Fashion Your Seat Belts

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Raichu: Last time on Total Drama Pokémon we had an unexpected crash landing. Not pointing any fingers or anything but... THANKS A LOT PSYDUCK! (Coughs) Anywho, I do gotta praise the duck for giving us an awesome surprise challenge, finding and getting a pic of the illusive Red Gyarados. During which two of our fire types refused to get in the water. In addition, a slight disliking between midnight form Lycanroc and Vulpix arose. In an act of kindness, Togedemaru put himself in danger to protect Pachirisu, who in turn helped him right back. Thanks to that, Turtwig was able to get the shot and bring home a win for The Dangerous Dialgas. Shortly after, The Gargantuan Giratinas arrived in second leaving The Perilous Palkias in last. Thanks to help from Gurdurr our plane was fixed and we took off just before we had to say a sad goodbye to fashion phenom Vulpix. We're down a blogger and up another episode. See what is what right now on Total Drama Pokemon Regional Tour!

(Theme song; In first class)

Piplup: (getting a facial) Yes! I'm just still so excited we're finally back in first class.

Psyduck: What!? We're in first class? But I hate school!

Turtwig: No Psyduck. First class is the high quality space on the plane where the wealthy get to sit.

Psyduck: Oh... Okie-dokie then.

Piplup: Just think Turtwig, that million dollars will be all mine soon!

Turtwig: You mean ours?

Piplup: (lying) Um yeah. Of course.

(In confessional)
Piplup: If Turtwig and I make it to the merge it would be amazing! I just hope he knows how to be a strong player and fend for himself.

Pachirisu: (to Togedemaru) Here's a juice box Togedemaru.

Togedemaru: Thanks. (Takes a sip) Wait, why are you being so nice to me?

Pachirisu: Because you saved me from possibly dying yesterday! Just don't think that we're new besties okay?

Togedemaru: (sarcastically) Yeah because that's what I was totally thinking.

(In confessional)
Pachirisu: I'm gonna be completely honest here, Togedemaru's not so bad. Sure he can be a bit lazy sometimes but even though he seems like he doesn't care I'm pretty sure he does.

(In Economy Class A)

Popplio: So what did Pikachu say to the celebrity Rayquaza?

Litten: (rolls eyes) What?

Popplio: Wow, you sure are a LEGENDARY celebrity! (Starts laughing)

Litten: One more peep outta you and I'll bite. (Popplio gulps) Now would you please let me get back to my drawing!

Popplio: (softly) Okay I guess.

Bellossom: Hey I thought it was funny Popplio. (Popplio smiles)

Treecko: Don't encourage him Bellossom. It will only get worse.

Bellossom: Treecko...

Treecko: Look, I'm sorry but I still need some time to get over you and that scumbag Snivy.

Popplio: No need to get donph-Angry!

Lycanroc: (in midnight form) Do you even know how to stop? Seriously are you just here to make us miserable? Why would a clown like you come on a show that's impossible for you to win.

(In confessional)
Popplio: Okay I really am not liking this new Lycanroc! I may tell jokes but that's because that's what I loving doing! I'm focused and just as determined as anyone else at winning this!

(In economy Class B)

Fennekin: (sighs) Poor Vulpix, I just really hope she's okay.

Cyndaquil: I'm sure she will be. Like I said before, no one on this team deserved to go.

Squirtle: (to Bulbasaur) For the record, she kinda did.

Bulbasaur: Hey she was okay and all but not exactly a team player like you or me.

Squirtle: (to everyone) Alright guys, if we work as well as a freight train-

Bulbasuar: What are you talking about bud?

Squirtle: (sighs) If we work as a perfect team there's no way we'll lose again!

Fennekin: Okay. Yeah, I'm in on working together!

Cyndaquil: Me too! Even though I'm pretty sure we have been doing that all along.

Bulbasaur: Yeah but you gotta agree it feels much more official and satisfying this way.

Cyndaquil: I guess you got a point.

Bulbasaur: Let's grab something to eat real quick Squirtle. (They leave but Fennekin stops Cyndaquil)

Fennekin: I know Squirtle and Bulbasaur are our friends but can we trust them?

Cyndaquil: What do you mean Fennekin?

Fennekin: I'm not manipulating. I think they're awesome guys but they are best friends. If we don't pull together they'll vote both us off next.

Cyndaquil: Yeah you are right about that. I guess if I wanna win again I gotta be smart about it but how about this. Let's just cross that bridge when we come to it.

Raichu: (over intercom) ATTENTION PASSENGERS, prepare for landing! We will be arriving yet again in Kalos!

(The plane lands and the contestants all gather in the town they're in)

Raichu: Welcome to Laverre City! This beautiful place is home to famous runway models, fashion trends and the very first fairy type gym!

Squirtle: (eyes widen) You have gotta be kidding us right? (The other Perilous Palkia members look upsets and facepalm)

(In confessional)
Bulbasaur: NO! Vulpix would have done perfect in this challenge! Why life?

(In confessional)
Cyndaquil: Now I really regret voting Vulpix off. I'm sorry Vulpix.

Piplup: Ha! Stinks to be you!

Pachirisu: Yeah, we are gonna win this thing!

Bellossom: Nuh, uh! We are!

Raichu: Settle down, it may not even be a fashion challenge.

Lycanroc: Oh. Really?

Raichu: Nope, it is! I was just messing with you! But first, a preheat to the challenge! You guys will have to answer some trivia questions again! (Everyone moans)

Treecko: Seriously Raichu? Have you like run out of ideas or something? This is so lame.

Raichu: Fine I wasn't gonna do it but I guess it's time for a DANGEROUS challenge!

Togedemaru: (angrily) Nice job Treecko!

Litten: Yeah, nice going.

(In confessional)
Treecko: Um... all part of the plan?

Raichu: For this reward challenge you must COMPLETE A DANGEROUS OBSTACLE COURSE!!!

Togedmaru: (sarcastically) Wow, cuz you haven't already done this challenge multiple times this season.

Squirtle: Awe man, this sucks.

Turtwig: But there isn't one here! What did you think, one would just fall from the sky?

(Koffing flys a helicopter which is carrying the obstacle course over them and drops it nearby)

Raichu: So what were you saying Turtwig?

Turtwig: Nothing...

Raichu: First one to compete it wins their team an advantage. Also, you don't have to go if you don't want to but you never know, it may cost you the game.

Pachirisu: Togedemaru, you and I got this.

Piplup: Excuse me? What about me!

Psyduck: Yeah what about the bossy penguin! (Piplup glares at Psyduck) What?

Togedmaru: You two can do it. None of us could do it fast so...

Cyndaquil: You guys just rest up for the next challenge. I'll handle it.

Fennekin: Okay. Besides it's only for a reward. (Bellossom, Lycanroc and Litten gather at the the start aswell along with the others)

Raichu: Ready? Steady? Freddy? GO!!!

(In confessional)
Turtwig: So from I was able to see, there were three obstacles. The army crawl section, the bouncy balls and something at the end but I couldn't quite make out what it was exactly ...

(In confessional)
Popplio: I still can't help but wonder what that last obstacle was.

Pachirisu: (crawls under the wire in the mud) What? Too afraid to get dirty boys?

Lycanroc: (catches up as everyone else starts) I'm coming for you squirrel girl!

Pachirisu: Bring it on!

Piplup: This is so muddy and gross.

Bellossom: Totally.

Litten: Well if you wanna win you can't be afraid to get dirty!

Cyndaquil: Watch out, here comes the competition. (meaning himself)

Litten: Alright then Cyndaquil, just you try to catch me!

(In confessional)
Litten: I'm glad Cyndaquil and I have stayed friends all this time. After all, it was him who helped me find the courage to ask out Fennekin.

Pachirisu: (reaches the bouncy balls) Yes! First one here!

Lycanroc: Only seconds before me though! (Pauses) Looks like we gotta jump across. (They both try and fail) Ugh. Time to start again.

Cyndaquil: (arrives with Litten) Easy peasy. (Does a flip and bounces on each ball across) Sweet! I did it!

Litten: Woah, that was epic. Me next! (Jumps a little wobbly but still makes it across) Sorry but my teams gonna get the advantage.

Cyndaquil: Race you to the third section Litten.

Piplup: (arrives with Bellossom) I'm way too tired for this.

Pachirisu: (climbs up) Be careful. It's a mud pit down there.

Piplup: I'm stopping here then.

Bellossom: Well a little acrobatics is my specialty. (Jumps across with rhythmic motion)

Lycanroc: Nicely done Bellossom! Now hurry!

(At the third obstacle, Cyndaquil, Litten and Bellossom come to a stop)

Litten: Wow. Is that...

Bellossom: A warped wall? Like in Alolan Ninja Warrior?

Raichu: (comes by in a jet pack) Yes indeed. But remember when I said it's a super dangerous challenge? If you fail to make it in one go, you'll get the stuffing zapped outta you!
(Cyndaquil and Bellossom try but they fail and get zapped in tremendous pain) Tried to warn you.

Litten: (to himself) You can do this, you're the toughest and most creative cat around. AHHH!! (Rushes up the warped wall and uses Ember downward to propel himself up and to the top) AW YEAH! I'M NUMBER ONE! (Presses the button)

Raichu: And Litten has done it! He has won the advantage for his team! (The Gargantuan Giratinas cheer) Now, let's head back to our original plan.

(At the Laverre Gym)

Raichu: As you may know, this gym doesn't do only battles but fashion shows as well. You're job is to design the next hit outfit and head down the runway to be judged.

(In confessional)
Lycanroc: Gosh. Since when did this show get so girly?

Raichu: Not only does the outfit have to be top notch but the model too! As winners, Litten and the rest of his team get a handy dandy fashion do and fashion don't guide.

Popplio: Awesome!

Raichu: Only an hour and a half for this one so hurry up already. Times a tickin'!

(At The Dangerous Dialgas)

Togedemaru: Is it just me or did we do this already?

Psyduck: It's just you.

Piplup: We did a movie one. Fashion designing is totally different.

Psyduck: Let's make nacho outfits again.

Everyone: NO!!!

Piplup: I could be the model. I'm obviously the prettiest. Or is it most pretty?

Turtwig: Both are acceptable.

Pachirisu: No way I'd do better! I've got good balance which you need to be a model.

Piplup: Fine. Togedemaru you decide!

Togedemaru: (thinks) Sorry, but I gotta say Pachirisu. She makes a better point with the balance thing.

Pachirisu: (softly squeals) YES.

Psyduck: Did you just squeal about Togede-

Pachirsu: (snaps) NO I DIDNT!

Piplup: Fine. I know you'll do a good job. I'll design the outfit.

(At The Perilous Palkias)

Cyndaquil: Sorry I didn't win guys.

Squirtle: It's okay. We should have at least tried too.

Cyndaquil: Anyways, Fennekin can you be the model?

Fennekin: Can do! I've been a gifted balancer ever since I was little.

Bulbasaur: I thought you couldn't walk until you were-

Fennekin: Okay fine. Just please let me be the model it seems so fun.

Squirtle: But you'll still help with making outfit right?

Fennekin: Of course!

Bulbasaur: Good because I don't know much about fashion, but I'm sure we can all make things that clash!

Squirtle: Clash means go badly with.

Bulbasaur: Oh well then I mean the other one. (He and Squirtle laugh)

(At the Gargantuan Giratinas)

Treecko: So the book says rule one is to always know what colors match and which ones don't.

Litten: That's easy.

Popplio: Yeah, let's just flash forward through the guide a bit.

Bellossom: Come on guys, Treecko's got this.

Treecko: Ah ha! Here we go. It's says pro tip, vertical stripes do well but horizontal stripes are ugly. Oh and so are overalls.

Litten: Overalls? Ugh! Nasty!

Bellossom: I know like get with today!

Popplio: Let's make a striped bow for Bellossom to wear.

Bellossom: Me?

Popplio: Yeah. You'll make a perfect model. You can do it!

Treecko: Okay let's see what we can work out.

(In Raichu's corridors)

Koffing: Hey Raichu did you announce the twist yet?

Raichu: Nope. But they'll soon figure out what it is. (Suddenly The Dangerous Dialgas burst in) Woah! This is a host area only!

Psyduck: Then why's Koffing there?


Raichu: (giggles) So what's the (giggles again) issue?

Turtwig: I'm not sure what you have planned for us but where on the planet are the sewing machines?

Raichu: Oops did I forget to mention how you get one?

Togedemaru: Yes, yes you did. (The other teams pile in)

Fennekin: What gives? No sewing machines?

Litten: Yeah! What that cute one said! (Fennekin and Litten smile at each other)

Raichu: You are gonna have to hand sew them. (Everyone begins to complain) UNLESS (everyone becomes super silent) You can get me a golden apple.

Togedemaru: And where would we find these?

Raichu: By bobbing for them in a classic bobbing for apples tournament. But be warned, some apples cause status conditions. Chao everyone! (Shoves them all out)

Psyduck: Oh! I wanna go bob!

Bellossom: So guys, I think two should bob, the rest work on how to walk professionally-

Treecko: Which would be you.

Bellossom: I didn't finish. I was gonna say gather materials too!

Lycanroc: Done deal! Time to bob! (Popplio follows him out)

Bulbasaur: Let's do it Squirtle!

Squirtle: Yeah! (High fives) Just like at the county fair when we were younger.

Togedemaru: Psyduck and I can get the apple.

Psyduck: YIPPEE!

(Inside the gym)

Fennekin: Hey does anyone have any pink fabric?

Litten: (brings it over to Fennekin) Here you go. We had it.

Fennekin: Thanks Litten! (Leaves as Treecko approaches)

Treecko: What a shame. You let love get in the way of your game.

Litten: Hey! What do you mean man!?

Treecko: I used to have a thing for Bellossom but all it ended in was heartbreak. Causing lots of trouble for me. Relationships ruin everything.

Litten: This is about that Snivy thing isn't it?Look. I know it must hurt losing someone who you thought was a friend but don't take things out on Bellossom. Relationships make things better so do what your heart says to. (Scurries off)

Treecko: Maybe he's right. (Shakes his head) But then again he could be wrong.

(In confessional)
Litten: Since when did I become a motivational soeaker on love? AHHH!!! Now I gotta go vandalize something to balance out the universe. Laters.


Psyduck: Jeapers. That is a pretty big apple tub.

Togedemaru: Yep. Sure is.

Popplio: We can do this Lycanroc. WATER we waiting for? (Laughs and goes to high five Lycanroc but he just begins bobbing)

Squirtle: Let's see who can get it first.

Bulbasaur: You're on buddy!

Lyacanroc: (comes up with a golden apple and spits it out) Hey, that was pretty easy.

Popplio: Nice one Lycanroc! You sure are the apple of my eye! (Laughs and Lycanroc pushes Popplio into the pool of apples)

Lycanroc: Oops. (Lying) It was an accident. (Walks off)

Togedemaru: Get anything Psyduck?

Psyduck: (comes up with a red apple) Ahh! It's on fire!

Togedemaru: Apples are normally red Psyduck. Just chill. (Bobs and comes out with a sleep condition one) Feeling drowsy.... (falls asleep)

Psyduck: Oh no! Togedemaru!

Squirtle: (comes up with a golden apple) Beat ya too it Bulbasaur!

Bulbasaur: Awe man. Whatever. Let's just head back to our team.

(In confessional)
Psyduck: Yeah, I better hurry and get one quick. Good thing I have a geniusness plan.

Psyduck: (bobs and comes back up with seven apples in his mouth and he vomits them up) YIPPEE! There's a golden one! (Leaves, dragging Togedemaru)

(All the teams are busy at work designing and practicing. Time passes and time is just about up)

Raichu: TIMES UP KIDDIES!!! Report to the fashion runway!

(At the fashion run way)

Pachirisu: Poor Togedemaru, he's really unconscious again?

Piplup: And why does that concern you?

Pachirisu: So what? I mean, it doesn't- Just forget all this!

Bellossom: Hey Treecko, is this skirt on right?

Treecko: (annoyed) Yeah. Sure.

Litten: You got this Bellossom!

Cyndaquil: Wow Fennekin, you look like a professional model.

Bulbasaur: Yeah. We got this.

Fennekin: Wait hang on. Vulpix told me this upcoming trend before we left which fits perfectly with this outfit. Let me go get it.

Raichu: Okay! Everyone all good backstage? We randomized the order and first up are The Gargantuan Giratinas! Will the model and announcer come out! (Popplio emerges and steps to the side as Bellossom begins posing and and strutting down the runway)

Popplio: As you can see Bellossom is modeling  the best summer time outfit around. With a beautiful flower headband and striped skirt, she'll be ready for any hot summer day. She doesn't have to use Stun Spore because this outfit is already stunning! (Bellossom and Popplio walk backstage)

Bellossom: Oh yay! I think we did good!

Raichu: Destructive Dialgas, you are up right now!

Turtwig: Best of luck!

Psyduck: Yeah! Go get em! (Accidentally steps on Pachirisu's scarf but she doesn't notice. Piplup and Pachirisu walk on stage)

Piplup: Pachirisu is wearing the sparkliest bow and scarf known to Pokémon kinds as you can see the scarf is... shrinking? (as Pachirisu walks, it slowly unravels because Psyduck is stepping on part of it) NO!

Pachirisu: (stops) Wait, what the heck?

Turtwig: Psyduck! You're stepping on a thread!

Psyduck: Oops.

Raichu: Ooh. That was a flunk. Better hope the other team bombs. Show me what you got Palkias! (Cyndaquil walks out)

(In confessional)
Cyndaquil: So Fennekin still wasn't back yet so I had to do something!

Cyndaquil: Wonderful weather we're having! (Sheepishly laughs)

Raichu: Ugh! Quit stalling!

(In confessional)
Cyndaquil: Um. I'm not very good at making excuses.

Fennekin: (walks out posing) And here I am!

Cyndaquil: Yeah! As shown my our model, this new Arabian princess outfit has all the fashion trends. Including the top of the line, fez hat fashion style, all the rage right now.

Raichu: Wowzers that fez hat is pretty fancy. And so's the outfit so I guess... YOU GUYS WIN!!!

Fennekin: Really? Awesome!

Raichu: And because this challenge wasn't too dangerous... (presses a button and blows up the other two teams) That's much better.

Psyduck: I feel like an overlooked nacho.

Bellossom: That was so uncool Raichu. (Passes out)

Raichu; Alright. Koffing, please help these poor saps to the plane.

(Koffing's loads everyone onto the plane by force. It takes off and is high in the sky)

Raichu: Okay. Destructive Dialgas, it's time for you to vote to see who gets thrown out of the plane! Better get too it!

(In confessional)
Piplup: Hmmm. They're all royally in the dog house today. All except sweet Turtwig! (Smiles)

(In confessional)
Pachirisu: I mean he can be a bother so...

Raichu: And looks like the votes are in!

Togedemaru: (to Turtwig) So wait, which team won again?

Raichu: Heads up brah! (Throws him a pokepuff) And The Perilous Palkias won today! Try and stay awake next time. Anywho also safe for the time being are... Piplup and Pachirisu!

Piplup: Yes!

Raichu: Psyduck you could be going home due to your lack of smarts. Also, you costed your team big in today's challenge. (Psyduck frowns) Turtwig, you could be going home because... Er-well, you can be pretty annoying.

Turtwig: Gee. (Rolls eyes) Thanks.

Psyduck: You're welcome.

Raichu: And the final pokepuff goes too...

(Turtwig and Psyduck look somewhat scared)

Raichu: ...Turtwig!

Psyduck: Yay! Good job Turtwig!

Raichu: Um, Psyduck you do realize that you lost.

Payduck: What!? Oh no! Why me?

Raichu: (phone rings) Gotta get that. Will someone else explain.

Pachirisu: Sorry Psyduck but you're outta the contest. We probably should have thought to vote together.

Piplup: What do you mean vote together... (dramatically gasps) Wait you were working with them!?

Pachirisu: Huh? What, I er- uh. No. Look I voted for him but that doesn't mean I don't like him?

Piplup: GRRR! TRAITOR! (Turtwig pulls Piplup away)

Togedemaru: I'll miss you Psyduck. You may be dumb, but anyone who doesn't count you as a friend is dumber.

Psyduck: Thanks Togedemaru! You're an awesome friend to have!

Raichu: (gets off the phone) So I have great news! Due to popular audience demand, Psyduck will not be competing anymore, but he won't be leaving us!

Psyduck: Huh? Me no understand...

Raichu: Psyduck, if you would like. You can stay as intern. The audience loves you. And interns get free nachos!

Psyduck: YEP-DE-DO!!! IM IN! IM IN!

Raichu: And there you have it folks! (To camera) Psyduck is eliminated from being able to get the money but you'll still be seeing him around! What will happen next? Will Piplup and Pachirisu's friendship be toast? Can Bulbasaur and Squirtle get any closer? Will Popplio quit telling jokes?

Psyduck: (butting in) Find out next time on Total Drama Pokémon Regional Tour!

Raichu: Hey! That's my line!

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