Whisper Down The Pain

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Raichu: Last time on Total Drama Pokemon The Next Generation, our final five found themselves in a sticky situation! They were tasked with infiltrating the giant Combee mountain, aka hive, and stealing the coveted crown from the queen Vespiquen. They were swarmed at every turn, at boy did it sting! However, for Grookey, nothing stung worse than when he found out Igglybuff was the reason behind Sprigatito's departure. With him, Riolu and Alcremie now onto her, Igglybuff's nice girl ruse was undone and all looked lost for her, that is until she managed to take the crown and earn herself invincibility! That left us with poor Quaxly, still on a downward spiral of emotions at the time, to receive the catapult on home. Man, hopefully the guy gets to cool off now at least. Now then, will Igglybuff be able to find her way to the semifinals, or is she history? Find out right now on Total Drama Pokemon!

(Theme song; In the spa hotel)

Igglybuff: Ah! The glorious spa hotel all to myself! No attention hogging sisters telling me where I can and can't go! No loser campers to share the space with! ITS PERFECT!!

(In confessional)
Igglybuff: Definitely getting myself a private mansion when I win the money. No doubt about it. Ooh and maybe I can get Furfou too, I bet I can pay him more than Raichu... well actually, I'm sure ANYONE pays more than Raichu)

Igglybuff: Thank you so much for the juice Furfou! You got the blend absolutely spot on this time!

Furfou: (tiredly) Yes miss Igglybuff, I'm glad this seventeenth cup is as you desired...

Igglybuff: Now run along and get me a bath going! (Waves him away and he leaves) Ahhhh.

(In the mess hall)

Grookey: (walks in) Heyo friend-o's! How's everyone doing this fine morning?

Alcremie: (laughs to herself a little) Wow, you seem in an awfully good mood today Grookey.

Grookey: Well of course I am! Quaxly is finally out of my hair! I don't have to worry about him trying to mess with me, or me having to mess with him for that matter... hmm wait...

Riolu: Don't you even think about it!

Grookey: H-Huh? What? Think about what?

Riolu: Pranking us. I can tell that's what is on your mind. Quaxly was your go to victim, and now he's gone.

Alcremie: Well I'm glad your rival has been dealt with and all Grookey but let's not forget, we still have a big wild card left!

Grookey: Yeah, ugh, I can't believe I'm saying thing but I actually wish she could've left instead of Quaxly yesterday! I can't believe she's been such a phony this whole time!

Riolu: I'd say agreed, (smirks) but I can't because I can believe it and I did know about it all the while.

Alcremie: (raises an eyebrow) Seriously, the whole time?

Riolu: (sheepishly laughs) Well more or less. Anyways, what's say we work together one last round and take Igglybuff out together.

Alcremie: (Nods) Oh yeah, of course! This'll be karma for the strings she's pulled all season!

Grookey: Yeah, I'm in too! (They all out their hands in a pile and raise them up) WOO GO TEAM! Anywho... I've got to do SOMETHING so I'll be right back. (Runs off into the kitchen)

Alcremie: Um, by something does he mean- (A loud noise is heard from the kitchen and Grookey comes running out chased by Koffing who has flour covered all over his face)



Koffing: This isn't worth what I'm paid. (Mutters a swear word and heads back to the kitchen)

Raichu: (enters the mess hall with Igglybuff) Hello campers, here's sweet little Igglybuff! Did you guys miss her?

Riolu: Not really...

Igglybuff: (fake) Wow Riolu you really are such a bully... (in a serious voice) Oh wait, I don't have to bother with that anymore.

Raichu: Okay, okay, settle down you two! Now then, I think it's time we start thinking about today's challenge!

Grookey: Excellent! Let's get this started! The sooner we start the sooner we get to send Igglybuff packing.

Alcremie: Fine by me.

Riolu: Let's do it!

Igglybuff: Ugh, you guys are so pathetic. You're just gonna all try and gang up on me here, and what try to sabotage me?

Riolu: (laughs) Haven't you been doing that to me all merge? All you cared about was making me lose!

Igglybuff: (is speechless for a moment) Uh, that's- ugh! That's different. Raichu!

Raichu: Hmmm, I suppose it would be a little unfair if they all try to gang up on you, I mean you are the one making things interesting Igglybuff. Give me a second...

Igglybuff: Yes!

Grookey: Oh come on! Seriously?

Raichu: Okay I have an announcement to make! For winning yesterday's challenge, Igglybuff will get a slight advantage in today's challenge. (Igglybuff claps and everyone else looks angry) Alright, I'll explain more on that in a second. But first I'd like to announce that today's challenge doubles as an opportunity for more cameos!

Alcremie: Cameos? Cameos from who?

Raichu: From some of our season one competitors of course! Who else would come help out with the show? You think we actually get volunteers? Nope, the only way is to force them in it. Anywho, for today's challenge you will be working on a team with three helpers. Now then... (whistles) INTERNS! GET IN HERE!!! (The six interns eventually come in)

Mudkip: Oh boy, what do you want now Raichu?

Cyndaquil: Please don't be something dangerous...

Togedemaru: Hey, I'm just happy to see we don't have to cleanup in here after the Pichu Twins had a food fight.

Pachirisu: That was... yikes. I never knew chocolate could stick like that before.

Raichu: Okay, so your first team member will be one of our interns! Yay! And IGGLYBUFF will get to choose who gets who!

(In confessional)
Igglybuff: Woo hoo! This is absolutely perfect! I know exactly who to pair with who to make whatever this challenge is a piece of cake for me.

Raichu: Okay Igglybuff, let's start. Who's Riolu getting?

Igglybuff: (evilly smirks) Riolu can have everybody's favorite intern, Psyduck! 

Psyduck: Me? Wait what do I have to do- (falls over)

Riolu: (facepalms) Great... now this is gonna be quite the challenge...

Igglybuff: Let's see, I'm gonna give Snivy to Alcremie and Togdemaru to Grookey!

Snivy: Ugh, really? Couldn't just let me sit out here?

Togedemaru: I know right. Whatever I guess...

(In confessional)
Igglybuff: Alcremie struggles with speaking up and I'm sure she'll struggle regardless who is on her team, but having a stubborn villain like Snivy will be impossible for her to work with. And then for Grookey, he is very out-there, and his personality will certainly clash with the sarcastic, easily ticked off, Togedemaru.

Raichu; Alright that just leaves yourself now Igglybuff.

Igglybuff: Perfect, I chose Pachirisu to be on my team!

Pachirisu: Alright, guess I'm all yours today!

Psyduck: (loudly whispers to her) Good luck. You got the meanie! (Igglybuff looks angry) Good thing she can't hear me.

Raichu: Yup, assuming she's deaf that is. Anywho. Cyndaquil and Mudkip you are off the hook! Now then, it's time to head outside and use our handy dandy giant slot machine to see who else you get on your teams!

(Outside; Igglybuff steps up to a slot machine)

Raichu: Alright Igglybuff, you get to go first and you get to spin twice. Whoever you land on will make up the rest on your team. Understood?

Igglybuff: Yup! Now then let's get this party started! (Spins the machine and it lands on Charmander who comes out)

Raichu: Ooh you've got Charmander!

Igglybuff: Nice. And now for number two. (Spins again and it lands on Oshawott) Ooh, okay, Oshawott.

Oshawott: Oww... (stands up) Oh, hi!

Charmander: Yeah don't worry, you got the best team by a landslide. You are definitely winning this.

Raichu: The other teams haven't even been formed yet but... okay! Alcremie, you are up next!

Alcremie: Okay... (spins the wheel)

(In confessional)
Alcremie: Having Snivy on my team is trouble enough as is, but he's made a LOT of enemies on the show and if I get people who hate his guts I might as well throw in the towel.

Alcremie: I've seen season one, please don't give me Chespin or- (the slots stop)

Raichu: Chikorita! (Alcremie let's out a big sigh)

Chikorita: Hey, come on what did I do? I promise I'll be a good help!

Alcremie: Erm, no it's not that, it's well... (motions to Snivy who snuggly waves. Chikorita looks ticked off) Okay lucky spin number two gives me... (the wheel lands on Turtwig) Oh Turtwig!

Turtwig: Ack, my cranium hurts from that. (Gets up) Hey congrats on doing so well this season. Alcremie right? Say did you know that your move pool-

Raichu: OKAY! Grookey hurry up and spin because someone's gotta drain Turtwig's rambling out.

Grookey: (nods) On it! (Spins) COME ON LUCKY SEVENS!!! (The wheel lands on Piplup) Uh oh, I don't think I fare too well when it comes to water type birds...

Piplup: Hmph, excuse me? I'll have you know I am exceptional at any and every kind of challenge!

Raichu: Really, then how come you never won this show? (Piplup growls) And it looks like Grookey's other helper is... Chespin!

Chespin: Agh! Ow, oh hey what's up. Happy to help you out today.

Riolu: Guess that means it's my turn. Let's give it a spin and-

Raichu: Yeah no need, there are only two left in there anyway. (Smacks the machine a few times and out come Litten and Fennekin)

Litten: Oh sweet! Babe I think we're on the same team!

Fennekin: Oh yay! That's great!


(In the forest; teams stand in front of a tall tower)

Grookey: Woah... big tower.

Litten: (to Fennekin) Hey this reminds me of the time where you were captured and I had to rescue you you.

Fennekin: Aww wait I remember that challenge- (panicked) WAIT NO! Raichu don't you dare lock me up again!

Raichu: Calm yourself Fennekin, you will NOT be locked in a cage today. Today's challenge will be a modified version of the classic children's game, whisper down the lane! However, instead of having to just successfully repeat a phrase at the end, you will be looking for two objects that fit the description of the two phrases.

Riolu: So each phrase is basically a clue?

Raichu: Correctimundo! Each member of the final four will start at this tower here with one helper of their choosing. They will search the first floor of the tower for the first clue. You may NOT open the clue. Then, the final four camper must head outside and wait for their helper to reach the top of the tower, and relay the clue through good old fashioned tin can phone lines.

Turtwig: Are you sure those will work properly?

Raichu: Nope! (Smiles) After hearing the clue, you must run through the swamp area of the forest here until you reach the wall we have set up at the end with more phone lines. On the other side of the wall is a giant junkyard filled with all kinds of crap! Your other two helpers will be here, and will be tasked with finding the correct items and putting them on your team's pedestal. First team to get both correct items will win!

Igglybuff: Ugh, so we have to fully trust our helpers won't hold us down?

Raichu: Afraid so. Take charge if you wanna lead your team to victory.

Grookey: Sorry what do we do if we forget the clue?

Raichu: (laughs) You must go all the back through the swamp to hear it again! So yeah, you better be listening carefully!

Togedemaru: And I'm sorry, we have to do this how many times?

Raichu: There's two clues, so take it one at a time. You can search for the next clue after passing along the message, but things might get confusing if you don't take it one clue at a time. That's just my advice. (Claps his hands together) Alright, any questions? (Everyone raises their hand) TOO BAD! Let's get a move on!

(The screen wipes to everyone in their positions)

Raichu: Alright so no clue finding duty we have Psyduck, Togdemaru, Turtwig and Charmander. Awaiting on the other side of the wall over yonder are the pairings of Pachirisu and Oshawott, Chikorita and Snivy, Chespin and Piplup, and lastly Litten and Fennekin. Now then, LET THE GAME BEGIN!!! (Blows an airhorn and they race into the tower)

Riolu: Okay come on, let's find the first clue.

Psyduck: Huh? Wait but I don't want to play that board game. I'm so bad at it. (Riolu facepalms)

(In confessional)
Riolu: Yup... having Psyduck on this part is gonna be a huge handicap. Ugh, Litten and Fennekin just rushed off to the other part because they wanted to be together today.

Igglybuff: This place is so big, how are we supposed to search?

Charmander: Just trash the place, who cares! (Starts breaking things)

Igglybuff: Oh! Great idea!

Turtwig: Hmm if I were Raichu where would I hide a clue... aha! (Runs over to a painting of Raichu and finds a clue behind it) Got it Alcremie!

Alcremie: Wow, awesome job! So now you have to run to the top and I'll go outside, right?

Turtwig: (nods) Yeah, let's go! (They run off)

Grookey: Aww man there goes the lead.

Togdemaru: (sarcastically) Wow however will you win now? Surely it's impossible-

Grookey: Can you at least try and help me search?

Togedemaru: Sheesh I am, I am.

Igglybuff: YES! Found a clue!

Riolu: Same here! (Walks to Psyduck) Okay Psyduck, you are gonna take this to the top then read it to me, okay? You understand your role?

Psyduck: (nods) Definitely.

(In confessional)
Psyduck: A roll is bread. Duh! See I'm not dumb.

Raichu: (to the camera) Grookey and Togedemaru finally find their clue but are trailing slightly behind the leaders, who now are relaying the clue down.

(Outside the tower, by a set of tin can phones)

Alcremie: Okay Turtwig, read the clue!

Turtwig: (through the phone) Shellder sells sea shells by the sea shore, his favorite color's purple and his favorite numbers four.

Alcremie: Ugh, of course the sound is all muffled, but I think I got it- wait actually, no. Maybe repeat it one more time?

(The screen flips to where Turtwig is)

Turtwig: No problem, the first clue is- (continues talking as others arrive)

Psyduck: Just read the clue. Just read the clue Psyduck... (Charmander gives a devious smirk)

(In confessional)
Charmander: Oh this is gonna be good.

Charmander: (Takes out his clue and starts writing on it) Oh my god Psyduck look! Free nachos!

Psyduck: Oh my gosh where!? (Turns to look and Charmander switches their clues) I don't see anything...

Charmander: Whoops, sorry dude, my mistake.

Psyduck: Bummer. (Picks up the phone) Hi! I don't want any insurance-

Riolu: (through the phone) Just read the clue please!

Psyduck: Sure thing! Ahem. Chimchar stinks worse than a Garbodor on trash day.

Riolu: (through the phone) Alright got it thanks!

Raichu: (to the camera) Ooh and it looks like Alcremie, Riolu, and Igglybuff are all off and headed into the swamp! But who will make it through first?

(In the swamp)

Alcremie: (to herself) Shellder, beach, shells... five? No four? Yeah four...

(In confessional)
Alcremie: Remembering the exact phrase is the utmost importance in this challenge. A detail I miss could be the key identification for the object that needs to be found! That's why Im only thinking of that. As long as I keep repeating the key points to myself I'll be good.

Alcremie: (to herself) Shellder sells seashells by the- (bumps into a tree) Oww.

Igglybuff: (laughing) Oh my Alcremie, just how dumb are you?

Alcremie: (sarcastically) Ugh, thanks for your concern!

Riolu: (jumping across rocks quickly through the swamp) Step aside ladies, I'm coming through! I'll enjoy the spa hotel tonight, thank you very much!

Igglybuff: Grrr! Not if I can help it! (Jumps into the swamp and starts swimming through as Grookey arrives)

Grookey: Yes I caught up, but aww man a gross swamp. Oh well at least this isn't that dangerous- (a loud scream is heard) Oops, guess I stand corrected...

Alcremie: AGHH WHAT THE HECK!! (Dodging shots of the pasta blasta)

Koffing TAKE THAT SUCKA! (Continues shooting)

Raichu: (over intercom) Oops, did I forget to mention Koffing is practicing his shooting today? My bad!

(At the wall)

Fennekin: I can't believe we have to rummage through trash, yuck so gross.

Litten: (smirks) Aww don't worry I'll protect you from it. I'm here for ya heh.

Chikorita: Snivy let's just agree to be cordial today, okay?

Snivy: Oh please, even if I did agree it's not like you'd trust me anyways.

Chespin: Just do your best Chikorita, you got this. I'll do mine too.

Piplup: Prepare to go down Pachirisu! I am far superior at finding things.

Pachirisu: Oh really? Do you have Oshawott as your partner?

Oshawott: (blushes) Oh thanks, b-but it's not digging so I don't know how much help I'll be- (Riolu's phone starts ringing but Fennekin and Litten are kissing and don't notice)

Piplup: UM HELLO!? PHONE!? My ears are gonna start bleeding if that ringing doesn't stop.

Litten: Eesh who took a dump in your breakfast cereal? (Picks up the phone) Talk to me. (Listens) Uh huh? Um alright... (heads off with Fennekin as Pachirisu answers a phone)

Fennekin: So what did he say?

Litten: Chimchar smells worse than Garbodor? Or something like that.

Fennekin: What the heck, how do we know what to find? This whole place is littered with trash!

Litten: Beats me. Let's just take a look around, maybe once we see the thing we'll know. C'mon.

(Back in the swamp)

Grookey: (swinging from tree branches) Alright! This is easy- WAH! (Gets hits by pasta and falls) Oww...

Alcremie: (climbs out of the swamp) Ugh, Eww... This is going so bad. Wait what was the clue again? Shellder something about a shell. Wait what was the color? Ugh no I can't remember! I better go back (Starts heading back to the tower)

Grookey: (makes it across the swamp) Yes! Finally! (Grabs his phone and relays the message) Phew, okay I think that was right. (Turns to see Igglybuff and Riolu leering at each other) Wow, you guys sure are tense.

(In confessional)
Grookey: Oh yeah I really want to see Igglybuff go home but come on... life's too short to spend it being angry all day!

Igglybuff: My teams gonna win this and then you'll be gone Riolu. Ha!

Riolu: Don't you say that every week? And yet here I still stand! BOOM!

Grookey: Hey guys wanna see this prank? Look see this quarter. You bet someone to roll it down their nose and it leaves black ink along their nose see! (Does the trick to himself but Igglybuff and Riolu look unamused)

(In the junkyard)

Piplup: Come on Chespin! Let's look faster!

Chespin: You sure? Wouldn't making sure we check every spot be the smarter move?

Piplup: No way! Faster is always better! (Starts searching through a junk pile super fast but a bomb goes off) AGHH!! (Crashes into Pachirisu)

Pachirisu: Owww... ugh what the hey? PIPLUP!?

Oshawott: Oh are you guys okay?

Piplup: (brushes herself off) Y-yeah. Think so.

Pachirisu: Good, now... GET AWAY FROM US! (Chases Piplup off) That'll teach her to not snoop on us.

Oshawott: Oh hey look at this! (Holds up a shell) It's not purple tho.

Pachirisu: Worth a spot I guess? (They run over to their closed off team area and put down the shell) Is that it?

Raichu: (makes an incorrect noise) NOPE! WRONG! Get that outta here!

Pachirisu: Ugh, whatever, let's ask Igglybuff again (They run up to their phone as Litten and Fennekin come by)

Fennekin: Yeah I don't think this is right Litten.

Litten: Well might as well try! (Takes a heap of trash and puts it on their team podium) There!

Raichu: Ewww, heck no! What did you bring me? It reeks!

Litten: I think it's an old sandwich and a moldy banana peel and-

Fennekin: Well this really can't be right. The dumb clue is impossible. It wasn't even a clue, it was just an insult about Chimchar

Litten: An insult about Chimchar... (Pauses) Hang on, doesn't that sound like something Charmander would make it? That son of a-

(The screen wipes to Riolu picking up the phone)

Litten: (from on the phone) Yeah Riolu... I'm pretty sure you got the wrong clue bud. Go ask for it again.

Fennekin: (from on the phone) Yeah we are willing to bet Charmander messed with it.

Riolu: (sighs) Dammit I knew something was gonna have to go wrong. Thanks. (Hangs up and runs off as Alcremie arrives)

Igglybuff: Aww sucks to suck Riolu!

Alcremie: (through the phone) Sorry I took so long. Here's the clue.

Chikorita: (through the phone) Mhm? Okay got it. Alright Snivy let's- Snivy? Ugh where'd he go! (Leaves)

Alcremie: Wait what's going on- ugh nevermind it's too late.

Grookey: Man, wouldn't it be sweet to have X-ray vision right now. Would be better than just standing here waiting.

Alcremie: Heh yeah I guess that would be cool. Wait hang on Grookey why is there a black line down your face? (He just laughs)

(Back at the tower)

Riolu: (on the phone) Psyduck, I want you to CAREFULLY read the clue again. Then repeat it to me.

Psyduck: Okay got it! (Pauses) Sorry hang on, it's kinda confusing. It's hard to read through these crossed out lines...

Riolu: (on the phone) Crossed out lines? Ugh wait! Charmander messed with your clue didn't he?

Charmander (laughing) Ahaha, yes I did. Get good Riolu.

Psyduck: Okay it says Shellder sells seashells. Then it's talking about how he likes purple and the number four. (Pauses) You know my favorite number is- (Riolu hangs up) Hello? Helllooo? Wow... how rude...

(Back at the junk yard)

Pachirisu: Okay so we are obviously looking for a shell, but I just can't seem to find one.

Oshawott: I know! This is tiring work. But we can do it.

Pachirisu: Huh? (Sees something sparkling on top of a junk pile) Is that it? Yes! I think that might be it! (Jumps across various things to the top and grabs a shell) YESSS!!! (Slides down and whispers to Oshawott) It's purple and has four spikes, this has to be it, let's go! (They rush off to their team podium and place down the shell)

Raichu: (over the intercom) CORRRRRECT!!! Team Igglybuff has found the first item and may now move onto the second!

Igglybuff: Woo hoo! YES! Later losers! (Runs off)

(Back at the junkyard)

Litten: Hey Oshawott, be a pal and let us know what the item looks like. It'd be a pretty nice thing to do...

Oshawott: Um... well... you see...

Pachirisu: (covers his mouth) Oshawott you don't have to tell him anything. Play fair Litten!

Litten: Oh come on, I am! (The phone rings)

Fennekin: (picks it up) Uh huh, got it, okay Riolu! (Hangs up) Let's go!

(Elsewhere in the junkyard)

Chespin: Hmm where can I find the thing...

Piplup: If I knew don't you think I would've found it myself already? Just keep looking!

Chespin: (shrugs) Jeez, even when it isn't you on the line you sure want to win, huh Piplup?

Piplup: Um DUH! My sense of pride is everything, and I don't want you ruining it! Stop talking and get back to searching!

Chespin: Nice. Well maybe if you were easier to work with you could- AGHH! (Trash falls on top of him) Oww...

Snivy: Oops. My mistake! I didn't realize firing a Razor Leaf at that trash would make it collapse on you, sorry Chespin.

Chespin: SNIVYYYY!!!

Snivy: (smugly) Yes that is my name. (Chespin tackles him and more trash falls) ACK!!

Piplup: (the fallen trash revealed a purple shell) Yes! (Picks it up and leaves). There Chespin, good job!


Raichu: (to the camera) Looks like Team Alcremie and Team Grookey are completely stalled! The question remains, will anyone finish this challenge? I'm seriously starting to doubt it. WOW! Oh wait- I take it back! Team Grookey has found the first item! Not sure how...

(In front of the wall)

Grookey: YAHOO! AWESOME AWESOME!!! See ya guys. (Runs off)

Riolu: Ugh, this is a total disaster.

Alcremie: (sighs) I know. It's a shame because there isn't much we can do about it.

Riolu: Yeah, exactly:

Alcremie: Though... you know we've came too far to not try! (Tries ringing the phone and Chikorita picks up) How's the search going?

Chikorita: (on the phone) Not very good... look I'm seriously trying but Snivy won't stop picking fights with other people... (softly) me included...

Alcremie: (takes a deep breath) Can you put him on the phone please?

Chikorita: (on the phone) Yeah lucky for you he just came back.

Snivy: (on the phone) Give me that you moron. Hey, what do you want Alcremie?

Alcremie: Snivy! Please stop ruining this challenge for me. You need to stop picking fights and search!

Snivy: (on the phone) Yeah, yeah whatever. We'll see-

Alcremie: (angry) NO! IM NOT GONNA GET DISMISSED LIKE THAT!! Snivy you are going to listen to me and you and Chikorita are gonna do things my way! Don't you wanna win, huh? Prove how great you are? You act like you are so great but what do you have to back that up?

Snivy: (on the phone) Ugh, are you kidding me? C'mon. Ugh, fine alright. I'll stop wasting time with fights okay-


Alcremie: For real? Sweet! I might still have a chance! (Back on the phone) Okay listen up, Snivy I want you to scope around the junkyard a bit. You take one side and Chikorita takes the other! Familiarize yourself with the stuff so you have a leg up on where to look! (Hangs up and runs off)

Riolu: And I'm officially in last... great...

(Back at the tower; Igglybuff hangs up the phone)

Igglybuff: Yes! Thank you Charmander! (Runs off as Grookey arrives)

Grookey: C'mon c'mon! Tell me what I want to hear!

Togedemaru: (on the phone) Grookey you are the winner of Total Drama Pokemon and have won the million dollars! (There is silence) Really? Nothing? Please tell me you got my joke...

Grookey: Dude, just read the clue...

Togedemaru: Ugh fine. It says "Sorry if this challenge has bugged you, but wow this season has flew. Hell and the devil are your key, to winning this immunity"

Grookey: Um... what?

(In confessional)
Grookey: Seriously? SERIOUSLY!? The heck does that ominous statement even mean!?


Raichu: (to the camera) And Grookey is back running through the swamp trying to catch Igglybuff! (They are both shown struggling through the swamp) Meanwhile, Alcremie also receives the final clue, from Turtwig. But Riolu is still playing a waiting game and is falling more and more behind...

(At the junkyard)

Litten: Babe I think this is hopeless. We have no idea what we are doing.

Fennekin: (sighs) Ah I know, but still what else can we do but try?

Litten: Mhmm... (raises an eyebrow) We could just enjoy each others company? After all it's not our million dollars at play here. (Kisses her on the cheek)

Fennekin: (blushes) Litten! Kn-knock it off we can't be... (pauses) You really are so cute you know that?

Litten: (smirks) You know it! And so are you.

Fennekin: Aww Litten. (leans in and kisses him)

(Back at the wall)

Riolu: Ugh, come on already...

Raichu: (over the speakers) Looks like Riolu probably has to give up on winning. It seems his helpers are a little... distracted. (Riolu moans in anger) But among the other three it'll be a close one! Ooh here come Igglybuff and Grookey!

Igglybuff: Move it Grookey! Don't you dare get it my way!

Grookey: Sorry but I think it's about time someone finally knocked you down a peg. (Uses Razor Leaf to hit her) Score!

Igglybuff: Oww, UGH!

Grookey: (runs up to his phone) PICKUP PICKUP PICKUP PICKUP!!!!

Chespin: (on the phone) Talk to me Grookey!

Grookey: Okay the clue is... (he takes a big pause) CRAP! It was something to do will hell?

Chespin: Hell? Is that... is that it!

Grookey: I don't have time to go back just do your best! Find something satanic and go for it thanks!

Igglybuff: (on her phone) The clue said "Sorry if this challenge has bugged you, but wow this season has flew. Hell and the devil are your key, to winning this immunity". I have no idea what it means.

Pachirisu: It's not even describing anything its just some dumb statement.

Oshawott: Yeah it's really odd...

Igglybuff: Well get looking and hurry to find something! I need this invincibility! (Roughly hangs up)

Riolu: Care to share? Maybe I can help-

Igglybuff: Oh shut it! I'm not helping you with squat.

Raichu: (over the speakers) Pachirisu, Oshawott, Chespin, and Piplup are all off and searching for a final souvenir! Will they be able to find it?

(In the junkyard)

Pachirisu: Hey Oshawott look! These kinda look like devil horns on the statue right?

Oshawott: Let me see. Hmm, maybe? I dunno it looks like it could maybe be it.

Pachirisu: Well it's worth a shot!

Piplup: (screeches) YES!!! I've found it!

Chespin: Alright Piplup! This has totally gotta be it! (Sees Pachirisu running) Uh oh, Piplup you better run!

Piplup: IM SO BEATING YOU PACHIRISU!!! (The two run over to their team podiums)

Raichu: (waiting at the podiums) This is gonna be close! It's... its... (they both place down the items) WOW! It's a tie! (Pauses) Hang on... ahaha... HAHAH!

Piplup: What's so funny?

Raichu: What's so funny if you both have the wrong item, better try again!

Pachirisu: Oh come on!

(Back at the wall)

Igglybuff: Ugh are you kidding me!? If it was a tie I totally would've won the tiebreaker!

Grookey: Well sucks to suck I guess because your team got it wrong... but so did mine so... (Alcremie walks up and picks up the phone)

Riolu: It's about time you got here Alcremie.

Alcremie: (on the phone) "Sorry if this challenge has bugged you, but wow this season has flew. Hell and the devil are your key, to winning this immunity". Hmm, maybe if we think together we can solve this?

Snivy: (on the phone) Please, this clue is just gibberish. It's Raichu being a pain, probably impossible.

Chikorita: (on the phone) Hang on maybe we can break it down. I mean maybe we need to look for something evil?

Snivy: (on the phone) That's way too vague, it needs to be something specific!

Alcremie: Hmm let's see the first part of the clue mentioned "bugging you" which could be referring to an actual bug maybe? Or something associated with bugs? So... a bug from hell? I don't know..:

Chikorita: (on the phone) Yeah that makes no sense-

Snivy: (on the phone) Vivillon.

Alcremie: What?

Snivy: (on the phone) The clue to the riddle is a Vivillon. Duh.

Chikorita: (on the phone) Ugh, Snivy quit messing with her and being a jer-

Alcremie: OHMYGOSH! He's right! A bug type that flies who's pokedex number is 666, a number commonly associated with hell. Did you guys see anything related to a Vivillon?

Chikorita: (on the phone) YES! C'mon Snivy, this way! (Runs off)

(At the team podiums)

Snivy: Here you go Raichu, a stupid Vivillon statue. (Puts it on the podium) Do try and create harder clues next time...

Raichu: So, what? You just are assuming you are right? (Snivy proudly nods and Raichu sounds an airhorn) VIVILLON WAS THE CORRECT ANSWER! GAME OVER, TEAM ALCREMIE WINS!!!

Oshawott: Aww man, good job though guys.

Chespin: For real! Nicely done Chikorita, even when working with Snivy you still did it.

Raichu: Alright that's enough! We are running out of time for this episode, so let's get a move on.

(In confessional)
Riolu: This challenge was a complete disaster for me... thanks team... (takes a deep breath) Oh well, at least Alcremie won. Now Igglybuff will be history!

(In confessional)
Alcremie: (happy) YES! I actually did it! I won! I even got someone as stubborn as Snivy to help me do it. (Laughs a little) This victory tastes extra sweet!

(In confessional)
Igglybuff: UGH! So close and of course it doesn't go my way in the end. (Sighs) I'm so getting eliminated now... unless...

Igglybuff: (approaches Grookey) Heyyy Grookey. Look I know we aren't really friends anymore but-

Grookey: Butts are for sitting. Goodbye- (she grabs his arm) Woah!

Igglybuff: Just listen! If we don't vote Riolu now, he will surely win the whole thing! He's too skilled and is a huge threat!

Grookey: That may be true but how come he hasn't won invincibility every challenge then?

Igglybuff: Because I've been slowing him down this whole way for everyone! Once I'm gone he'll steamroll you. Look do you want a better chance at winning, or do you want to throw all your hard work on this show away? (Grookey looks nervous and gulps)

(At the elimination ceremony)

Alcremie: Aww I wish I coulda said a proper goodbye to my helpers. They really were great.

Raichu: Aww, sweet, but honestly who cares. Just take your pokepuff! (Throws the pokepuff to Alcremie) Only two spots left in the semi finals now. (Everyone looks serious) The next one is for... Grookey! (Throws him a pokepuff)

Grookey: Yes!!

Raichu: And now then the final pokepuff goes to...

(Riolu and Igglybuff leer at each other as the tension grows)

Raichu: RIOLU!! (Throws him the pokepuff)

Riolu: Score! Finally!

Igglybuff: UGH! WOW! Grookey you really are a total moron.

Grookey: Well at least I'm not a manipulative jerk.

Igglybuff: This is just unfair! Nobody deserved to win more than me! I played this game better than all of you combined!

Raichu: Oh really? So why is it you about to get hurled away now?

Igglybuff: SHUT IT RAICHU!!! Now what? I go back empty handed to my pathetic life playing second fiddle to my stupid sister! UGH!

Alcremie: Maybe we'd feel bad if you weren't so awful. You think you deserve fame? After THIS?

Riolu: Don't worry, she'll be plenty famous after this. Maybe just as famous as Jigglypuff. Sadly everyone will hate you instead of liking you... (smirks as Igglybuff turns red in the face and gets in the catapult)

Igglybuff: You know what, let's just get this over with.

Raichu: My pleasure! (Fires as Igglybuff screams) GOOD RIDDANCE! We'll have to see if Igglybuff manages to stay in the air or if she'll plummet like her popularity. (Turns to Koffing who facepalms. Throws away cue cards) Anyways, tune in next time for the epic semifinals of Total Drama Pokemon The Next Generation!!

*Hey everyone, thanks for sticking along for the final few chapters of this story! I know updates have been very infrequent but hey, I'm pushing through and we're almost there now! Once again thank you so much for reading! I appreciate you all so much! ❤️

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