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Raichu: Last time on Total Drama Pokémon, we had a little bit of an unfortunate mishap. After I was captured by a mysterious figure, Koffing had the competitors try and rescue me and they all were no help whatsoever. Luckily, my own niece and nephew, Pichu and Pichuette, rescued me. With no elimination happening, I had a genius idea for a night time challenge which is about to begin. Cuz yeah, that pretty much happened an hour or so ago. So get-

(Theme song)

Raichu: OKAY! Who ever cut me off is sooo fired!!! (Clears throat) Any who guys, you must go spend a night in the woods.

Litten: Easy peasy.

Raichu: Yes, except for some surprises that I have planned. (Laughs as wind howls and thunder strikes)

Squirtle: How is he doing that?

Raichu: Special effects. Okay, let me just make sure everyone's here. (Counts) We're missing Mudkip.

Mudkip: (comes running out) Sorry! I had to, um, pee.

Raichu: Okay? Thanks for sharing... (Blows an airhorn) MOVE CAMPERS MOVE!!! First one to their campsite wins a little advantage.

Charmander: (shoots Flamethrowers at the other teams which distracts them) Come on guys, go go!

Litten: Right behind you! (Team Fire rushes ahead as the other teams stagger behind)

Fennekin: So where are we exactly running to?

Litten: (looks confused) I have no idea.

Charmander: Obviously the center of the forest! Just follow me guys.

Cyndaquil: Well I guess that makes sense.

(Somewhere else in the woods)

Froakie: (comes to a stop) Okay, I think we lost the other team. Let's take a few breaths and then start running again.

Squirtle: Well Froakie, (pants heavily) Not all of us have as much stamina as you.

Froakie: Well maybe you should get off your fat shell and exercise sometimes. (Squirtle looks at Froakie madly)

Mudkip: Okay guys, no need to fight.

Squirtle: I hate Froakie. I know I'm not the most athletic but I'm sertainly not overweight. The nerve of that guy, I'll show him.

Oshawott: Yeah no need to fight. Let's just figure out where we are going first.

Froakie: Oh! No, no Oshawott, (lying) I was just trying to help encourage Squirtle.

Oshawott: Oh, um, okay. (Looks around) Hey, where's Piplup?

Piplup: (screaming) HELP!!! I'm stuck in a pit.

Mudkip: Lucky for you I brought along a safety bag.

Froakie: Oh so you weren't really peeing before. (Everyone stares at him) Wow that was a weird sentence.

Piplup: Um hello? I'm still stuck!

Mudkip: Grab the end! (Throws half the rope down and Piplup grabs it) Now pull! (Everyone helps pull her out)

Piplup: Phew. Thanks guys.

(Somewhere else in the forest, Team Grass is walking along a path)

Chespin: (stomach growls) Man I'm hungry. Wish we got to have dinner huh Chikorita?

Chikorita: Um, yeah. Sure. (Walks up ahead)

Chespin: (to Bulbasaur) What's up with  Chikorita today?

Bulbasaur: I don't know. She's a girl, and girls are a mystery.

Chespin: You got that right.

Turtwig: (butting in) You know, if you could learn the move mind reader it would be easy to tell. (Bulbasaur and Chespin look at each other confused)

Bulbasaur: Turtwig's nice and all but he sometimes eavesdrops a bit and inserts himself into any and every conversation.

Turtwig: (goes up to Treecko) So how are you doing?

Treecko: Don't talk to me.

Turtwig: Wait are you still mad about the cave-in from way back when?

Treecko: Yep.

Snivy: (to Chikorita) So, have you the slightest idea where we are?

Chikorita: Um, nope. Not a clue.

Snivy: I don't think any of us do. This was a dumb challenge.

(In Raichu's trailer)

Koffing: So, you think they ever gonna figure out there's no campsite?

Raichu: Nah, but time for phase two to come into action. Get on in here Mewtwo!

(In confessional)
Raichu: So funny story, last episode my buddy Mewtwo tied me up after me forgetting a promise I made to have him on the show. So to please both of us, I decided to let him have some fun.

Mewtwo: I'm ready. Picking off these weaklings should be easy.

Raichu: Well don't go too hard. We still need footage for a show.

Mewtwo: Fine. (Walks out as night falls)

Raichu: (to camera) So our campers will have to avoid capture by Mewtwo. Last team standing wins, first team to lose all their members faces elimination.

(At Team Fire)

Cyndaquil: Guys I'm seriously starting to think there isn't even a campsite!

Fennekin: There's gotta be one, but what are you suggesting?

Cyndaquil: Let's just camp out in a tree!

Litten: That's actually not a bad idea. Let's do this tree! (Points to one with graffiti on it) I graffitied it the other day.

Charmander: Fine we'll do that tree. (A Shadow Ball attack hits the tree and knocks it down) I'm thinking we climb another tree...

Fennekin: For the love of Lord Helix! RUN!! (The fire types dash off too fast for Mewtwo to catch)

Cyndaquil: (panting) Okay, that was probably far enough. And what even was that? (Falls over) I think I'll just sleep on the floor.

Charmander: We don't have time for sleeping!

Cyndaquil: (sighs) Yeah, you're right.

Fennekin: Yeah that thing could try and kill us again!

Charmander: We gotta prepare, traps and stuff. (Everyone nods) Okay guys, fan out and search for supplies.

(In confessional)
Charmander: Ah, man it feels good to be in charge.

(By Team Grass)

Snivy: Well we arent gonna find shelter anytime soon so we gotta find food and water.

Turtwig: Okay I'll go this way. Bulbasaur wanna come with me?

Bulbasaur: Um, Sure.

Treecko: Snivy, we'll check this way. (They leave)

Chespin: Well I guess we're together then Chikorita.

Chikorita: (blushes) Cool. I mean, let's just get going.

Turtwig: (to Bulbasaur) Did you know that Seaking is weak to electric attacks, but he can have the ability lightning rod which makes him immune!

Bulbasaur: (sarcastically) Wow, that's fascinating. (Spots a bush) Hey look, apricorns!

Turtwig: Sweet. you know there are seven different kinds.

Bulbasaur: Yeah, and I think they each have a different flavor. (Mewtwo comes up from behind and grabs Bulbasaur) WAAH!

Turtwig: Muh-muh-muh-

Mewtwo: You know who it is. Mew-who?

Turtwig: T-t-two. (Runs off screaming as Mewtwo captures Bulbasaur) AGHHHH!!

Snivy: Woah Turtwig slow down! What's the issue.

Turtwig: Well I was- And then there was- And he took-

Snivy: Just spit it out. (A shadow ball comes at Turtwig but he ducks and it hits Snivy)

Treecko: Gah! Snivy!

Turtwig: It's Mewtwo! RUN!

Treecko: Sorry about this Snivy. (Runs off as Mewtwo catches Snivy.)

Mewtwo: Two down. More to go. This should be fun.

(At Team Water)

Oshawott: So Mudkip, what supplies did you bring?

Mudkip: Let's see, (reaches into his bag) I've got an antidote to heal poison, a few potions and repels along with oran berries to eat.

Squirtle: Mudkip, you seem to be on top of everything! What a great teammate.

Froakie: Um yeah, now pass me an oran berry please. (Mudkip throws him one) Thanks.

Mudkip: Anyone else?

Piplup: I guess I'll take one. I couldn't bear to eat breakfast and I'm hungry.

Froakie: Nobody really asked why. (Gives a little smirk to Piplup)

Piplup: Well I guess now is as good a time to take a break. (Sits down next to Froakie)

Oshawott: Um... Guys?

Piplup: Not now Oshawott, we are eating!

Oshawott: G-g-guys!?

Squirtle: (gets up) Alright, what is it? (Looks to see Mewtwo staring at him) AHHHH!!!

Froakie: Mudkip, quick!

Mudkip: Got it! The repels! (Sprays the repels)

Piplup: Wait a second, we're pokemon too so that means the repels would... (All the Pokemon begin to cough and run away together except for Piplup who wanders off.)

Mudkip: (out of breath) Why would I even keep repels in my bag? What kind of idiot am I?

Squirtle: Well at least we're alright.

Oshawott: Oh no, Froakie and Piplup are missing! What are we gonna do?

Squirtle: Okay, don't panic! The rest of us can survive if we work as a team. We can't focus on losing them now.

(In Raichu's hosting tent)

Mewtwo: (walks in, drops off three sacks then leaves) There you go.

Raichu: Let's see that's Bulbasaur, Snivy and Froakie. Good work.

(Somewhere in the forest)

Chespin: Well I guess this cave may have potential for shelter.

Chikorita: I'm not sure, I don't really like caves after last time. (Gives Chespin a look)

Chespin: What?

Chikorita: How could you just go with Bulbasaur and ditch me like that. I was lucky enough to run into Snivy!

Chespin: Are you kidding? I would never ditch you! I fell into a pit aswell.

Chikorita: Wait really? Snivy told me-

Chespin: Ugh, Snivy! Say no more.

(In confessional)
Chikorita: I know Chespin doesn't really like Snivy but I'm not sure why. I'm mean he's really nice to me and he doesn't seem that bad.

(Somewhere else in the woods)

Charmander: Litten! Get me some sticks.

Litten: Okay, on it! Hey, Fennekin wanna come with me?

Fennekin: Sure!

Litten: So I was thinking of getting my own tattoo parlor when I win. (Looks around for Fennekin but she's no where to be seen) FENNEKIN!!! WHERE ARE YOU!? (Sees a glimpse of Mewtwo as he sneaks by)

Cyndaquil: (to Charmander) My tripwires are all set!

Charmander: Good, now all we have to do is have some idiot run through it and...

Litten: GUYS! Fennekin is missing! Someone took her!!! (Runs into Cyndaquil and Charmander and they set off the tripwire and fall into the pit Charmander dug)

Charmander: Great Litten! Now we're screwed.

Cyndaquil: We are not gonna die this way! (Uses dig to make a tunnel) Follow me guys! (Mewtwo stares down the pit and doesn't see them, and then leaves with Fennekin)

(Somewhere in the forest)

Treecko: (he and Turtwig came to a stop) Okay, so we are being chased down by freaking Mewtwo!

Turtwig: Yeah, his special attack stat is so high, he can defeat us in one blow.

Treecko: Let's backtrack for minute, you let Snivy and Bulbasaur get captured.

Turtwig: Well no, I-

Treecko: But you did nothing to save them? (Chespin and Chikorita walk up)

Chikorita: Hey guys, we found some shelter!

Chespin: Where's Bulbasaur?

Chikorita: And Snivy!

Treecko: Well Turtwig here had a brief encounter with Mewtwo and escaped while they got captured.

Chikorita: What? Turtwig! Why would you do that?

Turtwig: I didn't! I had to run away to survive but-

Chespin: Okay, whatever happened, happened. Let's just take shelter in the cave we found.

Treecko: (sighs) Only if Turtwig doesn't cause a cave-in again. (Turwig frowns)

(In confessional)
Treecko: Perfect. Snivy better thank me, you know if this is just a challenge and all. Because I've got Turtwig in catapulting range.

Piplup: (walks by as the grass types leave) HELLO? Anybody? (To herself) You are not gonna die this way, just keep on moving.

(Somewhere else in the woods)

Mudkip: Okay guys, I gathered some sticks to make a bow and some arrows to fight.

Oshawott: We're Pokemon, can't we just attack?

Mudkip: Oh wow, your right. I'm so out of it! What is with me today?

Squirtle: Don't worry, we're fine. Oshawott and I built us a little hut. Bring your supplies inside. (Goes inside the hut)

Mudkip: Shoot! I forgot my bag back in the other section of the forest!

Oshawott: Don't worry, I'll go get it.

Mudkip: Thanks Oshawott. (Oshawott gets up and leaves)

Squirtle: (comes back) Did you just let Oshawott leave by himself? (Mudkip slaps himself)

Oshawott: (in the woods) Oh here it is, Mudkip's bag.

Mewtwo: Want some help with that?

Oshawott: That'd be great! (turns around to see Mewtwo with a sack) AHHHHH! (Mewtwo leaves with Oshawott as Mudkip and Squirtle arrive)

Squirtle: NOOO!!! We're too late!

(Inside a tunnel)

Litten: Keep on digging Cyndaquil.

Charmander: Yeah and hurry. It's really tight in this cave.

Cyndaquil: (pauses and realizes he's in a tight space) AHHH! I'm running outta air! Be right back. (Leaves his tunnel)

(In confessional)
Cyndaquil: Okay seriously, if I hate tight spaces, why do I even know the move Dig anyways? I guess sometimes it just doesn't feel like an issue during the heat of a battle.

Charmander: So you and Fennekin huh?

Litten: What do you mean? (Scoffs) Please. I'm a bad boy! Not interested in pretty nice girls.

Charmander: Yeah, not buying it.

(Outside of the tunnel, Cyndaquil sits under a tree)

Cyndaquil: You got this Cyndaquil, just take a few breaths and go back down there!

(In confessional)
Cyndaquil: (sighs) The past three whole challenges I've let my claustrophobia get the best of me. I can't let that happen anymore or I could go home!

(Cyndaquil hears noises and then is caught in a Psychic attack. Mewtwo is the one doing it, and he captures him)

(By Team Grass)

Chespin: So, here's the cave we found. (Looks at it) Wait what? It's caved in! (Treecko looks at Turtwig)

Turtwig: Don't look at me.

Chikorita: Oh no! Guys...

Treecko: (pissed) What?

Chikorita: ITS MEWTWO! (Mewtwo fires a shadow ball at Chikorita but Chespin blocks it with Spiky Shield) I feel like this already happened before.

Chespin: Go guys!! I'll hold him off.

Chikorita: No, we aren't gonna leave you.

Chespin: But you gotta be safe. I can't hold this much longer.

Treecko: (to Turtwig) Come on, we just have to leave. (Turtwig nods and then they run while Mewtwo captures Chikorita and Chespin)

Turtwig: I'm feeling guilty Treecko, we just abandoned them.

Treecko: Hey, it was that or dying. (Hears a rumble in the bush) What's that? (Piplup comes out of the bush)

Piplup: Crap. Your not my team.

Turtwig: Oh hey Piplup, glad to see you're still okay.

Piplup: Yeah, I'm fine and all, minus being alone and running from a killer.

Treecko: Well see ya. (Starts to leave)

Turtwig: We should help out Piplup! (Treecko rolls eyes as Mewtwo fires 3 shadow balls. Turtwig dodges but the others are hit)

Treecko: TURTWIG! Help. Me.

Turtwig: (looks at Piplup who is also in pain) Why should I? You were nothing but mean to me. (Grabs Piplup and runs as Treecko angerly screams as he is captured)

Piplup: Wait, you saved me instead of your own teammate. Wow, thanks- I mean that was a stupid decision.

Turtwig: Well, you semt like a friend to me after last challenge  (Piplup is about to open her mouth when Mewtwo hits them with Psystrike.)

Mewtwo: Sorry to ruin this touching moment but I have a task to complete.

(Near Raichu's tent)

Litten: Glad to be out of that hole and I guess it lead us out of the woods. Hope we don't get disqualified.

Charmander: We won't. (Hears talking) Shhhhh. I hear something.

Raichu: Only a few left to go Mewtwo.

Mewtwo: Yeah. I've got just the idea on how to catch the last few. (Charmander jumps in the tent and uses flamethrower. Litten backs him up)

Charmander: Tell us what's going on Raichu.

Mewtwo: I'll handle you pests. (Uses Psychic to hold Charmander in the air)

Litten: Take this. (Tackles Mewtwo)

Raichu: Woah, woah. Calm down. Looks like you guys are the winners of the challenge.

Litten: But we never even found our campsite.

Raichu: (laughs) That was just a bogus challenge to trick you guys. Koffing, let out all the losers.

Koffing: K Raichu. (Opens a door and the captured competitors fall out)

Froakie: It's about time we got let out. Please tell me that we won.

Litten: (spots Fennekin) Fennekin you're okay.

Fennekin: Yeah. I'm so proud of you that you won.

Piplup: Ugh. Please don't make me puke.

Snivy: Well let's mosey on down to elimination I guess.

Bulbasaur: I just can't believe we lost! We had the most team members and everything.

Raichu: Before that, Team Fire who's getting the butler.

Charmander: Me. (Nobody argues as Mudkip and Squirtle are brought in)

Mudkip: Well at least none of us are going home. (Sheepishly laughs)

Mudkip: I was really off my game today. I think just the scariness of it all really messed with my head. But tomorrow I'll make up for it.

Snivy: (approaches Turtwig) Treecko told me what you did. You are so gone. (Walks off)

Chespin: Don't worry Turtwig, I wouldn't turn on you.

Turtwig: Really but we aren't that good of friends and-

Chespin: I was thinking of booting Treecko.

Turtwig: Wow we're on the same page. Bulbasaur you too?

Bulbasaur: Um, yeah totally!

(At the campfire)

Raichu: Team Grass, you lost the challenge despite having more members than the other teams. Let's see, Bulbasaur you were the first to be captured, with Snivy not far behind. Chikorita you could have got away when Chespin took one for the team. Treecko, you let your team down at the end and Turtwig helped out another team member. I wouldn't say anyone is safe tonight.

Pichu: RAICHU! (He and Pichuette jump on him)

Raichu: Oh yeah I forgot you guys gotta leave. Give me a second guys.

Pichuette: Yeah we came to say goodbye.

Raichu: Well I'm gonna miss you two. (Hugs them) But tell your parents that you guys are gonna come back for the finale!

Pichu's: Okay. (They board their parents boat) BYE UNCLE RAICHU!

Raichu: (waves goodbye) So where was I?

Snivy: You were handing out the pokepuffs.

Raichu. Oh yeah Snivy, Chikorita, Chespin and Bulbasaur you guys are safe! (Throws them their pokepuffs) And the final one goes too...

(Turtwig half frowns as Treecko glares at him)

Raichu: ...Treecko. (Turtwig and Chespin look shocked)

Treecko: Yes! (Grabs his pokepuff) See you ya traitor.

Turtwig: (sighs) Well, I guess it's my time to go. I'm glad to have made some friends and I had a good time. (Looks at Treecko and Snivy) Well most of the time.

Raichu: Alrighty get in the catapult. (Turtwig hops in as Piplup comes running up)

Piplup: No! Turtwig. I'm actually gonna miss you.

Turtwig: Awe, really?

Piplup: Here, have something to remember me by. (Tosses him a Piplup shaped medallion)

Turtwig: Thanks Piplup. I'll never forget- (gets launched) AHHHH!

(In confessional)
Piplup: I never thought I'd be sad to see someone leave but Turtwig was actually not a bad guy at all.

(In confessional)
Bulbasaur: (takes a deep breath) Now I feel sort of bad for voting off Turtwig but he just let me get captured in a second. I feel guilty but yet justified in my decisions at the same time. (Sighs). I just hope the team doesn't find out.

Raichu: We're down another player and an adorable niece and nephew. What do I have in store for the punching bags tomorrow? What type of drama will Snivy inevitably be up to? And why am I sensing some romantic drama going on? Find out the answers to these questions next time on Total Drama Pokemon!

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