Double Trouble

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Raichu: Last time, on our first episode of this all new season of Total Drama Pokemon, we welcomed in twenty brand new competitors! Boy are they not ready for the crazy challenges that are gonna come! We also got to see some familiar faces including some classic TDP veterans coming in as interns and my nephew and niece, Pichu and Pichuette. Flash forward past a potentially revolting pancake breakfast and boom! The two teams were formed! The Zany Zacians and the Miraculous Miraidons! Now one question remains unanswered, which team will win our first challenge? Find out right here, right now, on Total Drama Pokemon!

(Theme song; Inside the Zany Zacians' cabin)

Grookey: (quietly) Hehe, okay now easy does it... (pulls out a can of whipped cream and puts it on Scorbunny's hand as he sleeps, then he tickles Scorbunny's face with his tail from the bunk above and Scorbunny smacks his face and wakes up)

Scorbunny: AHHH! Bleh! (Wipes off whipped cream) Oh come on, really? Who did this?

Grookey: (laughing) Hehehehe! Sorry man but I couldn't resist! Too funny!

Scorbunny: (narrows his eyes) Yeah real funny, thanks. (Looks around) Well at least it looks like everyone is up so we didn't wake anybody.

Grookey: Well, almost everyone. (Points to Jigglypuff and Igglybuff who are still asleep in bed with earmuffs and head masks on) Oh man, maybe I could just-

Scorbunny: No no, don't even think about pranking them unless you are okay with being sued or worse.

Grookey: Heh, fair enough. (Goes to leave the cabin when he bumps into someone) Woah- Huh?

Scorbunny: Okay enough pranks, stop messing with me, nobody is there! (Suddenly Sobble appears after being invisible) Oh it's Sobble.

Sobble: Oopsie- S-sorry! Ack! (Flees)

(In confessional)
Sobble: That was so scary! Grookey and Scorbunny were probably gonna tear me apart if I didn't run away now! Why did my parents force me to do this show anyways? I just want to go back home! (Starts tearing up)

(Out front of the cabins)

Taillow: Good morning guys!

Makuhita: (stretching) Oh hey, good morning Taillow. Ready for our first challenge.

Scizor: Well he better be, we all better be.

Makuhita: (raises an eyebrow) Um, okay right... so do either of you wanna go with me on my morning run? It would be a good warm up.

Scizor: Pass, I'm always ready for action I don't need a warm up.

Makuhita: Ah okay. Taillow?

Taillow: (angry) Seriously? A run? I FLY! I can't go for runs!

Makuhita: Oh well you could fly alongside-

Taillow: Try to be more inclusive of us bird Pokémon next time okay? It's offensive and insensitive when you use terms like going for a run. (Heads off as Makuhita gives the camera a blank stare)

(In the mess hall)

Alcremie: (eating some food) Well at least this is better than yesterday's food, though that's not saying much...

Fidough: Ugh it's so upsetting see food absolutely butchered like this! You know? (Alcremie shrugs)

Yamper: (comes up from behind) Ruff! Good morning Fidough!

Fidough: AHH! (Turns around) Oh, Yamper you startled me! My heart is beating out of my chest.

Yamper: Here, these are for you! (Hands her a bouquet of flowers) I hope you like them!

Fidough: (a little confused) Oh um, thank you!

(In confessional)
Fidough: I'm like totally confused right now. I don't think I've said much of anything to Yamper to warrant this. Maybe this is just his way of being nice?

(In confessional)
Yamper: (with heart eyes) Oh my gosh! Fidough said I make her heart beat super fast! And you know what that means, she must really be into me too!

Raichu: (walks into the mess hall) Good morning campers! Who's ready to get our first challenge started!? (The room is silent except for Spheal who is clapping)

Spheal: Yay! Yeah! (Toxtricity stops him from clapping) Oh-

Raichu: Well ready or not here it comes! Meet me outside in ten minutes!


Raichu: So it's time for the first challenge of the season and we were thinking what would be the best way to torture you off the bat. And then it hit us, why waste time thinking of ways to make you uncomfortable, when you'll just make each other uncomfortable!

Cubchoo: Huh? What?

Fuecoco: You not make sense.

Snivy: What Raichu means is that the lack of trust between all of you will be a challenge enough in itself.

Raichu: Hey! Stop doing my job Snivy!

Snivy: (rolls eyes) Whatever. Maybe I wouldn't have to if you could do it better... (walks off)

Raichu: Anywho, today we will have five different challenges, each of which will have two players from each team. It will be a best three of five scenario. Now then, since we all know I wouldn't let you pick your partners for this game, and in the spirit of dynamic duos... come on out twins! (The Pichu Twins run out)

Pichu: Yippee! Yay!

Pichuette: Picking the slips for the matches is my favorite thing ever!

Trevenant: Seriously Raichu? Babysitting while hosting? Isn't that unprofessional?

Pichuette: Hey! We aren't babies!

Pichu: Yeah, we don't need supervision thank you very much.

Raichu: Okay settle down, we've got a show to put on and we are on the clock so let's get started. We will have our first challenge right out here, and it will be a simple one! A classic double battle!

Scizor: Ha, easy. Prepare to go down, none of you are any match for me.

Quaxly: Well you don't get to pick if you are doing this so...

Riachu: Alright, Pichu you take the Zacians box and Pichuette you take the Miraidons.

Pichu: Okay we have... (draws two slips) Liepard and Riolu!

Pichuette: And they will be facing off against... Trevenant and Quaxly!

Riolu: Ready to go Liepard?

Liepard: For sure, I'm great at battling, you can leave this to me.

Quaxly: Alright, come on Trevenant, we can do this!

Trevenant: Hey, I've got a plan, do you know any moves that raise your stats? (Quaxly nods) Perfect, I can defend while you set up, and then you go in for the sweep!

Quaxly: That's a pretty solid plan, I'm in!

Raichu: Ready? Set? GOOO!!!

Riolu: Hi-Ya! (rushes forward with a Bullet Punch and Trevenant blocks)

Trevenant: Nice try! (Tries to use Wood Hammer but Riolu dodges)

Quaxly: Here we go! (Goes to use Work Up and Trevenant gives Liepard a signal)

Liepard: Gotcha! (Uses Snatch and steals the Work Up move from Quaxly and gets the stat buffs from it) Ha! You are done for now stupid little duckling.

Quaxly: Wha-what!? What just happened?

Liepard: Goodnight! (Uses Night Slash and knocks out Quaxly)

Riolu: Nicely done! (Uses Bone Rush and knocks out Trevenant who purposely left himself open)

Raichu: Game set match! One point for the Zany Zacians! (They cheer)

Trevenant: Darn it, Quaxly you were a bit too obvious with what move you were using and Liepard caught on. Should've been more careful.

(In confessional)
Trevenant: Yes, I lost the challenge too but Quaxly is more obviously at blame here. So I'm sitting pretty and safe now and it feels good.

(In confessional)
Quaxly: Okay so apparently Snatch is a move that steals your set up moves and... what the hell? How was I supposed to know it existed? It's banned in Paldea!

(Somewhere in the forrest by a cliff)

Raichu: Time for challenge number two and it's a climbing race to the top of the cliff here! One member will support their team member with a rope while the other climbs to the top, first one to reach the top wins a point for their team! Now for the competitors...

Pichuette: Scizor and Fuecoco!

Pichu: Toxtricity and Spheal!

Toxtricity: Alright let's rock and roll! (Pretends to play an air guitar)

Spheal: Hey, I'm not the best at climbing so-

Toxtricity: Oh yeah, you can have the climbing and I'll hold the rope. Br-nr-nr, let's do this thang!

Scizor: Um. (Fuecoco just stares at him) Yeah you climb, and I'll hold the rope. I promise I won't drop you.

Fuecoco: Ahkay Scizor. We go win now! (Spheal and Fuecoco get hooked up to the ropes and everyone takes their positions)

Raichu: Ready? GO!!! (They both start but Spheal can't seem to make much progress)

Sprigatito: Woo hoo! Go Fuecoco!

Liepard: Come on Spheal! Get moving!

Spheal: Ack- I'm trying! Look at me though, do I look like I'm made for climbing?

Scorbunny: Ugh, see this wouldn't have ended up happening if we worked better as a team. Exhibit A of why I wanted us to get to know each other yesterday night.

Scizor: (yelling up) Thats it Fuecoco, keep up that pace!

Fuecoco: You got it! (Keeps climbing) Huh? (Suddenly a bomb blows in the wall and he starts to fall) AHHH!

Scizor: Hang on I gotcha! (Holds tight to the rope and stops him from falling) You good? (Fuecoco nods)

Toxtricity: Ha! Alright! Spheal you're in the lead now, keep climbing, just be careful.

Spheal: Well duh! (Both he and Fuecoco continue climbing and start getting close to the top)

Pachirisu: Yoo-hoo! Over here! (Everybody turns to her and Togedemaru who appeared nearby) We just wanted to let you know we were about to destroy some precious belongings...

Togedemaru: What's this, a signed guitar and a first place Pokken trophy? Wow this stuff looks totally irreplaceable.

Raichu: Thank you interns, now let's see which should I destroy first... Eeny meeny miny Scizor!

Scizor: Hmph, see if I care. I'll just win another trophy. (Turns his head as Raichu uses Iron Tail and breaks the trophy)

Taillow: He actually did it? That's so messed up!

Spheal: Stay strong there Toxtricity I'm almost at the top.

Toxtricity: GET AWAY FROM MY AXE MAN!!! (Rushes over and snatches his guitar and Spheal loses his support and falls)

Spheal: AHHH!! (Hits the ground with a thud) Oww...

Fuecoco: (makes it to the top) Fuecoco win! I win! Woo hoo!

Raichu: Round two goes to the Miraculous Miraidons! Now onto the next bout!

(In confessional)
Toxtricity: (hugging his guitar) Baby I was so scared I was gonna lose you! Don't worry, I'll never let anybody try to hurt you again its okay sweetie.

(By a cave)

Raichu: Now it's time for round three. As many of you may know, our island is home to many actual human world animals that are deadly and unaffected by some Pokémon attacks. Don't get me started on how that phenomenon works, we have NO idea. So for this challenge, you must go into the cave and encounter a bear, which has a team logo band on it. Bring back your teams logo to me first to win!

Alcremie: (to herself) Please don't pick me... please don't pick me...

Pichuette: It's gonna be Alcremie and Sprigatito!

Pichu: Going up against Grookey and Scorbunny!

Grookey: Alright we got this!

Raichu: And... GO!!! (They all rush off into the cave) Awesome, now let's just make sure we have our medic on standby for this one...

(Inside the cave)

Sprigatito: It's so dark and creepy in here... but it's okay we can do it! Right Alcremie? (She nods) Great let's keep going this way is that okay? (Pauses) You don't talk much do you?

Alcremie: Oh sorry, I um, I'm not the best with socializing...

Sprigatito: That's okay, don't worry about it. Hey look, there's a path over there let's head that way!

(Elsewhere in the cave)

Scorbunny: Pyro Ball!!! (Sends a pyro ball down the tunnel to light it up briefly) Alright awesome, this way!

Grookey: Smart idea Scorbunny, but hey how can you use Pyro Ball?

Scorbunny: (shrugs) I'm a pretty quick learner and my family is full of soccer fanatics. Can't you use your evolution lines signature move?

Grookey: Um... I actually don't know. (Suddenly stops moving) Agh! Bears at ten o'clock!

Scorbunny: Alright they are all sleeping! Let's just find the one with our teams collar on it and quietly grab it and go. No pranks this time Grookey.

Grookey: Hey, I wasn't gonna! I mean, probably wasn't gonna... (suddenly Sprigatito and Alcremie rush into the room)

Sprigatito: AHHH! POISONOUS SPIDERS GET THEM OFF!!! (Her screaming wakes up the bears) Uh oh... (the bears start roaring and chasing after the contestants)

Alcremie: AHHH! RUN!!!

Scorbunny: (flips out of the way and jumps on top of bear) Ha, you don't scare me bear! (Reaches for the collar and gets thrown off) Woah- owww.

Sprigatito: Please don't eat me Mr.Bear, I wouldn't taste good! Hey wait a second-

Alcremie: Hey! I know I'm a dessert Pokemon but I'm not any more deserving of being eaten because of that!

Grookey: (running) Ahhh! What do we do? What do we do?

Scorbunny: Ah, we are only gonna win this if we play to our strengths so... Grookey, it's prank time!!

Grookey: Huh?

Scorbunny: You heard me, prank that bear!

Grookey: Hehehe you got it! (Grookey climbs on the bear and then jumps in front of him) Can't hit me! Can't hit me! (The bear swipes at Grookey and he nimbly dodges and whips out a finger-trap and put it on the bear. The bear becomes distracted by it and starts freaking out trying to move its hand and Grookey grabs the collar off it)

Scorbunny: Alright! Way to go Grookey!

(Outside the cave)

Raichu: And round three's winners are the Zany Zacians!

Igglybuff: Wow great job you two! That was a really smart play!

Grookey: Hehe thanks, well Scorbunny thanks for believing in my gimmicks.

Alcremie: Sorry team, we let you down.

Makuhita: It's okay, but we just HAVE to win the next or else one of us will be flying home tonight.

Taillow: (angry) WOW THERE YOU GO AGAIN! Flying home? Your just being deliberately rude now!

Makuhita: (eyes widen) HUH? DID I DO SOMETHING TO YOU?


Raichu: Round four, let's all give it up for round four! (Blows a party blower)

Scizor: You are having way too much fun with this, it's embarrassing really.

Raichu: So our fourth challenge will be a blindfold trust walk! (Everyone looks confused) We've done this on the show before, you'll understand. One person must walk blindfold through the field that is covered in hazards. Their only means of getting through safely? Their partner guiding them through it!

Pichu: Our first pairing is... oooh Cubchoo and Sobble. Hey, where's Sobble?

Toxtricity: Huh? Where'd that little dudette go? (She appears behind him) Ah there you are.

Sobble: Eep- no I beg of you please don't torture me here.

Cubchoo: Do you want me to give the directions? That way you don't have to talk as much?

Sobble: And risk you forcing me to walk into a trap and humiliate me! N-no way! But I mean talking loudly is scary too...

Cubchoo: Sobble I wouldn't try anything mean like that- (she disappears) and she's gone... Guess I'll just do the directions then.

Pichuette: We also have our two dog Pokémon, Fidough and Yamper!


Fidough: Oh alright, do you wanna walk and I'll give directions?

Yamper: (salutes) Of course! I will follow your every direction perfectly I swear it! (Fidough raises her eyebrow)

Raichu: Alrighty everyone get to your positions (They all get ready)

Taillow: Alright go Fidoigh and Yamper! You can do it!

Scorbunny: Try to keep cool Sobble and Cubchoo. No pressure, just do your best! (Raichu blows an airhorn and they start)

Cubchoo: We'll take it slow, start moving forward a little bit. (Sobble doesn't move) Sobble?

(In confessional)
Sobble: Okay I feel really bad but I'm just so terrified. (Starts tearing up) Cubchoo seems nice but what if he's just trying to get me to lower my guard so he can make a fool of me. AHHH!

Cubchoo: Please Sobble just trust me.

Sobble: O-ok-kay... (she steps forward a bit and smiles) Hey! Nothing bad happened! Yippee I'm alive!

Liepard: (faceplams) What the hell is she doing? She's taking forever!

Fidough: Okay Yamper keep that up... okay now stop! Stop now! (He stops) Good.

Yamper: Ruff! Okay what next?

Fidough: Take three paces to the right and then five paces forward!

Yamper: Okay! (Starts running faster than expected)

Fidough: Huh? Oh no! Yamper slow down! You are going too fast!

Yamper: Huh? (Runs into a mud pit) Ahh!

Fidough: Don't worry it's just mud-

Yamper: Don't worry Fidough, I can still do it! Watch me! Okay it was to the left and then to the right!

Fidough: What? No Yamper stop your gonna- (he runs into a pitfall and Fidough winces)

Raichu: (laughing) Hilarious! Yamper seems to be stalled and Cubchoo and Sobble are nearing the finish!

Cubchoo: Keep it going Sobble! Walk to the right now! (She does so)


Sobble: AHHH! DONT YELL AT MEEEE! (Disappears)

Cubchoo: Sobble? Sobble where'd you gooo-ACHO! Ugh, I can't give you directions if I can't see you!

Sobble: (runs into a cactus) OWWW!!!

Fidough: Okay now just try to make your way up and- (Yamper climbs out of the pit trap) Okay good but I think we might be too far behind.

Yamper: NO WAY! I WONT GIVE UP! Hey Fidough, am I facing the finish?

Fidough: Yeah. Why?

Yamper: TIME TO WIN! AGHHH!!! (Charges forward through various obstacles just running through them and eventually crosses the finish line)

Fidough: (surprised) What? Oh my gosh he won? He won! Way to go Yamper!

Raichu: And that's a second point for the Miraculous Miraidons! It's all coming down to a final fifth event how exciting!

Cubchoo: Darn it, we were so close.

(In confessional)
Cubchoo: What's up with Sobble? I feel bad for her but its so frustrating that she just seems to assume the worst in everybody! I wish she could learn to be more trusting.

Raichu: For our final challenge, we will be headed to the campgrounds, I think our interns should be done working their magic.

(At the campgrounds by a miniature obstacle course)

Cyndaquil: Oh Raichu, you're back already!

Mudkip: Sorry we didn't get it finished in time... Psyduck kinda...

Psyduck: What? I was only trying to help. I thought the nails were evil bugs trying to destroy the stuff.

Raichu: No you did more than enough. We didn't need it all done today anyways. We have enough parts for today.

Riolu: For today? I'm assuming we will be seeing this obstacle course again in our future?

Raichu: Maybe... maybe not...

Pichu: Well we only have two slips left. it's Igglybuff and Jigglypuff! Yay sibling power!

Pichuette: And Taillow and Makuhita!

Taillow: WHAT?

(In confessional)
Taillow: Ugh! Seriously? Anybody but Makuhita you guys have got to be kidding me!

(In confessional)
Jigglypuff: I'm so thankful I'm partnered with my little sis here, she's great at doing the hard work for me. (Pauses) Oops, did that sound mean? I didn't mean to sound rude there.

Raichu: Now then, we've only got two obstacles, the rolling pins and the wrecking ball run... so first to make it through both of those obstacles wins! Oh, and here's the catch. (Handcuffs the two pairs together) Now have fun!

Makuhita: Seriously? Handcuffs?

Taillow: Ugh, I can't fly fast with my wing tied up like this!

Makuhita: Look Taillow we can do this, let's just start over and work together okay? (He nods)

Igglybuff: We can do this big sis! You can call the shots as always.

Jigglypuff: Oh, if your sure. (Raichu sounds an airhorn and they race off)

Pichu: Go go goooo!!

Pichuette: Remember, whichever team loses this faces elimination! (Raichu proudly pats them on the head).

(At the rolling pins both teams start on the first slowly rotating pin)

Jigglypuff: That's it Iggly, keep it steady.

Igglybuff: (nods) I'll keep up. You hop to the next log first and I'll follow? (She does so but since her log is now going faster they get out of sync and fall into the mud below) Ah! Darn it!

Jigglypuff: NOOO! Iggly how could you let this happen, that was a bad plan! Now my music industry rivals are gonna dig this bad photo of me up for YEARS to come.

Taillow: Woah, this is kinda tricky. We don't want to end up like that.

Makuhita: I've got an idea. (Rolls Taillow onto his back and starts jumping)

Taillow: Ah! What are you doing?

Makuhita: Don't worry, I got this! (Jumps) Ha! Ha! (Finishes) Oh yeah! First obstacle done with.

Igglybuff: We need to hurry and catch up with them!

Jigglypuff: Well duh. Now then, let's jump at the same time to avoiding falling. (They start jumping across)

(At the wrecking ball obstacle)

Makuhita: Alright we should just make a run for it, we can do it!

Taillow: Hey okay, can you let me lead the way? It's my time to shine now!

Makuhita: Um...

(In confessional)
Makuhita: It's not that I don't trust Taillow but I'm a real big boy. I'm rather heavy and I doubt Taillow would be able to pull me along. My sumo training also allows me to lift him rather easily. (Sighs) I just don't want to lose the challenge.

Makuhita: Look Taillow maybe it would be best if we did it together-

Taillow: Ugh! I knew it! You can't start over, you just keep assuming I'm a frail little bird? I'll show you! (They start running as Jigglypuff and Igglybuff arrive)

Igglybuff: Okay we've got several wrecking balls to deal with here.

Jigglypuff: Hmm, they seem to be all synced up.

Igglybuff: Yeah! We can so use that! Let's hum a little tune we can move in rhythm too!

Raichu: (to the camera) Taillow and Makuhita barely have the lead but will Igglybuff and Jigglypuff be able to overtake them? It all comes down to this!

Makuhita: Woah, Taillow clam down. Woah- look out!

Taillow: I'm not trusting you- (Taillow gets smacked by a ball and gets sent off the course but Makuhita holds on and Taillow dangles off the edge of the course) Ahhh!

Makuhita: Hang on Taillow.

Taillow: Ugh don't act like your saving me! You slowed me down with your heaviness!

Makuhita: (eye twitches) OKAY THATS IT! (Throws himself off the course and body slams Taillow) BOOM! How'd you like that?

Jigglypuff: (singing) One two three four! One two three four! (She and Igglybuff twirl past the last wrecking ball) Woo hoo!

Igglybuff: Yay we won!

Jigglypuff: (hugs Igglybuff) I'm so proud of you Iggly! We did it! We really make a dream sister team!

(Back at the front of the obstacle course)

Pichuette: Yayyyy Jigglypuff! You slayed that!

Pichu: Slayed? Bleh- stop using those words. But aw man it's over now.

Raichu: Yes it is, and the Zany Zacians have won the spa hotel! (Their team cheers) Now then you need to decide who gets our wondrous butler Furfrou!

Jigglypuff: Oh please please please let me have it! I deserve it and I can't live without a butler!

Liepard: What? No way you costed us in that fourth challenge even if you weren't in it.

Jigglypuff: Humph. Fine... I suppose you are right.

Grookey: I think Scorbunny should get it! He's been a good leader.

Spheal: Yeah, and if we woulda listened to him yesterday we would have been more acquainted and done even better today.

Scorbunny: What really? Me? Thanks guys. (Blushes and scratches his head)

Scizor: Ugh I can't believe we lost there! Truly a pathetic display...

Taillow: Ugh, Makuhita you blew it! You crushed me with your fat body you jerk!

Makuhita: Grr you had it coming! You've been rude to me all day for no reason! Stop projecting your own insecurity onto other people!

Taillow: Excuse me? You are the one being insensitive!

Fidough: Guys enough! Seriously? Both of you need to stop fighting! This is why we lost!

Trevenant: Well that and other reasons obviously.

Raichu: Alrighty Miraidon's settle down. Get your butts over to the campfire, it's time to vote! Time to see which camper will be the first to take the hurl of shame this season.

(In voting booth)
Alcremie: I really don't know who to vote for... I know I didn't do all that well today but you know what at least I'm playing nice! (Votes)

(In voting booth)
Fuecoco: AAHAHAHA WEEEE! (Starts drawing all over his face with the pen) Yay I'm Jigglypuff!

Quaxly: Oh my gosh, Fuecoco did you try and eat the pen?

Fuecoco: No, I'm not stupid.

Raichu: Alright, you've all casted your votes. It's time for the acclaimed pokepuff ceremony. If you do not receive a pokepuff you are eliminated and are out of the contest. You lose your chance at a million dollars and have to take the dreaded catapult of shame. Now then, the first pokepuffs go to those that won their challenges, Scizor, Fuecoco, Yamper and Fidough! (Throws them pokepuffs)

Yamper: YEAH!

Fidough: Oh wow, these are actually perfectly made! I'm impressed!

Raichu: Also safe are Sprigatito, Trevenant and Alcremie! (Throws them pokepuffs) Now that leaves us with Taillow, Makuhita and Quaxly. Taillow you got overly offended at Makuhita and gave him lots of grief today, and Makuhita you could've saved the day at the end but ended up falling on Taillow and costing your team the win. And then there's Quaxly who blew it big at the beginning by letting Liepard steal his buffs and OHKO him... but that was the lesser of two issues here so you are safe!

Quaxly: Yes!

Raichu: And the final pokepuff goes to...

(Makuhita and Taillow both look angry and nervous)

Raichu: Makuhita! (Throws him his pokepuff)

Makuhita: Yes! Justice has been served!

Taillow: WHAT!?!? You guys booted me over the big fat bully? What's wrong with you all?

Fidough: Taillow what's wrong with you? You literally got angry over nothing and were being rude all day!

Taillow: But you should have heard the comments he made!

Yamper: Sorry guy, but you really took offense to something that wasn't even a dig.

Makuhita: Yeah! Exactly!

Taillow: Ugh. Fine I don't care. This show is clearly birdphobic!

Raichu: (rolls eyes) Yeah yeah sure it is... (Taillow gets in the catapult) This is where I'd ask for any last words, but frankly if you had any I don't want to even hear them. (Fires the catapult)

Taillow: AGHHHHH!!!

Raichu: There we have it! Our first elimination! What will be in store for our campers next time? Will Scorbunny keep leading his team to victory or can these losers here turn into tomorrow's winners? Find out next time on Total Drama Pokemon The Next Generation!

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