Melemele Madness

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Raichu: Last time on Total Drama Pokémon Regional Tour, the teams were no more because it was finally merge day! A trip to the Kanto safari zone revealed some issues with Squirtle, and a rivalry between Piplup and Pachirisu. So basically we had a late Easter celebration complete with ice cream and an egg hunt. We also were visited by previous competitor Tepig which by itself was gonna be a good, jolly time. In the end, a whopping THREE players won immunity: Cyndaquil, Fennekin and Pachirisu. It seemed like a perfect holiday for our fire fox Fennekin, until her boyfriend Litten ended up taking the drop of shame. So, where are we headed to now? Find out right here, right now, on Total Drama Pokémon Regional Tour.

(In first class; Fennekin is sobbing on the couch and Cyndaquil tries to comfort her)

Pachirisu: (yawns and wakes up) Ahh. That was such a great sleep. (Removes earplugs)

(In confessional)
Pachirisu: So stupid Fennekin was crying all night! If I hadn't thought of the earplugs, my first class experience would have been a waste and I worked hard to win. (Pauses) Oops. Did that sound mean? Sorry, nothing against you Fennekin.

Fennekin: How could this happen? Who voted for him?

Cyndaquil: There, there. It's okay.

Fennekin: No it's not! Just, how could anyone do such a thing.

Cyndaquil: Look, asking the same questions won't get you an answer. Remember what Litten said okay. He wants you to stay strong.

Fennekin: (pulls herself together) You're right. Stay strong. I can do that.

Cyndaquil: Glaceon, bring us some milkshakes please! That's always a good first step in cheering up.

Fennekin: Thanks Cyndaquil. (Smiles)

Pachirisu: (to herself) Hmm. I wonder how everyone else is doing.

(In Economy Class)

Lycanroc: (in midnight form still) Could you move? I'm getting a bit cramped.

Togedemaru: Sorry but there isn't much else to move too.

Piplup: Ugh! Bulbasaur, get your bulb away from my face.

Bulbasaur: Sheesh! Sorry.

Turtwig: (to Bulbasaur softly) Sorry about that pal. Piplup isn't a morning person.

Bulbasaur: It's fine.

Treecko: Hey, it's not our fault Raichu crammed us into one economy class now. Hey, how about we stand up to him.

Lycanroc: (pretending) That's a great plan. Treecko, you're so so smart. You really deserved to be leading our team more

Treecko: Hey, thanks Lycanroc.

(In confessional)
Lycanroc: Even though Litten's gone I still have to try and make allies. That way I can turn on them and BAM! Bye bye sucker.

Piplup: It's a good plan if you wanna get kicked off!

Popplio: Hey guys. What did one Lillipup say to the other when he used Headbutt?

Togedemaru: (rolls eyes) What?

Popplio: Now that's using your head!! (Laughs but no one else does) Really nothing?

Piplup: I CANT TAKE YOU ANYMORE POPPLIO!!!! Come on Turtwig, let's grab something to eat. (They leave)

(In confessional)
Popplio: Yeah, I'm afraid of Piplup more than ever now. How does she find me annoying? I'm just trying to brighten up each day. (Sighs) Oh well.

Bellossom: Hey! Look out the window! (Points at a flock of Pikipek going by)

Popplio: HOORAY! Finally we'll get visit Alola!

Bellossom: But we were here once. Remember?

Squirtle: Yeah but that was the time we visited the only non beautiful part of Alola.

Bellossom: I just hope we go to the beach! Maybe there'll be hula dancers I could dance with!

Raichu: (over intercom) Hello everybody! We are going to be having an important meeting in the cargo holding area. Please head there pronto or you'll be automatically eliminated. (Everyone gathers in the cargo hold)

Treecko: Um, I don't see Raichu or Koffing.

Bulbasaur: Uh oh. We're gonna be in trouble... (Suddenly the floor drops and everyone falls into the ocean beneath)

(In the cockpit)

Koffing: (laughing) Man that was a good one Raichu!

Raichu: I know. I am so on top of my pain bringing game.

Koffing: Well... better land the plane.

(On the beach after everyone washes up)

Pachirisu: (spits out water) That was ridiculous.

Lycanroc: Not to mention uncalled for!

Bellossom: Yes yes yes!!! We're here! The beach! I've dreamed of visiting here!

Raichu: (comes up) And have you dreamed of doing today's challenge? Because you are doing it!

Cyndaquil: Slow down. First of all, where exactly are we?

Raichu: We are in Hau'oli City on beautiful Melemele Island! For today's challenge there is going to be a little bit of something different. So for this first part I'll need the girls to step over here.

Pachirisu: Okay. Why?

Raichu: You'll see. (Pauses) So we need two boys to volunteer to be on the girls side.

Lycanroc: No way am I gonna be called a girl.

Bulbasaur: Me neither.

Piplup: Turtwig! Get over here!

Turtwig: What!? Why?

Piplup: (whispering to him) It's probably a team challenge so this way we'll be on the same team!

Turtwig: Good point. (Louder) Okay, I'll join the girls side.

Cyndaquil: And I guess if no one else wants to, I'll just volunteer.

Raichu: Okay Cyndaquil and Turtwig, you are now girls, which means absolutely nothing in this challenge. I just needed two more on this side. KOFFING LET IT RIP!!!

Koffing: ON IT! (Drops a giant machine on the boys side from up above) There you go Raichu!

Raichu: THANKS KOFFING! So, girls and Turtwig and Cyndaquil, you will spin the slots to determine your partner for today's challenge.

Piplup: WHAT!?

Turtwig: (muttering) Yep, your plan backfired.

Raichu: Let's go in alphabetical order so, Bellossom you are up first.

Bellossom: Alright! Let's do this! (Spins the wheel)

(In confessional)
Bellossom: So I'm really hoping I get Treecko. I hate what happened before and I need some time with him to fix it. (Looks up) I'm praying to you Arceus!

Raichu: And your partner is... (the wheel stops on Treecko and he comes out) TREECKO!

Bellossom: Yes! (Helps him up) Guess we're partners today.

Treecko: Yeah. Guess we are.

Cyndaquil: (goes up to spin) Okay. Everyone here's good so nothing to lose! (Spins and it lands on Squirtle)

Squirtle: (comes out) Sweet! Alright, Cyndaquil! We got this!

Cyndaquil: Yeah!

(In confessional)
Squirtle: I mean, Cyndaquil is probably my first choice as a partner after Bulbasaur. He's been a good friend all season and he's really awesome at challenges!

Raichu: Fennekin, why don't you take a crack at it.

Fennekin: I don't really have a choice, Do I? (Spins wheel) Oh. Popplio. (Popplio comes out)

Popplio: Guess we're partners Fennekin. This is gonna be Magmor-TER-ific! (Laughs)

Piplup: (to Fennekin) I'll pray for you. (To Turtwig) Better her than us.

Raichu: Pachirisu, go ahead and spin. (She spins and out comes Togedemaru)

Pachirisu: Yes! Togedemaru!

Togedemaru: Cool. You're the one person I can somewhat tolerate.

(In confessional)
Pachirisu: Togedemaru confuses me sometimes with the way he words things. It's weird, I'm into sports and stuff, he's not, but I feel some sort of connection. Maybe it's because he's fine with me being in charge?

Piplup: (spins and it lands on Lycanroc) Um, hello. I'm Piplup. Nice to meet you.

Lycanroc: Um yeah. Nice to meet you too. (Softly) You're pretty competitive right?

Piplup: Yes I am! Winning is what matters most.

Lycanroc: (grins) Good.

Bulbasaur: (comes outta the machine) Ouch. Guess that means it's you and me Turtwig.

Turtwig: Great! Two old friends can finally reunite. (Raichu stares at him)

Raichu: You are a puzzling dude Turtwig. Anyway this challenge will be in the style of a race. Different challenges along the road and first to finish wins!

Piplup: Yes! As you may know, I am supreme when it comes to these challenges. This is my type of show slash challenge.

Bulbasaur: Uh oh. Please tell me it's not whoever comes in last loses again!

Squirtle: Yeah! Because that was totally unfair last season.

Raichu: Don't you worry, it's only an invincibility race. So for the first part you must take a canoe and learn to row in sync. Row to the edge of the green buoy and grab your travel tip. Clear?

Treecko: Yes. We understand.

Raichu: Okay, in three, two, one... (blows an air horn) GO!!! (Everyone rushes to canoes and takes off) It feels good seeing the kids scramble.

Psyduck: (comes up from behind) Ooh I love scrambled eggs! Especially those black ones.

Raichu: Yeah... Not that kind of scramble. And wait did you say black ones?

Psyduck: Yeah. I make them all the time and my family has to to put the fire out after I'm done cooking.

Raichu: Now that I believe.

(In the ocean)

Pachirisu: Come on Togedemaru! Keep up with my rhythm!

Togedemaru: I'm trying! You're a little too speedy! (They continue moving)

Lycanroc: Come on! We gotta catch up to them. (Piplup nods)

Squirtle: Oh yeah? Well sorry to inform you but Cyndaquil and I are gonna get there first! (The rest of the canoes continue except for one)

Fennekin: Popplio, I think we're in last! We gotta row faster.

Popplio: Okay. Sorry it's just so hard to get a grip on these oars.

Fennekin: Tell me about it.

(At the green buoy)

Pachirisu: Look! The buoy! (They sail by it and grab the tip) Woo whooo!

Togedemaru: Never would have thought we'd make a good pair.

Pachirisu: What's the tip say?

Togedemaru: Head back to where you started for the next challenge. (Pauses) Wow, that's pretty lame. Can we just take a brief break from rowing though?

Pachirisu: No. Come on, I know you can do it. Now let's go. (They head back as Piplup and Lycanroc arrive)

Piplup: We have to sail back. (Suddenly Turtwig and Bulbasaur bump into them) Hey!

Turtwig: Oops. Sorry Piplup!

Piplup: It's fine.

Lycanroc: Enjoy your race. (Lycanroc evilly grins as they head off. As they go by, he uses his claw to poke a hole into the other teams canoe) Hehehe. All to easy.

Turtwig: Time to get back to paddling.

Bulbasaur: Um... We have a bigger problem. WE'RE SINKING!!!

Turtwig: WHAT!? How did that happen?

Bulbasaur: I don't know!

Treecko: (grabs tip as he and Bellossom arrive and turn around) See ya Turtwig. Loser!

Bellossom: (annoyed) Treecko!

Squirtle: (sails up) Bulbasaur, what's wrong?

Bulbasaur: Our canoe is sinking! I don't even know how.

Squirtle: What can I do? There's gotta be a way to help you out.

Cyndaquil: Quick! Just hop in our canoe. Just grab us a tip.

Turtwig: Really? Thanks so much! (The foursome head off as Popplio and Fennekin arrive)

Fennekin: (annoyed) That's it. We'll never win. We're just too slow.

Popplio: Don't lose hope yet Fennekin. (Grabs a tip) I'm from here so that gives me the advantage of... (gasps) CORSOLA?!?

Fennekin: Huh?

Popplio: CORSOLA! OVER HERE! (A blue Corsola swims over)

Corsola: Oh my goodness, Popplio! What are you doing here?

Popplio: Just making a splash. (Laughs) I'm in this competition and need some help. Could you maybe get us some help? Someone to push.

Corsola: Leave it to me Popplio! (Dives under and gets a group of Water types to help push the canoe super fast)

(In confessional)
Popplio: Corsola has been one of my best friends since childhood. I'm so glad I got to see her! And having a shiny appear on the show may help Raichu with some ratings! (Giggles)

(Back on the beach)

Psyduck: I spy with my little thigh...

Pachirisu: Yeah! We made it! And are still in first place.

Piplup: Not for long! (Lycanroc and Piplup arrive)

Psyduck: Hi guys! I've got your tips right here!

Lycanroc: (grabs it from him) It's something called Grave Danger. What?

Raichu: (to camera) In this challenge, one Pokémon must let the other burry them underneath the sand in a small, clear coffin. They must wait ten minutes before digging them up and running to the dock past the city, but don't worry. Each coffin can hold air to last an hour. In theory.

Payduck: Okie-doke. Good luck!

Togedemaru: Thanks. We may need it...

(Treecko and Bellossom arrive as Popplio and Fennekin crash onto the beach)

Popplio: Thanks Corsola.

Fennekin: I can't believe I'm saying this but... that was so fun!! Let's go again.

Treecko: Look! Psyduck's got the tips! (They start the challenge)

(In the ocean)

Squirtle: Paddle! Paddle! Paddle!

Turtwig: Aw man, our excess weight is slowing you guys down.

Bulbasaur: I'm sorry Squirtle. I may end up costing you the game.

Squirtle: You're my best friend! I'd do anything for you! Don't be upset, let's just keep going.

(On the beach)

Lycanroc: Alright, the hole's deep enough. Get in.

Piplup: No you get in! I can't trust you yet.

Lycanroc: Fine but you better dig me up.

Piplup: Yeah. I know.

(In confessional)
Piplup: I thought Lycanroc was a little more, you know, Popplio-like before but after getting to know him he seems like my type of competitor. Determined and outgoing but not in Snivy sort of way.

Pachirisu: (puts sand on top of the coffin) Are you sure about this Togedemaru?

Togedemaru: You got us through the last challenge, it's my turn. Besides, I trust you.

Pachirisu: (smiles but then shakes her head to focus) Oh, good.

Bellossom: (digging) How far down did the tip say?

Treecko: Ten feet.

Bellossom: Look Treecko, I know you're still mad about the whole Snivy thing before-

Treecko: Just shut up okay. I'm not mad anymore. I told you.

Bellossom: That's deep enough. Want me to get in to prove to you?

Treecko: (rolls eyes) Yeah you say that now but when it comes to the time where- (sees Bellossom already in) Wait seriously? (Sincerely) You're going in. Wow.

Popplio: (yelling to Fennekin) Alright, burry me up tight!

Fennekin: Okay, just stay calm in there, you can do it.

(The final canoe arrives)

Turtwig: Look, everyone else has started on the challenge!

Squirtle: Then we better hurry up!

Cyndaquil: (reads tip) Squirtle, I hope you can handle tight spaces because I can't.

Squirtle: Okay. I got this one Cyndaquil.

Bulbasaur: Me too. Get digging our graves guys! (Sheepishly laughs)

Turtwig: Alrighty, time to get digging.

Raichu: (to camera) And all teams are neck-a-neck as they wait for their ten minutes to end. Some just starting and some just about to end.

Piplup: Okay, only two more minutes.

Turtwig: (comes over) Hey Piplup. How's it going?

Piplup: Good. Thanks for asking Turtwig.

Turtwig: Hey did you know that Empoleon, your final evolution, is the only water and steel type!? And Empoleon also is- (continues rambling on)

Treecko: Ughhhh, Turtwig can be so annoying am I right?

Pachirisu: Meh. (Shrugs) I guess. (Her and Piplup's timers go off) Hang on Togedemaru, I'm digging you out! (Starts to dig when suddenly a regular crab pinches her) OWWW! (Starts running around and accidentally runs into Piplup and they crash into the ocean)

(In confessional)
Togedemaru: So I'm down there panicking... WHAT WAS PACHIRISU DOING UP THERE!?!?

Fennekin: Yes! Times up! (Quickly digs up Popplio) You okay?

Popplio: I'm fine. In fact, I feel GOOD-dra! (Laughs) Let's hurry to the next challenge!
(They run off as Pachirisu and Piplup come back)

Pachirisu: Ouch. Those crabs hurt.

Piplup: Well you didn't have to take me out too you know! You're lucky I'm being nice.

Pachirisu: This is you being nice? (Laughs)

Turtwig: Um Piplup.... Lyanroc?

Piplup: OH NO!!! (Both her and Pachirisu quickly dig up their teammates)

Lycanroc: What took you so long. (Glares) I mean, guess we did it.

Treecko: (digs up Bellossom) You're all set. Now let's hurry to the next challenge.

Raichu: (to the camera) As the majority of the teams head off to the final challenge, it seems Squirtle, Cyndaquil, Bulbasaur and Turtwig may be too far behind to win.

(In Hau'oil city)

Fennekin: Wow, the city is beautiful.

Popplio: It sure is a great town. Come on, just this way. (Suddenly a door to a building he was running by opens) Woah! (A familiar face comes out) MUDKIP?

Mudkip: Oh my goodness it's you guys! You're here?

Fennekin: And in the middle of a challenge. (Other teams race by)

Mudkip: Well good luck to you guys! Tell everyone I said hi.

Popplio: Or you could just go to the beach-

Fennekin: Come on Popplio! (Pulls him along)

(At the dock)

Togedemaru: The final challenge is... to learn an Alolan dance.

Pachirisu: Yes! We so got this!

Bellossom: (jumps up) Yes! Dancing! My speciality.

Treecko: Whatever, let's just get this done so we can win.

Bellossom: (looks at Treecko) Let me tell you something Treecko, it takes two to tango. Dancing like this can't be done alone. In dancing, it's all about heart, having a strong bond, and I feel like I have that connection with you.

Treecko: I...I... I've felt the same way since the beginning. (Takes a deep breath) Look, ever since the challenge after Snivy left, I had forgiven you on the inside.

Bellossom: What do you mean?

Treecko: I just didn't think falling in love and being all touchy-feelly was who I am. I'm sorry for being a bit cold towards you.

Bellossom: Apology accepted. (Pauses) So, may I have this dance?

Togedemaru: (to Pachirisu) This is no use, I'm bad on my feet.

Pachirisu: Just keep trying!

Piplup: (yelling at the judge) WHAT DO YOU MEAN NO!?!? Our dance was perfect!

Bellossom: Let's do it! (Bellossom leads Treecko through a Hawaiian type dance. They dance elegantly and perfectly and the judge hands them the final tip) YES!

Treecko: Come on! (They run to the town center and step on the chill zone) We won? WE WON!!

Raichu: Congrats, you two are today's winners of invincibility! Now, let's round up the rest of the players.

(Back on the beach were everyone gathered at the end. Bulbasaur and Squirtle are dug up)

Bulbasuar: How far behind were we?

Turtwig: We were just about to head to the next challenge when Raichu stopped us.

Lycanroc: Well stupid Treecko and Bellossom won.

Turtwig: (upset) No!

Raichu: Okay if everyone would go board the plane... Wait is that Mudkip?

Mudkip: (to Cyndaquil and Squirtle) And when I heard Popplio I just knew I had to come back and see you guys!

Squirtle: Thanks Mudkip!

Cyndaquil: Yeah, we missed you so much!

Mudkip: I know you guys can do it! Just try your best and win it! I'll be cheering for you two back home!

Raichu: TICK TOCK!!! Squirtle and Cyndaquil if you don't get on now we're leaving without you!!

Cyndaquil: Good-bye Mudkip! See you again soon! (The plane takes off after they board)

(In the common area)

Lycanroc: So Piplup, I was thinking... you and me form an alliance?

Piplup: Let me think about that for a second (pauses) Yes. You're the type of player I like. Let's vote Popplio today, Pachirisu tomorrow! (Leaves to vote as Lycanroc nods)

Lycanroc: (evilly laughs) And another piece falls into place.

Treecko: (to Bellossom, Pachirisu, and Togedemaru) Yes, I know you don't like Piplup but if you vote off Turtwig she'll follow.

Pachirisu: No she won't! She survived just fine last season!

Bellossom: But to be fair they weren't as close.

Treecko: Okay fine. You can boot Piplup but can you outsmart Turtwig?

Togedemaru: He makes a good point.

Pachirisu: No, not really.

(In the voting booth)
Popplio: Have an ICE day! (votes Piplup) I'm so glad no one ever sees these clips!

(In the voting booth)
Piplup: Bye bye Popplio! Annoying loser.

(In the voting booth)
Treecko: See ya Turtwig. (Votes Turtwig) This is for that cave-in in season one and for all the annoyance you caused me with your constant blabbering!

(In the elimination room)

Raichu: And that votes have been counted. Remember, if you do not receive a pokepuff you must grab a parachute and immediately take the drop of shame. Now, the first two go to today's winners, Bellossom and Treecko!

Bellossom: Yay! (Catches pokepuff)

Raichu: Also safe and still in the competition are Squirtle, Fennekin, Lycanroc, Cyndaquil!

Fennekin: Phew.

Raichu: (holds up two pokepuffs) Bulbasaur and Togedemaru, come and get em! (They get their pokepuffs) Also safe... Pachirisu! And that leaves us with Piplup, Turtwig and Popplio!

(They all exchange nervous glances)

Raichu: Piplup...

Piplup: Yes! I knew I'd be safe!

Raichu: You'd didn't let me finish. Piplup... I'm sorry to tell you this but Popplio is safe!!!

Popplio: WOOPIE!! Yes!

Piplup: WHAT!?

Turtwig: This isn't good.

Raichu: Piplup... you are SAFE! (Throws her a pokepuff)

Turtwig: No! (Sighs) Why?

Piplup: This is madness! You can't boot Turtwig!

Treecko: Sorry but your brains are a threat. And you are pretty annoying.

Raichu: Turtwig, any final words!?

Turtwig: Yeah, first I'd like to say- (Raichu shoves him out) AHHHH!!!

Piplup: I hope you guys are happy because I will be getting my revenge. You hear me Treecko? Popplio is now off the hook! You are now public enemy number one! (Continues getting angry)

Popplio: Really? Thanks so much Piplup! (Smiles)

(In confessional)
Pachirisu: What do you know, Treecko was right.

Raichu: That does it for today's daily dose of drama! Find out what happens next time, next time. (Scratches head) Man. I gotta write these end scripts better. Anyway, Raichu signing off of Total Drama Pokémon Regional Tour!!!

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