You Dropped This Queen

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Raichu: Last time on Total Drama Pokemon The Next Generation, an escaping from the mines challenge took a NON-PLANNED life threatening turn when Scizor accidentally busted open a tin of toxic chemicals. Our final six were tethered in pairs, but not just any pairs, pairs that put them together with the remaining camper they hated the most. Igglybuff tried to stall Riolu, even during a life threatening situation. Alcremie was out to avenge Fidough by sticking it to Scizor, but he seemed oddly okay with it. Turns out, he had a deep past he was hiding from us and Alcremie reminded him of his little sister and he wanted to push her to get stronger! Wow, who'd a thought? Lastly, Grookey and Quaxly seemed to gain a little more understanding of each other... and then they threw that away and went back to squabbling with each other all the way to the finish line! After they both won immunity, Riolu feared he was a goner, but it was actually Scizor who ended up being voted out! With him gone we are at the final five and anything can happen, here on, Total Drama Pokemon!

(Theme song; in the mess hall)

Alcremie: Yuck! I'm so tired of this slop...

Igglybuff: (sits down next to her) I know right. You'd think we'd be owed a reward of good food for making it this far...

Alcremie: Heh, yeah.

Igglybuff: By the way, I'm so happy Scizor is gone for your sake now. He was such a bully.

Alcremie: Yeah I mean... he sorta was? But he also sorta wasn't? Ugh I know I'm trying not to feel wishy-washy about this kind of thing anymore but I can't help it. I feel like deep down he really did mean well.

Igglybuff: (nods) Right. Anyways, I came over here to ask if you'd maybe consider voting for Riolu next. (Looks sad) I don't mean to sound like a suck or anything but... honestly he's been so awful to me this whole competition! Like when he purposely got me mauled by sharks, when he beat me up so badly, and he even said I was at fault and deserved to be berated by my sister! (Starts crying)

Alcremie: Agh, oh no, please don't cry. I'll help, I promise.

Igglybuff: (quickly stops crying and smiles) Perfect! Thanks so much Alcremie! (Gets up and leaves)

(In confessional)
Igglybuff: I know what you are thinking, don't you already have enough votes to get rid of Riolu now? Frustratingly no, I don't, as Quaxly and Grookey are unreliable and will likely vote each other, ugh.

(In confessional)
Alcremie: Okay now I don't want to be mean here but... I don't know, something about Igglybuff just doesn't seem to be adding up. I don't mean to call her a phony but she definitely can't be as nice as she seems. I mean did she think I wouldn't see her trying to lose yesterday? I know she doesn't like Riolu but wow. (Pauses and raises an eyebrow) Also wait, I think she said Riolu SAVED her from sharks before? Huh... how could she flip that story in her head like that...

Riolu: (approaches Alcremie) Okay whatever Igglybuff just said to you, I can explain-

Alcremie: It's okay, you don't have to.

Riolu: (confused) Erm, what? What do you mean by that?

Alcremie: (playing with her paste with her spoon) Oh just um, I'm pretty sure I know something is up with her. She's very persistent on eliminating you, and so desperate that she may have mixed up a detail on one of her lies...

Riolu: Meaning?

Alcremie: I'm pretty sure she's a big phony.

Riolu: YES! OH MY GOSH YES! (Grabs Alcremie and shakes her) Do you know how long I've been waiting for someone to believe me here!?

Alcremie: Huh? What do you mean?

Riolu: I mean she's had everyone so deceived with her nice innocent act that when I tried to bring up the fact she's actually not so nice everyone would think I was the liar! She's been gunning for me ever since! My god there's so much I need to tell you about her. (Riolu starts rambling on)

(In confessional)
Alcremie: Wow! I just thought Igglybuff was fake, but I didn't think she was THAT malicious.

(In confessional)
Riolu: Agh, it feels so good to finally be heard. In the end she only had herself to blame. Couldn't keep up with her many many lies. Agh, now that's justice for ya.

(In the spa hotel)

Quaxly: Ugh, I wish my morning didn't have to be spoiled by YOU!!

Grookey: Give it a rest you ugly duckling, the spa hotel is SUPPOSED to be relaxing.

Quaxly: Agreed, but I can't relax when YOU ARE HERE!

Grookey: Well why not? I'm not gonna prank you here... at least not today I wasn't planning on it-

Quaxly: SEE! That's just one of the many many reasons why cheeky chimps like yourself are never to be trusted! Just go fling your feces or something.


Quaxly: (angry) MAKE ME!!!

Furfrou: (enters) Excuse me sirs but I have prepared your brea-

Grookey & Quaxly: NOT NOW!!!

Furfour: Oh my... (exits and Grookey and Quaxly start fighting)

(Outside the cabins; Psyduck presses a super loud airhorn)

Psyduck: OWWW MY EARS!!!

Raichu: Psyduck, didn't you put in the earplugs?

Psyduck: WHATTT!?!?

Raichu: Never mind you're dismissed- (yelling) GO BACK TO YOUR ROOM!!! (Psyduck walks off as the final five gather in front of Raichu) Good morning final five! Congrats on making it this far! You each have a twenty percent chance of winning one million dollars now! Who's excited!? (They all cheer)

(In confessional)
Igglybuff: Twenty percent? Pfft. I've basically got a one hundred percent chance of winning at this point! Raichu might as well just hand me the money now.

(In confessional)
Quaxly: Being in the final five is awesome! Sure I've had my fumbles throughout the season but I'm determined and stuck through thick and thin! Hope you all back home realize I've been a trooper through and through when thinking of who you wanna root for heh.

(In confessional)
Grookey: WOO HOO!! Final five baby yes!!! (Pumps his fist in the air) Honestly am beyond stoked just to make it this far, but winning a million dollars would make it even better! Wahoo!

(In confessional)
Riolu: I'm very grateful to have made it this far, not that I ever doubted myself though. I have the skillset to win this thing, but with Igglybuff gunning for me I've been cutting it closer than I'd like to have. (Smiles) But now it's time for justice as the tables will be turning today, just you wait and see!

(In confessional)
Alcremie: I started this competition a lonely girl but I've finally got some friends now. On top of that, making it to the final five was not something I was expecting AT ALL! But now that I've made it this far, I'm not gonna hold anything back! I'm going to win this thing! 

Igglybuff: So then, what's the days challenge?

Raichu: I was getting to that! Obviously! Ahem, for today's challenge we will be headed to a nearby island where you will compete for immunity. Now then everybody- (the Pichu Twins run up) Oh brother, what now?

Pichu: Uncle Raichu! You said we could come along, remember?

Pichuette: Yeah you said we could have some sweet sweet honey candy!

Raichu: Oh right, I did didn't I? Well then, come along you two. Onto the boat. (Everyone boards a boat and it sails off)

(In front of a giant mountain on the other island)

Pichu: Yay we made it!

Pichuette: Wow look at all the honey! (Points to a mountain oozing with hunny)

Riolu: I'm sorry, what? This is not an ordinary mountain.

Raichu: Yeah no shit Sherlock! This is Combee Mountain! Aka, a mountain that is also known to be the largest Combee hive in existence! Don't worry though, the Combee here live in peace and tranquility... at least that is until someone raids their land and attempts to steal the Queen Vespiquen's crown. (Smiles) Can you take a guess at what you're doing? (Everyone frowns except Grookey)

Grookey: Um... we are just gonna ask for some honey and then leave?

Raichu: (makes an incorrect noise) Nope! Nice try though.

Igglybuff: This mountain is huge! Any clue on where the crown is?

Raichu: It's a crown! Hello! My guess is it'll be on top of the queen Vespiquen's head.

Quaxly: Makes sense.

Alcremie: After we steal the crown for the challenge, you will be returning it to her right?

Raichu: Yes, yes, of course! Though I'm sure it suits me far better.

Pichuette: (giggles) Want us to call you queen Raichu then?

Raichu: WHAT? NO! Okay yeah definitely returning it. Now then, steal the crown and then you have to escape the mountain slash hive and bring it back to me to win immunity. Understood? (Everyone nods) Great! Now get going! (Everyone runs off) OH! And watch out for Beedrill! Some of them also live here too you know!

(At the base of the mountain)

Quaxly: Hmm, I don't see any entrance in...

Igglybuff: Yeah, only these holes where honey is flowing through. Definitely not able to push upstream through there though.

Grookey: I bet you fly in from the top! They are bees, they do fly after all.

Alcremie: Makes sense to me. See you at the top! (Runs up a path up the mountain)

Riolu: Wait up! (Runs after her)

Quaxly: (smirks) Hey Grookey. Know what would be an awesome prank?

Grookey: Cutting someone's breaks without telling them? (There is a moment of silence) That was a joke, I'm not serious. Who would ever do such a heinous thing?

Quaxly: You should douse yourself in honey and get swarmed by bees (laughs a little)

Grookey: Hmm... I suppose that could be funny... (scoops up a handful of honey) Only thing is it's not a prank if you do it to yourself so... (dumps the honey on Quaxly) HEY COMBEES!! OVER HERE!! (Runs off)


Igglybuff: Well you did provoke him. (Heads off) Would love to stick around, but it looks you'll be busy with some friends.

Quaxly: Ugh, so what? I'm not scared of Combee- (A swarm of Combee angrily approach) AGH OKAY OKAY! IM SCARED OF COMBEE! AGHHH! (Runs off being chased)

(In confessional)
Quaxly: (covered in bee stings) Did I mention I hate Grookey before? (Moves) Oww...

(Alongside the mountain)

Alcremie: So far so good... oh no! Combees! (Quickly hides behind a rock and they don't notice her) Phew, I don't think they saw me-

Riolu: Hey, Alcremie!

Alcremie: (startled) EEEK! (Pauses) Well they didn't see me, but they sure heard me...

Combee: Hey outsiders are not welcome! Get off our mountain! (Tries to attack but misses)

Riolu: Aura Sphere! (Jumps and knocks out two Combee)

Alcremie: Take this! (Fires cream missiles and knocks out the other two) Yes!

Riolu: Sorry for that by the way, but nicely done!

Alcremie: It's no problem but what was that all about?

Riolu: Well I thought it'd be nice for us to stick together. You know, team up? Make sure one of us wins.

Alcremie: Erm... I mean, yeah that'd be cool and all but I do not want to be targeted again for being in an alliance. We can head together for now, and I'll still vote for Igglybuff, but I don't think forming an obvious alliance is the smartest idea.

Riolu: (nods) Ah fair enough. That is actually a very wise point. (Smiles) I respect that.

(In confessional)
Riolu: Honestly that response was the best I could've hoped for. I only asked because I didn't expect Alcremie to join me in voting Igglybuff unless I helped her through the challenge, but I guess she's more independent than I thought.

(Elsewhere alongside the mountain)

Grookey: (comes to a stop) Oooh what have we here? (Leans inside a cavern) HELLO!? ANYBODY IN THERE!? (Hears buzzing) Wow... in retrospect... I am quite the dumbass... (Combees fly out and begin chasing Grookey) AGHHHH! (Runs off as Igglybuff walks along by)

Igglybuff: Ugh it's so hot out today. I need a parasol or something to block the shade.

(In confessional)
Igglybuff: That's the first thing I'm gonna do with my million. Hire a personal servant to follow me around with an umbrella to provide shade. Now THAT would be part of the luxurious life I deserve.

Quaxly: (runs up) Oww... oh hi Igglybuff. Just walking? Do you even want to win?

Igglybuff: Oh, er, um... I mean sure I'd love to win but I'm pretty weak and am overheating right now so...

Quaxly: Overheating? No problem, I got it.

Igglybuff: (shakes her hands no) Wait Quaxly no! (He uses Water Gun on her) Ow...

Quaxly: (oblivious that he hurt her) There, that help you cool off?

Igglybuff: (fake smiling through anger) Heh, yes very much, thank you... you TWAT! That's it let's get a move on. (Quaxly looks confused but then just follows her up)

(At the top of the mountain)

Grookey: (loudly) AND STAY DOWN COMBEES!! Whooos, probably should stop shouting. Alright, first one to the top! (Peers over and sees a giant pool of honey) Woah, I'm no nutritionist, but that's gotta be like... a trillion calories of honey! (Riolu and Alcremie reach the top) Oh heyo!

Alcremie: Oh, hi. (Looks ahead) Ugh, we have to get down there? How is that possible?

Grookey: How about we jump into the honey- (is about to jump)

Alcremie: No, you'll get stuck!

Riolu: (nods) Yeah, I guess we should find a way to climb down the sides. I think there's some... yes! (Runs over to the side and grabs some rope) Perfect! Some rope! We can all use it if you'd like, just one condition, hear me out for what I've got to say.

Grookey: Oh, um, yeah okay. (The three start climbing down the rope) So you are telling me that Igglybuff is actually some evil mastermind? For reals?

Riolu: Okay maybe not a mastermind, but she is definitely not what she seems!

Alcremie: Yeah I feel like she's been lying a lot. I don't really trust her either.

Grookey: Hmm, well I'd like to believe you but it doesn't make sense. She's been pretty nice all season, she tried to save Sprigatito before and has even been trying to get Quaxly and I to stop fighting.

Riolu: Just... just think about it for now. That's all I ask.

(In confessional)
Grookey: I'm not saying Riolu is spewing some bull bull... but he IS looking a bit like a Tauros at the moment... (laughs) Metaphorically of course. (Pauses) He was a noble teammate though, and I don't think he'd lie though... hmm I bet some kind of misunderstanding has gone on. Yeah, that's probably it!

(At the top of the cliff; Igglybuff peers over having heard some of the conversation)

Igglybuff: (to herself) Grrr... Why Riolu you little- Hmph. Whoopsies! (Unties the rope and the three climbing down it hit the ground with a thud)

(In confessional)
Igglybuff: I can't believe it! Going under my nose to turn other players against me! How is it working? All he has is the truth? The truth that I've perfectly covered up! So he should have nothing! UGH! No matter, Grookey is still gullible as ever and I'll make sure he says on my side.

Quaxly: What's going on up here- Oh wow! We made it to the top. Now to climb inside.

Igglybuff: Well the bees are all chasing the others down there as they were being pretty noisy, but we still need to get down as soon as possible.

Quaxly: Hmm, so what exactly were you thinking- (Igglybuff shoves him off the edge) WOAHHH!

Igglybuff: (fake) Oopsie! Oh no!

Quaxly: (hits the ground with a thud) Oww... I think... Wow I think I'm actually okay though- (Igglybuff jumps down and lands on him) OWWW!!!

Igglybuff: Thanks Quaxly! (Stands up and walks off) And I'm not even that heavy, toughen up you baby...

Quaxly: It's okay... I'll just... follow from behind... (crawls off)

(Inside the mountain; Grookey, Riolu and Alcremie are being chased by Beedrill)

Riolu: Woah! C'mon guys, keep dodging! (Dodging Pin Missile attacks super fast)

Alcremie: They are too fast- (gets hit repeatedly) Oww! Ugh!

Grookey: (dodges some but then gets hit) ACK! Awww... Ow, super effective...

Riolu: Hang on!

Grookey: It's fine dude, you can just leave us here. We don't expect you to help us out.

Riolu: (stops but then knocks out the Beedrill in a flurry of attacks) Aha! That oughta keep them away for a bit. And you should know by now that that's not how I play the game.

Alcremie: Thanks Riolu. What do you think they would have done with us?

Grookey: Maybe take us to a jail?

Alcremie: Somehow I don't think a honey jail exists in here...

Riolu: Well then, we all made it in and are okay, time to head off. Best of luck, may the best player win! (Heads off and then the other two also head off, all in different directions)

(Somewhere else in the hive; Quaxly battles off Combee)

Quaxly: Hi-ya! (Uses Double Kick) Now Water Gun! (Shoots them) Yeah, take that! I must be getting close by now- WOAH! (Trips and falls into a river of honey) Oh come on! Ugh! (Tries to move) Ugh oh... I think I'm stuck... COMBEES! COME BACK!! (They come back) Hey how about helping a buddy out (sheepishly laughs but then they attack him and carry him off)

(Somewhere else in the hive)

Grookey: (running) Oh come on, this place is way too catacomby- er wait... Cata-COMBEE!! (Laughs to himself) Aw man that was perfect, and no one was here to hear it!

Igglybuff: Hey I'm here! Behind you! That was great word play actually (giggles).

(In confessional)
Grookey: Okay, Riolu HAS to be off his rocker! Like come on, how can someone THAT pure and sweet be secretly evil!?

Igglybuff: Uh oh, patrolling Combee at nine o'clock! Hide! (Pulls Grookey to the side behind a rock and they crouch down as the Combee pass by)

Combee: Her majesty did NOT seem happy about  so many outsiders being in here today.

Combee(2): Yeah, but I bet if we catch them she'll promote us! Let's go! (The two fly off)

Igglybuff: Oh my gosh, did you hear that?

Grookey: I did! (There is a moment of silence) Those Combee know where the queen's room is, let's go force it out of them! (Runs off)

Igglybuff: NO GROOKEY WAIT- (Grookey is gone) Ugh, what an imbecile.

(In confessional)
Igglybuff: Obviously they just came from the throne room! Like duh! So that means we needed to go in the direction they came from. (Sighs) Whatever, I guess my plan to make sure Riolu doesn't win could still work if I keep my eyes on the crown and make sure he doesn't get it. I could steal it for myself but I am NOT risking the damages.

(Igglybuff runs down a tunnel and into the throne room)

Igglybuff: (gasps) OMG! I knew it! (A bunch of Combee and the queen Vespiquen all turn to her) Oh um... hi?

Vespiquen: Get out of our nest invader! (Starts charging up an attack when Igglybuff starts crying) Huh?

Igglybuff: (acting) Please don't hurt me! I'm so so sorry, I'm lost in here! I was dragged in here by other Pokemon trying to steal your crown. Honest! Look at me, I'm practically a little baby, forced into this! Just please don't hurt me...

Vespiquen: Hmm, I suppose that could possibly check out. Do you know him? (Points to Quaxly who is stuck in a honeycomb prison cell)


Igglybuff: Oh that's one of them. You got him, yay!

Quaxly: WHAT!? (Igglybuff winks at him) Oh... erm, yeah I guess so. 

Vespiquen: Very well then, we can help escort you out once we round up the other intruders. Shouldn't be too long now. (Igglybuff smiles)

(Elsewhere in the hive)

Alcremie: I could've sworn I heard noise coming from over here... darn it, guess I was wrong. Maybe down this way- WOAH! (Stumbles down a pathway and trips and causes rubble to fall and break her way out) AGH NO! I'm trapped! And gonna suffocate! AGAIN!!

(In confessional)
Alcremie: After I get off this show I am NEVER going anywhere underground EVER again.

Alcremie: (taking deeps breaths) It's alright. It's okay. I can find my way out. Pushing one of these rocks out of the way surely will break me out... though any other one could cause me to be crushed to death... okay maybe just take a few more seconds to think this through.

(Back in the throne room)

Riolu: (runs in) Yes! I knew I heard voices from in here- Huh?

Igglybuff: That's him! GET HIM!!

Riolu: AGH! WHAT THE HECK!? (Is chased out of the throne room and is attacked and tries to dodge but gets hit with a lot of attacks)

(In confessional)
Riolu: UGH! Stupid aura. I should've SO been able to sense that ambush coming.

Grookey: (runs up) Woah it's the queen! And Riolu! Need some help?

Riolu: (struggling to get up) Y-yeah...

Grookey: Take this! BOOM! (Uses Razor Leaf to attack and the Combees switch to chasing him as Riolu uses Extreme Speed to quickly leave) AGHH!

Combee: Okay we'll split up and- WAIT, where did the other one go?

(In the throne room)

Quaxly: Just a little more and- YES! (Cracks through the jail bar) Woo hoo, I'm free I'm free!

Igglybuff: You are? Can you FIT?

Quaxly: Erm yeah I can... (tries to squeeze through) Ugh, nope I can't. Please, please help me!

Igglybuff: Okay I guess since the Combee's are gone it's safe now. (Presses a button to open the jail cell and Quaxly escapes) There, now let's get the crown and- (Riolu rushes in and snags the crown) WHAT?

Riolu: Hehe, sorry. But I'm about to go win this thing!

Igglybuff: Not so fast! (Starts using Sing)

Quaxly: WAIT IGGLYBUFF NO- (Riolu dodges but Quaxly is too close and falls asleep)

Riolu: Wow, nice try but that was a major fail. (Igglybuff growls and uses Play Rough to start attacking Riolu)

Igglybuff: You are NOT winning this! (Takes the crown) Yes!

Riolu: Meteor Mash! (Punches her hard and takes the crown back and then senses something) You know I'm a better battler than you, what's your deal?

Igglybuff: Your arrogance is your downfall Riolu! Thanks for stopping to gloat! (Uses Sing again and this time hits Riolu and he falls asleep. Then she picks up the crown and shortly after Grookey runs in)

Grookey: Oh my gosh, I made it. Is the crown still here? HEY I KNEW IT! I KNEW HONEY JAIL WAS A THING! (Notices Igglybuff) Oh hey!

Igglybuff: Oh hi Grookey. (Smirks) Here you want the crown? Take it. I know Quaxly is gunning for you.

Grookey: For reals? SWEET! (Notices soemthing) Hey wait a sec- are Riolu and Quaxly okay?

Igglybuff: Oh yeah, they just got knocked out is all. The crazy Combees and Vespiquen. You just missed them. They fled for some reason.

Grookey: (raises an eyebrow) Huh? That's odd... they were chasing me just a moment ago... (Igglybuff stands there silently and Riolu let's out a snore) Huh?

Igglybuff: (sheepishly) OH! Heh, I think he's starting to recover. Riolu are you okay? (Uses Wake-Up slap and he wakes up) Look see, he's okay! Yay!

Grookey: Erm... sorry I'm really confused here. That was totally a snore. Did you put them asleep so you could get the crown? That's crazy they looked like they were knocked out. Just like when you found Sprigatito and helped her (his eyes widen) OHMYGODDDD!!!

Igglybuff: WAIT! You see, this is all just a big- (Grookey runs off) OH SCREW IT! GET BACK HERE! (Runs off as Quaxly also wakes up)

Quaxly: Oh man... what's going on?

Riolu: I don't know in full what happened, but Grookey left and he has the crown.

Quaxly: WHAT!? (Bolts out of the room and Riolu follows)

(Elsewhere in the hive)

Alcremje: Okay, this rock- no, no. Maybe this one? (Hesitates) Ugh no! I can't do this. (Takes a deep breath) Okay, I can. I can do it. Just gotta take a chance and... (pushes a rock and a path out safely forms) YESS!! Uh oh, Combees, AGH! (Runs off)

(Elsewhere in the hive)

(In confessional)
Grookey: I cannot believe Riolu was right about Igglybuff! She was who Sprigatito was trying to warn us about! THATS INSANE!!! She had me fooled the whole time, I'm just in shock... I feel like such a fool...

Grookey: Okay, maybe take another left and... oh poop. (Runs into Vespiquen)

Vespiquen: There you are. (Screaming) Give me back my crown!!! (Uses Attack Order and hits Grookey and he drops the crown but Riolu scoops it up)

Riolu: Sorry miss, you can have this back after I'm done with it. And P.S., sorry your henchmen have been taken care of. (Vespiquen and Riolu both clash, each sustaining damage, going back and forth, but Riolu eventually knocks her out) Yes...

Grookey: Way to go Riolu! By the way I need to say sorry for not believing you-

Riolu: No time for that, let's get out- (gets hit by a Disarming Voice and falls) Oww..

Igglybuff: Tehehe. Thank you! (Picks up the crown)

Quaxly: (rushes in) GIVE US THE CROWN RIOLU! Oh you have it Igglybuff? Sweet, hand it here. (Igglybuff runs) HEY! (Igglybuff runs to a dead end)

Igglybuff: Oh come on, seriously? How am I supposed to escape now...

Grookey: THERE SHE IS! We got you surrounded, hand over the crown!

Igglybuff: (notices a river of honey to the side) Hmm, sorry, not gonna happen. (Jumps in the river) No doubt this leads to the way out! (Takes a huge breath and holds it)

(Outside the mountain)

Pichuette: Ughhh, I'm so stuffed...

Pichu: One more, one more... (reaches for another candy)

Raichu: (motions to a huge pile of wrappers) I think you both have had enough. Seriously, you are gonna be sick...

(A spout of honey flowing out starts to stop, but then gushes our really fast as Igglybuff shoots out wearing the crown)

Raichu: WOAH! What an entrance! And you managed to not get stuck, nice!

Igglybuff: Yes! I win! I WINNN! (Gives the crown to Raichu)

Raichu: (through a mega phone) CHALLENGE IS OVER! IGGLYBUFF WINS!!!

(Outside the cabins at camp, sometime later)

Quaxly: Wow, congrats on winning Igglybuff. And and even bigger congrats on not getting beaten to a pulp like the rest of us...

Riolu: (to himself) Ugh, you gotta be kidding me. Of course she wins now of all times!

Igglybuff: Aww thanks Quaxly. Now then since I'm immune, I might as well vocalize my voting suggestion. Ahem... How about we all vote for Riolu! He is the biggest threat after all? (Everyone just stares at her) What? Come on!

Alcremie: Wow, that sure took some guts to just flat out say to everyone.

Quaxly: No! I say it's time to lose Grookey! He's a threat too you know! His wacky hijinks!

Grookey: (walking up) Oh brother, I heard my name. Surely that couldn't have been anything good. But before that, R-

Igglybuff: (interrupting) FINE! Then let the chips fall where they may! Best of luck everyone!

Raichu: Alright kiddies, time to get a-voting! (Everyone walks off except Grookey)

Grookey: Ugh, dammit. I didn't get to tell Riolu what I wanted to. Oof...

(In confessional)
Riolu: Whelp guess the plans to finally get rid of Igglybuff are out the window since she has immunity. Guess that leaves me with either Grookey or Quaxly... both of them are sort of allies with Igglybuff... (sighs). Grookey is easier to reason with but he didn't seem on board before so... damn this is a tough one.

(At the campfire ceremony)

Raichu: Campers, we've only got four pokepuffs tonight. And ooh look at that, they are special honey flavored ones today! How sweet!

Alcremie: (narrows eyes) Not funny.

Raichu: Alright then, Igglybuff here you are! (Throws her a pokepuff)

Igglybuff: Thank you!

Raichu: The next one goes to... Alcremie! (She catches hers) And also safe... wow, Riolu! (He and Alcremie smile)

Igglybuff: (angry) SERIOUSLY!? Nobody else voted Riolu!? WE ARE LITERALLY IN THE FINAL FIVE- (takes a deep breath and sits down; fake nice) Oopsie sorry, I just meant that you all are so nice and Riolu has such an advantage over all of us...

Riolu: Oh give it up already! Quit being fake, you aren't fooling anyone anymore.

Raichu: AHEM!!! (Everyone looks at him) Thank you. We are down to Grookey and Quaxly! You two have both been feuding for quite a while but now one of you will finally come out on top.

Quaxly: Oh come on, please let me stay. I'm so close!

Grookey: Yeah, same here!

Quaxly: Grr, well I deserve to be here more than you do Grookey! All the bad stuff you've did all season warrants you being eliminated!

Grookey: HUH? Bad stuff? Literally what did I intentionally do that was bad- YEAH my pranks can get out of hand but I don't do mean things on purpose, like YOU do!


Grookey: NUH UH, IM GONNA ENJOY- (gets hit in the head with a pokepuff) OW! Huh? Wait... YES!

Quaxly: NO! WHAT!?

Raichu: Afraid so... sorry Quaxly but you've been eliminated!


Raichu: You're kidding right? Maybe next time check your attitude and whining at the door. That's my guess anyways. Anyways, it's catapult time!

(In confessional)
Alcremie: Quaxly is too much of a loose cannon to keep around. Plus, something was telling me that Grookey would come around to realizing the truth about Igglybuff... and I'm pretty sure I was right. Phew. Now next time we can totally take her down!

Quaxly: (in the catapult) YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS GROOKEY! AND YOU TOO RAICHU!! (Sheds a tear and then calms down a bit). I'm... I'm sorry okay. I don't mean to lash out. I'm just so beyond disappointed right now... I really wanted to win... you understand right?

Raichu: Nope! (Fires the catapult)

Quaxly: AGHHHHHH!!!!

Raichu: Sayonara Quaxly! Will I miss him? Eh probably not...

Grookey: (to the group) Thanks for keeping me in guys. Next time, we take Igglybuff DOWN!!

Riolu: (smiles) Yes! I knew you'd come around! That's what I like to hear.

Igglybuff: Oh whoop-dee-do! You think I care? Guess what I can finally act how I want too, and with only you three left, good luck stopping me. (Laughs) I'll just win immunity again hehe! Then what will you do?

Raichu: (butting in) INDEED, what will they do? Now that Igglybuff is exposed is it finally time for this balloon to go pop? Or will she be able to find a way out of this game deflating altercation! Find out next time on Total Drama Pokemon The Next Generation!!!

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