from the circular lights all around the walls. The floor also has a light yellow glowing dash that goes across the room diagonally, with the other side of the floor being the color of a rotten apple.

There were also many circular tables placed against the walls. Each of them have a white table floor-length cloth, and two-to-four black chairs for every table. Most of them have four chairs. The room also included the DJ set that was placed against the wall, with a snack table being set across from where the DJ set was at. The snack table is covered with a white cloth, and it includes a huge variety of food, such as a large glass bowl of red punch with a black dipper, many red plastic cups that are already filled with punch, a bowl full of chips, three orders of cake, and two bottles of soda that are placed right next to the stack of transparent plastic cups, paper plates, napkins, and plastic forks.

"Wow Mike! This place looks really good! Just like an actual High School Prom, but with less people who will attend!" the red-headed girl said, as she's continued to look around the room along with her date.

"Thanks Zoey! This took me hours to get this place all set up! Hopefully, Beardo and Rodney would show up any minute now. Although this party is gonna start in fourty-five minutes!" Mike replied, gazing down while smiling at his girlfriend.

The couple looked nice for a formal evening. Zoey was wearing a long white floor-length vintage dress. The skirt has a lot of ruffled details, while her halter top dress shows a lot of her cleavage. Her red hair was in a simple glamorous updo including a white flower in her hair, while she was wearing her white dangling earrings, crystal bracelets and a simple necklace to complete her look.

Mike was in his black tuxedo, with a white dress shirt peeking out of the V-neck collar of his tux jacket. He was also wearing a red tie, while his dark hair was slicked back, similar to the hairstyle that one of his personalities, Vito, has.

The two love birds looked at each other, studying how wonderful their own partner looks for the night. Mike was smiling at how beautiful Zoey looked, while she was gazing on how handsome Mike looked, especially with his hair being slicked back.

After a minute, they've heard two male voices appearing into the room, when they've drawn their attention to Beardo and Rodney making their entrance. Their eyes widened after they've made their appearance.

Beardo had his messy afro out like usual. He was wearing a red V-neck dress shirt with his sleeves rolled up all the way up to his elbows. He was also wearing a pair of black dress pants with shoulder straps attached. He looked semi-formal with a pair of a good-quality black converse shoes. Rodney was wearing a light blue formal blouse that are properly tucked into his pair of white formal pants, including a white tie, a brown belt, and a pair of dark brown dress shoes to complete his whole look.

Both of them have noticed Mike and Zoey at their sight after having a quick conversation on their way, and after they've entered the room. Mike and Zoey smiled as they started walking up to them.

"Hi! You must be Beardo and Rodney, am I right?" Zoey greeted, while trying to learn the guests' names. Beardo took out his hand, and smiled in reply.

"You got it! You. Must. Be. Mike and Zoey! Am I right?" he replied oddly, right when Zoey grabbed his hand. The both of them shook hands, as a greeting to each other.

"Yes! It's very nice to meet you! I'm really glad that you guys made it just on time! Mike and I were just looking around the room to see if there was anything else missing for prom, and so far so good, looks like everything's all set! Except we need other people to be there, of course," the indie girl replied, while the four had a slight laugh after the end of her sentence.

"So Zoey...ummm...where's the snack table at?" Rodney asked, while gazing down at her. Zoey turned around, and pointed at the long table, filled with a lot of food that were already stacked and prepared.

"It's right over there! Feel free to fill up the cups with soda! That can keep you busy for a little while until everyone shows up!" she answered, looking back and fourth at the snake table, and the country boy who was looking down at her for a random second.

"Wow! Thanks! I'll get right on it! I hope my date shows up very soon. I want to serve her the best food and drink when she gets here," Rodney responded, as he started walking his way to the snack table.

"Well, it looks like I'll be at the DJ set then! I've got an in-ter-est-ing music playlist that I'd like to pull up on my DJ account, if you don't mind that is!" said Beardo, who turned his heel, about to walk over to the DJ set. Zoey nodded in response before letting him go.

"Go right ahead, Beardo! Mike and I will be outside of the door to greet everyone else who's coming! Hopefully it won't be for so long until they get here!" Zoey replied, as her and Mike linked their arms together. The couple slowly walked to the door, the door where Beardo and Rodney came from.

The hallway outside of the room was bright and white, and the floor was covered with a long red carpet that leads to the room they're standing in front of, just like what celebrities do when they walk to their fame. Their smiles were still glued to their faces, still eager to start their formal party. Zoey inhaled, facing forward just like Mike.

"I'm really excited for this to start, Mike... You know, as amazing as it is to be with you, don't you feel like it would be nice to get acquainted with everyone who's competed last season? I mean like, a lot of people seemed be know...outcasts, or however you describe it?" she started the conversation, while turning her head to her boyfriend. Mike took a couple of seconds to respond to Zoey's comment.

"Yeah, I know how much you like to make friends, but so do I! It's nice to get to know everyone who's had the same experience as us. I've had a lot of trouble making friends since I was often trapped into my own brain," he replied, and looked back at the red-head. Zoey made a huge smile, when the both of them started looking at each other once again.

"Now that you're able to take control of yourself, Mike, I think you're gonna do just fine! I don't think you should worry anymore since I can definitely see our future," she responded. Mike nodded slowly, while they were still waiting for guests from the Pahkitew Generation to arrive.

Mike and Zoey have been in a healthy relationship ever since All-Stars ended. Now that Mal, and his other personalities, were vanished from the inside of his mind, he was able to get to know Zoey, and the two have never gotten into a single fight, nor did get into any complications since then. They've remained in very good terms, as they're ready to continue their relationship.

The two of them ended up looking at each other, until a familiar female voice says "Hey!", which immediately drew their attention. It was Sky, who was standing in front of them.

Sky looked nice and ready, especially for a prom night. She was wearing a purple and maroon plasma-textured dress, with white and purple spotted-detail spaghetti straps. She also has her hair in a simple bun, with a dark red thick hair-tie around it, with dangling earrings that matches the color of her hair-tie. She was also carrying a purple clutch that matches the shade of her dress. Sky smiled at the couple, in a slight nervous way, when the couple smiled right back at her.

"Hi! You must be Sky! I'm really familiar with you from last season!" Zoey greeted as she stuck out her hand. Sky immediately grabbed Zoey's hand while the two of them have made a handshake.

"It's nice to meet you, Zoey! I know you from Season four and five, along with you, Mike!" she replied, and then shook hands with Mike.

"Yeah, I'd like to congratulate you for being runner-up! You've gotten really far in this competition! Too bad that things didn't go well between you and Dave though, are you guys doing okay after it ended?" Zoey responded, and frowned a bit, remembering the news of how Sky and Dave's relationship went downhill in the finale. Sky frowned and sighed in reply after hearing Zoey's last sentence.

"Well, we've never really talked ever since it ended, although I did write him an apologetic letter before getting the invite! Is Dave here now?" the aspiring Olympian replied and asked, wondering if he would attend at some point.

"Nope, he's not here yet! The party's gonna start in about a half hour, so you're one of the only people here who just arrived at an early time!" the indie chick explained, as Sky nodded.

"Yeah, sorry about that! My mom had to work right away, so she's gotta drop me off here very early! Better early than late! I guess I could say that!" Sky responded, when the two girls and Mike had a slight laughter.

"Oh it's no problem, Sky! Feel free to roam around the room! The only people who are here right now are Rodney and Beardo. Rodney's working at the snack table, helping us prepare the food, and Beardo's at his DJ station, pulling out his full playlist of songs! So go ahead! We'll be out there if you need us!" Zoey answered, as her and Mike moved out of the entry, allowing Sky into the well-decorated room for prom.

"Thanks guys! I could definitely go for some treats right now!" Sky thanked, when she started heading into the room. Right when she stepped in, she's noticed how gorgeous the ballroom itself looked. Her eyes widened, while she's looked from left to right. A quiet R&B song started playing, right after she noticed Beardo working on his mac computer at his station, where he's working on his playlist.

Then she looked to her left, and noticed someone tall behind the snack table. It was Rodney. She knew that she would be hungry, so she's decided to walk up to him with a brief smile on her face. After a few seconds, she's noticed how good the food options look on the table.

"Hey Rodney!" Sky greeted, when she took a quick look at him, and then back down at the food table.

"Oh...hey Sky!" the hopeless romantic greeted back. Rodney's trying his best not to fall in love with Sky since he has a date who will arrive eventually when prom starts. Surprisingly, he didn't fall for her after she's talked to him like usual, just like other times when he's talked to girls. The main reason why is because Rodney always remembers the kiss that Samey left on his cheek after asking her out to prom. He knew that he could never betray the memory of that smooch. At this time, he's currently letting Sky pick out the food she wants to take to the table.

"The food looks really good! I'll just take a slice of cake, a couple of chips, and some punch," said Sky, who just picked out a paper plate, a napkin, and a plastic fork from the stack next to the other stack filled with transparent plastic cups. Rodney smiled, and looked down at Sky, while she picked herself a slice of vanilla cake to herself.

"Oh okay! Hope you enjoy the food, Sky! Hopefully my date should be here soon," Rodney replied, which made Sky froze, and looked at him for a brief moment. She revealed a playful smile on her face.

"Oh nice! Who's your date?" she asked, wondering who Rodney's going out with. Rodney smiled more, and rolled his dotted eyes at the ceiling.

"The angel twin...Samey," he dreamily answered, still thinking about the nicer blonde twin that he fell in love with back at the formal clothing store. Sky smiled in relief, knowing how happy Rodney is with her. However, it bothered Sky a bit since she knows that she still has feelings for Dave, and was unsure if they would make up eventually.

"Awww! I hope it works out between you two! I'm gonna go ahead and eat my food now! Have a good night," she concluded the quick conversation properly, and took her plate filled with a slice of cake and chips, and also a cup of red punch. She frowned after she turned her heel, and walked to an empty free table that was in the middle of the room, and close to the wall.

Rodney's watched Sky walk away slowly until she sat at her table, and started eating some of her treats. He's looked at her for a curious minute, yet he still couldn't keep his mind off of Samey ever since the kiss on his cheek.

'I wonder if everything's going alright for Sky. She seemed pretty sad when she just got here. Maybe she's feeling alone. Heck, I still would not leave Samey for her. I can't just do that! But whatever's bugging Sky, I hope everything goes okay for her,' Rodney thought in mind, while he started looking down again at the snack table, still filled with plenty of food there is left.

At the table, Sky picked up her fork and pierced it into a chunk of slice she has on her cake. She started enjoying her cake, yet she was also feeling nervous at the same time since she knew that the night is gonna start very soon. She was also enjoying the R&B song that was currently playing in the room, which gave her so much thought about this one person she's been thinking about for the past week.

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