Be Eggstra Careful

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Raichu: Last time on Total Drama Pokemon All Stars, we finally had our first team challenge! Yayyy!!! The day involved three different sports themed challenges, which were volleyball, ice hockey, and soccer! Um... sports pun, sports pun... (facepalms) Shit! Why am I getting SHUT OUT here? Whelp, guess it's my FAULT! Anywho, during the volleyball game, the grass type squad on the Raikous got a round one victory thanks to playing to their strengths! Litten unveiled some sweet hockey moves during round two, and the Enteis took that event! And finally in our soccer match, soccer expert Scorbunny was barely beaten out by Buneary, Buizel and their team! At the end of the day, we had to kick two sports members off their teams! For the Enteis it was Machoke, who's mean spiritedness didn't sit well with the rest of of the team, leading him to being flushed. For the Suicunes, Froakie was voted out after bickering with Squirtle, (softly) what a surprise there, (back to his regular voice), and costing his team the soccer challenge. We are down two competitors, but we still got plenty more where that came from, on Total Drama Pokemon All Stars!!!

(Theme song; In the spa hotel)

Sobble: (looking in the kitchen) Hmm, maybe I can find some snacks in here and then get back to my room...

Furfrou: Can I help you with something?

Sobble: (startled) EEEK! (Cowers for a second) Oh, Furfrou it's you, sorry. I was just getting something. Bye now- (scurries off after grabbing a snack but then bumps into someone in the hall) AGH! SORRYSORRYSORRY- (she looks up to see a Furfrou with "Dandy Trim" styled fur)

Furfrou?: Apologies miss, are you alright?

Sobble: (shaky) Wh-what? Furfrou? But you were just in the kitchen... and h-how did you change your fur? (The first Furfrou appears behind her)

Furfrou: Hmm? I'm right here miss Sobble.

Sobble: Huh? (Turns around and turns back and forth between both of them before throwing her snacks and running off) AGHHHH!!! THERES TWO OF THEM!!! (Sobble runs into a room with Igglybuff and Cubchoo) BOARD THE DOORS UP! HURRY! WAIT- THAT CANT STOP GHOSTS! WHAT DO WE DO!? (starts sobbing)

Cubchoo: Huh? Sobble, what's wrong? Are you feeling alright?

Igglybuff: She's crying, of course she isn't feeling alright. (Cubchoo narrows his eyes) Sobble, look at me. LOOK AT ME! Calm down! What happened?

Sobble: Well I was getting a snack... and then I was- but then there were- and I turn and- TWO FURFROU! He must be an evil ghost of some kind! Or an evil twin!

Igglybuff: Seriously? Is that all? There's nothing to worry about.

Cubchoo: Yeah maybe you missed it, but because the teams are so big, Raichu got a second butler this season. Furfrou's brother Furfrow! (Sobble just stands there) You good?

(In confessional)
Sobble: (crying) OHMYGOD that was soooo embarrassing!!! Cubchoo and Igglybuff are probably gonna tell everyone to vote me off for this one! I'm sure of it!

Cubchoo: AAACHOOO! (Sniffles) Oh shoot, better not forget my allergy meds this morning.

(In confessional)
Cubchoo: Last season I caused a lot of harm to my team in challenges because of my sneezing. But now it shouldn't be a problem! (Holds up medicine) I packed a huge supply of medicine to help keep me healthy and raring to go!

(Elsewhere in the spa hotel)

Chikorita: Thanks for the breakfast Furfrou!

Buneary: And thank you for the breakfast too Furfrow! (The Furfrou's leave) This is awesome!

Chikorita: Enjoying the spa hotel and the MVP treatment?

Buneary: Of course! We both totally deserve it. Great job yesterday. (The two clink drinks)

(On the other side of that room)

Bellossom: Maybe I should try and talk to her again.

Treecko: Don't. You didn't do anything wrong. Plus it's just gonna create more harm than good.

Bellossom: Maybe... (pauses) I'm just gonna try though...

(In confessional)
Bellossom: I'm sorry but I just can't stand the idea of someone hating me! I HAVE to at least try to get on better terms.

Bellossom: (walking up) Hey girls, just wanted to say awesome job yesterday and- (Buneary gets up in a huff and leaves) Wait- ugh.

Treecko: Told ya.

(In confessional)
Chikorita: The tension between Buneary and Bellossom is pretty hardcore. I'll be honest I see both sides on this one. I mean, it's pretty important to remain neutral. In this game, picking a side will undoubtedly make the other side your enemies, and they may gun for you.

(In the cabins)

Vulpix: Stupid, stupid crappy cabins! UGH! I can't tell if this is better or worse than economy class on that stupid plane!

Sprigatito: Hey, well at least we aren't sleeping on the ground anymore.

Vulpix: You know what... that's a good point.

Sprigatito: Hey, know what I noticed? We are the only two girls on our team.

Vulpix: I know right? I'm pretty and there's so many boys yet I still don't have a boyfriend! (Sheepishly laughs) But yeah, I noticed that too.

Sprigatito: Well we can be gal pals if you want. And alliance maybe?

Vulpix: Oh, I'd be so down for that. Smart idea.

(Outside the cabins; Scorbunny is passing a soccer ball around with Cyndaquil and Charmander)

Scorbunny: I still can't believe I blew the soccer challenge... such a bummer.

Cyndaquil: Hey don't be so hard on yourself. You did amazing!

Charmander: Yeah dude, your athleticism is definitely a huge help to the team.

Scorbunny: Heh, thanks. Means a lot coming from the OG winner- oh and you too of course Charmander. (Charmander kicks the ball far away semi-on purpose)

Charmander: Oops, my bad.

Scorbunny: No worries I got it. (Runs off)

Charmander: You know, Scorbunny is a standup dude. Maybe we should add him to our Fire starters alliance?

Cyndaquil: Oh? Yeah that'd be great! He's a really cool guy to have around.

Charmander: Wicked. I'll bring it up later.

Cyndaquil: (thinks for a moment) Hey wait... I thought you said four was too many before?

Charmander: Oh did I? (Lying) Um... I don't remember, how did that even come up? (Mudkip comes walking by)

Mudkip: Hey guys I brought some sludge ala Koffing if anybody wants some- (suddenly a soccer ball comes flying and hits Mudkip and he falls) OW!

Scorbunny: (in the distance) CRAP! SORRY!

Cyndaquil: Mudkip! You okay? (Bends down to help him)

Mudkip: I think so... (Charmander quietly laughs a little)

(In confessional)
Cyndaquil: Yeah... Charmander definitely just doesn't want to work with Mudkip. It's weird. I don't think he's typist, and with what he said before I think it may be because he thinks Mudkip isn't skilled enough. (Pauses) Hmm, I'll just have to help Mudkip prove his worth then!

(At the entrance to the spa hotel)

Bulbasaur: (to himself) Let's see I got waffles, bacon, muffins, okay yeah that should be enough.

Fuecoco: (appears) Nuff for what?

Bulbasaur: WAH- (nearly drops the food) Oh Fuecoco, you startled the sap right outta me (sheepishly laughs) Oh I was just gonna bring this food to Squirtle.

Fuecoco: Oh? But his team no win.

Bulbasaur: Yeah but that doesn't mean I can't share my reward with him. That's what best friends do you know?

Fuecoco: Okay... (surprised) GASP! What that over there? (Bulbasaur turns and Fuecoco starts eating all the food) OM NOM NOM NOM!!!

Bulbasaur: AGH! STOP! What are you doing?

Fuecoco: (in between bites) Sorry. Raichu say no share food with other teams. I guard the exit. (Pauses) Mmmm yummy.

Bulbasaur: (sighs) Wow... oh whatever I guess. (Fennekin bumps into him walking out) Oh, hey Fennekin. Be careful if you have any food on ya.

Fennekin: (confused) Um, I don't but... thanks for the warning? I'm just going out for a bit before the challenge. (Fennekin runs to a tree near the forest entrance with graffiti on it)

Litten: Babe! Good morning, and beautiful as ever might I add.

Fennekin: (blushes) Oh, thanks hehe. You too, I mean, good morning to you too. Hey great job yesterday by the way, I know your team didn't win but still.

Litten: Thanks, I never mentioned my street hockey phase before did I? Well regardless, I'm more than happy that your team got to win then. (He gives her a kiss)

(In confessional)
Fennekin: Things are just so great with Litten, dare I say perfect? I know he can be a bit back and forth at times, but he always means well and is there for me. (Romantically sighs) I really am so lucky to find someone as thoughtful and romantic as him.

Psyduck: (approaches) EWW! PDA! PDA!

Litten: Wha- (backs away) Oh what the heck? Mood killer...

Psyduck: Sorry but we keep getting phone calls for Fennekin, and Raichu has had enough and told me to give the phone to her and hopefully they'll stop calling.

Fennekin: Oh? (Takes the phone) Hello? Who is this- oh, um yes, this is Fennekin. Really? Oh okay! (Pulls away and softly speaks to Litten) It's the credit card company, they are looking into my case. Finally. (Goes back on the phone and walks off)

Litten: Well that's good, hopefully they get to the bottom of things and your parents finally can chill out!

Psyduck: Huh? How do you know my parents? (Litten facepalms)

(In confessional)
Litten: I've got to be honest, it sucks what happened to Fennekin but her parents are being way too harsh about it all! I mean, they are rich, plus it wasn't Fennekin's fault, so why punish her by cutting her off? They literally still have a boat load of money! Or should I say yacht load! I guess that's just rich people for ya.

(At the amphitheater; Alcremie watches Meowstic play his switch)

Meowstic: ...So that's how you unlock the secret boss and true ending. Pretty cool right?

Alcremie: Oh, yeah, that's funny they designed things that way.

Meowstic: (pauses) Sorry if I'm boring you with my geek chatter. (Sheepishly laughs)

Alcremie: Oh no, not at all! I'm not the best at expressing positive emotions if I'm being honest. (Laughs a little) Trust me, I actually do find it interesting.

(In confessional)
Meowstic: I don't really know why, but Alcremie kinda just likes to watch me play my video games sometimes. We chat a bit too, not very much though, but still. It's kinda fun... but also kinda nerve wracking because I keep getting nervous about messing up in front of her.

Meowstic: You should really play with me, you know?

Alcremie: Huh? (Nervous) Oh um, I'm not good at video games, I really would rather watch.

(In confessional)
Alcremie: Okay, okay. I'm pretty good at video games. I love playing at home, but I'm not about to look like an embarrassment in front of someone who takes gaming so seriously!

Alcremie: Maybe another time...

Shinx: (runs up) MEOWSTIC!!! (Tackles Meowstic) WOW I overslept how's it going best buddy!?

Meowstic: Gah! Shinx, Shinx get off me. (Sits up and they laugh)

Shinx: Anyways wanna play some Smash Bros before- (notices Alcremie and gasps) MEOWSTIC! Were you... PLAYING VIDEO GAMES WITH SOMEONE ELSE!?

Meowstic: Shinx wait! This isn't what it looks like! I can explain!

Shinx: (smirks) I CANT BELIEVE YOU WOULD DO THAT TO ME! IM UNFRIENDING YOU! (Runs off and Meowstic chases after him looking embarrassed. Alcremie just softly laughs)

Raichu: (over the intercom) GOOD MORNING CAMPERS! Report to the forest's entrance for the briefing on todays challenge! Hope you are all EGG-cited!!

(In front of the cabins)

Riolu: Gods, this can only be something juvenile if he's making puns.

Squirtle: (walking alongside Oshawott) Hey Oshawott, sorry about yesterday and um, Froakie and all that.

Oshawott: Oh, no worries. It's for everyone's good that you two don't fight. (Squirtle looks embarrassed)

Bulbasaur: (runs up) SQUIRTLE!!! How's day number one without Froakie? Amazing?

Squirtle: (surprised) ACK- Huh? Oh, um... (motions towards Oshawott)

Bulbasaur: Oh oops, my bad.

Oshawott: Again, no worries heh. (Walks ahead a bit)

Squirtle: So for the record, I'm doing GREAT! Now I can finally be my happy-go-lucky Squritle self! (They high five)

(At the entrance to the forest)

Raichu: (counting) Thirty-two, thirty-four, perfect! Everyone is here!

Shinx: COLORS WEAVE INTO A SPIRE OF- (Togedemaru bops him on the head)

Togedemaru: Hey Meowstic, where's his off button? We can't seem to find it.

Raichu: (angry) How about you look for your own off button first? And press it. Now shush. It's time to go over-easy today's challenge. You all better not crack under the pressure! Here's what it boils down to...

Snivy: Ugh, we get it. It involves-

Raichu: EGGS! (Holds out an egg)

Grookey: (shocked) Oh seriously? Wow! (Pauses) You know, eggs are GREAT for pranks.

Vulpix: Oh don't even think about it! You get raw egg on my fur and you'll be dead!

Raichu: Don't you worry Vulpix! Today's challenge involves making sure your egg does NOT break. In fact, the challenge is going to be an egg and spoon race, relay style!

Chespin: What is this, fourth grade? Though I guess it seems simple enough, so why am I complaining?


Raichu: Ohh... well I guess since Chespin's NOT impressed... we are going to have to make things a whole lot more difficult! (Everyone glares at Chespin)

Chespin: GAH- oh come on! You all know he was gonna do this whether I said something or not! It's Raichu!

Sawk: That is true, solid point.

Raichu: ANYWHO, each team will head across the obstacles set up in front of them. The goal is to carry your egg inside your giant spoon without dropping it, and no, you cannot use your hands to touch the egg in any way.

Fidough: (raises hand) So... wait why is the spoon big? And looks more like an ice cream scooper?

Raichu: Good question. We found that the obstacles are FAR too difficult for the precision of balancing an egg in a regular spoon, so we decided to give you more wiggle room. Literally.


Raichu: (sheepishly laughs) Moving on, once you reach the checkpoint you hand your egg and spoon off to your teammate. Rinse and repeat and the first team to reach the finish line wins immunity!

Bellossom: Okay somebody's gotta ask the obvious question... what happens if the egg breaks?

Raichu: Oh, right! (Evilly smirks) Each team only gets ONE EGG! If you drop it and it breaks- SPLAT goes your chance at winning the challenge! Your entire team is done for the day! (Everyone gasps)

(In confessional)
Riolu: Wow, this changes things completely! A team could technically win by doing nothing and waiting at the start theoretically if the other two teams drop their egg. We're gonna have to think of a strategy, good thing I've got a plan!

(At the Surreal Suicunes)

Riolu: Guys listen up, I've got a plan!

Spheal: Oh yay! (Claps) Riolu is usually really good at this kind of stuff.

Riolu: I say we have our most athletic team members start things off. If we can go fast and get a lead early on, we will relieve ourselves of unnecessary pressure as the other teams will push themselves too hard trying to catch up.

Sawk: So by taking a lead early on we make things easier for us in the long run...

Pachirisu: ...While the other teams feel the pressure and are more likely to goof up. Genius plan Riolu!

Riolu: (nods) Excellent. So how about the three of us start then? (They nod in agreement)

(Before starting)

Raichu: OH! AND ONE MORE THING! NO BREAKING EACH OTHERS EGGS! If we see you unleash an attack or overtly try to mess with the other teams physically, your team forfeits.

Roserade: Oh my! That sounds dreadful. Who would ever do such a thing?

Snivy: Ugh, I know it sucks.

(At the starting line; Raichu stands with Cyndaquil, Riolu, and Buizel)

Raichu: Alright, who's ready to get things started!?

Buizel: Bring it on! Let's do this!

Cyndaquil: Ready! Though I'd be more ready if you let us know what obstacles we would be facing...

Raichu: (laughing) Cyndaquil, you should know by now. The more agony I can cause for you guys, the higher the ratings! Now then... (blows an airhorn) GOOO!!!

Buizel: Well looks like we just have hurdles. This shouldn't be too bad. (Cyndaquil, Riolu and Buizel all jump over hurdles carrying their eggs in their spoons with relative ease)

Riolu: This is easy. (Starts running faster) Try and keep up!

Buizel: Oh you are SO on!

Cyndaquil: Yeah, we aren't letting you get a lead!

Riolu: (smirks) And I'm not letting you take it!

Raichu: (announcing) OOOH! Impressive athleticism and balance from all three of these guys! They clear the hurdles with ease and are all neck-a-neck! (The three all reach the checkpoint and hand off their spoons to the next members: Litten, Sawk, and Fennekin).

Cyndaquil: Go Litten!

Buizel: Take it Fennekin!

Fennekin: Thank you. I'm going there.

(In confessional)
Riolu: Guess I wasn't able to take the lead to start. It makes sense the other teams started strong too. Sawk and Pachirisu got this though, I have faith my strategy will work.


Litten: (swears) Oh this is bullshit! Are you kidding me?

Fennekin: Litten, honey just take a few breaths it'll be okay.

Sawk: (running through avoiding the geysers; yelling back) You two take your time! I'll take the lead and keep it safe heh.

Litten: Agh! GO! GO! (He and Fennekin start going through, but carefully)

Raichu: (announcing) Sawk is running through this with ease, but is he getting a bit careless!?

Sawk: What are you talking about- (gets sprayed by a geyser and is launched up) GAH!

Pachirisu: Agh! No! This can't be it, could it be over for us already?

Togedemaru: Guess Sawk isn't all that impressive after all. (Pachirisu raises an eyebrow at him)

Sawk: (shields the egg from the blast and lands perfectly and runs up to Pachirisu) Don't worry, I wouldn't let us lose that easy.

Raichu: WOW! INCREDIBLE! Sawk was completely unaffected and his team gets the lead! Man, everyone is bringing their A games this season huh?

Pachirisu: Alright Sawk, you're awesome! (Takes the spoon and heads off as Togedemaru looks triggered)

Fennekin: (struggling to balance the egg) Woah- ugh this is way too tricky... (suddenly the phone she has starts ringing) AGHH!

Raichu: Ooh! Fennekin is wobbling! CAN SHE RECOVER!? (Fennekin gets balance of the egg back) I BET MY SCREAMING ISNT HELPING HER!!!

(In confessional)
Fennekin: Of course they call back when I'm in a challenge! Oh well, hopefully they'll try again later. (Pauses). In unrelated news, Raichu, I hope you get your stupid megaphone confiscated! Ugh!

Fennekin: (passes the spoon to Chikorita) Phew! Finally that's over with.

Raichu: And with that, the Enteis are in last place!

Litten: (barely avoiding geysers) WOAH! WAH! UGH! I hate this stupid show. (Eventually finishes) Thank Arceus...

Togedemaru: (narrows his eyes) That was pathetic man, give me that already. (Takes the spoon and runs off)

Litten: Dang, what's your damage?

Fennekin: (comforting him) It's okay, you did it! And you stayed water-free today!

(In the next area ahead)

Pachirisu: Balancing the egg isn't as hard as I thought... but this is so weird, where's the obstacle? (Suddenly a Sludge Bomb comes her way and she dodges) HEY! Knock it off! Raichu said no attacking!

Koffing: (emerges) He said no attacking each other. He never said anything about me firing Sludge Bomb's at ya!

Pachirisu: AGH! (Hides behind a tree) Dammit, I can't use my moves or I could break the egg... hmm... (picks up a pebble on the ground and throws it to distract Koffing as he shoots towards the movement. She uses the opportunity to run the other way). 

Koffing: GOSH DARN IT!! IVE BEEN DUPED!! (Sees Chikorita and Togedemaru coming by) Oh well, I guess I'll settle for you two.

Chikorita: (frustrated) Oh come on! (Runs with her spoon and hides)

Koffing: (to Togedemaru) What's wrong boy? You ain't running?

Togedemaru: Nope. Go ahead and shoot me, I couldn't care less. (Koffing shoots at Togedemaru but he turns and walks backwards, and his barbs on his back block the attacks) I'm also steel type so yeah... nice try.

(In confessional)
Togedemaru: Eh, maybe I could've gone faster but I'm fine this way. No need to rush when it's not coming down to me at the end.

Raichu: (announcing) Togedemaru effectively protects his egg from Koffing's shots! Slow and steady could help him stay in the race, but it certainly won't help him win as Pachirisu extends her team's lead!

Chikorita: Ugh, this is gonna be a tough one. (tries to keep balance while hiding and moving)

(At the next checkpoint)

Chespin: Aww man, poor Chikorita. She's got a huge disadvantage, I hope her team doesn't vote her off if they lose...

Mudkip: Don't worry Chespin, it'll be okay. After all, she's still on her team... (motions to the person next to them)

Igglybuff: (annoyed) I'm right here, I can hear you!

Pachirisu: Yes! First one here! (hands her spoon to Chespin) Run like the wind Chespin! (Chespin runs off)

(Elsewhere on the island; at an area where a group of those waiting to compete are)

Riolu: (walks up) What's going on here?

Alcremie: Oh hey Riolu. Just waiting around for our turn to go.

Spheal: Yeah, we can see where each team is along the challenge on that screen over there. So when it comes close to our turn we can quickly head over and be ready. Smart of Raichu to do huh?

Alcremie: Yeah, definitely beats standing waiting for potential hours.

Riolu: Guess it makes sense, good luck hustling to your positions though...

(Elsewhere in that area)

Buneary: (paces back and forth nervously) Oh crud... oh no...

Cubchoo: Buneary, you alright?

Buneary: (startled) AGH! Oh? Oh, hi Cubchoo... um yeah... I'm good...

Sobble: (appears) You don't sound good to me. You're talking how I usually talk.

Buneary: Huh? Oh um, trust me it's nothing. (Others from the team come over)

(In confessional)
Buneary: Of course it's not nothing! My ability is Klutz and I am absolutely TERRIBLE at holding on to items! I just... I don't know how it happens but I trip and fall. (Sighs) I made sure I'm going last for my team, in hopes I don't have to go. (Puts her hands in a praying position) Please oh please let the other teams fall before then.

Sandshrew: Just try to relax. Whatever you are afraid of, don't be. Just own it!

(Elsewhere in that area)

Squirtle: (playing the "Slaps" hand game with Bulbasaur). Oh you are NOT getting me this time.

Bulbasaur: (laughs) Oh yeah? You think the fifth time will go any differently?

Squirtle: Yup. (Pauses and then goes to move his hands but Bulbasaur hits them with his vine whip) AGH!

Bulbasaur: Ha! Gotcha again!

Squirtle: Oh no fair! I am once again insisting that using Vine Whip to play is unfair! (The two start laughing)

(In confessional)
Bulbasaur: Honestly things are going great this season around. Squirtle and I may be on different teams but we can talk to each other whenever we like! Froakie's gone and nobody else is gonna give us flack for it!

Treecko: (to Bellossom) Ugh, Bulbasaur is so unfocused. Like seriously, why are you even here if you're just gonna goof off?

Bellossom: (Shrugs) I mean its not a big deal if they do their part of the challenge, right?

(Back at the relay race)

Raichu: (announcing) Chespin makes it across the the stepping stone gorge! (The camera shows a series of pillars that they must hop across like stepping stones). Igglybuff is making good time but Mudkip... yeah looks like he may be struggling!

Mudkip: (muffled) Of course I'm struggling. I have to carry the giant spoon in my mouth!

Igglybuff: (smirks) Excuses, excuses!

Chespin: (hands the spoon to Roserade) Here ya go.

Roserade: Thank you! I'll take good care of this egg as if it were an actual Pokémon egg, I promise!

(In confessional)
Roserade: In grade school we had a class project where you would take care of an egg like it was a child. You had to go two weeks taking the egg with you and not dropping it. (Pauses and smiles) Well guess what, that egg is STILL is in my room at home! I hope Cherrim is looking after her... though I guess at this point my egg baby is nearly a teen so... maybe she can take care of herself. A parent needs to learn to let go! (Laughs a little)

Igglybuff: Here, take it! (Shoves the spoon at Fidough)

Fidough: AGH- Woah! (The egg wobbles but eventually settles) What the heck was that?

Igglybuff: (loudly) Oh thank goodness! Fidough you nearly broke the egg!

Fidough: (narrows her eyes) Seriously? (Runs off and catches up to Roserade) Yes! Okay now what do we have up here? (Looks to see a limbo bar)

Roserade: Huh?

Psyduck: (in a hula skirt) Hellooo!!! Let's get ready to LIMBO LIMBO LIMBO!!! (There's a record scratch) Shoot I forgot the ukulele.

Raichu: (announcing) Alright girls, you're gonna have to see how low you can go! Bending down while carrying that egg and spoon might be a little- (Fidough just runs under)

Fidough: WOO HOO!

Raichu: WHAT!? Oh... well I guess I didn't think through the advantage four legged Pokémon would have, but anyways Roserade should strug- (Roserade carefully bends backwards and makes it under the limbo stick)

Roserade: Yes! I did it!

Raichu: UGHHHH. Fine, whatever.

(Back at the previous obstacle)

Mudkip: (wobbling) AGHH... woah... (gains his balance) Phew. Okay just two more pillars to jump across.

Charmander: (angry) DUDE!! YOU GOTTA HURRY UP!!!

Mudkip: IM TRYING! (Jumps across and then takes time to balance again) We'd rather the egg arrive later intact than now and in pieces, you know?

Charmander: Actually we'd rather the egg be here five minutes ago! (Mudkip makes the final two jumps and hands the spoon to Charmander). Thank god, took you long enough. (Runs off)

Raichu: (announcing) The Enteis are a full obstacle behind the Suicunes and Raikous but it's still anyone's game!

Mudkip: Phew, well at least I'm done now. (Cyndaquil walks up to him)

Cyndaquil: Hey Mudkip. Um, good effort!

Mudkip: You think so? I'll be honest I might've not done the best but I tried and yeah, I think it went pretty good!

Cyndaquil: Hey you know, I kinda had an idea. Maybe we should do warm ups and stuff before challenges in the future? You know, work on competition skills like your reflexes, balance, speed, and etcetera.

Mudkip: Huh? Why? Wait are you saying that you think-

Cyndaquil: (shakes his hands no) NO NO NO, not at all. I just thought it would be fun to do. And um... (lying) I feel I'm getting a little rusty myself and so... yeah.

Mudkip: OHHHH. (Pauses) Yeah of course! I'd be happy to help you out! (Jokingly) But hey, you're gonna owe me one alright?

Cyndaquil: (softly) Yeah... you helping me.

(In confessional)
Cyndaquil: Well I got him to agree to doing some training AND he doesn't think I doubt his skills! (Alarmed) Which um, I don't! I promise! It's just this is the only way for Charmander to see his worth. (Softly sighs) Though I guess Charmander is kinda right about me always needing to coddle Mudkip...

Raichu: (announcing) Looks like Charmander is struggling to get as low as he can go!

Charmander: SHUT UP RAICHU!

Raichu: And Roserade and Fidough hand off their spoons to Snivy and Treecko respectively!

Snivy: (glares) Treecko...

Treecko: (glares) Snivy...

Raichu: Ooh boy! This will be interesting! Let's see if these boys can climb this rocky cliff while holding their spoon! (The two start climbing)

Roserade: (yelling) Be careful Snivy! We don't want rocks to fall and crush the eggs! (Snivy pauses and evilly grins)

(In confessional)
Snivy: Oh she is brilliant!

(Snivy moves quickly and has a bit of a lead and accidentally kicks some rocks towards Treecko)

Snivy: (pretending) Whoopsie!

Treecko: GAH! (Acts fast and jumps from the wall onto the ground, barely keeping the egg in the spoon) Owww... dammit that was close. SCREW YOU SNIVY!!!

Raichu: DAMN! Treecko is now back on the ground but hey at least the egg is safe. He better get back to climbing if he wants to win!

Snivy: (reaches the top and runs to the next checkpoint) Excellent! Just a few obstacles left. (Hands the spoon to Spheal) Hurry it along.

Spheal: Rodger dodger. (Hestitates) Wait a second... I can't roll or the egg will fall... um... (just starts hopping slowly forward and Snivy facepalms)

Snivy: (to himself) Crap he's gonna blow our lead... (notices Cubchoo is waiting for his turn as Treecko approaches) Hmm, worth a shot. (Runs to the side where some dandelions are growing. He picks them and blows them toward Cubchoo as Treecko hands him the spoon)

Cubchoo: Don't worry, I'll catch up! (The dandelion pollen reaches him as he starts running) Uh oh... Aaaa...AAAAA-CHOOO!! (Sneezes and accidentally flings the egg high in the air)

Sobble: OH NO!

Raichu: (announcing) That egg is airborne! Much like the viruses Cubchoo often gets! I guess this is the end of the road for the Raikous. (Snivy smirks)

Cubchoo: Oh no! D-don't worry. I got this. (Cubchoo runs with the spoon hoping to catch the egg)

Treecko: It's no use! It's gonna break on impact!

Cubchoo: AGH! (Slides to the ground and scoops up some leaves into the spoon. The egg lands in the spoon and miraculously doesn't break, though it is dented) Huh? Ah! Is it still good? (Turns to Raichu)


Sobble: Wow that was awesome! Yay Cubchoo!

Snivy: Ugh, what? Meh. Stupid cub got lucky.

Raichu: (announcing) While these two front runner teams carry on, Charmander took his sweet time on the limbo obstacle and now Vulpix faces the rocky cliff and is struggling!!

Vulpix: GRRR. RAICHU!!! This is soooo unfair!

(In confessional)
Vulpix: Agh, I'm so getting voted off. (Sulks) Why did I have to get this obstacle? I can hardly climb even without having to balance an egg and spoon!

Shinx: (cheering) Come on Vulpix! You can do it!

Sprigatito: Yeah, don't give up!

Vulpix: You're right! I can do this! HA! (Dramatically moves up) Okay, phew, how close am I? (The camera zooms out)

Quaxly: You're... you're barely off the ground. You literally just started. (Vulpix sulks)

(At another obstacle)

Spheal: I'm not letting you pass me Cubchoo.

Cubchoo: Heh, well we'll have to see about that. (The two arrive at the checkpoint at the same time)

Squirtle: (takes the spoon) Wow nice work guys. C'mon Bulbasaur. (Bulbasaur takes his teams spoon)

Bulbasaur: Alright we got this- WOAH. (Comes to a stop)


Bulbasaur: (gulps) That's a pretty far drop...

Squirtle: Don't worry, we got this. We even have a spoon to balance ourselves with. (The two start walking across together)



(In confessional)
Spheal: I LOVEEE how close Squirtle and Bulbasaur are! Their friendship is so iconic and truly wholesome. (Pauses) But I guess that's not a good thing when you have to compete against each other...

(Back at the waiting area)

Litten: Crap, I think we are gonna lose.

Grookey: Yeah. Poor Vulpix...

Charmander: I mean yeah she's tanking but I guess it's not so much her fault. That obstacle is rough for her.

Litten: Hey, my obstacle was rough for me and I still did it! But yeah I don't wanna vote off Vulpix, she's cool. Is there someone else?

Charmander: I guess... Mudkip didn't do all that well objectively...

Scorbunny: Yeah, that's true.

Charmander: Mhmm... (heads over to Cyndaquil) Hey dude, I'm sorry but people are discussing who to eliminate and Mudkip's name came up.

Cyndaquil: WHAT!?

Charmander: Scorbunny, Grookey and Litten said it should be either Vulpix or him, since they are the weakest, and Litten said he'd rather keep Vulpix. Sorry pal. (Cyndaquil looks over at Mudkip who is happily cheering on Vulpix)

(In confessional)
Cyndaquil: Oh no! Could I be too late already? Please, please, Arceus I just need the chance to help Mudkip step up his game. (Sighs) Now we may not even get that...

Raichu: (announcing) Squirtle and Bulbasaur continue to take their time on the tightrope, but it looks like they are having a heated argument! Oh wait no, they are casually talking to each other. Greaaaat.

Squirtle: So that's everyone on my team. How's your team?

Bulbasaur: I guess pretty good- (suddenly a gust of wind hits) WOAH! Agh, where's that strong wind coming from!

Squritle: (wobbling the egg) Oh shoot! Oh buddy!

Bulbasaur: (wobbling) Woah, get your balance. GET YOUR BALANCE!

Raichu: OOOH! Balancing two things at once can be rather tricky! It looks like the eggs may be dropped! (The camera goes in slow motion showing both of their eggs wobbling, about to tip off the spoon)

(In confessional)
Squirtle: Hey, you can't blame me. I always try to do crazy stuff like this.

(In confessional)
Bulbasaur: If Squirtle broke his teams egg he surely would go home! I had to do something!

(In slow motion, at the exact same time, Squritle and Bulbasaur each give up on their own egg and try catch the others as it starts to fall. They both miss, lose their balance and fall, hitting the ground with a thud)

Bulbasaur: Owww... aww jeez...

Squirtle: Um... dare I ask where the eggs are? (The eggs land on Squritle's head and crack) Ow. Found them...


Vulpix: (on the rocky cliff) WHAT!? We won? OMG YESSS! (The Enteis celebrate)

Quaxly: Wow... not deserved at all... BUT WE TAKE THOSE!

Cyndaquil: (hugs Mudkip) Yes! You're safe- I mean we're safe!

Mudkip: Yeah this is crazy! Didn't expect us to win heh.

Raichu: (announcing) Suicunes and Raikous... what can I say? You've lost and two of you will not see the sunny side up of this camp tomorrow morning! Hmm... I wonder who it will end up being? (The team members nearby glare at Squritle and Bulbasaur)

Bulbasaur: Uh oh...

Squirtle: Pfft. It's okay, I've got Snivy on my team. Surely he'll be voted.

(The screen wipes to Squirtle and Bulbasaur in the elimination toilet)

Squirtle: Oh come on! You kept Snivy!? Over me?

Meowstic: Sorry Squirtle, but your head wasn't really in the game I'm afraid.

Riolu: Such an understatement. How did this guy even win a season? Pachirisu how'd you lose to him? (She rolls her eyes)

Treecko: I tried to warn you guys about losing focus.

Bulbasaur: Yeah, I guess you were right. In fact, maybe there was always a little truth in what Froakie said... but you know what it's fine.

Chespin: We'll miss you guys!

Mudkip: Yeah!

Squirtle: No worries everyone. We had some fun and the best part is we get to stay together. NOW ITS TIME FOR A FUN RIDE!

Bulbasaur: Fun? You think this is fun, seriously?

Raichu: Well I most certainly do! (Presses the button to flush them)

Squirtle: WOOOO! YEAH!

Bulbasaur: AGHHHH!!! (The two are flushed away)

Raichu: So long to the bestest best friend duo this show has ever seen! Now then, before we wrap things up, Enteis, who gets the MVP butler treatment?

Sprigatito: Hmm, I feel like Cyndaquil was the main one who did good for us. But who else?

Togedemaru: How about me? I played smart and did well.

Vulpix: Fine by me. As much as I want that butler I know I don't deserve it. (Sheepishly laughs)

Sandshrew: (walks up with Fennekin) Vulpix! Oh thank goodness your team won! I would've had a heart attack if- (the two walk off, leaving Fennekin and Litten)

Litten: Hey babe- (gets cut off by a phone ring)

Fennekin: One sec. (Picks up; to Litten) Meet me by the dock in ten? (He nods and she walks off)

(Later at the dock)

Litten: Fennekin? Hey babe, I got something for ya. (Spots her) Aha! There you are. (She doesn't respond) Here babe, it's my latest drawing. I spent a couple of days- (Fennekin takes the drawing, claws it to shreds and drops the pieces in the water) AGH! Okay I realize that wasn't my best work but... BABE WHAT THE HELL!?

Fennekin: (angry) What the hell, me? How about what the hell is wrong with YOU!?

Litten: Woah babe, chill out-

Fennekin: NO YOU CHILL OUT! That was the investigator on the phone. They found where the charge came from and I THOUGHT I would finally be in the clear but NO!

Litten: (confused) Um... what? Sorry I'm not following.

Fennekin: Grrr. (In his face) IT. WAS. YOU!!!YOU MADE THAT INSANE PURCHASE!

Litten: I... I did?

Fennekin: That priceless looking painting you bought and I asked how you got it and you said you won it!? Ring a bell?

Litten: Um yeah I won it. I had the highest bid. Babe you need to chill out, everything is sorted out now. It wasn't fraudulent, so it's all good.

Fennekin: How exactly is this all good? You spent so much money!

Litten: Well we agreed to help each other out and your family is so damn wealthy. What, were they gonna use that money for something else? Does it really matter? You know, your family always bothered me, like how about let someone who actually needs the money use it!?

Fennekin: Oh my family bothers you yet you're  so comfortable spending millions of their dollars!? THAT DOES IT! You don't even feel bad? WE ARE SO OVER!

Litten: Fennekin take a chill- (she pushes him into the water and storms off) AGHH! WATER! HELP ME!

Raichu: (pops up; to the camera) OOOH! I'm so glad I allowed that call to go through. (Laughs a little) Are Fennekin and Litten actually broken up after that shocking revelation? Will Cyndaquil be torn between his alliances with Mudkip and Charmander? And finally, will our campers be able to survive our next stone cold challenge? You can only find out next time! Here, on Total Drama Pokemon All Stars!

*Hey everyone! As always thanks so much for reading!

Just wanted to say that this WONT be the end of my weekly uploads schedule! I'm not sure how long I can keep it up for, but I am striving for a new episode every Saturday during July too now (How very Disventure Camp of me). Hope you look forward to it!

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