Same Places, New Faces

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Raichu: (jumps down from up above) Hello there! (Fixes himself) Miss me? That's right, it's me Raichu, and I think we've all been missing a little bit of drama in our lives. But don't worry, I'm here to fill that void because we will have plenty of drama to go around on this brand new season of Total Drama Pokemon!

(Theme song)

Raichu: We got a new cast of 20 Pokémon all hungry for that tasty million dollar prize. They will be put through challenges more extreme than ever before and have to put up with each other in this harsh environment. After all, nothing is harsher than Koffing's cooking!

Koffing: (comes out) Hey! I slave and I slave making food for this joint! I PUT UP WITH THIS CONSTANT ABUSE NO ONE ELSE WOULD ENDURE, SO PAY ME MORE!!!

Raichu: Eesh- come on Koffing you know I love ya but it's the producers that decide the payroll... (Koffing leaves) Anywho, that was Koffing you all know him. Also staying with me on the island are my adorable niece and nephew, Pichu and Pichuette! (They both run out) Say hi kiddos!

Pichu: (jumping up and down) HIIIIII!

Pichuette: (waves) Hello! Get excited for a super fun season! Hehe!

Raichu: Alright you two, back to my quarters. Go stuff your faces with more candy! (They run off) Now then, before we get started with introducing the contestants, we have got something special this season. I'm happy to announce we have assembled an elite team of interns! How did we manage that? Well because it's in their contracts of course!

Psyduck: Buenos Nachos!

Raichu: (slaps himself) Psyduck that wasn't your cue ugh. Whatever everyone come on out!

Togedemaru: I can't believe we have to work for Raichu. This is awful.

Pachirisu: Oh come on, it could be worse. You could be stuck here without me. (Smirks and so does Togedmaru)

Psyduck: Yay! Good old Psyduck and Togede-bla-blu are back together and get to intern away!

Raichu: That's right, we've got Togedemaru and Pachirisu here! We've also got season one veterans, Cyndaquil, Mudkip and everybody's favorite, Snivy!

Snivy: This is such bullshit Raichu! I'm not putting up with you for no chance at a million!

Raichu: Oh come on Snivy, I thought you'd enjoy torturing competitors the most!

Snivy: Hmm fair point... Also Chespin isn't here, so fine we can make this work.

Mudkip: I heard Chespin and Chikorita were taking a relaxing vacation after working so hard in the Rhydonculous Race.

Cyndaquil: Ohh that makes sense. (to Raichu) Hey so are we getting paid for this then or-

Raichu: AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! (Wipes away tears)

Cyndaquil: Um... okay then...

Raichu: Okay interns, time to skedaddle! We've got a new cast to welcome! You can go help Koffing prepare the welcome banquet.

Mudkip: Hey don't forget to say the genders-

Raichu: I know I know sheesh! (The interns head off) Yes, most Pokemon look the same despite gender so I'll be saying who is a girl and who's a boy to make things clear. Good? Good. (A fog horn sounds) Awesome right on time! Here comes our first boat straight from Galar! (The boat arrives and the three Galar starters get off) Welcome to TDP Island Scorbunny, Sobble, and Grookey! Grookey and Scorbunny are boys and Sobble is a girl.

Scorbunny: Hey what's up Raichu! Awesome to meet you man! (Gives him a fist bump) Wow pretty empty here huh?

Raichu: Don't worry, it'll fill up. (Gets tapped on the shoulder and then turns but no one is there) What the-

Grookey: Hehehe, gotcha! Wow oldsters are really easy to prank!

Raichu: Messing with the host and calling him old? Do you want to be the first one sent home?

Grookey: Tee-hee, (slightly embarrassed) Sorry.

Raichu: And uh, (turns to Sobble who is just standing there silent) Care to say anything?

Sobble: Ah-um... No thank you. (Just scurries away)

Raichu: Alright then, next boat incoming! And it's the starters from the newest region, Paldea. Welcome Sprigatito, who is a girl, and Quaxly and Fuecoco, who are boys!

Sprigatito: Wow! I can't believe I actually get to be on the show! This is so cool!

Quaxly: Yeah you probably won't be saying that once the torture begins. You gotta come here to win, not come here to have fun.

Sprigatito: Hey, who says you can't do both?

Quaxly: Heh, fair enough. (Turns to Fuecoco) Are you still eating that same apple?

Fuecoco: (munching on an apple) Om-Nom-Nom. Apple good. Me like apple.

Raichu: Whelp, looks like we found our new Psyduck for the season. You can stand by the Galar trio.

Scorbunny: Heyo!

Grookey: Well that completes the starters I guess. They do seem to be the staple competitors Raichu goes for.

Sprigatito: Ah right cuz season one was just all the starters.

Raichu: Um hello? Can we keep it quiet and let the host do his job? Thank you. Our next boat has arrived. Let's see here, we have Liepard, Makuhita and Cubchoo! Liepard is a girl, the others are boys.

Liepard: (smirks) Hope you guys don't get too comfortable, because I'm gonna be the last one standing!

Makuhita: Oh yeah? You'll have to get by me first! And I'm a boxing and sumo expert, good luck getting me to move!

Cubchoo: Ahh-chooo! (Sneezes and startles Makuhita)

Makuhita: AHHH! (Scurries out of the way) Hey!

Cubchoo: Sorry, my allergies are really really bad. (Wipes his nose and sniffles a bit)

Liepard: Ha! (Sarcastic) Yeah totally unmovable.

Raichu: Looks like we got another boat with all from Galar! Welcome Toxtricity, Yamper, and Alcremie! Alcremie is a girl, the other two are boys.

Toxtricity: AWW YEAH! (emerges from the boat playing an electric guitar) Is everybody ready to rock!?

Alcremie: Gah my ears! I'm sorry but that was the loudest twenty minutes of my life, how can anyone find that enjoyable-

Yamper: YEAHHHH THAT WAS EPIC! (Enthusiastically barks)

Alcremie: Fair enough. (Walks across the dock) Sometimes I forget not everyone is introverted like me...

Toxtricity: Don't worry everyone I'll play another set tonight. (Does a final strum)

Raichu: Yeah... no. That's gonna get annoying fast. (Toxtricity rolls his eyes) Anywho, we are twelve down, eight more to go. Next up we have Trevenant, Riolu, and Taillow! All of them are boys.

Trevenant: Ah finally here. (Looks around) Yikes, this place is as bad as they say.

Raichu: Thank you!

Trevenant: Sorry just I'm an environmental science major. I could go on and on about the hazards but I'll spare you.

Riolu: Sadly I think this place is too far gone to ever be saved. (Shakes Raichu's hand) Hi there, I look forward to beating the challenges you throw our way.

Taillow: Wow, someone sure seems confident.

Riolu: Some call it confidence, some call it arrogance, I call it simply staying level headed.

Taillow: Well I for one am ready to give this game my all. I'm pretty much the show's first bird contestant, and I gotta represent us normal birds and do them proud!

Raichu: I mean we did have Rowlet but she wasn't a regional bird so... fair enough. Head that way to the campgrounds, keep it moving! (Shoos them along). Now then, next up we have Fidoigh, she's a baker extraordinaire! We also have Scizor, he's an official fighter in the great Pokken Tournament. And last but not least on this boat we have Spheal, he's um, a Spheal!

Spheal: Wow, thanks for that introduction...

Fidough: Yeah you didn't have to do him like that Raichu.

Raichu: I'm sorry but I'm looking at his file and it's all rather boring.

Spheal: Hey! I'm a big fan of this show, you're welcome for that, and I was even in season one!

Raichu: Wait what? For real? Oh that's right.

Spheal: Yeah, Chespin crashed into my family's igloo! We helped him out a bit in his race for the finale.

Scizor: Alright I'm sorry but that's enough of that babbling, we came here to compete not fraternize. The less you get to know your foe on a friendly personal level the harder you can crush them. (Clenches his claw) Just stick to the objective facts on them.

Raichu: Okay that's twelve, fifteen, eighteen, perfect! That's all the boats!

Fidough: Wait but I thought it was supposed to be a bakers dozen plus seven!

Trevenant: Um... what?

Fidough: (sighs) Twenty. I thought there was supposed to be twenty contestants.

Raichu: Right you are Fidough, but that's because the last two aren't coming on a boat, they are coming on a yacht! And here it comes now!

Liepard: Are you serious? Why do they get a luxury yacht!? Ridiculous!

Quaxly: Pfft, man if you get upset at THIS you won't last long here.

Yamper: Yeah, this show is pretty much known for its bullshit-ery.

Raichu: Everyone put your hands together for world famous singer and pop star sensation, Jigglypuff!

Everyone: WHAT!?

Jigglypuff: Hellooo everyone! (Walks off the yacht with a hat on and holding a drink) Happy to be here!

Sprigatito: (excited) WOWWW!!! You're really her? I can't believe it! I love you and your music so much Jigglypuff!

Taillow: Yeah I'm a huge fan as well!

Jigglypuff: Aww, stop it, you guys are so sweet! Just treat me like you would any normal Pokémon. (Igglybuff emerges from the yacht pulling a load of suitcases) Oh there you are Iggly.

Raichu: And that there is contestant twenty, Jigglypuff's little sister Igglybuff!

Igglybuff: Phew these suitcases are heavy. (Wipes her forehead) Oh hi everyone!

Raichu: Now then back to Jigglypuff, would you do us all a favor and sing your iconic song for us? (Everyone looks excited)

Jigglypuff: (smiles) Wha- no, no you don't want that do you?

Igglybuff: Pleaseeee sis! Your voice is soooo good! We all love when you sing.

Jigglypuff: Alright then, (pulls out a microphone) Everyone get ready to be amazed!

Toxtricity: Oh come on, how come she gets to play her music?

Jigglypuff: (singing) JIGG-ALY-PUFF!! JIGGALLYYYYYY-PUFF!!! (Everyone has fallen asleep except Igglybuff) HMPF, well what did they think would happen?

Igglybuff: (shrugs) I think they are probably honored to have witnessed your iconic song! Well, I'm sure they heard the first part of it anyway...

Jigglypuff: Hmpf. Well they can get the classic combo then! (Takes out a sharpie pen and starts drawing on everybody's faces, jumping from person to person)

Igglybuff: Ah- Sis what are you doing?

Jigglypuff: Exactly what they wanted! Now, use hyper voice with me Iggly. (They both use Hyper Voice to wake everyone up) WAKE UP!!!!

Sobble: Ahh! What happened!?

Alcremie: We fell asleep.

Raichu: Ah right, well that was to be expected. (Looks at the contestants and laughs) Wow you guys sure got quite the mess on your face!

Riolu: Well she got you too Raichu...

Raichu: WHAT!? (Pulls out a mirror) Ugh! My beautiful face tainted with a monocle and mustache of ink!

Jigglypuff: Heh, well you wanted THAT song, so you got what you ordered!

Raichu: I was fine with a nap, I was however not fine with vandalism on my face.

Sprigatito: Wow! I'm low key honored to have been marked up by such an iconic Pokémon! This kind of thing is even better than an autograph, I just wish it could last forever- (gets sprayed with water alongside everyone else) Owww hey!

Raichu: (holding a hose) Sorry, but not really. There now everyone is all cleaned up. Jigglypuff, you and your sister head over to drop off your bags and then we'll all meet inside the mess hall for more details on the competish.

(Inside the mess hall)

Raichu: Alright, let's get down to brass tacks. You all know the basic rules of this competition, I'm sure that much. One person will be eliminated every episode and in the end the competitor remaining wins one million dollarinos! As for important locations, you've seen the docks, passed by the elimination bonfire, what else... ah right the cabins. After a LONG time spent rebuilding, our spa hotel is back and running! The winning team gets rewarded with a night there, while the losing team... yeah you get the suckiest cabin imaginable.

Jigglypuff: What!? Even me Raichu!?

Raichu: Yes even you, no special treatment for the famous. (Jigglypuff frowns) And so here is the mess hall where you will eat whatever concoction Koffing conjures up for you.

Scorbunny: Ugh, gross food is the worst!

Fidough: (sniffs) Hang on...  why do I smell food that actually smells good?

Raichu: Oh right, well that's because today I've decided to be extra nice and provide an extra special deluxe welcome breakfast!!! Bring it on out interns! (They wheel out a table with trays of food)

Snivy: Well here it is Raichu.

Mudkip: We present to you a pancake and bacon breakfast! Enjoy!

Cyndaquil: I think everything actually turned out good since Koffing was out of the way.

Spheal: WOW! It's Cyndaquil, and Mudkip, and Snivy, and- just WOW!!!

Makuhita: Uh, you good?

Spheal: Yeah I'm good. (Blushes) Sorry I'm just a bit of a super fan. Hey where's Chespin tho? Aww it would've been nice to see him again...

Raichu: Alrighty everyone go up and grab a plate of pancakes and have a seat but don't eat just yet! (Raichu eagerly watches as the contestants all grab plates)

Quaxly: Uh oh, he's staring at us, this can't be good.

Scizor: (nods) It most certainly cannot.

Raichu: Okay Koffing come on out! (Koffing brings out a plate identical to the one everybody picked up) Whatcha got there?

Koffing: I'm glad you asked Raichu! It's my newly concocted imposter pancakes made from paste and sludge!

Fidough: Woah! Those look just like real pancakes! Impressive.

Liepard: No, not impressive. Why are you showing us this?

Raichu: Well the thing is, Cyndaquil and the rest of the interns may have succeeded in making twenty plates of breakfast, but only ten plates were actually on the table!

Cyndaquil: What? Raichu why did we even bother with making all them then?

Yamper: So wait... that means...

Riolu: Half of the pancakes are actually disgusting imposters!

Fuecoco: Wait what?

Raichu: (laughing) Yup! That's right! And this is how we are deciding the teams for the season. This season, we will keep it simple and only have two teams. By selecting plates you unknowingly were choosing what team you were on. Now then, everyone MUST finish their plate or they will be eliminated. NOW GO!!!

(At the first table)

Fuecoco: Om-nom-nom. (Eating his pancakes) Pancake good! It go in my belly!

Quaxly: Um, Fuecoco that looks slightly purple... you sure that's not poisonous?

Fuecoco: Not sure but it's still good! (Finishes eating it and then eats the plate too). Yummy!

Koffing: (comes over) Yup that is most certainly my creation... does this guy not have any tastebuds? Er- I mean thank you finally someone that appreciates my culinary expertise!

Quaxly: Well worst come to worst maybe it's not that bad. (Takes a bite and his face turns purple) Ack- nope this is bad. BLEH!

Spheal: Yikes! Looks like Fuecoco and Quaxly both got the Koffing ones. Shall we try? (Turns to Taillow and Toxtricity)

Toxtricity: Um, after you.

Spheal: Fine. (Takes a bite) Mmm! Yes mine are good! (Toxtricity eats his and they are good but Taillow's arent)

Taillow: EWWW! GROSS!!!

Toxtricity: Ouch. RIP little bird dude.

(At another table)

Makuhita: Ladies first?

Liepard: (sarcastically) Ugh, how kind of you. Whatever let's just get this over with.

Trevenant: Hoping for the best for you, and for all us for that matter.

Scorbunny: Yeah I need it, I have a pretty weak stomach.

Liepard: (takes a bite) Yes! Delicious!

Makuhita: Here we go (takes a bite and winces) Yup mine are the bad batch alright. Good thing I have a very strong stomach. (Trevenant takes a bite of his and spits it out)

Grookey: Please don't be ugly please don't be ugly. (He and Scorbunny both eat theirs and they are good) Oh my goddd! Yes!

(At another table)

Yamper: (eating his) Eww this is so bad! But I have to eat it all so (wolfs the rest of his down) There done! (Turns to see Fidough tap him on the shoulder)

Fidough: Hey could I use the salt and pepper you have there? Mine are bad too and that might help you know? (Yamper just stares back intensely) Um, you okay? (Waits for a moment but then just takes the salt and pepper and sits back down as Yamper's eyes turn to hearts)

Alcremie: (gagging) Help. Somebody.

Riolu: Hang on! (Rushes over and successfully gives her the Heimlich maneuver) You okay?

Alcremie: Yeah I am now, thanks. The texture of this is so awful. Did you manage to eat yours?

Riolu: Yeah mine were good.

Scizor: (finishes his) Mine weren't but I still quickly finished. It's just gross food, not that big of a deal.

(At another table)

Cubchoo: AHH-CHOOO!

Sobble: Bless you.

Cubchoo: Huh? Who said that? (Sobble emerges from under the table) Oh whatcha doing under there?

Sobble: J-just e-eating. Mine are good.

Cubchoo: (takes a bite of his) Awesome! Mine are too!

Jigglypuff: I can't risk it! I should NOT be required to eat gross food like this. Remind me again why we signed up for this?

Igglybuff: You thought it would be good publicity. Come on you can do it!

Sprigatito: Yeah Jigglypuff you can do it! Come on, everybody on three. One... two... three. (They all eat their pancakes and only Sprigatito's is bad) Uh oh... BLEHH (vomits on Jigglypuff and then looks mortified) OH CRAP!

Jigglypuff: AHH EWWWW!!! SOMEBODY CLEAN ME UP! (Sobble uses water gun and then quickly scurries away) Thank you.

Sprigatito: I'm so so SOOO sorry Jig-

Jigglypuff: (looks like she's about to get super angry but takes a deep breath) It's okay. Accidents happen don't they? And you seem to be the biggest fan of me here so I can give you a do over. (Fiercely) Just NEVER let it happen again!

Igglybuff: Yeah, please don't.

(Some time passes and everyone finishes eating; the Pokémon stand in opposite sides on the room based on who got the good food and who got the bad)

Raichu: Alright that was an awesome showing everyone! Special shoutouts to Sprigatito for starting some drama tho (She looks embarrassed) So let's recap, those with the proper pancakes... that's Spheal, Toxtricity, Grookey, Scorbunny, Liepard, Riolu, Cubchoo, Sobble, Jigglypuff and Igglybuff, I now pronounce your team as the Zany Zacians!

Scorbunny: Ayy awesome!

Liepard: (rolls eyes) Please, Zacian is so overrated.

Spheal: Not to mention overpowered.

Raichu: Put a sock in it. Now then the rest of you, those with the gross pancakes, that's Quaxly, Fuecoco, Taillow, Makuhita, Trevenant, Scizor, Alcremie, Fidough, Yamper, and Sprigatito. You will be called the Miraculous Miraidons!


Quaxly: All us Paldea Pokemon ended up on the Paldea legendary team? That's suspicious...

Raichu: Suspicious but purely coincidental I assure you. Now then, oh I almost forgot! Outside you will find our outhouse confessional! Please feel free to use it whenever you like.

(In confessional)
Spheal: Wow! The confessional! So cool! Hi Sealeo! Hi mom! Hi dad! Hi cousin Dewgong! Hi- (gets cut off)

(In confessional)
Quaxly: Yeah... so far this sucks. But that's to be expected.

(In confessional)
Fidough: So far I'd say I'm feeling rather optimistic. I'm hoping my baking skills will be able to prove an asset to my team, just hope somehow they come into play with the challenges.

(In confessional)
Jigglypuff: I can't believe I'm stuck doing this show! I legit don't even remember signing up for this, but it's whatever I guess. Anyways, I'm lucky Sprigatito ended up on the other team. (Sighs) The stress of being a pop star... I definitely overreact and am prone to getting really angry at first but I try to bounce back as fast as I can.

(In confessional)
Sobble: (crying) I miss my home! Why did I ever agree to do this show? I'm all alone! (Continues crying)

(In confessional)
Riolu: I suppose here would be an efficient place to vent. (Takes a deep breath) You see, like many Riolu and Lucario, I have the ability to read auras and even sense certain things! However... I'm still learning how to use my power. I'm hoping this show will help bring out my full potential!

(In confessional)
Sprigatito: Those pancakes were so vile! I'm still so horrified at what happened. Never meet your heroes I guess, but not because they might not be what you expect, but because YOU might do something stupid. (Facepalms)

Raichu: Alrighty then, as for the rest of today's agenda, get to know your team a little bit! The first official challenge will go down tomorrow. Goodnight everybody! Good luck all cramming into the singular cabin!

(By the Zany Zacians)

Scorbunny: Alright team, how about we get to know one another? Sounds good right? (Sobble disappears, Cubchoo flees and Liepard just walks away) Um?

Igglybuff: Sorry Scorbunny, we need to get proper rest, so we're just gonna turn in.

Toxtricity: Yeah we don't need a team meeting we aren't one big family. Peace out till tomorrow. (He walks into the cabins and Grookey follows)

Scorbunny: Well, Spheal and Riolu, I guess that means it's just us three.

Spheal: Aww man, everyone is being awfully sour... but don't worry I'm here for ya!

Riolu: Yeah same here, though I guess there really is no point in a group meeting now.

(In confessional)
Scorbunny: Well, I tried! They don't want to understand each other, so they can't blame me if personalities clash tomorrow!

(Elsewhere outside the cabins)

Fidough: Hey! Alcremie! You doing okay?

Alcremie: (startled) Huh, what? Oh, me? (Fidough nods) Yeah I'm fine... why?

Fidough: Just checking, you seem a little... no offense but kinda detached from everything. I just wanted to let you know if you need a gal to talk to I'm here for you.

Alcremie: Oh, um... thanks. (Takes a deep breath) I appreciate it, I'll be honest I'm not good at talking to others really, I'm a whole bundle of anxiety. I usually do stuff just by myself like read a book, bake cookies-

Fidough: Bake? (Smiles) Well of course you are an Alcremie after all, and I think we will end up being great friends! Baking is awesome! (They both smile and then head into the cabins)

(By the dock at nighttime; Liepard paces back and forth)

Liepard: Where is he? Ugh! (Suddenly Trevenant walks up) UG! What took you so long!

Trevenant: Ssshhhh! We don't want people to see or hear us! (Leans in and gives her a kiss)

Liepard: (smiles slightly) Hmpf, well I guess I should be in a happy mood. We ended up on opposite teams as we desired.

Trevenant: Yes now our plan can be put into action! We can reveal weaknesses on our own team to each other, and then use them to take those people down!

Liepard: And in the process we gain the trust of our team as being directly responsible for leading us to victory. This is such a genius plan I came up with.

Trevenant: Um, I came up with it.

Liepard: (rolls eyes) Yeah yeah, whatever.

Trevenant: Well we should head back now. I'll leave first. Goodnight.


Raichu: (to the camera) Ooooh who could have seen that coming!? Trevenant and Liepard are in a relationship? Well, who could have known other than me of course (laughs). How will things play out for them? Will Scorbunny be able to step up and lead his team or will the team run him? Will Fuecoco eat everything including the kitchen sink? Answers to these questions and many more will only be answered here, on Total Drama Pokemon!

***Thank you for reading this! A bit lengthy for an intro chapter but I plan to get started on the challenges ASAP! Comment any ideas you might have regarding challenges as Id love to incorporate your ideas! That's all for now, and once again, thanks so much and see you next chapter!

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