The Beginning of Chaos

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The twelve guests, and Mike and Zoey, were still enjoying their time while they were getting acquainted. Even though both Max and Scarlett haven't arrived to the prom-themed reunion yet, Topher was feeling slightly suspicious about the fact that they're two of the guests who haven't attended. Ella hasn't shown any bit of worry when they were still absent, but she was still hoping that they would come without any possible trouble or incident.

Mike and Zoey have rescheduled their plans to Topher and Ella about the surprises that they're supposed to receive, and they've also decided to celebrate Shawn's winnings immediately after that moment. Sky and Dave have also decided to get more acquainted with the formerly fanboy and the princess despite the slight confusion that they've had on the invites.

"So, Mike and I are going to reveal the surprises for you two in about ten minutes! So at 10:00 P.M., we will get everyone in the room to group up in front of Beardo's DJ booth, and we will make an announcement. Then after we crown you guys the surprise, we will start celebrating Shawn's victory of winning the million dollars! Does that sound okay?" Zoey explained to the beautiful singer and the handsome aspiring host about their updated schedule, while they were nodding in agreement.

"Oh Zoey, that sounds perfectly fine with us! We cannot wait for the surprises that you and your wonderful boyfriend will give us! You know how much I love surprises!" Ella optimistically replied as she started clapping both of her lavender gloved hands from excitement. Topher smiled to the couple as well after explaining what they will do soon.

"I sure hope the surprise would make me even more handsome than now and before!" he also responded, while he chuckled. Zoey laughed in return from Topher's comment and response.

"Oh I'm sure it will, Topher! You're gonna love what Mike and I have in store for you two!" the indie chick guaranteed, when she was wrapping both of her arms tightly around Mike's right arm. He also smiled while looking at his girlfriend, the princess, and the host wannabee.

"Yeah...well, we need to go set up the celebration right now since the time is getting close! Why don't we go do that, Zoey?" the indie chick's boyfriend asked, turning his head back to his girlfriend. The red-headed girl nodded in agreement as the two of them left the conversation, leaving Topher and Ella along with Dave and Sky.

Right when Mike and Zoey have left both of their sights sight, they've turned around to the reunited couple, who were still standing next to them and looking at them.

" seems like you two have already made up. Right?" Topher asked, talking to both Dave and Sky, who smiled a little bit in response.

"Yeah! I just didn't think we would actually end up together, especially after what happened in the finale! To be honest...I thought that things would stay as dark as it was before...before we had a talk to straighten things out," the germaphobe responded. He and the petite aspiring Olympian ended up looking at each other after answering Topher's question.

"Well, I'm just so glad that I've written my whole explanation about the faults that I've made, Dave! I just wasn't sure if I should've either left you alone, or to try to make things right for you!" she replied, still giving Dave a slight smile.

"And I'm so glad that I didn't throw your letter into the fireplace! Otherwise I would've stayed mad at you during this party!" he also responded to her, while the both of them were still looking at each other with adoring expressions on their faces.

Ella smiled at the both of them very sweetly, as Topher was tapping his chin with his index finger tip, studying the look of their mood.

"So, is it safe to assume that you and your other boyfriend have broken up, Sky? Since you and Dave are dating right now?" he asked, while he was squinting his pure green eyes at her. She nodded to him, showing a mix of smile and a frown on her face.

"Keith and I broke up after I've returned home from this whole competition, and we also haven't talked to each other anymore since then. So we're pretty much over right now," Sky answered, when Ella and Topher have both nodded at her. They slightly frowned after hearing the news between her and Keith.

"I apologize that things didn't work out between you and Keith, Sky. But I'm happy that you and David are satisfied together! Especially you, David since you deserve to be happy!" the princess responded to Sky, and then she placed both of her gloved hands on Dave's shoulders at the end of her sentence.

Dave made a small smile towards Ella after being told that he deserves to be happy. He gently patted her left hand as they looked at each other.

"Thanks, Ella! You too! I'm happy that you...are not alone either! Since you have a date!" he nervously replied, ignoring the fact how Ella has called him by his full name, which previously annoyed him before. She removed her hands from Dave's shoulders as they joined back to Topher's arm.

The four of them remained talking while they were still getting acquainted together.

Jasmine, Shawn, and Samey were also still bonding in another space of the ballroom, apart from where Topher, Ella, Dave, and Sky were at.

Like almost everyone else in the room, they were enjoying their time as well. Samey was giving full description to Shawn and Jasmine about the dance that her and Beardo had together during one of the most romantic scenes in the reunion, while they were showing joy that she got acquainted with a guy who has shown decency towards the innocent twin.

"At least that guy has sense for certain people like you! Especially if he's actually very shy, Sammy! He might be more faithful to you rather than that big farmer boy who just started falling for your sister!" said Jasmine, while the trio were still in the middle of their own conversation.

"I know, right Jasmine? He might be perfect for me since there's no other guy like him that I know of! Well, I can't be sure just yet, but I would love to talk to him again! He's just so nice!" the younger twin replied as she turned her head to Beardo, who was still distracted by his job at the DJ booth.

She smiled very widely, still looking at the sound-maker while her pale cheeks have turned to a light shade of red. Blushing as she looked at him even more, with her blue eyes squinting when she couldn't stop staring at him. It made her heart beat even more slowly as she saw him smile.

Then her head immediately turned back to both Shawn and Jasmine when they've noticed Mike and Zoey's slight absence.

"Hey, where did Mike and Zoey go?" Shawn asked, when he turned his head around the room from left to right.

"I don't know, but there's one thing that I didn't forget, and I feel like they must've forgotten about it while we're trying to enjoy some of our time here," Jasmine replied, while she was looking at the clock on the wall that was facing towards her distant view. It is 9:55 P.M.

She squinted her dark eyes a little bit more at the time, and then she turned her head to different directions to find where the hosts of prom are at.

"Hmmm, I wonder where they went! They did say that they're going to crown two people in this room to be Prom King and Queen. I really don't know what that's all about, and they did say that they were going to start the celebration by 9:30! We were supposed to celebrate twenty-five minutes ago! Shawn, Sammy, I'll be right back. I'm gonna go find them," said the tall outback girl, right when she's about to look for the couple.

"Good idea, Jasmine! Sammy and I are gonna go back to our table to protect the briefcase! Just until you get back! And make sure no zombie gets to you either!" Shawn responded and agreed, instructing Jasmine to protect herself in case anything bad happens.

"Don't worry, Shawn! Nothing's gonna go wrong. I just need to talk to both Mike and Zoey about the confusion we have! Be right back," she replied, and then left. On her way out to find the hosts of prom.

Shawn and Sammy immediately walked back to their table while taking a seat next to each other. They began to bond as they're watching over Shawn's money case, resuming to the conversation about her dance with Beardo.

Close to the ballroom already, Max was still pulling the metal-made cage with a mysterious creature still making the usual strange sounds. He was still waiting for Scarlett when he kept pulling and pulling while walking backwards, making him grunt and sweat even more from the weight of the creature, burning the inside of his biceps.

"Rrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! SCARLETT! ARE YOU DONE USING THE BATHROOM?! I CAN'T CARRY THE CAGE BY MYSELF YOU KNOW!" the evil comic-relief shouted, losing some patience while being the only one to bring the metal pet carrier to prom.

"Max, you don't need to yell. I'm right here," Scarlett replied, when she stood next to Max, when he least expected it.

"What?! You were still in the bathroom a minute ago! Oh who cares, just help me carry Minion 2.0!" the chubby teen demanded, as he kept pulling the pet-carrying cage even more. Scarlett created a glare on her face, learning that Max has decided to make her help him.

"I thought you want to carry him by yourself! You were annoyed with me putting on some perfume in the bathroom, weren't you?!" she inquired, squinting her green eyes behind her round glasses. It made him growl even more out of impatience and anger.

"NEVER MIND THAT! Just help me you lazy witch! We're wasting time already!" Max responded vigorously and growled. He face-palmed after knowing the fact that she was trying to make him feel even more dumber than before.

Scarlett rolled her eyes from annoyance and irritation, while she started growling as well for being called a lazy witch. Especially by someone that she despise the most.

A second later, coincidentally, when they've almost reached to another end at the hall on the last floor, they began to over-hear a couple familiar voices in another hallway that they're about to turn their heads to.

"Wait...stop here! I think I heard something!" the ginger instructed before she almost lost her sanity over Max after he just insulted her. He immediately moved his thick, pale hands away from the cage as he and Scarlett started peaking their heads out of the corner of the hall that they were at to see who was talking.

They've also noticed a huge, welcoming entry to the ballroom that has a long, red carpet leading the way in, and they've also spotted Jasmine talking to both Mike and Zoey out in this hallway as well. They can hear electronic music coming from the room, assuming the fact that this is where the prom-themed reunion is taking place in. Though both Max and Scarlett can mostly hear the three voices while they were starting to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Sorry about the confusion, Jasmine! Thankfully, Ella and Topher have reminded us about the surprises that Mike and I are supposed to reveal. We'll be doing that when we head back in. We just need to go get it quick! Then we'll be able to celebrate Shawn's victory in no time! After we crown the prom king and queen in this reunion! Hey, what's prom without making two people king and queen?" Zoey explained, while having a slight laugh with Jasmine.

"Okay! I just need to let you guys know since...well...I don't want us to miss any special moments we're supposed to have in a reunion thrown by you guys! I guess we were just distracted by all of the slow-dancing!" the tall teen replied, also having a laugh as well.

"Yeah! That and probably because we were still waiting for the last two guests to arrive at our party! Huh...I guess we've waited long enough for them to come, or maybe they weren't interested at all....since it's already been two hours.... Oh well, I'll still keep the doors open in case if they do show up...they might miss the surprise and the celebration though," the indie chick also responded in their small conversation together.

Still eavesdropping, they were still paying attention to what Jasmine and Zoey were talking about. Including the prom king and queen surprise, and the last two guests who are them.

"Oh...we're still coming, Zoey...and we'll be there just in time for the surprise..." said Scarlett, in her secretly evil tone of voice while her and Max are still spying on their talk.

They've squinted their eyes even more, when the three have decided to wrap up the discussion.

As soon as Jasmine, Zoey, and Mike have concluded their conversation, they immediately went separate ways. Jasmine went back into the ballroom as Mike and Zoey were entering in another room, where they have the surprise hidden inside.

Max and Scarlett resumed to their business after listening to the conversation in secret, knowing what they will be doing soon.

"Okay, we're not too late! It seems that Mike and Zoey are getting ready to celebrate some special occasions going on, and we need to be there by that time! We need to be there before they start celebrating Shawn's winnings! That's when I want the money case! So come on, lets keep going!" the orange-haired brainiac said, while the evil-wannabee rolled his dark eyes to the ceiling.

"So NOW you want to help me carry Minion 2.0 to the party! Well wise decision here, Miss Scarlett! You've almost wasted time since you couldn't make up your mind!" Max replied in a very sarcastic and in a very annoyed manner, as he and Scarlett started lifting up the carrier together.

"Oh shut up, Max! You're the one who couldn't make up your own mind! I've only decided to help you because we don't have that much time left until we can start our plan!" she replied aggressively, just when the both of them started walking together, about to make their turn to the hallway that leads to the reunion.

"Don't tell me to shut up, Scarlett! If it wasn't for you going to the bathroom to put on perfume, we would've made it earlier by now!" he responded as well, while the two of them started arguing again, on their way to prom.

A few minutes have passed, and Mike and Zoey have returned to the room with their gifts hidden behind Beardo's DJ booth.

Zoey has noted him, telling him that they will start the first part of their celebration in a moment. He gave the couple a thumbs up while making the usual "Ding-ding!" sound. Beardo turned the volume of the music down to a very low level, where it drew everyone's attention to the DJ station that Mike and Zoey are both standing in front of.

With the microphone turned on, the red-head cleared her throat as she was about to make an announcement in the room.

"Attention everyone! Attention! I would like to thank every one of you guys for coming to Mike and I's prom-themed reunion, where all of us will have a good time while we get to know each other, and share our experiences when all of us were on the same show before! I had a fun time getting to know all of you guys, even though there's only two guests who haven't arrived yet. Bummer, but hey! At least most of you have shown up! So anyway, I am about to announce a surprise for two people who have made last season so memorable! One of them who was so heroic for trying to replace Chris as host, while the other has shown an example to stay happy no matter what happens! First of all, before I reveal the surprise, can I ask everyone to join in the center of the room? I want to make this as wonderful as it can be! I want it to feel like we're already in an actual high school prom!" she instructed and explained to everyone through her speaking microphone, while they've payed close attention to her and Mike up in front.

With Zoey's order, everyone in the room have started grouping up in the center of the room while they were facing towards the hosts. Dave, Sky, Topher, and Ella were standing next to each other from the left, while Shawn, Jasmine, and Samey joined the audience from the right. Then Beardo left the booth and stood right next to the nicer twin, while she was blushing that he's beside her. Rodney and Amy stood behind the trio while she had her arms crossed, while making a "Whatever" facial expression. Sugar and Leonard also stood behind the other group of four who were in the front, yet they were also next to the farmer boy and the meaner twin behind the trio.

As all of them took a moment join in front, Scarlett and Max have peaked their heads inside of the room with the carrier between them. They just finished carrying the creature together all the way to the room that they're about to head in.

"Okay! Are you ready Max? Are you ready to DESTROY prom?!" Scarlett asked, right when she started looking at him, giving him a scary, evil facial expression on her face. Max created an evil grin in reply as he looked back at her.

"More ready than I will ever be...but first, I want to know who gets to be prom king and queen! So can we wait until that's done?! And then we can ruin prom and take over the world together?! I don't know, I just tend to get excited when I know who rules prom...haha," he answered, sounding evil at first, and then normal when he wants to know who are the two prom candidates that Mike and Zoey are about to reveal.

Scarlett sighed impatiently, still wanting to get over with their plan already.

"Fine! But once the prom and queen is announced, I'm going to release this disgusting creature in this room and get on with it! Because I am sick of waiting just to get on with the evil plan, and I'm also sick of wasting time here! We should've been ruining prom and take over the world hours ago!" she responded and complained in a deadly tone of voice, while she started glaring at Max.

"We're almost there! So can we enjoy the last few minutes of prom before we destroy it?!" Max replied, desperate to know who are the candidates before they were about to release the mysterious creature that they've been carrying when they were on their way.

While they were still spying on everyone in the room, Mike took the microphone from Zoey as he also makes another announcement about what the surprise really is. Even though a few attendants know what they are.

"Okay everyone! Since all of you guys are here, I'm going to announce something very special for the two who has been waiting for a surprise since prom has started! Topher and Ella, can you come up the stage and stand next to us?" he spoke and asked, which made the former host wannabee and the singing princess smile at each other when he looked at the both of them.

As what Mike told them what to do, they've started walking up in front of the DJ booth, and stood next to him and Zoey together. Topher next to Mike, and Ella next to Zoey. They were facing towards the rest of the prom attendants in the ballroom while they were smiling very anxiously, hoping the fact that it's a good surprise.

Dave and Sky were both smiling, along with Jasmine, Shawn, Samey, and Beardo. Amy rolled her eyes while Rodney was still staring at her in a very adoring manner since he's still in love with her. Then Sugar started glaring at both Ella and Topher. Especially Ella since she's the one that she hates the most. Leonard looked rather concerned while he was looking back and fourth at his girlfriend and the princess.

A few seconds later, Mike and Zoey each bought a small opened box containing prom-themed materials inside. They settled the small boxes onto the DJ booth, right behind where Topher and Ella were standing at.

They've placed their hands into the boxes, while they're about ready to announce the surprise for the both of them, even though Jasmine, Shawn, and Samey are the three people who already knew what it is since Zoey and Mike have unknowingly spoiled it for them.

"The moment has come for the two! This is something that all of us should have if we're throwing a prom anytime, anywhere! Also just for fun, Mike and I have decided on the two candidates..." Zoey exclaimed as she took out a maroon pillow that has a light crystal blue-grey tiara laying on top, while Mike was taking out another dark red pillow with a blue king crown that has a white seam at the bottom with silver, triangular diamond details decorated around it.

Ella gasped when she first saw the tiara that Zoey was holding, while Topher's eyes gleamed at the crown that Mike has in his hands as well.

The couple grabbed the crowns from the red pillows gently, as they moved closer to Topher and Ella, getting ready to reveal the surprise for the both of them.

"Topher...Ella...I know Mike and I don't know you two very much. Well except for watching Pahkitew Island together with him, but based on what you've been doing on the show...I thought that you two would be perfect as an ideal prom king and queen, and you two totally deserve it after going through some recent personal events. Congratulations!" the pretty red-head announced in front of the microphone stand, while she slowly began to put the tiara onto Ella's head, while Mike was putting the crown on Topher's.

Everyone, except for Sugar and Amy, began to clap when the surprise was announced as they quietly cheered. After Mike and Zoey helped put the crowns on both Topher and Ella's heads, they grabbed the two sashes that says "PROM KING" and "PROM QUEEN" and placed it over their shoulders. Hearing the audience clap even more as they kept cheering on.

Then Mike handed the microphone over to Topher, while Zoey gave Ella a huge bouquet of red roses.

As a reaction, Ella gasped happily as she gently accepts the bouquet that Zoey gave her, knowing that she's the prom queen in their reunion. Topher also smiled as well when he claimed the microphone from Mike, also happy with the fact that he's prom king too.

"No way! Really?! I'm...I'm the prom king?! In this party?! Wow, I just...did not expect that! Thanks, Mike! And Zoey!" he exclaimed and blushed, while positioning the crown on his head properly to avoid his professionally-styled hair getting messed up.

"Oh my goodness! This is such wonderful news, Zoey! I never actually thought that this moment would come true! I'd like to thank you for considering Topher and I as prom king and queen! How exciting! It just means a lot to us! Plus, those roses are so beautiful! How delightful!" Ella also responded, gently hugging the bouquet in her arms, while giving out the biggest smile ever to Topher and the couple.

Both Zoey and Mike were smiling at the happy prom candidates after they were selected as prom king and queen in their reunion.

"WHAT?! They get to be prom king and queen?! WHY NOT US, ZOEY?! WHY COULDN'T MR. WIZARD AND I BE PROM KING AND QUEEN?! We're better choices unlike those two!" shouted Sugar, who angrily walked up to the couple while pointing at the served candidates. Both of them turned around, facing towards her after she called Zoey's name. Mike's eyes widened when Sugar stepped another foot close to them, when they began to shiver and shake, fearing the pageant wannabee's wrath.

"S-S-Sugar...please don't hurt us...we...we...we have a reason why we ch-ch-chose-" Mike anxiously responded, as he began to hug Zoey very tightly when the over-weight country blonde stepped another inch close to them.

Both Dave and Sky have immediately grabbed onto Sugar's arms, restraining her from trying to beat up the couple after the surprise.

"Sugar, stop! This isn't worth it!" Sky yelled, while her and Dave were using their strengths to prevent the country pageant girl from laying her hands onto Mike and Zoey. The couple, along with Topher and Ella, slowly started backing up with their eyes fully wide, just until their backs were leaning against the DJ booth where they can no longer step back any further.

"It is to me! Two of the most ANNOYING and the most FAKE turds that I've met gets to be Prom King and Queen, and I have been waiting my WHOLE life for my tiara to match with my favorite coral prom dress! Oh they are gonna get it! This is what I call rigged! The tiara belongs to ME!" the blonde replied, in a very whiny and an aggressive manner, while she was trying to pull her arms away from the couple restraining her.

"Ugh, I can't hold you any longer! You're just too heavy to hold back, Sugar! Plus, you're getting odor on my tux! Ewwww!" Dave complained after releasing his skinny arms away from Sugar's thick left arm.

"Dave!" Sky exclaimed, knowing that she couldn't restrain the blonde by herself after he just let go.

With Sugar's left arm free, she firmly threw her fist at Sky's nose, forcing her to let go of Sugar's right arm when she fell back, shouting "OW!" when she held her punched nose with both of her own hands.

"Sky!" Dave yelled her name after witnessing Sugar punching the feminine athlete in the face. He began to kneel down to her after she fell to the floor, shouting over the pain of her nose being broken by the fist.

After punching Sky, Sugar ran immediately towards both Mike and Zoey as she began to tackle them, while the both of them started screaming from her attack.

"SUGAR!" Ella screamed her name unpleasantly, while her and Topher started witnessing Sugar pouncing over the innocent couple. Then Topher began to grab Ella's hand again, having fear that she would also strike them as well, knowing that he and the princess are the selected prom king and queen.

"C'mon Ella! Lets move away before she tries to attack us too!" he insisted, just when he started running while gripping onto her gloved hand. Ella ran along with him, while letting him to hold it as they were trying to move further away from Sugar's distance from their's.

Everyone else was standing with their eyes wide open, except for Shawn and Jasmine, who were also attempting to restrain Sugar from beating up both Mike and Zoey even further, especially after she knocked out Sky that distracted Dave.

With the start of the chaos, and while Max and Scarlett were watching a fight that was occurring between Sugar and the hosts, they began to grin very evilly at each other, while they're getting ready to release their own evil plot scheme.

"Scarlett... Are you ready right now?! Shall we release...Minion 2.0?!" Max asked, as he was rubbing both of his pale hands together very slowly, with his grin even wider than before. Scarlett smirked and grinned even more, while her eyebrows scrunched.

"Do it! Do it right now!" she answered, in her deadly, evil tone of voice. Her green eyes squinted a lot, right when Max got down on one of his knees next to the metal carrier, placing his hand on top of it. He gave it a slight rub as he kept his evil grin on his face.

"Okay, my minion... Do your business and get the money case from Shawn! You know you want it! Go get the money, boy!" he spoke quietly to the raspy, sound-making creature inside.

Slowly and steady, he placed his hand onto the lock of the cage, and began to open the door of it.

A few seconds later, right when he opened it all the way to the other side of the cage, the mysterious creature automatically escaped out of the metal carrier at a very high speed, running straight into the ballroom after letting him free.

"MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA!" both Max and Scarlett began to laugh loudly in a very evil manner after releasing the creature free from his cage, while hearing the sounds of the mutant striking prom...

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