Well Of Course

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Raichu: Yesterday, er- yesternight? On Total Drama Pokemon, we all had heart attacks and died. Well, sorta... there was a lot of fainting and passing out. Two spooky Pokémon, Gengar and Gourgeist, haunted our island and seemingly killed off our contestants as they raced to gather three items to satisfy them. During the night Spheal and Riolu battled a hypnotized Cyndaquil, Sprigatito saved Grookey from falling to his death, but the most important drama happened at the end. Igglybuff accidentally on purpose broke her sister's precious microphone. This sent Jigglypuff into a tirade, unleashing a slew of angry remarks which ended up getting her voted off. The big twist? Igglybuff had been faking her kind sisterly personality this whole time! Who we thought was a sweet innocent girl was actually a devious mastermind plotting her sister's downfall. How will Igglybuff turn out with her sister gone? Will our ratings take a hit since we lost our celebrity? Let's find out today on Total Drama Pokemon!

(Theme song: in the spa hotel)

Fidough: Ahhh this massage is just what I needed. Yesterday was so stressful. (Alcremie walks in) Alcremie hey-

Alcremie: (softly) Oops, um... wrong room? (Leaves)

(In confessional)
Fidough: Ugh is she still mad at me!? I feel bad about it, yes I'm a perfectionist, but was it really that big a deal? All this over correcting her piping skills!?

(In confessional)
Alcremie: It's not that she corrected my piping skills, but rather the fact that what I did wasn't even that bad and she still thought it was trash! Baking was one of the few things I thought I could be proud about myself with but it turns out, (throws her arms out) Nope! (Sighs) I just want to go it alone and keep to myself again.

Fidough: Ugh, now the mood has been spoiled...

Yamper: (rushes in) RUFF RUFF! Morning Fidough! I brought you some breakfast.

Fidough: Oh thanks so much Yamper! That's really sweet of you.

Yamper: Heh, no problem, just happy to help.

Fidough: Hey I've been meaning to ask something...

(In confessional)
Yamper: (excited) This is it! She's gonna ask me out! EEEEE!!!

Fidough: Do you think you could try to talk to Alcremie for me, she seems to be avoiding me and I want to apologize.

(In confessional)
Yamper: (sad) Nooooo!

Yamper: Huh? W-why? You didn't do anything wrong. Besides you don't need her as a friend, it can just be the two of us going all the way! Woo hoo! (Shoves the masseuse out of the way) Here, let me take over, you deserve a better massage. (Starts massaging hard and Fidough looks uncomfortable)

(In the cabins)

Igglybuff: (crying) I can't believe it! Jigglypuff! I miss her so much!

Sobble: (crying too) Oh now I'm crying too! It's okay let it out Igglybuff! Let's just cry together! WAAAAHHH!

(In confessional)
Igglybuff: (smirking) I am such the actress, it's a crime I haven't been signed for a movie yet. Anywho, my plan is to keep making allies to avoiding going home. Also, I don't mind sharing my real personality through the confessional world because who cares. When you have enough money people don't care what you act like. Besides, everybody loves a slay villain, so I'll happily take that role.

Igglybuff: (drying her tears) Th-thanks Sobble. You've been such a good friend to me all this time I appreciate it. Sorry if I kept you up all night.

Sobble: Oh no worries, I don't usually get much sleep anyways. I'm sorry for voting your sister off... but she was super mean to you, and me before as well... I hope you understand.

(In the spa hotel)

Quaxly: Sprigatito? Sprigatito? Oh hey Fuecoco have you seen Sprigatito?

Fuecoco: (nods) She go outside.

Quaxly: What? Outside, seriously? But she got the butler why would she want to waste her precious reward time!

(Outside the cabins)

Toxtricity: (playing his guitar) Brrn-nrrr-nrrr! Bowowow!

Grookey: (using his stick to drum along in rhythm) Bam! Bam! Bam!

Toxtricity: Alright little dude! Keep it up!

(In confessional)
Grookey: Toxtricity and I have been having these awesome morning jam sessions. It's a lot of fun. But don't worry, I haven't forgotten about my true passion.

Scorbunny: Good morning- (as he opens the cabin door a bucket of water spills on him and lands on his head) Ow. Ugh.

Grookey: (laughing) Hehehe! Morning Scorbunny! Wet'cha up to this morning? (Laughs more and so does Toxtricity)

Scorbunny: (rolls his eyes) Well I guess now I'm off to dry off. Later. (Heads off)

Toxtricity: Let's get back to our music. Let's try a classic! (They start playing the Pokémon theme song and Sprigatito comes up)

Sprigatito: (singing) I wanna be the very best! Like no one ever was! (Stops singing) Wow you guys are really good!

Toxtricity: Hey thanks, you seem to have some good pipes yourself! Very natural. Honestly better than Jigglypuff's over the top voice.

Sprigatito: (embarrassed) What, oh no way. She's a professional I'm just someone who sings in her free time. By the way I'm sorry she's gone. It's a shame I feel I left a bad impression with her.

Grookey: Eh, I wouldn't worry. We got along in the cave, she was just a little stubborn. By the way, thanks for saving me yesterday.

Quaxly: (bursts out of the hotel) There you are Sprigatito! Huh? Wait why are you talking with the other team? (She shrugs) Um alright, well let's go have our breakfast before we run out of time.

Sprigatito: Oh, okay. Bye! (They head off)

(A little later; Raichu bangs pots and pans outside and everyone comes out)

Scorbunny: Grookey enough with the- Oh wait it's Raichu. Never mind.

Raichu: Goooood morning everybody! Hopefully you all got a nice long sleep. I think we all needed it after the disaster that was yesterday's three a.m. horror challenge.

Yamper: Yessir! It was totally worth it since we got the spa hotel for all that time.

Riolu: Yeah well our night was rough.

Raichu: Awesome to hear Riolu! (Riolu folds his arms slightly angrily) Alright then, who's ready for an actual planned challenge!

Spheal: Me! Me! (Starts clapping and then Toxtricity stops him) Ugh, hey!

Scizor: Can we have a straightforward battling challenge?

Riolu: That would be reasonable.

Toxtricity: No that would suck, let's have a music challenge instead.

Fuecoco: Food challenge! Food challenge!

Raichu: Nope, nope, nope, and nope! Today's challenge will be... our obstacle course challenge! Yayyy!!!

(In confessional)
Spheal: The obstacle course challenge is a staple challenge of this show but... (sighs) Yeah I'm not looking forward to it. I'm not really made for being nimble.

Raichu: So here's how it will work. There are four sections to the course. If you remember from earlier in the season, our first two sections are the log rolling pins, and the then wrecking ball run. After that you will have to climb up the steep rock wall, and then end by swinging onto the finishing platform. Each obstacle has a ladder at its start to climb up on if you fail to complete it.

Scorbunny: Sweet so that's only four obstacles, and there are seven people on each team, so that means three of us can sit out.

Raichu: (laughing) Oh Scorbunny, don't kid yourself. EVERYBODY must go the ENTIRE COURSE!

Scorbunny: Aw come on!

Alcremie: That's gonna take forever!

Raichu: That's okay, I've got time.

Quaxly: Yeah well aren't you afraid it'll get boring?

Raichu: Hmm... you actually have a point there. Hang on. I'll be right back.


(The teams wait for a while and eventually Raichu comes back)

Raichu: Alright no need to worry Quaxly, we got some things ready to spice it up now.

Scizor: (sarcastically) Wow. Nice going Quaxly.

Sobble: Nooo why Quaxly why!? (Starts crying)

Spheal: Sobble calm down it'll be okay-

Sobble: NOOO GETAWAYGETAWAY!!! (Disappears)

(In confessional)
Sobble: If I couldn't turn invisible I don't know what I'd do. It's nice knowing you can hide from your problems! And from people too!

Grookey: Okay Raichu, just spit it out, what's the twist then?

Raichu: Oh Grookey, you should know better than anyone else. Things are more fun when they are surprises. (Laughs)

Grookey: (sarcastically) Greatttt.

Raichu: Alright so it's one person at a time per team, then you can tag the next member to go. Now then, everybody ready?

Riolu: Alright guys, I can start for us.

Scizor: I'm first, got it? (They both step up to the starting line)

Raichu: And... GOOO!!! (They both take off perfectly running through the course jumping and even flipping over obstacles) Wow now that's impressive! Look at them go!

Sprigatito: Woo hoo! Go Scizor!

Scorbunny: Keep it up Riolu!

Riolu: Ha, this is easy. (Begins the rock wall alongside Scizor)

Scizor: Hmph, this is closer than I'd like it to be. (Uses Bullet Punch and knocks Riolu off the wall and he falls in the mud) Ha! Should've had your guard up some more.

Raichu: Ooooh, that had to hurt. Scizor takes the lead!

(In confessional)
Riolu: (holds up an ice pack) Dang, I wish I was just being dramatic here, but that really did hurt. Bullet Punch is a move that just comes out so fast, I didn't have time to react! No matter, I'm a fighter and I will fight to catch up!

Scizor: And, wall is done. Now to swing across. (Grabs a rope and successfully swings across) Easy! (Runs back to his team as Riolu finishes) Go, Alcremie! (Tags her)

Alcremie: What? Why me!

Scizor: Does it matter? Everyone has to go.

Sprigatito: Here I can go next if you-

Raichu: Up-up-up that's a big fat nope! Alcremie was the one tagged, so she must go.

Alcremie: Okay fine.

Riolu: Who wants to go next?

Scorbunny: Tag me! I can do it! (Gets tagged)

(In confessional)
Scorbunny: Not to sound braggy, but I'm a real athletic guy! I've always been active and play a lot of soccer and other sports all the time. Though I don't know if this comes through on camera but... I'm sorta... accident prone at times (scratches his head in embarrassment and flashbacks to Scorbunny getting hurt in previous episodes are shown). But yeah, I think I've got this!

Scorbunny: (jumps on a log and it breaks and he falls) Owwww...

Raichu: Oops. That was an unfortunate mishap. Looks like somebody didn't build the course properly. Oh well! (Laughs)

Alcremie: Ah! Not cool Raichu! (Starts the logs wobbling but holding on)

(Back at where the teams are standing)

Sprigatito: Yikes this is close. Alcremie is going slow but Scorbunny keeps having to retry so it's evening out I think.

Quaxly: Yeah, hopefully they can make it.

Sprigatito: Oh by the way, Quaxly you were trying to tell me something last challenge, you know when we thought we were all getting killed. What were you gonna say?

Quaxly: (sweats nervously) Umm...

(In confessional)
Quaxly. Dangit how'd she remember!? Of course she remembered, she's one of the only people on this planet that actually listens to others and cares about them which is exactly why I like her- Er, um, tolerate her, yeah tolerate her.

Quaxly: (lying) My head got hit hard I can't remember, sorry. But hey now I've got a question for you. Why were you talking to Grookey and Toxtricity this morning? Trying to get intel on the other team?

Sprigatito: What? No way I wouldn't do that kind of thing. I was just saying hi and stuff. They are the other team but that doesn't mean we can't be friends with them.

Quaxly: Erm, well yeah but what about your friends on this team? Are we not good enough?

Sprigatito: Heh no way, you guys are more than enough your great. (Gives him a little hug and Quaxly stands there frozen) Honestly I'm glad this competition has gotten me closer to you and Fuecoco. You are cool guys. Anyways we should get back to cheering. GOO ACLREMIE GOO!!!

(On the rock wall)

Alcremie: (struggling to climb) Woah-oah. Ugh, this is so tricky. How could it get worse?

Scorbunny: (slightly bruised) Tell me about it...

Raichu: And that's my cue! Time for some fun kiddies! (Pushes a button on a giant controller)

Scorbunny: What is he- WOAH AGHH! (Pieces of the rock wall start pushing forward and backward, shaking him off and he falls)

Alcremie: (struggling to hang on from rock to rock) Woah! Agh! Not cool Raichu, not- (falls) COOOOL! (Lands in the mud) Aw ewww, mud is so gross!

Raichu: (laughing) Look like Alcremie has turned chocolate flavored. What? Too cringy?

Scorbunny: Okay he we go again, I know your tricks! HA! (Jumps onto the wall and quickly climbs up this time) Yes! Now for the rope. (Grabs on and flips off onto the platform) Boom! Take that obstacle course!

Riolu: Alright Scorbunny nicely done!

Scorbunny: Who's next? (Looks around) Huh, wait where is everybody? (Sobble, Igglybuff and Spheal are missing)

Grookey: I'll go next. (Gets tagged and runs off)

Yamper: Alcremie you gotta hurry it up!

Alcremie: I'm trying- AGH AGH! (Shaking back and forth on the wall)

Raichu: Looks like Alcremie is really struggling. I almost feel bad... almost.

(Elsewhere at the camp)

Spheal: (pacing back and forth) Agh, what am I gonna do? I'm gonna totally blow it! My team will lose and vote me off! No, I can't let that happen! I can't waste my chance here! I must- (turns to see Cyndaquil and Mudkip standing there) Oh, sorry, how long have you been there.

Mudkip: Long enough to hear your monologue (laughs a little).

Cyndaquil: Spheal just do your best!

Spheal: That's easy for you to say, you're really athletic Cyndaquil. Someone like me could never.

Cyndaquil: You can find a way, you're really smart and brave. After all you even had the courage to try and save me during that whole ghost debacle. (Embarrassed) Thanks again for that by the way.

Mudkip: Hey I've got an idea, Cyndaquil why won't you give him a few pointers?

Spheal: What? Really? Wait, is that against the rules?

Mudkip: Pfft, definitely not. If we had inside info then maybe but Raichu doesn't tell us anything about the tricks he has planned. Trust me it's as much of a crime as asking your mom to help you with your homework.

Cyndaquil: (nods) Yeah I'd be happy to give some tips. So the first thing I focus on balance, not speed. The speed will start to come naturally as you flow through the course. (Continues talking)

(At the obstacle course)

Alcremie: Yes! Oh my gosh, finally I'm finished!

Fuecoco: We falling behind!

Sprigatito: I'll go next. (Gets tagged)

Alcremie: Good luck! Sorry I put you behind.

(Sprigatito hops across the logs with ease and begins catching up to Grookey but he finishes that part first)

Grookey: Woo hoo! Okay, what's next? (Sees the wrecking balls) Hmm well they are kinda slow, I can do this.

Raichu: Time for another hazard! (Presses a button and a miniature hailstorm starts above the course)

Grookey: What the- (gets hit on the head) OWW! OWW! That really hurts!

Toxtricity: Well duh, it is super effective.

Grookey: Okay wait, I know what I need. (Pulls out a whoopie cushion) Nope not that. (Discards the stuff he doesn't need) Finger trap? Nope. Oww. Banana peel nope.

Scorbunny: Um... where does he keep this stuff?

Grookey: Yes! Cymbals! (Holds it above his head a shield and races across)

Raichu: Ooh a clever play by Grookey as he finishes the wrecking ball run but here comes Sprigatito!

Sprigatito: Ow! Stupid hail, ugh ow! (Running along and then slips on a banana peel) AGHHHH!!!

Raichu: Ahahaha! Excellent!

Sprigatito: AGHHH! (Slides through all the wrecking balls and crashes at the end) Owww. (Angry) Ugh, Grookey! Didn't realize you were playing dirty!

Grookey: (laughs a little) Okay I swear that was an accident but still, I got you past the wrecking balls technically so don't you think some thanks are in order?

Sprigatito: (very angry) Are you serious!? Thank you!?

Grookey: You're welcome! Hehehe (climbs up the rock wall)

(In confessional)
Sprigatito: Okay for the record, I saved Grookey from failing. He saved me from potentially being hit by wrecking balls, but sent me into the scariest slip known to Pokémon kind. That is NOT an equal exchange!

Grookey: Wooo hoo! (Swings across the rope and lands) All done! (Runs over and tags Toxtricity) Go dude, crush it!

Toxtricity: Hell yeah I'm gonna turn things up to eleven! (Runs off)

(Inside the cabins)

Igglybuff: Sobble? Where are you? (Sees a lump under her bed and removes the covers but nothing is there) Sobble, I know you're there, you're just invisible!

Sobble: (appears) Oh, um, hi.

(In confessional)
Igglybuff: Sobble is just a roller coaster of emotions at times, but she is my friend and alliance mate in this competition. I definitely need to help her stay in the game if I can.

Igglybuff: What are you doing in here? We are in the middle of a challenge.

Sobble: SO? Hey! You're in here too! Hypocrite much? (Covers her mouth) Oops sorry that was mean. I didn't mean it, don't hate me!

Igglybuff: Sobble stop it's okay. Are you scared of the obstacle course? Why?

Sobble: I've never been good at that kind of stuff. It gives me PTSD of my days in elementary school on the playground where people would bully me to no end. (Starts crying) Plus everybody watching me... agh too scary!

Igglybuff: Hey, well they all are the losers because they cheated themselves out of a really nice friend. Now c'mon. (Takes her hand)

Sobble: Aw r-really? You're j-just saying that hehe. (They head back to the obstacle course) Hey, sorry I had a little um, emergency.

Riolu: Oh no what kind? (Sobble looks extremely panicked, sacred to come up with a lie)

Igglybuff: Erm, girl stuff. (The boys nod and continue watching the race)

Sobble: (whispering to Igglybuff) Thanks. That was the perfect way to get boys to stop listening hehe. (Sprigatito rushes over to her team)

Sprigatito: That rope swing. Phew! Not. Fun. (Collapses)

Quaxly: Oh no are you okay? (Fuecoco taps her and starts running)

Fuecoco: Me next! Weeee!!!

(In confessional)
Quaxly: That Grookey has a lot of nerve! Sprigatito saved him and he repays her by injuring her? Wow talk about being a horrible person! He better go home next.

(On the obstacle course Toxtricity gets hit by a wrecking ball into the mud and Fuecoco falls twice on the log roll. They then both pick up the pace a bit)

Fuecoco: Oooh swingy balls!

Fidough: (yelling) Be careful Fuecoco! Those things will hurt a lot!

Fuecoco: Balls not friend?

(In confessional)
Fuecoco: Fidough crazy! Balls look like an amusement park ride. And amusement park rides fun!

Fuecoco: (jumps on top of the wrecking ball and rides it back and forth and it starts moving around crazily) WEEEE!!!

Scizor: What the hell? Fuecoco get off of there!

Fuecoco: WEEE THIS IS FUN!!!

Toxtricity: (swings across to the finish) Aw yeah! Nice try Raichu, your schemes at the rock wall couldn't trick me!

Fuecoco: WEEE- WAAAH! (Falls off the wrecking ball and gets sent flying across the course, knocks Toxtricity over and lands on the platform) Huh? Ooh! Yay I did it! (Poses)

Raichu: What the... you know what? Yeah I'll allow it! That was MAD impressive! Both teams are neck-a-neck with only three members left to go. (Igglybuff and Fidough get tagged and begin the course). Looks like we've got ourselves a battle of the fairy types!

Igglybuff: (going across the logs) Woah! So far so good!

Sobble: Gooo Igglybuff you can do it!

Yamper: Go Fidough go! Go Fidough go!

Fidough: You are not gonna pass me Igglybuff- Woah! (Loses her balance and falls) Ugh, darn it.

Raichu: And Igglybuff takes the lead! But can she maintain it?

Igglybuff: (dodging the wrecking balls) Easy. I've done this before, so it's not gonna trip me up! (Arrives at the rock wall and starts climbing) Huh? Do I hear buzzing?

Raichu: Oh yeah, that might have something to do with the beehive I put by this obstacle. Did I forget to mention that before?

Igglybuff: AHHH! Don't sting meee! (Swats and falls and as she restarts Fidough completes the logs and wrecking ball run)

Fidough: Yes! All caught up! Time to show everyone how this is- (a bee flies down her throat and she starts choking) ACK! HELP!

Igglybuff: (pretending) Oh no! Are you okay? I'd help but I'm already so far up the wall and am afraid of falling. Sorry. (Continues through the rock wall and swings across to the finish) Yipee! (Tags Sobble) You got this Sobble!

Scorbunny: We have the lead, no pressure. If you wanna psyche yourself up a little first that's cool.

Toxtricity: Yeah I mean we're gonna lose anyways cuz WHERE THE HECK IS SPHEAL!?!?

(At the bonfire grounds)

Mudkip: Okay Spheal, try jumping from stump.

Cyndaquil: Yeah like this. (Jumps with flips from stump to stump) Ta-da!

Mudkip: (chuckles) Way to show off Cyndaquil.

Spheal: Okay. I'll try. Here I go... (jumps but goes absolutely nowhere and just falls and rolls into a log) Owww... Ugh this is so hopeless.

(In confessional)
Spheal: I'm not the best jumper. Not even close. In elementary school during recess everyone had their fears. Having to play kickball and be picked last, having to do a mile run. And then there was me, the infamous hopscotch failure who would dread having to play it.

Cyndaquil: (helps Spheal up) Hope you're okay.

Spheal: I guess I should get back to my team. I have to at least try for them, even if I'm bound to suck. (Sighs) If only I could rollout my way through the course.

Mudkip: Wait a second, that's it! Spheal you need to play to your strengths!

Spheal: What, you mean rolling and crashing?

Mudkip: Erm, just the rolling part. See your biggest issue is gaining momentum. It's hard for you to get moving so you can't jump far at all. However you have plenty of momentum when rolling, I bet you'd be able to bounce all over the place!

Cyndaquil: Yeah he's right! As long as you don't stop moving you might be able to sail right through the course!

Spheal: You think so? It's worth a shot! Thanks so much guys! (Heads off to get back to his team)

(Back on the obstacle course)

Sobble: Ahhhh! Noooo! (Holding onto a log as it spins round and round) I think I'm gonna be si- (barfs)

Raichu: Ewww. Clean up on aisle four!

(In confessional)
Sobble: (crying) Oh that was so embarrassing! I'm never gonna live that one down!

Grookey: Come on Sobble! You gotta keep moving! Fidough is almost finished!

Sobble: O-okay I'm trying! (Makes it past the logs) Yay! Is it over?

Riolu: Um, you're about a quarter of the way done...

Sobble: NOOOOO!!! (Cries)

Toxtricity: Oh for the love of-

Igglybuff: Sobble! Just pretend nobody's watching! You can do it!

Sobble: (to herself) Pretend nobodies watching... hey that's it! (Turns invisible and starts running through the course)

(In confessional)
Sobble: Why didn't I think of this sooner? I can't get embarrassed if people don't see me!

Scorbunny: Sobble! Wait what are you doing? Great now we have no idea where she's at. (Fidough makes it back and tags Yamper)

Fidough: Go. (Collapses)

Yamper: I won't let you down! In fact, I won't let anyone down. LETS GOOO! YEAHHHH!!! (Starts rapidly jumping across the logs and through the wrecking balls with ease as his team cheers)

Fuecoco: Yayyy! Go Yamper!

Scizor: About time somebody else does a good job with this. (Looks down to Fidough) Do you need help?

Fidough: I'll be okay... just I'm pretty sure I got stung in my throat and- (gasps for air) Yup, sorry don't mind me.

Sobble: Yay! (Reappears on the top of the rock wall) Top of the wall!

Scorbunny: Alright she made it! Now just swing over to safety Sobble-

Raichu: Ooooh- yeah... no. Hey Sobble, over here. Look, I hate to say this... but when you were invisible we couldn't see you-

Quaxly: Well duh!

Raichu: Grrr, let me finish. Sobble, we have no idea if you actually did the wrecking balls or climbed up the rock wall properly.

Sobble: Wh-what? Are you saying I tried to cheat? I WOULD NEVER! NOOO DONT YELL AT ME IM SORRY!!!

Riolu: How else would she get to the top of the rock wall?

Raichu: She coulda climbed up the final ladder for the rope challenge.

Riolu: Dammit, he's right.

Raichu: (yelling) Sobble, you're gonna have to go back to the wrecking ball run and start over from there.


Toxtricity: Well you gotta! Quit crying and get on with it! (Sobble heads back to restart)

Igglybuff: It's alright Sobble... you can do it. (To herself) Ugh, that was such a stupid idea, why would she even try that?

Yamper: (climbing up the wall avoiding bees and it's shaking) C'mon Raichu, is that the best you can do?

Raichu: (picks up a walkie talkie) Is that the best we can do? (Listens) Okay excellent! Send in Koffing! (To the campers) Everyone beware of Koffing's extra spicy pasta-blasta gun! That is... once he makes his way out here.

Yamper: (finishes) Sweet! (Grabs a rope with his mouth and swings across) Yeahhh! Ow, rope burn on my tongue... (runs over and tags Quaxly as Sobble makes it to the wall) You got this man! Ruff ruff!

Quaxly: As peasy, this will be a breeze. (Trips and falls on the first log).

Grookey: (laughs) Must be a pretty rough breeze. (Spheal arrives) There you are! Where have you been?

Toxtricity: Yeah not cool! You are so catapult fodder if we lose, you can't just ditch your team.

Spheal: I'm... I'm sorry... I needed to practice a little before I go on the course.

Toxtricity: Practice? Come on no amount of practice is helping you. You still just left us all.

Riolu: Well he's here now, and that's what matters. Hopefully Sobble finishes soon and then Spheal you are gonna have to go faster than ever before, understood?

Spheal: (gulps and then nods) Understood!

(On the rock wall Sobble holds on for her life clinging on)

Sobble: AHHH! This is so scary get me off this thing! (Gets his with a blast of pasta and falls) Oww...

Raichu: Ooh looks like Koffing has made it! How's it going over there Koffing?

Koffing: Going better then ever! (Evilly laughs as he hits Quaxly off a log) Ahahaha!!

Sprigatito: (winces) Oooh. (Yelling) Get back up Quaxly you can do it!

Quaxly: (to himself) Ugh, of course she saw that... that's it don't focus on her focus on you. Come on Quaxly you gotta win this for your team. (Slaps himself a few times)

Scizor: Hurry up Quaxly you are blowing our lead!

Raichu: Ooh looks like Quaxly is up and hopping over the rolling pins! And Sobble has finally made it up the wall.

Sobble: Yeah! For a second time! Okay now to swing and- woah! (Falls) Ugh, dangit.

Quaxly: (dodging the wrecking balls) Man this isn't that scary at all. Woah- (dodges Koffing's pasta shot but steps in the way of a wrecking ball and falls off) OWW! Ugh... (trudges over to start over and crawls his way through)

Sobble: Come on Sobble, you can do this! (Swings across again, this time successfully, then runs and tags Spheal) I'm so sorry. Go Spheal go!

Spheal: Okay here I go! (Starts running away from the course)

Riolu: HUH!? (Yelling) Spheal!! Where the heck are you going?

Toxtricity: Ugh! What an idiot!

Alcremie: Keep going Quaxly, almost there!

Quaxly: (climbings up the rock wall) Yes, final checkpoint. (gets hit by a pasta shot and falls off)

Koffing: Ahahaha! It gets funnier every time!

Spheal: WATCH OUT HERE I COME! (Spheal comes rolling through super fast and everyone jumps out of the way. He rolls across the logs and through the wrecking balls) WAHHH!

Raichu: Holy cannoli! Spheal is tearing this course apart like a rubber bouncy ball!

Grookey: Oh yeah go Spheal! (The team cheers)

Sprigatito: Hurry Quaxly! (Spheal somehow hits the wall, bounces back, hits a wrecking ball and is bounced upward)

Quaxly: Oh no. (Grabs a rope and swings across and almost makes it but gets shot off) AGHH! NOOO!

Scorbunny: Yes! Come on Spheal! (Spheal bounces off the top of the rock wall) Yes! He's doing it! He's doing it! (Spheal crashes into the side of finishing platform and falls into the mud) Noooo!

Quaxly: Ahaha, yes. Phew. (Grabs a rope and swings yet again) Woah-ack! (Lets go and lands on the finishing platform) Yes!

Raichu: (into a megaphone) And the Miraculous Miraidons are our winners! That was... AWESOME!!! AHAHAHA! Best episode EVER!

Spheal: Owww... aw man, I can't believe it was that close.

Igglybuff: That was crazy Spheal, are you okay?

Scorbunny: You may not have won but you did awesome.

Toxtricity: Really? We still lost, doesn't matter how close. All I know is that Spheal is the band member that flakes on performance day and that's never a good thing.

Raichu: Zacians, calm yourselves. It's time to head over to the campfire ceremony. For the third time in a row might I add. Now, get a move on. (They all head off)

Fuecoco: Guys we won! Hooray! I think Yamper is the MVP today.

Scizor: Fine by me, I don't need a label to tell me I did good.

Yamper: Alright yeah! (Fidough tries to say something but her throat is all closed up) What was that Fidough? WHAT!? Oh my gosh you think I'm amazing and want to go out with me! Yes! Of course! (Starts hugging her and Fidough looks panicked and shakes her head no vigorously)

(At the campfire ceremony)

Raichu: Zacians, way to lose yet again. This might as well be your new home, am I right?

Riolu: Ugh, enough Raichu.

Raichu: Aww is somebody a sore loser? (Riolu growls) Oh just shut up and take your pokepuff. (Throws it in his mouth) Also safe today are Grookey, Scorbunny, Igglybuff and Toxtricity! (Throws them all pokepuffs) That leaves us with Sobble and Spheal. (Sobble starts crying and Spheal frowns). Sobble, you proved yourself in past challenges but you are constantly breaking down and freaking out, and plus today you struggled hard on the obstacle course and had to redo some of it. Spheal, you haven't stood out amongst your fellow team members yet, you left them for the majority of the challenge, showed up right at the end and got their hopes up for a super comeback only for those hopes to crash just like you did.

Spheal: Wow, rude.

Sobble: Yeah just get this over with already.

Raichu: And the final pokepuff goes to...

(Spheal looks scared and Sobble continues crying)

Riachu: ...Spheal. (Throws him his pokepuff)

Igglybuff: Oh no, Sobble.

Sobble: (cries harder) IM SORRRRYYYYY!!! IM SORRY FOR BEING SUCH AN AWFUL TEAMMATE AND A LOSER WAHHH! (Her crying starts to make everyone else cry too)

Scorbunny: Sobble... Sobble hey! Calm down! (Igglybuff helps her calm down). Sobble you are a nice girl, and your awesome, but this show isn't really causing you anything but unhappiness.

Sobble: Y-yeah... yeah you are right.

Scorbunny: The constant anxieties it gives you... nobody needs that in their life.

Igglybuff: Just know that you did amazing in overcoming that. You should be proud.

Sobble: Th-thanks guys... I hated this show a lot but I'm glad to find some people that don't hate me.

Raichu: (rolls his eyes) Touching. Now get in the catapult. (Koffing throws her in the catapult)

Sobble: (crying) NOOO! IM NOT READY! (Gets fired) AGHHHH!!!

Raichu: And with that it looks like the weather might be rainy for a while. Sobble's elimination may be for her own good, but the team's as well. Will they feel guilty for trying to justify their votes?

Scorbunny: I wasn't trying to justify anything. It's like you said, it was what was better for everyone.

Raichu: Find out next time on Total Drama Pokemon, The Next Generation!

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