Triforce Takeover

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Raichu: Last time on Total Drama Pokemon, it was finally time for the big obstacle course show down! Things started rather smoothly for both teams, but I soon revealed some of the many tricks up my sleeves such as hailstorms, bees, and Koffing's pasta-blasta! The Zany Zacians had the lead for a while at first, but once it got down to the end their players were missing in action and the Miraculous Miraidons were able to pull ahead. Spheal bounced everywhere except for the finishing platform, and luckily for him, Quaxly was able to make it first and bring his team the win. In the end, it was poor poor Sobble, whose invisibility ability backfired, and spent all day crying, crying, and crying some more all the way home. The Zany Zacians are still on a losing streak, can they turn it around? Find out right now on Total Drama Pokemon The Next Generation!

(Theme song; in the spa hotel)

Fidough: (wakes up and yawns) Oh, good morning.

Sprigatito: Morning! And looking much better today Fidough, that's a relief.

Fidough: Pardon?

Sprigatito: The bee stings, remember?

Fidough: Oh right... phew glad that's over with. Hey wanna grab breakfast? (Sprigatito nods and they head to the dining area but are blocked off by Furfrou)

Furfou: I'm sorry but only Fidough is allowed to enter.

Sprigatito: (rolls eyes) Ugh. Yamper.

Fidough: He's always doing his Yamper thing isn't he? (Laughs a little) Here, I'll grab some food and bring it back out to you. (Fidough enters and Furfour immediately follows her in and puts a napkin around her neck, dims the lights, lights a candle, and leaves) Huh? What the heck?


Fidough: (startled) What? Oh my goodness Yamper, what the heck is all this?

Yamper: It's our first day anniversary of dating! I figured we could have our first official date for breakfast! (Motions to a huge tray of stuff). I got breakfast pastries like danishes and muffins especially for you.

Fidough: (sheepishly laughs) Oh, um, thanks Yamper... but you do realize we aren't da-

Yamper: HERE YOU GO ONE CHOCOLATE CHIP MUFFIN!!! (Shoves it in her mouth)

(In confessional)
Fidough: Oh Arceus... Yamper went from sweet to full on psychotic in the span of one morning. (Gulps). In retrospect it all has been a little creepy hasn't it?

Yamper: Oops sorry, I just wanted to make sure you didn't forget to eat. (Hears banging at the door) Come back later please! (Scizor knocks the door down) Ack! Scizor!

Scizor: You can't block the dining room Yamper that's insane. Now time for food. (Walks in followed by Fuecoco)

Fuecoco: Food yummy yum! Gonna put it in my tummy tum!

(Inside the cabins)

Riolu: Alright men, listen up, we are on a losing streak. (Pumps his fist) That ends today! You hear me? (Looks to see all the guys except for Scorbunny still groggy and faceplams)

Grookey: (unenthusiastically) Woo hoo.

Scorbunny: Come on guys, where's the effort?

Toxtricity: These crappy cabins over and over again... I'm aching everywhere these beds are the worst!

Riolu: Oh come on, they aren't that bad.

Spheal: Not to be that guy but Riolu you've started to just sleep while in meditating position. You really don't get to talk about the beds.

Toxtricity: Yeah man, just lay off us kay? We need to chill out if we wanna win, not stress out.

(Back in the spa hotel)

Sprigatito: Oh good morning Quaxly. How're you feeling?

Quaxly: Huh? What do you mean how am I feeling? Yeah I messed up yesterday but hey so did you. Have any troubles with slipping again?

Sprigatito: (gasps) Rudeee! Excuse me I was just trying to be nice. Look at you, you're still covered in bruises! (Walks off)

Quaxly: No wait- (sighs)

(In confessional)
Sprigatito: Okay I so don't get Quaxly. He wants to be friends and is super nice but then has to deflect anything that makes him feel embarrassed back at me? What's that about? It's like if you were to ask if he needed some help with homework, he'd likely respond no but you probably do. Ugh. Today just isn't my morning apparently.

(In confessional)
Quaxly: What? Okay obviously I'm embarrassed about yesterday and I didn't mean to sass her. Ugh. (Facepalms). Nice going Quaxly. (Sighs) I just don't want her to see me as some dork, I want to be impressive.

Alcremie: Finally time for some breakfast- (a loud noise sounds) Or maybe not...

Raichu: (over the speakers) Attention everybody! Drop whatever it is you are doing and meet me outside in two minutes!

(Outside the cabins)

Raichu: Great everyone has gathered here. Wait, actually we're missing one who is it...

Igglybuff: (runs up) Sorry I'm late. Was finishing choking down paste...

Raichu: Oh right Igglybuff, always forget about you. (Igglybuff's eye twitches) Now then, before we get started today I need two special volunteers. One from each team.

Quaxly: I nominate Sprigatito! She's really good at whatever you throw her way.

Sprigatito: Huh? Wait what am I even volunteering for-

Raichu: Excellent! Zacians, who are you picking?

Grookey: Is it for a reward? Or is it part of a challenge?

Spheal: It's Raichu, I give it about a five percent chance of it being something good.

Toxtricity: Alright we need someone expendable then. Alright, I nominate Spheal!

Spheal: What? Seriously?

Raichu: Perfect! Sprigatito and Spheal... YOU ARE SWAPPING TEAMS!

Everybody: WHAT!?!?

(In confessional)
Spheal: Woah what a shocker! Raichu's never swapped team like this before in either of the previous seasons.

(In confessional)
Quaxly: ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? I just sent Sprigatito to the other team! UGHH! (Facepalms repeatedly)

Fuecoco: Sprigatito no go... (frowns)

Sprigatito: It's okay Fuecoco, you still got Quaxly. (To her team) Well, guess we are enemies now.

Alcremie: Don't say that, we aren't that catty. (Gives her a hug)

Spheal: (to his team) Well guys, I'll miss you...

Riolu: Bye Spheal. Sorry but from here on out we'll be coming for you.

Grookey: Well not you specifically but your team. (Spheal walks off frowning)

Toxtricity: How smart am I? Got rid of our weakest link your welcome.

Riolu: Knock it off Toxtricity.

(In confessional)
Toxtricity: Riolu really gives off this holier than thou vibe and I'm so not fond of it. Like c'mon dude, it's normal to hate people. Show some emotion! That's what music is all about! (Plays a little on his guitar) YE-AH!

Raichu: Okay now then, everybody stay calm through this next part. For today's challenge, we will be utilizing some super special technology to head someplace else. I'm not gonna go into details because it'd be way too confusing.

Scorbunny: Well this can't be good.

Scizor: Don't tell me you're psyched out already? Come on, winning four times in a row won't be as satisfying that way.

Raichu: Enough chit chat. Everyone say hi to Kadabra. (Kadabra pops up)

Everyone: Hi Kadab- (everyone gets teleported away)

(The screen fades to black and windy noise is heard. The point of view switches to someone opening their eyes seeing nothing but blue sky and rocks)

Scorbunny: Hmm-hm? Huh? What going on?

(The camera goes back to normal and the contestant are all falling from the sky)


Fidough: (opens eyes) Hmm? Oh good- WAHHH!! OH MY GOSH! (Everyone else wakes up and begins screaming)

Riolu: Everybody look out! Watch out for rocks! (Leans to the side and avoids hitting a rock. The other campers are shown doing the same). What do we do?

Quaxly: Hey wait a second, we've got parachutes on look! (Pulls open his) Yes!

Igglybuff: Eek I see the ground! Better hurry! (Everyone pulls their strings and is parachuting down)

Alcremie: Phew! Close one!

Grookey: Ah well this is much more relaxing... (suddenly a flying monster swoops in and hits Grookey and he falls) AGHHH!!

Toxtricity: LITTLE DUDE NOOO!!!! (Sprigatito catches him by the tail) Alright, nice job new girl thanks.

Grookey: Woah that was close. Thanks again!

Sprigatito: (rolls eyes) Yeah, yeah. (Eventually everyone parachutes down and then are in an area outside a base-like town)

Raichu: Why hello there travelers!

Riolu: Raichu! What happened to us? Where are we? Why were we falling from the sky?

Raichu: Wow Riolu, this has got even you unable to keep your cool. Nice. Anywho, welcome to Hyrule!

Scizor: Literally where?

Grookey: Wait the name sounds familiar to me. Wait... isn't that-

Alcremie: The fictional land from the Legend of Zelda series? (Raichu nods and her team looks at her). Wh-what? I play some video games.

Scizor: Quit clowning around and get serious Raichu, where are we?

Raichu: I am serious! I swear! After scientists were able to make a discovery, semi-recently they have found a way to be transported to fictional worlds.

Spheal: Oh yeah that's right! They did it on the Rhydonculous Race.

Raichu: Speaking of which. I needed some experts to help design todays challenge so here they are! (Legend of Zelda music starts playing and out come two Pokémon holding swords and dressed up) Welcome gaming experts Meowstic and Shinx!!!

Shinx: (swinging a sword around) Woo hoo! Yeah!

Meowstic: Welcome to the wondrous world of Legend of Zelda, the world of the new Tears of the Kindom game to be precise.

Quaxly: (sarcastically) Pfft, nice costumes. (Motions to Meowstic wearing a blue BOTW shirt and Shinx in a green classic Link cap)

Shinx: Excuuuuuuse me princess!

Raichu: Alright, gamer nerds, stand by for your part. I'll need you when things get complicated. (Clears throat) There will be three challenges today, so it's a best of three wins. Each challenge will be themed after something super important to the Zelda franchise, the triforce!

Fuecoco: Um, what's a triforce?

Raichu: (shrugs) Heck if I know. Anyways, there are three parts to the triforce. Power, courage, and wisdom. So naturally those will be the themes for today's challenges. Now before we go any further, I need to inform you that there are weird monsters roaming around here, and I'm not sure any of you noticed, but you cannot use your Pokémon battling moves in this world. So please keep that in mind. Now that that's settled, take it away gamers!

Meowstic: (nods) The first challenge will be for the triforce of power! A hero needs to be strong enough to face any evil that comes their way.

Shinx: Your challenge is to head from here, to wayyyy over there. You will run into two zones of monsters. You must defeat the monsters and reach your destination. First team to do so wins!

Meowstic: Now then, you may all come and grab weapons from here when I say go... so... GO! (Everyone runs and grabs weapon and heads to their first arena)

Raichu: Wooo. This is gonna be a fun one, but a also a confusing one.

Meowstic: (laughs) Don't worry, we've got it all covered.

(At the Zany Zacians)

Riolu: Alright here's arena one, let's do this.

Igglybuff: (pretending) Ah, this is so scary! I don't want to get hurt.

Scorbunny: (comforts her) Hey don't worry, we got your back. (She her him a hug)

Igglybuff: Thank you.

(In confessional)
Scorbunny: Poor Igglybuff. She lost her sister and then lost her best friend here back to back. The fact she has the courage to keep going is definitely inspiring. She's so sweet and I know she's hurting, so I'm gonna help her make it through today.

Sprigatito: So um... where are the monsters?

Toxtricity: Over there! (Points to three lizard like creatures called "Lizalfos") Eww what the heck are those things?

Riolu: (senses) Gah! Everybody duck quick! (The lizalfos spit and everyone ducks except Grookey who gets hit)

Grookey: Owww... and ewww.... 

(At the Miraculous Miraidons)

Yamper: Okay I've got a sword, Fidough has a spear, what does everyone else have?

Fuecoco; Hammer! Hammer! (Swings around his hammer and hits Scizor in the gut)

Scizor: (falls to his knees but holds himself together) TCH- You... moron...

Fuecoco: Oops, sorry.

Alcremie: Guys look! Over there! (Three lizalfos  spawn) Everybody dodge! (Everyone scatters) Okay so the trick with these guys is-

Yamper: CHARGEEE!!! (Yamper charges forward, hits then enemies a few times and then gets hit back) Oof. Well how'd I do?

Fidough: Eeek! Take this you gross abomination! (Starts attacking but drops her spear) Ah help! (Yamper tries to get up and move but is attacked. Suddenly a shield blocks the attack and the lizalfos is slain) Huh?

Alcremie: Yes! Got it.

Fidough: Alcremie! Thank you so much!

Alcremie: Um, no problem. (Runs off)

(In confessional)
Alcremie: Well I had to help Fidough out, we're on the same team. I mean you don't have to be bffs with somebody to help them out you know?

Spheal: Take this! (Shoots one with an arrow and Quaxly finishes him off) Alright!

Scizor: Die! Die! Die! (Kills the third one) Excellent, that's three. Now come on! (The team runs off)

(At the Zany Zacians)

Scorbunny: Hi-ya! (Slashes down a lizalfos) Alright! That's how it's done! (Suddenly a gets hit by a tongue and sent flying backwards) Oww, dangit.

Toxtricity: Dudes thats the last one left!

Igglybuff: Hang on, I got this! (Steps up)

Riolu: Wait, what weapon did you bring?

Igglybuff: This pretty little thing. (Holds out an ice wand and waves, freezing the lizalfos and he shatters instantly)

Sprigatito: Woah! That was incredible! Nicely done!

Toxtricity: Oh yeah, that's all three. (Picks up Scorbunny) Now let's go! Yeah-eah!

(At the Miraculous Miraidons)

Quaxly: Sweet, we made it to arena two. Now what?

Fuecoco: (gulps) B-big. B-BIG MONSTER AGHHH!!! (Throws his hammer in air and it lands on Quaxly knocking him out) Ah oh no Quacky- I mean Quaxly!

Alcremie: Okay that's a, um shoot... what was it called? Whatever, it's basically a giant bokoblin. (The Hinox grabs a tree and swings it hitting everyone)

Fidough: Oww... okay this is so not fair.

Yamper: You okay? Don't worry I'll avenge you! Come on team! (He, Fuecoco and Scizor head forward and start attacking but all get thrown back)

Fuecoco: Owies for everyone...

Yamper: Yeah, maybe this challenge isn't fun after all... ouch.

(At the Zany Zacians)

Toxtricity: Aww yeah, second arena! (Throws his hands in the air and drops Scorbunny) Oops, sorry dude. (Helps him up)

Igglybuff: AGHH! Big giant monster!

Scorbunny: No problem, we can trick this big guy like we did with those bears first challenge. Grookey, hit 'em with your finger trap.

Grookey: (laughs) Oh yeah, this is gonna be epic- Waitttt... yup, I don't have any of my things since we are in some virtual world. Aw poop. (Gets hit)

Riolu: (dodging attacks) Hmm, I'm willing to bet we need to hit his eye.

Igglybuff: I'm on it! (Swings her wand and it breaks) Aw no!

Grookey: Don't worry I got this! (Fires an arrow right into the eye and stuns the Hinox) Everyone attack! Go! (They all attack and managing to defeat the Hinox) Woo hoo!

Scorbunny: There! Hurry to Raichu! (The team runs out and makes it to Raichu)

Raichu: Well done! Zany Zacians you have won the triforce of power challenge! Now I let's wait for the others to arrive.

(A few minutes later the Miraidons arrive)

Quaxly: Owww, tell me again what happened?

Yamper: We got our butts kicked by that giant bokolin thing.

Shinx: Um it's called a Hinox actually.

Meowstic: Okay, time for the next challenge! We have to teleport to another location for it but don't worry, you won't be falling from the sky again. (Everyone gets teleported)

(Outside of a forest)

Meowstic: Welcome to the Lost Woods!

Shinx: Sha-lah-kah! You must navigate through these foggy woods to reach Korok forest in the center. You must have courage to go through the thick fog and prevail in this challenge. First entire team to reach the Korok Forest wins the challenge!

Raichu: Excellent! Now, any questions. (Several hands go up) Good! Now gooo! (The Zacians run into the forest)

Fidough: Hang on, we should try to formulate a plan here. Give ourselves a recipe for success.

Yamper: Yeah it's really really important we all stick together for this one you know?

Scizor: (picks up Fuecoco) I'm carrying you so you don't get lost. Okay?

Fuecoco: (nods) Weee! Yay! Piggy back rides! Mush Scizor! (Scizor rolls his eyes)

Fidough: Okay great, let's head this way. (They run off into the forest)

Raichu: Alright, time to release the bats, which are called Keese right? (The Gamers nod) Yes, got it right. Okay! (Clicks a button and Keese swarm all the players causing everyone to freak out. The Miraidons manage to stay together but some members of the Zacians get separated) There, that should make things more interesting.

(In the Lost Woods)

Igglybuff: Aghhh! Ew! Creepy bats I'm so scared- (looks around to see nobody is there) Hello? Scorbunny? Riolu? Anyone? Guess I'm alone... (another Keese comes by) Ugh! Beat it you ratchet mutated freak. (Smacks it to the ground) This show is starting to get really annoying.

(Elsewhere in the Lost Woods)

Grookey: Hello!? Teamsies where'd you go?

Toxtricity: I think we lost them little dude... bummer.

Grookey: No way will we ever find them either. I can't see anything in this fog, heck I can't even see you all that well.

Toxtricity: How many fingers am I holding up? (Doesn't hold up any fingers)

Grookey: Um... three?

Toxtricity: Ha no way I was actually thinking three! That's hilar- (hears noises) Shit, we should get moving. Let's go.

(Elsewhere in the Lost Woods)

Spheal: Hey Zacians- er wait I mean Miraidons, is everyone still here?

Yamper: Fidough and I are here! We're holding on to each other so we don't get lost!

Spheal: Aww that's cute.

Fidough: Please don't encourage him.

Scizor: I've got pretty good eyesight. We're all here. Now can we please get a move on?

Alcremie: Slow and steady wins the race guys. We want to be careful-

Quaxly: Ugh let's just head toward that faint light over there. Come on! (Alcremie gets frustrated a little)

Spheal: Wow that was pretty rude of them.

Alcremie: Huh? Oh you heard me talking.

Spheal: Well of course, you were talking to everyone after all. But I guess we should hurry, we don't want to lose everyone. WAIT UP!!!

(Elsewhere in the Lost Woods)

Riolu: This shouldn't be that bad. Let's keep going forward and then- wait stop. Everyone there's a trap up ahead let's go around it.

Scorbunny: Alright awesome job Riolu.

Sprigatito: Pardon? How do you know what's up ahead. I can't see anything! Nobody can see anything.

Riolu: Um... let's just say I'm not looking with my eyes and keep it at that.

(In confessional)
Sprigatito: Must this team be so cryptic?

(In confessional)
Scorbunny: Ohhh Riolu's a Riolu! (Laughs) I mean, not in that sense, I always knew he was a Riolu, but he probably is using his aura powers to sense things. I bet he can even see things with his mind. What an awesome ability! We are so gonna make it there first!

Riolu: Everyone still have weapons?

Scorbunny: Yeah... why?

Riolu: Do as I say. Sprigatito slash right! (She does so and hits a bokoblin) Scorbunny, thrust behind you! (He does so and also kills a bokoblin. Riolu then slashes down two bokoblin) Yes! Okay excellent I think that's all of them.

Sprigatito: Woah... what even just happened?

(Elsewhere in the Lost Woods)

Grookey: I think I heard voices, our teammates' voices! Over that way! Come on!

Toxtricity: Hey I'm the sound man. I woulda heard if it was something. Huh? Wait up dude! (Chases after Grookey but trips on a tree root and loses him) Damn it!

(Elsewhere in the Lost Woods)

Yamper: Yay we made it to this light thing. Huh, I wonder what it is.

Scizor: Guys watch out! Monsters! (Some bokoblins appear and some members get hit but they eventually defeated them)

Spheal: Hngh, is everyone okay?

Alcremie: Think so.

Fuecoco: Vamonos!

Alcremie: Hang on, look there's another feint  light that way.

Spheal: Yeah, we should head that way! They totally should lead us to the right spot if we keep following them.

Fidough: Good enough for me. Let's go!

(Elsewhere in the Lost Woods)

Igglybuff: Ugh! Have I been going in circles? Ugh I can't take this stupid place anymore! UGHHH!! (Starts smacking a tree eventually knocks it down and it lands on a bokoblin and two others come at her) Oh you've got to be kidding me. No matter. I may not have a weapon but I'm not afraid of you. GRAHH! (Jumps on the bokoblins and smacks them until they feint) Yup, that takes care of that-

Toxtricity: Uh? Igglybuff are you alright?

Igglybuff: (freezes) Oop- y-yeah I'm okay.

Toxtricity: Woah how'd you take down those monsters like that, didn't your weapon break-

Igglybuff: Monsters? There weren't any monsters here what are you talking about. (Starts walking along with him)

Toxtricity: Must've been the fog I guess.

(In confessional)
Toxtricity: My eyesight is sorta shaky, so I'm unsure what's going on here. Igglybuff seemed to be acting suspiciously so I'll probably have to keep my eye on her.

(At Korok Forest)

Meowstic: Raichu stop! Don't bully the poor Koroks!

Raichu: (whining) Whaaattt? No fair I've seen everybody online doing it, I wanna do it too! (Riolu, Scorbunny and Sprigatito arrive)

Shinx: Ya-ha-ha! You found me! (They look at him confused) Heh, wouldn't expect you to get that.

Scorbunny: Alright we made it first! Nice job Riolu!

Raichu: Well you're missing half of your team so... not so nice job.

Riolu: Now we just have to have faith they make it here too. And then we can win the whole day.

Scorbunny: For real. We are so overdue for a win it's crazy.

Fidough: Sorry, but I wouldn't get too confident in that. (Arrives with her whole team)

Raichu: ...Five, six, seven, yup that's all of them! Congratulations to the Miraculous Miraidons you've won the triforce of courage challenge!

Fuecoco: Yayyyy!!! We won! Thanks for carrying me Scizor this was so much fun.

Scizor: (rolls eyes) Yeah you're welcome.

Quaxly: Sorry Sprigatito, but I'm not going down that easily.

Sprigatito: What? Ugh, oh hi Quaxly.

Quaxly: Look I'm sorry about this morning. And then later this morning-

Sprigatito: Hey don't be. It was nice of you to nominate me, you didn't realize it was for switching teams. (Smiles) Same team or not, we're still friends now let's not forget that. (Quaxly smiles as the rest of the Zacians arrive)

Toxtricity: Damn dude we lost. Wha-Wha-whaa.

Raichu: Alright, final challenge time! For this challenge your brain power will be put to the test!

Meowstic: Alright listen up everyone. The challenge will be to get through your shrine. First team to do so wins. Now shrines are quite tricky, you'll have to solve puzzles to make it through. To aid with your puzzles you will find a special glove inside. This glove has various properties allowing you to fuse items together. Use that, your wits, and any other means necessary to clear the shrine challenge.

Shinx: Let the final challenge, the test of wisdom, begin! (Suddenly the teams get teleported into separate shrines)

(In the Miraidons shrine)

Yamper: H-huh? Where are we...

Fuecoco: We in giant box?

Scizor: We're in the shrine. Now come on let's head down the path. (They head down the path and stop at the bottom of a giant slide)

Fidough: So um... now what? (Suddenly a block comes sliding down the slide and then falls into a pit) Woah! What was that?

Alcremie: Here I think I know what to do guys-

Fuecoco: Glove! Glove! (Puts on the glove) Ooh I feel so fancy now. Like I'm going to an awards show.

(In confessional)
Quaxly: (with narrowed eyes) Yeah. It's not even that type of fancy gloves.

Yamper: Hey I want to use the gloves too! My turn!

Spheal: Guys? The challenge? (Takes the glove off Fuecoco and hands it to Alcremie) Here you go, you are familiar with the game after all.

Alcremie: Thank you. (Puts it on) So one of the features I remember is called Recall, and with it you can reverse an object back in time.

Yamper: Nerddd! Try and speak English!

Alcremie: Ugh, just get ready to jump onto the block when it stops. Ready and... (the block slides down and Alcremie freezes it with Recall) GO! (Everyone scurries onto the block and it starts going back up the slide and the arrives at the top and they all get off)

Fuecoco: Yayy! Again, again!

Scizor: Nicely done. Now let's keep moving!

(In the Zacians shrine)

Grookey: Man this glove is sooo cool! I wonder what else it can do.

Riolu: Careful Grookey. We don't want to cause ourselves any more trouble.

Igglybuff: Yeah that ride on that block was scary enough.

Scorbunny: Guys look! Up ahead I see something! (Runs up) Uh oh. It's some sort of robot. (A Zonai enemy equipped with a spear and shield comes at them) AGHH! RUN!

Toxtricity: No fair man! We don't have our weapons anymore! (Slides to dodge).

Scorbunny: Well we don't need weapons. Take this! (Kicks the Zonai and it does nothing and it hits Scorbunny) OWW!!

Sprigatito: Oh no! Scorbunny!

Grookey: Dammit, what are we supposed to do... (sees a shadow and looks to see a platform above him) Ooh. Up there. Hmm maybe my glove has an ability to help- woah! (Uses the Ascend ability and climbs up to the platform where a strong sword lies) Sweet! (Yelling) Hey guys, I'm up here! Scorbunny, catch! (Throws the sword down)

Scorbunny: Huh? Catch what- (the sword hits him in the head and he falls over)

Toxtricity: Nasty. Guess I'll just... (takes the sword and rushes over and defeats the Zonai) Ba-blam! That's how I roll! (A gate opens up)

Igglybuff: Alright! Way to go Toxtricity!

Toxtricity: Onward! (Heads off with the team but then they all come back and grab Scorbunny and leave again)

(At the Miraidons shrine)

Alcremie: Alright we made it past the Zonai, now what's next. (Comes to a halt at the next area) Uh oh.

Yamper: Look! There's Raichu! Over there!

Alcremie: Yeah but did you see where he's past?

Yamper: Yeah he's just past that pool of... lava... oh crud.

Quaxly: Not to worry. This should be a piece of cake. Time for Water Gun! (Tries to use water gun but can't) What? Aw man, right, no moves.

Scizor: I'm quad weak to fire, so if anybody that isn't me could handle this, that'd be nice.

Fidough: Hey guys look, there's a lot of miscellaneous looking items over here. I bet we could use them.

Yamper: Woo hoo! Nice find babe! Now we just need someone who's good at building things. (Everybody pauses and turns to Spheal)

Spheal: Oh yeah, it's Spheal time. Hand me the glove!

(At the Zacians shrine)

Riolu: Okay, so we just need to make it across the pool of lava and we win this thing.

Scorbunny: (wakes up) Wh-where am I?

Toxtricity: (joking) Welcome to heaven man. Looks like your time on Earth has come to an end.

Scorbunny: WH-WHAT!? I'M DEAD!?

Toxtricity: (laughs) Nah just messin with you bro.

(In confessional)
Scorbunny: Wowwww. Just... wowwww.

Igglybuff: So not funny Toxtricity. Now, how are we getting across?

Riolu: Guys look. A fire hydrant. It can shoot out water and clear us a path through the lava.

Grookey: Alrighty, leave it to me now! (Uses the Fuse ability to fuse the hydrant to a shield) Ta-da, now somebody can carry and spray.

Toxtricity: Oh yeah. I got this. (Takes the shield and starts spraying a path through the lava) Alright it's working little dude! Awesome!

Riolu: Hmm... we aren't moving through all that fast.

Sprigatito: Um, slow and steady wins the race?

(At the Miraidons shrine)

Fuecoco: Woo go! Go Spheal! Build it like your Bob!

Alcremie: Like Bob?

Fuecoco: Bob the builder. Duh!

(In confessional)
Fuecoco: Not to be mean but my team be really dumb dumb some times. It's frustrating. They don't know the half of it.

Soheal: Alright this goes here... and this here. (Using the Ultra hand ability to craft something) Okay does anyone see one more big wheel?

Quaxly: Right here! Got it!

Spheal: Excellent! (Finishes building) Ta-da! A vehicle!

Scizor: So we're gonna drive into the lava and burn ourselves alive? (Sarcastically). Great.

Spheal: No trust me, it will work. We will roll right through the lava. Everybody get in.

(At the Zacians shrine)

Sprigatito: Almost there, just a little further.

Toxtricity: Uh oh, guys I think we are kinda out of water. (Stops just before the lava ends)

Riolu: (sighs) Okay, we're gonna have to jump.

Scorbunny: As much as I'd like to injure myself yet again... ARE YOU CRAZY!?

Toxtricity: Yeah we could get scarred for life dude.

Igglybuff: (mutters to herself) Well if we lose this I will scar you for life.

Riolu: We can't lose again. Now come on. (Runs back and then forward and jumps across) It's not that far a jump. Come on!

Grookey: If I die, tell my brother he can't have any of my whoopee cushions. AHHH! (Jumps across, as does the rest of the team screaming)

Toxtricity: Rock on! We all made it that's gangster! (The team runs to Raichu) Oh yeah!

Raichu: Congrats! Zany Zacian you made it! (The team cheers)

Grookey: Yeah! Alright!

Raichu: Sadly for you, the Miraculous Miraidon made it here a few minutes ago. (The camera pans out to show the other team already there).

Alcremie: Great job Spheal! Your car totally won it for us!

(In confessional)
Spheal: I'm so happy I did good and proved myself to my new team! (Starts dancing) Oh yeah! I did it! Go Spheal! (Falls out of the seat) WHA-

Igglybuff: So we lost!? AGAIN!? (Her eye twitches)

Riolu: Eesh, you okay there? (Looks at her and then sighs) And ugh, I'm afraid so. This bites.

Raichu: Alright then, Meowstic and Shinx, thank you for helping us out today.

Meowstic: No problem. Congrats Miraidons, you are today's heroes of Hyrule!

Shinx: See you later everyone! Game on! (Everyone gets transported back to their world)

(Later in the evening at the cabins)

Toxtricity: Hey... Riolu. Got a sec?

Riolu: Hmm? Sure. What's up?

Toxtricity: Does Igglybuff seem a little... scary?

Riolu: Scary? You're joking right.

Toxtricity: I dunno I swear she beat the snot out of some monsters earlier today and then pretend she didn't. Like she's pretending to be this pure defenseless child but she's not. I figured since you can read auras... maybe you had a clue?

Riolu: I'm sorry, but my power isn't mastered yet. I do think she's been a little suspicious lately, you're right. For someone who lost her sister and her best friend, she seemed to move on rather quickly.

(In confessional)
Riolu: Ugh I wish I had more time before the vote to figure things out.

(In confessional)
Igglybuff: Toxtricity may be onto me. He's got to go. NOW!

(At the elimination ceremony)

Raichu: Zany Zacians, fourth loss in a row. WOW! Never have we seen this bad a streak in this shows history. You must be proud. (They all roll their eyes or moan). The first few to be safe today are Sprigatito, Grookey and Riolu! (Throws them pokepuffs)

Grookey: Yay! Awesome!

Raichu: The rest of you all received votes today. Let's start with Scorbunny. Oh poor Scorbunny, how many times have you been injured now? At what point do those ouchies become a permanent team handicap? (Scorbunny sighs). Next is Toxtricity, you haven't been the most supportive team player. You also were responsible for Spheal switching to the other team today, the same Spheal that won the challenge. (Toxtricity gulps) Last is Igglybuff, who is here because... she's up for elimination because... okay I actually don't have any idea why. (Igglybuff starts to cry)

Igglybuff: What did I do? I'm sorry...

Sprigatito: Ugh. Which of you voted for sweet Igglybuff? She lost her sister and her best friend, now this? Not cool!

Raichu: Igglybuff you are safe! (Throws her a pokepuff). And the final treat goes to...

(Scorbunny and Toxtricity look at each other nervously)

Raichu: Scorbunny!

Toxtricity: What!? Are you kidding me!? This is bogus!

Scorbunny: Hmm maybe next time don't try and make your teammate think he had DIED!?

Toxtricity: Whatever mans, I don't need this show anyways I'm gonna be a famous rockstar.

Grookey: (runs up to him) Bye Toxtricity. I'll miss ya, you were a cool dude. Thanks for teaching me a little about music.

Toxtricity: My pleasure little dude. Hit me up if you ever wanna jam. (Hops into the catapult) Alright Raichu dude, let's get this over with.

Raichu: Time to end the show with a bang. Here we go! (Fires the catapult) KABLAM!!! (To the camera) And there we have it folks! Another one bites the dust. Will the Zany Zacians ever end this disastrous losing streak? Find out next time on Total Drama Pokemon The Next Generation!

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