Sinister Spelunking

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Raichu: Last time on Total Drama Pokemon, our contestants dove deep into their greatest fears and had to face them. There were many triumphs and many failures but nobody failed more than jokester Popplio. After not being able to touch a leaf stone, for unknown reasons, he went overboard telling jokes and ended up getting the free catapult ride. Will Piplup actually be happy and nice now that he's gone? Find out now on Total Drama Pokemon!!!

(Theme song; in the Pichu's room)

Pichuette: Hey Pichu, pass me a pink Pokepuff.

Pichu: (gives her one) I can't believe this is our last day with Uncle Raichu.

Pichuette: (sighs) Yeah.

Pichu: He's a fun uncle but I feel like he doesn't really like us...

Pichuette: Shhh! I just heard him wake up. (Raichu walks into the room)

Pichu's: (jump onto Raichu) Morning Uncle Raichu.

Raichu: Get off me, (shakes the Pichu's off) I can't take you guys anymore! I'm going for a walk, don't follow me. (Angrily Leaves and the Pichu's frown)

(In the spa hotel)

Litten: Yo Furfrou, pass me the orange paint.

Furfrou: (gives it to him) There you go master Litten.

Litten: Man I could get used to this.

Fennekin: (walks over) Hey Litten, (Litten quickly covers his easel) (slowly) What are you up to?

Litten: Um... It's nothing, but you better go eat breakfast, but I already ate, so go on.

Fennekin: Okay? (Takes a seat in between Charmander and Cyndaquil who are busy eating)

Cyndaquil: Mmm-Mmm. I didn't think we'd ever get to taste the glorious food here. It's even better than I have ever imagined.

Charmander: Well once we got rid of the straglers on our team we were bound to win. (To Fennekin) So, you finally want to have a conversation with us.

Fennekin: Um yeah, kinda, we are a team.

Cyndaquil: So... shoot.

Fennekin: I just want a guys perspective on this, do you think Litten likes me? Like, like-likes me?

Cyndaquil: Yeah, I think so.

Charmander: (interrupting) What Cyndaquil means is, he likes you but the money is his priority, it's all of ours so don't think he'll put you before that. (Fennekin frowns)

(In the mess hall)

Squirtle: (walks in with Bulbasuar) I just can't believe that. You tell that story funnier every time. (Sees Froakie, who's glaring at him) Sorry, got to go. (Sits with his team)

(In confessional)
Bulbasaur: What's with Squirtle? I've never seen him like this before. It's like he no longer wants to be my friend sometimes. Maybe he has multiple personality disorder or DID as they now call it.

Treecko: So I was right, Slaking is one of the strongest non-legendary Pokemon.

Turtwig: Yes you are in terms of base stat totals but Slaking's unique ability Truant makes him loaf around from time to time and he won't attack which is kinda useless.

Chikorita: See I told you Treecko!

Treecko: That doesn't disprove my statement of his high attack stat.

Bulbasaur: So, what's going on?

Chespin: Nothing much, I haven't seen Raichu today though.

Mudkip: That's weird, neither have we!

Piplup: Well to be fair I slept in late because Popplio wasn't here to wake me with his annoying jokes.

Mudkip: Maybe there's no challenge today. I really hope so.

Froakie: Oh no you don't hope so. The faster we win the next challenge the better.


Turtwig: (mumbling) Ow, my head won't stop ringing.

Squirtle: (pulls Mudkip to the side) Hey Mudkip, I was thinking, the way Froakie was treating you and all.

Mudkip: You wanna form an alliance? (Squirtle nods) I was thinking that too. Sounds good.

(In the control room)

Koffing: Alright guys, the Pichu's informed me Raichu went off for a walk in the woods so, I checked the footage from this morning and this is what I found, (plays a clip that shows Raichu being kidnapped by a shadowy figure, and taken into an abandoned mine)

Pichu: Oh no! Raichu!

Pichuette: What are we gonna do!? That's our uncle and he's in trouble! This can't be happening!

Koffing: So today's challenge is to find and rescue Raichu! First team to do so will win the hotel for the night AND choose which team they want to send to elimination. NOW GO! (The team's leave)

Pichuette: Come on Pichu. We've gotta go too! (Pichu nods and they leave)

(At the mine entrance)

Charmander: Sweet, we are the first to arrive. So I guess we just go in the mine then.

Cyndaquil: NO! I can't do tight spaces!Remember last challenge? (Flashes back to him freaking out in the confessional due to his fear of being in tight spaces)

Charmander: Hey we have the advantage, we're fire types! Our flames can light up the darkness of the mine.

Litten: Come on, let's go in this way. (Points toward an opening)

Fennekin: Yep, sounds good. (They run into the mine, Charmander having to drag Cyndaquil)

(At a different part of the mine)

Oshawott: I don't see any entrances guys, do you?

Froakie: Nope, nothing over here.

Bulbasaur: (arrives with his team) Hey Squirtle! (Squirtle ignores)

Chikorita: Hey, I got an idea, how about we teams team-up and who ever wins sends the fire types to elimination.

Mudkip: (pauses) That's actually not a bad idea. They are already down the most players. Now if only we could find an entrance. (The ground starts shaking and opening up holes to the mine)

Oshawott: AHHH! What's happening? (Trips and falls down a hole)

Froakie: Oshawott, I'm coming! (Jumps down the hole)

Squirtle: Hey Bulbasaur, let's go this way. (Squirtle and Mudkip jump down a hole and Bulbasaur follows)

Chespin: Come on Chikorita, let's go with Bulbasaur.

Chikorita: Okay-eeee. (Falls down a hole as Chespin falls down the one with Bulbasuar. Snivy and Treecko fall in the same hole as Chikorita. Then, Turtwig and Piplup fall down a hole)

(Inside the mine)

Fennekin: Woah that earthquake was weird. Maybe a ground type Pokemon took Raichu.

Litten: Who knows? But let's head down this tunnel. (They start walking) Anybody else get the feeling we're being watched?

Fennekin: Well, this show is getting filmed you know.

Charmander: Well we're in a cave so that means... Zubat! (Hundreds of Zubats swarm around them using Supersonic)

Litten: AHH!! MY EARS!!

Charmander: (coving his ears) Just run! RUN!!

(Somewhere else in the mine)

Chikorita: (opens her eyes) What? What happened? Am I dead?

Snivy: (helps her up) Nope. We just fell into a mine.

Treecko: Well this couldn't be any suckier.

Snivy: Well at least the water types aren't with us so that means we don't have to share the hotel with them. We can win it on our own.

Chikorita: (looks around) Oh no! Where's Chespin!

Snivy: He must have went off with Bulbasaur and ditched you. But the moment I saw you fall, I knew I had to come make sure you were okay.

Chikorita: Wow... Thanks!

Treecko: Okay you two, not to be rude but can we get moving! (They begin to run)

(Somewhere else in the mine)

Piplup: (regains consciousness) Wha-? Where am I? (Looks down to see she is sinking in quicksand) SOMEBODY HELP!!! (Turtwig hears, who is nearby and comes over)

Turtwig: Don't worry I got you! (Uses vine whip to pull Piplup out) There you go.

Piplip: Phew, that was too close. But we are on different teams, why would you save me?

Turtwig: Well for one, our teams mentioned working together but more importantly, you needed help, so helping would be the right thing to do.

Piplup: Um okay, so are we gonna look for Raichu together then?

Turtwig: Sure. Follow me, I figured the kidnapper would take Raichu to the deepest part of the cave and since Dugtrio like to go where it's darker, we follow the tracks.

Piplup: Wow, that's actually really smart of you. Let's go. (They leave)

Froakie: (yelling) Piplup!? Was that you? (Piplup doesn't hear them)

Oshawott: Oh no! We were too late!!!

Froakie: (sighs) I'm sure she's fine. Now let's go find Squirtle so I can kill him for going off with Bulbasaur.

Oshawott: Okay. Wait what!?

Froakie: (nervously) Um, yeah, I said let's go find Raichu before someone kills him.

(Somewhere else in the cave)

Squirtle: (to Bulbasaur) that's why I can't acknowledge you when Froakie's around,

Bulbasaur: Ah, that makes sense, except if you all are afraid of him, just vote him off.

Squirtle: Well, Mudkip and I are the only ones who aren't fond of him.

Mudkip: Yeah, Froakie made a play for Oshawott, and that leaves Piplup, not the most trustworthy girl I may add. (The ground begins to shake again) Woah...

Chespin: Look, over there! I think I see something down that tunnel!

Bulbasaur: Then let's go down there before we are crushed by rocks! (The four run into the tunnel screaming)

(Somewhere else in the mine)

Fennekin: I'm glad we lost those Zubat guys.

Cyndaquil: (to himself) Just keep your eyes closed, you are not gonna die, you are not gonna die. (Charmander rolls his eyes)

Charmander: Cyndaquil has been useless in the past two challenges, he should see a therapist. (Sighs) But I need him to make sure I'm not taken down by Litten and Fennekin!

Charmander: (to Cyndaquil) Don't worry I'm here for you buddy.

Litten: Yo Charmander, come over here! Found something you might wanna look at!

Charmander: Alright what is it? (He and Litten look down a crack to see Raichu tied up) Nice one, now we just gotta get down there.

Fennekin: But none of us are strong enough to widen the crevice.

Litten: Hmmm, what to do...

(Somewhere else in the mine)

Treecko: Okay seriously, we've been at this way too long. Let's just find a way out instead.

Chikorita: We can't quit, our team would never forgive us.

Snivy: Yeah, (sees a boulder and smirks. Snivy goes up to it and pushes it toward Chikorita) Chikorita look out! (Rushes over and uses Leaf Blade to cut the rock in half)

Chikorita: Wow Snivy, you sure are good at saving my butt today. (Laughs a little)

(In confessional)
Snivy: Perfect, Chikorita has no idea what's going on but once I can get her on my side, I can get rid of all the annoying losers on my team like Turtwig and Chespin.

(In confessional)
Treecko: Okay, I get that Snivy is trying to play Chikorita but that doesn't mean throw the whole challenge away!!

(Somewhere else; Raichu is being held captive and dangled from a rope)

Chespin: Guys look there's Raichu! We made it!

Raichu: Finaly. CUT ME DOWN! (Chespin dashes over to Raichu when he is lifted into the air by a masked figure)

Chespin: Help, help, HELP!!! (Chespin is thrown against the wall, left knocked out)

Squirtle: We gotta get out of here. (Bulbasaur, Mudkip and Squirtle sprint out chased by the shadowy kidnapper)

Mudkip: If we're gonna die I might as well confess one thing, I- (runs straight into Froakie) Oh, hey Froakie. (Scared) We gotta run we are being chased!

Froakie: By what? There is literally nothing behind you. (They all turn around to see nothing)

Squirtle: Wait what!? We had found Raichu and we were running-

Oshawott: Oh good! Where was he? We can rescue him now.

Bulbasaur: Well... We ran away in such a haste, I don't really know where.

Froakie: Of course. And Squirtle what did I tell you like fifty times? (Motions to Bulbasaur and Squirtle sighs)

(Somewhere else in the mine)

Turtwig: So yeah, my uncle was an official battler and even won many tournaments. That's why I know so much about Pokemon, like every last detail.

Piplup: Wow that's actually pretty cool- WATCH OUT! (Pushes Turtwig outta the way as a Shadow Ball is hurled toward him) Did you see that?

Turtwig: What? You saving me?

Piplup: No I thought I saw, well, never mind. But hey, I guess we are even now. (They both smile)

(Above the prisoner room)

Litten: Okay, Charmander now! (Charmander uses Flamethrower, as do Fennekin and Litten and they widden the gap in the floor a little bit) Well, that got us a little room, think we can fit?

Fennekin: Definetly. (They all jump down, Charmander pulling Cyndaquil)

Cyndaquil: Um, is Chespin dead over there? Oh no! I'm gonna be next!

Charmander: Calm down, all we do is untie Raichu and we win.

Raichu: Um well, you should be warned about- (the shadowy figure returns and attacks the fire types and chases them out of the room) Well I'm screwed. This has been a good life I guess. (All of a sudden he gets cut down) Huh? What? Who did that?

Pichu: Me!

Pichuette: (pushes Pichu) Um, it was more me! (They both jump on Raichu's shoulders)

Raichu: But how did you end up here?

Pichuette: Well when Koffing gave the contestants the challenge...

Pichu: We knew we had to go too! You're the best uncle ever and we couldn't let anything happen to you.

Raichu: Awe. Come here you two. (Hugs them both) You know, deep down I'm actually gonna miss you guys. But first things first, let's get the heck outta here before that psycho attacks again. (They leave sprinting)

(At the campfire later that day)

Piplup: So who won and who lost?

Turtwig: I've got know idea.

Froakie: I'd say none of us if you asked me.

Cyndaquil: Well I'm just glad to be out of that dreadful mine. (Has a sigh of relief)

Raichu: I've got bad news and some good news. The bad news is that the Pichu's are sadly leaving tomorrow.

Fennekin: Wait, I'm confused. Wouldn't Raichu think of that as good news?

Raichu: Continuing, the good news is that since you all failed, nobody will be going home tonight! (Every one cheers) Someone will be going home tomorrow morning! That's right, it's gonna be a super fun night challenge since you have nowhere to sleep since the Pichu's get the spa hotel tonight!

Pichu's: Alright! (They high five) Thanks Uncle Raichu!

Raichu: You're welcome. (To campers) So your challenge will be to camp out in the woods, next time on Total Drama Pokemon!

Bulbasaur: Camping out in the woods? Already faced that fear so I'm good to go!

Oshawott: Yeah I'm scared of quite a bunch of things, and the wilderness and darkness are on that list.

Raichu: I bet some of these guys think this will be easy but they haven't heard about my surprises yet. (Starts laughing but then chokes on a fly)

***A little authors note: This will be my last update for like two weeks since I'm going on vacation! Also, sorry this chapter was kinda short and FYI all feedback on anything is appreciated!***

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