Mutant Madness

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Running like a four-legged wild beast, a pale green, strange-looking mutant ran inside before noticing Shawn's briefcase laying on the table unattended, while everyone else in the room was distracted by arguments and a physical attack by Sugar, who was upset that she and her date didn't get to be selected as prom king and queen by Mike and Zoey.

The creature was dressed in a torn and very old clothing that a homeless teenager would wear out in the streets. He's wearing a light forest green hoodie that has holes in it, and a pair of blue jeans that are extremely worn out. His eyes are bloodshot red, and he has little-to-no strands of brown hair and a few darker spots on his bald head. His ears are also chipped, and his feet looked like kangaroo feet, except it's rather more sharper.

He began to hop over to the table with loud arguments coming from different voices, distant from Shawn's table to take the money case away. He grinned with his own sharp teeth as he was heading his way to claim the briefcase.

While watching the odd-looking mutant jumping onto the table, Max and Scarlett were smirking and grinning very widely, while watching the creature to do their own orders. Their eyes squinted as their eyebrows scrunched from anticipation, waiting for him to grab the money case without any notice from other prom attendants.

"C'mon, my precious little minion! You know you want the money! Go get it for mommy Scarlett, and for daddy Maxy! Go on! Go get that briefcase!" the evil wannabee spoke, treating the creature like an actual dog, which made Scarlett look at him in a very weird out manner.

"Okay...don't you think that's a little too weird, Max?! That THING is not our child! We're only using him just so nobody would suspect that it was us who took Shawn's half-spent millions," she commented, which made Max's dark eyes roll in response.

"I know he's not our child! I just like to treat some animals like actual babies! That's what I like to do for a living!" he replied in an average tone of voice, while they're still keeping their eyes out on the creature, who was still standing on top of the table, rubbing his hands together as he was glancing at the case containing half of the million dollars.

Though, right before he was able to put his light green hands on Shawn's briefcase, he began to smell some treats coming from the snack table across the room, which immediately drew his attention.

Right when he noticed a huge variety of snacks and desserts including three different flavored cakes, some candy, a huge bowl of red punch, and different flavored chips, he immediately hopped off the table and started running right towards the snack bar, while everyone else was still distracted by their own start of the chaos.

After a long period time, stuck as a mutant since Total Drama World Tour, the creature's stomach began to growl very loudly since he hasn't been able to eat proper food for the last couple of years. He had to eat fish, drink water from the lake, and eat whatever he can find in the wild to survive. Though he has never eaten real human food ever since he was mutated.

Max and Scarlett's eyes widened in circles when the creature ran towards the snack bar and started devouring the remaining treats all over the table. He began to eat a lot of candy and chunks of cakes while getting himself dipped into the red punch, making a load of mess on the bar as he made spills that stained the white table cloth.

"WHAT?!" the chubby shorty reacted angrily, witnessing the mutant craving for food rather than the money considering the fact that he's been wanting to eat properly almost as much as the millions, especially if half of them were already spent.

Scarlett face-palmed when the creature began to guzzle some of the chips after chewing on mini bits of candy from a small bowl of glass.

"Ugh! I knew this is a bad idea, Max! Now how are we supposed to get the money case thanks to your stupid minion eating out all of the food there is on the table?! You know what, I'm just gonna call in my troops. I'm not going to agree anymore of your ideas since they always backfire!" she spoke, still watching the scene going on, while disappointed at the fact that Max's plan has failed.

"Ohhhhhh COME ON! How was I supposed to know that he was gonna start eating out all of the desserts?! Do I look like someone who can read the future?!" he responded in complaint, just as the two of them began to argue once again, over the fact that their plan, well mostly Max's plan, just backfired.

A second later, almost everyone in the room began to turn around after hearing unpleasant, gobbling sounds coming from the snack bar, immediately noticing a familiar mutant who was consuming a portion of treats and drinks all over the table.

"UH! What is that thing?!" Amy questioned in a disgusted manner, with her left eye twitching as she leaned back.

"CRIKEY!" Jasmine also spoke in reaction, while both Beardo and Samey began to hold each other from fear, shivering while watching the scene together.

"IS-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S...IS THAT...EZEKIEL?!" Dave also reacted, with his brown eyes wide open, recognizing who the mutant was. The creature that Max and Scarlett just unleashed in the room.

"And WHAT is that thing DOING at my dessert buffet?! Hey! You get off of my food table THIS INSTANT you rascal!" yelled Sugar, who immediately got off of Mike and Zoey as she began to run to the snack bar that Ezekiel is still sitting and standing on top of, while swallowing more and more of the goods from his hands to his big, wide opened mouth.

The country blonde began to pounce on the mutant, breaking the whole snack table down in half once she was able to capture him with her own weight. Her coral pink dress began to stain with red punch and cake frosting while messing up her own well-styled, curly, blonde hair in the process of attacking Ezekiel, as he lets out a raspy, dying scream. At the same time, he was feeling even more aggressive when Sugar began to beat him up.

"Take that you son of a dang ol' rat! That's what you get for messing up with my sweet buffet!" she shouted, while strangling the creature's neck with her own gripped fists.

"Sugar, stop it! That poor creature must be so hungry for food! Let him eat!" exclaimed the princess, yet she was held back by Topher, when he kept grip of Ella's wrists.

"No Ella! Don't go anywhere near Zeke! That dude is most not friendly! Just stay put because I don't want him to attack you or me!" he persuaded and warned her, as Ella began to frown in response when she looked right back at him.

"But this poor thing! He must be cured since he's been a beast for so long! Maybe I could sing a song for this helpless creature! Ah-" she responded, while Topher just covered her mouth with his right hand before she was able to sing again.

"DON'T! This is not the right time, princess babe! I don't know where he came from or how he got here, but now I'm starting to feel a little suspicious about something...just DON'T move unless we have to! I don't want him to ruin us!" he replied without even thinking that Ella's singing could possibly lure Zeke into leaving the room. Instead, he was having fear that the both of them would be in risk of getting involved into the turmoil, including getting attacked by an aggressive mutant.

Just then, Leonard ran up to the table while pulling out his zig zag twig that he uses as his personal magic wand from his white pants pocket. Ezekiel was still pinned down on the half-split table with a bunch of mess revolving around him and Sugar. He immediately looked at the larper as he began to wave his wand around in the air.

"Creature creature can't be featured, you must go away with a-WHA-AHHHHHHH!" he spoke, pretending to be a wizard as usual, which resulted Ezekiel into attacking him before he could finish up his own sentence. Leonard screamed in response after he just got tackled by that creature. Sugar got up slowly when she automatically noticed the vicious mutant striking her boyfriend, who was attempting to save her.

"HEY! YOU GET OFF OF MY MAN, YOU RAT! THAT'S RIGHT, I'M TALKIN' TO YOU, YOU LITTLE FOOD-HOGGER! YOU GET OFF OF HIM RIGHT NOW! THAT'S MY WIZARD YOU'RE MESSING WITH!" she demanded and shouted before she was able to pounce on Ezekiel again. She jumped while leaning forward, in attempt to capture him like before, when she caught him at the snack bar.

Though she missed her shot as he quickly ran away after he finished attacking Leonard, resulting Sugar to belly-flop against her wizard's slim stomach.

"OOMPH!" he responded, after his girlfriend lunged onto him by accident since it was meant for Zeke.

Before the creature was able to run even further across the room, Max stood right in front of him with a major glare on his face, which paused Ezekiel with his feet before he could take further action in ruining prom.

"Hey! I've ordered you to retrieve the briefcase, NOT have dessert for dinner! I DEMAND you get the five-hundred thousand dollar briefcase RIGHT now, Minion 2.0! You should know better you stupid mutated mutt!" he tried to command the creature to get what he wants, yet it resulted the mutant to growl very savagely as he jumped right on top of Max's head. Especially after being insulted by the evil wannabee, who was the one who carried him to the reunion with Scarlett.

"WHAT THE?! AHHHHHH! WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?! GET OFF OF ME, YOU DUMB MINION! I AM NOT A BIG FAT SCRATCHING POST!" he began to scream and run around, feeling Ezekiel's sharp claws pushing directly on his pale face while covering his own view. Then he began to bite on his thin, shiny, purple locks, and chew it like an actual dog toy.

"Ahhhhhh! Stop ruining my well-groomed hair! Get off of me THIS INSTANT!" Max kept demanding, while waving his own hands over his head, trying to get Zeke off of himself. Right when his thick, small hand touched him by the waist, the mutant automatically bit him by his thick fingers before taking off once again.

"OW! What was that for?!" he responded and yelled, when he quickly moved his hands back down to himself. He softly massaged his bitten fingers with his other hand after a strong bite that was coming from the creature.

Ezekiel then began to run towards Rodney and Amy. The twin was shielding herself behind the tall, substantial farmer boy, who was also watching the creature very anxiously as ran closer and closer to the both of them.

"I'll...I'll protect you, Amy! I'll be sure that this odd-looking beast doesn't get anywhere near you! I'll make sure he doesn't' attack you!" the ginger spoke nervously, still eyeing on Ezekiel as he came another inch closer. She had her head peaking out on the left side of her view, also looking at Zeke in a very anxious manner when he was still coming towards them.

Out of fear, Rodney immediately ran away as he began to scream, having second thoughts about preventing the creature away from her. Amy remained with nothing else to protect her as she started watching the farmer boy run away.

"Hey! Just where do you think you're going?! Get back here!" she questioned, very irritated, while scrunching her eyebrows towards the hopeless romantic moving away from her distance. Then she began to eye back at Ezekiel before he immediately tackled her with a slight scream coming out of her mouth.

The mutant was laying on top of her from face-to-face and eye-to-eye. He growled at first, but then his eyebrows rose after staring Amy into her light teal blue eyes that already extended as she looked slightly confused, wondering why Freakzekiel isn't attempting any further attack after capturing the twin. He took a moment to study the beauty of her face before reconsidering his actions.

Few seconds later, his black pupils have turned into red heart shapes, while his mouth turned into a big squiggly smile as he kept looking at her more, which made Amy's eyebrows rise up before he was about to do something unexpected.

"Uhhhh..." she quietly spoke, just when Ezekiel began to plant many kisses all over her round face. Amy began to flail her arms all around while trying to avoid getting her lips uncomfortably kissed by the mutant. Her eyes were kept shut while moving her head from left to right on the floor, with her brows scrunching at the very lowest as her face turns red.

"EW! Get off of me you disgusting creep!" she responded with exclamation, while Zeke has continued to smooch repeatedly all over her forehead, her cheeks, and now he was able to kiss her red lips successfully after she spoke once again.

While the creature's lips were locked firmly onto Amy's, she began to push his shoulders in attempt to get him off of herself, yet was unable to move him out of the way due to his strong strength. She pushed even more harder for another few seconds until Ezekiel has finally released his green lips from her's.

"BLEH!" Amy spat out once she got the mutant to stop kissing her. Then she spit on his face a few times to get rid of the drool that slid inside of her mouth, as she quickly brushed her own tongue with the tip of her fingers before the creature began to peck the side of her face once more. Then he took off sprinting again.

"Sicko!" she exclaimed loudly, while watching the creature take off to strike another prom attendant in the room. The twin lifted herself up from the ground as she smoothed the dirt off her long white skirt from her dress.

"Amy...?" Rodney spoke her name, standing in front of her when he began to look down at her. She created a glare on her face in return after she stood up on her own feet.

"Um?! Why did you take off running like a coward when that THING was about to attack me?! I thought you were going to protect me from this ugly beast who has nasty drools!" Amy began arguing in her angry tone of voice, which made Rodney's eyebrows scrunch in response after he just witnessed Ezekiel's minor attack on the twin.

"More like why did you cheat on me with that thing?! I just saw you two making out on the floor, and it just...breaks my heart having to see you kiss another man, especially if he's not human!" he replied, when there were sudden tears building in his small, dotted eyes while he created a huge frown on his face. Amy's left eyebrow rose at his reaction after creating a big misunderstanding from what he just saw.

"What?! I didn't cheat on you! And I didn't kiss him either! He kissed ME!" she tried to clarify, but Rodney began to cry in his big, thick hands, assuming the fact that she liked the kiss from Ezekiel.

"Oh yes! I'm sure he's the one who kissed you a lot, Amy, and either way, I'm sure you've enjoyed every second of it! You know, Sam-Samey is right about you! You are the meaner one! I just...I just can't believe that I fell for you this whole time!" he responded, showing off of his slight anger towards the meaner twin, when he began to reconsider the thought of Samey being the innocent twin.

"Why would I enjoy KISSING that monster?! His lips tasted like vomit mixed with my Sparame's greasy hair combined! Plus, I've already told you that he's the one who kissed me, and I was even trying to get him off of me! Now you're starting to believe that my sister is the innocent one?! Remember what she did?!-" Amy argued even more before she was interrupted.

"Save it, Amy! I don't need to hear anymore excuses from you! We're DONE! It's over! I'm breaking up with you because you are a total stuck-up, man-eating, back-stabbing player!" Rodney replied with anger, acting in the scene where he's thought that Amy was his real girlfriend when the two of them haven't actually dated. She only stole him because she's wanted her sister to have a miserable time at prom. She's never liked the farmer boy at all, especially when he's tried to flirt with her. Yet she would do anything to make sure Samey isn't getting involved with anyone else.

Amy gasped loudly in response after the hopeless romantic had told her off. Then she gruffed like she never cared, while tears were streaming down on Rodney's long, freckled cheeks.

"Whatever! I don't need you anymore! You can go cry your butt back to Sparame for all I care! It's not like we're actually gonna be together anyways! I'll find myself a man who is more eligible and more faithful than you!" she concluded their small argument, as she crossed her bare arms together when the farmer boy began to storm off from her distance. He was upset with what happened between them.

Beardo and Samey were huddling together behind the DJ booth, while they're listening to the mayhem between everyone and Freakzekiel behind the other side. They were shivering together, while their arms were embracing each other's.

"B-B-Beardo...I'm scared...w-w-where did this thing come from?!" the nicer twin spoke in a soft voice when they began to look at each other in the eyes. Their hearts were pumping very slowly, as they can hear, "BANG!" "CRASH!" sounds behind the station.

"I know, too...I don't know where that thing exactly came from either but...I'm just hoping that this blows over...I don't like the sound of this," he replied, comforting Samey even more while they've cuddled even closer, still shaking from anxiety when there were louder screams and cries occurring on air.

Mike, Zoey, Dave, and Sky have also joined with Beardo and Samey behind the booth. Mike's dark brown gelled-back hair came out as messy along with his red tie and his black tux coat from the pageant queen's attack, while Zoey's updo came out slightly lower than before with a few scratches on her skin, though her white dress remained the same as it still was.

"Mike! Zoey! Sky! Are you guys...alright?!" the twin asked, showing concern while noticing the athlete rubbing her nose from Sugar's fist punch.

"I'm fine, thanks Sammy. Sugar is just out of control!" Sky answered and made a comment, as Dave placed his dark-skinned hands on her upper arms, also looking very concerned at her when he noticed how red her nose just turned.

"And where is this nut booger coming from?! How did he get in, and why is he acting so aggressive?! Why is he ruining prom?!" the germaphobe began to interrogate firmly, when he began to look directly at both Mike and Zoey in a very suspicious manner, wondering why Ezekiel was striking the annual reunion.

"I...I don't know! Mike, did you let him in?!" the indie chick answered, and then began to look at her boyfriend.

"What?! No! Never! Why would I invite that thing to our reunion without your permission, Zoey?! I had nothing to do with him! Honestly!" he responded, in a shaky tone of voice, while acting a little hazy with his answer.

"Then how did he get in?! Wait a minute...Where's Shawn? Shouldn't he be getting after Zeke by now?!" Dave also responded, and then began to think about his buddy that he just made up with since the start of prom. He, Sky, and Samey then began to peek their heads over the DJ booth to glance at the disaster that was still occurring.

The lights and the banners in the room were torn and ripped off from the upper walls. Some of the lights were flickering, while most of them remained on, and while some were off. Then they've noticed a half-split snack table with all of the treats and drinks dumped everywhere around along with paper plates, forks, and napkins being spread around, which creates a huge mess. Then there were circular tables with white table cloths being knocked and tipped over to the floor along with accessories that fell separately. The black chairs were already thrown around from wall-to-wall, and floor-to-floor. Now all they see is Ezekiel skimping around while making major messes in every inch of the room, frightening most of the prom attendants, who were huddling against the walls and the corners in the ballroom.

"This is such a disaster! Why is Shawn just standing there?! What's going on?!" the twin spoke and began to question, while noticing the vigilant zombie fighter facing his back against their own view, also noticing his girlfriend trying to get him to move as well. He was standing there with his arm that was tugged by her.

The mutant kept running around the room even more, while almost everyone else was trying to get away from him before he makes another attack on another attendant like what he did with Sugar, Leonard, Max, and Amy. Well, he's tried to make out with Amy, but she still counts as one of the victims that the creature was trying to assault during the annual prom.

"Come on, Shawn! We need to get away from that thing before he gets to us! Why are you just standing there?! Lets go!" Jasmine was trying to convince her boyfriend to move away, yet he was still standing at his own spot the first time he saw Ezekiel at the snack table, who already gobbled up most of the remainder of treats. Shawn's girlfriend began to tug his right arm even more, yet he was standing there just as lifeless as a statue, letting her pull very firmly. Though he still didn't move his feet by any inch from his place.

Then she began to look at him, while noticing his paranoid facial expression, looking just as frozen as ice, and still as lifeless as a rock. His eyes are widened to the extreme extent, with his black pupils as small and tiny as two single beads. His anxious frown came out small, with his widened eyes taking over his whole reaction on the face. He stood still, while Jasmine looked at him even more in a very concerned manner.

"Shawn...? Are you alright...? Why aren't you moving?! Why are you just standing there?! There's a wild creature on the loose!" she began to question, as she started waving her left hand vertically in front of his face as an attempt to wake him up. Then he began to shiver slightly from fear, while his right eye started twitching after witnessing a creature that he thought was something he always fears the most whenever he's prepared to fight.

"Z...Z...Z...Z...Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-ZOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEE!" he immediately screamed at the highest tone of his voice after watching Zeke run around, attacking the reunion, for a long period of time.

As he kept screaming and yelling, he ran to a table and immediately lifted up the sides of a chair over his own head, and then began to chase the creature while he was still yelling from fear.

Instead of attempting to attack Shawn or anyone else, Ezekiel began to run away in fear, while the skilled fighter kept chasing him around. Everyone began to watch the two of them running around the room, having slight less fear of the creature making anymore further attacks due to the brave winner of Pahkitew Island having the courage to go after him. Especially at a very late notice.

Getting close behind Zeke, Shawn has swung the chair a few times, though he missed it as the mutant kept dunking and moving from left to right, while trying to avoid getting hit.

"RAH! TAKE THAT! AND THAT YOU LITTLE ZOMBIE! STAY AWAY FROM MY FRIENDS!" he shouted even more, still trying to hit Ezekiel when they've kept running around the room in circles.

Jasmine went to hide behind the DJ booth where Samey, Beardo, Dave, Sky, Mike, and Zoey were at. While Topher and Ella began to crawl under one of the only tables that wasn't knocked over, with Amy joining along with the both of them. Then Rodney, Leonard, Sugar, and Max all began to hide behind the broken snack table. Excluding Max, the other three have peeked their heads over the table to watch the scene. Max was still rubbing his bitten hand, while everyone else was still distracted by the mayhem.

A moment later, Shawn was finally able to strike Ezekiel by the head after taking the last swing with the chair that he kept in his own hands. Then he immediately dropped it when the mutant was knocked unconscious to the floor.

Shawn began to pant while placing his hands onto his knees, taking some moments to breathe, while feeling the sweat that was streaming on his forehead and his temples, and the warmth in his black tuxedo.

"FINALLY! I got him...I finally took out the zombie...There better not be anymore where that came from!" he spoke in a low tone of voice, still taking time to breathe while trying to calm himself after attempting to knock out Ezekiel a several times before he finally captured him.

"SHAWN! The case! It's gone!" Jasmine exclaimed, as she pointed her index finger to their table, where there's absolutely nothing but a white floor-length table cloth remaining on the top.

"WHAT?!" both him and Max have exclaimed in a very angry manner, when they were both noted that his money case just disappeared during a dramatic turmoil that occurred ever since Ezekiel began to strike the snack bar that was destroyed.

Out in the hallway, Scarlett was running, while holding onto the handle of the briefcase that she just stole from Shawn when the disaster occurred in the annual reunion, which lasted for about twenty minutes of time.

She turned to her left, and ran into another straight hallway, as she took out a small walkie talkie under the cleavage of her dark red dress. She ran straight to a dark grey door, and then walked into a very small room that was the size of a janitor's closet, and began walking up the concrete stairs that leads her to the rooftop of the building. Turning on the walkie talkie, she began to clear her throat and speak.

"Mission is complete! Prom was being destroyed, I have the half-million dollar briefcase in my hand, and I'm ready to be picked up! I just need to wait for my partner in crime to do his part in order to take over! I repeat, the plan has been executed!" the deadly genius spoke, as she made her way up to the roof top.

"We're on our way, Miss Brooks!" the manly voice replied from the talkie, which made Scarlett smirk even more, with a psychotic look that was planted on her face.

"Perfect! Soon those idiots AND Max will have to face the evil that they have never seen before! And with my new plan that is already working so far, I can tell that we're gonna get away with it! They're gonna face the evil on a brand new level! Muahahahaha! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! AHHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!" she replied, and then began to do her own evil laugh, which sounded like a wicked witch who was boiling someone in the cauldron.

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