Easter Sundae

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Raichu: Last time on Total Drama Pokémon Regional Tour, we had a good old time in Laverre city. Our competitors took on a dangerous obstacle course, bobbed for apples and strutted their stuff down the runway. Fennekin's friendship with another certain fox came in handy when they had to design outfits. Knowing what trends were upcoming, she earned her and the rest of The Perilous Palkias a win! On the other hand, The Destructive Dialgas were practically falling apart. Piplup and Pachirisu's friendship took a sharp turn when she indirectly admitted to working with Togedemaru. But in the end, it was everyone's favorite dumb duck Psyduck who was eliminated. But, he got to stay as an intern! How cool is that? Anyway today we have a sugar sweet challenge planned out! (laughs) You'll find out what I mean right here and now on Total Drama Pokémon Regional Tour!

(Theme song; In the common area)

Koffing: Alright you maggots! There is no food today!

Popplio: What!?

Litten: (stops drawing) Yeah, like are you joking?

Koffing: No, I've been busy so no time for cooking. See ya suckers! (Leaves)

Popplio: That was weird.

Bellossom: What was weird?

Popplio: It looked like he had empty tubs of ice cream back there.

Treecko: You noticed that too!

Lycanroc: (still in midnight form) Alright what's this liar hiding...

Litten: Hey Lycanroc, just a question. Do you have two different sides to you or something?

Lycanroc: (lying) What!? No! God, don't be rude!

Litten: It's just that you used to be afraid of the dark and now your not. That and your personality really has taken a shift ever since you changed forms.

Treecko: Oh please, his voice is just deeper and different. Now let's stop arguing over nonsense losers. (Leaves)

(In confessional)
Lycanroc: How does that drat Litten know? I mean I guess I haven't been being all that subtle with my change. Ugh!!! I better boot him before he figures out how old midday Lycanroc can come back. He is so dead meat.

(In Economy Class B)

Piplup: (to Turtwig) I can't believe Pachirisu! The nerve of her!

Turtwig: Hey, it's okay. I think she just wanted to be friendly to everyone.

Piplup: Yeah right! She was gonna double cross us!

Turtwig: No she wasn't. I'm pretty sure she doesn't have Trick as one of her moves.

Piplup: (sarcastically) Ha ha. Very funny.

Togedemaru: (to Pachirisu) You think they're talking about you?

Pachirisu: Probably but I don't care. If they were really allies they would have forgiven me.

Togedemaru: True.

Pachirisu: Anyways I'm really sorry about Psyduck. I should have helped.

Togedemaru: Glad to hear that you actually care! Anyway it's fine since he is at least still here.

(In confessional)
Togedemaru: Psyduck was a good pal but he probably could of caused the team trouble if he stayed so maybe it's good he isn't on the team. After all, he seems to like being an intern even better!

(In First Class; Squirtle, Bulbasaur and Cyndaquil are playing a game of headbands)

Cyndaquil: Let's see... Am I a mythical?

Bulbasaur: Yep! Sure are!

Cyndaquil: Am I Jirachi?

Bulbasaur: Wow! You got it right, nice job! (Looks over at Squirtle) You okay Squirtle?

Squirtle: Yeah I'm just feeling a bit sleepy Jirachi. I uh mean Bulbasaur.

Bulbasaur: Everything going alright buddy?

Squirtle: What? (Lying) Oh yeah, everything's good.

(In confessional)
Bulbasaur: I've known Squirtle for a while and he always falls asleep like that (snaps fingers) Something must be up since he clearly didn't sleep all night!

Bulbasaur: What's wrong Squirtle. Come on, no secrets.

Squirtle: Okay fine... I just can't get this out of my mind lately...

Cyndaquil: What is it?

Squirtle: Well it's just that you know what day is today and-

Raichu: (over intercom) HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!!!

Fennekin: (woken up) WHA!? Oh no fair. (Puts her sleep mask back on) It's too early for this!

Raichu: (over intercom) We are just moments away from our next destination so prepare for landing!

(Everyone exits the plane and gathers in front of a building)

Raichu: Everyone here?

Fennekin: Um yeah but why are we in the middle of nowhere!?

Litten: Yeah. Who builds a building in the wide open plains?

Cyndaquil: And with no cities nearby!

Raichu: If you'd just let me continue I'll explain just that. You see, we are-

Turtwig: It's the safari zone!! The Kanto safari zone to be exact! 

Raichu: (impressed) Yeah. Wow. How on Earth did you know that?

Turtwig: I don't know. It just felt like it was.

(In confessional)
Turtwig: What? I am not the guy who knows everything about everything! I can take a guess now and then.

Raichu: Okay follow me into the safari zone! Hold onto your hats because there will be some humongous news.

(Inside the safari zone)

Squirtle: (to himself) Please don't be what I'm thinking of, please don't be what I'm thinking of.

Bulbasaur: (pats Squirtle) That's okay, let it out man. Just let it out.

Raichu: So are you guys ready for the news!?

Piplup: (annoyed) YES! Would you please just say if already!


Fennekin: No way!? Seriously!? This is great! (Runs over to Litten)

Litten: It's only gonna get better from here babe! This just so awesome.

Piplup: Well Pachirisu, I'm glad the teams dissolved. Our alliance is over.

Pachirisu: Look Piplup, I'm here to win and I still want to be friends. I wasn't gonna double cross you. I promise.

Piplup: Just zip it. You are no longer my ally.

Togedemaru: (about Piplup) What a diva.

Popplio: (to his team) Well it was nice working with you guys. I just hope we can all stay friends because the more the MAREEP-ier! (Laughs)

(In confessional)
Lycanroc: Good. The merge is finally here. I can pick off these losers one by one.

(In confessional)
Treecko: I've been ready to fly solo now so bring on the individual challenges! Time to show Bellossom- I uhh mean everyone, what skills I've got.

(In confessional)
Cyndaquil: Yeah, I'm kinda sad because all my teammates were so nice. But at least now I won't be forced to vote one of them off in the end.

Raichu: So now that you've mingled for a good five minutes. We better begin today's first challenge! You see everyone, Koffing couldn't stir up some sludge for the losers because he was busy making these! (Motions to a bunch of giant ice cream sundaes behind him as everyone's draw drops)

Litten: (mouth watering) Wow that looks so good.

Squirtle: Phew. It's not what I was thinking of!

Pachirisu: Yeah... (shakes her head) Wait a minute! What's the catch Raichu!?

Raichu: Nothing Pachirisu. Simply the first one to finish their entire sundae wins! Ready? Set? Dig in!! (Everyone rushes to eat)

Turtwig: Yes! This is prefect!

Piplup: What? The fact that I hate vanilla ice cream.

Turtwig: Not that but it's good for me. I never get brain freezes, no matter how cold it is! I can win this!

Piplup: Um, cool! But you better eat fast too if you wanna win! (They both begin eating)

Litten: Hey Fennekin?

Fennekin: What is it? (Looks over to Litten to see he sculpted his ice cream to look like a fire symbol) Woah! How did you do that?

Litten: Sculpting is an art form you know. (The ice cream begins to drip as Litten frowns) Dangit.

Bulbasaur: (stops eating) BRAIN FREEZE! (Starts running around)

Treecko: Hmph. What kinda moron gets a brain freeze? (Eyes widen) AHHHH!!! SO COLD!

Bellossom: That's it. I'm full. I cannot eat anymore.

Popplio: (eating) So delicious! Almost done...

Lycanroc: Not on my watch! (Uses Accelrock and quickly bashes Popplio into his ice cream) Back to the ice cream.

Popplio: Eewww. So sticky. What even happened?

Togedemaru: (glances up) Wait what? Bellossom how did you finish?

Bellossom: I didn't.

Togedemaru: Then where'd all your ice cream go?

Bellossom: (looks at her empty bowl) What? I swear, I'm not lying! Why would I try to avoid getting an advantage!

Turtwig: Oh good. That means I can still win. Just a bit more left-

Pachirisu: Done! I'm done! (Her mouth is covered in chocolate syrup and she wipes it off)

Raichu: And Pachirisu is the winner of our first challenge!

Squirtle: But can the rest of us finish eating at least?

Raichu: No. And Bellossom, what bologna was going on with you?

Bellossom: Are there any ghost types because I think my cone is moving! (Suddenly a familiar face pops up outta the cone)

Tepig: HI GUYS!

Cyndaquil: Oh my gosh Tepig! (Runs over along with Litten and Fennekin) How's it going? Haven't seen you in a while.

Tepig: It's going good! Thanks guys! I just got super super hungry.

Fennekin: (to the rest of the group) For those who didn't know, Tepig loves to eat.

Bellossom: So that's why he ate my ice cream?

Tepig: Yep. Sorry about that but it's just looked so good.

Cyndaquil: Classic Tepig.

Litten: So what are you even doing here?

Raichu: (gets off phone) Yeah, I honestly forgot Tepig was our special guest today. I'd give you an introduction now but I'm sure everyone knows you're here.

Lycanroc: So? Second part of today's challenge?

Raichu: Oh yeah! Since today is Easter I thought it'd be a great day to have an egg hunt!

Squirtle: AHHH!!! NOOOO!!! (Starts running around)

Lycanroc: Eesh. What's his problem?

Raichu: Don't know and don't care. Anyways in the safari zone there are different eggs hidden, some past dangerous obstacles. You'll have an hour to collect as many as you can. Some eggs will contain awesome prizes, such as invincibility!!! But, you can't crack open your eggs till the very end. Everyone understand?

Pachirisu: Yes but what's my advantage?

Piplup: Why? You're saying you need an advantage to win? If you were that good you wouldn't need an advantage.

Pachirisu: Piplup, you know what! I'm glad we aren't friends anymore. You're full of yourself but let me tell you, you aren't as good as you think!

Piplup: Excuse me? (Turtwig and Togedemaru help to separate them)

(In confessional)
Togedemaru: Who would of thought Pokémon could go from friends to enemies as fast as a lightning bolt. Girls can be pretty weird like when they fight I guess.

Raichu: Pachirisu, for your advantage you get Tepig's help on the hunt!!

(In confessional)
Pachirisu: I don't rely on others much so this advantage is kinda obsolete to me. Oh well. As long as he doesn't get in my way I'm good.

Raichu: Grab your Easter baskets on the way into the safari zone. (Everyone nods) Ready? Let the hunt begin! (Everyone rushes off except Squirtle and Bulbasaur) You guys gonna get a move on?

Squirtle: No. No. No. (goes in his shell)

Bulbasaur: Squirtle please! Tell me what's wrong! I'm your best friend!

Squirtle: (from inside his shell) Okay fine, I'll tell you. (Takes a deep breath) When I was little, before I met you, I went on an Easter egg hunt with some other Squirtle friends. We found this giant egg and the bully of the group trapped me in it!

Bulbasaur: Oh no!

Squirtle: Oh yes! I was trapped in there, running out of oxygen and I almost didn't make it out. That's why I hate hate HATE Easter so much.

Bulbasaur: (hugs Squirtle) Oh Squirtle, I feel so bad for you. Here's what we're gonna do, I'm gonna stay here with you. A stupid challenge is nothing compared to you.

Squirtle: (comes out of shell) Thanks Bulbasaur.


Bulbasaur: You suck Raichu! (Looks at Squirtle) You wait here. I'll find an egg for each of us. I promise. I got this.

(In confessional)
Squirtle: Ugh I really hate how embarrassing this is for me. What a silly fear, but still. I'm so lucky to have my best bud Bulbasaur with me, I don't know what I'd do without him. (End)

(In a forest area of the safari zone)

Litten: See any eggs yet?

Fennekin: Is that one up in the tree?

Litten: Maybe. Allow me to get it for you! (Uses Ember to break the tree branch) Uh oh! Quick! Catch it!

Fennekin; (catches the egg) Yes! I got it! (Looks at it) Are Easter eggs normally colored like this?

Litten: Darn it! That's a bird egg! Guess we better keep looking...

Fennekin: Wait! (Uses Scratch on the tree and an egg from inside a hole lands in her basket)

Litten: Impressive. (Gives her a kiss on the cheek) How did you know?

Fennekin: Just a hunch I guess? And besides, it seemed like a perfect spot for an egg to be in. (They head off as Treecko comes by)

Treecko: Hmmm, maybe over this way... (jumps into a stream and finds an egg at the bottom) Yes! That's one for me!

(In a mountain area)

Turtwig: Can we stop running?

Piplup: Not until we find at least one egg. Hey look! There's a sign with an egg picture on it!

Turtwig: (reads the sign) It says that those string along the mountain side (motions toward them) Will reveal a hidden egg.

Piplup: Then what are we waiting for?

Turtwig: WAIT! It says if we cut the wrong one, a booby trap will be set off. (Examines the strings as Togedemaru and Popplio come up)

Popplio: Hi! (Turtwig jumps)

Togedemaru: Sweet, there's an egg here! Step aside, I'll be taking the egg.

Piplup: We were here first!

Turtwig: Piplup, just hurry and pick a string! (Everyone cuts a string at the same time. Popplio, Turtwig and Piplup all get blown up and dazed) Owww.

Togedemaru: (winces) That had to hurt. (An egg appears beneath the sign and Togedemaru grabs it) Good luck to you guys. Pleasure doing business.

Popplio: (dazed) Is it a phone ringing or is it just my head? Uhh... (falls down)

(In an ice biome, Bellossom stares at an egg past ice flows)

Treecko: (sees Bellossom and hides) Does she really think she can cross that? She'll freeze to death if she falls in!

Bellossom: (clenches her hand) I can do this! (Begins sliding and flipping across the ice with the grace and skill of an ice skater)

Treecko: Woah. Amazing! (Bellossom does a backflip and snatches the egg and she makes it back) Phew she's okay.

(In confessional)
Treecko: Raichu I swear if you don't delete that scene I will sue! You hear me?

Bellossom: (Hears Treecko) Hello? W-who's spying on me? (Silence) Guess it was nothing. (Runs off)

(In a forest area)

Pachirisu: (climbs down from a tree) Yes! I am totally on fire! Just got my third egg!

Tepig: Nice job! So can I help you now?

Pachirisu: Fine! But please don't get in my way.

Tepig: Umm okay? (Starts sniffing) I can smell the sweetness of chocolate! It's this way!

Pachirisu: And how exactly is this helping me?

Tepig: Just follow me! (Sniffs around like a dog until he reaches a log and pulls out two eggs) See! Whelp, here you go!

Pachirisu: Wow! Thanks Tepig! I guess Raichu knew what he was doing, making you the advantage. (Tepig smiles)

Tepig: Well I know Raichu put chocolate in each egg so all I have to do is follow my nose.

Pachirisu: Yes! I got this win in the bag!

Lycanroc: (peers from around a tree) Ha. You fool. You are gonna be making this Challenge way to easy for me! (Runs out in front of Pachirisu and is pretending) RUN! A WILD TAUROS IS COMING AFTER US!

Pachirisu: I don't hear or see any Tauros! (Suddenly a tree falls down in the back) Uh oh. HURRY! (Tepig and Pachirisu leave as she drops her basket)

Lycanroc: (evilly laughs) What a bunch of gullible losers. (Picks up Pachirisu's basket and switches it with his and leaves)

(In confessional)
Lycanroc: Man it feels good to be back causing mischief! I sliced the tree with my claws and let the wind slowly tilt it over so it'd eventually fall. And for those of you think what I'm doing is wrong, I'm just playing the game the best way possible! (Evilly laughs)


Tepig: What kinda jerk would steal all the eggs!

Pachirisu: (starts to get angry but calms) C'mon Tepig. We'll find even more eggs using our new strategy.

(In a desert like area)

Fennekin: How big is this desert biome? It's way too hot.

Litten: Not as hot as you.

Fennekin: (blushes) Hehe. Thanks.

Litten: I mean because your a fire type. (Smirks) Hey look, it's Cyndaquil, up ahead!

Cyndaquil: Hi guys! How's the hunt going?

Fennekin: We've got one egg each. You?

Cyndaquil: I've managed to find two. I was just about to check over there. (Motions to a big building)

Litten: Woah. A place that huge has gotta have a giant stash of eggs. And maybe a few ancient paintings to check out. I, uh mean, lots of eggs!

Cyndaquil: Come on let's check it out! (They head into there as Piplup and Turtwig arrive)

Turtwig: Did you hear that? Lucky them! They are totally gonna win.

Piplup: Maybe we can beat them too it! We both already have an egg so let's go big and not go home!

Turtwig: You mean go big or go home. (Sees Piplup entering the temple) Wait up!

(By a big lake)

Togedemaru: Come on. I've gotta find at least one more egg!

Psyduck: Hi Togedemaru!

Togedemaru: Psyduck? What are you doing here?

Psyduck: Just interning. Besides, look what I have. (Holds up an egg) Raichu told be to hide this one in the lake.

Togedemaru: Well then... Could I possibly have it?

Psyduck: Only if you can guess what my favorite food is!

Togedemaru: (rolls eyes) Nachos?

Psyduck: Wow! You must be some kind of weenie genie! (Gives him the egg) See you around bestie!

(In confessional)
Togedemaru: (laughs to himself a little) Perks of being buddies with the new intern.


(In the forest)

Popplio: Alright! Three Easter eggs. Just past this weird vegetable patch.

Lycanroc: (emerges) Sorry Popplio but these eggs are all mine!

Popplio: Hey! No fair!

Lycanroc: (lying) Don't worry pal, we can work together next challenge. I'll make it up to you. (Nearing the eggs when he steps on a mine and gets blown up) AHHHH!!!

Popplio: Oh no Lycanroc!

(In confessional)
Popplio: Lycanroc was really nice to me before and he still sometimes is, but not in the same way. I wanna help him but I don't know if I can trust him anymore.

Popplio: (thinks) Hang on I'll be right ogre! (Chuckles as Bellossom and Treecko arrive)

Bellossom: Oh. Hello Treecko.

Treecko: Hi. (Waves but then slaps himself) Can't talk now, I need to win. (Dodges the mines and grabs the eggs)

Bellossom: Nice one!

Treecko: Yep. (They both head off)

(Inside the ruins place)

Fennekin: Okay this place has too many cobwebs.

Litten: Definitely old, that's for sure.

Cyndaquil: Guys we hit a dead end. Now what? (Suddenly the floor beneath them collapses and they land in a room) Everyone look!

Litten: Dude! You were right! Look at all these eggs. Huh? (Piplup and Turtwig fall in)

Turtwig: Ow. I think I broke my coccyx.

Piplup: Yes eggs! (Starts to grab some)

Cyndaquil: Don't worry, there's quite a few for all of us. (Suddenly the building starts to collapse) That can't be good.

Litten: FENNEKIN!!! (Pulls her out of the way of falling debris)

Turtwig: LETS GET OUTTA HERE!!! (Everyone runs at top speed and escapes)

Fennekin: That was way too close. Thanks Litten. You saved my butt.

Litten: (goes to kiss Fennekin but then stops and Fennekin falls over) OH LOOK! An ancient piece of art! This is so gonna be the inspiration for my next piece.

Pachirisu: (comes over) What'd I miss?

Raichu: (over intercom) That's the game kiddies! Please return back to the plane! We will take off in ten, with or without you!

(In the common area of the plane)

Squirtle: Bulbasaur I can't believe you got me an egg! You're the best pal ever!

Bulbasaur: Hey, it was nothing. Only got stung by a few bees, but it's all good.

Raichu: Alrighty, everyone open their eggs.

Togedemaru: Candy... candy... and... more candy. (Sarcastically) Great. I'm so thrilled.

Treecko: I didn't get anything good.

Bellossom: Me neither.

Pachirisu: (opens egg and a pokepuff comes out) Hey! A pokepuff! Wait... does that mean...

Raichu: Pachirisu, you have earned yourself invincibility!

Pachirisu: Alright! If only I could thank Tepig... Oh well, don't care. (Smiles)

Lycanroc: (opens egg with a price of paper) Huh? What the heck this?

Raichu: That there gives you two votes tonight!

Lycanroc: Wicked. (Muttering) With this power, I'll be able to send any moron home.

Litten: (hearing him) Lycanroc, dude. Why are you sending off this evil vibe?

Lycanroc: (acting) Oh nothing. I was just practicing. I'm an actor. (Litten raises an eyebrow)

Fennekin: Yippee!!! A pokepuff!

Cyndaquil: I got one too! Alright!

Litten: (high fives them) Congrats you guys!

Raichu: All the eggs are opened, now it's time to vote.

Popplio: As the Easter bunny would say. HOP right too it! (laughs as Piplup throws an egg at him) Hey!

(In the voting booth)
Lycanroc: See you Litten! And that's time two.

(In the voting booth)
Litten: Lycanroc scares me now. (votes Lycanroc)

(In voting both)
Piplup: Since Pachirisu's immune. I have no other choice.

Rsichu: You've all casted your votes. Fennekin, Cyndaquil and Pachirisu, you've already received your pokepuffs but just to clarify, YOU ARE SAFE!! Also joining them are...
Popplio, Treecko, Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Bellossom and Turtwig!

Bulbasaur: Right on!

Raichu: Leaving us with Togedemaru, Litten, Piplup and Lycanroc.

Piplup: Why me?

Raichu: Because of alliances! Duh! Seriously, if left untouched, alliances could take over the show. Especially couples... (pauses) Togedemaru and Piplup you are safe. And the loser is...

(Lycanroc looks a little worried, as does Litten)

Raichu: ...The one involved in a relationship, Litten!

Litten: What?

Fennekin: No!

Piplup: Duh! The power of a couples alliance is huge!

Treecko: Okay then, what about you and Turtwig.

Piplup: (crosses arms) We're friends. (Everyone stares at her) Fine, I'm still mad at Litten for season one.

Litten: Wow. You really need to learn how to let go of a grudge.

Raichu: Litten, heads up! (Tosses him a parachute) Exit is right this way.

Fennekin: This stinks! We finally hit the merge and could be together. (Starts to tear up) This can't be happening!

Litten: Hey, Fennekin. Maybe it's a sign. We kinda got distracted from winning because of our relationship. Now, I want you to focus on winning because I know you can do it! I'll be cheering from back home. (They lean in to kiss)

Lycanroc: (pretending) SPIDER!!! (Fennekin freaks out and accidently pushes Litten off)

Litten: (falling) AGHHHH!!!

Fennekin: LITTEN!!! (Covers her mouth in horror)

Raichu: That does it for today! What other challenges do I have in store now that we're at the merge? Who will Fennekin push outta the plane next. (Fennekin begins crying) Find out next time on Total Drama Pokémon Regional Tour!!!

**Sorry it's been so long but I've recovered from the surgery and will be updating more frequently again! I know Easter passed but I've had the challenge idea and I hope you liked the episode. It's a little longer than usual

Shout out to Gurrtastic  for the fanfic they wrote so far! You guys should totally check it out!

Shout outs to __Glaceon__ TorchicTrooper Catanzy Captain_Komodo slothzilla124 Sleepy_Jirachi LBWriter123 Sean1153 and everyone else who supports and reads!!!

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